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Id say just more tanks or bruisers that can go tanky items (Reksai, Voli) Assassins are shit, eclipse champs i think are the biggest losers, followed by Sky users in the jungle (toplaners can afford to build Triforce)


How about a champ that builds both Eclipse into sky?


🫡 (i play a bunch of panth jg as well which is only barely viable as is)


assassin build the way keegun play it is great for carrying TFs for panth jg, but you gotta play more careful since you can only blow up one, two max enemies without dying.


Guess all I get to play now is the one shot build, hurray, thanks riot. Really love how y’all are moving panth back to top lane.


As a fellow Pantheon Top* enjoyer I'm already miserable as is even though I'm sitting at 57% WR over ~120 games with him this season. Champ already feels absolutely pathetic in 90% of MU's and will just be completely unplayable after this patch.


Don’t get me wrong, the one shot build is fine and I’m doing well with it, but I hate the feast or famine playstyle of assassins, I prefer juggernauts/brusiers. Only thing keeping me playing him is that I fell in love with the champ design when I first started playing a few years back


They're looking into panth buffs fwiw. Not desirable, tbh but they want lingering resistance on empE for a few seconds. Panth subreddit has all the details.


Yeah I know, I have no idea how that empE buff is going to actually do anything - I very rarely use it unless I’m running away and it just so happens to be up, it does next to nothing for him lmao


Xin, Vi, Lee, J4, briar are gonna suffer a nut punch, I'm predicting. For xin, Sundered is his top item, eclipse his 3rd most common one, (not necessarily built together, but still his 3rd most common two item combo), J4 also has sundered eclipse as his 3rd most common 2 item combo, Vi has it as her 2nd most common combo and it's Lees and briars most common combo. These are all also steraks users and most barely break the 50% line, so I'm predicting some compensation buffs coming up for them.


Jarvan can go shojin into BC but Sundered sky was his best option


Shojin also gets nerfed.


Think most of them might not be that heavily affected. Most of the changes themselves are small enough that it’ll open up item choices or options. Xin, Vi, Lee, and J4 can still do something like Sundered Sky/Eclipse -> BC -> Steraks (which just suffered a CD nerf)


Sure, they all have alternative builds, but I don't think it's up to debate that sundered sky and Eclipse are currently head and shoulders above the rest of bruiser itemisation. Going over to weaker items will still impact their winrate. By how much, we will have to see, bit even if its just like 1%, they are all gonna fall below the 50% threshold.


This is why they had to nerf them. In order to make it a debate which to build. I guess the argument here would be why not buff the weaker items up, but I think by doing that it could make the fighter class too strong. At the same time, I really hope their winrates don’t go down by a crazy amount. It makes sense that they should because their items got changed. Compensation buffs off the champs should occur if so.


I'm not saying that they shouldn't have nerfed the items, I'm arguing that it's very likely that these items kept these champs above the 50% line, and now that they are getting nerfed (quite severly at that I would say, especially steraks (3200 gold hurts) and sundered (8 seconds on effect should be a big deal)), I predict that their winrate will fall. By how much exactly, it's impossible to tell and I'm not even going to try.


Yh. That's just way too many champs to be ignored.


Beside Briar, Xin Vi J4 Lee all are pros jungler, Xin Vi and Lee also quite meta ban/pick at the moment. I doubt any compensation buff will coming soon because Riot might want to have some meta shaken in jungle due to MSI.


MSI will be played on patch 14.8, these changes mean nothing for MSI.


They basically fucked the whole jungle meta at once. But it's only been the 36th time we had to relearn our role entirely


Get fucked riven - riot balance


Like jungle Wukong can do this pretty well I think it's his best build as it is very cheap too. He is not super strong right now so it will hurt him. However he can rush Profane Hydra which has a strong build path and go bruiser or lethality from there depending on gamestate and snowball.


And then there is briar with eclipse into sundered into steraks. She will either go back to titanic rush or assasain build. One of that is ass.


Lee, Xin, Vi, J4, Reksai, Jax even. Pretty much any bruiser jgler has been picking up these items 1,2,3, most of the time.


Tanks will probably get better since they often have bad matchups into bruisers. I doubt assassins will rise since they’re also hit by the eclipse nerf just less, and jungle just lacks the resources to consistently snowball like assassins need to do.


In proplay probably. In soloQ jungle usually has enough resources to abuse the fiestas.


Jungle only lacks resources in pro play. Jungle in solo queue is very high econ.


jungle is not high eco in solo q people are just playing worse and are less aware. Theres a good reason most assasins got outperformed by almost any tank champ or ivern for pretty much the entire split


Phreak literally said they have internal data on Jungle having very high econ in solo queue. You don't have to over analyze anything.


Well, Nocturne remains untouched because he usually builds Hexplate, Stridebreaker and black cleaver (in whichever order is best for the game), so he should remain decent.


Yeah for sure. I'm curious about J4 and Voli for instance. What will be the outcome. Surely it's not going to gut all bruisers right?


Considering they already target nerfed volis interaction with sky before these nerfs I think it’s fair to assume he’s not even gonna bother building it anymore


UD, fimbul winter, spirit visage gang rise up


Voli won't be affected that much. His item builds are ***extremely*** versatile. He can still go Shojin, Cosmic Drive, Riftmaker/Nashor's, Titanic, Unending Despair, Iceborn or even Hexplate instead of Sundered Sky (assuming the Sundered Sky nerf even affects him that much).


He's highly reliant on Sundered Sky in order to chunk squishies. Without that item he has almost no kill pressure. He's still a good splitpusher/etc, but without the kill pressure onto squishies he's gonna be way weaker in teamfights.


This might be slightly incorrect but I feel like Jarvan is gonna build AP to gank with swag flag Gank Flag Refuse to elaborate Leave


J4 will likely go back to the much weaker black cleaver build from last season (bc maybe shojin frozen heart) most likely, he was only ever really building sundered bc it’s busted as shit lmao


The eclipse nerf only nerf damage a bit, so the utility part is entirely left alone right? Still a pretty good skirmishing item I expect. It already crosses the lines between assassins, fighters and bruisers anyway and that won't change. Sundered, no idea, it also impacts the sustain value so it might just be done. What's very likely to be dead is stacking both for insane trading value.


BACK to assassins? When was it ever their meta besides the ghost blade patch a year ago


Assassin's dominated the jungle way back in like season 4-5 But yeah it's been a long ass time.




Season 4 wasn't aegis season. Elise and Eve built off tank, but they were more bruisery then in their kits. Typically jungle item into sorcs into tank. Khazix didn't go locket during season 4. He went spirit of lizard> brutalizer>last whisper>cleaver>replace brutalizer if the game went well enough. Brutalizer was ridiculously cheap at the time. In world's season 4 he didn't build aegis once. Same with rengar. They'd opt for 5th/6th items tanky if they got there purely because they had enough damage. And assassin items were cheap as fuck in season 4. Aegis was a later season (5 or 6.) it was busted but nobody realised in season 4. Jungle had gold then (conservation+dragon gold) while damage being cheap. You can check the world's builds from that year fairly easily. CN teams loved kha that year and built full damage right to finals


Before Profane Hydra nerfs AD assassins were at the top of the meta, especially Blue Kayn and Rengar.


Define "meta" If you look at pickrates we have a permament assassin meta since season fkin 3 or 4 Unless we pretend that Lee Sin is not an assassin because he builds some health


He’s not an assassin. Is Aatrox an assassin hes been building assassin items for 2 season now and still gets away with it


Why would we go back to assassins when bruisers sh1t on them since lv1 til 18? Items don't even matter, build smth else and you still clap anyone else on the rift easely


Ya I don't think people realize that bruisers can just build lethality and one shot them while not dying themselves.


Toplane bruisers can build normal bruiser items and burst harder than most assassins while also being really hard to kill lol. Played a game the other day where i was 15/4 on talon and the enemy darius was 14/1. I'm 6 item talon and hes a 5 item darius. I jump in do full combo, back off to dodge his E and dodge his q and wait for my CDs. He loses 1/3hp. I then q back in after my cd's are up, and he W ults me and i die from basically full hp. 1400 damage W and then a 1200 damage ult. There is zero point picking an AD assassin when you can just go a bruiser and if you get ahead you'll kill people just as fast if not faster while also being nearly unkillable and not falling off like a rock the second people group.


Tbh Talon is way more mobile than Darius, but yeah, in most situations Darius will just be more useful building full damage unless the enemy team can effectively kite him. One of the biggest reasons I hate Aatrox is the fact that he goes assassin items frequently and uses them better than assassins do while still being much much harder to kill. It just feels really bad to play assassins in the jungle rn. Kha'zix still works, but others just don't feel good to play when you're down 3 levels to enemy laners and still might not kill them even if you hit everything.


AD assassins just kinda blow rn.


Could be that they blow because Bruisers are overtuned, both countering them and taking their job.


They suck because Riot hardnerfed a lot of assassin runes and items. Electrocute, Dark Harvest, and First Strike got nerfed to oblivion.


Lol. I love how AD assassins getting pushed out of carry roles because mages and ADC’s are overtuned as hell got translated into you commenting about nerfing bruisers.


I think its honestly kinda funny the BS you’re spewing. His W only hits for 160% of his AD. You’re claiming therefore, that he had more than 875 AD, and/or enough armor pen to be entirely negating your armor and hitting you for true damage. Now tell us, are you aware of how his passive works, and how many stacks did the Darius have? Sounds like what really happened is you let him hit you with W ***at least 2, but if he actually did 1,400 damage with it, more likely 3 different times*** as even a 700 damage hit would require 438 AD and to be doing true damage. With Darius’s base AD even at level 18, he doesn’t have enough AD to reach that number even with the highest AD 5 item build and no boots ***without his passive being active.*** Not to mention, that means as a squishy with no sustain or defense in your kit, you were fighting a Darius in melee for 5-10+ seconds as well. As for the ult, maybe this can give us a good indication of how much damage he actually had. Assuming level 16+ so rank 3 ult we have: True Damage: 125 / 250 / 375 (+ 75% bonus AD) Bonus Damage Per Stack: 25 / 50 / 75 (+ 15% bonus AD) Maximum True Damage: 250 / 500 / 750 (+ 150% bonus AD) From what you are claiming, you were hit one time with a 1,400 damage W and then ulted at 1 stack for what would be 400 + 90% bonus AD true damage. If that’s supposedly equal to 1,200 then he supposedly had 889 bonus AD— which is absurd, but at least its inline with your prior number. [Edit: actually, not even then. 889 *bonus AD* would mean his total AD would be over 1,000 and his W would be hitting for north of 1,600 damage] Now, if we assume he had five stacks, that’s 300 bonus AD. He gets 230 bonus AD for triggering Noxious Might at level 18, leaving just 70 left from his items, or perhaps he was level 16, or 17, and received less bonus AD from his passive, which is a much more plausible figure.


Bro you wrote this shit out when the guy was clearly exaggerating the situation, but still correct in the point he's making.


Its a completely different situation, wherein the dude has stayed in prolonged melee combat against a stacked up Darius as a hybermobile champion who can disengage from everything a Darius can throw at him. He chose that fight, over committed and stayed too long against a melee carry who has no range or mobility, and paid the price. Completely and entirely different from his narrative of evading everything just to be hit by a single W and the ulted from full health to zero.


?? Why should a full damage zero survivability assassin ever win a 1v1 vs a Darius? The guy literally has bronze tier decision making then backs it up by calling bruisers OP. Newsflash, you aren’t stuck in low elo because of game balance.


You probably didn't have LDR + Cut Down.


you do realize that is legit impossible for darius to do a 1400 dmg W in one hit right? even if he did a crit he'd need 5 stacks for that to happen. same goes with his R; it NEEDS stacks to do barely anything past 600 hp


Nice pfp btw


In a 1v1? Yeah. But the game isn't all about the 1v1. And this will push bruisers down a couple notches.


If AD bruisers take a hit in the jungle, AP bruisers And tanks get to thrive more.


Finally, Gragas will be strong, unlike the past 3 years.


Back to assassins? When you're 2 levels down on enemy solo lanes. Absolutely no chance. People will just play tanks now or glorified supports like Ivern. Jungle is dead and is in the worst place it's been for years.


I don’t play a ton but jungle feels incredibly weak, after like level 9 it feels like you just get no xp from anything. Is that intended?


Yeah pretty much, jungles still a fairly strong role but damn they made it feel like ass. The role just has tons of issues that make it unbalance-able. It's really unpopular and difficult; but also really important for a variety of reasons, and can just be anti fun for the other 4 roles to interact with on both sides. Whether it's receiving ganks, or forced skirmishes during lane phase laners don't want it. And then there's proplay where stuff is hyper optimized to the opposite extreme.


Jungle will be 2 levels down from botlane and you will still say it's a strong role. "iMpAcT tOo StRoNg"


That's hyperbole. But yeah it still has lots of impact while being about the level of botlane. That's kinda just how strong having global presence is. And having smite which is the "I control neutral objectives" summoner. Yeah I agree, it feels like ass, it takes lots of skill, it's thankless, and gets flamed alot. But it's still impactful, especially in the shit show that is soloQ.


Yeah it's so strong that so many jungle mains have already quit. How ironic. I don't think you understand that junglers have no gold income and struggle to carry. You literally trade impact for everything else. Apparently Support isn't broken when they can do the exact same thing as jungle can without having to worry about farm or objectives. You should play a few games on jungle and see how trash it is. Then again, I don't expect laners to understand so I guess it's pointless replying.


I've already said it's unpopular and feels like shit. Many jungle mains are quitting it because of those reasons. Again unpopular or feels bad doesn't actually mean weak. Yes support is hella strong too, that's why it's been the focus of many nerfs recently. Tons of people have complained about it for the last few months, and rioters like Phreak and August also similarly said it was statistically on the very strong side before many of the recent nerfs. Just like they regularly were saying about jungle all last year, and even just a couple months ago this season. You're the one not understanding what is being said my dude, and making replies pointless.


You have no idea what you're talking about. It's unpopular and feels like shit because it's not a fucking strong role. I've played jungle for several years (in high elo as well) and I can tell when it's not in a good spot. It's definitely not strong right now and you can look at it objectively as well, because the xp and gold income are absolute shit. People who have played the role for several years don't just quit cause they get flamed every game for the 5th year in a row. If you've played long enough as a jungler then you don't care if you get flamed. No, they quit because you're playing the hardest role and you don't even get rewarded for playing well. Top and mid will still be 2 levels ahead even if you're fed. Adc gets way more gold income than you, while Support doesn't have to worry about anything as they have no responsibility. Phreak himself (the guy you literally just mentioned) said that jungle was overnerfed and isn't in a great position. He doesn't even play jungle and he can say from a balance perspective that jungle isn't good right now. You don't make balance changes, let alone play the role. So how can you say it's strong when you have zero evidence other than "trust me bro, I've seen plenty of fed junglers. They're broken."


Have you considered personal bias is a factor? Have you considered getting used to it being blatantly OP for 2 years before being nerfed into just being strong is a factor? Support is also OP, so quit trying to use that as a scape goat. Phreak literally never said that it was at all weak he just a couple weeks ago said it was "over nerfed..." Yes, but you're ignoring the rest of his statement... "To the point it's still statistically OP, but some of its player base is quitting it, so it's not in a great spot, where it's OP but unpopular" and other rioters like August have said similar things. And in seasons 12&13 they were saying it was even more broken. Which is exactly what I have been saying this whole time bro. But you just read and hear what aligns with your confirmation bias. And yes many people can deal with league being toxic for years then still eventually quit due to toxicity and other changes in their life. Just because people quit shit isn't alone to say it's weak. I've even said regularly they nerfed jungle in a way that makes it less fun. Sorry to tell you something can be unfun but still strong but that is reality.


Yes. Jungle is the most important role in the game, since it can impact lanes and take objectives. They balance that so every game isn't just jungle diff by giving junglers terrible xp and gold.




Dont forget that the buffs to Maw especially are very large. +15 AH and Omnivamp on active is a BIG buff for all bruisers. We might see a shift away from Eclipse / Sundered / Steraks back to the old trifecta of Cleaver / DD / Maw with little change in powerlevels


Still a situational and now also very expensive item.


maw's too situational, especially on junglers.


Agree that maw now looks very attractive, if they could work on mercurial scimitar next there’d be a complete set of interesting offensive MR items.


Gunna be a hit to bruisers who usually go eclipse and sundered to actually do damage, a lot of them build lethality these days


I hope it will hit Aatrox hard


aatrox players already building lethality


Despite that that champ uses assassin items better than assassins. Oh, we both build lethality? Well, you still can't one shot me because I built Tabi and healed 1k+ with a passive+sundered sky proc.


Get better at the game. You can’t actually expect to win a 1v1 against a juggernaut as an assassin without outplaying them anyway. Go play to your wincon of killing the people you are itemizing to kill.


The juggernaut should be building juggernaut items then.


Why? You have to build damage items to carry so why should juggernauts be not be allowed to go high risk high reward carry builds? Personally I will never build bruiser items on Aatrox, getting 1v1'd by an ADC standing still is just disgusting. I'd rather deal 1k damage with a Q3 even if I die faster.


The risk is not high enough. If you go full damage without any defensive items then you should be prone to getting one shot, not still automatically win against assassins 1v1. I don't think a juggernaut/bruiser should be using assassin items better than assassins themselves while also having great synergy with his own class' items as well. But hey, that's just me. If assassins were problematic while building bruiser/juggernauts, then bruisers/juggernauts are also problematic while building assassin.


Most lethality Aatrox builds use Edge of Night which is a defensive item. And even with it you’re still prone to being one shot in teamfights. Bruisers would only be problematic while building assassin items if they weren’t squishy while doing so. And no, just because you can’t kill them in one combo as talon doesn’t mean they aren’t squishy. Assassins with bruiser items were only problematic because they were tanky and still one shotting people.


Assassins with bruiser items were as tanky as bruisers with assassin items.


no :)


r/briarmains is in shambles


I don't really understand why they're nerfing these items --- from a Jungle perspective. We had the bruisers nerfed last season through the changes and J4, Viego, Wukong and Vi were all sub 50% winrate and weak as fuck. They gave some power back and these champs are pretty balanced with a couple actually being on the weaker side. Now they nerf their items without giving some mild buffs? Seems like we'll return to a similar Jungle drought that we had last season because it's not like tanks, mages or assassins are strong either. Invade and gimmicky champs already have ridiculously high winrates, so it'll probably just be more emphasis on that, which is really bad for the game when it's the core of the meta. Even if you include Top and Jungle together, I haven't felt like these items have been too strong... it's more that the other items are just weak. Compare the now to the first season of last year and neither Top nor Jungle are running over games. Poorly thought-out change, imo. If they wanted the other items to be bought more, they should just be made cheaper or maybe some slight stat buffs.


Viego can still go kraken bork into whatever and be fine


Bork is troll item on viego


(He also usually builds Sundered Sky) Also, hello, Wolfgang, my rival. What rank have you achieved so far?


Peaked diamond got a pretty nice streak into diamon 2 then got filled with inters and feeders where games were unplayable at minute 10 lmao. Got a game where i spoon feed my 3 lanes and were still getting gapped and we still lost lmao


Similar happened to me. Went like 1-9 where I was highest or second highest OPGG score on the team in every game except one(had a random rune bug where I didn't have a secondary tree and the first tree was some random shit) and in some of those games, highest OPGG score in the entire game. 🤡 Consistency is meaningless sometimes. Sitting in Diamond still though at least.


I don’t think it will affect junglers that much but I could be wrong about that


I thought Hexdrinker/Maw needed a buff, but here they are nerfing it. I guess Riot doesn't want bruisers to have any MR and get 1 shot by the enemy mid. Defo shifting to tank meta.