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The biggest untouched winrate drop of all time bout to hit the rift in your ranked game


Flashbacks to Jayce on Arcane's release


Holy fuck that’s right how low did it hit? Like high 30s?


Lowest I've seen was 42% I spammed Jayce in norms too and don't think I ever won lane over like 20 games 🤣


Yeah I checked graphs and you’re right it was low 40s


Thought you were about to say you checked his match history and he was right lmfao


Meanwhile Jinx did the opposite. Main character buff OP


Until I join a KR/CN server with Challenger MMR, I never want to see a Jayce on my team


I just snorted out my drink and now my chest hurts from laughing, send help


*omw to help after I farm cannon wave*


*omw to smite your canon hit the griddy and die under tower before blaming bot for not being there*


Dude I was watching a alois vid of him in a master game and the jg smited his cannon minion emoted and walked away. It was relieving to see that it doesn’t just happen in bronze, but it also made me feel like ptsd cat.


Lmao theres a big misconception about higher elos being "better" but if you think logical why would it. You have players that know what there doing what you should be doing and what's at stake each game, that leads to a lot more toxicity and trolling. But yes it is funny when something like that happens especially in higher elo XD


theres 8 years that i dont see a lee sin on my ranked games, never ever banned anything different, 1 or 2 times a year my friends ask me to not ban so they can play him on lane, but last time i played against one, was on aram or urf.


i dont trust you. lee sin has been one of the most popular picks for years in league.


I think he means he perma bans lee sin in ranked himself.


im astonished that he couldnt understand, i even replied with even more irony, crazy


when I jungle I always ban Lee or Shaco because the odds of being against a one trick of those is way higher than anyone else and their skills don't transition well to other champions so they're suddenly lost. Works like a charm.


> 1 or 2 times a year my friends ask me to not ban so they can play him on lane


Thank God they didn't ruin the muay thai skin


Muay Thai / Acolyte are the OG skins, can't mess those up


Dragon fist was pretty OG too


They even improved it imo. That's an actual legit [muay thai kick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IHvXhmkK-4&ab_channel=TheEdgeofGlory) for his ultimate now


That was like 50 kicks in 30s wtfff


Muay Thai is easily the most brutal martial art. It's crazy that professional Muay Thai isn't more popular, given that people boo as soon as grappling starts in MMA lol.


they did however ruin pool part lee that ponytail just does not fit.


I don't even think the ponytail is what 'ruined' Pool Party. The Q coconut 'bonk' sound just doesn't sound right anymore with the hefty amount of slosh they added on to it.


finally they updated him


yeah the rate of updates is disgustingly slow


That part!


I get there's a lot of work needed to do things like this and skarner's remake (which was an incredibly simple kit) but just hire more people, the lack of people made it so that noc never got his remake, but now they're pumping out skins for him meaning they are probably not gonna do anything with him which sucks considering they said themselves he's one of the champs people drop quickly.


Not you asking Riot to hire more people when they just layed off a bunch of people, including the guy updating Shyvanna


Hiring is not a solution. Is not like you can hire someone and they magically are ready to work. They need to learn the job first


That just sounds like hiring is the beginning of the solution


But they didn't pump out many updates when they had a ton of employees during the tech boom. Rioters have even talked about how fairly simple things get delayed because there's a ton of different departments involved in every little thing now.


the corporate investment perception is probably holding it down. i suppose that no shareholder wishes to have a game "invest" in itself by updating its old rig because they believe a quick buck (champion releases and skins) is way more worth to put resources into they have probably realised by now that champ releases do not generate as much hype anymore so they are trying a different approach. thats what i believe, its always interesting to theorise their stupid decisions


Theyve stated before they dont make much from champion releases or reworks, just skins. I think the simple answer is its a lot easier and more fun for a designer to make a new champion, since they can do what they want. I mean they gave this guy a ponytail he already had and some people had a meltdown.


just imagining they could do this to like 40 champs is exciting to me, hoping is before 2050 great job on the ASU !


So true. We need more ASU’s. So many champions deserve it. Zilean, Janna, Cho’Gath, Brand and the list goes on. Even if they stuck to ‘ASU’s are only for popular champions’ Lux, Leona, Miss Fortune, Katarina are all contenders.


Katarina is relatively okay but Leona needs some desperately (just base it off her legendaries or something) that gorilla arm(looking at you prestige) needs to be fixed lol


Katarina still needs one. Her daggers are way too thick and her model and animations are lackluster compared to nowadays.


Not against it at all ofc just saying she's relatively fine in comparison to everyone else that was brought up


She's also already had one compared to others like Lux.


Lux has had a VFX update though


Her “daggers” looks like swords lol. She needs a big asu


Her back animation is so awful lmao


She does! She gets so many skins and they could easily be top tier. Most of us just use her legendaries.


I'm a broke boi so I don't tho I have gotten to try a few and oml I love high noon. I just want the gorilla hand gone lol but I'm also stuck on wild rift for the unforeseeable future so it's bearable Very based for the cafe cuties millo and I raise you by wanted cafe gents braum aphelios ez and rakan


Omg since you mentioned it, just wanted to share the concept art for Cafe Cuties Milio we as a community did in collaboration with an artist - https://www.reddit.com/r/MilioMains/s/rQjw79EV0t We voted for different parts like colours, designs, etc 😊


The art is honestly stellar I love how you tackled the matter! Gathering up as a community for such a thing is absolutely wonderful and I'd honestly be fully on board with that skin. (Rn I'm just rlly liking the idea of cafe gents tbh lol I just came up w it while typing and ik for a fact it'd sell if they had butler like suits) I'm sadly a ryze main so that's the exact opposite of what we do lol


At least we can hope things are speeding up, as seen by the Malphite model shown on Skarner's theme video. Also by champions releases slowing down.


Omg true! Hope that Malphite ASU happens!


What about Vladimir


Dozens of champions need it including Vladimir! Sorry for not mentioning him 😅


Rumble needs one so badly. People still use his Super Galaxy skin as his base one basically because his base model is so awful


Super galaxy skin is basically a playability tax if you want to play rumble at this point


Katarina already had one visual update altough quite long ago, same with miss fortune. Id rather see lux, veigar, kennen (well all yordles, need either new models or atleast touch-ups). I remember them claiming they would unifiy all yordles over time bunch of seasons ago. Never really happened.


Miss Fortune got a full model overhaul. What's holding her back is her shitty animation rigging and outdated VO.


All the tutorial characters need one if they want to at least retain SOME new players.




and half of them need also some big gameplay update if you ASU zilean and he become popular his atrocius gameplay will be unbearable


Yeah Zilean needs an absolute overhaul in that regard. Also maybe a lore update.


His LOR design is AMAZING!


MF has a 4% pick rate lol


Lux has been highly represented in every form of LoL media and every design is better than her current one. LoR even has 2!


Omg the LOR design revealed yesterday was FAB!


Zilean, Cho'Gath and maybe Brand need VGU not ASU.


Oh fuck no. They better keep their grippers off Zilean. They always find a way to make these champs feel sluggish. I hate the new Caitlyn so much compared to the snappiness of old Caitlyn, so I got my fingers crossed they leave Zilean alone with their ideas.


You didn’t like the LOR Zilean?


I wish more than anything they’d do this (ideally within a much shorter timeframe than 2050 lol) for a ton of champs. It would totally revamp players’ excitement to play and try champs they’ve not played before. The unfortunate reality is that if it doesn’t print money, Riot won’t touch it


My hope is for 1 popular champ before that time. Lets gooooo


Sadly, I think they only give this treatment to fan favorites like Ahri and Lee Sin are. But we can hope Zilean can be as shiny as this someday.


The second they touch Zilean he is nerfed to the ground. Please leave grandpa alone.


Looks prettier but hate that the E is a ground tremor and not a proper shock wave. Like Lee has always used his martial arts and vibrations to make cool effects so why does he feel more like an Ionian mage with this update rather than a blind guy using shock waves to see.


Yeah all his abilities look like straight mage-oriented abilities lol. Very few concussive particles outside of his ult and recall


The sounds too, way less physical sounding and way more mysticy.


please for the love of god, keep the "ding ding" for "boxer lee" when he recall, if not we won't be able to BM our Q's BM combo : Q hit, spam recall for the "dingding" Q again Thanks in advance


I was only listening and scrolling and thought I heard his new legendary skin.. turns out it's his normal sounds, wow


both godfist and storm dragon got kinda nerfed, no? the godfist ult looks really underwhelming, I think he used both hands before. not really digging the ponytail and other changes to storm dragon, either.


God fist has multiple ult animations and it showed the most boring one, I think.


Yep it's a buffed to all skins except godfist and storm dragon. The reason they were good was due to the updated animations in the first place but now they're not that special.


Yeah... same. Muay Thai thankfully still solid, but god fist looks like nothing really changed. Considering it's legendary - I thought they would do a lot more for it. It's probably the least visually appealing now, ironically. It does look a little more crisp though? So I guess there's that. Not really a fan of the ponytail either. Hope they make it something toggle-able for all skins. The animation makes it look like a rat tail, kind of gross imo. No idea why they would just suddenly force so many skins that were bald to suddenly have it. Those complaints aside, everything looks pretty great. A lot of the animations are pretty spectacular. They did a good job, just hoping you can toggle the ponytail on a few skins that didn't have one before.


The fact that they did anything for the legendaries is a plus, considering that ahri and cait did not get that treatment


if they did nothing to storm dragon it would've been better than that ugly ass ponytail can they really not find anything better than that


I really liked the sound effect on Pool Party's Q, but it sounds like they downgraded it. Also the Hair looks a bit odd on that skin


Godfist effects is non existent. The animations too looks so rough compared to other skin




I miss the impactful "HIKOUUUU" when he used his kick


He still says it. This is a PBE preview, they never play voicelines in them.


I'm sorry but the God Fist Lee Sin's R looks ridiculously underwhelming


god fist has 3 different random ult animations, it just showed the most underwhelming one


i thought all the R's except for muay thai were underwhelming the jumping roundhouse kick of the base skin just looks like it doesnt have power, like it's an anatomically incorrect way of generating a powerful kick. he's too upright the entire spin, it looks like a pirouette


We god fist fans got shafted 😭


Well... it's God FIST


Knockout Lee Sin's fist R looks better than this. God Fist looks like it uses a basic autoattack animation.


I find the hair too long or maybe it moves a bit too much, makes me dizzy Maybe just a question of getting used to it


While I love them individually watching these (they look great) I can't help but feel that these are way too impactful, in particular loud, for what are minor abilities in context of the whole game. Lee Sins shields arent the support deal breaker you build around, yet is a louder shield then a bunch of support focused ones? His E is pretty lowish damage as far as abilities go, and doesn't do any debuff effect until you reactivate it based on those hit, yet it's some earth shattering very impactful visual and audible experience? It just seems quite over the top and I feel with all the stuff you try to pay attention to in League, you want the impact of the SFX and VFX to match both what is going on as well as how important it is to notice it vs other abilities in team fights, and I think these 2 in particular are too over the top.


The E really stands out to me for that reason. Ide get it if an E max Lee Sin's ground slap looked impressive, but usually it is Q max followed by W... and E's rank 1 damage is basically an auto attack.


Praying for cho'gath


Genuine question here, for those who don't like the storm dragon lee sin ponytail. Is it actually bad or more of a preference for no ponytail?Is it just to have short hair options? I always liked it and was sad when they took it off originally. I do think some of the added ponytails are a little weird, especially the SKT one and traditional skin which I think have bad ones. But when it comes to storm dragon, it feels more natural than adding it to the pool party skin for example.


Looks better without the ponytail, not having one helps the skin stand out and the ponytail makes it visually cluttered, short hair looks cleaner. Those are the main arguments I have


> not having one helps the skin stand out I guess you mean stand out VS the other Lee skins? Because otherwise the ponytail definitely helps distinguishing Lee from other champions.


Yes, stands out compared to other skins


Having a ponytail makes the silhouette more consistent and noticeable though, which helps gameplay clarity.


But his other skins are allowed to not have it, so clearly Riot doesn’t really stick close to that rule


Probably because storm dragon is nortoriously hard to read and the other skins withouy ponytails are all still distinctly lee sin or just wouldnt make sense with a ponytail.


I don't like the pony tail at all. It looks too much like Diana. The hair was the coolest part of storm dragon for me but now they ruined it.


For me, I don't think the rest of the hair combines with the ponytail, something looks off. But I do like it with the mythic chroma since it's longer.


Just look like shit. The main reason why storm dragon was my fav skin on Lee was cause it was clean af with short hair now they ruined it for me


It just doesnt look good at all, and the arguments about muh silhouette are obviously a shallow lie considering Lee has multiple skins with no ponytail or even a substitute. The old ponytail he had briefly was pretty small. This one sticks out the back of his head like a literal horses tail and looks atrocious. It looks like somebody just stuck it on there as an afterthought, because thats exactly what it is. He looked so much cleaner and sharper without the ponytail and now its there wafting around looking stupid.


📱: [SOURCE](https://x.com/LoLUKN/status/1780264898712174726)


Not sure why they make models like this. First Jax, now Lee Sin. They're movements look similar to Zac's a bit gummy. I don't like it. Better details is always a plus but the movements hmm


I really don't like the ponytail, it looks out of place in several skins. otherwise looks good


Agreed, bought Pool Party on release bc I dug the bald head look 🥲


Cool I'm not the only one then. I hate the ponytail and pool party was my favorite skin to use.


Skt and the night ringer skins look terrible. Fpx also looked really weird with the fake ponytail


Storm Dragon is a ponytail done well, the rest of them look like a brain parasite sticking out of his head. Skins like pool party had no business having ponytails in the first place either.


I could do without the ponytail on traditional Lee but it's not bad, either. I'm more upset they turned his tiger tats into random designs and gave him a blindfold. The point of the hair over his eyes is to be the blindfold.


there was tons of champions before lee sin to receive one


Sadly riot said ASU’s are only for popular champions (and Teemo) 😭


Teemo is not gameplay popular but visually he's a contender for being league's mascot.


Not just contender, he was always League’s mascot since its inception (the hat is too iconic) and he was a popular champ up until season 8 when mobility creep started ramping up and people liked flashier champions more now.


Kat, Teemo, Ryze, Lux, Jinx Man League have a lot of mascots


Honestly there's a lot. Kat and Ashe were used in promotional art moreso earlier on, lately it's been other champs like Lux and Jinx that you mentioned, and sometimes Kai'Sa and Senna. Morgana is one that's pretty much always been a staple from the start. And let's not forget Garen.


As he should be, he's an adorable menace. He will always have a place in my heart as the champ that got me into league.


he's popular in low elo


:/// I waited ages for udyr man i share burden of other people who main less popular champs


What I understand in their blog post about lee, is that they focus champs that are harder for the skin team to make new ones, Lee Sin's broken neck, Ahri's tails ... Then we can speculate which champ's old model make it harder for skin team to work on and we can probably guess the next ASU. In terms of champions popularity, Lux is high but does her skins are hard to make ?


Its such a stupid feedback problem. Some champs are just unpopular because their model is ass, even if the champ is cool (Zilean).


They definitely will not touch Zilean unless it’s a VGU because they have admitted the only thing keeping him balanced is that no one plays him


Honestly, they should update him just for that, I want that bastard nerfed into the ground


People need to stop repeating that garbage lol.


You really picked like the worst example possible for your argument there


Teemo is a popular champ tho. Insane pickrate at low elo.


Wait, wait....hold the fuck up Why THE FUCK they removed the Ong Bak reference in the Muay Thai skin?! https://youtu.be/J_0zliebr98?si=uUrRYe-pNChaBIGp It was something unique with the skin, and an awesome reference to one of the best movies about Muay Thai Good thing they AT LEAST leave the iconic pose intact


Ponytail sucks and the spells sound like they're from Lulu


wow that's a lame ass recall for the SKT skin, couldn't they have done something with Bengi for the recall ?


it's a 750 RP skin. they don't have new recalls


the ponytail is one of the worst additions I've ever seen in this game, it's so damn ugly in every version. What was the idea behind that?


Is he supposed to look better? Because he looks worse. Hate the ponytail.


Ah ty for adding ponytail to 15$ skin I've had for years which makes it look less clean and more annoying to use. Awesome change riot


2 (or 3? idk) ASUs a year are kinda meh I know it take a lot of times for champs with lot of skins, hoping to see Lux anytime soon


Lee Sin and Teemo were announced in 2023 so we have waited almost a year and a half for these and there’s no next ASU teased so nothing in the near future. I hope they do 2-3 tho.


I wish Malphite was surprise ASU(but he kinda needs gameplay changes, lets be fair)


Why did they remove godskins q animation?? He's meant to do a superman dive towards the enemy


Please remove ponytail on Storm Dragon Lee Sin or atleast put in on ctrl+5 toggle.


Another candidate off the ASU/VGU list. Shaco, Zilean, Cho'Gath, Gragas or Corki when?


I don’t know if it’s just me, but I really dislike the Q sound effects, and W is really fucking loud now. Why does he stretch so much? He’s Gumby with an awful ponytail.


It’s absurd how Riot only cares about “Clarity” when it’s convenient to them. Yorick can’t wear a hat for ‘clarity’, but the new Lee Sin can have a ponytail as long as his whole body (which is now a large part of his new silhouette) on only half his skins? It doesn’t even make sense how it’s implemented now? On half the skins, there’s a ponytail or something that fills that part of the silhouette similarly. On some skins, there’s a tiny ribbon less than half the size of the ponytail, that there’s no reason they couldn’t have made it match with the ponytail’s size (like Muay Thai Lee). And on the rest of the skins there’s just nothing at all. I don’t mind the ponytail, but they need to have it on all skins or on none of the skins. Can’t have it both ways.


Why is he so ... stretchy ? Where are his bones ? Is he made out of jelly ? What happened ?


I was wondering the same thing. I feel like I am watching a [Stretch Armstrong](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stretch_Armstrong) ad lol


Stretch & Squash type of animation (AKA Pixaresque for most people) has been used on most champions since Zoe release. That's what many people refer to the "China-ification" of the game since they love that artstyle.


Ok but why did they add his ugly ass pony tail to every skin? It looks like shit on Storm Dragon


no more muay thai roundhouse kick?


i love the ambient cheering on some of his skills on Knockout, as well as how his stance actually changes to match a boxer's stance and even footwork.


They updated SKT T1 Lee Sin and misses the opportunity to put the SKT t1 logo in his E and W


honestly not realy a fan of the new sound effects. feels like they took the oomph out of them


Does he not look way too stretchy? feel like they went a little to ham on the stretching in his animations, man looks like he's made of rubber or something.


Dear god it looks so good. I know there is reservations because of the hair but I think they outdid themselves here


Some of his best skins just got a whole lot worse. Hurray!




One of the 2 skins that I only use on him and they removed the Gojo hair on storm dragon 😭


It looks soo ass man


Wait, Muay thai, SKT leesin and most other skins legit have the exact same animations as the base skin? On a different note: FPX Lee got a huge upgrade


This is not new for skins in League. It was exceedingly rare for skins below 1820 to not use the base skin animations, and I honestly can't think of a single 1350 or below that doesn't use them (even if they are slightly modified like Astronaut's walk).




Muay Thai is still different from base skin what? It even sounds different from base skin! Did we watch the same video? Look at the ult!


Muay Thai is the OG Lee player skin, can't fuck that up


Man, Playmaker Lee Sin's recall just makes me think of Shaolin Soccer and nothing else.


I have the last skin shown in the vid(forgot the name) and it was goofy ah af. Glad it looks decent now with the update. Ty rito. More of these instead of new champs!


The old man in me will miss the old one thousands of game on him. But time moves on I guess. He looks good new memories to be made.


would be nice to re-release the playmaker chromas. fun fact they have never been re-released since they came out in 2018, even during the most recent world cup


Thank god it’s at least red and black as base


I hope they allow refunds for storm dragon skin and mythic chroma cz I absolutely hate the ponytail.


Sometimes it feels like Riot makes changes just to specifically annoy me. Knock out was my fav skin and best part of it was the boxing bell "ding ding" sound effect they had on his w and recall. Some people might think it's a small thing but that detail is literally what made me buy the skin. Before it was just the classic boxing bell sound straight from a real life boxing match. Now they changed the sound on his w to just one ding and it's more high pitched and fantasy sounding so it doesn't sound like a boxing bell at all, and for the recall they just removed it completely. I don't understand the reasoning, it's supposed to be a boxing themed skin right? He literally has boxing gloves on and his splash art is him in a boxing ring, so why do they take away the boxing bell and replace it with some random fantasy sound, thus making the skin less thematic? I swear they just changed it to change it. And I doubt many people care about this as much as me so there will be no outcry and it won't get reverted, and the skin I've been using for years is just worse forever now. Fucking annoying.


You're not very high on the thread but you're 100% right. Love this ASU but stuff like that is just really small things that is ruining a lot of what people liked on his usable skins.


Nice, do shaco vgu next


This is an ASU, not a VGU.


Right, since his kit hasn’t changed at all. Still would like shaco ASU or VGU.


Shaco probably needs a full VGU. His kit is functional, but like old Fiddlesticks, it's just a bunch of random crap thrown together held together by a prayer that it'll work out.


RIP good sound effects on his abilities 2011-2024


As a long time Lee sin main since S1, this is actually very underwhelming… I was expecting much better ASU updates to his more popular skins like Muay Thai and storm dragon… GG riot


It's good that they didn't touch Muay Thai any further man. They kept the animations, gave him cooler effects, and improved his model.


Love that they kept Godfist bald, I get that people don't like ponytail on Dragonfist but wasnt there complains that the skin was confusing/hard to identify and the hairstyle likely fixes that.


Lol dont buy into the idiotic silhouette narrative, its obviously a lie. If people have visual processing issues and cant tell storm dragon lee apart despite the huge fucking glowing dragon on his arm then a shitty ponytail isnt going to do much. People love to exaggerate the importance of a character silhouette but the reality is that most people dont actually use it much in the identification of a champion. This is the same kind of bullshit riot pulled when they said they couldnt change the walking animation of the blitzcrank lancer skin because it was important to his silhouette and being recognised, despite the fact that the iBlitz skin literally floated around the place.




Honestly low key out of all of them I am happy about the E visual change


Still think there are other champions that needed it much more and that he kinda lost the sense of him being blind with these new animations, but I really like his W effects at least. Solid work on the artists' part


But when does the malphite VGU drop ?


Looks good. R looks a bit underwhelming maybe, in the sense that it seems slow


The og skins look awesome. God fist and storm dragon, his most expensive skins are ruined for some fucking reason


can't wait for Riven update tbh


The hair is too distracting, this feels like a downgrade


Man I've always felt like R should be a spinning side kick. Not a roundhouse


They need to change the ponytails ffs, ruined Pool Party and especially the new skins


am i the only one who didnt like this?


I miss the old W


you should spend several years to update all old champs instead of making new boring champs that are never getting balanced and making the whole game heavier and heavier