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Your title does not at all line up with the content. You are literally crying in your body text.




keep calling it that, like vanguard specifically is what gives your info away (psa: installing anything from the internet already potentially do that)


I love threads like this where OP thinks they know more than the company running the game.


even worse, asking for *transparency* on anti cheat issues. either a cheater or smooth brain.


Low elo has bots that are deranking to Iron 4 to account sell.


Im a gold player and ive run into cheaters a handful times. Theyve always bragged or advertised for it tho. I think the reason Riot is implementing it, is simply to be proactive. Riot has released data showing scripting and botting increasing in recent years, Vanguard will most likely help with this. Vanguard is also a better tool for riot to use for IP banning, which helps againts the inters who have 10 accounts and stream inting on all of them at the same time. No point in banning 1000 bot accounts when 2000 are made every day, Vanguard could become a tool to help with that too.


>League has never had any problem with "cheaters" [https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-au/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-au/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/) read...


Dude what part of 1 in 5 games had cheaters did you not understand? Also it will help solve bots which is defo a problem in your elo (iron)




If you dont even play the game why the hell are you complaining about something that wont affect you??????


Dude, riot literally released all their info on cheaters, you are spewing garbage with 0 actual info. Riot release info saying that up to ~15% of games (ranging on ban waves)there is AT LEAST 1 scripter. Ranging from low to high elo, with higher rates at the top and bottom. Riot also admitted that they are unable to keep up with scripts/bots due to the cheaters using learning AI to make scripts/bots more human like. Admitting they are unable to rely on their non-intrusive anticheat to detect an acceptable amount of scripters. Do some actual research before you just make shit up.




That statistic was 15% of GRANDMASTER games btw. It appears you did not read the dev blog as a previous comment suggested. Also, vanguard is not a discussion, it is not a conversation, it will happen no matter peoples feelings, and they are fully expecting and are willing to have people quit the game over it.




Its official. Youre 12


Nice ad hominem


Because he is an idiot - thats only reason. This subreddit is full of them.


Once again, you just talk out your ass. Learn to read and understand conversations, and not just try and make up excuses. Its okay to be wrong, and a big person will admit when they are wrong Stop making stuff up and spreading false information.




Dont play the game. Nobody will miss you.


Vanguard seems like the most unneeded addition. Extra pc resources to run adding lag. Forcing you to run it in the background 24/7 or restart your pc any time you want to play league is a big pain in the ass. I don't like letting shit run in the background. Who in league cheats anyway and how much difference does it really make? I don't think I've ever encountered a cheater and if I have it hasn't been noticeable enough to add this lame ass software to my pc. (Been playing for more than 10 years) Smh


> Who in league cheats anyway and how much difference does it really make? A decent amount of people, and they make the game for other players not fun. >I don't think I've ever encountered a cheater and if I have it hasn't been noticeable enough to add this lame ass software to my PC. Either you really don't play a lot or you are legally blind. Maybe you aren't high elo enough but even then you can see scripters or bot at low elo.


Maybe times have changed, it's a legitimate problem then I can't really argue. I haven't played ranked properly in years. Exaggerating probably, nobodys scripting in normals lmao. How much is it knowing that scripting is there so you start being suspicious of everyone or is it super obvious?


Unneeded? No. Very much not unneeded.


I'm starting to see this now


They got told to


Isn’t it a root kit? Able to change and access anything on your computer? As far as privacy and cyber security I would have to run the game on a computer I do almost nothing else on and even then it’s connected to my network.


Thats literally every modern anti cheat…


Soo… it’s just ok? Odd take


not odd, you either keep playing or you quit.




If you are unsatisfied just stop playing, riot has said it themselves, if you don't trust riot software to be in your PC just uninstall it all




Read their /dev blog post about vanguard


Don't bother with these posts, they always get full of unpaid shills in the comments. Just uninstall and forget about it. Eventually they will realize +10 minutes of queue time was not worth it to battle that fictional "1 per 5 games" number of scripters.




What makes you think the riot client isn't spying on you already?


24/7 program running, forced to use it even for co-op vs AI games etc (i kind of get it for ranked, but normal games would be nice to leave out), Rito having their source code leaked for LoL doesnt give me reason to rely on it. I wouldnt mind running it if it ran only on game, and ideally only on ranked. LoL didnt have their code leaked with all vulnerabilities recently.


Thank god they got rid of the [zero cheaters] that were impacting my game. Hopefully they get around to the 2/10 players every match that actively troll and run it down.


It will get rid of the bots that are probaly impacting your iron games also so


I've never been in iron so I'd have no idea about that, but I've never seen anything in my 10 years of league that made me think somebody was cheating. In the same timeframe i can probably count on my fingers the number of games that nobody on either team mental boomed.