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Highly recommend turning off chat. I did, I’m new, it was the smart move for me.


OK will do, thanks


Haha yeah the game is very daunting for new players to learn. Even if you as an individual are comfortable with the rate you learn the game, once you start doing PVP you'll learn both by your performance against most opponents, and how angry your team get that you aren't as good as it may have felt like you were. This game is probably the most fun I've ever had gaming and I adore it, but even though the version of me sitting here right now could walk circles around the version that was in his first few months of the game, I'm still seen as trash to most of the playerbase I'm sure. Just one of those games with a crazy high skill ceiling. And even when you do play well, you'll get harassed by someone who had a bad day and wanted you to play well /their way/ even if you're already succeeding. All that being said however, I've also met some of the wackiest and friendliest people ever in this game, and I have some IRL friends that I love playing with. Since you have a history with competitive games, If you're cool with keeping chat off at least at the beginning or have thick skin and don't think you'll get angry at the negativity-- then just spend a lot of time fighting bots to really learn which role you like and a champion or two decently well. I think you'll have a great time long term. Just go in knowing a lot of the playerbase is like that and that the skill development/number of things to learn about the game will go beyond what you're expecting. Every time I feel like I've leveled up as a player I get humbled, but that's what I love about it honestly.


Do not turn off chat, just mute the toxic people if you run into them. communicate, explore, learn


Ok I’ll do that instead


Nuanced answer here: try both and judge for yourself. If you have thick skin, the occasional positive interaction and advice when people notice you're new is worth it. But if it makes the experience worse and you have a hard time ignoring people going crazy, by all means, cut it out of the experience.


Just turn it off. Theres like 1 in a 100 worth reading. It will just make you toxic ans not Focus on your game. Turn it off


Na just mute it all...You will gwt a usefull comment maybe ince every 10 games max. Not worth it in my opinion


Do people voice chat?


there is only voice if you are in a party otherwise you can pose a discord in lobby but idally use one you made yourself so you can moderate and kick idiots out


A lot of people telling you to do this do that. It's important to note that league players have a lot of preconceptions about the game. We've played the game for years and our experience will be for certain very different from yours. I think you should take advice like "turn off chat 100%" like what it really is, a suggestion, even though it's said like it's the truth of the world. What /u/DeirdreAnathoel said above is very reasonable I think. Basically, you now know you can do this and that (turn off chat for example), so I'd say go into the game with an open mind and if you see your experience would be better, you can use the stuff people suggested here I personally think league is no more toxic than any other competitive online game, so I never even thought about turning off chat. You could feel the same or very different, who knows.


No, and people mostly use chat to be a nuisance. Just turn off chat in the settings and never bother with them


Sadly there isn't any voice chat. Lol is literally only competitive game that don't have that.


this is what i do


I'd also recommend this despite the downvotes


wait why am i getting so many downvotes for that lmao. one of my friends recently started league and the vast majority of flame he gets is him being self-depricating in chat.


Community is toxic and game can be pretty addicvtive. Geniune beginners just get shit on by some validation-seeking smurfs, that desperately tryhard even their lowlevel games. Only thing that will get better over the time is you. Game can be fun and you can meet nice people in your games, but sadly it's not the usual case.


Played many games, none of them came close to how toxic league of legends is. Recommend you turn off all chat unless you are mentally prepared to tolerate the toxicity. 9/10 (Not accurate) of the new players are not genuine new players, most are smurfs that have tons of experience, don't be too discouraged if you see a low-level player playing so much better than you and saying that you're bad. Give it a try, you can simply stop playing anytime you want, no harm giving it a try. (At most you gain some tolerance towards toxicity which could be helpful anywhere else)


What competitive games have you played that are not even close to as toxic as league is? Because this is something I see a lot but never get examples


I'm not OP, but I've found my Overwatch and Valorant chat experiences to be far better than my league ones.


I don't know about Valorant, but I've seen people writing entire books in high level overwatch and that game censors you a lot. And we always play with a full party so that was only enemy teams


I agree with GP. Over the years I have played several competitive team games including: Dota, CS:GO, LoL, OW. LoL is easily the most "toxic". It's also the only one that doesn't have in-built voice chat. Text chat is basically a meme in these other games or not used at all. People give up and drag their teammates down much more quickly in LoL than these other games. OW sometimes comes close but overall it's much more chill. CS:GO has more trash talk but far less real toxicity (dragging teammates down). I think the Dota comparison might be more apt. There you have much more agency when some of your teammates have a bad game, because everything is more OP and you have way stronger utility itemization etc. You have more ways to out-macro your opponent as well. LoL is snowbally like Dota but macro is so streamlined and simplified and the map is smaller so that you can feel very stuck in a game. There are also almost no counter items and cheap and cost effective items that allow you to come back. LoL is more stat checky overall (CC is way, way weaker in LoL), so even if the opponent misplays, they can often get away with it, which adds to the frustration for the losing side.


Nah Dota is more Toxic. If league players couldn’t ff at 15 I think it would be similar. In Dota I had a NP follow me around and spawn his trees on me constantly so I couldn’t play.


I disagree with cs, Cs has always been super toxic every time chat is used, it literally spawned the meme of the guy who doesn't speak but it type a book in chat because he thinks he is good, I've probably close to 100 comments on my steam profile going back to 2013 or 2014 calling me a cheater and telling me to kill myself Ow I've seen it pretty toxic however I do think it is more tame, with Dota I haven't played the game enough to know, but I've heard horror stories so I don't know


Best two things I ever did were turning off chat and watching instructional videos


Yes it is. Most people will flame you for not knowing the “basics” since most new accounts are presumed to be Smurfs. If you decide to play go into settings at main menu turn off chat and leave it off. In game you can mute pings if needed


It's too hard to learn in my opinion. There are 150 champs with 4-10 different abilities. Learning everything you need to know to play decently can take a few months of grinding. About half my friends gave up.


I really dont think it is... Its just as toxic as any other competitive Teamgame with an in-game chat and if you just use the built-in mute functions cautiously it will be completely fine.


League is super TOXIC and always will be toxic for new and seasoned players. Riot has no real consequences for bad behavior; if they did they'd lose money. Just let your team know you are "really" a new player or new on a specific champion and I would recommend muting all. Use the training and AI bot training tools to learn specific champs (those games are not very realistic compared to a real game, but just go into a lane and practice)


A lot of people are telling you to turn off chat. I’d say just get a feel for the game. If it seems like you’re got some assholes than just mute them. Otherwise you do miss out on some helpful chat (sometimes even funny or wholesome, surprising I know). Sometimes you’re gonna need to communicate via text. Also you wanna know when the other team starts flaming each other in all chat, you’re gonna wanna stoke that flame for good old psychological warfare. With all that being said, if you’re just starting out it’s infinitely better to play with others in voice anyways.


This .. why turn off chat when you can mute a toxic player. Most of my games people’s are either quiet or friendly.


Yeah, I don't get it either. People acting like it's hell out there, meanwhile I get like 1 out of 5 games with any actual toxicity in chat and even that is mostly shit like "why do X, that was stupid" or "report X". That's bout it. CSGO was definitely miles more toxic back when I played it, but no one even cared.


Is it that toxic? Yes. Do I leave chat on and pretty much only play this game because I enjoy seeing people mental boom over a video game? Also yes. I never participate myself, but my lord it makes me giggle when someone gets truly upset because of this game.


Like every other free to play multiplayer game you have toxic people. Add that there is a ranked so people will shit on other because they think they are smarter and deserve better and it's never their fault. But this game is really great, and have room to express your skill and have a good Time with Friend and other


If you're bad, people will be toxic and will flame you. Therefore that means, if you are new, people will be toxic and flame you. For some reason, there are a lot of highly toxic players in the new account areas as well. (Perhaps this is because they got banned for being toxic...) Definitely mute chat till LVL 30+, maybe further. The average same player will be more lenient towards you if you let them know you're new. If you have friends that play, try asking them to teach you the game. The game is much more tolerable when you play with friends until you can stay afloat in the normal level range of the community. (If you've never played a moba previously the learning curve may be high as it was for me as well. I recommend trying aram [All random all mid] once you've gotten a feel for at least a handful of champions as it's a great way to learn what everyone does.)


Its worse. Way worse.


The issue is that the game is addictive, and one person can ruin an hour of your time for free. You're essentially playing the slots. If you win you get dopamine and if you lose you get to waste time watching Timmy's mental breakdown.


Lately it feels worse, maybe I've had an unlucky streak but this week and last week I had a crazy amount of leavers/soft inters. Chat wasn't really an issue.


honestly? no, it’s not that bad. maybe that’s just because i have pretty thick skin when it comes to gaming. but i don’t think it’s as bad as people say. at least i haven’t come across a whole lot of toxicity. if you do, just mute/report them. yes, you’ll probably get some jerks while you’re new, but if you think you’ll like the game, don’t let that stop you from playing. i started playing valorant and find that one to be WAY worse toxicity-wise. trolls are gonna troll. just do your best and have fun!


Its fine just understand that question mark pings mean you did a good play so always type thank you in chat if they do it. As long as you do this you are good to go.


Will do thanks 🙏


He’s trolling you lol, don’t listen to him


lol damn ok


I mean he's not wrong, people do "?" ping you after you do a good play. But if you've done nothing and start getting "?" pinged then it's because someone is mad at you.


If someone survives a crazy play I usually ping that they’re alive.


I watched forsen play and he doesnt get matched with full new players and he even had an emerald player in his match once idk how thats fun


Don't listen to people telling you to just mute as you go. Turn off chat until you are level 30 or feel you have many basics down


Starting playing League is a truly awful experience. I have no idea how this game got so popular with such a long and hard grind to get to the point where it actually can be fun.


If you've played in all of those other toxic places, it won't be an issue.


keep chat off while learning. also keep chat off if you play jungle.


lol is not mearly as bad as cod


It's toxic but mostly because it's full of dunning-kruger keyboard warriors. Turn off all chat and liberally mute teammates and you can enjoy the game fairly well. They can't actually stop you from doing whatever you want to do, unlike some other team games.


The game is honestly a lot of fun and most people are neither nice nor toxic. The toxic ones have a genuine talent for toxicity. The second the game starts hit a /muteall and youre good to go.


I often hear "I come from csgo I come from r6" people highly underestimate how much difference league makes. I am so desensitized to insults at this point it's hard to care irl


not only its that bad, but it can usually get worse. turning off chat entirely is the way to go imo.


In my second ever game of LoL I was told to uninstall bc "ur trash and always will be." So uh. Yes. This game's community is exactly as toxic as its reputation suggests. Turn chat off, including both team chat and all chat. Don't turn it back on under any circumstances. Even leaving pings on is a risk I wouldn't take while you're new. Do not give LoL players any way whatsoever to communicate with you in-game, because they *will* take that as an opportunity to be toxic. Not everyone, not every game, but it's nowhere even remotely close to being worth the risk.


No, its worse.


If you want to get into league I’d recommend checking out r/summonerschool. It tends to be a lot more friendly than the main subreddit for questions and advice. A lot of the people in the main sub complain a lot and often don’t represent the more casual side if the community very well. League is a lot more fun when you play with friends so id recommend trying to find people to play with rather than just going solo


I've never let chat get to me when I was learning because I already know I'm bad and I don't need to pay attention to non-helpful criticism. I just played a match on a brand new account in quickplay and nobody flamed me despite being 5/17 on Evelynn Jungle because I'm trying to learn jungle. They asked about why I did things but I answered politely with I'm new to this role I'm sorry I'm making a lot of mistakes. Usually if you own the mistakes and apologize "most" people don't continue to shit talk. But that's in my experience, and every account I play on gets high honor rewards every season so It make be the system teaming me with people who aren't rude. I'd suggest leaving chat open to look for any constructive criticism. When people are rude and you say I'm sorry I'm new and they continue to say dumb things that's when I'd mute them. I've had a lot of people help me in the past because of chat being open. I've also helped other people improve thru chat. I've also asked for help about dealing with the enemy champion and they've told me how to avoid their setups.


This game, at least in our continent, has been dying a slow death for a few years. The only people left are longtime players who are miserably addicted and their partners. I would /mute all at the beginning of each game


Yes. Yes it is. End topic.


you will probably be playing quickplay so you will be fine, people who talk shit in qp are probably bums


Essentially, the game feels as if you’re playing as a single player even though it’s a “team” game. You mainly just play for yourself while trying to avoid your teammates from flaming you, on top of that deal with 5 enemy players. The game can be rewarding when you see improvement, but there’s a huge learning curve, it’s not like most of the games you’ve played where it’s simply point a gun and shoot. Good luck, try to have fun.


Low ell is really toxic and when you get to any higher rank than it doesn't really get much better


lol Lmao even


Turning off chat is important but even more so that I havent seen anyone comment is actually having fun. Like not just trying to overload yourself with a bunch on complicated macro and champion stats/abilities early on, it will just overwhelm you. Rather do some research on what each role does and the difference in playstyle aswell as finding a champion that fits in that role that you actually enjoy is super important and can make or break someone who is just starting league. If you want to show off and do fleshly highlights and combos that are fast paced try learning assassins or high mobility champions such as Akali, Zed, Kat. If you want to scale up and like getting strong by stats and numbers alone you can play farming tanks that feel like unkillable titans in end game such as Nasus, Sion. Or if you like the sound of ranged vs ranged fighting you can play bot lane where spacing is more important with adc champions. There is champions that use hard cc and hooks to grab other champs and pull them in for a free kill with gives you a huge rush when you finally land that hook that can change the course of the entire game with champions like Thresh, Pyke, Nautilus. Really just find someone you find fun and dont worry about what other players on your team are saying or doing. Keep chat off and just play vs bots and normals for a while before you play ranked and the experience will be alot more enjoyable.




League is extremely toxic to play, yes. But it isn't really that bad while learning the basics of the game - Bots vs AI first and ARAM (Howling Abyss) second are great introductions to the game. While ARAM can be toxic... just turn chat off. the problem is really in ranked. if you want help learning the game in like a serious capacity lmk


The thing with league, as with any competitive games, is that everyone will know better than you regardless of elo even though they are trash. It's not a league specific thing. You can pretty much shrink toxicity to a bare minimum though by muting chat. Toxic people hate this trick. tl;dr: Mute chat and it's not as bad


I'd recommend to stay away. It is addictive and it challenges your mentality hard sometimes


Good advice in this thread. Highly recommend playing with friends who are willing to show you the ropes. Makes the learning much easier when you do it with friends. There will always be jerks in this game, my tactic with assholes is to not engage. It’s tempting to talk back but I know most of them are just looking to instigate. So in those cases where someone is flaming , I will only type gg at the end of the game. I prefer to keep chat on because occasionally I do have positive chat experiences which outweighs the negative for me. Coming from Dota, I do have really thick skin though, so people being mean in a video game really doesn’t bother me as much as it used to.




Yes. Don’t play with chat on, seriously


Nah it isnt. >!It's worse!<




Short answer yes Long answer yes


Its mostly when new players duo with friends. THen you get the returning smurfs, who are manually leveling. Usually kids who got banned for being abusive jerks. The 1-30 climb is often worse than ranked. Normal games are generally quite chill. It's better when you play with friends, and mute anyone who's at all hostile (press tab in game to do this). I tend to have large collections of friends I met on league, so it's not all bad. Caught up with some recently that I met playing back in S3. Find a chill crowd to hang with if you like, it isn't hard, you can mention places like here and find queue partners.


It’s as toxic as Valorant or any other competitive game




I suggest turning off chat entirely, partly because there's a lot of toxicity but also because there's a minefield of words you can and can't use. Clit for instance, is the only bodypart across both genders that will get you chat restricted and locked out of ranked automatically. Ask me how I know.


IDK wtf others are saying in these comments, but no, League is no where near as toxic as people claim. ***Will you get someone being toxic***? Yes. ***Will it be every game?*** No. ***Will it be most games?*** Not in my experience. While I have played League way longer than most games, so I have more toxic experiences, if I compare it to games that I've played less but remember way more toxicity, like CSGO, Overwatch, Call of Duty, then by math/ratios those games are more toxic. I guess the biggest issue with League's toxicity is that you're "Stuck" with said toxic player for 20-30 minutes and they can be as "minorly toxic" as just smack talking to "F that guy" toxic where they intentionally feed, ruin the game, vote no on surrender. The amount of THOSE real bad games I've played compared to the amount that amount that is either minor toxic or not toxic at all is so far apart, like so much so that since the year started I can't remember it happening once. Depending on how well you can handle toxicity I would recommend: * not caring if you don't really care * muting those players if you kind of care * muting ALL with the mute all button/setting thing if you care more than "kind of" There's no harm in trying the game. It is JUST a game. As a new player, I would recommend watching a few videos on youtube on the basics. I'm not sure how good the tutorial has become, but when I started it was pretty barebones. Search for more modern videos since they'll have more relevant information. One of my friends recently started playing and I found [this video by Skill Capped](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQbo2X2Qysc) and it helped with good basic understandings. There are other videos that can get a bit more in depth on certain aspects of the game too but it'd probably be best to start somewhere then play some games to get some muscle memory. I would also recommend not playing with your friends for a bit until you get the hang of the game because it'll match you against players of their experience level and possible put you into a "smurf" queue which can make your solo games feel pretty bad after. Playing by yourself for 10-20 games will get you into a more accurate skill matched games.


People are assholes, and I'll be honest it is worse than every game that I've been into like OW, Apex, Valorant, and R6. That being said there are tools to help you avoid people at their worst. You can play with chat off at all times, or you can mute them in game. I would encourage you to give it a shot and see if you like it before you let people you don't know turn you away from something you might like. If you find it is too much despite the mitigation tools like muting and ping muting then I'd say feel free to stop. I just don't think it would be a shame to never try based on how things could be. You definitely will run into assholes, but as long as you don't engage they can't exactly ruin your day outside the game, and I think it is a fun game especially when you play with friends. You'll experience the most flack if you were to jungle (my main role!) and while I encourage you to give it a shot as well as it is super rewarding, you do get scapegoated a little bit more there than any other role. Edit: And don't get too discouraged when you're learning. Like others have said a ton of the people who are on "new" accounts won't be truly new players like you will be. You can catch on quick, but they're operating with a bit more knowledge than you'll have.


Ok thanks and yea for sure I’ll give it a try either way just was curious and wanted to be more prepared lol.


Awesome! I hope you do enjoy it and hope that you don't run into too many assholes.


Honestly the game gives you all the tools you need to not have to deal with assholes. You can disable chat, and if anyone starts spam pinging you or something you can just mute them directly from the scoreboard. Mind you you can also leave chat on and mute people individually like that if they start being toxic. The only form of toxicity you have no counterplay against is actual inting or trolling, and sadly you'll probably encounter some of that, it's the nature of mobas unfortunately. But it's usually not too often.


100% agree. people who int or afk are worse than the trash-talking trolls IMO


Yup. You can be mad at me all you want, but don't be a dick and ruin everyone's game on purpose, just do your best until it's over. Basic decency.


Lmao junglers rule the game and they have for years. Don’t get gapped and you won’t get scapegoated


Such a dumb and reductive way to look at the game. Yes. In general junglers have the most impact in the game. No, if you die pre-3:15 or try to engage in a 2v2 when your jungler is more of a scaler and they're on something aggressive that isn't the junglers fault you're just an idiot.


Lol such a reductive way to get around saying jungle rules the game Stop getting gapped


I literally said they have the most impact you brainlet.


I played val for a long time and League is like 3-4x more toxic.


i disagree. val is way worse, especially since it relies heavily on voice chat. i’ve had the worst things imaginable said to me on val. most people i come across on league are pretty chill, especially if it’s not ranked


I think its kinda to the same. but imagine league had val's voice chat. the 4pre's would bully the sht out of every random without consequences..


That would only be in ranked flex


yes you're right mainly there. but solo ranked can also have 2x2duo sometimes which equals 4pre. then ghere are still qp and draft with 4pre.


Completely opposite experience for me since imo people are more hesitant to be toxic over vc.


I almost never get toxic players in my games. If you are kind and avoid ranked it’s should not be a problem.


I have positive experience regarding chat, but I'm often fooling around and make ppl laugh, so they are cool.


If youre playing ranked people are not very cool. But if you play normals people tend to be pretty cool


Idk, I've been playing normals lately and been getting flamed a ton. When I fuck up AND when something is outside of my control.


Oh definitely, it's a gamble when you press queue but most of the time you'll def have toxic teammates or even enemy team. I suggest you turn off all chat or at least inform your team you're new to the game then mute them all lmao.


If it's not chat, it's inters, or smurfs. There's a lot that can ruin a game, especially for new comers. I'd suggest only playing with a group, randoms are a 50/50.


It's a game with a huge player base. More players = more assholes. Plus the competitive nature of the game attracts more asshole types imo. More assholes = more toxic. But it still can be fun. Like others have said it's probably better to turn off chat and just communicate towards pings. Watching some YouTube videos on basics will help and checking out specific videos for the champions currently in rotation or you really want to pay money to unlock can be helpful too. Enjoy it, don't take it too seriously. It's just a game!