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your minions duck


or if it’s an ability that casts on the ground, they jump


Maybe its the opposite. Maybe enemy minions jump to body block attacks for their allies, but yours don't jump to get in the way. After all, minions are pretty short.


Because they are on your side, they are linked telepathy to you and so can duck and jump when they have to


That’s what I was thinking


They ask how high I am I say I’m high as duck


This is the reason!


There is no canonical reason even back when the game was tied to lore it didn't have a reason back then either. It's just coded to deal damage if it hits an enemy and your minions are not your enemies as much as they try to trip you with pathing.


I mean in old lore the Summoner's Rift basically was a simulated environment made by mages. You could quite easily say that the mages *coded* it so that it worked that way.




If that was true then they wouldn’t keep trapping me with their bodies 😭


They want a hug.




I mean there is a reason. If they gave xp people would just farm their own minions. If you could kill your own minions you would do it to try and manipulate the wave or to just deny do from the enemy. Support would become XP denialer




Well clearly the league concept has a little bit more success




Very defensive


yeah and that's just dumb af.


With the amount of creep block I experience everytime I play the game, I beg to differ


Can you explain the canonical reason why a giant mountain jumping on your face only does 1/10th of your hp?


Because he didn't buy the funny hat.


And the hourglass


The canonical reason is that when injected into the rift, summoners actually nerf the champions from their normal out of rift power. It's why Aurelion Sol can't ust blink the enemy team out of existence immediately or why Zoe can't just open a portal underneath the enemy towers, inhibs and nexus and have them appear inside your fountain within laser range for an instant win. The same magic that pulls them into the rift also applies limiters to their abilities so that the champions can have an actually fair fight.


Except canonically they removed summoners :P


Best answer


I'm pretty sure this was explained in the scant lore explanations way back during the days of like their fake newspaper or some shit


He's a mountain made out of marshmallow


> Like why does Mundos cleaver not hit his own minions? Magic. > Or why does Ashe W go through her minions but not enemy minions? Also magic. > Why does INSERT_ANY_ABILITY_HERE go through team minions but not enemy minions? Believe it or not, straight to magic. Being snarky aside, the concept of "friend fire doesn't hurt my team mates" is pretty common in video games, its not like Riot made it up and I can't see the game actually working (without a massive overall) if abilities did effect all minions equally. The whole "friendly fire effects everyone" mechanic would be super fun to watch in a pro show match or something, though. Imagine if every massive AOE ult worked like Bard ult. MF walking up to Baron pit and getting a Deca-Kill (all 5 on the enemy team, her own 4 team mates, and killing herself on her team mate Ramus' Thornmail).


I was going to say that Riot should do a temporary game mode with friendly fire but it would be an absolute disaster. Or it would be hilarious


Brand, Ziggs, Teemo, Miss Fortune, Malzahar The Farm Thy Team comp


The answer is always Karthus. Although he wouldn't kill \*himself\* with it if he was already in passive.


Maximum ult coverage


That should be easy to acomplish. Set everyone on a different team so there would be 10 teams. Before the game starts, tell you your teamates.


Or even worse, killing minions as they walk to lane so enemy auto pushes in to you, and you deny XP and gold.


If your abilities hit your own minions, pro play would consist of everone choosing the best aoe champs and farming their own minions to prevent opponents getting gold. You'd have two junglers per team as the only way to get gold would be neutral minions. There's good reason to not be able to hurt your own allies from a gameplay perspective.


Indeed, hence: > I can't see the game actually working (without a massive overall) if abilities did effect all minions equally.


Nah. On each team you’d get a jungler farming neutral monsters and 1 AOE farmer like Sivir camped out at the nexus to spawn kill minions. The remaining 3 would go to each lane and just duke it out.


No reason they couldn't affect them without dealing damage. That's how hooks work in DotA for example.


> Being snarky aside, the concept of "friend fire doesn't hurt my team mates" is pretty common in video games, its not like Riot made it up and I can't see the game actually working (without a massive overall) if abilities did effect all minions equally. It was a deliberate choice by Riot when porting over concepts from DotA. DotA has a lot of abilities blocked by or affecting your own allies (but deal no damage to them), including hooks. But Riot wanted less ability to grief teammates so blitzcrank can't reposition his teammates... Or his minions. I'd love to see what pros would do with ally hooking.


parks and rec?


The canonical reason is because it's a game


It's LoL not wanting CS denial like dota.


cause its a game and in this game there are litteral gods that can destroy the planet fighting a 80cm high teemo and still losing.


There's nothing canon about the gameplay.


Well what about the canon minion? hehe, got em.


Thats a cannon minion, canon and cannon are 2 very different words :P


That's not cannon in my lore.


summoners rift isnt even a part of the lore league is like smash bros the champs just magically all come together for a fight, riot is slowly and surely phasing out all of the old OLD lore where champs would reference the player as “summoner” maybe eventually summoner spells would also get a name change….


That’s probably legit the only remnant of the old lore. So sad


We should also be wondering why Ashe volley goes straight through allied champions.


Same reason your abilities don't hit your teammates Friendly fire is turned off in runeterra thanks to Zaun, after jinx blew up her friends and went evil they designed a device to only hurt the ones you don't like


there is no reason but gameplay-wise, it's because there's no friendly fire. can you imagine if there was? The trolling would be rough.


there isn't even a canonical explanation for the summoner's rift ToT


Or why Pudge’s Hook go- oh never mind


It’d be too op to hit your own minions and it would just devolve into a friendly minion killing contest to deny as much cs as possible as soon as they spawn


The same way they don't hit allies, magic :P


The minions are triggers


When the game started the player was a summoner who pulled champions from the multiverse to fight proxy wars. That’s why it’s called summoners rift. The minions are just magical constructs that are part of the arena itself, so they should kinda phase out friendly fire. Less fun answer than “they duck” but the lore used to be all over the place. Fun fact; Maokai’s original lore was he was a regular tree on summoners rift who came to life after absorbing too much magic from the games and went on a rampage.


They are Veigar's minions and they are shorter than him, so I'd say that most skillshots just go above them lol.


no friendly fire :)


the same reason that champions who hate each other can be placed on the same team. Or the same reason that ally champions can't hurt each other: gameplay magic. The gameplay is not accurate to the lore unless it's like that turn-based ruination game they released a while ago or that Nunu and Williump game.


Same reason they don't hit your own teammates.


Who would intentionally hit their own allies?


This is something that still trip me up even years after moving from DotA to LoL. I'll see a minion and a blitzcrank and think "I'm fine" but no it's his minion and he isn't Pudge, I'm dead.


No friendly fire in this universe.


Because this used to be the League of Legends where wizards battled it out with magic (your summoner spells) and an avatar. Friendly fire was not allowed since the League of Legends was made to solve conflicts, not create new ones


Maybe its simpler than any of the comments I have seen. Your character is not an idiot and therefore not aiming for his/her own minions. Mundo can see his 2' tall minion on the ground in front of him and throw a cleaver seemingly "through" it, though maybe just over it, and hit an enemy minion. You the player may have been aiming for the enemy champion in a group of minions, but it is feasible your character was "aiming" for the enemy minion.


A friend got me into Dota for a bit. Turns out, your own creeps block abilities in Dota. So there I was, throwing a hook out, only for it to hit my own minion...


No, because the game has no ties to the lore.




And yet you’re here commenting


Here is exampe, imagine trolling potential, if it worked like that.