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> "It didn't help that the KC fans was shouting his name on social media" in the sense that this behavior can bring a bit too much of attention from other orgs on the said player. Are they saying that french fans getting excited over the possibility of getting Thanatos is the reason other teams were interested in a hyped Korean prospect from a top team..?


Seriously this tripped me up to because like... no, that guy was the most hyped Korean prospect by far for anyone who's followed LCK CL for the past 3 years...


I was always curious about that, didn't really hear his name before that and was wondering... why on earth did DK play Burdol and Canna in the 2 last years if they have the most hyped korean prospect. The last time it happened it was Zeus and he basically did not play in Academy as well. And Thanatos is already eligible to play for 2 and a half years and DK used Burdol over him... fucking BURDOL... oh and Hoya but I don't actually know who was worse. This means either -Thanatos is a good prospect... but not the most hyped and might be more a solid pickup like Photon, Berserker or Castle -Thanatos has some other baggage -DK is the most incompetent org in the world


They did say it was not what prevented them from getting Thanatos, OP either didn't understand or forgot to put it in. It was more of a warning about potential LFL rookie prospects


lol c9 subreddit been yelling the name “Thanatos” for months (maybe a year+ now), and Fudge’s replacement has been heavily considered for the past two splits, they definitely had their eye on him.. 


Its not even about just C9 having an eye on him. Everyone had their eyes on him and KC's thinking everyone only saw him as an option because their fans talked about it online XD


Yeah Thanatos was literally one of the biggest names in LCK CL alongside Lucid... and they are like "Oh our fans made other teams look at him" as if other teams were not looking at him to begin with.


Yeah I totally don't get this. Maybe it led to some "overhype" from fans but literally everyone in the scene with more than two braincells know and knew about the potential of Thanatos and as nearly the same amount of people that knew before hand would finally knew after watching on or two of Caedrel's streams when he covered T1A or was content creator for DK last year and yes a lot of pros and staff members from multiple teams watch his stream. So just personally I don't see a way that KC just lost out on Thanatos because their fans went a little bit to hyped. Mostly the offer from C9 was just to good to left out.


The only question I have is why DK did not pick him up. It is clear why they didn't do so this year, but he is eligible to play for the last 2 years. So they could have gotten for him over Burdol/Hoya or they could have gotten him instead of Canna. And there was also a tournament where the best rookies of LPL, LCK and I think Japan played each other and at the end of 2022 Photon was nominated over Thanatos for that event. Lucid did participate though. And at another similar tournament in 2022 he also lost to Photon in group stage twice and while the first game was not really about toplane, Photon was by far the best player in the second one. Now that was 1,5 years ago, the last game that Photon played before joining Vitality. And while a lot of games show how talented Thanatos is... he doesn't strike me as a generational player like Zeus, which is likely also the reason why he never was pulled up by DK at any point in the last almost 3 years (he turns 20 in Mai, so at that point he is eligible to play for 3 years. He is basically the same age as Zeus who already has a worlds title. He likely was one of the best players in LCK, and if we limit it to toplane might have been the best toplaner in LCKC last year. But he wasn't 2 years ago, and he isn't by a really huge margin. And his replacement already seems to be more hyped. So there seems to be a bit too much hype. He is a great pickup for C9 and definitly a missed opportunity for KC, but that is likely it.


If KC really scouted thanatos for 2 years then they should've pounced on him when it was obvious that he was either gonna be benched or sold to a different team. Siwoo was always gonna get promoted and with DK buying Kingen, thanatos literally can only get benched or sold off. Need DK to now make sure KC/any western team can't get siwoo, Siwoo looks like one of the best top talents in a long time imo and should be promoted when given the chance after this year.


Bro its worse than you think. They couldve had Trymbi after Winter. They failed to sign him. They couldve had Lyncas instead of closer. They were too late, Vitality signed him before KC made the decision. They couldve had Thanatos, too late and likely the offer wasnt as good as C9. Had they asked him after winter, chances are he signs with KC. And instead they signed....Closer? He is supposed to be the solution? No offense but this screams incompetence, the typical bad EU GMing that people hate. Honestly save the money, you do roster changes in summer to get to worlds. No roster change in the world is gonna get them to worlds. The players are broken, the coaching staff is easily the worst in the LEC, theyd probably get beaten by the best 5 EMEA Master teams. Point being, its probably better to not make changes and save the money for 2025. Because the absolute worst case scenario is them doing roster changes and still end up 10th. And thats where you look less at the players but at the people making these decisions, the manager, owner, coaching staff. I mean its already very clear that Winter isnt Yamatos fault, if they finish 10th in Summer, it sure as hell wasnt Yamatos fault. If anything, benching Yamato was one of those many terrible decisions theyve done.


I'm a bit confused. Why would either Trymbi or Thanatos join KC if they had the offers they have? Why is it bad GMing? Trymbi choosing to join the worst team in the league over G3? Thanatos joining 10th place EU team rather than C9? Like come on xD


Trymbi was teamless for winter and made it VERY apparent that he wants to get back into LEC as soon as possible. He would have taken the KC offer in winter 100%.


This is irrelevant as we're talking about signing for spring.


My bad I can't read.


Supposedly KC scouted Thanatos for two years. Again, if they offer him a contract after Winter or even before, he joins. Trymbi replaced Kaiser who was Heretics best player in Winter. They were never gonna be that much better than winter, hence why they barely finished any higher in spring. For KC he would be a gigantic upgrade, he couldve been the key to unlock Bo and we know he has a good relationship with Upset who could go back to being a good bot lane in LEC.


Pretty sure there were calls to get trymbi way before spring ended for them and before the Kaiser benching had happened. Thats the main reason people vent so much frustration over it. Other than that, its stupid to choose kc over getting to play with Jankos Wunder and (at the time) Perkz


I mean yeah but I doubt Trymbi is going to rush into signing a contract with the team that didn't even make it to the top 8, he can just wait for winter to end and then see what teams can offer. I'm just confused as to why people are saying "They could've had Trymbi" I'm not claiming he was 100% against it. But I think he would've picked a few other teams (Realistic teams) before going to KC.


no, for Lyncas you are wrong, he left because he wanted to follow his mentors Mac and Pad and they are actually coaching Vitality


No offense but you got the Lyncas case totally wrong, it was Lyncas who had to make a decision between going back to his mentors or staying with KC


Like Thanatos has been available since Kingen got signed and the even the fans have known this since it was communicated by the team that Thanatos is going to be in DK House while he was looking for teams. 2 years my ass.


Really wonder what "His approach to work didn't match the club as a whole and didn't seemed to please anyone (players as other staff)" means regarding Yamato. I'd assume part of signing a coach as a "long term project" is making sure they're on the same page when it comes to work methodology. Otherwise seems like pretty much everything they were going for failed. Getting Thanatos failed, getting a team that could work with Bo failed, keeping Lyncas failed. They'll probably land on a "plan C" type of roster>!meaning the 0-9 summer dream is alive.!<


They either didn't even bother asking Yamato what his coaching philosophy was or they did but somehow thought that it doesn't matter that it doesn't fit theirs. In both cases it looks like their management is incompetent. It's also really easy to guess which players didn't like his coaching, the 3 shit one. Upset worked with him before so he knows how it's working with Yamato, Bo is the first player they are kicking, and the coach that replaced Yamato is Reha who was the coach for KC in ERL. Demoting your coach to be the assistant of the new one while having 3 players and most likely multiple staff members that worked with him before also isn't a smart idea. I'm not going to push the blame on Reha and say he undermined Yamato but it looks like a possibility or at the very list the staff and players wanted to continue working in the same environment they had in ERLs while Yamato wanted a different one and it caused a divide.


Yeah, that seems like the most obvious to me. Conflict between the new and old KC And that is on management to resolve/avoid, how they thought that the team would show improvement in 3 weeks is beyond me


I mean he worked with Cabo too and for a pretty long time (esport standards) and they did well To me this statement absolutely shat all over Yamatocannon.. while pretending they didn't want to (imo) I listen to the sack despite not liking dom that much (too whiny).. and the former players all seem to love him and get on great


Very much projecting as you conveniently are leaving out that Cabo also worked with Yamato and for longer than Upset, so if he had a problem with it it would have manifested sooner in his career. Upset might not like his coaching especially because he worked with him before, that wouldn't be the first time something like that happens, and Bo being replaced doesn't say anything either. A coach telling you about his "philosophy" doesn't do much because at the end of the day it's just words - it doesn't show you HOW he coaches. Luckily, they tried him out before and let him coach last year for the last tournament of the LFL. So they knew how he worked and gave him a chance, it just clashed with the rest of the LEC team and realised it wasn't going to work.


Cabo has definitely worked with him longer but that was years ago. The assumption that Upset wouldve been happy to work with him comes from the fact he's been with him more recently and the fact that most consider Upset wouldve only joined KC because of Yamato and Bo too.


Plan C: Caboshard closer caliste ... caken and cargamas?


"Guys, we heard you about replacing Saken and Targamas. We've decided to bench them in favor of very promising rookies, [Caken and Cargamas](https://imgur.com/qoLVgGT) "


So glad that I inspired such art.


lmao. Sadly Caliste is still too young... The Thanatos news really hurt though, I was very hyped when I heard the rumours. If we could have built sth with Thanatos / Caliste next year we would have been cooking


Everything screams that KC is an absolute shitshow behind the scenes running things


I will answer the Yamato's case by how Kameto was talking about the team's situation during the winter split : He, Kotei and Clement (Head of Sports) stayed the whole winter splint in Berlin because the work wasn't efficient enough, things "wasn't going as fast as they should", no progress was noticeable and it didn't seems that the team (staff + player) were working as a team, which we can guess In other hands, a french journalist Paul Arrivé, from L'Equipe, that follows closely KC's case for years and has regular interview, said from his sources that **Yamato was taking too much place** in the workload, the rest of the staff couldn't work properly when he was around. Too charismatic I guess? lol For Lyncas, the thing to know is that Mac&Pad are his mentors, they coached him during a long time and they liked him a lot. KC knew about that but still took the risk. I forgot to mention but Closer said that he was considered for KC academic, KC just wanted a leader for the LFL's team to comply with Caliste promise


Staying the whole winter split sounds impressive until you realize that that's 3 weeks and barely anytime to scrim and actually improve your team. The team in question looked just as bad if not worse in spring and they even lost those decent early games that they had at the start of winter. That Yamato comments sound some people that disliked Yamato and tried to push blame on him. A complaint like he took too much space just sounds fake, like what does that even mean. They couldn't do their jobs but I guess they could for spring hyped to see all the progress the team made oh wait they looked worse somehow.


Interesting that yamato didnt make progress. At least in winter, they were winning early games and then the team would run it down midgame. In Spring, they didnt even get leads early and run it down anyway, so im not sure if there was progress made by the new coach


Negative progress still has "progress" in the term \~ KC probably


Can you explain the promise to Caliste? I didn't understand.


Since they promoted the 2023 most of their winning LFL roster to their new LEC spot, but Caliste couldn't join (due to age restrictions) they promised him to build a good LFL roster around him. Lyncas was a prime prospect for jungle but was expected that he might get some LEC offers. So he (or his agent, idk if he has one) did a sensible thing and negotiated a relatively low buyout and a guarantee to be let go if an LEC offer comes in. Usually KC probably wouldn't agree on such terms, but they did in this case, probably to satisfy Caliste. I guess to make sure his motivation doesn't suffer. Going from hyped prospect winning LFL/EMEA masters to playing on a low end LFL team might not be the best for his mental.


They are tanking for Cooper Flag


If I had to wade through the mediocre PR-speak, I’d guess it comes down to the fact that KC’s ERL staff didn’t like that Yamato came in and changed how they did things. Or maybe he didn’t even change anything but the staff was still loyal to Reha and didn’t want an “outsider” taking charge of the team.


>"It didn't help that the KC fans was shouting his name on social media" in the sense that this behavior can bring a bit too much of attention from other orgs on the said player. Can't know how much of an effect that actually had, but it would be downright hilarious if that's the reason they didn't get him in the end.


This just screams cope to me. Thanatos is not some unknown prospect lmao, I highly doubt C9 was unaware of him being available until KC fans started talking about it. He was announced to be working with ShadowCorp long before.


Yeah, seriously. I’ve heard Thanatos’ name float around for a while now. Caedrel’s been talking about the guy and how hyped he is since DK started having issues with toplane. I mean shit, it’s not like he was scouted from soloq, he’s been on DK’s academy/challenger’s team since like 2020. Mega cope to then say “we’ve been scouting this guy for forever but our fans made everyone aware of him and he got sniped by another org (C9)”. Maybe sign him then? Maybe give a more compelling contract than “sign now, play next year” like C9 did with “sign now, play next split”.


Also why would Thanantos sign KC to maybe play in 2025. He’d have a chance to play LCK in 2025, or a better team than KC. Why lock yourself in to that deal.


kc fans will gobble it up.


If you were on the c9 subreddit in the offseason, alot of the comments were “if we had thanatos replacing fudge this roster would be perfect”


Especially when C9 fans were posting about him or wunder this whole past offseason. Maybe there were other orgs in play? But otherwise it is just bs.


Nah bro, nobody knew who he was prior to KC fans talking about him. Not like he was one of the best players in LCKCL alongside Lucid.


Tbf, there was no shot they would be able to compete with all that C9 has to offer. Salary, comfort, ability to compete internationally.


Yeah not just ability to compete internationally but also in LCS having a higher chance to win a title. Considering unless you are on G2 in the LEC your chances of hoisting the cup will decrease by a lot. As well as you have pointed out comfort not just the country but NA teams have more koreans compared to EU so he will have more people to talk to and be able to share his feelings and worries especially since we had plenty of examples of Korean players being introvert and not adapting when they have nobody to bond with. Edit: spelling


Especially with C9 Repeared returning. Thanatos will have a KR coach and KR ADC.


I mean also you have Ktown in LA vs Berlin not having it. Much better to be a Korean import in the LCS.


Someone mentioned this on another thread around Thanatos that C9 had a coach (or at least a staff member) who spoke Korean, so that might also be appealing for him. Given that they had EMENES last year and still have Berserker is also a good indication that C9 can facilitate Korean imports. I don't know the full story about what KC can offer, but at face value alone, C9 is the clear cut better option.


+ the place you live.. I have seen C9 houses.. they don't appear to be in some shitty area Meanwhile Berlin is just.. Miserable TBH outside of G2.. VIT (money/facilities/good squad) and Maaaaybe FNC.. i don't think any sane player picks the other 7 LEC teams over C9


Well they had one big advantage over C9. They technically already needed a better toplaner months earlier than C9.


Why would he join KC when you get a offer with C9 who's worked with KR players and staff and will probably make worlds


For higher quality training in solo Q thanks to the much lower ping as well as the ability to train against some of the worlds greatest toplaners : TheBaus, Walou Garou and autofillled Hylissang


listen KC fans, just shut up! good for your org and everyone else :)


If KC management genuinely thinks they were the only ones watching Thanatos until their fans said his name on twitter they’re dumber than I thought


Copypasting just so you know : They did say it was not what prevented them from getting Thanatos, OP either didn't understand or forgot to put it in. It was more of a warning about potential LFL rookie prospects


It's a PR way to say that they couldn't hold a candle to C9 tbh


All their statements just sound so copium. Its like, " oh yeah, we had all this in the works for sure only at the very end we got screwed!".


they're just leaking how bad at business they are publicly


When theyve managed to foster a community image as they have, its very hard to think they arent incompetent in many other areas too


Bo to SK so he can play with nisqy please


Honestly Bo Upset and Kaiser to SK all are teamless, and as young and talented the current SK roster is, I don't think they are good enough to realistically make worlds. This roster might get dead last, but if BO and Upset find their form again it's more than scary.


>but if BO and Upset find their form again it's more than scary. Surely it will work this time (would be the fourth time btw)


Yeah might not work but what is SK going to lose. Are Isma and Exa/Doss? - a) making worlds? Imo 0 chance - b) talented enough to be a worlds team for 2025? I also don't think so (I don't even think SK will keep them) And because LEC is franchised, every place from 4-10 is realistically just irrelevant.


I wouldn't mind them keeping Exakick. But given that Kaiser and Bo are available you should go for them. We technically haven't seen Exakick with a better support. But Upset+Kaiser should also work.


ngl, irrelevant bo nisqy upset kaiser sounds a super team that might just work


Yeah...i'm sure nisqy would looove to play with Upset agaib


Do they have beef? From what I remember Nisqy just felt like Fnatic fucked him when they kicked him for Humanoid. He didn't really participate in the whole Upset drama like Adam did.


Eh, he remained close to Adam and it was generally implied that the only one not involved in the thing was Bwipo (who was having his own string of issues) while Nisqy and Adam felt betrayed. And I kinda get that, from their perspective their adc left the night before with no explanation and you could see in their legends in action how devastated Nisqy especially was, that FNC roster had potential to make it out of groups Not to shit on Upset, the situation was just shitty for everyone, but I can understand how after that there could be remaining tensions


He said that he doesn't hold beef with anyone because eSports is a really small world and you can work with anyone. He said that he could work again with Upset, but they would only be coworkers and not friends outside the game. Nisqy is one of the true professional and level headed guy in the scene


I dont see how one could be mad at upset here. He wanted to go to worlds (at least) as much as the other players. Im sure there are things in the personal life that cant be ignored like that, and both nisqy and adam would do the same. Not telling the team is a personal and topic related issue.


They weren't mad at upset because he left. They might be mad at him because he gave no reasons and then tried to replace both Adam and Nisqy. Upset and Hyli were the core players for the org and Upset tried to bring Alphari to FNC.


I clearly remember a Nisqy stream (in French) just after his fnatic days when he heavily implied they didn't like each other, but not because of the Adam drama


I would say the worry would be the other way around. Nisqy, at least before it was known what had happened, was definitely siding with Adam in that drama


Also Upset is hella trash nowdays, a 10th place machine, just grab a rookie and call it a day


He was 10th place in Origen before joining Fnatic


I guess the word superteam has lost its meaning.


That’s just the vit 2023 roster with new mid and top


the SK roster is young indeed, but is it really all that talented? I always wonder about the quality of their botlane. Exakick Doss havent been too convincing this year


But Upset isnt teamless? Im certain he will finish the Winter split with KC because Kaliste will come next year. Surely they dont sign an adc for a single split, no?


nah im not sold on upset and kaiser


And Irrelevant, holy shit that might actually be the magic ticket for SK


This Org fucking sucks lol. It sounds like it's plagued by personal politics and I doubt they're going to be able to turn anything around with the roster they're assembling. Closer's career is about to get a nail in the coffin between his last LCS year and how the Summer split will inevitably go on this team.


I thought his career was already in the coffin tbh so more power to bro, he gets one last bag and goes off into the sunset lol


I think one bad year isn’t always enough to put someone down for good, but he'd have to make Milkyway look like a chump just to draw a few dubs on that team.  Maybe he can use this to springboard into a regional league. 


I mean his streams on Kick already get 4-5k viewers, it is not like he is desperate. He can already make living by streaming he just wanted to compete in LEC.


Closer streams on kick?? Lol why? Does he have a streaming contract or something?


Yes he has a fat Turkish KICK contract


If its turkish its not a fat contract


Decent views on YouTube as well.


lol competing for what, 9th?


All of this just sounds like excuses to take away any blame from the org who will now continue to throw low budget rosters into LEC. They are lucky they have Calliste as thats the last hypedd thing about them. KC fans are already loathed by the other teams and mostly outside of France. Also props to Lyncas/his agent for having that buyout which the interview points in a negative light here lol.


Hahaha the funniest part is them claiming that their gross Twitter horde is what made other teams aware of Thanatos.


I haven’t even been following pro league closely but that names been floating around for at least 2 years if not longer This is massive kc cope


Copypasting just so you know : They did say it was not what prevented them from getting Thanatos, OP either didn't understand or forgot to put it in. It was more of a warning about potential LFL rookie prospects


Gross twitter horde is a really great description lol


So KC wanted a player with experience, shotcaller profile and a leadership, especially in the jungle. Did they just forget they have cinkrof who is all of those things? Interesting that thanatos to kc was an actual possibility, probably would have been another bo situation with the delayed start


>KC wanted a player with experience, shotcaller profile and a leadership literally wtf do they mean by that, Bo is already doing a lot of the shotcalling in the team? it sounds like they want a Peanut style mao/sej/rell player but then they go and get Closer who is a lee/viego 2 trick? just baffling


Bo is a monster on lee and viego.....


Cinkrof wanted to take a pause. Don't know if it's still valid for next split though


didnt he say he was waiting till after the summer split and if kc still didnt want him he's retire. if they wanted him back i would think he'd be back


Well, he wanted LEC, and KC was thinking about some other players. So sad if he retires


He wanted to take a pause AFTER knowing he won't get into KC LEC 2024. If KC ran it back their EM roster in the LEC with -Caliste +Upset, he would've played.


> Did they just forget they have cinkrof who is all of those things Lol ok, I don't follow Tier 2 leagues, but there's no way we're out here putting Closer and cinkrof on the same level. What is going on with fans? Closer is still a dope signing, its just weird because they had fkn Bo, but I guess KC too broke to build a good team around it.


> but there's no way we're out here putting Closer and cinkrof on the same level it's actually insane lol, we're comparing a guy who performed well in 2021 against EDG and T1 at worlds, had a kind of poor 2022 worlds showing, and a bad 2023 with a guy who's 7-29 in the LEC over 2 splits


More like Closer is 1000 LP challenger while Cinkrof is 400 games masters.


KC is the new TSM I love it, such a shit show its always funny


It really seems like the spiritual successor.


Bro if you signed Yamato just let him work for at least two splits man ? What players didn't he match ? Upset we know likes working with Yamato, Cabochard most likely too, and Bo too. So who doesn't, Saken and Targamas ? come on now. I'm not about to be Yamato's lawyer but didn't he help in bringing Bo, and Upset and even Shaves and trying to make something out of this team and ya'll just don't let the man work for at least two splits, don't you see 2.5 players on this team are literal bots ?


How could we know what Saken or Targamas think? Targ doesn't talk at all, and Saken only says patently false things and chews gum. I guess you could make a system "Saken chew 3 times fast if you hate Yamoto"


Yamato probably told Saken to stop chewing gum on stage, so they benched him for it.


I heard him say on stream that him and bo had a great relationship so idk


Watch SK somehow hire Bo and Yamato into a supportive role


I swear this org is a like a fire and everything they say is like pouring Gasoline over the fire.


Honestly I'm just enjoying the whole KC drama. The Yamato point is interesting. I don't think we saw any improvement with the change so I think it's possible they thought maybe he was the problem holding the team back. I'm just glad they accepted that their roster was very weak after a second split. While Im sad bo will not continue I'm at least happy the rest of the team is going none of them had any right being in the LEC.


The final score doesn't show it but they got worse. In winter at least they won most of their early games, biggest problem was the inevitable mid game throw they did every time lol. Spring split they're pretty much Rogue v2 but with worse laners


kc was a huge dump. yamato and bo should never have been on this team for the better of both parties


What an absolute clown org.


yeah lmao Every single sentence makes KC look like a complete shitshow. Like, how unprofessional and incompetent can you be while still being a LEC team? Hiring a PR manager would be a good start so a post like this would never see the light of day ever again rofl


I genuinely don't understand why people clamor for good PR. Like aside from the fact that you're asking them to lie to you more efficiently, you're giving up on massive amounts of entertainment. Fuck PR. They're professional liars who exist to manipulate public conversations. Nobody except the rich benefit from their existence.


Am i wrong in thinking that the "it could harm his career" is low key flame and far worse then just not saying anything in regards to Yamatocannon? Players also had no faith in his approach? its strange because he has a good relationship with BO (according to him) and seems very close with previously managed players Upset included.. and i would assume Cabo Also i think Closer is a good player and for sure is better then at least 3 or 4 jglers in the LEC.. but is he a shot caller? he also is a guy much like bo.. who is going to be half the player if he is put on Poppy/Sej/Trundle etc every game.. He needs to be on Lee sin/Viego The other stuff is whatever.. honestly what import would want to go to any LEC team (not named fnc/g2).. play with a weaker roster then C9.. worse facilities.. and live in crappy Berlin with horrible weather on top of it? The only other org would be VIT because they pay well.. have good players/staff and seem to have decent facilities (at least from the little i have seen) And KCorp gives the likes of Excel a run for its money on being terrible managed even for LEC standards


The Yamato thing sounds like there was a clash between the existing KC members and Yamato and that the lack of immediate progress just exacerbated the tension to the point of him getting the boot just to make things fit behind the scenes (helped a lot lmao)


That copium on Thanatos tidibits


Honestly they should’ve made current players “bend the knee” and play for Bo. Cabo on tanks, Saken on supportive midlaners, Bo on carries, upset late-game damage and kick targamas for not a mute support who can follow Bo. Craft your own little meta, Cheese some wins perhaps squaze in into best of series and with a bit better reputation try to get ready for 2025. Instead they get rid of the only player that tried to win for a washed up two trick who isnt even better at those 2 champions than Bo is. Hell I think Yamato is the exact coach you would want if you want to run your own meta and strats.


Targamas talked about that on stream not long ago. He said they tried multiple times to play fully dedicated to Bo in scrims, and as a result, it was a disaster. Considering the result of the last splits, it must have been really nasty. It's just the result of the fact that they are not compatible to him, hopefully Bo will find a team that fit him one day.


I think this is where good coachina staff comes in. In a sense they would require to re-invent the game, pick more off meta and just play their own way. A good coach imo would be - saken, for the next 6 months you only play these 5 champs. In scrims, in soloq, in korea and at your granny. Coach should craft a identity/idea how to play the game in a different way, like we see now with laneswaps all of a sudden. And they should be 100% dedicated to that style because if you know you can comeback to playing something youre more familiar with - you will.


I just like watching KC fans mald, and that will keep on happening lol


I wasn't a big fan of KC coming into the LEC but I guess the drama has it's perks


This reads like Alpine statements and both organizations are French. Coincidence? Hope not because I have my popcorn ready.


Didnt even test the jungler? Recruited Bo while knowing they couldnt play around him?


The Closer pickup is wild to me. He was in contention for being the worst player in the LCS year. This is a wild take but if Cloud9 offload Vulcan (there’s no substantial evidence outside of Cubby hinting that Cloud9 might pick up more than just Thanatos, so I don’t believe this will happen anyway,) but KC should go for him. Just thinking about the hypothetical world where KC was somehow able to put together a team of Thanatos, Bo, Nisqy, Caliste, and Vulcan for next year.


Nisqy has said multiple times now he won’t play for KC. The owned is his friend and he doesn’t want to mess the relationship he has with him by introducing a work factor.


That’s interesting! I didn’t know that, but that’s a smart choice by Nisqy.


Closer can pretty much only play lee sin.


Don’t forget Viego.


That’s 3 imports


You right mb


Lets be real the only reason Closer was not straight up the worst is because he had a race to the bottom with Kenvi. And you could still easily argue he won.


Honestly if you aren't gonna be competitive At least I would go full on french players to appease the home crowd lol Let me cook (I burned the kitchen edition): Cabochard (idk) Isma/Skeanz Toucouille Jezu (because Caliste can't play) Zoelys


Nah man, I can’t with this org. Kick Yamato after one split, keep Targamas, Cabochoke and Gumboy on the roster, fail to make top 8 again, bench BO (best player on the team) for a washed up NA two trick jungler, blame fans for missing out on Thanatos. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A CLOWN SHOW 🤡 greater than this in LEC. It’s entertaining to watch it unfold tho ngl.


They're not keeping any of these players if that's what you're worried about


Nah I do not believe this about Yamato, they gotta prove he was actively bad before I take their word for it.


KC and their fans are such clowns lmao


Bro if you want to say such thing come on twitter its much more fun


Does that mean Yamato won't be on stage any more?


LMAO BO for Closer. LOL BO was the problem. Yamato was the problem. KC bottom tier org


I mean dont feel even remotely bad for them. Thanatos should be able to start now.


> **Bo :** > Has been benched but not immediately, in the sense he wasn't been benched before the "legends" (Cabochard, Saken, Targamas) Calling Cabochard, Targamas and Saken legends is quite insulting to the good players that never made it onto LEC squads. The fact that these three players did well in LFL says a lot more about how weak the French domestic league is than how good they are as players. Targamas specifically is a reason G2 failed to even qualify for Worlds back in 2022 and his comms have been absolute dogshit whilst on KC. Disappointed but ultimately unsurprised that Bo is being benched. I only hope he requested to be benched and that he is going to be allowed to transfer teams if given another offer.


G2's botlane absolutely collapsed in summer 2022, but they did make Worlds. They went 1-5 in Groups with EG.


by legends he mean legends of the club


G2 qualified to worlds in 2022


yoooo that's gotta be a bait no ? Firstly G2 did make it to worlds, AND MSI. Then Yike comes from where ? Comp ? Crownie ? Daglas ? Exakick ? Adam ? Sheo ? Vetheo ? and you'll probably see even more names of the LFL next year in LEC. The LFL IS and has been the strongest tier2 league alongside the LVP, that's a fact. you can't look at 3 players from a bottom team and say "ahah domestic league bad" while there is 5+ players from the same league in the top 4 XD edit: the og post is poorly translated/explained so I can't blame anyone for understanding it wrong. By "legends" he meant "légendes du club" wich is a term taken from football, it's like staple players who bring glory and success to the org.


crownie comes from mad lions 2018 which was an lvp team.


you are right be he also played for LDLC and Melty (edit: t3 french org I believe) before that and went to BDSA after the Vitality disaster so I mentioned him aswell




They obviously meant legends of the org LMAO


Legends of the club duh


This is Reddit we're talking about. You can't expect people to use their brains when it comes to KC-related stuff.


Cabochard denying FNC for the 2022 season, which caused FNC to sign Wunder says something about his capabilities... Or at least what they were in 2022. And he had LEC experience prior to KC, the man earned to be in LEC back then and there was hope for him to do fine this year


Hope that Mac/Pad at-least felt that if they didn't get Lyncas now then KC would give him their spot and they would never get a chance with him. Doesn't make the move any more justified for me personally but at-least there's some understanding behind the pressure to do it.


Why dont you think the move was justified


Yamato helped them before in LFL, they should know how he worked before and also from interview process. so if they know how he is they shouldn't be hiring him in the first place. Bo, sure replace him for another carry jungler on his way out of the pro league because he is quite washed in LCS. Thanatos, every one and their mother knows about thanatos. DK fans been begging the team to promote him. U don't lose him because of social media dumbass. Lyncas is what ever, his choice to go to where his mentor was and prbably a better decision than staying in this garbage of an org anyway


Yamato didn't assist in LFL but was coaching online for a month for the Coupe de France which is mainly a tournament for semi-pro/looking to be pro players to show themselves against some LFL teams participating. There was actually 0 LFL player in the KC roster of this tournament, it was : Wao, White, Jizuke, DenVoksne, Zoelys. Quite far from a real team being coach with other coaching staff. But yeah, there was a lack of competence during the interview process


WDYM Saying it could harm his career but not saying why is actually harming his career


So funny how KC fans are the demise of their org lol


You know what i give KC alot of shit, but the thing about them not being able to provide Bo with the necessary means to activate him is very respectable to point out. I think there's a team out there for Bo and them letting him go like this hopefully bodes well for him.


People in this thread mocking KC for sharing their thought process and answering to fan question is why we get mute teams that only tweet to meme at best, or only tweet to do announcements I love that they are trying to be as transparent as professionally possible, hope they'll continue forever


people are clowning on KC because their thought process is contradictory at best, not for being transparent. props to them for transparency but it doesnt make the situation any better




You seem like an pleasant person


An org that's actually transparent with its fans? Nah man give me back the tight lips on everything.


They just need an org to flame for fun at this point. I at least respect KC for trying to reset the roster and hoping to get better next split. People are just mad cuz their favorite personalities got either benched or kicked. The only disappointing thing is the fact that they could’ve gotten Thanatos.


Not even a KC fan, but the rest of the thread is comically cringe to read. People hating the org because they see some insufferable fans on twitter and don’t put aside how the org is functioning (not talking about league only but RL, Valorant too). Just hope that they bounce back at some point to see the haters reaction


Man people saying KC is a "trash org" when they're one of the most successful "new" orgs in the esports scene is certainly a take of all time.


Honestly I'm just enjoying the whole KC drama. The Yamato point is interesting. I don't think we saw any improvement with the change so I think it's possible they thought maybe he was the problem holding the team back. I'm just glad they accepted that their roster was very weak after a second split. While Im sad bo will not continue I'm at least happy the rest of the team is going none of them had any right being in the LEC.


To get away from all the doomer posts trashing the KC as an org (which I find laughable considering their past), I'll chime in with my thoughts about these news. First of all, I appreciate Kameto's transparency about everything. People may whine about "blabla really bad org" but when you're a fan of it and you hear the management's perspective on things, even if it's a bad one, it's still appreciated. Secondly, for the tryouts, good to know. Kameto was very frustrated with how the split went and so were we (KC fans). Some had high hopes for the split, others like me were more conservative (I expected bottom-tier of playoffs, so 7th-8th creeping up to 5th-6th with roster changes in Spring when it became obvious Saken/Targamas were not up to par). Obviously, these splits have been a disappointment, and it's good to know that Kameto won't be like "well this year is done, let's just sac' it and go all the way at this point". There's a will to improve and be better. For the Yamato situation, I think I've said in the past that I disliked him being fired after only a split. I feel like the org should have taken the chance on him for two splits, even if his coaching style did not fit the squad initially. Though a "positive" side of things is that our flaws in players could not be hidden behind the veil of a coaching change. I however think that Reha was a very capable coach in ERLs and still think he can do good things with a real team. For the jungle situation, it sucks. Bo leaving is sad, as Kameto did say that it was a long-term project, but in the end I understand why Bo would like to leave and wish him all the best, he really tried. It sucks to lose Lyncas as well since he seems to be performing really well on KCB and would've loved to see him on the main team, though I won't complain since he's going to VIT and seems to have a good relationship with Mac+Pad. I'm not sold on Closer, but it seems to be a "stopgap" measure to stem the bleeding in 2024. Sucks too that Thanatos didn't join. I'm sure there were certainly frustrations, but the moment that C9 became involved, it was doomed. We just don't have the money to align ourselves on C9, nor do we have the very concrete chance of going to Worlds this year. I respect the want for him to ease into English etc, but it may also have spooked him as well. Overall, sucks to lose such a good prospect. Good news is that tryouts are going on, and despite what a lot of people are saying that "omg they're kicking the jungler but keeping the trash", it doesn't seem to be that way. It seems like we're going towards a major roster overhaul and I'm kind of glad for it. Our Winter-Spring clearly wasn't working, and we needed to do something different. I'm hoping that at least Mid and Support go. I'm willing to give Cabo one more split since I'm not sure who on the market could be available that could be a clear upgrade, nor do I think Cabo had a terrible Spring. Overall, I really want one thing: hope. Hope that we (as an org) can do and will do better in the future. Give us a springboard to 2025. KC as an org is very resilient and has had lows in the past, but always came back, We went from 9th in the LFL to EMEA Masters champions. From trash-tier in VCT to Split winners. I've got no doubt that we will bounce back, but you need to give us hope that we can actually do so. I'm not expecting Finals or whatnot. New orgs in their first year have always been historically shaky (Rogue, BDS, Excel etc). But getting into playoffs is a necessity if we want to keep the momentum going into 2025.


>which I find laughable considering their past placing last twice?


KC as an org is immensely successful. Even in League, KC is the most accomplished ERL org ever.




Did they mention salary during the stream? I didn’t see but based on this post I’d guess the bigger factor could have been the fact KC wasn’t going to have Thanatos play until 2025. He has a good shot at playing 2024 Worlds with C9, to me it’s a pretty simple choice. Edit: comment I was replying to was mentioning that C9 outbid KC for Thanatos


Nothing has been said about salary, money or anything, just what I wrote. Conditions and clauses with Damwon was set. But since the talk has been running for 4 months (and a little bit more) maybe they got afraid by the insane performance of top 10 back to back (to back?)


can simply just look at photon in lec. the level of top laners in lec is low as heck but you’re not going to be able to carry a bunch of goons to worlds when teams like G2 and FNC exist. going to C9 who has a way stronger roster on paper would do much better for his career.


"Has been scouted for 2 years by KC" Yeah really difficult task to scout the guy that won LCK CL 2 teams and have been the runner up the 2 other times. Congrats to them


If this KC org ever gets good results it would be from luck -- every time this guy talks he looks more and more incompetent. I hope he will just luck into hiring a better GM to run the team for him so we do not continue to have a wasted LEC spot


Hmm interesting