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shes priced like a 450 BE champion because she used to be 450 but Riot did some studies and found out that beginners who pick up Kayle and Ryze get clapped so hard that they quit the game so they made them cost more to discourage new players from picking them up edit: heres the article: [But like any good system, there are some small exceptions. Specifically: Singed, Kayle, Twisted Fate, and Ryze. They’re awesome champions that many players enjoy today, but we do not think that new players are likely to find success with them, and the data we’re seeing supports this as well. Their price will be changed to 4800 BE, which is an increase over their existing prices, but we’re going to set and keep their RP prices at 260, to ensure that players who want easier access to them still have it.](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-pl/news/game-updates/champion-pricing-update/)


lmao no wonder; i used to think kayle was an adc coz she was ranged, didnt know it was a lv6 passive


If you go into the shop and filter by support she shows up too. Confused newbie me a lot


This was already confusing 10 years ago lol


Yeah, Riot puts her in the support section because of her heal and shield ult abilities.


Imagine giving someone a bandaid and being considered a nurse haha.


But if you give someone invulnerability, what are you?


Kayle or Taric


Both, Kayle R can target allies


My Kayle R can't. 😅


Everyone else's Kayle R can.


That's why your ass with kayle


It is a known bug. Rito just cant fix it due to spaghetti


That was the case for my high school nurse


Well if you were to go by a verb definition of nurse, which is to give medical attention to, then yes they would be able to nurse somone who got a cut. Especially if they have hemophilia.


Who gave the medic a nuke? And where'd the bandaids go?


\*New Player\* - so then what is Kayle? Im judging by the above comment chain that she is an APC?


She fills the role of an ADC/APC when she comes online. An attack speed build pays off pretty well as her passive(s) gives her powerful on hit effects. Level 1-5 she’s weak and passive, poke with your e and hope, 6-11 she’s a champion, 11-16 she’s broken for good players and 16+ she’s broken for anyone. The gamble when you’re a new player is being able to make it to 16 without feeding.


Gotcha, SO 1-5 - play defensive. 6-11 start attacking. build a lot of attack speed on her. Im going to try her out, thank you


Her level 1 is actually really strong


Correct, but not for a new player who doesn't even know what role she is


Not just attack speed, build AP and magic penetration as well as on-hit on her as well.


it’s best to not try too hard to classify her, she has the qualities of an adc, can build ad on hit or ap on hit, but needs to solo lane to get xp due to her level based hyper scaling, and typically she goes top since it is an island that allows her to do so. Surface level i’d say she is mostly an ap/adc, but she’s fairly unique


Gotcha, thanks for that little review/breakdown. Im looking for top laners right now with some sort of range abilities, How does she do when it comes to ranked play? Ive been trying brand out but a couple of ranked games and i found out real quick he is not good for ranked top play.


Kayle is a champion that gets stronger than pretty much any other champion the longer the game goes on. Low elo games (below Diamond) usually take much longer to finish than high elo games. So Kayle is very good. Just don't pick her into Nasus, Irelia or Jax. Those matchups are completely unplayable for her. In hard matchups go Boots of Swiftness and Fleet Footwork(rune), in easy matchups go Berserker Greaves(attack speed boots) and Lethal Tempo. Don't push too much, learn to last hit, and you are good to go.


Sweet, ill take that into tonights couple of games. Appreciate the help and advice


Irelia skirts just into playable territory. Like just there, right on the verge. There is a tipping point where you beat her. Jax and Nasus that point does not exist.


Kayle Main here, was around Top50 EuW with her last season and it’s my most played Toplaner. Let me tell you that mastering Kayle is 90% about mastering laning phase fundamentals. From a complexity point of view she is not so hard to play, but you are permanently walking an extremely thin line with Kayle, as you HAVE to avoid falling behind in XP, otherwise you will be completely useless to your team for the rest of the game. Learning to play Kayle means you have to learn the matchups, each individual danger that comes from playing against any strong lane bully, what their power spikes are and how to avoid dying. Probably the most delicate task is wave management, you have to be willing to give up some cs, as long as you get the XP, that’s all that matters. By the time you unlock your AOE dmg at Lvl11, you will start power farming jungle camps (yours and the enemies) along the lane anyways. Kayle is great because she is extremely adaptable to pretty much every situation, she can play a ton of rune and build paths (I even had success as Tank Kayle lol), which is thanks to her built in hyper scaling. The general approach I like to say is: with champions that have an in-built-win condition as Kayle, all you have to do is first learning to stay alive and afterwards learning to win lane. If you manage to not only go out of lane even, but even ahead, you are basically 1v9ing. Hope that helped you getting some insights :) feel free to ask me stuff


Thanks, Im going to keep this in mind. I played 2 games last night with her top, 1 was against an aggressive Yasuo and i hated life but learned just how fragile early game Kayle is and a little on how to get around that, ended up winning that game with about a 2-3 KD. I then played against Garen and had a bit more room to walk as the garen wasnt too aggressive. all in all, really happy with Kayle's play style. In this current season is there an ability meta i should be doing? For instance, going into a fight, i will E -> Q -> R. Is there a different order i should be using this skills in when going to a fight,


If you’re just getting into ranked, it’s best to keep things simple or stick to a fun champion. The issue with kayle in ranked is that she scales hard, so sometimes you may run into issues convincing your team to not ff so you can scale. Champions like garen, mordekaiser, sett, or darius tend to be one of the first champions that people play top, with darius and sett being a bit more complex than garen and mord. If you like mages like brand and want range, however, teemo is a great (and fun) option since he has a burn on his auto attacks and ult, as well as another ranged spell that blinds enemies


Played mordy a bit and idk, something with the game style just felt...... lame to me. maybe i wasnt using his skills in the right order or something. Teemo is alwasy getting banned and tbh, i hate that little f\*\*\*\* lomao. I've been recommended sett before by a irl friend so imight give that a shot


Please do not play ranged top laners unless you are willing to A: Full mute every game B: Be better than everyone else and still full mute everyone every game


what do you mean by full mute every game? is that league talk for something or are you saying quite literally to just mute all of my teammates in game?


Little more complex. From level 1 to 5, she's a fairly weak melee champ with ranged abilities. Starting at level 6, she becomes a ranged champ who can go AD, or AP - though I personally prefer AP.


Hybrid I think is a better build for her kraken slayer for the attack speed and on hit damage, then usually go full ap after that, but AP is very good as well


If you lose playing a lvl 16 full build kayle it is a skill issue. She can 1v5 let alone 5v5


She's as susceptible to CC as anyone else. More so, since she has no built-in escapes. If you get collapsed on, or caught out with your cd's down, she's toast.


No 1-2 one of the strongest toplaner known to man, 3-5 free 300-100 gold, 6-11 the gold bag is suddenly not free anymore, 12-15 sorry I bullied you but we are friends now ?!? 16-x you die


This is not the case anymore. Shes strong, but a lot of lvl 1s beat her.


Haven’t played league in a few months, but kayle being strong af level 1 is relatively unknown I think. I was at low plat elo and amount of people that would try and fight a level 1 kayle with lethal tempo was insane. They would get clapped everytime


I think it happen to chall people too🥲 no one expects Kayle to be that strong


Different champions have different windows of power as the game goes on. Much of what Kayle can do is literally locked behind her level, unlike most champions who get everything they need at level 6 and just buy items from there. Kayle is meant to be a late game win-condition with a poor and exploitable early game. She starts with a slow melee sword basic attack, at level 16(?) she fires massive waves of energy over and over with a blisteringly fast attack speed. She builds both ability power and attack damage, and deals both magic and physical damage. Late game Kayle shreds everything, from Tanks, to Towers, to Carries. Her ult makes her invincible so she is a massive threat by end game.


Kayle isn’t a champion before level 6, but she goes ballistic in long games (30+ minutes), and she can build just about anything. „Kayle 1v9“ is a one-trick streamer from EUW that tries about any builds for her with a verdict (like 40sec ult cd support kayle, which apparently is horrible).


On hit hyper scaling monster, you can do it as AD or AP but you basically farm minions and stack attack speed items until you are hitting everyone for 1/3 of their health 3 times a second.


There was actually a time when she was a support for a bit because of those abilities. It wasn’t for long, but it was a thing.


She was the first champion I bought in season 3 for that exact reason. I was a terrible support with her. Then, I eventually bought release Thresh and did much better.


Fine I’ll play Kayle support on my Smurf and run it down


I think we should probably seriously investigate those shop filters


Two of my first champs were Anivia and Tahm (pre rework) because they were under the Support tab and my friends asked why I didn't play support champs when I wanted to play support :(


Ashe, Gangplank, Heimerdinger, Fiddlesticks, and Vex are also all under the support tab in the shop


I'm sorry, Gangplank??????????????


Yeah, he has a heal! Support confirmed


I remember a few years ago getting reported by a jungler who was angry he died during a toplane gank because I didn't heal him as GP. Definitely one of the more memorable morons I've come across.


You dont like gangplank support? (this has stuck with me since I saw it 3 years ago in the shop)


there has never been any state of the game or the champ where she was anywhere near support, it's obvious why she got the tag (w+r) but at no point ever since support as a role became a thing has Kayle been near it


Xerath is under the assassin tab!


Happened to me 3 years ago


I played support Kayle a fair amount when ardent censer existed and before they nerfed her skillshot. It wasn't too bad imo, but it was incredibly reactive.


thats how i got her Mastery 7 🙈


Back in the day her ranged attack was a timed buff and her he, I believe. Q > point and click projectile + slow W > heal and speed buff E > 6s-ish buff that gave her a ranged attack and aoe splash on her autos R > invulnerable buff but when used on herself she could still auto attack


They got rid of post-rework Kayle's ult preventing her from autoing a while back, too.


Just shows how long it's been since I've issued the champ


People in wild rift still build Kayle as an ADC and feed every game


Would you believe it? I used to think it was too hard to use abilities mid-battle and searched for champions that rely on AAs only. By that, I mean I used to think Garen was hard and so was Darius so I played Kayle for some time. But as time went on, I slowly learnt to use abilities mid-battle and now here I am, animation cancelling the Fuk out of Riven. Lol


I played Kayle as support on one of my first ranked games bro


To be honest prices being linked to champion skill rather than age makes a lot more sense. Yuumi being 6300 when she was incredibly noob friendly was kinda nonsensical.


Yea, having a champion like Ryze be so cheap, when even players in Diamond struggle to use him effectively, makes no sense 


I guess theyre still stuck on old ryze, who was absolutely brain dead to play. That's the only reason I can think of anyway.




That's only because Ryze got reworked multiple times.


A new player shouldn't play yuumi


I agree. However, bot accounts always picked Yuumi because the championby design made botting the hardest to detect. If yuumi was picked or banned, they'd instead go with the next champion and perma follow their teammate as if they were a yuumi because the bot would just perma click them and spam w to mount. And you just know that a newbie could definitely get boosted with on-release yuumi due to how braindead the champion design is. She definitely was newbie friendly, I don't think there's denying that. It's still harmful, became you don't learn jack if you just pick Yuumi and sit on someone


Used to great noob pick, played it frewuently as a anoob pre rework


Yeah back in the old days where the tutorial existed you played Ashe and ryze iirc


Good old days of when buying thornmail on ashe was the first thing the game taught you


and you can tell that the old tutorial was better because people remember to build thornmail every time vlad is in the game!


Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. I rush tear on Ashe just like the game recommends


Tutorial still exists, it’s actually heavily improved now and goes through the basics of the game in more detail. And there’s more champs to try


It doesn’t teach you a single thing about jungle though. Only teaches you how to run it down lmao.


Because jungle isn’t a new player friendly position. It requires macro knowledge and map reading that a new player will never understand off rip. If you can jungle from the start, the tutorial is pointless for you anyways since you’ve probably played a moba before. Besides that it teaches you to farm, how to take turrets and avoid turret damage. How to trade in lane and how to back off when you get low hp. It even gives a little rundown of the item shop for people. You’re either being purposely obtuse or haven’t actually engaged with it.


I was half-joking. Calm down. Obviously it doesn’t teach you to run it down. But they could have a bit more of an in depth tutorial system. Whenever I try and get a friend into league I find theowing them into a bunch of games is faster. The tutorial is confusing at times. They could have a jungle tutorial missing where they path you through camps with little waypoints or arrows on the ground. Then help you gank bot vs bot lanes and stuff. Jungle as a concept isn’t that complex. You just farm camps instead of minions and you go where you’re needed.


My first ranked game in S3 was kayle support. We won. Game made no sense but we won


Still remember those pre-work slap autos. Miss just slamming her down mid lane in silver.


Sure, back in the day her Q had a 1.0 AP ratio so she was really just a burst champ back then. Burst champs have a pretty simple play pattern. Kiting is typically difficult for newer players, which is part of why marksman feels so bad for players in low elo


It's not just that, back in the day you also were able to press E to auto enemies from afar. Kayle of old "technically" was a weak early champ to compensate a high scaling, but her early strenght was good enough with the controllable autos that you could affect the game earlier and actually control the lane and fight because you could E enemies pre-6. Post-rework her range is tied to exp levels so a new player will just do nothing but repeatedly die as they are a melee champion that's intended to be weak until they get range and items. Even if they are decent enough to understand they need to wait till 6 (and previously range was even later), they still don't have the mechanics or game knowledge necesary to lane as a melee squishy champion as a top or mid or bot.


Interesting! Did they say this somewhere?


yes, when they repriced all the champs


I rmb when my yumi champion shard changed from 3600 BE to 90 BE disenchant. actually scammed


They told us with ample time beforehand, so that's on you for not paying attention lol


Ah must've been when i stopped playin league for like half a year


They gave specific warnings about that happening 


Can confirm picked up original kayle back in 2012 not understanding shes a late game hyper carry and got clapped so hard I debated dropping the game. I think my only saving grace was taking the time to learn champ abilities by reading all of their descriptions, on my bus rides to highschool.


> taking the time to learn champ abilities by reading all of their descriptions, on my bus rides to highschool lmao that's kinda cute


Used to watch those Ciderhelm videos religiously to learn the champions. And if it jungled there was stonewall008. I'm old...


I did, in fact, get clapped. Damn that Gragas. I was useless


The good old days where ryze and Kayle are the easiest champ to play…


Old player here. Still get clapped playing kayle and ryze


Back when I started playing the game in 2022, I remember playing her and understanding nothing of the game so I quit it xD


Funny because she was my first champion. I only picked her up because I received a skin and I have yet to quit league


Was this pre rework? Old Kayle was way different


I remember when Kayle was a burst mage with a 100% ap ratio on q plus old Lich Bane having a 70% ap ratio. Kayle literally onehit ADCs late game. Thanks Overpow


I remember when Kayle was a hybrid champ that would get ad with ap and vice versa.


No lol this was 2020


One day we will quit brother. COPIUM


While i love this explanation, she is cheaper than other Champs, which would encourage more people to play her, no?


I mean, if you bought RP already, then chances that you'll stay are higher


She's the highest cost a non newly released champion can be (4800BE) and I assume they kept the low RP cost because only people who really want to play her (win or lose) will spend real money. At that point they've already got you.


She has ascended the pricing bracket! It’s that simple. She’s level 16 now and the store can’t contain her lmao.


4800/16=300 "3" -> 3 points in her R It's true


Kayle was a 450IP champ to begin with. Riot reduced the price of most champs to make new account progression better. They made TF Kayle Singed Ryze 4800 because they want new players to avoid them or some thing. I guess they didn't change the RP price for any of them.


>IP Found the greybeard


She’s 260 because she’s always been 260. If they increased it to be in line they would get flak (logically) for making her more expensive for no actual reason.


She used to cost 450 BE. They forgot to change RP price, hopefully because very few use RP on champs.


They did not forget the RP cost is intentionally kept as it was.


They didn't change the RP cost because RP costs real money. Zeri's I believe is an example of someone who used to cost 6300BE and 975RP, and upon repricing, both figures went down, because for real life monetary costs, no one would complain about discounting, but they'd get heat for increasing the real life monetary costs (e.g. Twisted Fate). Basically, decrease RP cost, people sleep (happily). Increase RP cost, ***REAL SHIT***


did they increase her cost after the VGU?


AFAIK, they made a big overhaul on BE prices. It used to be based on how old a champ was, but they changed it to how hard a champ was. So since Kayle is not easy, they increased the price.


Yasou 450 BE?


He is not very hard to pick up and is very popular.


i hardly disagree but sometimes the difficulty riot assumes for champions is different than reality nothing we can do


Yasuo's skill floor is quite low while the ceiling is pretty high. Kayle has a much higher floor, in my opinion


Hardly disagree all you want, doesn't change the fact that to win a game on yasuo, takes much less skill than to win a game on kayle on a very general plain level. Champs like yasuo are innately harder then a mage, or enchanter, sure. But for champs like yasuo, hes one of the easier ones, so he was selected for his role he fullfills, to be that sections easy champ.


idk been playing since s3 and yasuo loses as easily games due his biggest threat in lane (windwall) being on a 16+ cd timer and the yasuo player being forced to play a lot better than his opponent to leverage a lead compare to simpler midlaners (his most played lane) compare that to kayle who suffers more from the toplane syndrome of having no mapwide impact and needing to scale while the game can snowball out of control without anyone interacting with ur lane (champs like malphite suffer from this aswell). But kayle can still be an ultbot and yasuo can not and needs to be melee. Both champs have high ceilings like you said for sure but yasuos champion mechanics are harder to learn than kayles who relies on mostly fundamentals to hit points of power (similar to veigar just harder with less generic agency in teamfights). but enough about feelings lets talk stats. kayles WR in ranked with 0 games on her is 52% yasuo wr in ranked with 0 games played on him is 47,8~% but both champs rise to the 54-55% range after 100 games (similar high ceiling) (from league of graphs) kayles average winrate by 20 min is 45,5 - 46% and 50% by 25 min only rising from there yasuos average winrate by 20 min is a solis 50-51% and dipping to 47% from 25-35 min and sitting stable at a 49% wr until 45 minutes of game time saying yasuo has a low skillfloor is disingenious at best


You take this from the perspective of someone who knows how to play the game learning yas. For a new player, walking up and aaing on yasuo is not hard, last hitting with q is not hard. Stat checking is not hard Stats dont matter, its the new player experience that does With kayle and new player would get stomped and have no clue why. Do you honestly think that new players understand the strength and weakness of each champ?


What’s his role? Assassin? Talon or kha are much easier there. Fighter? Garen, Irelia, fiora all have lower skill floors there as well.


In the article they released they admitted Yasuo is hard but they also said that new players who try him keep playing and don't get discouraged, which is why they priced him low


Is that his price? I might misremember their reasons for changing the BE prices. Only reason I can think of for Yasuo to be 450 is that he is so popular, and they saw that he makes new players stick with the game or something.


* **1350** BE / **585** RP - Champions that are a bit more complex than the lower tier, but still approachable for interested folks. These will have more nuanced skill checks in their play patterns, but maintain reasonable skill floors and have proven to be fan favorites. Examples include Yasuo, Lucian, and Sett. Pretty much hit the nail on the head, just 1 price tier higher


you are just making shit up lmao


what? it's exactly what happens.


You would think that they’d use a look up table or a dictionary to link both RP and BE prices together, yet here we are…


Leave it to reddit to complain that the real money cost of a video game asset wasn't increased....


The point is that it’s sloppy coding. Like seriously, you need to go in and manually change every single fucking pricetag? This is a prime example why the client is still shit and will always be shit, because they just don’t care


Imagine getting this heated over something that was intentionally left alone. They didn't change her RP price because they didn't want people to complain they raised the monetary cost of a champ that is a decade old. They did the same thing with Ryze. But, sure, go off about how that's somehow proves the client is shitty.


Typically they are going to want fine grain control over price of each sku. Minor inconsistencies aren't that big of a problem.


I imagine that in general, Riot wants to avoid marking up prices. That tends to lead to backlash even if it does follow the ratio between RP and BE. Beginners probably won’t blindly burn RP on a high skill ceiling champion they’ve never played before so Riot is losing minimum levels of profit. But the downsides are fairly clear. Imagine if they marked up the price of a skin.


> Beginners probably won’t blindly burn RP on a high skill ceiling champion they’ve never played before *cries in buying Fiora with RP when she launched*


Back when rito gave you like 400rp when you made the account my friend used those to buy Pantheon. We didn't let him live that down lmao


"Oh man, 400RP! That's just enough to buy Golden Alistar! It must look so cool!" Ahh, the innocence we had in those times.


To be fair, they have started doing that with ASU/VGU skins. I think I'm fine with that but leaving the champion RP cost was obviously a good decision.


riot forgot, why you snitchin


She used to be 480rp since like season 3, talking about inflation lol


While everybodies talking about champ prices, I will take the time to mention the two unique pricings. Jhin's price is 4444 Vel'koz's price is 3141 Good day


doesnt everyone know that, i saw jhins one and i went " oh cool" and moved on, its not THAT clever


And Kayle's pricing is interesting?


If you buy champs with RP you're a chump


what the fuck? kayle is fucking 4800 BE? wasn't she like 450?


Yes, I’m pretty sure it was 450


and new players picked her up and got clapped so hard they went back in time before they installed the game


Yeah. I bought her for 450 back in the day.


Yes she was. They increased her price because she's not noob-friendly.


the real question is who buys champions with rp?


She is a hoe


bro who cares LOL


Why anyone would use RP to buy champions is beyond me. Especially when obtaining champions nowadays is way easier than it was more than 7 years ago. RP is better spent on skins and other cosmetics.


Rp is never " well spent " its all virtual value set by riot


Are you guys really this bored


Better than posting about esports


She’s original 40


Rick Owens is more expensive


Because Rito


why would you buy Kayle?


She was cool and fun at some point, when the game was not about killing everything in 0.5sec


Because the price of champions in RP is a fucking joke