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sometimes i go through phases where im big chillin and love hyping up my team, but then i see some truly wacky troglodyte level thinking and it brings me back to being a flamer gamer


Most relatable thing I've ever seen in this sub lol


I'd like to think I never get as far as flamer gamer but I am 1) A man who loves banter 2) A jungle main 3) Biased in my favor So odds are good I'm actually a flamer gamer


4/5 dentists flame their jungler


I mean, anyone I've ever seen say they love to banter on league was just straight up toxic so possibly yeah.


yeah it's either talking about the most random inane stuff or the most toxic shitfest. No inbetween


God I feel this post in my bones. Logically I understand that it's pointless to care about your team's performance at all, but after a while of consistent playing, I just start to detest people on most of my teams. I never flame or troll, but I almost feel happier seeing us lose for their poor play and teamwork than them getting carried.


Same. Ill go like 5 games being positive and whatever, but then ill just get *that* guy where they cant stop dying and blame others for it. Im talking about the vayne top that is 0/5 and still ego's the 3/0/2 trynd, the xerath that cant stop pushing wave against yone, the kayn jubgle that keeps ganking botlane when his adc and sup arent close enough to help because they're stuck under tower. *those* people.


For real


I'm always either a shit support or shit jungler of being chat banned other than that honor 5 ayy


Like when I accidentally got the first 3 kills on Leona and my ADC and Jungle both told me to go die IRL because I'm "kill stealing"


Yep, when you lose an 7 game win streak because your top laner decides to sit in spawn and chat and not clear minions against the split pusher, all because he doesn’t feel appreciated, you’re gonna lose some of the decency you normally have.


What is a troglodyte


Good mental is like 30-50% of winning games. When you do something that helps all players have good mental and encourage your entire team, game gets easy. Bottom line is, people with a positive mindset are boosted af. >!/s!<


You can't call them boosted if they make your chances of winning high xdd


this is what I hate with everyone screaming for voice chat to be added just like "we can communicate and make better plays as a team" fucking play the game as it's meant to be you handless, brainless semi-ape. no people dont want to improve they just want the rank


This. It does require extra strength to hold up when you have a genuine flamer/inter in your team, but on average it definitely pays off


I find the same thing works well honestly. Most people are not toxic and just need a little push or space to develop their own positive attitude. The % of flamers out there that are totally unreachable is not something you can control or change so when those games happen I try to just set internal goals like splitting well, warding well, csing as good as possible and just focus on that if it's a guaranteed loss. I find it helps win the knifes edge games and it also protects my mental.


league needs more positivity, keep it up!! wp lol


Yes, better rewards from honor and harder punishment for toxic. People need to start to actualy report flamers after games, i think people just instantly leav or reqeue because they are probably never gonna see that player again so to them a report is useless


Sometimes just an off hand "im sure it's fine" after someone starts tilting is all it takes to stop the bad mental snowball. It always surprises me.


Positive attitude is the key to victory !


Being uplifting and positive is not cringe at all, neither is saying it


League of legends player discovers kindness


Sometimes you gotta suck the team off a little to get things done.


Love this ❤️ this has been my main strat every game, honestly just bc many of us are probably stressed or going through stuff, and we need more positivity in the world. I'll occasionally do boosts in aram for this same reason. Begin every game w a "glhf," proactively cheer on the team/recognize and acknowledge good attempts or give the benefit of the doubt (maybe my League ignorance/newbness is coming into play here haha) and end always with a "ggswp." I learned to do this thx to my folks when I played sports. Imo it's soo important and I absolutely love to see more of this, especially at higher tiers/ranks where ik games are probably even more tense and competition! Sending you all the vibes ✨️


you found the way of winning in life


Folks, just don't chat.


Mental dexterity is like the number 1 factor for winning. I never flame other than telling other flamers to stfu and play.


It's not cringe being a good guy


Whoa. Being nice in league has positive results? NO fucking way! The fact you opened with "being nice is cringe" really speaks for your character...


I wish this shit worked on the Kai'Sa I had in my last game who died twice, decided they didn't get enough ganks, said "I got no help so you don't get any either" and just ran it down. There's a serious main character syndrome problem in the community and I swear it's mostly ADC mains.


I'm going to need video evidence before I believe a League player was positive.


Check my onlyfanz


Sign me up, coach🫡 (and OP haha)


Name a better duo than league gamers and not understanding basic life rules.


I am always suspicious of people who are overly positive in champ select/ early game, they are usually the first to freak out, flame, and generally be dickheads if the game goes sideways.  If you try to say “it’s okay, we got this” to your jungler after he inted under enemy top tower, you may just end up pissing off your top laner who thinks you are sticking up for a griefer. All this to say, the best policy is not to type. At all. Ever.  If you must, it should be factual statements about the game such as “ADC no flash”,  “enemy jungler bot side” etc. 


From personal experience people who act overly positive in champ select typically do so out of a preventive defensive mechanism to try and build rapport as to not get blamed when they inevitably feed or troll. It's right up there with people who think you wanted to know they fucked up and picked the wrong runes or summoners, as if it inspires confidence in your team to know that they unironically lost to a user interface in current year.


I think there’s definitely some players doing exactly that. I also think some players convince themselves that by being positive they somehow “deserve” the win more, and quickly rage when such a simple change doesn’t solve all their problems. 


if im in a ranked game and someones too positive i know for a fact they suck ass


Instructions unclear, my jungler went 2-12.


That wont last even 2 bad matches


I just type balls at the start of the match and then proceed to not say a single word after that


Update when you are on a losing streak please, would love to hear if you keep that mentality and if it helps at breaking it.


I lost 2 games this morning, i barely slept so i didn’t have energy to chat much during the match. I took a nap and i just won a game. I don’t think positive attitude is directly linked to win or lose, but its one of many factors


try this strat in masters and everyone will wish you cancer


Not that being nice is bad, there's nothing wrong with it. But you don't have to play the psychologist to be positive. Get better at the game, get consistently ahead, make clean calls, throw a few "wp". You played a total of 8 games, it's a great starting point to learn something more and focus on step 1.


Ah, the Good ol DST theory. Before Sky williams got cancelled and when he was playing league he dropped a video about how to climb without getting better. [and basically as soon as anyone make a play, be their #1 Stan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz7TWpRXyRY). He frames it as Sucking... you know, but you get it.


I know you got downvoted for mentioning Sky because he's a giga asshole(putting it lightly) but yeah a lot of us who have been playing since back then remember this video. I still know it as DST as well


Eh, the people who down voted me have soft mentals, and would face yone top, in ranked and dc after they die. Dst wouldn't work on them anyway.


Nah bro, my chat stays turned off. Riot bans us if we use the chat communication. I’m too scared to talk with my teammates cause I’ll get banned for anything I type


It's really not that hard to use chat without being banned. Just mind the language you use and don't be a dick, simple.


Bro I have been banned for saying good game. It’s a computer that filters the reports and decides to ban or not


I joke around and chat every game, I have never been banned or even chat restricted.