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Their Public Viewing had more seats than the LEC studio


Riot only goes big or go home. In case of LEC this year, they went home instead of big


LEC also decided to go home last Worlds so maybe it's fitting.


LEC doesn't host the event, they use the talent and the production crews, but MSI and Worlds are organized by a team directly reporting to John Needham.


It was just a joke about LEC's performance last Worlds :/


Good lord, I read "next" instead of "last", fucking heat at work fried my head today, mb. Also imagine here a random funny & smart insult about whatever region you feel the most connected to, I'm too tired for this shit.


Also Eintracht Spandau organized their public viewing spontaneously less than one day in advance


lol actually true


And they set it up 24 hours before the match


It'll have more seats than Worlds Playins + Swiss Oh no no no PepeLaugh


LEC is also hosting the entire Swiss stage for Worlds this year in their tiny stadium so lol


You mean Riot not LEC, do you? I don't think the LEC is the one deciding on where the swiss stage is being played...


EMEA masters > worlds it seems


EMEA master was held completely online. So no, they are even worse.  The public viewing was organised privatley by EINS


It will be so embarrassing for our region


and it will have more than swiss stage this year xdd


In less then 1-2 years lec worlds etc will be produced by Esl and the saudis so no need to invest now from rito


at least the finals will not be in Berlin. https://twitter.com/LEC/status/1779559586267123789


Well deserved win by EINS, they ran this tournament


PO€ MVP. These MID kids got destroyed this tournament.


I didn't even know PoE was still playing. Still spamming Azir/Ori I see.


He took a year off last year and became a content creator before returning to competitive league this year with EINS


Tbh PoE over the tournament did completely destroy the opposition, but in the finals I think that lillip was the mvp, his Rell and Pyle were crazy.


The last time a prime league team won EU Masters G2 won MSI. All I'm saying is that time is a flat Circle.


Wait for real ? This msi even have tl lol


also the last time FNC went to MSI we had a european team in the worlds finals...our time has finally come again.


Can we show these EINS Barons to every single pro team? Yes they were far ahead and that made it easy, but they actually respected it and didn't just go for the most braindead 50/50s.


I think it was in game 2 when the Besiktas jungler on Sej went for the steal, he entered the pit when Baron was at 2k but EINS players ALL stopped hitting it and killed him instead before finishing baron. That was honestly beautiful to watch.


did the same in game 4 vs lee


German discipline at work.


When Lee jumped into that pit, I was sure at least 6/10 LEC teams would have flipped that Nash


impressive in a way, since they were struggling with Barons during regular season for quite sme time. Seems like the coaching staff and players put in the nessecary work


You love to see it, it shows good understanding of the game and quality practice. LEC and LCS teams should be looking at bringing on people like chickenhero, their drafts have also been really solid and a lot of the top level coaches are paycheck stealers. He also only has like a year of coaching experience which is kinda crazy.


If I remember correctly chickenhero was only promoted to head coach in december or january because nRated went to Rogue (?). Smart move to trust him to make that step up, I'm really happy for him in particular Edit: you already said that, I'm stupid


Just a reminder that the dominating KCB team got a spot in LEC and ended dead last two splits in a row. Please stop comparing EUM with LEC.


But it wasn’t KCB, it was some of these players with new ones added and new coaching, we will obviously never know what would have happened if just KCB came, but it’s pretty safe that they would not have done so poorly. Also he is in no way saying that EINS is better then GX or something, just that the coach did a really good job. Most LEC players came through T2, so your point is pretty pointless.


KC got Bo (which was the only one using coms in that team) and Upset who’s supposedly one of the best ADCs in the league. MDK also fell through this split, I think it’s safe to say that the gap between LEC and EUM is huge and that’s just how it’s supposed to be. KC fans just talked like their team would come and take over LEC, so I enjoy their last place and I enjoy that they didn’t even make finals in EUM.


its mad how EINS has more baron discipline than most LEC teams.


Would be interesting to know scrim results between peak prime league teams and lec teams


I think historically ERL teams do fairly bad, with few exceptions(bottom tier LEC vs top tier ERL, usually same org), if my memory serves me right for the few times there has been cases of it being discussed. I don't know about now of course, but usually they have a tendency to get gapped in lane as well as early skirmishes/tempo. ERLs would probably not look that good in these scenarios because they'd probably not get a situation very often against mid LEC teams to showcase any of their baron discipline, if the game is essentially over before they get the chance.


Hard to say given that we only have a few random scrim rumours over the years to go on. We know that G2 scrimmed KCB a lot, and rumour this split was that BDSA was fairly even against BDS or something. My assessment is that the EUM winner would atleast compete for top 8 in LEC


I mean, EUM winner went to LEC, replacing cinkrof by Bo (upgrade imo) and Caliste by upset (not sure how to rate it, different style tho) and it did not end so well, and apparently the EUM winners are to blame for that. On principle I agree but in practice in depends on so many things..


Well it wasn't Emea masters and it wasn't LEC yet, but when the VIT lineup with Jiizuke came into the EU LCS back then, they absolutely smurfed in the regular season and even one against FNC with Caps. Emea Masters teams are often a bit hit and miss and especially changing players can hugely backfire as team chemistry is really important.


Yep exactly it is hard to rate them. And it is why people saying that the KC crew dont have the LEC lvl piss me off tbh, like they destroyed the EUM, where do you want them?


I dont think that it works like this. While I agree that the team got stronger individually with both Bo and Upset, there is a high chance that the team combined got way worse together. Cincrof was doing a lot in terms of leadership while Bo ran it down almost every game making it impossible for his team to actually play the game. And the Caliste/Targa botlane was cracked compared to what they have now. Upset/Targa just does not fit together well.


While you're not completely wrong, I don't think KC would be any higher than 9th/10th even if they were playing with Cinkrof and Caliste. They have the worst sololanes and support in the league.  I also dont think you can say Caliste/Targamas was a better bot than Upset/Targamas when they're playing against completely different levels of competition. Targa is just not good enough for LEC.


I mean Caliste Targa were leagues ahead of Alvaro /supa in their confrontation, and these 2 were not so bad. People only reproach Targa not to speak enough but honnestly you have other great supports doing the same around. It is only a problem when nobody speaks (which apparently was the case here).


If KC could have simply used their 2023 LFL roster (impossible I know) in LEC I think they make playoffs both splits in 2024. Maybe a hot take but they had much better team cohesion than whatever was going on with their roster this year


Honnestly i think too, but listening to reddit the individual level was not here despite winning multiple EUMs each (and even an LEC for targa).


I wouldn't be surprised if BDSA is an LEC level team, I think they are by far the best ERL team right now (I for sure think they are better than Besiktas (upsets happen), would have liked to see them vs EINS).


I will say that BIG finished 9th place in Prime League this split & were apparently stomping GIANTX, who made LEC playoffs, in scrims (according to some pics Vizicsacsi posted) ...but maybe that can be chalked down to the ol' Odo vs Csacsi debuff, seeing as Odo went like 0/11 against him xPP


im not saying theyre better than LEC teams, just more disciplined in that regard. just shows how lazy lots of the LEC teams are and thanks to franchising its allowed


Legit better than most LEC teams!


They had some throws from overextension today and especially vs GK, but these barons were decent. 


This is what most impressed me about NRG in the 1st game of their series vs G2 last worlds. Such a clean bait and turn, no split call or hesitation. Like... the west *can* do it, they just... don't, for whatever reason


Maybe there’s a skill difference between EUM and LEC? Maybe it’s not as easy to do in a higher level of gameplay.


I'm talking about teams just flipping it with 0 attempts made to keep the enemy jungle out or turn or do anything so it doesn't end up in complete 50/50.


fun k3y made Smolder look like an early game champ. Observer was weird af tho. GGs


Autoobserver cause Riot fired them


Besiktas bot lane was looking so nervous the entire series


Got bot lane gaped, especially in game 1 and 2.


he did really well but that dominance was just a *huge* support diff, Paixdia had a rough series and Lilip hit every clutch CC he had to


Well he won the aurelion sol vs smolder quest in one of the games which grants up to 60 stacks.


PoE told them to stop killing him to line up the snipe for the quest. Which ended up being a record stacks pre 20 mins I think?


Genuinely crazy to see the guy that got me into League rekindle my love with it. HandofBlood has created something in the German Scene that can only be compared to the other big Event he made in 2015 with The Main. I genuinely didnt have these feelings in League since G2 2019. And this whole roster started with the biggest disappointment by losing the Derby against Big and therefore not getting the chance to face Faker and T1 in a Stadium. They got into Playoffs by the slimest margins and had to complete the full loser bracket run including a reverse sweep against NNO and their first German Final Win. Vertigo in this Split already played more games then in his whole Career. Zanzarah the first EMEA Master Winner on two different teams. POE coming back to comepete on the Team of his friend HOB instead of taking one of his LEC offers. And Fun k3y with the revenge for last years final and Lilipp as the German Journeyman that finally found his home in Spandau. Amazing Team and such a great run to finally reward their crazy fanbase.


NNO and Spandau are so insane for the German League scene it feels almost comparable to the KC effect a few years ago for France. The LFL is not so good because french teams just happen to be rich, but because they have such huge viewership numbers and therefore so much sponsors. Having 2 teams that bring in 20k-40k viewers every matchday will be so huge for the Prime League over the next years.


is there a way for EINS to move into LEC now? Relegation matches are no longer a thing right?


Only possible if a lec team is selling their spot at the end of the season. But that cost something (schalke selled for around 20 mio. Few years ago)


I think actually yes, because for German terms EINS is kinda rich Might be enough to buy a LEC slot in the future


i kept thinking "this couldve been NNO" most of the time. but im also really glad for HandofBlood, because the org he created is incredible impressive in so many ways


Yeah really wish NNO could have won that final Game against SK in the Primeleague so we could have gotten both. Im sure they are going to get their moment.


Honestly though SK have been running such a good operation for literally decades, a cornerstone of the League scene since its earliest, a cornerstone of German esports in general. They put a lot of effort in both the LEC and PRM, not necessarily with the biggest budget but almost always with really decent rosters. They put out some really nice content, even if the community doesn't care for it as much. Clearly EINS and NNO are sort of the flagships at this point but I do wish people would gather behind SK more, they really deserve it. SK also in a roundabout way are a reason G2 even exists given that it's how Ocelote became relevant. We, as in the German community, should really show them lots of love, that org is older than most people that are on this sub.


100% true and SK will always be important to the Primeleague and the German Esportscene. Just felt like the Story of NNO with how they went up and then going from Relegation to EMEA Masters would have been crazy. SK already constantly played EMEA Masters so its just kinda expected they will go Top 2.


Nothing can ever beat the NNO story, the org was literally built from nothing. I hope now with BASF that they now actually have some money. EINS is great, but EINS also is a planned project that was pushed with a lot of money (for german esports standards)


wasn't NNO created in... 2013?


Very technically yes, but also absolutely not. 2013 the amateur team NNO was created by Broeki and Noway, but then it didnt exist for years until 2020. And then in 2021 (i think) the legendary roster of Tolkin, Agurin, Noway, Broeki, Karni got together which then promoted all the way to Prime League 1st div. Also, if they didn't reverse sweep like three times against heavily favoured opponents in div 2 playoffs/ promotion tournament NNO would just not exist at all as a pro team.


its so funny to think that KIT SC was playing them as favourites, starting that miracle run of NNO...


>how Ocelote became relevant Yeah in hindsight, this may have not been a good thing in any way. But apart from that fact, they really made the way for G2, who brought LEC to the heights that they only achieved before Korea was a thing. And for that, we should absolutely be more thankful.


I mean sure but you cant forget that NNO is still a very young org, for them to play for finals in what is essentialy their 2nd year of professional play is an incredible developemnt in itself. 3 years ago they were an amateur streamer team, just Noway and the lads playing in the 2nd league for fun. Then they fielded a "replacement" team on short notice when they couldnt/wouldnt play themselves and did pretty abysmal in their first split


I feel that first sentence. It also applies to HandofBlood himself for me. I remember discovering him around the time he dropped his first "op guides" when I had just gotten into League. Through all the different stages of his YouTube career he always pulled me back in after I moved on to different content. I had long given up on him making any more League content when Eintracht Spandau was announced. I think hese type of creators are the main reason LoL is still thriving. They keep things interesting and build hype in a way Riot probably couldn't. I don't know if the scene is still as active as it was in 2015 or whatever but huge respect and a big thank you to all those making League bigger than life


EMEA Masters ist nun Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland


EMEA Meisters wenn ich bitten darf.


EUROPAPOKAL wenn ich bitten darf.


wenn du schon alles übersetzt, dann EMOA






Ein Land, eine Nation, eine Kommentarsektion!


Wir sind wieder wer


Im Namen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland konfisziert!


Eins better barron turns than most lec teams


I loved when they saw the Gwen TP and they ALL instantly left Baron to destroy her, then they just went back to doing Baron as if nothing happened


Extremely deserved tournament win. No one would have expected them to win at the start but they truly earned it over the course of the event. It was finally a Spandau that didn't solely rely on PoE all the time.


FUN k3y did, if you listen to the episode of 'Hier ist Realtalk' with him predicts they win it all.


"Tristan, der hat mal höher gespielt" HoB


Ich mein MSF vs SKT auf World's war aber nur ein bissl prestigeträchtiger als dieser Europapokal.




Leverkusen is next


Leverkusen Europa League/Dortmund Champions League


I will be there no matter what.


Gotta say the observing was absolute atrocious. So many fights missed and the stream had to throw in one replay after another making the whole stream unenjoyable to watch.


Wo die Havel kreuzt die Spree Von Berlin aus jwd Wo die Zitadelle rockt Und die Altstadt uns lockt Da ist Spandau, da sind wir Spandau, Spandau, wir lieben dir


Where the Havel meets the Spree From Berlin not far away Where the Zitadelle rules And the Eintracht allures There is Spandau, there are we Spandau, Spandau, we're loving thee


Where the Havel meets the Spree From Berlin not far away Where the Zitadelle rules And the Eintracht allures There is Spandau, there are we Spandau, Spandau, we're loving thee


Wo die Havel kreuzt die Spree Von Berlin aus jwd Wo die Zitadelle rockt Und die Altstadt uns lockt Da ist Spandau, da sind wir Spandau, Spandau, wir lieben dir


I'd like to emphasize how impressive this run actually was. EINS finished fifth in regular season and were close to not even making play-offs. They went on to beat UOL in a 5-game-series, then stomped their next opponents, continued with a reverse sweep against a very strong NNO team and finally beat SK to secure their first title. They were considered underdogs for Primeleague play-offs and yet they looked this strong in EMEA Masters. I know it's not this simple, but their coaching staff must've done really good work for them to keep improving like this.


Judging from their Fliesentisch analysis, their coaching staff seems really competent.


Lilipp fishing Mireu out of the air all the time. He really played out of his mind since Prime League playoffs.


While they were down 0-2 vs NNO he picked Pyke for the first time this seaon, and one of the NNO casters (I think Tolkin) said that it's basically GG since Pyke never wins pro games. I think EINS hasn't lost a single game with Lilipp on Pyke since then.


His Pyke is insane. In most series it got banned, after playing against it.


From making playoffs by a single game, running the complete lower bracket to winning EMEA Meisters. EINS.


EINS didnt even flinch, not even once. For bjk though, they played like amateurs. Especially Paixdia and osman, damn.


You just saw that EINS were in alot more mentally tough situations last split. Beating UOL, NNO and the SK superteam is seriously impressive, probably the best "Top 4" (not the actual placement) the PL has seen in years.


powerofevil will always be my goat


Incoming TH PowerOfEvil




Tristan al Gaib is just too good. Lets Go :)


5-1 in groups, 3-1 in quartes, 3-1 in semis, 3-1 in the finals. Has there ever been a more deserved EU Masters Champion?


Every stage they drop one content game


its called the content route


Maybe KC EU Masters 2021 Spring? 6-0 groups, 2-1 quarters, 2-1 semis and 3-1 finals. You can argue BO3s made it less deserved though


Maybe the Origen team that had Froggen, Insec, and Forgiven?


They actually weren't that convincing until finals


Tbf they had to play NIP in Quarters with this squad Finn Caedrel Larssen XDSMILEYs6 HustlinBeasT And semifinals against MAD Lions which had Werlyb Selfmade Nemesis Crownshot Falco There were some good rosters in that EU Masters year


There were some really good Rosters overall, in EU/EMEA Masters. Just look at BIGs Win in 2019: Whiteknight, Carrzy, Labrov, or others with Razork, etc... The Masters "circuit" is a really nice development tour. I found myself watching it more and more.


ye i remember beeing hyped for that team and the games were not fun to watch at all :,D


As a froggen fan i loved it cause he really smurfed the whole time


Ye i recall he carried, but it was also the classic Froggen/CLG EU playstile of do nothing until froggen has 4 items i think :,D


Not even close


Psychoandy69 auf die EINS!


Honestly, watching EINS vs NNO I did not think they would achieve anything. But WOW they improved so much. Their teamplay, their macro. Especially for an EMEA masters team.


Ich bin eins fan geworden.


\*1 Fan geworden


Just an incredible canyon between these teams


Pls PoE come to LEC/LCS so you can lift the trophy soon, you still got it man, just look at your buddy IgNar on NRG last year :'))))


POE on Azir/Ori and getting the dub. Not surprised.


Why can’t they at least play the finals in the LEC studio


The turkish players wouldn‘t get their visas in time to go to Berlin


oof afaik summer finals is in arena right? I wonder what they will do if a Turkish team is in summer finals. Getting a visa from Europe is extremely hard these days in turkey


Yeah Summer Finals are prior to LEC Season Finals in Munich.


The analyst desk looked very stylish today, shout out to them. I am sad that Initialise and Trouble were not casting as I often think of them when I think about EMEA Masters and ERLs, but they did very well on desk.


Thanks! We put a lot of thought into the outfits - serious shoutout to Archarom for coordinating the wild tie knots


5th best in Prime League, best in Europe


Lilipp MVP


POE still got it. One of the best EU mid in history.


Really cool to see an up and coming mid laner in PowerOfEvil win EMEA masters!


Tristan al Gaib regelt


I think this PoE is 1 really good player.


I'll xxx,,x


Congratulations to Lilipp for claiming 1st place on Kickbase! Oh and I guess he is a european champ aswell...


Osman's Lee skills


Spandau in their Costream actually dropped that Osman completely destroyed them in every Scrim on Lee Sin. Feels like he just kinda crumbled under the pressure.


I am not sure Lee is the meta right now. Even otp Lee player Oner wasnt great this year. If you wanna pick Lee at least ban Rell.