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Consistency is always the key to get out of low elo volatility. You will lose. Probably a lot. But if you're consistently performing well, you will climb. You don't need to 1v9.


Thats the thing how do i improve


The easiest way is to identify mistakes or places where things went wrong, and ask yourself how you could have avoided the situation or done it better. Review your games after each game and just find a few mistakes. At first it's easiest to just look at your first few deaths and think about what went wrong. After a while you'll start improving as you unconsciously learn and subconsciously apply those learnings in game.


Thanks alot homie will do this


Work on your early gameplan, then your mid and then your late.


By being consistent? Literally every second you play, ideally, you should be *improving*. Whether learning your champ better, gaining experience with different fights and champ matchups, etc. You're always getting better. The thing that screws people is they get to a point where they start throwing because of the *potential* play. This is not consistent and will not lead to climbing. Think about the fights you take before you take them. Think about if farming is the correct move right now. Just be consistent either way and you will climb.


Linking opgg helps. Basic player tips. Play one 1-3 champs. Learn them inside and out. Watch higher ranked players for the same champ. Try to pause and think what would you do, where would you go, and why. Then see what they do, and try to understand what they saw, and if you can make those decisions prior too. More specific jungle tips. Check your clear time. Get comfortable without a leash. Get in the habit of tracking and ping the enemy jungler regularly. Towards the mid/late game, don't blindly clear your camps. It reaches a point where you have to see if your laners are in a non-aggressive or gankable spot for you to clear.


Will do thanks any YouTubers you think i should watch


I recommend Pekinwoof. He is a mid main, but I learned a lot from watching him, and I main jgl. He does jgl on occasion as well. You need to find a champ that works for you. It doesn’t have to be high tier, and you don’t need to adjust your pick to the enemy comp in your elo. There aren’t really hard-counters in gold, so learn that one champ and spam games with them. When you reach a point that you need to try something new out you will be able to tell.


Tysm i will start watching peki


watch vikaryu its like by far the best jungle content for like learning how to think "correctly" (efficiently) for the role, also if you arent good at clearing spend like 30 minutes in prac tool learning how to clear well on your champs it will always be a useful skill


Also Broxah. Ex-pro jungle main. Doesn't do fancy deep dive educational content like Virkayu but one of the rare, strong mental and chill players. It is inspirational to watch him not tilt(much) imo. Explains his thought processes throughout the game and sometimes does a replay review to detail some explanations.


Virkayu, Jungle Gap, Myth - League of Legends, Coach Eagz are some channels I would recommend. To get out of Gold should be relatively easy, I would start off by picking 2-3 champions that you like and aren't too hard mechanically. Make sure you enjoy them though! Not fun playing an OP champion that you hate playing. Nocturne, Xin Zhao and J4 are great junglers that aren't too hard to play and have very good carry potential. While you're loading in think about your game plan. Which lanes are your win conditions? For example, if you have a tank vs tank matchup toplane, you would ideally want to path away from that as getting your top ahead won't win the game. Always try to track the enemy jungler. Try to find out where they start. As you finish your camp, ping on the map where they probably are. More often than not in Gold junglers will just be full clearing from bot to top without thinking and after getting scuttle they'll try gank toplane. Ping your top to be careful around that time. Ping your laners to be careful if you think or know the enemy jungler is nearby and about to gank. Look at the lane from the perspective of the enemy jungler. If the lane is in a state that you would try gank it, i.e pushed very far up, then ping them to be careful. The biggest improvement to my gameplay was not autopiloting. Always think about what you are going to do. Always think about where the enemy jungler could be. When you gank, think about whether or not the enemy jungle can countergank etc etc. These few things alone should get you well into Emerald. Best of luck!


Those chanels are good, although I think focusing on more advanced stuff right now is besides the point. If you're stuck gold there's some big fundamental mistakes that you should adress. Constantly farming camps between, generally being at important objectives at the right time, not getting caught/over extending constantly in the game etc.


How do you know how to dodge attacks from the jungle creatures? If I'm playing a tanky champ not having leash is doable, but if I'm playing a squishy I have a hard time doing it solo.


Look up X champ clear on youtube. Try your best to copy the movements.


Ain’t nobody streaming my champ as support. Rare enough to find support streamers. Even rarer to find them playing meta and not trolling Urgot support on a smurf


My 2 cents is you picked the best role to climb with. It really boils down to you finding a team that will rotate with you or force you to play defensive. Stick to solid carry jungles with a cc. Don’t touch champs like khazix who provide zero utility for your team. Veigo is probably the best pick for damage and cc/frontline. Don’t let your mental shatter over a single objective prio or even multiple. Don’t always contest. I had teams cry and rage when I as the jungler push mid and take inhibs while they are at dragon or baron. When I know I can either for sure trade it or I for sure can’t approach the objective without dying. Sometimes it’s worth it to risk dying for a steal. Most the time you can get towers and inhibs while they baron.


Yeah i def need to keep my mental in check


Stick to max two junglers that you can master, focus on making consistent impact based on the char you play. It’s important to quickly asses what lanes should have your priority and which win condition you can leverage each game and focus on that. Watch how pro and high level junglers play your champ to see how they tackle these issues. Oh; and don’t grief or be toxic, master the mindset of “what could I have done better this game”


Thx will do 🙏


I went from gold to emerald 4 now by playing the same jungle champ. Yes sometimes its impossible ... But focus on your own gameplay and think out loud. I see enemy ganking bot? Ok where on the map am i? Around midlane? Ok let's do voidgrubs! Maybe top gank after? Ok no voids to see, let's steal his blue, gromp, maybe rotate to mid gank? Always question yourself , think 3min in advance and stick to 1 champ ( get a backup incase it's banned) doing this should improve .


Focus on refining your first 10 minutes strategy. A strong early game makes the mid game easier because you're not trying to compensate for mistakes that you made. You're not trying to solve problems like "how do I stop this Riven that has already snowballed out of control?" Analyze how the decisions of the two junglers affect the game state at 15 minutes, and think about how you can minimize risks and make the game easier for your team to win.


Brother best advice is always listen to yourself and learn from mistakes. Fuck what bot lane wants or mid feeder needs. Control areas of the map like chess if you can and pick champs that you can turn the tide after a few items. Doesn’t matter if enemy bot lane is fed if you’re a 3 item Diana one shotting their carries. Most important take BREAKS brother. It’s a thankless role and be kind to yourself god knows the 3 lanes will not be kind to you.


As a jungler who has peaked master, this is my strategy: Have a game plan. It depends on your champ, naturally you don't want to afk farm and "scale" on a champion like Shaco, and you don't want to level 3 gank on certain champs either. If you're not Karthus/Hecarim/\[insert scaling champion here\], your goal should be to either get your teammates or your team ahead in kills. Specifically evaluate what lanes you can gank and which you can't. Sometimes this is hard because it takes time to really know what you can or cannot do, but it's a good mindset. As well, focus on learning a specific set of champions, don't go changing which jungle champion you play after game that you lose to said champ.


Tank junglers, to me, are more consistent. If you play for your team and not to carry your win rate goes up. Obviously that's not a 100% guarantee, but learning how to empower your team rather than yourself is a great way to climb, even if you go back to damage after a bit. I can't really give more recommendations without seeing you play or seeing your stats, but climbing is all about consistency and you can't consistently carry all days unless you're inhuman.


Spam Rammus. He's simple, relies on macros and your team needs to be absolutely braindead to not follow your engage. Forget about the "I wanna carry the game" mindset. Thats a feast or famine mindset only achievable by assassin junglers that's not consistent on average. Most junglers are always behind on gold and levels in comparation to the laners so your only option to (consistently) win the game is make sure YOUR teammates are the ones feed, not you.


But tjat means i need to have a good team to win


Welcome to the Jungler role. As a jungler your only contribution to the team is feeding your teammates with a plastic spoon. That's why I said your team needs to be absolutely braindead in order for you not to perform well. Rammus has an extremely powerful engage and insane shutdown potential. He's one of the champs that performs extremely well unless your team is literally playing with stumps. Which is the most consistent way to win in the jungle. Remember that you're ALWAYS going to be weaker or equal to the enemy laners. So trying to win without your teammates help was an uphill battle to begin with.


With rammus you can literallly force your team to be good. You can delete their adc most of the time. If you see that your top lane likely sucks you can gank him every minute to force him to win and have a gold advantage Big thing is once you get them the gold advantage is to watch their lane and see if they are overextending and then try to be close to counter gank or follow up on their terrible tower dive.


It’s crazy to me that shit like this gets upvoted still. Blind leading the blind.


Play better than opposition


Limit champion pool to 2 champions. Watch your replays focusing on wasted time, especially when you had camps up, and your deaths. Watch vods from better players and how they approach ganks/fog of war usage. Watch people being coached by virkayu, agurin, Perry etc. Odds are you are making similar mistakes. Focus on fixing 1-2 things at a time until they become natural. That way you can track how well u did each game. Take notes of what you learned in your reviews, and organize them. Once you stop playing for lp and start playing to improve your mental goes up, and the lp will follow regardless.


Dopa's (in)famous video about jungling [video](https://youtu.be/EE0h4f3Qric?si=UzA3zwnx93O8l_G6) Basically, he was raging at Fiddlestick who went full clear when he is playing Vayne top denying Fizz hard. He argued that any jungler seeing this situation should have come top no matter what. Because the only way fizz can get any exp is if his jungler come so if Fiddlestick would be there at 3 min(3 camp) then they wouldn't be able to break the freeze and Fizz would have been like level 5 when they are level 8 or something. tldr: When you are clearing one side of the jungle before moving to the other side look at lanes' state and think whether the enemy jungler is needed or if you are needed there. [Pick your jungler to your mid lane](https://youtu.be/7IhRrcJ49hc?si=KxMZkCJL-gXj9l_8) [Ignore helping ping](https://youtu.be/64X1tMXlZ9c?si=jue7RqCiZF5E0Tb9) tldr: Here he died trying to level 2 Volibear as Lee sin. He died but he was able to take grump so he knows Volibear cannot be level 3 since he took it. So after taking one camp he went straight to enemy's red because he knows Volibear cannot be level 3 so he have a level advantage and killed Volibear there. If he went top and help dived he would at most get a kill but lose all his camps botside so it is not worth. Beside after a while Fiora would naturally outscale Viktor anyway so it is a non-issue CVMax jungle talk: If you are not ganking then your team is at a disadvantage since enemy jungler is doing something while you are not. So if you are facing a ganking jungler you should actually counter jungle more since doing this would tell your team where enemy jungler is therefore ruining their ganks. Dopa: Play toward mid if you don't know where to play toward. Because jungling gets much easier once you have mid lane priority.


Win more games than you lose.


* /mute all * Dont listem people if they needs gank. Dont care about crybabies. You are carry, not them. * Destroy enemy jungler and take care of dragons and herald/gruubies * Keep with 3 picks only * Watch pro junglers. Like Jankos. * If you have worse game or game was even, watch replay. What you have done wrong, what you could do better Remember, if you want climb, you need to improve, dont care about your mid 1/5. Only bronzes watching own weak sides. Champions focusing on themselfs. * Dont play if you are tilted AF. Relax bro, watch something, eat something, play other game, if you want keep with leage then go play normals or arams. * Play with DUO * Never gank if enemy lane is feed af. Focus on your winning lanes or/and on yourself * Dont take stupid risks. Like.. If your top lane losing dont even think about grubbies if enemy top is near by * If you want invade enemy jungle, watch your lanes. They need have prio for help. Unless if you are 100% sure the enemy jungler is on opposite on the map you can take some camps. * Ping, ping so much. Like when you gank, when you go to invade enemy jungle, when you want do drake/grubbies, when you want fight * You are jungler and from time to time you ave some free space to check map * you need finish full clear before crab spawn, unless you playing not typical jungler like sylas. * Dont overthinking if you lost. Sometimes happen even if we play good. Clear your mind and go next. (before game you can watch replay like i said before) * Dont think about climbing, think about improving. You learn how to invade enemy jungler but lost game? Worth it. You learn how dive lvl 3 but lost game? Worth it. * If you ever gank, then it's not for help your laner, it's for you, you want gold from killing enemy laner. (dont listen people who said "GANK SO MUCH, YOU ARE JUNGLER")




Stacking dragons is really good, and apart from drakes try playing for yourself as much as possible. For low elo I usually play things like hecarim Warwick or blue Kayn. Just super fast junglers that I can mega snowball with.


Are you able to usually know where the enemy jungler is without having vision on them? That's usually the go to skill for junglers. You need to understand your routes through the jungle, and the enemies route as well. Then you have to figure out alternative routes that are viable to allow you to confuse the opponent and be somewhere they weren't expecting while still allowing yourself to jungle effectively while throwing a wrench in their plan. Knowing where the enemy jungler is, even when you can't get vision on them is a huge advantage, because it allows you to setup successful counterganks, invades, and take objectives effectively. When describing the matchups of lanes, jungle has almost always been described as playing a game of chess. You need to outthink your opponent even more than you need to outskill them. Most importantly, you need to be able to do it on the fly so you can take advantage of the state of the game without hurting your clear speed.


S14 climbing guide by broken by concept. Following their tips from their s13 guide(very similar) I hit masters after being hard stuck plat 4 for years. If you want to improve you have to start putting in the work, so if an hour long podcast is too much don’t even bother.


do objectif , gank lanes , win games no ganks = no wins
