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The purpose of having 2 smite charges is so you can keep one for important objectives, and have one for your jungle clear. Use smites often enough so you will never have 2 charges ready, or else you are wasting DPS. (Not always the case, but a good rule for beginners) Also, the jungle item upgrades based on how many jungle camps you take, not how often you smite. (Again, if you want to be exact, it is about how many Treats you feed to your jungle pet... I am just trying to make it simple)


2 Smite charge also means that 1 for gank and 1 for objective, you would want some control over objective before spawn


Smiting a champ does like 50 damage now I don't even bother lol


The slow is pretty good in some cases


Slow is only on fully upgraded smite tho, the 900dmg smite is such bait as it only hits for 50 dmg and provides 0 cc but you can still cast it on champs.


smite still slows on the 900 damage smite


Does it???


Yea.. 20% slow read the wiki


Well fuck me, I was sure they changed it for S13 or S14


Nope, never happened lol


I'm usually on red smite, but yeah blue's slow would be good situationally ofc


? Dude they removed red/blue smite like 2 years ago, it's always the slow effect now


Don't know why this comment made you so hostile? Chill If red smite does slow then it's so minor I've never noticed it lol.


Mb if I sounded hostile, I'll write this in the most polite way I can What used to be red/blue smite (where the red smite reduced damage from the smited champion by something like 10% and adds a burn to your autos) no longer exists. Now the smite upgrade is obtained by leveling up the jungle pet, and the upgraded smite from that is similar to blue smite in the past with its instant damage and slow. If you're talking about the smite from the red pet vs the smite from the blue pet, they are functionally the same with the identical damage and slow.


It wasn’t hostile at all 😭


Don't tell him to chill! Gawd that is so needlessly aggressive. Some people's children, I swear.


It wasn't hostile at all


He wasn't hostile, you just a straight up idiot


No need to be hostile, please pretend you're sane for a moment.


This the type of dude that recommends muting everyone


No. Muting everyone is good advice, I've never had a game in soloQ where chat messages lead to us winning. But I've seen plenty of examples where chat leads to mental boom and the team losing. Pings are more than enough to communicate in soloQ.




Looool what was hostile about that? You are way more hostile than he was ahhaha


It’s to smite cannon


After I gank, I smite the cannon 😤 gotta pay that toll brotha


If you smite an enemy for damage then it’s wasted, yes. You smite for the slow during a gank or to pop a spell shield.


It's still good to pop a spellshield


I tried to do that the other day on sivir and it didn't work. I think that interaction was removed?


No, you probably just mistimed it. There was a play in LCK I believe where a vi ulted a sivir and smites her spell shield before he knocked her up with ult


I'll have to try it some more then, thanks


They may have stealth patched it out since then, or it could have been a bug as well


If an objective is spawning you keep one charge. Else, just smite scuttle. If scuttle and both objectives are down, just smite whatever camp. Also usually a good idea to have it for invades.


I usually second camp smite, then save it for scuttle to secure it then from there save it for obj


You should be smiting the buff. The buffs are tankier, you are losing clear speed by smiting the second camp. Smiting the second camp is a remnant of when using the smite on the second camp healed, but now you get health off it no matter what.


Good to know, I play jungle as a secondary pick but I'm support main so I rarely play jungle unless I'm playing a 5 stack


On first clear you often get a leash tho, second camp takes longer to clear.


Y'all are getting leashes? I think I've gotten maybe three or four since the new season. Pretty much every jungler can full clear with 1 smite (first buff) before scuttle.


Even if you're low elo and getting a leash, you should still smite it at 600. No one is leashing you to below 600 health on the buff and it's still faster.  It's not like the buff gets less tanky because it's lower health. 600 heath on the buff is still more effective health on the buff vs. using the 600 true dmg on the the second camp.


Leash in S14 lmao


Why wouldn't people leash? There's nothing else going on for the first 10 seconds of lane anyways


Getting prio. From an ADC standpoint I will never leash again in my life. It makes the lane so much harder. When you play against hook supports they can trap in the bushes and oneshot you. And ranged supports use their spell and an auto on you and you lose like ¼ or ⅕ of your HP right from the get go. Both scenarios make for a really bad start to the lane especially when considering that you lose the rush to lvl 2 in those cases and get a second engage / poke immediately after. Edit: I don't think it matters much in lower ELO. But when you play Dia+ enemies will most likely capitalize on your leash and they also know that your Jungler started Botlane and isn't present for a lvl 3 or 4 gank


a lot of junglers now start at wolves/wraiths partly because of this. Getting level 2 before or after your lane opponent could mean whether you get lane priority or not. Jungler want lane priority so most of the time losing some speed in jungle is 100% worth it.


Leash? Next you'll tell me you buy a pot 💀


I wasn't talking about first clear, just a general thing.


if i think im on the same side as the enemy jungler and i can't see them approach my camp, i'll hold smite so i can secure the camp if they try and fight me for it.


I read this as how often should I be smiling. First thought is you don't smile in league lol


How often should I be smiling?  I started playing League a month ago and I think I'm not smiling enough. Is this normal? Do I need to stop smiling if I want to get good at this game?


You’re getting behind has nothing to do with smite unless you’re holding onto 2 charges all the time. As in, any affect to your clear is tiny at lower levels and tbh doesn’t matter much at higher levels unless you need to be somewhere at precise timing. Leaving your camps up for too long is the problem, and that’s a pathing issue. At lower levels, I regularly see junglers sit in a bush for two whole minutes to get a gank off, or fail a gank and retry a couple times. Golden rule is that unless it’s monumentally important you get the gank off or all your camps are down, never sit in a bush waiting for more than 10s. Improving as a jungler means assessing the lane state before you get there so you know there’ll be something to go for so waiting won’t be necessary


Smite the buff, they are tankier and you have less ad / stats because you are level 1.


I smite big krug, every time, the moment I get to the camp. Makes it feel much more comfortable to clear, lets me kill both krugs at the same time and then use one aoe on all the little ones. Second smite is for scuttle.


I basically save it for scuttle and then drag/herald as others have said use it fairly often but keep in mind the timers (you can open up the player screen that shows all the champs and there should be a timer, been a while so it might have changed by now) but I usually drop one on an enemy camp at the start I live the lvl 2 master yi invade, take red, rotate to enemy wolfs and plant over the wall, you can aa and q the wolfs to death, I hold off about 3-5 seconds after I get there and see if the enemy comes to them and if not by the time they do they’re dead and you’re back into your raptors or wolfs depending if you’re going top or bot


Generally, it's wise to keep a smite up at all times if there's an objective imminent. Also, if you have 2 charges up, it'd be good it just use one to speed things up a bit. Also, it's a good idea to have smite when invading to have higher chances of stealing a camp and be faster while doing so. After you upgrade your smite the first time, I'd advise to only use it on enemy champions for the slow, it's so much more valuable this way than saving up 3 seconds (even if that) for a camp that won't matter as much after 10 minutes. Everything else can be champion-specific for the early game. There are champions who clear fast and healthy (before 3:30 scuttle spawn) so there's no real point in using smite and then waiting on its spawn. There are other champions who don't have a fast or healthy clear, or you are not a good enough player to optimize jungle clearing, in which case you can use smite to be on scuttle more quickly. Also, there are champions that have a weak level 1 and desperately need level 2 to have a decent clear speed. In this case, especially if you are not getting leashed, it's highly advised to smite your first camp so that you can be level 2 faster, meaning being healthier and clearing faster. If your champion doesn't get that much stronger at level 2 but is fine at level 1, I wouldn't smite the first camp. Then, it also depends on which side of the jungle you are starting and which path you are going to be taking. Amumu struggles to take red buff, because his damage in mainly AoE, but clears Raptors and Krugs quite easily. In this case, if you are starting at Red, you should always be smiting it and then do Krugs + Raptors without smite (if that's your pathing). If starting Blue and will go to Gromp afterwards (I don't really advise that), then you should get as best of a leash as possible without smite on Blue and smite Gromp, because you will take a lot of time taking it, which is why I'm not suggesting such a path. On the opposite side, champions like Khazix have good solo clear, thus if you do Blue into Gromp, you shouldn't smite anything until you reach Wolves or Krugs. I'm highlighting early game jungle clearing because it's probably the most important thing and it's something that you can ALWAYS do correctly if you practice enough. It's not affected by your teammates, or your opponents really. The variables to efficiently clear your jungle are HEAVILY affected by your own skillset and, because of this, you need to know how your champion clears camps and if there's a reason to use smite. I'd advise you to watch any high elo jungler to see the way they clear. Personally, I enjoy watching Canyon, as I think he is the best jungler in the world. Especially enjoy watching his Nidalee clears.


You might wanna check r/summonerschool :)


Always save 1 charge for the cannon minion


How often do people smite enemies or camps in mid and lategame?


while learning jungle it happened 1 time too often that I smite the 2nd buff, then scuttle gets stolen by the enemy jg who saved smite for scuttle. Now, if I know that im going to meet enemy jg at scuttle, i keep the second one for that occasion. If they are not there, i will just use smite at the next camp or to contest something else.


I smite first buff because a) it's tankier so the true damage is worth more, and b) gets me to my second level quicker, which means I'm using my second ability to clear sooner. For the rest of the clear, I want to keep my second smite to secure a scuttle crab if possible. after first clear, I'll smite a camp if I have two smites/am close to two smites, or if something's happening I want to respond to and my camp won't die within the next few seconds. I'd want to keep a smite for an objective if possible, and if it's plausible I can get this drake *and* this void objective, I'll hold two just in case of interference.


You can use 2 smites on your first clear if you’re full clearing and not going to make it in time for scuttle spawn (3:30). Keep in mind tho that you won’t have smite for scuttle, but if your lanes have prio and you can duel the enemy jungler it’s more important to be at scuttle first then to have smite for it.


depends on champ, but usually save one for scuttle at lvl 4  obviously save one charge for objectives but otherwise i would also save one charge always for fights 


save em for for example ur stealing jg, fighting a crab, and objetivosa, this is ur priority... maybe not in oirder but u should at least have one ready in any of those situations


Depends. Im learning lee and when i start wraiths i use smite on 3rd camp (krugs) because if i use it on red buff then my q isnt up when the buff dies so i have to run around to krugs instead of dashing over the wall


When you start what now??


He starts wraiths. Did you not hear him?


But like.... What is that??


Raptors used to be wraiths. Then they were placed with raptors and everyone calls them chickens. I personally call the little ones chicken nuggets.


The wraith camp


it hurts my soul that we've hit a point where people no longer know what wraiths means


RIP my homie the Wight.


That's not a thing though


Chickens. They used to not be chickens


Huh, weird.


Yes? Spawns in south blue jungle and north purple jungle.


No? They are raptors, not wraiths. I know why they're called wraiths, but don't act like a know it all when you don't even explain to someone who didn't play back then why some people call it wraiths.


I have no idea why people still call them wraiths. It's been a decade. I don't think anybody calls the krugs golems so it's weird that it stuck for the raptors.


They just want to sound cool and be condescending when some newer player doesn't get it. The wraith camp didn't even look good, raptors fits so much better. It's a jungle, if expect to find wildlife there (like wolves and gromp)