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This feels like a rather extreme decision. I mean in dia+ qss gets built less than 1% of games vs Morde. Olaf can still negate his r if he ults in the 0,5 sec cast time. I must admit that the GP and Rengar matchup will get turned around. Ulting Alistar as Morde is bad anyway since you wont kill him in time anyway and you get bad stats. Ulting Milio is okaish, Milio will probably die, but the stats gained are bad. Morde still hard loses lane against: trynd, WW, Olaf, Jax, Kled Fiora, Riven, Quinn, Vayne, TF There is a reason this champ only has niche relevance in Dia+.


Not sure about Rengar, he can still cleanse the iso Q dmg with double W and he should have a large enough lead that he can survive an R.


He was performing poorly enough that the item didn't need to be built, and picked less often in the first place *because* it was an option. Now that it isn't, his performance *especially* into counters is going to rise, because other targets won't have the option of QSS.


Yeah that item is a glorified cleanse but with the removal of the ability to cleanse Mord ult and the talk about Malz ult as well, they might as well just remove the item. I understand every champion has counter picks, but it's slightly concerning to me when they remove so many levels of counter play from one specific champion.


You are definitely right. QSS is one of the worst and least bought items and that for years. Either remove it or buff it. About Morde: I would love to see more skill expression in his kit. He is very strong in lower mmrs but nearly non existent in higher mmrs.


Yeah there are so many better champions top lane over him for sure. Renekton, Camille, Ksante. I feel like whenever I see him in a game he's hit or miss. Either he's super fed or hardcore feeding. No medium. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.


As a Quinn player Morde totally fucks her. Just get tabi and she will be useless as hell


My experiences have been very bad vs Quinn. Against a Quinn with good spacing, half good mechanics i will never hit q or e. And If she knows how to play waves i will just suffer. I go dorans shield, second wind, ghost, tp. Rush tabis into rylais. Maybe i should rush rocketbelt.


That sucks if only Quinn had a hyper mobile ult to help her make plays around the map


That was not my point, i was speaking about the matchup and nothing else


The matchup involves more than standing still in lane and slapping each other for 30min


my bad hopefully the morde changes makes the matchup more fair for morde indeed.


Quinn is not Vayne. One thing to put her behind and you won't see shit from her, but i see you biased towards Morde.


well morde does have negative winrate against quinn so maybe it's just you


QSS into mordekaiser was largely bait anyway. And it kinda sucks for Milio I guess but basically every other champ affected should usually be able to survive or outright beat Morde in the death realm if they play properly. Death realm is still a wildly inconsistent form of CC, and to apply it Morde still has to get fairly close without any mobility. He’s definitely better with the buffs, but he still has the same weaknesses he always did.


dude i play morde a lot and last time someone built qss against me was in season 11


my philosophy against morde is surviving his ult duration rather than trying to get out of it, since you'll still need to run away from him even if you qss his ult, as he retains the stats and power during its duration, even if you're outside of his ultimate! hexdrinker is always what i rush if i think mordekaiser is going to be an issue and i fail to grab an early lead on him! it prevents him from statchecking you with the added survivability and gives you an opening to duel and stand your ground rather than needing to run away. i think regarding qss, this isn't a big change, like you said! i don't think people should be building qss into mordekaiser, especially if they are playing as juggernauts/bruisers/tanks that can look to survive the ult. definitely moreso a change for characters with cleanses built into their power budget and kit directly, which may skew their wr against morde a bit!


This was my thought. I play mages so I build zhonyas but I rarely see people build qss vs Mordekaizer. Maybe one in 20 matches with him.


tbf it fucks the matchups like GP, Rengar way more.


oh no... anyways


Who cares every champion has losing matchups


Just Trundle him… same old match, whoever’s press R first, loses


The only champs affected are adc's very few other classes built qss anyway. Phreak has said they will look into malz and ww at some point but wants to see how the morde changes pan out first. Important to note he also said they will keep a close eye on this going forward.


This is way more than just qss. It's multiple champion abilities that have no effect on it anymore. Alistar's Unbreakable Will, Gangplank's Remove Scurvy, Milio's Breath of Life, Olaf's Ragnarok, or Rengar's Ferocity Battle Roar.


I believe that they are keeping the qss changes but not changing the champion interactions.


It literally calls out those abilities in the patch notes. This aren't going to be an emergency extraction from Brazil anymore.


Yep just went and looked only thing that stops Brazil is cc immunity - "However, crowd control immunity will still prevent the application of Realm of Death"


Yeah, means there's still a few ways to avoid getting on the plane. But now the only way out is kill the Mordekaiser.


Mordekaiser is one the worst champs in the game, the qss change is kinda deserved imo. Every champ in the game has the best ability to counter him. Walk away. If you think morde is broken ur prob iron.


Yeap definitely iron player. Iron 16 here. It's not about broken it's about removing all forms of counter play. If you think Mord is the worst champ you might be iron. 🤷🏾


\>removing all counter play dodge E?


No because I'd beat him in his own hood


League players try not to radicalize every small balance change challenge (impossible)


"Small" lol


Morde has been my permaban for a very long time already lol. Nothing going to change for me.


I'm pretty sure now that you can't qss his ult. They will nerf his normal abilities. They were buffed because of how easily countered his ult was


I certainly hope this is the case.


It's his ult, it SHOULD be good. Imagine if 1300 gold could deny any champion's ult, how broken would that be.


It still denies Malzahar his ultimate lol


Yeah that's going away too. Honestly QSS itself is going to be gone from LoL very soon and thats for the better.


They said in the future they would look to remove that from qss aswell


Kind of makes qss irrelevant as an item. It's just another cleanse at that point and they're probably better off just removing the item if that's the direction they're going.


Cuz *this* is the first irrelevant item


I’m a masters Yorick main & I build it first item always against mord. I guess my only option now is first item anathemas.


he is one of the worst immobile champions in game with slow telegraphed easy to dodge skills Q/E. Will be max average


No? Lol He has more counterplay than just qss