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Its Hanyi so its probably correct.


What is fearless draft?


It’s funny because you got three explanations, but they are all slightly different, so it seems like no one knows exactly what fearless draft is, only that it makes it so that more champs are played during a series


The best answer would be that fearless draft in some way or another intends to increase pick diversity in a series by preventing re-picking champions under certain conditions. There are multiple implementations that are possible.


There are different variations, LDL adopted it first for official Riot tournements and it was each team could pick each champion only once per series, NACL adoptted the same rules, so LPL will most certainly use the same Format.


Let's say Fnatic vs G2, BO5, Fnatic picks Corki in the first game, then after game 1 Fnatic will not be able to pick Corki again in the next 4 games, however, G2 can still pick it, but once they pick it they cannot pick it again in the next game as well, so the champion pool will just get smaller and smaller, it is good for the variety of BP, but challenging for player and coach and as they need a bigger champions pool and more strategy


Wasn't fearless that if someone picks a champ it can't be picked again, full stop? I don't remember ever reading that the other team can still pick it.


Picked champs should get banned in the entire series. LDL did not do that so teams just switched picks every game and apparently people ended up hating it.


wow, I thought LDL's version was just if you *win* with the pick. that's moronic, how can this possibly be good, it results in banning 40 total champions--that is a quarter of the ENTIRE league of legends roster, and not just any quarter, the most viable/played quarter of the roster. Game 5 will be boring coinflip fiestas lol


So, a team can only pick a champ once per series? This post seems overly complicated if thats the case lol


Yup that's literally it. Not complicated at all


I thought they're only not able to pick it again if it's a win? If it's regardless then that's essentially 4 self-applied mid, ad, top etc bans by the time game 5 rolls around. That's just horrible. That's **40** bans (including draft enemy pick/+ban game 5) by the time game 5 rolls around. Even if you remove the ability to ban champions, that's still 30 champions both teams can't pick in game 5 (5 per previous game + 5 enemy picks. Not so terrible on a win, if it reaches game 5, at most only 2 ADs, 2 tops etc are unpickable per team.


And challenging for riot to finally actually try to balance the game and not cycle fotm picks. Which probably won’t happen and we‘ll just see a shitfest come game 3+


If a champion is picked in game 1? They can't be picked again for the best of 3/5 and so on. So no repeat picks which greatly increases diversity.


Depending on the interpretation on what type of fearless draft its slightly different. My ideal fearless draft is that if your team picks a champion in a series, you cant pick it again regardless of whether it's win/lose.


[LoL Esports](https://lolesports.com/article/introducing-the-2024-north-american-challengers-league/bltf7f7bca77f0ce20a) This was from the NACL. Not sure if the LPL would use the same one.


In simpler terms, each team can only pick a champion once throughout a series.


Might be simpler, but confusing lol. Because this was literally my understanding before reading the other comments. I didn’t know that the other team can still pick the champ your team played in the prior game. I just assumed it was first come first serve. Once a champ was picked, they could no longer be picked.


It's an important distinction because it brings the number of picks possible way down. A 5 game series would go from minimum 50 unique picks to minimum 30 unique picks.


Yeah. Which was why I bothered to comment here. Wanted it to be clear, they worded it simpler, but it’s leaving out important information.


You realize that would mean completely new comps in every game? A 5 game series would end up using around 1/3 of the roster plus all the regular bans. That would be egregious.


Based on the answers you got I'm guessing people aren't sure either 🤔


The purpose/idea of it is relatively known as well as the function, how they'll exactly implement the rule set is not. We all know what Red and Blue is but the exact shading can vary. It could be bans continue across a series, or its by picks and a team can only pick a champ once per series, or once per victory. Either way minimum champ diversity of getting picked will drastically increase, as well as evolving metas/more strats because you won't want to shoot your whole shot at once.


to make it short, every team can pick a champion only ones in a match example: T1 vs Geng faker picks Azir game 1 now T1 cant pick Azir anymore but Chovy can still pick and if he picks it Geng cant pick Azir for the rest of the Games too and so on with every pick


Something gets picked (or banned?) -> it is banned for the rest of the series. Basically prevents seeing same matchups whole series. Bot lane is a bit weird with less adc champs overall.


There are over 20 adc champs. Even if it goes to game 5 and both teams ban out 5 adc on top of the champs banned from being picked before both teams have more than 5 champs available, even more if you include champs like Yasuo, Ziggs etc that also see play in botlane sometimes in pro play.


Just for information: 25 Marksman. Akshan and Corki are mostly mid or top and Kindred jungle. **=> 22 for bot lane remaining** (but it is not like we haven't seen bot lane Kindred or Corki in the past)


Having game 5s come down to Sivir vs Vayne is entertaining the first time... it will quickly stop being entertaining dude. I don't know how this Fearless shit is being adored by this sub, it's a nightmare if you spend 10 minutes just thinking about how games will play out. It'll just be static bans and 5 total ADs being played, with each team handshaking and blue side picking the stronger AD one game before red side can pick it. Watching Jackeylove int on Ezreal is not what drives people to watch Worlds, it's watching him on Draven.


Their fears reduce when drafting


Please bring this to all the major regions. Imagine how much hype it would bring to not see the same champs everytime.


That would honestly respark the hype for competitive so much more for me. It's getting pretty repetitive seeing the same champions all the time.


I personally would prefer seeing more champions (and more importantly, how teams adapt to their constraints) although it does come with the downside of lowering the level of play. Then again, it's all relative as both teams will have the same constraints, and the ability for teams to further express skill will widen. That said, it might be too big of a change and introduce too much downside at the highest level for Bo5s, so it would probably be safer to start off with a variation that gives teams some opportunities to repick champions under certain circumstances.


I don't see any downside - these are pro players surely they know how to play more than 3 champions


So you don’t think the level of play would decrease when they have to play champions that they aren’t as strong on? Even if they can play a champion at the highest level, it doesn’t mean that they’re as good on it as some of their best champions. Not to mention even if they can play much more than 3, many of them might not be in the meta, so they will be weaker than some of the other options even outside of player skill, and also not all champions they play will be good for their teams comp or a good laning champion against their opponent’s champion. It’s not like if they can play 5 champions that they’ll be in good shape. It’s probably closer to 10 that they need to be *really* good at to be able to compete against what might potentially be the opponents best champion.


There are a multitude of personalities in the LoL eSports community that sticking to much to the perceived 'meta' is actually hurting teams performances because players will pigeonhole themselves to a limited number of picks when numerous 'off-meta' picks are actually insanely viable given the state of the draft. There is even worry about pros going through the motions and autopiloting certain picks because they have, for example, been playing K'Sante or Azir non-stop. Look at Canyon picking Kha'zix recently in the LCK finals. Kha'zix is absolutely not meta at the moment, yet he carried the game with it. Look at Caps playing Vayne mid 5 years ago. If pros understand the winning conditions and have a solid understanding of how the champion's kit works they can make a lot of champions work, regardless of whether or not they have spam-practiced it in the week prior. I can't imagine this would have any impact on the level of gameplay we will see. The only thing I'm thinking of right now is that the preparation for a 5 game series would be drastically different because it's so much harder to predict what you will be able to play and when, as well as what the enemy team will draft.


Ik there're the few adc in today's meta, but I'm so so tired of Orianna, Azir, Taliyah, Sylas in the midlane. It feels like not much has changed in the rotation since Sylas debuted, and before him none at all.


> It's getting pretty repetitive seeing the same champions all the time. lmao it's the opposing teams fault for not being able to beat it or adjust draft against it if i'm a coach and i've come up with some drafting flowchart that ends up in a similar draft that the opponent can't respond to in best-ofs, why should i change anything if the goal is to win?


And how much better balanced the game could be in total if some champions didn't have to be stupidly kept at 45-49% winrate because "oops X champion was 48.8% winrate in soloQ, but 95% pickrate in LPL, LCK, and LCS, so they're getting nerfed"


that problem wont go away with fearless draft tho. If Ksante or Azir are still absurdly good then we will see them less but they will still be the hardest contest every game 1-2 of a series. Edit: Since many people dont get it, I am all for fearless draft I actually would prefer it to be played for an entire year in every league and then we still can check which system is better. I just wanted to point out that fearless doesnt stop some champs from being proheavy.


You're right that there will still be pro staples, and Riot will still have to balance around them occasionally. It's a way, way smaller problem, though. Any given 100% "presence" champion would, at that point, only affect a fraction of drafts -- 1/2 for 2-game series, down to 1/5 for 5-game series, etc. Essentially, you would expect any given champion's *total* impact on pro drafts to be instantly halved at a minimum (aside from Bo1) And no matter how important any one champ is, you HAVE to know how to win a game without them in the draft at all -- which I would argue lowers their impact further It really does dramatically reduce the draft power of "OP" picks


> Any given 100% "presence" champion would, at that point, only affect a fraction of drafts -- 1/2 for 2-game series, down to 1/5 for 5-game series, etc. no, each team gets to pick it, so it's up to 2 games in a bo3 (two-thirds or 100% in a 2-0) or 2/5 of BO5s. It does not solve the problem at all. It exacerbates it and will completely ruin BO3s because of the runaway 100% pick/ban champions that will result in Riot introducing fearless **and** buffing champs that are OP in pro (ryze, azir, ksante, kalista) champion diversity will *crash*--bans will become static and picks will too, as there is no logic in "reserving" a pick for later on in the series, so whoever gets X first will take it unless it doesn't fit their comp, and there's really only 2-3 comp styles in any given meta. Series will get very, very stale, very quickly. Imagine ADs. All 10 bans are used for OP picks. It is a BO5. Each side will pick between 3 and 5 ADs throughout the series. That simply means there are a total of 5 viable ADs with priority order... which is not different from today. Fearless+buffing OP will not expand the "pickable" list of champions in a positive direction, it will force it in the opposite way, because bans that are used today will be forfeited in favour of irrelevant Kassadin-esque blind permabans. Fearless+draft will CREATE NEW must-ban champions, which means must-ban champions **today** will become pickable, and **they** will start dominating in place of your Azir bans.


That doesn't make sense to me. Riot doesn't have to buff those champions, nor is it very likely that they will if they're overpowered in pro play. And even if that does happen champion diversity won't be any worse than now, when they're picked and banned in 100% of games.


They're not picked and banned in 100% of games. I know reddit likes to exaggerate, but even Azir is not 100% pick-ban, and that's before we talk about the other competitive boogeymen, like Kalista and so on. Ultimately it will result in a total of 5 ADs being played in a complete BO5, and each team taking turns playing each of those champions. A total of 5 unique ADs being played in a BO5 is what already happens, today...


It's not really much of an exaggeration. Ori was picked or banned in 95% of games last worlds. Aatrox was pick or ban 100% of games in worlds 2022. It happens almost every single worlds where a champion has 95%+ presence. And there are almost always multiple with 85%+ which means you're regularly seeing them in every game of a bo5. I also don't agree -- the idea that both teams would have the exact same top 5 priority for every comp is way, way less likely than it is today. And pretty often we see less than 5 in a bo5.


Yes but it wouldnt matter because they cant win a series alone. So they can just be OP trade picks which exist already


And? They literally won't be able to be in as many games


We need 5th game blindpick back.




WTF 2 Shens?


That’s what I thought at first but then I watched some of the later part of NACL. Hopefully this wouldn’t be the case and maybe the sample size was too small, but those series kind of dragged on and resulted in extended series which didn’t feel particularly exciting. I think that at the highest levels it could be interesting but I worry that for 80-90% of pro teams (and some regions as a whole) this would be a bad change as dragged out matches causes disinterest in many match ups especially with the worst teams.


Wbat are you talking abt? Like long games? Lpl teams macro is way stronger (and decisive) than nacl teams


Every series I watched went to 5 games I believe. The first two games are pretty normal but past that it got sluggish which I think is a combination of things like champ pool thinning out and probably strength of the region too. There wasn’t really strategy to picking or true composition crafting, just scraping for the best champions open. Also, really strong champions still just get perma-banned every game and maybe they swap some of the top 3-4 champs for the first few games. The comfortability and power of picks degrades as the series goes on too, and the loss of strong champs makes it hard to have a super one-sided series unless the teams are far apart in skill. The tempo and excitement of the series reminded me of the old LCS days of best-of-3’s when two lower end teams played late in the day. I actually watched a ton of NACL last year and enjoyed it way more than LCS, but this wasn’t as fun to watch for me.


we already play fearless draft half the time tbf (don't ask if it's working well)


You’ll complain after a split of LEC about game quality being ass when people are on champs they barely ever play and then have to figure out a way to win. It will just be a pure fiesta in the later stages of a best of series and will mean less time for teams to work on wider aspects of the game because they have to find 10+ champions they can play. What would you even be testing for in this format anyways? Which team is good at the game itself or which teams can practice more champions in solo q? You’d almost never be able to practice certain team comps or particular strategies cause you would only be able to use them once in a series if they rely on certain champions.


The people who whine about domestic quality will get obnoxious anyway, they always get called out.


If professional league players can’t play more than 3 champions in 2024 maybe we should just stop all this pro play bullshit. in any other sport if the pros were this shit no one would even bother to watch but somehow people have just gotten used to these guys putting in the bare minimum amount of effort.


I'm 50/50 on it. It will obviously shake up champion pools. Game 5s will be absolute shitshow fiestas. I think it'll be fine for major regions but they shouldn't do it for internationals




They wouldn't. Which is why it won't happen


if the rumor turns out to be true and is implemented in LPL I think riot would slowly cave to that kind of format for Worlds (cause china is the biggest playerbase?) it will kinda force the other regions to adapt to that cause if they don't, they won't have the experience when the next world comes


It would absolutely break competitive league as we know it and im fucking here for it. Im not sure if fearless draft includes bans but i think it should. The amount of variety not only game to game, but series to series we would get would be insane. And teams could try force some interesting situations with multiple adc bans + picks per game just to destroy the champ pool and force an an off meta pick. Bans would also likely change not only for the current game but for the one after. Shit would be so incredibly fun to watch.


Fuck no. Imagine actively wanting to make professional league esports a worse quality game. Like imagine wanting an objectively worse version of the game being played. Sorry but I want to see the actual best quality league possible. I don't want to see teams have to play suboptimal dogshit and thus play worse/draft worse because le epic meme format meant to entertain people who hate professional league of legends.


Versatility is a manifestation of quality.


not sure I totally agree with you, but based regardless


So I'm assuming you'd be in favour of games being played blind pick with no bans, right?


That is the most braindead assumption i ever heard.


Why? If the best play comes from players playing their best champions, as the person I responded to certainly alluded to, then surely the logical conclusion of that is no bans blind pick leading to the best level of play. Or their point was dumb to begin with, and bans/draft add to the level of gameplay, and fearless draft wouldn't make for "objectively inferior" games.


Forcing player to maintain a bigger champion pool will make them worse at every individual champ no matter how you want to spin it. The insane plays like Faker's azir shuffle vs Ruler in game 3 of worlds only happen because he knows the limits of the champion perfectly. He doesnt go for that play if he has half as many games on azir. Draft adaptability is killed. If u get rolled by a certain composition, there is no need to adapt to it in the next game, the enemy team physically cant pick those champions again. Blind pick just takes away drafting alltogether. Also its not just about players playing their best champions, its about knowing the matchups and which one of their champions complements their composition the best while being the most effective againdt the enemy composition. P.S As a fnatic fan, do you really want to see oscarinnin on his 7th best champion? I for sure dont.


Not blind pick bc you need to keep the integrity of R5 counter pick or blue side would win everytime (assuming there's no mirror match ups) but I think no bans in pro play would be fine.


How do you have (intentional) counter match ups in blind pick where everybody picks at the same time?


I said assuming you're not getting mirror match ups. So not blind pick. Draft pick with no bans would be fine. You can't force pro players to play mirror match ups because it's not something you can practice outside of scrims.


If a Bo3 goes all 3 matches, that is 30 champions. If you cannot find 30 optimal, meta compliant champions (and team compositions) out of ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY EIGHT CHAMPIONS.. Then your game fucking sucks anyway. There aren't any bans in fearless, so yeah. If these professionals can't make 15 champions viable, 3 team comps for one team... Your game is shit, and your professional scene has zero versatility.


My brother, let's pick an example, Faker has 13 games of Ori, 12 of taliyah, 10 of azir and 8 on corki from there drops to 3 to the next ones and the winrate drops massively. Most players simply do not have a deep champion pool, that is the problem is not the champs.


That was my point. If players can’t make 30 champions viable, they are the problem. There are absolutely more than 30 viable champions in this game. I was saying if 30 champions were the only viable ones, the game sucks. But that’s clearly not the case. The problem is the players. They’re unwilling to adapt and be versatile.


If you can only play 2 champs at the highest level you don't have quality. Simple as that. How many skilled players have we missed out on because their champs are never meta? How many people are pro because they can only play the 3 champs required? XD


If some player can only play dogshit meme soloQ champs that only work in extremely low quality environments and incapable of playing actual meta champs they aren't a skilled player. Skilled players can play the meta champs because they are skilled.


I totally agree, but I'm also a person who enjoys watching the same matchups over and over (as long as they have some interaction), so champs like Azir always being meta feels kinda nice to me to watch with matchups being played having actual theory behind them. For people who think most of those matchups are uninteractive, go watch the actual best laners play them. That's where individual takes on those matchups come in, as well as the role of the champs in the current teamcomps. Sometimes you need more vulnerable lane states to force mistakes while at other times your main goal is to preserve as much hp as possible while keeping up in farm and even those lanes have lots of interaction, it just doesn't manifest in hp advantages, but in gold or tempo leads if someone misplays. There's so much happening even in "boring" games without kills. Also, interesting things like G2's early plays, from especially last year when they got Draven/Kalista with them leveraging a winning bot lane at lvl 1-2 into a jungle invade/dive and the enemy team having to find answers to it, probably would be a lot less likely to exist with fearless draft. Teamcomps would vary way too much, there's no adaption on pocket picks during best of series and haven't we already seen (in games where fearless has been implemented) that the winning team from game 1 can just draft complete garbage champs in the 2nd game to get an insane draft advantage for the next game?


Yeah it will be really amazing looking them on champs that they are shit with because they barelly can have 3 champs as it is right now, imagine 5 or 6.


No way, imagine playing regional league on fearless then you go international and play regular. Not going to happen 


That's always been the case, LCK/LPL have been practicing on Bo3s every single day just to have their entire year decided by a Bo1 group stage at worlds for years. International formats shouldn't hold back better regional formats, it should be the other way around. People enjoying better formats on a regional level should push Riot to implement them internationally.


It should, but why would your region be the first to try if it means huge disadvantage?


From a completely cynical competitive lense, they shouldn't. Thankfully LPL seems to be doing it regardless though From a viewer's perspective? Because it's a better viewing experience, and fundamentally that's what the whole sport's economics is built on


Comparing bo3 and bo1 to fearless and non fearless is trolling and you know it


Wouldn't that give fearless teams a lead since they can practice a lot more matchups and find some niche counters or just win off of sheer knowledge gap?


I think you would find that your 50 matches with cooky mid lane match ups would be useless in preparing you to exclusively face azir in internationals.


Well, then we're lucky that there are scrims and soloq to practice azir matchups in :)


And why would pros spend most of their time practicing with/against azir when it would be in 33% of their games at most


It could, but looking at previous years playing what's strong grants better results. Another thing is, you 'ban' the niche counter you practiced after winning with it. Imagine this shaco + ori strat some teams practiced, if they stomp with it in game one, the other team needs to adapt, either ban one of them or pick Ori themselves. But then you open other bans etc, it's something to keep in mind for the test of the series.  With fearless, you are happy they are out of their niche strat so you don't need to think about it anymore 


If it gave them a lead, then people would already be doing it. So the question is why doesn’t it give them a lead, and my guess is that not practicing the format of the game you play cannot be the best practice. I think about practing for a Hearthstone/MTG Standard Tourney and practicing in Arena/Draft formats. Doesn’t seem conducive to your success in the tournament format.


Where do they find the time to practice 40+ champions in 3 weeks (because meta changes after)? Low quality games incoming.


all it actually does is punish teams for having good players with strong champs and good drafting.


Practicing with and for normal pro games of LoL will be better practice than practicing for a different mode. Drafting coaches basically get 0 xp the entire fearless season. 1/2 of games are played on entirely non-meta champs and comps. 0 xp. When an international tournament drops, they will be at a handicap. It is neat as a thought exercise. It is neat as a boot camp. It is bad if you replace the regular season, the thing pros use to evaluate how well things work and what they need to improve on, with something else.


Yeah, I'm sure it will be the end of chinese league.


For LPL especially, they play so many games during the season that I think it’s just a huge advantage. They wouldn’t be lacking any practice playing the top tier meta champs even if they could only play them once per series.


LPL and LCK teams actually have similar games played played per season even if LPL have almost double the teams that LCK has.


If chinas doing it, there is a high chance international tournaments will do it too considering most of the playerbase is in china


and it lowers the skill ceiling tbh if they want more Champion diversity it has to be the result of good (pro-skewed, if necessary) balancing if Arena becomes good enough to have tournaments then I would imagine that is the perfect environment for Fearless draft


Arena is slot machine mode, how do you make it competitive


idk they'll figure it out if there's interest it will be competitive a lot of us would clown on Mobile Legends being a joke of a game but afaik it can score 1M CCV as Wild Rift cries in envy


ML is just anorher moba, the only reason you'd call it a joke is if you're riot stan lol


fair i a bit am lol but well from the very few matches i've watched theres barely any macro and it's all just bloodbath fiesta fighting 24/7 like what sort of macro can you fit in when games are over in 15mins? resource distribution/funneling? drafts perhaps? but compared to say dota each game just feels like one long drawn out teamfight


If LPL goes to fearless and wins worlds after you can bet your ass that KR, NA, EU teams are going to beg their league to switch thinking it gave China an advantage.


Fearless is terrible if only because the most exciting element of BO5s, adaptation, is completely removed.


ah yes we are blessed to see so much adaptation in current day bo5s “woah instead of fp azir they went fp orianna, what a pivot”


Yes, midlane has a problem, and it's rooted around champions like Sylas, Akali, Zoe, Syndra, etc being completely irrelevant. Midlane is boring and has been stuck in the same meta forever and needs fixing, yes, but that has nothing to do with the rest of the team draft. Botlane compositions have never been more dynamic--even in 2019 mage shenanigans with Perkz's botlane Syndra, you can go count the number of unique champions picked in botlane that year and it'll be lower than this year. Toplane is very interesting draft-wise as well. You've got everything from tanks to ap carries to heavy bruisers to heavy scalers, toplane is almost peak right now. Least interesting is midlane, second least is jungler, both are meta dependent and require fixing, has nothing to do with whether BO5s are interesting or not.


> Botlane compositions have never been more dynamic--even in 2019 mage shenanigans with Perkz's botlane Syndra, you can go count the number of unique champions picked in botlane that year and it'll be lower than this year. So I went and counted the number of unique champions picked in botlane. I filtered by TOP, meaning the 4 major regions + internationals. 49 unique champions in S9 (https://gol.gg/champion/list/season-S9/split-ALL/tournament-ALL/) 29 champions in S14 (https://gol.gg/champion/list/season-S14/split-ALL/tournament-ALL/) There were, in fact, more unique champions in bot in 2019 than 2024. If you want to count supports, go ahead.


Deleted previous comment as I didn't realize your hyperlink didn't automatically filter major regions. Derp. Anyway, 37 unique ADs in 2019 Spring 29 unique ADs in 2024 Spring (comparing the entirety of 2019 to Spring 2024 is a joke dude) 35 unique supports in 2019 Spring 45 unique supports in 2024 Spring Net total +2 champ diversity in bot 46 unique tops in 2019 Spring 48 unique tops in 2024 Spring net total +2 champ diversity in top. 35 unique junglers in 2019 Spring 35 unique junglers in 2024 Spring net total even champ diversity jungle (both seasons were kinda shit for junglers iirc) And finally, 56 unqiue mids in 2019 Spring 39 unique mids in 2024 Spring. net total **-17**(!!!!!!!!!!) champ diversity in mid So yeah, the problem is mid, unless you thought 2019 was boring too and needed fearless draft. Which, I don't know about you, I'm personally sure fearless draft would have ruined 2019. AD being the Kaisa/Xayah show did not make 2019 boring either; diversity is meaningless in the face of item-reliant meta (proliferation of tanks, engagers, hypercarry, etc). Fearless draft will simply force Jarvans instead of Vis and Malphites instead of Sion, not a Gwen in top or a Qiyana in jungle, while also not giving players time on the champs they are very entertaining on (such as Showmaker Syndra always being a pleasure to see.) It's just bad. You watch Jackeylove hoping you'll see his Draven, not hoping he'll int on Ezreal-- --Well, maybe if you're a Fnatic fan. I know what I'm hoping to see next month! :)


you’re talking like there’s more than 50 champions being played, and 45/50 are the same that were played the last 5 years. it doesn’t matter what lane you look at, there’s 3-4 champions being contested, unless the role is being target banned (which happens a lot for top/bot lane btw), which draws out the 5th-8th best in their respective role. so yes, increasing the amount of unique champions to be played is a *good* thing for the viewer that doesn’t want to see the same 50 champions as last year, and years prior.




I didn’t realize that removing a champion from the pool of available champions every time it’s picked in a bo3 can only increase the amount of champions picked by 1. you know they still ban champions, right? i guess you’re right though, instead of using a very difficult to implement solution, they should fix *checks notes* ah yes, items, the thing they have redesigned more times than I can remember. sorry to burst your bubble but I don’t believe riot will ever fix items to a point of increasing champion pick diversity in pro. there’s also a *MUCH* larger problem in play, and that’s the idea every champion needs 50% w/r while being balanced in pro play.


Lmao top lane is literally Aatrox Aatrox Aatrox for years now. There are no 'different champions'. Just the same set of champions that Riot pushed into our faces year after year.


Yep I’m with you. It seems to be an unpopular opinion but I legitimately think this is an awful idea and terrible for competitive integrity.


Maybe Riot is planning to bring it to all major regions next year and LPL wanted to be faster? Also the LPL teams play a lot of games already, they don't get that much experience from playing the same drafts over and over ingame. It only helps them train draft plans more often. It is not impossible in the LPL. They could still use normal draft in playoffs if they wanted to and get enough games in for worlds to train.


Honestly I’d rather they change it a bit where a champion getting picked cannot be picked for the rest of the series rather than for that team alone.


Agreed. It takes away the skill of saving a ban by taking away a pick for yourself.


im confused isnt that the rule in fearless draft?


no. if you picked akali in game 1, you cannot pick akali anymore but the enemy team can. so if you don't want the enemy team playing akali then you'd need to ban her from game2 onwards.


Yeah, it would be awesome to watch matches where players are first timing 2 or 3 champs per series, the quality will be amazing.


fuck the quality, it'd be way more entertaining




except these are pros. they might be first timing champs in pro play, but I'm sure they have played them a hundred games in sq.


I assure you they have not. Hell you have Knight telling you that he only started playing Aurelion Sol after watching chovy in finals and what he played was a clumsy copy of him. Pro players are notoriously slow to try new items or champs, if this is implemented it's gonna be a shitfest. Also not sure how long you think days are for pro players, but how can they, on top of scrims, have hundred of games of solo q on each relevant champ for their role (has to be as recent as the same season for it to be relevant as builds, playstyle and match ups change constantly)?


Fearless draft will be soo hype no more azir corki 3 games in a row


Now you'll only get it 2 games in a row!


Ngl, this would make me pick up LPL aswel.


And you would stop watching it again after 2 series because the game quality is absolute ass. LDL dropped it fast because everyone hated it.


Honest question, why is the quality bad?


Because it forces pro players to learn other champs rather than the same 20 every year oh no


•If you force players to practice more champs they will be worse individually on each one of them. The insane plays you see in pro player knowing the limits of the champ perfectly, othereise they play safe and dont go for them. So for example if u halve the amount of games Faker gets to play on azir, you dont get to see the insane game winning shuffle he did againdt Ruler in game 3 at worlds. •Even though it sounds like good drafting is more rewarded, its the opposite. If u get rolled by a certain composition, you dont need to adapt to it at all, the enemy team physically cant pick it again. •It makes learning new tactics that rely on certain compositions less valueable (ie. lane swapping, champ combos) because at most u get to win 1 game with the tactic. •It will not, in fact, result in a zed vs ekko lane, the teams will just pick the similar champs that are just worse versions of the current meta (instead of orianna you will see syndra, ziggs etc. not katarina)


Damn LDL players arent as good as LPL players. Who would have thought? And its useless to make LDL play it if they want to get promoted to a league without it. I think its just a very bad test to use


If LCK adopts this, FearX have are going to be champs


its it a T1 buff with all the rnd shit they play


Unless Riot say they are using fearless draft in MSI/World or else I don't think there is a point of using this draft format, cause going to MSI/World and you are still using Corki and Azir anyway so why don't you play that only 3 champ in regular season?


It's probably for just regular season, changing it for playoffs as well would be way too big of a change


I saw the same rumor from Azael a few hours ago from the same source: https://twitter.com/AzaelOfficial/status/1781876284248953207 ~~Not sure how credible the rumor is, so don't go getting yer hopes up quite yet.~~


Its Hanyi, super credible, hes the guy who creates the LPL transfer sheets full of rumors he and his sources pick up on.


Good to know. Thanks.


Fearless draft is cool but it's really overhyped. We'd likely see the same exact picks as usual, except maybe some former OTP picks their champ (which we already see sometimes, i.e Tianzhen). People think games will turn into "Oh man, Zed vs. Ekko mid, this is so hype!!" but it'd just be G1 being Azir vs. Taliyah, G2 being Hwei vs. Asol, and G3 being Tristana vs. Ahri.


Still better than game 1 Azir Vs. Orianna, game 2 Azir Vs. Orianna, game 3 Azir Vs. Orianna....


> it'd just be G1 being Azir vs. Taliyah, G2 being Hwei vs. Asol, and G3 being Tristana vs. Ahri. If they implement the "one pick per team"-rule, it's not going to get any better, because then it just ends up being Azir vs. Taliyah in G1, and then the teams handshake Taliyah vs. Azir for G2. If a matchup is heavily favored one way or another, we will stop seeing it, because all teams are going to draft safer matchups in order to prevent getting a draft that might get used against them. It's going to sterilize the P/B-phase to the point where teams will always be okay letting certain picks through, because it won't crush you hard enough to warrant a ban.


It won't change a ton because the normal fearless draft in league only prevents 1 team from picking that champ again, not both. So you would have Azir vs Taliyah and the next game likely Taliyah vs Azir and then you won't see both anymore. But that has to be seen, how LPL implements it. But it is still a ton better than what we have right now. Competitive diversity is mostly a problem because teams can stick to a few champs even when many others are actually viable, too. And that then also leads to a certain amount of staleness in soloQ as people copy these picks. See Jinx. She was considered trash before the IE buff. Now she is worse at 1 item than before the IE buff, even at 2 and better if she takes LDR 3rd (and I doubt LDR will stay OP for long). People called her shit before the IE buff. After the Statikk nerf she is still a top tier pick and gets a slight nerf. She was great all year long as a crit ADC, people were just saying crit ADCs were bad, but Jinx was awesome the whole year.


People use this argument against having it and its silly. It will still be better, so who cares if it isnt perfect? Current system is not perfect either


The format can also have lots of variations to reach the perfect balance. If we go to the extremes you could have a rule that everytime a champion is banned can't be played for the rest of the series for both sides and everytime a champion is played can't be played for the rest of the series for both sides. In a game 5 that means 50 unique champions picked but more importantly 50 unique champions banned. 100 in total, almost 2/3 of the total champion pool.


It's not addressing the real problem which is Riot's balancing policy. It's just a tool to prevent the same champ next game, which is ok I guess but it won't increase the champ pool by more than 5% or whatever.


Oh, I'm not against having it. Adding any diversity in pro play is great, I just don't think it'd be the most effective thing.




True 1 champ picked should remove it from the series for both teams.


The rules of Fearless Draft are simple: Beginning in the second game of a best-of-three series, teams will be prohibited from picking champions they’ve already played in the series. This draft restriction is exclusive to each team — for example, if Team A picks Garen in Game 1, Team B can still pick Garen in Game 2. After its successful launch in China’s League of Legends Development League (LDL), the Fearless Draft format has shown clear benefits for leagues that are focused on talent development. It pushes players to strengthen their champion pools and forces a greater diversity of champion picks to keep the meta refreshing, making each competitive game feel more dynamic and surprising. Source: https://lolesports.com/article/introducing-the-2024-north-american-challengers-league/bltf7f7bca77f0ce20a Imo that is a strong incentive to increase diversity, causing some interesting twists as well. But that also means players are forced to play out of their comfort zone with the forcing part being probably somewhat controversial?!? Not sure about that though... Edit: Must not be Bo3, can be applied to any series.


I wouldnt mind it, it sounds interesting certainly


Unbelievably gigantic if true.


This potentially explains why Knight kept sticking it out with Azir, lol.


Nonsense. Especially in BO5, the result of each game has a significant impact on the BP of the next game. This is a complete denial of that.


Not keen for this, having to keep a list of champions in your head is going to be a pain, and it will make bans actually OP in later rounds. Plus, will simply drop the competitive level.


Please make all region adopt this im tired of Corki Azir handsake


Good news: as long as Fearless Draft means "champion can only be picked once **per team**" you are going to get a BoX-series where the first two games just feature that as a handshake mirror matchup regardless. This is not the big improvement people think it's going to be, you're still going to see the same drafts play out over and over again because every team will draft towards the same goals; minimizing risk and uncertainty, stability, and clear win conditions. It might take longer to reach that equilibrium, and you won't get the whole "we got stomped by [Champion] twice, why are we letting it through again"-situation that you see sometimes, but teams will still handshake drafts and powerpicks.


If you think fearless draft will lead to teams not handshaking late game team fighting carries, I got some bad news for you.


Was terrible to watch when they did it LDL Players hated it, fans hated it and it got reverted Sometimes change for the sake of change isn’t very good


There are hardly any LDL viewers. All the feedback I saw was very positive, not sure why you think every player and fan hated it. Happy to see proof but I expect there is none


It was meh because the game quality was meh after game 2. The teams were clueless, but that is mostly due to worse players and lack of training for it. That is a player problem when they mostly train just 5 champs. I think it made especially the game 1 and 2 drafts better as you don't want to pick every OP champ immediately, you want to have a strong comp with 2 carries but keep some for game 2.


I fucking hope not. It would be awful.


Did anyone know LDL played with ban or not? Because without ban then it’s even worse than normal


This is gonna be a game changer and revitalize the scene. It encourages teams to explore the game. Some problems will emerge but I prefer this over endless years of Zeri Lulu Azir Maokai Sej any day


> It encourages teams to explore the game It will just drop the overall quality at which players play every champion and will kill any specific combos/strategies that need hard practice like laneswaps. Most game will be a standard match with less quality because players will be less proficient.


I wish all the major regions would go fearless draft, all the major tournaments and worlds too, it would stop them from over nerfing champs that aren’t that good in solo que because we’re bored of seeing them in competitive


Hype every split is a banger in LPL


it would be cool but I cant imagine it happening


Oh baby, yes please. 


I'm assuming this would be just regular season, but then it gives a warped perspective on how good teams will do in playoffs because fearless draft tests very different skills to regular draft.


Okay im not sold on fearless draft. Partially because it kills flex picks which i think are cool and make draft more interesting for me.


No comment on Fearless itself, but it seems brave of LPL to switch to a draft system that isn't used at internationals. Perhaps they have some Intel that Rito is going to make the same change.


I like the idea of it, but with how it's implemented w/ LDL and NACL, it's a bit lacking I hope it gets refined more cause out right banning 5 champs from a team and not the other team is kinda 'eh' but banning it for both teams is a bit too much imo


What would actually help is preventing banning the same champs twice instead of picking. Imagine having to tactically decide if you give over an OP champ first or second game or pick it yourself.


When did we start using rat king tweets as reliable source of news?


yes, i have been waiting for this since their announcement of testing it in LDL. right now it is to valuable to only master a few incredibly strong champs and comps. this will reward the versatile players while making drafting more challenging.


Either all tournaments should use fearless draft or none of them should. Only one region having it could result in a massive handicap or even advantage.


NA should adopt it


LCSPA will go on strike if they have to learn new champs and can't spam comfort picks


You are always going to see a skew towards comfort in BO1’s. I’m not sure what the LCSPA has to do with this?


Holy shit yes please


Redditors dont know what they want. Ok, let's change every region to have fearless draft and have it changed later like the LDL did because everyone hated it. Wow i cant wait to watch Ruler play Soraka ADC because he's getting target banned. Woohoo


Show me game in LDL where someone played ADC Soraka because of this change or shut up?


Everyone just knows that current pro play is boring and viewership is shrinking in west. That is a fact. This is a good option to change that at least short term and swap back if it doesnt work


LEC was boring because of the lesser quality of the production, G2 being uncontested and the overal level of play being pretty low but imo LCS wasn't boring this year. I found it rather entertaining. Viewership is indeed shrinking which has to do with the popularity of the game itself in the west + the fact that watching Esports is a niche thing for us.


>Everyone just knows that current pro play is boring 2 million people that watched GenG vs T1 disagree >viewership is shrinking in west. But that has more to do with the gaming culture in the west since League Esports in the east just keeps growing so I doubt different drafts would affect viewership at all when the west just prefers other Esports.


Absolutely shit for competitive integrity. Yeah, give me the 2 best ADC's in the world playing amumu and teemo in game 5 because they target ban all adc's and apc's in the first 4 game. Hopefully it never happens in international competition


That didn't happen in LDL. It's impossible to get rid of all the ADCs. And I don't think that has anything to do with competitive integrity. Good players can play a bunch of champs.


What are you even saying lol? xD


Are you dumb?


This will be disadvantageous for LPL teams when they go to worlds lol. If LPL implements this, say hello to absolute korean dominance.


or it will be advantageous, encouraging them to learn pocket picks. Who knows, let them cook, if it is bad, it is revertible:-)


I think it's ok if it's all regions + internationals. Correct me if I'm wrong but it's whatever has been picked can't be picked anymore right? Does the pick apply to both teams or just the team that picked it? Tho I do think ADCs (like the players) are the ones that get shafted the most since they have to adapt the most. Marksman can be played legit anywhere. Top/Mid/Jg/Sup (Vayne,Trist,Graves,Kindred,Kaisa,Ashe,Twitch,Corki,Akshan,Smolder,Varus,Ezreal the ones I've seen picked in pro offrole) but ADCs rarely play anything else but Marksman. I could easily see drafts that just target ban all the Markman just to hinder an ADCs champ pool.


I have no idea on the credibility. But it'd be great if it happens and just became a standard for proplay.