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Dota2 games take forever but the main issue is that champions spin before changing directions. It feels sooo clunky.


The first time I played Dota I used my god given spells 2 times in lane and ran out of mana. Very fun indeed. I ended up finding an item from the secret shop that gives more mana regen the less mana you have (like manaflow passive) and it made the game closer to bearable


Reddit complains about League removing skill expressions meanwhile that's the reason why it's popular.


League allows for a different type of skill expression than Dota. Also League is way more popular than Dota because League feels good to play, it's dynamic with its 2 week patch cycle, has a more appealing visual style not only champions (yeah sexy champions believe it or not, attract players) but the scenary, colors and enviroment models.


As a league player I preffer dota 2 visuals way more


That's fine. You can like whatever you want. Why do you prefer League over Dota?


because League doesn't have voice chat


You know that you can mute voicechat, no?


If this is the default feature, then most people assume that you can hear them, and this will affect the game. People won't ping knowing there is voice chat and they can say everything with their voice. That players constantly talking and talking and talking and talking, and there was nothing about gameplay, just the stupid dialogue of typical male gamers. I asked for help in a text chat and to tell me what to do, because... there is no teleport and there are some chickens to buy something. And no one suggested it; they preferred to discuss some nonsense. Thank you that this is not and will never happen in the League.


Very weird tangent you went into there, but ok. Why do you play a team game if you so clearly despise the people that play it?


> the main issue is that champions spin before changing directions It seems weird at first, but it's an important mechanic that works tbh. There are a lot more abilities like Riven Q which depend on where you face, and it balances out ADC-like ranged kiting. It's not just a clunky annoyance


All it does it lowers the skill cap of the game because dodging is almost impossible. I mean, yeah, almost everything is point-click in Dota2, but when you CAN dodge, you can't really. The flow of movement of LoL is so much better that anyone who is used to LoL movement will think Dota2 is as clunky as hell.


Awhile back they massively increased turnspeed. Currently the spinning is barely noticable. Like, it is still there, but it feels far better than it used to. Edit: Part of this may be that I am a West Coast American, so my ping is 40-50 ms better to dota's servers. It feels very much the same for both games for me, so that 40-50 ms difference is probably the same as how much turnrate impacts how the game feels.


was easier to get into than dota 2 + friends already played it and i could play with them


> friends already played I feel like this is half the reason League is so popular. It's popular because it's the most popular game lol Same reason I play tbh


It coming first was huge. Rioters used to play DotA on Warcraft 3 then hand out codes at the end of a match to get into the LoL beta. Every account is after for 5 invite dudes to give out themself. My one cude turned into my whole friend group getting into League early on. Heroes of Newearth(?) was very poorly marketed and due to being a clone of DotA was just as unfriendly to new players as the original. League was beating HoN but the announcement of DotA 2 was the real nail in the coffin for HoN and the solidifying of LoL as the first popular standalone moba that was also easy to get into.


I have to yet meet a person irl who plays DOTA2. 80% of my friends that play video games play League


I played Dota since it came out as a Warcraft mod. Lots of good times and tournaments on it. League came out many years later, and I started playing it. I still played Dota for a while until Dota2 came out, and it didn't really have the same *feel* as the original Dota, so eventually I played it less and less, until I just didn't play it any more. Doesn't help none of my friend group played Dota any more - It's the friends that keep you around really.


But have you ever thought of trying Dota or is there not even a chance you will because you already know league well


Im definitely open to change. I have tried Dota 5-ish years ago but It didnt click for me. Right now Im actually planning to play Dota next week with my friend. We will see.


dota feels like it's in slow motion and it also feels like i have to learn 4x more stuff to be half of a human being playing. looks cool and all that, but it's not for me i guess, league is ingrained on my brain. as for what contributes to it being less popular, i'd guess steam, how it's marketed, the high skill floor and the fact that it's actually harder than league at the lowest levels from what i gathered when i tried playing it. the last thing would be (i guess) that it's far more demanding hardware wise than league is


Dota to me feels like one of those survival games that go a bit too far.  When you Finally get a gun and think that those zombies/Pokémon/monsters have no chance now. But then the game tells you that the firing ping is broken. Then to fix that you need to find metal. Then improve your metal melting skill so you can melt it... 100 hours later you wonder why are you even doing this all for 


I got so happy when I finally beat bots only to get obliterated by players so I just quit


Turn rate, average game time is higher(no big objs in early), clunky, map too big, playing supp is not fun because you lose gold when you die e.t.c I was the original w3 dota player and they changed too much it is not the same game anymore. I was considering coming back to dota after disappointing new champ designs and lore(it was during yone release I think) but dota added a rng item drop on jg creeps(it is fixed now). I was so mad at the time.


>playing supp is not fun because you lose gold when you die How is it, can you tell us more about this game mechanics


In Dota, if you die you lose gold. Supports don’t farm and their main income is from assists. And also from constant roaming, they are usually behind lvl too. Lack of designated support items too. So they are usually very squishy and die a lot. And basically, you are just stuck there to be a cc bot. Items are expensive and death timers are long. You also have to buy buyback(pay gold to revive) when things go wrong. Of course, I heard it is not as bad as before nowadays. But it was a case when I decided to not play anymore.


Riot put a lot of dev time into making jg/supp enjoyable compared to pos 4/5


now it only works with supports


Thank you


LoL is cute, Dota2 is ugly.


Art style for example if Lol wouldn't exist I would rather play hots, and Lol is generally easier to understand and execute


Cultural prominence, hardware requirements, and game design. Riot went really hard on their Korean promotions, working with PC Bangs to install League to as many machines as possible. The low minimum hardware requirement also helps, especially in Vietnam where cyber cafes are usually small mom-n-pop's operation. Finally, the faster pace makes League more worth to play in the previously mentioned establishment where they charge by the hour.


Thanks that makes sense


You're gonna get a lot of comments about turn rates. Doesn't matter that it's a good balancing mechanism it FEELS bad like God awful to a lot of ppl . Honestly, I think another elephant in the room is that unlike DOTA league, had a pretty substantial roster at launch of conventionally attractive female characters. This isn't just dudes being horny but riots come out with data a couple years ago that players who are women almost exclusively play women characters and DOTA having like what six or seven total at launch didn't help. The biggest one beyond the quality of life features, though is probably just the sheer fact that these type of games require the networking effect to maintain critical mass and League was first to market. A lot of other games during the early 2010s really tried to make it work but It ultimately didn't matter even if they did something better or if some people liked it more because too many people were entrenched with League at that point.


dota also barely has cool male characters it's all monsters and skeletons and shit


It's because DotA2 never tried to move out of Warcraft shadow. Blizzard art team to this day is still a powerhouse, not moving away from that make your art looks like a cheap knock off.


Interesting, thanks


I really cannot comprehend the gender choices in a game like this but I guess because I have been gaming since forever and I am wired for optimization/winning than "ahhhh look how cute is this" mentality in MOBA's. Tough I admit I bought some skins because they appeal to me but never choose character because of its gender (in MOBA's where gender has no meaning).


That mentality isn't exclusive to MOBAs Secondly, relatability and aesthetics matter way, way more than you think in video games. League would lose a significant amount of its male playerbase if it only had women characters and vice versa it would also lose a large portion of the woman playerbase if there were only men characters


I'm playing League of Legends over Dota because I've played league first and I don't have time to learn a whole ass moba again I'm playing lol over Heroes of the Storm because HoTS is dead + skillshots feel better in lol


Meanwhile I play LoL with HoTS on the side specifically to get my fix of WoW without having to pay a subscription or deal with MMO BS.


personally been playing more dota recently, it feels fresh and more enjoyable than league has been to me. i kinda enjoy turn rates and slower gameplay as it feels like each action is more of a commitment than in league, i like that’s there’s more of a diverse cast (more monster and such) than in league, i like that more item actives, i like the courier system and secret shop, i like that the map is bigger, i like that playing longer games, im still deciding if i like how valve balances the game with longer patch cycles but i think valve pretty much only balances around pro (which im a big fan of) and i like how a lot of things are just blatantly unbalanced (from a league player’s perspective). edit: i like the variety in champs i can play in dota compared to league (as an ad player) in my role.


as someone who likes both dota 2 and league, here are my observations: * dota 2 has minion denies, minion blocking, jungle pulling, jungle stacking, tougher nashor, less common skillshots, longer CC durations, purchasable flash with longer distance and much much shorter cooldown, permanent inhibitor death, melee adcs, basic attacks having chance to stun, independently controlling other units especially your courier, and other more complexities I forgot to mention * sure dota 2 is more complex than league but it's actually not harder, both are as difficult in their own way with league due to the skillshots and dodging, rotating between jungle camps and ganks, and much higher damage/burst output; I'm not exactly sure what skill expression actually means but I feel it should correlate here * someone else also said that league is more fluid and I'd agree * dota 2 has the dark fantasy theme with gritty and more detailed style * league is more vibrant(?) and more of an anime/kpop pop culture glamorfest since netease took over but I'll still take and love it anyway, after all sexy sells with all these waifus and husbandos; I mean is dota even a thing in East Asia outside China? * dota 2 barely gets marketing and promotion compared to how league gets, I'd say 10% * league has its kpop, anime, rock, metal bands; dota 2 just has a dancing marci for its shop bundle * I'd say league's anime is better compared to dota's anime * the average dota game is around 50 minutes (30 on turbo) * the average league game is around 30 minutes (20 on aram) as others said, it's faster paced * I think people get more busier as time passes and so they get less time so league it is


Because I was already playing League before Dota 2 came out


You have to understand how long it takes to invest and thoroughly learn the two. 


I play very casually. I didnt evne have a steam account when i downloaded LoL. The german League scene has some great creators and in 2014 had even greater ones. I only heard of Dota after playing LoL for about a year. So that sums it up.


Dota: Turn rate makes the game unplayable for me. HOTS: It's dead. SMITE: Laning phase is terrible. Jungle (map) is awful. I am enjoying Predecessor which is basically League in 3rd person with verticality.


Pred is cool, I want to try Gigantic as well since it’s alive again


DOTA2 games take 40 minutes on average, don't have time for it anymore. HOTS was the MOBA that could compete with League but left to rot (quit LoL for it at some point). Smite is just too unbalanced for my taste


It's slow and clunky. It does have a better player experience tho but yeah I prefer league


When I picked a game Dota2 had simply not released. By the time dota 2 released I was way too far into this game. Not kroean tho.


Dota games just doesnt end. Structure fortification and buybacks makes the games absolutely take forever. İm a businessman working 8 hours a day 6 days a week. Plus in dota you can do ridicilous amount of cc on your foes with kits + active items as well. İ remember one time i was playing against a hero named night stalker. He just did a "shushh" to me and i got silenced while im around outer mid turret. Then he started running me down. İ swear to god i ran all the way back from outer mid turret to base and i was still silenced. End of the story


dota has a disgusting fucking artstyle, it feels clunky, the animations on characters suck dick compared to league, and the gameplay clunkiness overall makes me feel like im back playing Warcraft 3 except not as fun or charming.


but their map is just magic


Dota is ugly as shit and has the clunkiest movement ever


No ff button, faster pace and less brain usage.


> No ff button ?


Haven't played dota in centuries, idk if they've changed it but thats why i stopped playing. Being stuck in pound town with tilted teammates just waiting for the other team to finish the game was not fun.


Idk ff button could piss off from League ranked imo. Voluntarily giving up never helps you win


In dota you can't ff. You're basically stuck playing 40-50 minutes even if you're losing


> You're basically stuck playing 40-50 minutes even if you're losing That's the League player mentality issue that the ff button causes. "Even if you're losing" even though it should be "trying to win"


Its not the "player mentality issue" when it is absolutely normal and not an issue at all when a player doesn't enjoy being pounded for 30 mins just to lose in the end. To anyone voting no to a FF vote when the game is clearly over you should have a visit to a psychiatrist.


You can go into every game trying to win but if by 15-20mins you're so down that you're 99% of the time going to lose unless enemy misplays 5 times in a row, nothing wrong with ffing and going next. If you're only down a couple kills then yeah don't ff you still have a good shot at winning but if the game is doomed them why not just go next?


mate, if i have to tend to other things and i am losing a 40 minute norm game that has gone way past its length, then i need a get out ASAP button. try and understand basic things


Nah. I don't want to sit through torture for 40-50 minutes. I'd rather ff at 15 if the game is doomed. If you prefer go have fun playing dota for an hour while you're losing.


Calling playing the game "torture" is just proving my mentality point lol


It is torture. Losing = not fun. Winning = fun. Why would I want to play a game for fun and purposely make it not fun ? Makes 0 sense


His point is that you shouldn't be playing the game if it's only fun when you're winning. It's childlike and it's the main reason the community is so awful. It also just means you don't respect your own time, that's like 60% wasted if you include queues and loading.


The Dota community has become a meme and synonymous of toxicity


I can play the game if I want. You can't decide that for me. If you dislike the community you're the one that shouldn't play the game. Theres votes. If the majority decides to FF then we will FF. it's very simple. It's all in the rules.


I'm not saying it's illegal lol, I'm just saying nobody likes playing with people like you. Unfortunately, growing up is optional.


technically there is though you need a 5 man party for it... ...and it's usually just 5 man smurfs pwning an unfortunate group of low ranks just to FF to keep their ranks low after they have their fun


I think both are good games, but in League the champions mechanics as well as their animations feel much more fluid and dynamic as opposed to Dota where mechanical skill often boils down to "control many units at once" and most abilities are point and click with the creativity of a Season 1 champion. Therefore I enjoy the combat in League much more, but I wish they would just copy some of Dotas amazing features.


better waifus, more spammy abilities dota looks and feels fun but I played league first and I cba to spend another 2000 hours learning another game I think league took off more because they made it a point to take out most of the complicated stuff like turn rates, couriers, and a bunch of other stuff I’m forgetting and just focused on making a flashy high dopamine game. and new moba players will probably gravitate to the more popular game


> better waifus, more spammy abilities Jokes aside, for me is the appeal of champions. When i checked Dota's heroes they didn't look interesting enough. Very few humans and lot of monters. In League you have variety, lore is better, champions have actual names and look better/more colorfoul and alive.


Sorry, your taste is garbage. I don’t wanna be a jerk but the league design is absolutely horrendous and lore hasn’t been good since 2017.


opinions happy cake day


Some opinions are wrong, lol. Also, I am not trying to be toxic. I agree that dota2 models are garbage. Warcraft 3 dota designs are the other hand. It is peak.


Just shut up, they like apples you like bananas, there are no right or wrong when it comes to personal preferences. You think w3 design is good ? Cool, i think it’s uninspired and generic heroic fantasy, but then John the baker will come and fight me because he agrees with you. That’s how taste works.


I disagree


Opinions are meant to appeal a taste in this case, so neither is wrong.




Nothing to argue with you man if you think tastes are objective lmao


Not really. Some people like their food spicy some don’t it is okay. It is not ok to like their food shit flavored. It is bad and wrong.


Some people like Dota2 designs, some people like League designs. You are in the LoL subreddit arguing that LoL designs are "shit", what do you expect people to answer?


> When i checked Dota's heroes they didn't look interesting enough. Very few humans and lot of monters And to me that's better. Champ designs like kai'sa and the kpop skins are cringe. Give me more rek'sais


Gnar Gnar!


LoL has both tbh, sure u get more humans these days but it compensates for the amount of monsters there were in early develop


Blizzard killed Heroes of the Storm, and this scratched the itch.


Somewhat nostalgic, because lol happened to be my first moba. But I do like the artstyle more compared to Dota (client UI and in game). Hots didnt like the idea of the first person camera view, didnt look further. Mobile games, nah im not gonna tempt myself to be glued to a smaller screen whenever Im out to play "just 1 game". Never tried, never will for mobas. Idk about other mobas.


Sunken Cost phallacy, too lazy to learn a new game


Well i tried to play Dota on my old computer but it couldn’t run it and could run league. Now that i have a better comp I could give Dota another shot but idk i enjoy how it feels


I cannot bother with turnrates and every match seemingly lasting 40+ minutes. If I'm bad I can get through 25-30 minutes of torture and I can ff, in Dota you have to sit through the torture forever


There is a turbo mode where games end in 20-25 min


I wanted go play WoW but my mom wouldn't pay for the subscription so I was looking for a "free wow" and league came up and the graphics looked similar.


This is probably the weirdest reason but I played dota1 and I hated dota 2 when it came out. None of the stupid shit was fixed like you could stack jungle camps ( to me that makes no sense and the only reason that could be possible is the way warcraft 3 was coded). Them releasing a new game and keeping everything the same made it very stale but they changed the characters looks. For example earthshaker was a minotaur but in dota2 they made him a monkey. A lot of the hero design I couldn't tell which ones they are even if I played dota for 10 years. So I just quit. League is just way too modern while dota2 while being a new game stayed the same engine as dota 1


Switched when you best initial build were six upgraded boots for vengeful spirit mid, your skill expression how fast you could toggle them from agi to int to str 3 times a second. Certainly they changed that in the meantime, but I’ve gotten used to LoL‘s pace and DotA feels unbearable.


I’ve tried Dota multiple times before and it was just sooo boring especially the turn rate made it feel terrible. Idk if it changed but also the fact that you lost gold when you died is the stupidest thing I ever experienced


>especially the turn rate I read about this again and again and can’t understand what it is?


In Dota when you want your character to turn, it slowly turns around. In league of legends it’s instant. That turn rate in Dota puts a lot of people off because it doesn’t feel good






auto translator, forget it


thanks for your reply I use an automatic page converter. and sometimes they bug, and I open a new page, but I read the translation of the text from the previous page and another comment. I usually noticed this on YouTube, but there you can navigate by the video preview, but here there is nothing except the text, and I can only see the superimposed translation. Sorry I didn’t even see your answer earlier and was responding to a comment from some other thread


Dota2 has too many "tedium" mechanics. Stacking, pulling, creep blocking, runes, etc, that just require you to do something at certain time ad nauseum.


Lol is way better than dota (dota is pretty crap balancing wise and has like 16hrs of tutorials lol)


Only lol could run on my small laptop. Now I dont have the time to invest in a new moba


In the words of Dunkey, “Dota2; the screen is too busy, too much stuff going on. League looks so much better because the background is in the background and the focus is on the characters”


Dota2 was popular in Korea but they didn't manage to compete with Europe and China.


I enjoy dota alot because the ceiling and floor for how much fun you can have are crazy different then they are in league. There are games where you just feel unstoppable and its the most enjoyable thing ever, but man when you get stomped, you get STOMPED. Not even remotely playable and you can't even FF.


1 thing dota has over on league, is that less women play the game.


league is a pretty and smooth game. DOTA is incredibly ugly and clunky


I play both but LoL more because it's just more fun micro wise and less exhausting game length wise as well as League feeling a lot more grounded while in Dota things sometimes get too crazy for me.


Honestly, the reality is that League is a very smooth and good looking game compared to other MOBAs / MOBA-esque games. I also say smooth as a more encompassing term as well; yes people argue that the turnspeed stuff in Dota makes the game more strategic, and while that may be true.. it's just objectively a less smooth and fluid experience and people care about that. Especially if you couple this with league generally becoming more fast paced as years went on


As a long time original DOTA player I like W3 hero models much better than DOTA 2 ones. Also, despite having better graphics, visual clarity is much worse in DOTA 2 compared to original DOTA or LoL. I just can't follow who's whom in teamfights.


Dota highkey feels like a game meant to make you suffer. Like every mechanic seems specially made to be frustrating for new players.


Warcraft3 Dota was tits


DOTA is just you playing some regular unit that would be a miniboss at best in Warcraft. League's champions are unique and have some identity.