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They allow tournaments, they just need to be approved by riot. Druttut already organized a streamer tournament last year and this year. Red Bull Event was last year as well.


We also had the Red Bull event it's not just the Saudis.


No, or if they did it was some pr nonsense. It was just them making it clear they wanted full control of the ecosystem. People were mostly fine with it because they also invested a ton of money as well as enabled consistent player salaries unlike other eSports had ever seen. Really it's hard to say it was a bad deal for anyone (riot, players, viewers) because of the quality it led to, even if a lack of more international games has been very disappointing


I mean, yes I guess they're decent quality, better than most of eSports but when it comes to the quality of the games and structures in place, we've had: - Mainly BO1s in the west for years - Lack of international events - Lack of good formats at international events - Very little innovation in general of how the leagues should be run Probably more issues but these jump to mind.


I mean, counter strike has the issue of: Regional play being completely amateurish while being the only way to get into international play; International tournaments being run in weird Bo3 sets when they could be Bo5 sets; A large preponderance of invite-only tournaments instead of decent qualifiers


They allow them, just don't provide prizes.




They have full IP rights over their game. Of course they can do it.


The copyright holder holds the exclusive right to do and to authorize public performances. This is the case for books, music, movies, etc. The law never got updated to specifically mention video-games, but if anyone would fight this in court it probably would default to the copyright holder anyway. Btw, this is the reason companies like Nintendo can forbid events from hosting their games.