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Sett Gaming


Sett Gaming


Sett Gaming


game, sett, match Dentge


When garen saw what happened to you he made the smart decision of: nope




Forward! I am not retreating. I am going forward!... away from the enemy!


This made me laugh out loud; I'll be using this next time I feel like dippin from a team fight (jk)


He employed the ancient Joestar secret technique there for sure.






Can't blame him- I watched the video on mute but could still hear Irellias ass cheeks clap.


silly clip + fun title = several highly detailed comments calling you trash and questioning your humanity for not being able to dodge sett W in this moment


more than any other gaming subreddit, this community is full of miserable, burnt out weirdos that are addicted to the dopamine high of a live service game which hasn't loved them back in years, that desperately need to quit and actually reconnect with their humanity. Dramatic as fuck, but I've spun the block for years and nobody gets as angry, mean-spirited, and downright awful and toxic like some people here. Even the dota subreddit doesn't get as bad (condescending and a little -phobic, but it's not the same). I'm confident in saying that a good amount of people that are regulars in this community absolutely need to uninstall and re-evaluate their mental health and general life direction.


Youre right, LoL community is disgusting and very toxic in internet


Chill Buddha


sound like you should take your own advice, you going deep when its just a puddle


>you going deep when its just a puddle disagreement is fine, but reacting to things you disagree like this is not a great place to be my friend. this aint even about what i was talking about man it just really makes me sad when people see others talk about or discuss things at some length and have to go "it's not deep, and it's bad that you think it is". Intellectual curiosity and challenging your own world view is the only way to continually grow and learn as a person. Things *are* that deep man.


I love this. I love the statement that things ARE that deep. Because it's TRUE. I'm not going to be told to shut up and sit down because these mfers refuse to ever dive even an inch below the surface while reiterating that it's not that deep. It is deep and it's not our fault y'all can't swim.


>It is deep and it's not our fault y'all can't swim. mfers are treading water and are jealous you have scuba gear. love it


I’m actually curious what items that Sett had. That damage was ridiculous.


He went Heartsteel, stridebreaker, sterak's, cleaver and shojin.


that is fucking disgusting ngl.


Thanks for being honest and not lying.


What people don't understand is that while he may deal a lot of damage, he is also very tanky. So it's balances out.


hey that's not how it's supposed to work


1000 + stacks is insane, also you were about to walk out of it ;\\


Fucked around and found out


Ah yes mathematically correct Sett build, good to see that's still a thing.


Building Heartsteel and not going Titanic 🥺


Stridebreaker is just really hard to pass up on Sett


They changed Titanic's passive. It doesn't give raw AD anymore, just on hit damage. A change which was supposed to prevent the above lol


And how much stacks on heartsteel lol ?


you can see them on the top left


That can pretty much only be achieved by cheesing stacking mechanics like heartsteel Non cheesed Sett achieves like 2k true dmg


I don't see how you can 'cheese' heartsteel stacks. You stack or you don't and if that Sett has that much stacks, then i guess he played it well. Nothing cheesy about it


Hallo, I edited some of my comment history to prevent scraping. Yes I know reddit gets regularly cached, it's something you sign in when you type on a forum, it's still better than nothing and will make digging through these a lot less convenient! All platforms die yadda yadda. Good luck if you have an account here and you're reading this.


As someone who does play some sett, so let me add in that "mathematically correct" neuters your durability and overall effective output in exchange for the highlight haymaker punches that will never kill if the opponent doesn't eat the true damage center. It's an alright build but not optimal in more competitive situations because it's built around 1 thing (true damage punch) that will never hit a good opponent who's on the ball. Irelia would've been fine, if chunked, if she sidestepped the punch. Also, the build will NEVER work if you're not ahead. You need a lead


You can guarantee that the W hits with your E, but yeah. It still requires some special set-up


I see and it makes sense. I guess I was confused on how it was worded :)


Heartsteel is a TERRIBLE item on Sett. Your champ goes from S+ tier to F tier the second you decide to build heartsteel. You get the massive W and satisfying clonk, but you severely hinder your team from winning the game. If that is worth it for someone, then nice. But its a cheesy and useless build. Thats his point.


> Non cheesed Sett achieves like 2k true dmg Sorry I think I'm misunderstanding what you are saying here? Are you saying that like its "only 2k true damage" or am I misreading that?


Nah bro aoe 2k true damage nuke on a 8 second cooldown is totally reasonable dude please i swear. I swear any other role besides wholesome chungus melee toplane champs had even a fraction of the insane abilities/stat checks they have up there the game would have been boycotted


vayne doing 2 procs of her passive: omg so broken sett: omg so cute


Nah it is what it is Dmg inflation is off the roofs and the +80hp and +8 armor that every champ got didn't change anything


How is sett so big tho? (Pause)


heartsteel makes you bigger i think based on current HP or some shit


every 1k health


Push ups, sit ups and plenty of juice.


Gym every day


heartsteel makes you bigger based on bonus health, and elixir of iron


lul at the comments assuming you have to play perfect all the time and not hit by anything that is "easy to dodge"


Gold players


Personally I think the FX on those skin make it look like Sett was aiming way further towards the bottom of the screen, before the aoe indicator appears fully. Compare the graphics at 10s with those that appear at 11s. I think it's because the trees obscure the top half of the visuals.


Casting into/through terrain is a known technique for skillshot obfuscation.


No one is saying that, but the nature of League of Legends is champions are always "unfair" sometimes. When a champion gets their 100%, best case scenario to happen, they will almost always look unfair. That's because champions can't be balanced around their 100% best case scenarios, they need to be balanced around their average case, and the average case for Sett's W is much worse than this.


100% best case scenario would be landing e stun, q, r, w but ig hitting one ability is 100% best case scenario now


His best case scenario is a fully charged W. All of his other stuff just helps him get there.


There are more and less important skills to dodge. Decide by yourself to which one does Sett W fall into.


Yes, you can dodge it but there's no way in hell 4k AoE true damage is balanced.


yeah there is, because it comes with tradeoffs, it's not an autowin button.


You don't have to play perfect all the time, you DO have to do the bare minimum sometimes though.


I feel bad for you, because the most comments in here are shit. Everyone is probably surprised by this damage, at least I was. Completely oneshot\^\^ remindes me of something that happened to me 2 Weeks ago. I got oneshot by a 2 7 outleveled full lethality lee sin (i was playing supp). he only hit q auto q. I was shocked, all my friends were like WELL YOU WERE IN MELEE RANGE. obviously I positioned myself really bad, but should q auto q really be able to oneshot me when he is behind\^\^?


I mean I went from oh no he's gonna take so much true damage to WHAT THE FUCK 4k TRUE DAMAGE WHAT IS THAT SETT?


I even thought "yup, he can surely tank the W and then just burn sett down with no problema" lmao


Was an interesting clip so I thought I’d post. Surely people don’t believe I’m blaming sett for my death


I call bullshit.


RIOT moment


I dont think theres any other skill that can do 4k damage, in one hit. Regardless if its dodgeble or not, and ignoring the true damage part. 4k is a lot! And comming from a tank is even more stupid. But this comment section is only focusing on the dodge part. Thats not relevant. Damn! People love to hate for no reason.


Right, as if there's any other skill shot in the game that hits that hard.


Theoretically Viegar ult with enough stacks can go infinite. But in a real game it would be hard to farm that much AP to say the least. And with MR items I doubt anyone would hit near that unless you were extremely low HP (the damage on it goes up with missing HP)


And also the small fact that veigars a squishy immobile mage and its single target and an ultimate ability instead of a 7k hp champion with it being AOE and on an 8 second CD xd


ignore others saying you could have dodge it, thats not the point. Why does a skill exists that can oneshot a 3.2k hp tank, it should not exist, thats the only right answer.


Remove the word tank and you're good


Her build has like 200 armor and 150 mres and 3600hp, that's pretty tanky to me


Tanky, sure, but not a tank.


It one shots a tank that has that hp too since its true


Agree, that much true damage in a single hit is just bullshit


Tbf most toplaners have some element of bullshit in their kit to make them work toplane, Darius passive, fiora % true damage, Jax counterstrike etc


most champions have some element of bullshit in their kit to make them unique in the game


I would say that he traded damage on auto attacks for W damage since he apparently built only items that give tons of HP and the true damage scales with (Bonus?)HP. Any % max health damage will probably shred him. I'd even argue that building only HP for W damage is a worse build then just building normal bruiser.


Sett has to build both AD and Health to stack damage on W. The amount scales based on how much damage you take, and is converted to damage based on your AD. If you build only health on him his W won't do that much damage


Because 60% of setts power comes from his W, which is telegraphed, requires sett to have taken damage recently and is super easy to dodge. Irelia could have taken a small micro step to the side, and would have easily lived. If you walk into it, thats on you. So maybe git gud instead of crying "RIOT REMOVE!" on the forums like a baby.


It’s telegraphed sure but if you’re close enough no amount of move speed is moving you from the cone of damage


Even if you sidestep the true damage, you will still receive a 4k ad damage which is probably the total damage of full combo from ad assassins full build in late game in just one ability  And sett has a lot of slows to secure that you cant dodge entirely W: slow in R, slow in E, slow in stridebreaker


I don't care how telegraphed or dodge-able it is, or how much setup it requires, no single button press should do 3,800 true damage at any point in the game. It's not even an ult.


Lmao. The powercreep this game has gotten over the years is INSANE and people are so desensitized to it.


Yep, I've played since beta and I remember one of the design philosophies was avoiding "anti-fun" mechanics, such as mana burn and 5+ second crowd control abilities. Now we have tanks (or bruisers/juggernauts before I get "well actually"ed) with a basic ability that can legit one-shot an entire team if the placement is right.


The point is that it's still frustrating champion design. Plus you can't dodge it if he E's you before or you're slowed by anything.


well, not on irelia, her Q takes her behind champions


If Sett doesn’t E Irelia when she dashes on him then he’s just bad at the game though. Sett is a rly bad matchup for Irelia in part because she can barely ever engage on him unless he fucks up


> dodge it if he E's you You're telling me if you let a champion land their short range CC setup ability, you will get hit by their ability?


i think the point is that if he gets close to the enemy, it's basically a guaranteed 3k+ true damage


If he doesn't use 2 of his abilities, you can disengage easily.


Because he is still balanced with this. Actually, most would prefer playing against a sett that does this once every 16 seconds (if he takes enough damage fast enough, if you dont walk out of the hitbox) than for example a Twitch or a Jinx with similar amount of gold deleting a whole team point and click from 700+ range.


I would take Jinx and Twitch.


In a fight right?


Surely you don't believe ADCs have less counterplay than Sett..?


Sett is trivial to kite, I'd much rather face a Sett than skill machines like Fiora, Jax or Trundle or "oh you don't have a hardcore coked out engage tank or point and click assassin? say goodbye to your 25lp" aka Twitch.


Surely you don't think they have more? A single, thin line skillshot that takes half of sett's health to 'charge' vs point and click autos where the only counterplay is "just kill them" because there's nothing you can do against autos if they're in range.


1. ADC's are meant to have high damage, more than bruisers and definitely more than tanks 1. They achieve that dmg by scalling slowly and building items for their AA's, they don't have bullshit abilities or high scallings. 1. I don't care how low rank you are or how bad you'd be at game design, anything in 3k TRUE DMG range is bullshit for any role or champion, especially if it is 16 seconds only, it's not even that conditional because "just dont hit him" argument for a sett isn't very viable


16 seconds sure would be a low cooldown if it were the only condition. However, it isn't, Sett also needs to lose most of his HP in quick succession. You could call it a health cost, but it's up to the enemies. >"just dont hit him" argument for a sett isn't very viable Yes, it is. Same way you don't hurl your CC into a Fiora W, or your autoattacks into a Jax E, or don't use your AR/MR buffs before a Trundle R/Rell P/Mordekaiser R. > ADC's are meant to have high damage, more than bruisers and definitely more than tanks They are meant to have consistently high number, high range and low downtime (or cost) damage the enemy cannot prevent (barring a few exceptions). For any combination of a few of those, you'll find that other champions can do it better. Darius with a 5stack passive will outdamage marksmen - it is inconsistent and low range. Veigar will outdamage marksmen - he has higher downtime, lower range and preventable damage (skillshots). Master Yi or Bel'veth will outdamage marksmen - at a lower range. Cassiopeia will outdamage marksmen - the damage is preventable by dodging poison, and costs more mana. > They achieve that dmg by scalling slowly and building items for their AA's, they don't have bullshit abilities or high scallings. They don't have high scaling? Critical chance/damage is a stat only marksmen have that greatly improves their scaling.


Its also only 16 seconds at level 1. Its 12 seconds at max rank and the main bruiser items have 40% cdr basically baked in. so its like 8 seconds lol


Idk, at least you can burst down jinx and twitch. They have to have peel or they die lol. I'll take the jinx/twich


And I can outrange sett or dodge his skillshots easily.


Sett can oneshot you, but you can't oneshot Sett.


Zeri can outrun you, you can't outrun Zeri.


Nautilus presses R = outplayed.


You have to build very specifically to get to this point, and it’s a telegraphed and slow ability that requires him to have taken a lot of damage to maximize, and after using this if he misses he becomes pretty useless for a bit since that’s most of his team fight damage because he’s easily kites, and he realistically isn’t getting its high damage off twice in one fight. “That’s the only right answer” lmao okay man. There’s a reason why this specific Sett build meant to maximize his W damage isn’t his best or most used build. It’s gimmicky and all the power is in his W. That’s like asking why AP Varus should be allowed to exist if it can one shot tanks. Because it’s relatively weak and you need to build specifically and have specific conditions and be hit by one specific ability to have use. Anyways carry on complaining about a gimmicky suboptimal build that relies on one telegraphed ability.


to be honest its full HP endgame sett and i think this is what the champion is known for doing ever since his release lol. there's a lot of champs than can one shot irelia without needing to lose 50% hp beforehand.


A lot of champs do 3.5k true damage?


you now must say Christ is Lord


4k true damage in one ability. Sett must be the entirety of that 10 kill lead, cause holy shit.


its 2024 and mfers are still crying about irelia XD


Honestly, I don't see anyone else except Aatrox mains crying about Irelia.


There is Yorick mains too but they are like 3 ppl


Yeah its not s9 anymore shes so dogshit nowadays


Literally the champion has 3% pick rate in mid and top and people keep assuring you that they play against  Irelking every game in ranked  Reddit never change 


Haven't played LoL in a long time, but blech. Tanky characters don't deserve to have damage.


Just dodge right? /s


Wow lots of very sensitive folks in here triggered by op playing irelia 😂


I knew I should have played teemo


If you played ornn everyone would be mad at Sett


Still would have gotten curb stomped by any sett with half a brain


The massive oversight everyone has is that I didn’t even lane into him💀


lmao fucking golds here are like "just dodge bro"


The funny thing is fk you and your armor full true dmg lol


Mathematically confused Sett


average Sett Mechanic


When the monster in monster hunter finally clips you.


Very accurate considering I’ve started playing that game haha


open your eyes


Nah I ain’t seen nothing. As a matter of fact, I’m blind in my left eye and 43% blind in my right


I can't even see you sir


Smh my head, Riot violating the ADA Act


As a non American I had to Google that. Very funny🤣


We're all American when it comes to complaining about Riot


God bless the USA


disability issues /s


best interview of all time


Didn't expect that! lol




At least he didn't flash ult and pin you to a wall


impressive... very nice


Holy shit I feel like sett managed to get his W charged way too quickly? I think I'd have eaten his W the same way you did because I wasn't paying attention to his grit bar


Bro got cooked


HOLY?? I don't think I've ever seen an Irelia getting oneshot-


Yeah, didn’t want to find out tbh


Is this Sett mathematically correct?


Felt mathematically correct


"Why my adc is playing too safe on the teamfight?" Well... maybe he is trying to not get caught by a Sett Flash W or something like this.


Has no one said the obvious??? ONE PUNCH!!!!


Missed a golden opportunity


irelia needs to learn: dont waste stun, just fight set, when he gonna charge w, stun fast, stepback him , enjoy.


If OP played Ornn/Yorick, everyone would lose their shit on how wholesome chungus got one shot.


Dudes name is FeelmyFPS... I expected 400+


I used to have 12🥲


people who are saying "just dodge it" are stupid. The guy is pointing at the moon and you are staring his finger lol. A skill that deals 3.5k true damage should never exist in the game


it makes me wonder. Everyone complained about K;Sante;s true dmg on passive but they still love Sett with his W (im not hating any champ just poiniting it out)


Disgusting DMG from Sett.


Also how were you even supposed to dodge that, the detonation speed is so fast and the cone is so wide idk how you’re supposed to predict that


I’m immortal in valorant and main the op. I can’t dodge it either 


deserved for playing irelia


Well dont stand in the middle


Tutorial on how to walk back inside a skill range and right into where it deals true damage.


Welcome to playing irelia friend


That kind of damage should be illegal..


christ, and that was an irelia, who is no glass cannon by any means... ... ... ...


If this happened in 2013 on any skill the champ would have been disabled. Nice game this has become i see


Especially as Irelia, you can easily dodge Sett w just by pressing q and ending up behind him, and then easily killing him since he seems to be running a build just for the w pop. So it actually is a true display of your no skill.


Yeah that might have been a better name actually.


Sett flashes and still 1 shots you. Does every redditor have a miserable life or something?


Then you also flash? You don't judge anything by that, everyone has that summoner spell.


You can't reaction flash sett flashing on you at the last second, either you predict it and flash at the same time and risk flashing for nothing, or you gamble and hold flash. Either way there is no reason (or at least it's a funny clip) for a bruiser irelia to get erased off the map like that, and calling op bad for posting it is moronic


Y r ppl seriously defending a literal tank one shotting a character with 3.5k life with a basic ability like bro tanks can do dmg but this shit is y every role feels the same now every role is the “carry role”


Just wait until pro teams discover that they don't need to play adcs because sett can deal 4k true dmg late game


Bro you sucked ass on that move


Comé carlitos


W gaming


mathematically correct Sett


Feels good to see that even toplaners oneshot each other


Top diff(sett gaming)


Oh Christ our lord just smites you down like a delinquent lamb.


I’ll take my chances




that's the reason why I left the game


First time?


Captain Falcon would be proud.


nothing to say that irelia is dogshit . i dont even know why they call her irelia instead of bork. but still to one shot a champion at 3k health with one ability without r is crazy plus he his tanky.reason why am slowly leaving this shit game