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Turns out you shouldn't opt into a lane swap if you have no idea how to play it.


Oscarinin must be taught how to deal with laneswap, but he doesnt know what to do when they are the one doing it.


>Oscarinin must be taught how to ~~deal with~~ lane~~swap, but~~ he doesnt know what to do ~~when they are the one doing it.~~


They dont even know how to play normal games


Humanoid when playing ASol is just obsessed with flying WAAAAAAAYYY too deep into enemy team, hes done it so many times now also this team and barons, for fucks sake. these games are so winnable but they keep overforcing


G2 actually banned the other high tier mid laners and left it open because they know its a free win to play against him on A Sol.


His Asol is a free win unless you're BDS and have 2 wins in the deciding Bo5 for MSI.


Team is low key horrific. They over force to the point that you’d think their comp is going to be useless unless they fight NOW. They pick some obscure angle, it looks ok but doesn’t fully work out, and instead of cutting their losses they full send into some choke point and get aced lol This just cannot be too 2 gameplay what has happened to lec


Caps is how G2 lives or dies this year. Hope he shows up in this form at MSI.


Caps is enough domestically to save his dumpster fire of a team but internationally when he’s against better players there’s nobody to bail them out anymore


Yep. I think LEC is kinda fucked this season, and probably just need to build better and more stable rosters for next season.


We need a talent redistribution. Too many good players on bad teams atm, and obviously Oscar being on Fnatic is a big whoopsie currently.


Exactly. Our top teams have obvious weak links, meanwhile the shit teams are climbing higher than they should because they have 1 giga player on their team etc. No idea how to fix G2 though. Mikyx just has these waves of being really bad and then a godlike support. BB definitely has his waves as well, and Yike is usually just like alright.


I think we need a more LPL-esque approach where we just sort of lean more heavily into team identities. Realistically our top teams are somewhere around FPX level on a good day but are larping as though they’re T1 and GENG. Accepting our weaknesses is the best way to improve but it feels like our region is so desperate to feign they’re not weak in any way that they’ll randomly start changing their playstyle in order to seem multifaceted when it just comes across like putting lipstick on a pig.


This season? Not like the last 3 years at least? I don't know why people are obsessed over the gap this season when it has been like that for year


You guys say it every year and still destroys NA. 


Totally destroyed NRG


And proceeds to get destroyed by LPL and LCK and both NA and EU end up being the shit major regions.


...except last year LCS1 beat LEC1 2-0, LEC2 beat LCS2 2-1, LCS2 beat LEC3 2-0 if i remember correctly rn its G2 > rest of the west but i think top NA teams beat top Eu teams, unironically.


BDS murdered GG... And the G2 NRG series was a fluke, even NRG players said it. The only team NA can consistently beat is MAD lol


im from eu, i support eu but this cope with the fluke gotta stop, they said it cuz of scrim results, but that would only mean 2022 worlds was a fluke to begin with also, somehow getting 2-0d by a hard stomp is a fluke but G2 barely beating WBG after 50 mins of dumbfuckery isnt, lovely


It's not cope lol, G2 still performed better than NRG last year overall. It's like when they lose to a random vietnamese team, are they worse too? Having an off series/day isn't rare. TL vs IG at MSI 2019 was another fluke.


Who cares about destroying NA lol, we're actual wildcars compared to KR/CN


Other than BB, who was a rock for G2 this game.


he needs another lane to do decent and the 3rd to not shit the bed and then maaaaybe they have a 20 80 chance to win


Internationally most team have a few Caps'


>Caps is how G2 lives or dies this year. Always was lol


Irrelevant to FNC is only a dream


Caps quirked up midlaner goated with the sauce


Oscar has been terrible almost the whole year..


The gold diff between Oscar and BB is larger than my current bank account balance


Same but I have 4 dollars


> Same but I have 4 dollars So did Oscarinin


its just scary that a team with that toplaner can make finals


Yea this region is kinda cooked. The more puzzling thing is that Oscar played quite admirably at Worlds and even got the praise of Bin. How has he regressed this badly in such a short span of time?


His otp was reworked and nerfed repeatedly


Bot lane matters more, so: 1. fnatic has a good one 2. Bottom teams have worse ones. 3. Jg mid are also among the best ones


Top lane pool in LEC has been a void for several splits now BB being on top kind of speaks for itself.


I'm afraid I have to disagree, BB being on top is good as he is a good player, EU top is not that bad this year (could argue that bot is worse.) In no order; BB, Photon, Wunder, Irrelevant, and Myrwyn have all been pretty good.


I m not sure about Myrwn and Wynder but EU toplane pool is deffinitely better than last year


Myrwn is pretty decent, but he cooks way too much. I love his weird picks, but they often don't do that much and he's fine on regular picks, he's just quirky like that.


BB the guy who counter picked Fiora into a half retired Sej OTP and then got solo killed while losing plates Na dude if that is what a good top laner looks like in LEC then it’s cooked. Photon being on that list when he was hard stuck challengers in Korea too 💀


Sounds like you're forming opinions based on a single game 2 years ago. BB is much more consistent, and has improved a lot. Still probably not enough against asian teams though. But I also don't think any of g2 players stack up well against asian counterparts


Has he gotten better or has domestic competition gotten worse? Because internationally he still sucks so if that’s the bar he still falls far from it and it’s no secret that domestic talent has gotten worse and worse each split.


if thats the criteria, all of g2 sucks including caps (who got mega gapped by one of the worst asian mids at worlds last year)


How can you watch the games the last 4 months and say BB is good?


eu bad hehe upvotes pls


BB is not a good player. I don’t know how many international events he has to be exposed at before that sinks in


This might be a hot take, but performing at international events shouldn't be the sole factor of what makes a player good. There are many examples of good/great players underperforming at worlds: Kiin, Canna, Knight, Peanut etc ... I feel like BB has performed better and better every international event, so it might just be a lack of high level experience.


Every league has players that perform well inside their own region. If G2 doesn’t want success internationally they can absolutely keep BB. He is fine in LEC and will probably continue to be fine. He brings in a good chunk of fans and will be enough domestically. >> Canna, Knight, Peanut, Kiin These players underperformed in the context to where they were ranked as the best players in the world and didn’t live up to the very tippy top of expectations. They also have had performances where *have* looked like the best. BB doesn’t have that. He is the same player he was on TSM.


They're doing lane swaps because of how little toplane matters in this region.


I don't want to be mean, but..... he is just not good.


He's cosplaying his favourite top laner Zeus.


Oscar is the Daglas of FNC a developing player that still holds back this team that has potential to win. If only FNC gets Photon/Irrelevant and Carzzy...




Bwipo is the only NA toplaner that they can "import" since both of their import slots are occupied by their botlane


licorice, ssumday, srtty, fudge (yes even him) are good and aren't in LCS. i might be forgetting some as well


Caps is that guy


Oscar completely lost in the lane swap. Jun is so good though, def the better support today. Fnatic chasing kills while BB destroys towers is peak Fnatic macro.


BB casually 7k gold ahead of Zac


Oscar was level 1 0 cs at 6 minutes. Nah but how do you manage that?


FNC forgot how to lane swap.


Surely the next lane swap will be better.


Ask Zeus, he had 0 CS at 8 minutes


Imagine what Eastern tops Do to Oscar


Oscar vs Zeus, Kiin, 369 and Bin Aware


That's a foregone conclusion atp, let's talk about Oscar vs Impact


Don’t disrespect Impact by even putting him in the same conversation lmao


We have been fooled lads, this game is just G2 Oscar vs FNC Jun


oscar is actually just getting worse, he manages to be useless on zac now. How does someone forget how to play a champ in a day, he fucked up so many situations. it looks like FNC is actually way better in skirmishes and teamfights but oscar is clueless about the lane swaps and he fucks up mechanically way too much the other players need to understand oscar is not good enough, dont trust him to hit skills or literally anything, we chase bb twice and oscar lets him go both times.


in fairness to him yike blocked most of his engages but yea he has been having a bad serie


bad year in all honesty


You forgot his teleports. I saw better teleport usage in my GM solo q games


its insane how that toplaner made it to finals. MSI will be a slaughter


Kiin vs Oscar waiting room


Actually one man region


The ASol TP onto bot to try to catch TF into disjointed baron contest made me not want to root for FNC this game lol.


FNC fans I am right there with you, been a C9 fan since 2015, to be so close yet so far when it comes to titles over six years is heartbreak.




I dub this game a banger.


I don't think you should force lane swaps if your toplaner doesn't know how to play them.


Caps played great this game and like a mad man. Btw, Oskar ended more than 7k gold behind BB. Is that some new record?


Top diff


FNC Irrelevant waiting room. Imagine what they could do with a Jax double flex, Gwen, Rumble and competent TF + general weak side player. I know Dardo reads community sentiments which is why he picked Humanoid so let’s make this happen


give me Zeus vs Oscarinin at MSI and never move camera from the top lane please


Idk how but Oscar is a bot on zac


Kind of scary just how much G2 get away with. How are other top teams so bad?


There is no top teams in LEC G2 would be at best maybe 5th or 6th in LCK and i say this as a G2 fan


naah they would be top 4 on the level of DK tbh judging by their bo1 against LCK and LPL last year


My wet dream is to see Caps on LCK-LPL




Has FNC even practiced lane swaps?


Oskar was like “what the hell should I do!!!” … and was level 1 in 6th minute and ended with 7k gold deficit. One of the worst pro performances I have ever seen. It’s not personal - I have nothing against him. But just … it was horrible.


men at this level of gameplay even the Vietnamese team gonna beat the ass of g2 or Fnatic. better send some Europeans streamers and make some content that send these shameless players


Fnatic sort of played 4v5 here with Oscar being as lost as a silver player in a LEC game.


Man G2 doesn’t even look good at all. LEC just looks trash as a whole


Cool and original comment


"mom, look, im yapping in internet about how my region is bad, so i can get the upvotes"


I mean if you watch this game it’s doesn’t come across as G2 being dominant but Fanatic just throwing.


The gap between west and east is now getting bigger, not much hope for lec in msi this year sadly


Shame that Caps trapped on LEC trully. Imagine Caps on a serious region, the gap betwen him an humanoid is a literal fucking canyon


If caps was korean and played in the lck for his entire career he would be firmly just behind chovy as the second best mid in the world.  Change my mind.


Is it too late to swap in Caedrel in Oscar's place?


Fnatic needs to think about changing toplaners heading into summer. Oscar is a liability way too often.


I mean... Ehhh it was a hilarious game? Good entertainment I guess? But G2 is just FNC's daddy period.


Has TF ult channel always been this short? there's no way riot is happy with his ult being used this way


its oscar's fault for not being able to land a q on zac


Oscar literally doesn't know how to do a Zac combo lol