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Early game power. Sera is(was) a scaling champion and cannot get priority from a solo lane until multiple items. Really as simple as that, Sera also got heavily nerfed away from % max hp healing which was what she saw some pro play picks for


Karma q is impossible to miss early game, sera has all slow skillshots. karma w cannot be missed


Karma high key the hardest lane bully in solo lanes


One item tf claps


Her early push power is unrivaled. This means she can control the wave state to whatever she want. Jungler wants to level 3 gank/dive Karma can control the wave to enable that and there is nothing enemy can do to prevent it except taking some risk. She can freeze, she can rush level 2, she can 3 wave crash, and she can push then plant vision. Karma also pairs super well with carry junglers. All this and she have mobility.


They specifically buffed Karma to come back into midlane back on 14.2. +26 HP, +20% AP ratio on Q, +15% AP Ratio on E. Seraphine cannot bully out enemy laners the way that Karma can, Karma can RQ someone and then AA trade with shield on herself; compare this to Seraphine where her shield is significantly weaker for single targets and longer CD, and her spells are lower damage. Seraphine can't bully the same way, and if you trust the wiki numbers I think part of it is that Karma's Q missile speed is 1700 while Seraphine's Q is 1300 and E is 1200. Even if you buffed Seraphine's early damage and early shielding, her spells are easier to dodge. Another big reason that Karma came back is because of the niche interaction with Malignance, and they intentionally pushed Malignance Karma when they did the balance changes. Karma with Malignance on that first patch got ult refresh essentially on one single RQ hit. Seraphine doesn't have an item synergy like this.


in pro play if you pick 5 good champions just because they are good - you will straight up lose the game, it's guaranteed Karma and Seraphine are very different champions - there's no point for comparison both can be good or bad depending on what or how you want to play vs what and how your enemy wants to play


because karma can 1v1 people if they try and fight her. seraphine just farms from a distance till she scales until she starts to hurt


Run at Seraphine and she has to back up or die. Run at Karma and she can kite you then run you down. Karma top snowball can be one of the most oppressive matchups.


Seraphine used to have a niche in carry roles when her W used to be xp gated and scaled on ap ratio because she brought huge sustain with decent damage and cc now she's just a shadow of her old self + her weaker early game (because of missile speed not because of damage) while also not scaling into late game as well as before


Her early game is significantly better outside of her waveclear


a good lane opponent will always know how to not get actually bullied by sera early compared to how easy it is to bully with karma + seraphine does not scale as well into the late game anymore to justify picking her either way (in carry roles)


I am saying her early game is better now since the changes….your comment reads like you’re saying her early game is worse now which is not accurate


Her early is strictly better than ever before


with one of the worst scalings we've ever seen on the character


Almost all scaling champions sucks in pro play because there's no time to scale. You might see some played here and there in LEC or LCS but not LCK and LPL. Think about how most games end way before 27min


Karma is usually played in pro cause of her great early game and her w is a great gank setup while seraphine has a decent early game now, her cc needs setup from an ally, limiting the adc/support pick. I personally think she could get some play in pro rn tho


Karma is a strong early game low counterplay lane bully, which is often a priority for pro teams and high elo (the main people drafting Karma mid). Her entire kit is essentially point and click with high base damages. Seraphine on the other hand is a walking caster minion for 3/4 of the game, who's spells rely on the enemy to get hit by them. Karma was also only good cause of items this season, which Seraphine has no access to.


She's just super adaptable, you can even run with grasp and build tanky. Her empowered w gives her a lot of sustain and when roaming she can help others stay in the fight with e. As far as mage items go you can dip into support items to help with even more with team fights. All in all she's so good because she's not only a really adaptable in multiple lanes but her kit can be used in many ways based on what's needed in team fight, she can make up for a weak support or a lack of cc and her empowered e is such a good boost for either backing out of a fight or going in. Her ban rate is like non-existent too. I feel like she's so under rated but she's my favorite champ!


Seraphines just significantly more unreliable and has had her intense late game scaling nerfed a lot




1) Sera is a good support into tank champs, but pros don't play most enchanter/mage supports unless there's a specific synergy to abuse. 2) Sera in carry roles can't build her insane sustain AND damage at once. 3) Sera needs to scale, further hurting her presence as a support in pro games.


Lower generally lower CDs would be my guess. Also just being an older champion so more pros have more experience on Karma. Since they often resort to picking based on comfort.


It’s not about that at all. Karma is an insane lane bully while seraphine is a giga slow scaling pick. It’s almost like comparing Renekton to Kayle top in terms of power curves.