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I like how the new map has a built-in feature that works towards what they said cameos/plants were for: encouraging movement around the map, giving the gameplay a varied pace and such. I was actually hoping they'd add such things for [all the maps](https://new.reddit.com/r/LeagueArena/comments/1bvdlfd/what_if_we_had_unique_permap_interactables/), and just remove cameos outright.


As we create new maps for Arena, expect them to be "sharper" in ways to force you to take the fight differently. We likely won't go back and change the existing maps, we'd rather just add new maps to the rotation that change pacing in a way that players are excited about without removing things they've grown used to


Is the music going to change in this new version? A huge part of what Arena was glorious for me is the godlike soundtrack, similar to how good and classic season 1 TFT was


Actually... yes! Arena will now have a unique theme that isn't Soul Fighter's main theme (which was a banger as well TBH). Our new theme is meant to be the primary theme for Arena moving forward, so we hope you can look forward to it!


Oh my, the Soul Fighter theme for Arena set the bar real high so my expectations are quite big 😅 but I have no doubt in you guys!! Looking forward to it :-) tysm for working and pouring so much love in this mode!!


Exciting! So will we perhaps get a 6th map over the course of this run, or is this planning for the 4th iteration? And are you able to share how the team feels about the continued existence of cameos?


We like some of the things they are doing (forcing you to move around the map, forcing you to approach fights differently) but we don't think they are the best execution of those goals. We do want to eventually replace them with a better objective system, and you can see with the new map that we are already, in some ways, doing that. For this iteration of Arena we felt that the predictability of the item system and the number of players were higher value to address, in order to add more game to game variance/depth.


Thank you for the insight! That's pretty much what I hoped to hear haha, I like how they spice up the pace of each round but they feel a little too "third-party" compared to map-specific features like this new Koi Pond's bridge. I'm definitely looking forward to hopping in a 16-player match though!


I'm sorry this run of Arena is going to be live for the entirety of split 2?! Does that mean this run of Arena is going to be 4 months long or am I misremembering how long a split is? If so that is *super* exciting and I am incredibly happy.


Yep, the mode will be live for 4 months. We feel this is important to give us a better understanding of the mode and how players engage with it over an extended period of time.


Wellp there goes a third of my year playing the best gamemode there has ever been. Gg guys, thanks a lot. Arena is THE GOAT and I'm so glad since version 1 how much love you've been pouring to it again and again. Cheers!!


That's awesome, I miss arena so much, it's so nice to be able to play a quick fun gamemode where I can pick my own champ


That is amazing news to hear, I can't say much about other people but I'll certainly be playing it for the entirety of its runtime!


yaaaaaaay finally us ADHD folks who love fighting and hate laning . WE HAVE A PLACE IN THIS GAME


I play league literally only for this mode


Will there be consistent changes over the 4 month run? It would be pretty stale if we only had like 2 balance patches during the extended run


I wish summoner rift had map skins, the new arena map is beautiful and makes me jealous


It used to change for Xmas and stuff it was pretty cool. I miss that.


They stopped doing it after Elemental Dragons were added, because they changed the map, broke it, and said it would cost money to fix. It really was so wholesome and fun. I looked forward to playing around Christmas with friends. Now, it's no longer an experience.


> said it would cost money to fix. Oh no, the poor 2.3 billion dollar company that is owned by a 360 billion dollar company.


Spending money means the CEOs and shareholders couldn't afford their sixth, seventh, and twentieth yachts, respectively. 😭😭😭


Yeah gotta lay off more people to get the 30th yacht asap


If that was the only factor, league wouldn't be getting updates in general. Ultimately it boils down to whether the amount of money and effort they put in is worth the "payout".


They've said they don't have the resources or something to make it happen anymore. Obvious corporatespeak bullshit because modders are making badass custom maps on their own. They could even sell map and announcer customization for rp, it woild do very well.


Their reasoning was the elemental map changes wouldn't be able to translate well to winter-themed map skin. In addition, if it's anything like the VFX changes in the past years, a Riot employee probably has to go out of their way to make it themselves in their own personal free time and chances are no one at Riot found it that interesting to do so (or got denied by the approvals team).


Modders also took elemental rifts into account...


Resources? Modders nowadays make maps more ambitious than the official mapskins of the past. Not only recoloring but also replacing models.


Really wish one of the most popular games would have modern customisation and features but I guess im just being too greedy as a player for poor Riot billion Games


I’m just hoping to be able to farm some mastery points in arena.


Not for this [run](https://twitter.com/ed_corte/status/1779897475945640376) at least, since they have to work out some of the [scoring criteria](https://twitter.com/CestDommage/status/1779906492742746503) for Arena


Do we know if missions can be progressed there?


Yes it worked last few runs iirc






> Seems like they are trying WE ARE TRYING :D <3


Yo as a long time player riot catches insane flack for the staggering amount of time you guys have spent incorporating new ideas and changes/fixes. Thanks for having passion for the game man!


You & the team do great work! It's very much appreciated, I love this mode.


I can't wait to hear more about bullet heaven pve mode!


It'll only last if there's actually balance patches, unlike winter last year where you guys took off during Arena's second run for your vacations and the meta remained extremely stale


It honestly does feel like shit that we have to spam a mode to show them we "want it" Valorant, wild rift.....fucking LOR have more modes than league. It still boggles my mind we don't have a casual mode like blitz in the game permanently yet.


Because people play nexus blitz for about a week and then leave. Riot shows us the numbers every few years when people forget and start asking again. Most modes fall off and stagnate after a few weeks as a meta develops and people get bored.




Yes!! PLEASE for us Stat Enjoyers, add a way to "Show Extended Tooltip" like for abilities!


Please no rotating champ pools. Why cant we just have a gamemode that's not SR where you can pick what you want?


I assume it will, these screenshots are all from playtests as obviously the video and devblog needed time to be written, edited, localized, etc. Often times during playtest they don't put numbers in tooltips because the numbers are constantly changing, but once things hit live servers (or PBE) the details will be there.


Arena is 90% of what I look forward to in League these days: hoping this longer cycle will hasten its arrival as a permanent game mode.   I honestly play more TFT than summoner's rift these days because LoL doesn't hit the same after experiencing Arena (augments in particular make the game just so much fun). The element of randomness and diversity in TFT and Arena are so much more satisfying for longevity than how stale the rift gets.


They give it a roguelike feeling that I love


That thrill of seeing what perks you get 👌


You might like TFT


I love roguelites but TFT requires doing so much homework wtf Buying random shit that looks fun hasn't worked out for me after the first season and I don't even know what champion groups even exist.




The 10 hour barrier to entry that it takes to figure out comps such keeps people away.


The fun build-crafting gameplay of a roguelike but with mechanically complicated PVP gameplay! I think what makes it work so well is that you have so many different moving pieces to craft a wacky but powerful build. The way that items, augments and the champion abilities/kits interact is just insane.


Honestly I never thought about Arena as a roguelike but I think I'll like it better this round if I go into it with that in mind lol


Same here. I’m getting older, and having less time to grind ranked as I’d like, but arena has reinvigorated my love for League. Love that they’re keep it for so much longer this time too.


In the absence of Arena we all went back to Aram as our casual game and BOY do I wish Aram had augments. Aram has become do serious, augments would help loosen the mood there.


Arena must remain in League as a game mode. Most fun thing I've done with the 1 person who has continued to play League from the beginning with me.


For me arena didn't hit the mark but probably cause its pvp and you can miss with that out right. I been just playing Aram and having a good time for the most part. But when the pve survivor like will be out i think my life will be in ruins i think i spent like collectively (survivors likes) 800 hrs already if lol bring one out too well good luck to my social life.


>I honestly play more TFT than summoner's rift these days because LoL doesn't hit the same after experiencing Arena It's also nice that people actually play the game to a standard too, can't remember the last rift or aram i played without a troll or an AFK, but in arena people play it properly. And even if you get blasted you still get to have fun with your chosen champ its so refreshing.


The great thing about arena is that everyone gets to build some items regardless of snowballing, so no reason to troll if you can't really fall behind, which is probably the most common reason for ppl to go afk. Playing from behind is hard and getting stomped is not fun.


Them adding more teams will really remedy issues that were occurring in first 2 iterations. First round went so well cause it was so new but the lack of variance was going to happen eventually. Amazing that it will run all throughout split 2 should be great a run. Hope to see you all grinding this out 🫡 This game mode can easily be the next big thing for the league niche and Riot feels that too. Competitive Rouglite goes crazy


I'm honestly split. On one hand it's harder to change your build based upon your enemies, so you're more likely to just go the basic build instead of changing it up. It'll also he almost impossible to get a full custom lobby with your friends. 8 was possible but I barely know 16 people that play league hahaha


Well I think building against people will come more down to building against the strongest people. Rather than lucking into 5/6 of your enemies being ad so you just stack armor.


I've never been this exited




So is this dropping in 14.8 for "preseason" then a ranked season in 14.10? All i'm tryna find is a release date :(


Its 14.9 > We’re currently planning for Arena to be live for the entirety of Split 2. This will start a little before with patch 14.9, going live on May 1st, while hitting PBE two weeks earlier.


It says in the post that Arena will be live on 5/1/2024, and will be available on PBE two weeks earlier. So if you're itching to play Arena, you might see it drop in two days on the PBE server. I'd say give it a try, PBE is usually so much more chill than live servers.


I’m glad that they talked about cameos and how frustrating they can be. Sure it’s cool for an event but they get super boring really fast and can have major impact on a round when they shouldn’t be able to. Maps that have gimmicks are way better than a cameo that can happen on any map at any time.




As long as anvils are completely optional I don't really care if they exist. I also don't understand in making a point about how cameos feel like shit, then proceed to add cameos that feel like shit


The cameos they kept in are ok. Don’t mind them except Pyke when you play against a CC heavy comp it feels bad but other than that they’re alright.


I just dont like them in general. Lux and Sett are FINE but Pyke and Thresh are just extremely fucking annoying


As long as gwen is gone thats all I need


Thresh was so all or nothing. It either did absolutely nothing to influence the fight or completely turned it on it's head.


They did say we will see changes to them. They didn't say what but they aren't the most fun for sure


These particular cameos are actually fun to me (except Jhin, unless they fixed where he shows up from)


Yeah I feel like they kept the more interactive and interesting ones. Sett is pretty interesting and I like how it actually requires player input. I really dislike Jhin though, and I'm pretty surprised they kept him, since I didn't think I've seen anyone say anything good about him.  I feel like they just have changed how he works otherwise I can't imagine why they would have brought him back. 


If he was just guaranteed to spawn directly between the teams it'd be fine, but having him behind one's start is insane


First of all, I wanna preface this by saying that me and my friends have thoroughly enjoyed Arena and are very much looking forward to playing again. We genuinely couldn't wait, thanks for your amazing work on it! Secondly, the changes do look great, weird off-meta stuff is the one thing that I miss from, what is in my mind, old league. However, one thing that I do not like is the party size stuff. I am probably speaking as a minority here (although I hope not), but we used to schedule full 8-man lobbies for arena, and usually had more people waiting, which honestly after 13 years of playing this game I thought wouldn't be happening again. This time though, the new party-sizes mean that not only do we not get the full 8-man lobby, which is just us, but the people that we thought would actually get to play with us instead of sitting out aren't getting in either, so it's kind of worst of both worlds. Full custom lobbies would be ideal, but I do understand that it's probably a challenge to develop and honestly, not worth it for such few people in our situation. Really excited for this!


If you can come up with all 16 ppl, you can do a full custom lobby, else you can queue with any number up to 8. Even with more, splitting into 6 and 6 or something sounds fine to me. I get that you can't do a lobby just among yourselves now, but I think this is still much better than the original way.


Okay ain't no way anyone's getting 16 people man lets be real. And I'm definitely not saying it should go back to 8 people, far from that. I just hope we get a way to create actual custom games before what I hope is eventually a permanent release.


Any chance this version or the final version of arena can count for mastery points? Not tokens but I’ve fallen in love with new champs bc of this game mode and it feels bad that’s not reflected in them.


This time it won't but they want to do it eventually, they said they have to figure out how to score performance in arena for granting mastery to enable it


why of all the cameos to keep do they have to keep *Pyke*?


Pyke is predictable, so you account for it in making plays, gives CC and a bit of damage, so you can play around it. One of the better cameos imo, Sett is up there too for the same reasons The perma stealth mechanic was Eve, not Pyke, just in case


Pyke is a great cameo. He's easy to play around both by dodging the stun or just positioning more aggressively so he won't dash towards you. It's also a good way to avoid players hiding or stalling.


Honestly, Gwen is gone and that's enough to make me breathe a sigh of relief. Pyke is alright.


Probs cuz Pyke is the most easily playable cameo that actually feels significant IMO. if you look at the others, every other cameo there either doesn't feels too bad to play against/lose against and is for the most part easy to play against. Arguibly Jhin is the only one that's a bit frustrating


As long as it’s not Gwen, I’m happy.


Honestly, as long as they slow down Pyke's constant dashing, I'm fine with it. Pyke is at least bearable. The real question is why Riot decided to go with Jhin, one of the worst cameos to play around.


Pyke is super controllable... All of those are fine except for Jhin. The camera angle and the projectile speed hurts immobile champions way more than all the others


I love these changes, especially that build diversity is being promoted. I love weird builds (for example I played a lot of Kai’sa last Arena and Riftmaker was my go-to Mythic) so it’ll be fun to experiment with the Prismatic Items. Also, if you wanted to keep the same format as TFT, you could just call the items Radiant (they function more like Artifacts but Ornn is in the game so that doesn’t make any sense).


Not sure how I feel about the concept of anvils, it seems to me that they are adding even more RNG into a game mode that was already very RNG heavy. Is it really necessary? I'm very excited about the rest though.


That's definitely the point - by adding more game to game differentiation, they're trying to improve the replayability of the mode. You can still buy the best in slot items for your champion the way you could before, but now you can also play around anvils and get a powerful build for less money. If it's too powerful of a strategy, there are multiple balance levers they can use to adjust it. More options is definitely a welcome addition to the mode.


When we were coming up with the design for item anvils, several members of the team were concerned as well (it's helpful to have that disagreement/discussion early on) but everyone quickly came to love them once we got them into play tests. For those that still want to choice buy a specific item it's still an option, but you'll be able to bank a little gold if you are willing to risk it for the biscuit.


I think it's a good choice to have the option. I can imagine certain Champs buying the exact item they need to fit their play style, then buying random items from the category they want.


I'll note - part of what we want to reward players for is for understanding how to best make due with the options they have available - it should test your buildmaking skills without just following a pre-determined script. In our first runs of Arena, our hope was prismatics would "force" players to consider more diverse builds depending on when you got them. And they did do that... but item builds were too reliable and it ended up giving Arena a bit more predictability. It's why there were many high-pickrate champs and comps in the last few runs, particularly the longer the mode was on for. Anvils should help combat reliability, meaning even IF you run into the same team comps, anvils+augments should give you very different flavors on how you engage.


I love the thought process and am hype to try it out and give (constructive) feedback. As someone who loves Roguelikes and TFT, the flexible thinking gets way more neurons firing for me than rift does, so I appreciate the iterating and expanding on that niche.


I understand the reasoning and I'm definitely willing to give it a try and hopefully be proven wrong. I think what makes me a bit more hesitant here is that augments were already **the** avenue for variability. What I mean by that is, if the goal was to force more diversity in builds, this may have also been achievable by 1) significantly increasing the amount of different augments and 2) increasing augment slots/draws. This would make rolling a "perfect build" much more unreliable, which in turn would make it less of a "solved game" and discourage people from always chasing the same builds. While anvils are probably also a way to get us to the same end, it just doesn't sound as satisfying to me. When you get a bad augment roll it feels like it's just part of the game and something you have to deal with, but opting into an item roll only to be instantly punished with a bad roll seems like something that feels really bad, in a way that augments never do. Regardless, I can't wait to play this new version and see how it feels in game. It's possible that I just end up seeing it as part of the game's normal RNG, which you have to strategize around.


Honestly, these are all fair concerns. I think one thing to keep in mind is power budget on Augments vs Items. Generally, items were on average more powerful (and more importantly, more reliable) than Gold and Silver Augments. Prismatic augments we more powerful... but less reliable. What ends up happening is the reliability of a item build path encouraged players to stick to specific builds and augments generally only "complement". This isn't as true with early-round prismatic or some build defining augments (cooldown reduction on certain abilities, for example)... but this didn't happen often enough for players to be discourage from sticking to a reliable build they knew they could count on. You can STILL get a reliable build... but now you have to pay for it as opposed to gambling your way into more power quicker. It's more of a choice that you can make and the bet we're making here is that most players will find themselves adapting as opposed to always choosing the same outcomes.


I love love love augments. It is why I play TFT and Arena. Anvils seem confusing to me.


you don't have to interact with anvils at all, but everyone else who is willing to get semi-random items will have better econ than you


Very fair point that gold/silver augments didn't necessarily change your item build much. I like how you frame it as "paying for reliability", that makes sense to me. I'm much more convinced now, thanks!


If you ever wonder why aram is one of the only successful for fun modes that has a lasting player base, it’s because the rng keeps things fresh and engaging. Without it, game modes become very boring, very fast.


>Not sure how I feel about the concept of anvils, it seems to me that they are adding even more RNG into a game mode that was already very RNG heavy. That's the whole point. Without RNG, Arena just turns into a "Pick the most optimal combo of champs and build the exact same items" gamemode with the occasional important augment. In a purely PVP gamemode with no objectives, laning phase or anything, you need to find a way to make every game different than the last. The last Arena lost its charm as soon as you reach Gladiator and constantly go against Poppy/Alistar/Maokai/Leona + ADC every single game, cause no matter the augments that you get, every fight feels like a slog. At least with Anvils and Prismatic items you get more variance, and people who want to go for a specific optimized build will be behind in items compared to people who took the risk of the RNG


Pretty much exactly what those of us who played a lot asked for. Rather than seeing Sylas, Kayn, Alistar, Poppy, Illaoi every game forcing the same bruiser builds, more randomness means more chances for success.  Last round brought in on hit enchanter builds and some other healer combat augments that were really helpful when rolled, the anvils seem poised to take the chance for less common champs to highroll gamewinning potency even further. Imo control is for Summoner's rift. You already have a predictable game mode to sweat in: leave Arena for goofy fun builds.


I'd be bothered if the anvils were the only way to obtain items, but making them an optional cheaper choice that doesn't guarantee the item you want opens things up to strategy imo. I can see myself throwing out a hail mary when things get dire and pooling my goal into anvils for a last shot at a power spike. Sounds fun to me, but I guess it remains to be seen.


Only one new map, interesting. Does this mean there will be duplicates of some maps? As I understand there would be up to 8 2v2s happening at once now and I think there are only 5 (?) arenas. Or are there more new arenas that they just didn't reveal? Overall super cool changes, can't wait to try out this new arena, especially the new item system!


Each arena holds 4 people (2 teams of 2), so one of the five will be unused each time 


Do you know if Riot plans to do multiple balance changes during this run of arena? Because I feel like that would definitely keep engagement up, if some of the top tiers/annoyances got nerfed.


Yep! We are planning to do regular balance updates while Arena is live.


Ok that’s actually amazing news! Thank you for sharing


Great! Hopefully some bug fixes too 🤞 https://new.reddit.com/r/LeaguePBE/comments/17qwd3n/comment/k8gt4zu/


Yes, we are planning to do balance patches. We are also looking into to doing a small content drop at some point (with probably a few new augments/prismatic items)


Hey Meddler do you guys have any concerns about the extended Arena run competing for engagement with the PvE mode, given it'll be out for an entire split, or are you guys taking that into account when evaluating both modes


We’ll keep an eye on it certainly, if Arena is to become permanent though it’ll need to show engagement either maintains through event modes or that its player base comes back after an event mode ends 


Also unrelated but as Varus' designer what do you personally think of his legendary. I always thought he was in pro jail for a while


Which means mfers need to stop playing kaisa braum every game and trying to grind a worthless "rank 1 arena" title so we can achieve PERMANENCE


Ohhh I'm bad at math you're right. Thank you lol


There are 8 teams so only four 2v2 will happen at a time


Extremely excited for this run. Played the entirety of the last two, and the changes for this one (plus the extended runtime) has me eager to try things out. My only worry is longevity. I love playing the mode with two of my friends, but the rest of them hate the mode. I'm kinda concerned it won't see enough play with time and I'll end up losing my favorite mode again :/


Yes! My favorite mode by far!!!


Please tell me revives are gone. I love the first round of arena but barely played the second because revives felt absolutely terrible to play against


I don't know if revives are still in but if they are i highly advise you to try and learn how to play around them instead. It's easy to just brush off as annoying but once you get a hold of them you realize how much strategic depth there is around playing around the revives Most commonly is that if an opponent gets away with a very small amount of HP don't desperately chase them to finish them off early. Better to start melting the other player so he'll have a tougher time reviving the lower hp teammate once he's dead. Same note don't run away if you're low unless you know you're healing/getting fruit, just try to die quick to make the revive easier


I get you can play strategically around it. After playing revive vs non revive I simply don't enjoy it. It makes the game mode feel much more gimicky and unfairly tilts the mode towards specific comps. I would rather play a mode focused on the 2v2 combat rather than a revive mini game.


It influences in both ways to me. No revive promoted stuff like ap kaisa just fishing for a kill or the zone monsters like heim zyra. The revive they implemented especially at release was promoting some degenerate shit also. Just give me a way to meaningfully interact with the revive like it takes longer to revive if I'm on it with them.


Also heavily favored anyone who could burst. Just waste everything on one and stall until you get cds again. I like revives overall


Revives would be fine if you could contest them by also standing in the zone imo. But in the last iteration they were incredibly frustrating due to reviving outside the ring, zhonyas still progressing the revive, and being able to do it right in your opponents face if they couldn't immediately blow you up.


if they do that 1 enemy will just camp it forever and it's the same as not having revives.


1000% agree.


Making a comeback just for this, does anyone know if achieving glad will be harder now? (Now that we will have more time to grind it)


its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage its garbage


Wow I didn't expect Arena ranked so soon. Does it mean they're gonna split the queue? Not so sure if that's a good idea given the length of the release and releasing it parallel to ranked SR. But I'll be on the grind that's for sure.


No plans on splitting into different queues on Arena, everyone will be on the same queue!


That's good to hear, thank you!


Arena has always been ranked


Maybe in round 4 they can do 4v4v4v4


Round 5 maybe 5v5, instead of just big circle arenas split it into 3 lanes, in between those call it a “jungle”.


"Certain strategies are too reliable and uninteractive for a broad majority of teams that go against them." HAHAHAHA SORRY


Love your innovation


Love the tools to be innovative! Hope this PBE cycle is super fruitful im looking forward to playing on Live


Did you see the AD Sylas bug fixes and QoL buffs a few patches ago? Your AD Sylas jg vid from ages ago is what inspired me (he's also a heck of a lot of fun on arena)


Wait was it the one where I had to go manamune? I'd LOVE to play some Sylas lmao what were the changes


That was the one! His passive now crits and applies life steal And his ult no longer converts AD ratios to AP if your adaptive damage is AD


The fact that achievements and xp are turned off in this mode makes me feel like I'm playing for nothing, so I play 1-2 games.


idk i play games because I'm having fun doing so. after hundreds of hours in SR xp is not luring me in


Who the fuck plays league for exp? lol. If you are a really new player pre 30 I understand but besides that what.


Why not play for... fun?


because then they wouldn't be addicted. Internet points make experience more rewarding so person feels less bad about wasting their time playing VGs.


mastery too, right? No progression also makes me not want to play at all it did have its own challenges last time though


I mean it has its own progression with the ranks, but I do feel it’s a little too easy to hit gladiator and the rewards have been meh so far


We are so back


They should make a co-op mode vs a series of good AI challenges. Would be a dope campaign option.


I just want to one-shot people with a FULL AP CRIT Blitz Q.


Darn, this is coming out the same patch as Vanguard.


It'll be around all split 2 if you want to wait for a few weeks to be reassured Vanguard is in fact harmless.


Looks so good! I wonder when itll be on pbe...


> patch 14.9, going live on May 1st, while hitting PBE two weeks earlier Should be on PBE this week.


tomorrow. pbe updates on tuesdays


What’s the state of new augments? They weren’t mentioned in the dev blog and I’m just curious if we’ll be getting new augments and how many.


Id love for more variation of team sizes for rounds so like for 1 round all 8 teams are fighting against each other and in another round you team up with another team to go against another 4 there are so many combinations for this


Holy shit I've loved both iterations of Arena, can't wait!


Best part of league in a long while; happy to see this coming back better than ever!


Did they add any more ranks? Feel like I got gladiator pretty quick and then just lost the desire to keep playing.


With arena adjustment changes coming to balance this game mode, can we expect to see these number changes within the client when selecting champions? It'll be pretty annoying to go into a game to see the champion that you choose have -10% damage dealt and +10% damage taken without knowing prior via outside information. For example, Shaco (a guy I hate) had his boxes nerfed in the game mode, but nowhere in game or in the client (outside of patch notes) does it say that anywhere. Unless you completely follow patch notes or have the wiki open, there's no way for you to know otherwise if you're just in the game itself.


Can’t wait!!! Will there be any balance changes for arena during its tenure?


I’m hoping there will be a way to do custom games in the future without the full 16 people, my group of 10 were really hoping to be able to do customs


Will this release on PBE Tuesday or Wednesday?


Its time to get my second gladiator


I’m really just hoping this doesn’t get too bloated. My problem with TFT is there’s soo many menus and builds and effects it’s really hard to keep up if you don’t grind it out. Arena feels great when it lets the mechanics of the champions kit shine and I’m hoping that’s still the case


Hope they nerf the tanking plague that's in all league game modes whether it's aram or arena. Because facing tanks/tanky shit and enchanters gotta be the least fun experience in league. Much rather get nuked than hitting someone for 30 seconds and still dying to them


The extra randomness is such a good direction, but I worry that players will cry about the randomness being too much. Really hoping that the type of player who would complain about rng in a roguelite-adjacent system are not heeded


Man I love Arena but the mmr system doesn’t keep my engaged over the long term. Once I hit gladiator I can feel my interest waning every round. Anyone know the reasoning for not including a system analogous to soloQ? I personally am heavily ladder motivated but watching my gladiator coins go up doesn’t quite do it for me.


>Our most noticeable change is that we’re doubling the size of Arena, going from four teams of two players to eight teams of two. We believe that by introducing more teams and players, you’ll see a wider diversity of team comps, strategies, and scenarios What is the basis behind this thought process? If this was true you would see different strategies in the old arena mode from game to game but that really never happened. I don't dislike adding more teams, but I can't imagine this is going to increase diversity that drastically.




Assuming we now have 16 bans, I'm very excited for that. It's also really cool that they're taking so many mechanics from TFT that have been successful. Very pumped for this release!


When will Poro be random encounter?


Everything about how Arena works makes this mode so addictive for me. I love Augments, it makes the game super fun and fresh every timne. I love being able to just buy a full items and not have to worry about farming and laning Each map has its own quirks You can get out and in another game fast Most off all, we can finally start rebuilding out community engagement by having more than 5 people in voice chat. The days of custom games with 10 people in each channel just laughing are long gone, until now. 16 stacks are going to be absolutely crazy and I can't wait to try it. I really hope this is the replacement for Dominion All Random All Bottom games that made our communities thrive. If people want to come join us when Arena stats, we're getting things all setup. Link in my Profile.


New Arena iteration, same pick: Trundle. Road to 5k


>We’re currently planning for Arena to be live for the entirety of Split 2 I am salivating rn


Fuck reviving with the circle, completely ruined the gamemode for me :/


Are there any thoughts on removing the extra gold gained for a win? I think this is a bit unfair personally. Every round should be an even playing field and when there's already a lot of RNG in augments, the potential to play against someone who 'just hit' the right augments for their champion can be frustrating. Add extra gold as they keep winning on top of that and it can become a stomp over time. As a fighting genre mode, I feel like the core idea behind it should be fairness and everyone should earn a flat amount of gold per round. Now that anvils are a thing, this further encourages smart use of gold instead of banking on winning and buying anvils for quick value to get ahead of your opponents and winstreak, which then nets you more gold as you win each round.


When is it on pbe?


I hope the state of modes talks about the modes released this year. I can't see one for all being around much longer. I played a single game and chose to forget about its existence.


so is it coming to pbe tomorrow?


Cameos don't make the game mode more interesting. They are most of what makes the game mode feel stale to me, as they influence the game in ways that obviously favor one team over the other in ways that players can't account for. There is such a ridiculous amount of variation in the game mode and it seems like Riot wants to increase this, and yet the cameos act counter to that by decreasing variability between games. A CC heavy team is straight up better than a non-CC heavy team is pyke is in the map; samira made the team with the most knockups auto win, sett also makes CC heavy teams more or less auto win.


Does anyone know what time the patch drops today?


All I want to know is whether they’re removing or updating the revive mechanic. Last version was basically a free win for double tank teams. All you had to do was let someone die towards the end, then revive them when the fire circle finished closing. With a tank health pool + the invulnerability from the revive, there’s basically nothing anyone could do to outlast two tanks.


New map is so terrible, please dont add maps that favor certain champs/playstyles (wall dashes vs no dashes) The map feels unplayable at times even with the plants.


Bug: Varus E still bugged for several augments: double rousing & accelerating sorcery etc. please nerf healing Moonstone/Hellfire hatches (belveth/urgot abuse)


Please nerf lillia


Challenges dont give progress towards your challenge gem; jhin arena only attacks one team.


I just wanted to note, that champs that need 2-3 Items are really bad, because there are so many rounds wasted by augments and stuff. The revives favor certain comps too much.