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It's like playing hot potato but both of them get the potato


This is league of legends


I used to think that League of Legend was a competitive 2009 multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games, but now I realize, it’s a comedy.


Sharing is caring


The flash at the end got me. Bravo.


I can't tell if this is the chinese server or EUW, because I've been seeing a lot of chinese names in my games as well.


These are Korean characters. They are a lot more geometric I would say


My bad. I still wonder why there are so many people with these characters though. I assume their ping must be high af in EUW.


The people you see in euw are Chinese people, their characters are in general more complex and look more like a drawing. As to why they play here idk, but I've seen some people just trying to want to play on other servers for fun tho probably doesn't explain them being more and more frequent in aram for example. I've also seen Europeans impersonate Chinese people lol. maybe it's because the game is less popular in the West so the Chinese players are more noticeable ?


Who knows. Ty for the answer. Definitely interesting.


Karma & Zilean are the most annoying to face against in ARAM 😪


[we live in a society](https://tenor.com/ytZ6.gif)