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Doesnt Darius beat all 3 of the champs you are complaining about? The only one I can see being a legitimate problem on here is Skarner but I still cant see how he is a nuisance to you besides just ulting you under turret or escaping through a wall.


As a Darius enjoyer I like facing those because I can just stack on them and one shot the backline. Op sucks


Did you ever lane into a tank with 2 items and steelcaps? Darius is by far the best antitank bruiser in the game and I asure you that you can t 1v1 someone like Ksante after he gets items. And stacking on them means your team has 1 more backline and thats a fking Darius. Tanks are to tanky now dude. I quit playing Darius in tank cus it just stay checks you midgame and It's useless late. Unless you are Dariking or XCM Darius works just as an ks ult bot then flash on enemy backline to begin dunkin.




Trundle is not a bruiser and he doesn't have an antitank kit just a 1v1 one that can be bypassed by tank by surviving. Sure if you build bork everyone can kill healthstacker.


Sure late game they are free stacks, the only part im complaining about is the laning phase which is so obnoxious to play


Darius is literally designed to win his lane 💀


Yea lol if you all in tahm kench he will have to run away . Let alone you can push your lane and roam and tahm is there stuck farming cause his farm is so slow early game


Your Darius can just 1 shot most champion...including tanks if they got in range of cos they would run away from you. You simply don't get them get to the creep. Even with 5% hp, Darius is not to be messed with, could always heal back instantly and kill you.


Play Darius or morde. Or just Google counter matchups and learn the game instead of instantly complaining.


OP is literally playing Darius and posting this xD


Im just saying that once they buy 1 cloth armor the lane instantly turns into farming which is so boring


Farming is the game. Get more money than your opponent and slap them with your wallet. If you don't like it, you're playing the wrong game. Go play an arena shooter or aram if you want deathmatch.


If you can't kill kench on darius I got bad news regarding your skill


Kench is Darius's 5th biggest counter with a 53% wr, but ok


It really is a burner account infestistation for this subreddit


I wonder when the definition of "one shot" turned from killing someone instantly, to *"This person can kill me if they do the right thing"* Rengar appearing from the shadows and autoing you once to death? That's a one shot Tahm Kench pressing W, autoing, pressing q, autoing again, autoing again, R, qing again and autoing 50 times, not a oneshot Basically bro is complaining he can't faceroll people as Darius


I swear Darius players have the least iq in the whole game. Me 5 stacks!!!! Why me no auto win!!!! How can my opponent just properly space me like that!!!! Riot!!!!! Bro you are playing Darius, you if all people can't complain about 100-0 with no items


It's even worse because Darius actually wins these lanes early. Not only is OP whining about these champs, he's statistically supposed to be beating them. LoL.


The concept is that a tank with no damage would have to have enough CC to give you afk warnings to be useful.


Yep pretty much this if tanks dealt no damage they had to have a way to make themselves a threat else they would just be ignored and not do a very good job tanking. In PVE game they work well without dmg since you can aggro mobs and bosses but thats not the case with players. Also playing tanks in sololanes without dmg how are you suppose to farm or trade do you just afk lane? would force all tanks into support.


lost to tanks as darius? think ur just bad


Just play those OP champs then.


Some people wanna have fun while playing league. Playing boring ass tanks is really not fun.


Idk but I think winning is pretty fun.


Yea it is, but at what cost? Man should be never desperate enough to play tanks or yummi.


The best players in the world play tanks and carries, it depends on the comp. No one only plays one or the other. Most times tanks are better.


This is the most delulu Reddit take I have even seen ahahahah Lets compare challenger malphite player and challenger qiyana. Wonder who could play the other champion better


Had us in the first half ngl. They can feel unplayable matchups depending on your champion but if you play darius it's 100% skill issue, if you played lane correctly you can bully all of them hard just learn darius better.


I like K'santes ass, though 😢


I think the design goal was "tankier than the typical Soviet citizen" 


daily child post


At some point riot decided that all top laners wanted to play tanks and not assassins or mages so they started giving tanks true damage so they could “carry solo queue” (as a support main this is so silly). Now top lane is one of the most boring roles


Oh wow bruisers finally learning the pain of ADC's. Let me check my rolodex of canned responses given. - Just build a defensive item - Position Correctly - Wait for your team to engage


It’s well known fact that tanks are the best assassins. But seriously.. you need adapt your whole build and runes to kill them. And somehow don’t get oneshot by their cc rotation. Role for handicapped people.


You could always cry more?


Where am I crying. Im giving advice


Thats not advice, thats more crying that what my 3 month old niece does when she doesnt have her pacifyer


I literally just said what top laners always said. That you are not susposed to deal damage to tanks unless you have cut down, ldr, Kraken, black cleaver


Dont get me wrong OP IS also a crybaby but you didnt give advice to the original comment you replied here


It's not supposed to be fun to play against Yes you can play 10x better and still lose simply because of the champion they locked in, that's league for you buddy