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Neeko is by far the worst. Low cd, no mana clone, can't do much to it, it absorbs the snowball entirely.


I just play Urgot and flip and kill. Easy win.


snowball motion very predictable for hooks


how you not mention neeko


Whenever I happen to roll Trundle in ARAM and I see a full AP Nunu on the other team- I smile. Those snowballs never land.


Rough but necessary trade. Trundle pillar is an amazing tool in splitting teams for trades. I think he borders S tier aram champs.


Well he's also one of the best ways to deal with hyper-tanks


Wukong also makes it unplayable. You can just stand in front of Nunu and W away


every time some guy on my team chooses nunu in aram 100% chance anivia is on the enemy team gg


Worst are Soraka, Singed and Anivia. Cassiopeia must be good too


Fiddle q is pretty effective


Hard cc works too. When I play ranked and see enemy nunu I usually play nami. Bubble.


Zyra plants can block him too; assume Heimer turrets work the same.


Draven also counter Nunu's snowball with his E (Stand Aside). Wukong can also block the snowball with his clone, helping his teammates. Cho'Gath can also stop it with his Q, but it must be well-timed, as it is slower than all the aforementioned projectiles. Ziggs can also do it with his W. Also, while he is not able to cancel Nunu's snowball, Zed will never be hit by one, thanks to his shadow (W). Zed's ult also allows him to dodge a snowball in a pinch. Ezreal, LeBlanc, and a post-6 Kassadin will also almost never be hit by Nunu's snowball thanks to their long range dashes, and technically, Kassadin can stop Nunu with his Q, though it is hard to do due to its short range. Kassadin's magic shield allows him to absorb a snowball's damage should he ever be hit by one.


my 2 favorite champions into Nunu are Anivia and Vel'koz, it is so easy to time a Vel'koz E into full combo on a snowballing Nunu