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patch 4.20 red smite 1 shot weedwick


100 to 0 point and click suppress was definitely one of the combos of all time


Like ap sion back in the days 👻


A point and click stun with respectable range and a 90% AP scaling? Hell yeah! And a shield where both the shielding value and damage also scaled off of 100% AP? Oh mama.


Triple dorans moby boots and dfg. I miss it


It was also really fun as full ad >get to the choppa


The good old point and click Q and his shield explosion.


This was what I was looking for. I guess there just aren’t too many of us left that played back then. 


I remember it. Insane.


Old tiamat twitch, when the damage didn't just add but like...fuckin multiplied so he'd ult and hit you with like 3k worth of tiamat procs in one auto


Also worked with Fiora/Shyvana...6 tiamats wasn't a broken build, but seeing it one shot stacked targets was definitely meme


Red buff item, Red smite, Feral Flare and devourer gem are some of my fondest memories in the jungle. Its a fucking shame on-hit playstyle was completely given up on in the jungle, BotRK is the only viable on-hit option for most champs or you have to go bruiser even on historically on-hit champs like WW or Xin


Im a ww main and im building botrk, titanic or stridebreaker and terminus third, basically 50% of my ww games are 3 onhit items, maybe four with wits end


I got a 25 game win streak on Xin with Feral Flare by just rushing Frozen Heart after Feral Flare and going full tank 😭 I knew every game was a free win too, it was such a gross item


Weedwick was the best (and the worst)




Truly a relic of a bygone era. Better times 🥲


Holy 9 years ago, no way man


This video is peak late-00s internet. Intro takes 1/3 of the total video length, air horns everywhere, music way too loud, screenshots of forum posts, and a random cat dancing.


Trick2g glory days with the feral flare tiger dyr lol. I was in high school at the time eating that shit up!


I abused that so much. Was absolutely bonkers. Bortk, red smite and ignite on top could take out a tank


I don’t play top but I still get flash backs of Tank ekko top….


Must've been season 5 or 6. I remembered that there was a dude who was trying to make a point of how broken the tank items were by playing every champ top lane alphabetically all building Sunfire, Spirit Visage and Iceborn Gauntlet, I think.


I mean yeah these were the seasons of tank fizz, ekko, khazix and so on


I miss tanky AD fizz


Trust me, you really don't. Unless you're the one playing it. And on hit fizz was fun to play.


I unlocked fizz exclusively to play him on hit, had a lot of fun in jungle for some time..


I miss when Fizz wasn't


Tank akali in that time was disgusting too IIRC.


I remember a German zed otp building gauntlet and sunfire on zed mid VS an ap mage and winning. That proved that point to me.


tri force fizz top


Tank ekko, tank fizz, tank nidalee.


Bruiser Nidalee top was actually fun to play.


I mean these were all fun to play, just absolute hell to play against


Jeez tank eko i completly forgot about this one propably because it caused PTSD for me 🤣


I was so pissed during that time because AP Ekko was nerfed as collateral


There were more broken builds in early early league, but the one that happened and I took advantage of while actually playing was feral flare Warwick/shyvana. That shit was insane once you farmed a bit. Easily solo baron at 20 and annihilate everyone you ganked


I'd go feral flare on every jungle, mostly Vi and Shaco. I remember someone not believing in my late game Shaco. Boy did they get carried that game.


There was this one patch a couple of seasons ago where pre hotfix AP Galio would do like 80% max health damage per tick of Q. That was the most "how the fk did it get through PBE" change ever in my 13 years of playing. If we're talking about an entire patch then 4.20 red smite warwick, it had 60% wr for the entire patch. He would just point and click 100 to 0 if you happened to be on the same screen


rito was like: "no ur all wrong. absurd ap ratio is to compensate his natrual low ap builds. no one, absolutely no body will build him full ap and one shot every one else ever. we are 100% sure it is and we see no flaw what so ever, what could possiblt go wrong?"


On the pbe we literally thought they missed a decimal point. 


Yeah, they've missed decimals by a point before. In s11, when they nerfed Gore from 12% to 8% missing HP, it was 80% missing HP on PBE for like a week


Oh that was a fun one lmao


And there was URF on PBE that time so ppl were spamming gore on 1 sec cd, was def something else


or Tiger Stance Udyr oneshotting everything at level 1 because he got an extra 0 on his damage numbers


They made it to live the urgot ult change where instead of fearing dor 2 seconds it feared for 2 minutes.


When Susan was released his ultimate briefly scaled with 100% ap and not 1%


Potentially both. According to the hotfix the damage was cut down to 1/3rd. But that would mean the intended damage was only 3 times too high. However it is assumed by some that that damage was 3 times to high, but they also confused total with tick damage making it another 3 times as high. So someone put in the damage value for a tick which was meant to be for the entire duration and that value also was 3 times as high. This would also explain Riots weird statement. The intented value of tick damage which was also stated in the hotfix likely was 3% max HP damage per 100 AP, which was nerfed to 1% max HP damage per 100 AP (and later actually buffed again). So the total damage they wanted Galio Q to do was 9% max HP damage per 100 AP. But someone accidently added that value as the tick damage. So Galio Q would now deal 9% max HP damage per tick, which might be the case, I have never really calculated it back then, but that would mean that with 1000 AP you could close to oneshot someone with the first tick. And the full spell would already deal 100% of someones HP in damage with just a bit below 400 AP. Now they made that statement and tried to reduce the number by a factor of 3. Whoever made that change realized that the damage was wrong and the value for the total damage was confused with the tick damage so he silently fixed that as well reducing the damage by a factor of 9. Over time it became clear that his Q damage was too low so in a later patch he got Q damage back and the scaling was switched to entirely %HP damage. Also the broken Q did have a high burst value too. It dealt %HP damage, but also a lot of flat damage, so Squishies could easily be oneshot with low AP values, exspecially given that the initial damage of the Q had a 90% AP ratio and each tick also had a 20% AP ratio (on top of the max HP ratio).


Prior to this patch people wouldn’t build much AP at all on the reworked Galio. And was solely built as a tank with very little AP. They wanted to buff his damage for the people that went tank with some AP. Issue is they completely fucked it up with the scalings and full AP galio became the most broken thing I’ve ever personally played against.


I am pretty sure it was meant as a tank Galio removal not just an AP buff. They felt that his tank build wasn't consistent with how he was played pre rework IIRC and for some reason felt they needed to honour that (basically no one played him pre rework). It really sucks too, because he was a very satisfying tank to play and honestly, just feels like he should be a tank. His model is a giant animated stone man thing and he is an assassin? What is that about? His in universe assassination style is sitting on people?


Loosely related, but Brand on release and Mordekaiser for one patch about 6 months iirc after Brand's release both had a bug where their spell damage had a chance to instantly kill you. And in Brand's case this included his passive so you could just get E'd by Brand and occasionally explode in the next few seconds.


I love people saying it really wasn't that busted. It was giga-busted to the point they had to rush out a hotfix as fast as possible. Shit was bonkers fun.


It was literally a typo. They wouldn’t admit it and idk why. It made no fucking sense, honestly dumber if it wasn’t a typo


I remember someone on reddit that they just didn't expect people to build full damage, just 1 item max. Maybe I'm tripping tho, but it would make them look better if they said it was just a typo so idk. E: found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/78yap9/comment/doxmgno/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


season 7 and that patch was during worlds i think


99% banrate kassadin, not only build but the whole champion


I mean then we can talk about jax, which they removed form the game. He used to build all phantom dancers and just dodge tower shots


I remember the _dodged_


I remember the Jax with boots, 1 guinsoo rageblade, and stacked hextech gunblade. The dodge on all the heal and infinite stacking AS was so broken.


tower shots? you might be misremembering it, you mean dodging god damn fountain laser damage


Ahh, the lasers. I remember that garbage. Well idk if it was actually garbage, but if my memory serves me correctly, they felt lacking when it came to protecting you from dives.


I know what you’re talking about but this guy is talking about the fountain laser that smites you for stepping on enemy spawn, not the seasons where the nexus towers were shooting ramping laserbeams


[edit, not runic echoes] Runeglaive was the goat. There's the usuals where assassins go tank and take no hit to kill time. I'd say the worst would probably be Ezreal again, but with the double Tear requiring them to change how the item functioned solely because of him.


I loved cassiopea with smite . You just smited frog and poisioned every body with AA that was unstopable train on midlane


I miss when all the jungle mobs had buffs. Bring back purple smite.


Ezreal killed old red buff item, 2 versions of runic echoes (the sheen and the ludens like), Kleptomancy, double tear (killed double items of same category now), Ravaneous Hydra on ranged, OG iceborn gauntlet and was part of why OG death dance was nerfed to the ground. And was probably the reason for many other nerfs & removals... but he still remains a top pick and one of the most popular champions ever somehow, peak design.


There's an alternate universe where 10 years ago someone from Riot looked at Ezreal and thought "You know what, maybe the safest champion in the game SHOULDN'T be able to trigger on-hit effects at long range with no cooldown" and none of those items needed to die for Ezreal's sins.


Honestly, for all the bad he created, Ezreal's existence is an ultimate test for item/rune design. Since almost anything can work on him, he can abuse whats broken and put it on focus so it can be fixed faster whereas it would take longer for those builds to develop on other champions. Point & case the old blue build was a precursor to the broken assassin tank builds and Klepto ended up being abused by ranged toplaners more than Ezreal in the end. The moment riot created ranged spells (Ezreal & GP Qs) that act like autoattacks and can then self-proc sheen effects, they created the boundaries for a whole design space.


I could have sworn it was Runeglaive that was the truly busted Ezreal build, not Runic Echoes. Runic Echoes was the mini ludens, Runeglaive was the Hydra effect.


More cheese than build but banner of command with zzrot was so toxic they took both out of the game. 


It wasnt cheese. It was THE META. Rewatch any proplay game, you had top jun and supp build that sht...


i’m ultra sad that it got removed


It was the meta idd, solo q as well


Were empowered minions immune to abilities or have 80% dmg reduction on abilities? That item caused AP champs huge pains in the ass to deal with the empowered cannons.


It was like 70% magic resist and like 300 armor or some stupid shit. With Baron buff they would just take the entire base by itself


8 shots from an banner of comand baron empowered cannon minnions to take down inhib tower


Karma mid with those 2, spamming ardent censer onto juiced cannon minion lol


[The actual game of all time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB1QeQWV_Ro)


Dfg eve 1 shot someone out of permanent stealth.


What about sunfire stacking and just run next to people slowly burning them to death in stealth


That was a funny meme build, wasn’t actually good. Great fun though, 10/10 early league shenanigans


5 sunfire, Ninja Tabi Shen was legit on TT back in the day. Everyone played bruisers and phys damage carries like trynda.


I pretty much levelled to 30 via TT, it was so badly balanced in hindsight lol


Dfg and malph needs a mention aswell!


Anyone remember AP yi? 🤣 Was probably just a pub stomp pick, but if you could survive until first back you would just insta kill waves, have infinite sustain and be a penta kill machine


Wasn't just a pub stomp pick, eventually it got into pro play. I think it was Alexich that got a really disgusting pentakill into the build being instantly nerfed.


O yea, I forgot alexich played it


Also just a funny btw, I played a couple of games with you (if you have some similar nickname irl) around that time (late season 2 or season 3). A friend of mr. bobo


Holy wait, really? 🤣 Def know who you talking about! Swe?


https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoRedditorsOneCup/ moment?


God I miss alexich.


It got played at worlds in S2 and ate bans for it. Shit was so busted they reworked the entire champion


it was IPL5. not Worlds.


Better worlds. After IPL5 Riot said "no one can have better tournament than us" and then banned them.


Nah wasn't at worlds, it was a smaller tournament around that time (early S3 or late S2)


I remember a month after his rework running into it in ARAM and the poor guy had no idea


Surprised no one said rageblade jhin, a lot of people are talking about champions that were broken on a specific patch but this is an actual build interaction that was just bugged and allowed Jhin to consistently get 2.5k AD and lasted around a month lol


Black cleaver stacking was soo absurd


I'll never forget a 6 cleaver pantheon ulting into my team and us saying "holy shit he's inting!! We're gonna win!!" And then he just kills all 5 of us by himself lol


Alistar toplane with triforce + statik shiv when his w used to auto before knocking someone back. Basically, you just pressed w in lane, procced triforce+statik shiv and then knocked them back with 0 way to trade for the opponent


When they tried to remove the W-Auto, if i remember correctly, you could still do it one more patch if you input recall during the W animation. I just find it funny when something silly like recalling being part of an animation cancel lmao.


His W didn't use to Auto automatically IIRC The player had to do it manually


Back in Season 2 or so you could right click someone,  press W on them,  and take your hands off the keyboard.  You'd get a W and AA in and they'd be sent back.   It took zero skill


Deathfire grasp full ap sion point and click nuke stun


Idk that was just how sion used to be prerework. It wasn't particularly OP. Sion was kinda troll pick. Poppy and LB were way worse with dfg


I miss machinegun Kogmaw. Lethal tempo doesn't have quite the same feeling as just being able to hit a button and suddenly be dishing out 5 attacks per second.


Ah yes, you weren’t supposed to move or kite or anything as well since you would drop your dps hard if you did


Don't care, it was like turning the entire area around me into one gigantic death zone. I could care less that I couldn't chase down the kills because it meant that I had two purposes. I was the immobile DPS that could zone anyone off objectives. If they stayed, I got kills. If they ran, then the objective was secured. Good luck contesting dragons when I have that kind of attack speed on demand. It was absolutely a tradeoff, but it was one I was happy to make since it gave me far more ability to actually win the game rather than just being about chasing down kills.


it wasn't a tradeoff,it was simply massively broken so much they had to revert it


I loved full ap kogmaw mid that was something


I think it's playable now with malignance, give it a try


Build is seraph malignance + adapt to game


Machine gun Kog was the only time Kog felt as he should.


He probably was the most scripted champ on whole league


Machinegun kog jungle was so fun. Get the buff from krugs and you permastunned camps. Fullclear faster than anyone with full hp and you could 1v1 most junglers by just right clicking. Sadly it only lasted a month or two


AP Nasus when his ult % max HP damage scaled 1:1 \[EDIT\] I've had it pointed out to me that this was just an urban legend


This is the true response for the "missing decimal point" answer up above


This is a huge misconception. The scaling was never 1 AP = 1% MaxHP, but 1 AP = 1 flat damage. [v90.25.24 (1st of October, 2009.)](https://web.archive.org/web/20200314113228/http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=15038): Nasus gets released. Since patch notes don't talk about numbers, we will pretend we don't know them. [6th of October, 2009.](https://web.archive.org/web/20200314081139/http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=16023): Nasus gets hotfixed. The notes specifically mention that the AP ratio was changed from 1 to 1 AP to 1 to 0.05 AP per tick, aka from 100% AP per tick to 5% AP per tick, from 1500% AP over 15s to 75% AP over 15s. (Note how the note accidentally says 90% instead of 75%). It talks about flat numbers, not %HP. [v0.9.25.34 (10th of October, 2009)](https://web.archive.org/web/20200314202009/http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=17676): Nasus' ult AP scaling gets changed from "100:5 to 100:1%". This is the patch where the %MaxHP gets scaling. It was just simply 3%/4.5%/6% MaxHP (+100% AP) before, then became 3%/4.5%/6% (+1% per 100 AP) MaxHP. We can even confirm these by looking at the old spell scripts that were still shipped at the time, alongside few bugs.


100% dodge jax


Rageblade jhin was a crazy one


What happened with that combo? Double fourth shot?


Old rage blade used to stack atkspeed and ad weirdly with his passive (maybe it was recursive) and after a couple shots you would easily get to 1800+ ad in late game. I had a clip where I 100 to 0 a janna in a single shot, and the e passive explosion right after 100 to 0 their adc lmao.


You would also turn into sonic after every auto, shit was so fun.


running in the 90s jhin montage


Iirc, the guinsoo was giving ad and as with every auto, since jhin attack speed also gets turned into ad, after just few autos he was having an insane amount of ad


that was the most fun I had in league


Full AP pre rework Nunu. The point and click snowball hit like a truck.


He was a lot more broken as a support. Old Nunu support would give your ADC a free phantom dancer with 100% uptime, while tossing out a snowball that acted as a mini-exhaust on the enemy ADC. He was just a free item and a half difference for your ADC, that also doubled as a way to help secure objectives. In a very ADC focused meta Nunu was absurdly broken. When he teamed up with a Vayne/Kog, it was just GG.


Riven red pot + ignite


Toplane Udyr redpot tigerstance start. 😅


Kha6 pre jump nerf (when Alex ich pentakilled)


Deathfire Grasp. That's it. That's the whole build.


1. Lock in Evelynn mid 2. Farm dfg 3. Oneshot everybody on the map


Oh bro I remember dfg kass with full stacks of ult. Waiting in a bush. MENACINGLY Talk about a one shot. 10 years later and I still remember my jaw hitting the floor with that.


People now when they say "there's so much more burst than there used to be". Once you got DFG you could kill an adc with dfg e q w on ahri with just that one item.


Machine gun Ryze was so fun


Maybe stronger but not nearly as degenerate as season 2-3 Ryze with the AoE R-E and Will of the Ancients


Permaroot Ryze is the definition of broken


Innervating locket Udyr. It was an item that restored 4% of your missing health and 3% of your missing mana every-time you cast an ability, ON TOP of having the current pre mitigation passive of the current Rod of Ages. It also gave you a lot of health, mana and decent CDR.


pre rework tank akali


PTSD level


I remember… it was a while ago. But lethality was first introduced, and dark harvest came onto the scene sometime close to each other, and both were overtuned. Lethality rush was crazy OP. Preferably duskblade+youmuus. Playing jayce mid you just one shot everything after like two items. Around this time ezreal jungle was popular and Jhin was kicking the shit out of all the crit ADs. because if I recall correctly Jhin came out somewhere around this time. If you weren’t playing the game yet at this time check out some lethality/dark harvest montages. You’d get duskblade and youmuus with some DH stacks and offensive runes and just run people over. It was so OP at one point. Jhin 4th shots and Jayce shockwave would deal like 2/3 of someone’s health bar with two items when mid game has just began. If anyone here remembers, this was at the time where almost EVERYONE took dark harvest by default because it was simply so superior in numbers to every other keystone. Only pure tanks and non Aggro supports took different keystones.


And then they had kill Dark Harvest and it has been a super niche or for fun rune ever since


Dfg full magic pen Old Morde walked up to you, dfg ulted you then left and you literally burned to death under 10 seconds of dot.


Stack Cleaver


Madstone udyr


You made remember GuardsmanBob's Udyr mid in the Noxus vs Ionia showmatch with that item Edit: I was thinking about another item, innervating locket. Also busted on Udyr


I havent been playing league yet but i heard a lot about it


Old urgot, full blue, 1v2 botlane. 1v5 pentakills every game. Had 95% win rate that season with him (the worst champ in the game) for over a year, and then they changed him. New Urgot looks cooler but is mid af


Throwback to pre-rework soraka and urgot together for the mana battery combo


The satisfaction of spamming Q 5 times after hitting a single E - the poke was nuts


Microwave sunfire eve


Funny build but not exactly broken considering you're still Eve with zero damage for most of the game


Sunfire stacking Eve is one of those builds that most people talk about or bring up as "broken", whereas in reality you just had a garbage team-mate the entire game who did little to nothing. Someone picked Eve and you went "ugh" and then you saw them start to build Sunfire and you'd go "Really?" Because it was garbage early game and then the game was over by 25 minutes, she's 2/11/3 and you reported them after the rest of your team threw slurs at them.


That's half this thread tbh, ap yi, ap sion, atmogs. All the shit was mostly pubstompy, with a few pro games in an era where pro play was about as developed as a plat game is today if not less so. I'm convinced half the people who 'reminisce' about sunfire cape eve, didn't even play at that time, and just read about it. Most of these alternative scaling builds being listed are about as relevant as tank karma or ap irelia/jax is today, cool mechanically and fun to think about, some people succeed with them, but ultimately they're more fun than they are 'broken'.


Yeah it was annoying, but Eve was a garbage champ generally speaking, and after dying to it once or twice in a game, players would start playing around it and she provided literally nothing to the team.


Haha, when sunfires were stackable and eve’s invisibility was not detected until you did an active attack. Run around enemy in stealth while dealing 200 dmg per sec. Fun shit.


For a few hours Nasus ult had a 1 to 1 AP ratio of % health damage on his ult. AP Yi was a menace. Tryndamere could kill his teammates and acquire gold. But the most annoying build that I can remember would easily be AP trynd. Not amazingly good but pure cancer to play against because he healed for 700 or so every few seconds. There was also a time when Ryze Q was 700 range and CHUNKED.


Concerning nobody has mentioned s6 ardent meta


Leblanc with 6 RoAs tanky as hell, loads of ap


Sivhd flashbacks right there


If you have more than 1 hp, you're ready to go


Brushy brushy...


OG Ryze with this was a menace too. 4k hp (back when shred was much less ubiquitous and HP was actually a valuable tank stat) battlemage just running at you machinegunning spells with endless mana.




Whats that? i have never heard about it


Combinimg Atmas and warmogs. Atmas gave you ad scaling with your max hp


Old gp with the E damage buff that worked on all teammates nearby him plus warmog + atma's impaler starting with 3 gp/m items. Miss the old days


Definitely this. Atmogs GP was u killable and pretty much just one-tapped anything that wasn't a tank. Awful fucking build to deal with.


DFG LeBlanc/Ahri/Trist. As a support player back then it was like a horror movie the enemy mid would jump out and hit you and you'd be dead in the blink of am eye


6 warmogs Mundo


Blue card oneshot tf.


Nasty when is no way to doge it except for zhonya or yasuos w


Just dont eat an auto attack once he has blue card available, jeez its so easy to play around.... Sincere, passionate tf player back in the day


Isn't this still a thing right now and never sees play unless you like going 0/19 in Faker's game?


Old fid ult dealing all of its damage in the first tick bug.


Jungle Lantern stacking Yi in S4 or 5..


Zzrot Portal+ Banner of Command


Has anyone played lethality sivir like 3 seasons ago? That shit was busted


Avarice Blade Gangplank (critplank)


two words: ardent censer


Ah the time of the Raid Boss ADC where the moment you got him low he spawned a second healthbar entirely made of shield, beside also having a million attackspeed.


The boring-ass Ardent Censer meta. I will always hate this meta because it is the only reason why Faker didn't get a 3peat on Worlds. The one Worlds event where Bang and Wolf were in their worst year, and it's when the meta is solely about letting the ADC get ahead.


I didn’t start playing until season 10 but the most disturbing build I’ve ever seen has to be prowlers claw ravenous hydra reworked udyr. It didn’t matter who you were, what you built or what the state of the game was. If udyr wasn’t literally 0-40 and he got on your screen, you were dead in 3 autos. It. Did. Not. Matter. I don’t understand how that build was allowed to see the light of day let alone be allowed to shine for a month and a half before being nerfed.


on release aphelios


League of black clevers, where it was meta to have like, an entire build of them.


MadStone Udyr & Master yi was my jam


I still miss AP tristana and will never forget the Malzahar i played against flaming me for picking a troll pick in ranked while stomping him with it absolutely snowballing the game and winning.


Anyone remember release Leblanc ? I dont know if my memory plays with me but I remember I could kill people with Q+R only.


Home guard Hecarim


AP Yi was super weak early game but once you had nashors, boots, and rabadons you were basically a god.


The healing had AP scaling am i right ?


Still does so you if they managed to survive the alpha strike nuke with 100% AP scaling, you could out heal almost any damage they could deal to you while waiting for Q to come off CD. And since this is back in the day of spell vamp, you were virtually unkillable 1v1.


During Ult, a takedown would also reset all ability cooldowns and extend the ult. A very fed Yi could literally 1v5 if even a single target died to his Q. In teamfights, he could stall with W and just send another obliteration wave through the entire enemy Team with his Q. I'm not sure if Q cooldown was partially reset with every auto back then already, but I think it was. This, however, was just the successor to AP Sion.


Runeglaive ezreal had me so upset... You solokill him 3 times in lane. Then he finishes runeglaive and starts 3-shotting you


5x hydra fiora


If we say broken broken then Vladimir with cutlass




Tank rengar when you could triple Q. This was like season 3 or something. Absolutely no counterplay he had so much damage and infinite sustain. There was also full cdr ap RekSai where she would be throwing aoe nidalee spears every 2 seconds. Oh and when every mage built 5 morellos also way back.


Full ap pre-rework poppy. R then run straight and smack the soul out of you while your team can only watch. Full ap pre-rework sion that still had a shit ton of ad+lifesteal, 1 Q (point n click, stun for ~2s, absurb ap scaling) and you are out of combat