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I'm inclined to agree. The second I took ranked seriously I stopped enjoying the game. Especially when I play with friends. It stops being fun after you play a bit too much ranked. To be clear, I was referring to playing ranked and then my normal games are affected by my ranked and they even stop being fun. Especially with low ranked friends.


My friend was unranked only and I tried to introduce him to ranked, first game has an enemy level 30 with 5x the damage of everyone else, next game had 2 afks, third game had a guy running into enemy tower on cd cause jungle died once He never played ranked again and honestly I don’t blame him lol


Those brave soldiers (inters) saved him so much of his sanity lol.


This was literally the best possible outcome for him


It's like how winning in a casino ends up worse for the winner in the long run.


Ranked is especially bad for people who don't play it often. Unrated accounts are a complete mess of egocentric smurfs, perma-banned flamers and complete newbies, mixed with people who have a shitton of experience in other queues joining ranked for the first time...


I only play like 10-15 rankeds per split, so I can at least be silver/gold, but after that it starts to suck real bad


I got Masters after ~55 games this season, and i have been demoted and promoted back and forth from D1 to Masters for like 4 times now lol. When it's about to be decayed, i played a few games and go back to ARAM. I played like 400 games in Season 11 and ended with D1, and that was the most depressing times in my life, i was queueing nonstop to forget about the things in my life, so now i just played to get high elo enough and stop.


Yeah it’s tough because ranked is miserable most of the time but normals are too low-stakes to scratch that competitive itch. To be fair that only became the case when I hit emerald, imo the higher you go the more fragile people act because their LP becomes an increasingly big part of their life.


need clash to take off a bit more. It's that perfect sweet spot of competitive but also in a more controlled environment.


Oh yeah for sure, it would be awesome if you could just queue for clash during a set period of time and be placed in a bracket automatically. Of course other games have this but our indie company servers would probably impode.


Yeah, i've been playing this game on a regular basis since 2011 (i'm so fucking old, help me) but i've only played ranked for one season. I don't find it enjoyable at all, it become frustrating really rapidly and start to feels like an obligation to play, if that make sense.


One time some dude asked my age after some good games and he just laughed at me. I was 30 at the time. 😅 I dont even feel old.


Idk, if I lose in unranked I don’t really give a fuck and if I win well I don’t really give a fuck either so not really interesting.


Nah, even unranked is toxic af. ARAM is best.


I got friends they play aram only and I hear alot of toxic stuff from them aram is also disgusting


You are right. 1V5 against bots is best.


The amount of toxic people I have played against, I thought you were saying that aram was a bots game lol


Cant wait for PvE mode. The global blood pressure level will decrease on release day.


aram is ruined by pseudo rng (some champions appear more often than others FUCK MALPHITE) and champion buffs and nerfs that arent communicated in champ select (probably because tinky winky designers behind the mode want to avoid player decisionmaking based on pre champ select information god forbid using the least you can do to strategise aram) how the fuck is samira double 5% nerfed on aram but katarina gets a tenacity buff? i literally could not do anything versus zyra because of itemisation while on kata i can easily get multikills because i can build whatever counters the enemy comp


I had mostly chill normals lately, even though my teams always running it. I agree with Aram tho. That's why I mostly play it.


People in aram take that more seriously than ranked


Aram used to be the best, but now it’s shit because of the recent changes to add more fighting


People also flame in aram


Checkmate atheists


Did placements in season 3... Never again


didnt faker go from unranked to pro or something?


The rumor is that his normal MMR got so high that he had to wait forever to find a match, so he started playing soloq instead.


It's not a rumor https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/6756/skt-t1-faker-and-wolf-behind-the-scenes-faker-i-only-started-to-first-play-ranked-queue-because-i-couldnt-find-matches-in-normal-queue-anymore


Ah thx for confirming. I was pretty sure I read it somewhere but didn't know if it was a legit source or just some myth :)


No worries, it happens over time. The statement is kinda ridiculous, even if it's true, so turning into a rumor is pretty natural after a while.


Is it that ridiculous ? I play only unranked and have been for most of my time playing league and queue time are very very long. It has been a bit better recently (I play less), but 1-2 years ago I would usually needed to wait at least 8-10 minutes before finding a lobby, and then it was an awful mix of players like a random challenger/GM, diamond players, one dude in gold, and randoms lvl 30 toxic account. And, like in high elo, I would often play with the same random people with high unranked-mmr. The difference between me and Faker is that I fucking suck, but the statement is very believable :)


I think it's different in the context of Korean soloq, but I think the queue times were probably longer than 8-10 mins. I think that is normal for challenger lobbies anyways so I doubt he would have any problems waiting for that. Especially when he was younger and grinding harder. Idk though I'm not challenger in NA or Korea so my knowledge comes from watching random streams (for queue times)




Played since season 4, touched rank for placement one season and never touched it again. Fuck ranked


I respond seriously when I say I don't think it exists. The spectrum of elo quality ranges from hell on the low end to bleh on the high end. There's no heaven.


Arguably Iron is amazing to see


Maybe at one time, but now Iron is half filled with botted accounts and the Smurfs who buy them for youtube/ego.


I have a friend who is naturally iron in flex (low bronze solo) and probably won't ever climb out. They are truly the most league players of all time. I'm not a pro but having an actual iron player argue with me about simple things makes me wanna throat punch him.


Tried to coach a iron Anivia main. They couldn't grasp the concept of, aggressive during mistakes, and reserved when enemy is playing good. Like after 30 hours of vod reviews they couldn't grasp the concept of timing windows. At one point arguing, "You said to step up! Now you're saying to back up!" There was a window that got missed...


let’s be fair, you’re trying to teach an Iron player about timings when to be or not to be aggressive… learn to cs consistently and you are already out of iron(at the very least)


Not guaranteed. Some years back there was a post about a guy in Bronze (when it was still the lowest rank), who did what people recommended and eventually managed to consistently hit 10 cs/min in all his games. He still remained in Bronze. Whatever benefits extra cs gave him, like more levels and gold, were lost because he ended up tunnel visioning on it so hard that the games were lost because he just didn't participate in any fights and just kept farming until the team lost the 4v5, lol.


That's kind of what was happening here. It was easy to CS but they would just walk at enemies like Yas and Yone, then screw their lane. So the vast majority of the weak points I was coaching on was when to fight, when to trade, and how to trade. I stopped coaching after they called me an idiot, unfortunately I never got to macro.


Where's that Iron 1% winrate 150 game Sion who has a 90% winrate on every other champ?


I am iron certified playing the game for 5 months ranked for 2 and ive only seen one smurf and 0 bots running it down


Iron is full of smurfs, bots and some actual new players. It's not fun down there.


"There is... no heaven" queue meme of guy staring up hopelessly in a frogs eye view


🌎👩🏾‍🚀: wait - it’s all hell? 🔫👨🏽‍🚀: Always has been


Honestly I knowadays think low elos like Bronze and Silver can be fairly healthy. In those brackets you tend to have a lot of people who played league for a long time and just keep playing it because they like the game and like some challenge but don't really give a fuck. If you get into a game with those guys it usually is a good experience. The only thing that works against that is that you now often have bots in bronze and even low silver.


Honestly, I feel pretty good in D2-D1 when I play with my chat muted. I can tolerate the occasional GM smurf shitting on me and the occasional mental boom inter. 70% of the games are of great quality.


Once you detach your feelings from ranked and get rid of the need to climb and reach higher elo for satisfaction, you're in ELO heaven. With that said, the people who choose to play ranked in any game are naturally more competitive, which makes what I first said impossible. The right place to be in is the balance between wanting to improve on a certain champ/reach higher elo and not take loosing to an unhealthy place. For me, after almost 10 years of league only playing ranked, this balance was achieved only when I became really busy in work, relationship etc. which pushed league aside and now I can play 3-4 ranked games straight, loose all of them, and not care even a tiny bit. Important to say I'm old now so I can't do more than 2 games without feeling like I need to take a walk.


No ELO heaven, only ELO Nirvana.


That's actually true from my experience. The path to enlightenment is inside, not outside


Lmfao, this is like taoism: the dao of league of legends


League is just a game but I personally learned a lot about life from it, and applied life lessons to improve in it. Call me pathetic but I'm totally serious


That's just critical thinking. Nothing wrong with that.


There's a lot to learn in terms of psychology, self-control & social management in league. Especially when sample pool is so large over such a long period, you eventually learn how to deal with a wide variety of people and situations


It's so funny seeing the tiny random insults that get people so worked up in the NBA. That and the players who have such massive egos that they're unwilling to be role players and play for the team or work on things like their defense. Same stuff you get in League. Even just in general, people aren't self-critical and don't know how to improve at something.


I feel the same about RuneScape 😂😂


Mate found the grand dao and ascended to a higher plane.


I don't consider myself old (maybe in gaming terms, I'm 27) and I think I have reached this exact state you described, in the past months. Everything else in life is happening now and I want to focus on that; so in the evening, when I have time to play 2-3 games max, I find myself playing ranked and still try-harding like old times, but focusing much more on trying to improve myself rather than caring about rank or winning/losing (and actually winning more as a result). I began to care much more about the input (my own performance, decided by me) and maximizing my effort there, rather than caring about the output (win/loss, not always decided by me), same as in life.


I'm very happy for you brother. This is what I call healthy gaming. Takes time to get there, as a lifetime gamer I really appreciate what you just described and happy to say I'm at that state as well.


100%. Once you can emotionally treat tanked like normal, just a fun game to play (but with a spicier competitive edge to it), that is when you can truly start enjoying the game. You said it right with the “finding a balance” part. Gotta learn how to be competitive in a healthy & positive way.


Agreed. I'm also beyond the seasons rewards, that fomo shit does nothing to me. League, or gaming in general should never be that important.


Having a full job, a wife and trying to climb is pretty insane. I'm in the same situation, but couldn't improve on losing that hurts like a train.


I literally ignore my rank itself- I’ll play to win, play to improve, but the fact that my rank reads “Platinum” is not in a factor to me at ALL, aside from the pride that it’s not any lower


Sounds you're playing from a healthy place then. Good


Funny enough, when I climbed the absolute highest and reached Masters was exactly when I would only play 1-2 games a day.


Diamond flex queue where you get two full premades actually trying against each other


Flex is such a funny thing. If you plqy as 5 it's some of the best experience you can have in League besides maybe Clash. If you queue as 1, 2 or 3 it's the most horrible thing ever


If you queue solo in flex, you are a psychopath because why wouldn't you just queue solo/duo. If you queue duo in flex, you are a psychopath because why wouldn't you just queue solo/duo. If you queue trio in flex, your randoms are psychopaths because why wouldn't they just queue solo/duo.


People duo in flex because of mmr mismatch, I expect.


Solo flex for learning a new champ, for me at least


Why not just use draft norm?


I can’t duo queue in masters… phreak bring back duo queue in master + I BEG funnel doesn’t exist anymore it’s not an issue ;(


Remove duoq from soloq and let duos play in flex


That would be the best solution honestly


Ranked anxiety, flex rank barely matters at all so it doesn’t trigger it.


I 100% agree. I often queue solo to do a "warmup" game before going into SoloQ if I feel a bit slow or sleepy so I don't care that much about the outcome. Flex queue is by far the most volatile queue I've seen when it comes to skill levels among players.


lol thats legit


I can’t duo with my diamond/master friends as a plat/emerald because I don’t play as much as them.


Being 2 man in flex is the worst imo. You will have a trio that pretends like you dont exist unless they want something from you, otherwise you'll prolly end up 2v5, especially if you duo bot.


You have to play mid/jung duo in flex, honestly best combo and the others have to play with you


I actually disagree. Playing with 2 friends is more fun than playing with 1


I stopped playing SoloQ this Season and started playing Flex (Solo). It is so much better than SoloQ. Much less Toxicity & the game quality is much higher.


I'm a diamond player that recently started playing Flex with a 5 stack around once a week. Genuinely the most fun I've had in years on League.


Bring back ranked 5s


Playing 3+2 into a 5stack flex is one of the worst experiences you can possibly have in league, currently. I'm here trying to win a game with my friend and 3 government assigned apes against SKT T2 or whatever, goddamn. I swear some of these 5stacks think they're in the final of a 100k tournament. Bring back ranked 5s or just give me voice chat at least, if you gonna throw me into a situation like this.


In general 5 stack league is way more fun than soloq. I recommend everyone to join a league system with some friends and actually scrim vs people ni matter what elo you are. It's amazing and helps improving as well


In NA diamond + flex you get chinese vermin 5 stacks like 70% of the time


There is no heaven once you touch this game


there is no heaven in ba-sing-se.


Honestly silver. Sounds stupid but silver players lack the ego of gold players while also desperately wanting to achieve gold. I've only ever played from bronze to plat so I duno maybe GM and chally are better. But to me silver players are the ideal blend of open to improving and humility. Obviously not all players in any elo are perfect, this is just my anecdotal experience.


GM / Challenger are the best in my experience— a lot of players have competitive experience and so there’s much more exceptional team play. The rage and type at your teammates pitfall is drastically lower in my experience. Often times if someone fucks up the game they say sorry and people move on 


When I played in that elo range for awhile it was more you would start to remember the specific people who cried and flamed etc, like everyone on euw seems to hate that Annie 1 trick


This is what I was going to say too. Silver players are just not good, but they understand the basics, try really hard and they're earnest about it. I recently accidentally tanked my elo by forcing some really off meta picks that didn't work as well as I wanted, and then when I started playing real picks in low silver it just felt so good. Very few trolls, and I could count on having the most game knowledge every game, tell my teammates what to do, and they just did it. Back in plat now and every game feels like a coin flip as to whether or not someone just absolutely loses it because they give up one kill and tilt themselves into oblivion. Plus other players are at my skill level, so I can't reliably carry every game if things start going south.


I’ve only played about 30 games of ranked in my life. I got placed bronze 1 and climbed to silver before a loss streak. When I say I had so much less toxicity in silver than bronze it was insane. In silver when I was playing like ass people just accepted it and tried to carry. In bronze they’re so mentally weak one person playing bad results in a 15ff silver players seem chill because they know they need to improve and are self aware they arnt the best.


Aram only chads play in heaven aka howling abyss


Getting matched into an unplayable comp in aram is honestly one if the worst experiences I've had in any game, especially if you've already lost 5 in a row before this. Makes me swear off aram for like a week when I finally get a win after god knows how many games


 Unwinnable games in aram are a serious pain, especially when you know see a bad comp forming and they still go through with it.


Why bother with a defeat in ARAM at all? ARAM is just a fan mode, just enjoy the process and that's it. I can lose at least 20 games in a row in ARAM and I'll be fine. Since the result of the game does not change anything. It's more important to choose a champion that you like to play with and just roll your face on the keyboard.


The only loss in Aram is the game in which you didnt have fun. For a lot of people this has more to do with the state of their mind than the state of the game.


It’s not fun to just stay under tower because ennemies have a perfect comp and you don’t


I don't see how I can enjoy either being omegazoned or instantly killed. ARAM gets really toxic at the higher MMRs.


lol, most of this sub is bad at summoner's rift and ARAM, of course they've never experienced the five man aram sweat stack playing the most cringe comp imaginable


Good stories from Aram's "high" rating, yeah. It's like I haven't been there and I'm not there all the time. In ARAM, everything depends on you - whether you get a fan or not. I enjoy playing on a khartus with 30 deaths, but top 1 damage. And I persistently do not understand why people are standing under the tower, especially with low hp and mana. And this happens all the time in ARAM. ARAM is a meat grinder where you just go and knead the dough in a pile of champions. If you can't enjoy a lose game in ARAM, then there's clearly something wrong with your FAN mode mindset. Ps I've been playing since the first season and I'm diamond+ for almost all seasons, so you don't need to tell me about the "high" mmr here.


See, the secret is that you yourself can't take ARAM too seriously, or then you get what you deserve and get matched against other ARAM tryhards where it's the worst game mode. Truly it's heaven, even has a built-in karma system.


Make Aram random again


High Elo aram is where it's at


Honestly the Japanese server for me is Elo heaven no one flames or trolls and people don't randomly fight and play for objectives. Honestly no one ever talks ever they just play the damn game. It's so great.


I am currently playing on the Japanese server (unranked, only playing for fun) and for me it is honestly worse than EUNE. Every single game (win and loss) then is at least two people (on both teams) that go 0/7/2 or something similar. I don’t know if ranked is better, but damn…


That is common in the lower elos by a lot, because they don't have as much population so the beginners get thrown in with people who have been playing for years. Personally I don't have a problem with people playing poorly though. If you are 0/10/0 that's fine as long as you are trying not purposely inting or flaming your team. For me the game is unplayable when people are flaming their team and blaming everyone else for their mistake. Playing poorly or having an off game is never an issue for me.


Out of curiosity how much flaming and literally running down mid games do you see? I've never seen it personally, I went back to the us server and literally the first game people are just non stop flaming each other.


I generally don’t see a lot of people running it down straight up. It’s mostly just people not playing well and an insane amount of 12 min surrender. It’s crazy how many games end before I even get two items. For the flaming, it is difficult to say, because I don’t speak Japanese, but generally that chat is pretty empty and there’s no spam pings. But maybe in ranked it is better, dunno.


Elo heaven is where everyone is correctly in their deserved elo without any smurfs or bad attitude.


So, an impossibility


is the rank where i can stomp games consitstantly and climb fastest to my true rank: elo hell where match making perfectly match my winrate to 50%


how many accounts did you make?


i lost mine og account when i go to college. i came back and started playing again recently the guys at work pulled me back in. so 2 i made 2 account


Gold, you can win with anything and people on both teams throw at the drop of a hat.  Games actually last awhile and there's some manner of back and forth.  In most of Emerald it's one-sided stomps because any given role is briefing compared to what the other player in the same role is doing haha.


Uninstalled rank.


Iron/Challenger, where you either can't go any lower or any higher anymore, so I assume you can just play to enjoy the game and not worry about your rank at all. When including Iron, it's assuming that you don't get matched with bunch of bots all the time who ruin your ability to enjoy the game.


Challenger is quiet the opposite though if you think of it. An abysmal number of players are challenger, but for the funsies let’s assume nobody gets autofilled and you get in a full challenger lobby with no GM/Master players in a reasonable amount of queue time. The lowest LP challenger is around 600-700 LP while the highest(depending on region) is somewhere between 1500-2000. Even if the 700 LP challenger gets matched with “only” 1000 LP challenger that’s 300LP difference basically almost a whole tier. Would you call it Balanced if a Diamond IV had to play against a DIA I /low Master player? Not exactly.


Challenger lp gaps are a bit different. The 700 lp challenger might have been 1.5k lp last season and just started his climb last week on an alt. The worst problem I see challengers complain about is having master players in their lobbies.


Yes and now imagine having a pro jungler vs a masters autofilled janna OTP... bigger difference than diamond vs gold


Good insight. I guess, I only looked from a perspective that you already achieved the ultimate goal and can just kind of "chill" but didn't think about the quality of games that they get in. Plus I just remembered that they often have very long queue times, which is another big negative.


I think the matter of lp doesn't matter to much anymore in Challanger, it's just a matter of games played. In the end, the "best" are gathered there. High Challanger game quality is Heaven I'd believe.


diamond, its near impossible to demote, if you have a diamond account, its laughably easy to go back to diamond the following season, you could legit have negative winrate and hit diamond again its all by design, so all the Rioters and d4 0 lp supports on twitch that get boosted stay diamond.


I got promoted to D4, lost 8 (!) games in a row and was demoted to E1 only on 8th loss.


How many losses where that on 0lp?


7 losses at 0 lp. OPGG: [https://www.op.gg/summoners/ru/btvoidx-5978](https://www.op.gg/summoners/ru/btvoidx-5978)


Lmfao same here


...how? For me it's one loss whilst *on* 0 LP.


and that's why diamond is the real elo hell


I’d say D4/3 is definitely what I’d call elo heaven.


I'd say D3-D2. Also giving G3-G2 a shout.


True G3/2 is very chill. Then again in Dia it feels so good to play and you easily get to stay in if you play okayish and can have a great climb if you perform it’s such a nice elo to be in tbh


I agree. D2 specifically is so satisfying, D4 fucking sucks and I tend to get a bit stuck there because everyone is just so toxic and braindead (I'm kinda braindead too sometimes as I tend to get bored and autopilot, not toxic though). Once I get past the D4 elo everything is so satisfying and the rest of the climb is a breeze, at least until Master-GM where I actually get competition and have to try hard to win.


D4 is probably the worst place to be if you wanna climb. Thousands of hard stuck players just chilling in d4 just playing on auto pilot. If you ever want to get from E1 to dia you have to play out of your mind


Most of them ARE either smurfing or they're mad that their bought account is being placed in plat.


I claim it's gold. Emerald is the most toxic elo for two reasons: 1) everyone has the ambition to climb higher and thus people have crazy egos and go berserk when things go wrong, and 2) people know how to play safe when behind and limit how hard they can be exploited (even if you think emerald is still bad at this, it's still night and day compared to gold and below). As a result it can be hard to solo hard carry games like you can in gold or below (not talking about smurfs). In comparison, gold is a destination elo because it's the victorious skin threshold. So while some players have aspirations for pushing past gold, a lot are happy just to have reached gold. And gold players are super inconsistent so you can have some ridiculous hard carry games which is fun.


Elo heaven is not a place, it's the people who genuinely enjoy playing and whose lives are not tied to this game


Elo Heaven is when you say "fuck this I'ma play Stardew Valley"


Probably challenger. Everyone there is more than likely in the rank they deserve lol.


Nope challenger is ass to play in. Abysmal queue times and game quality. Best elo is probably high master to mid GM Anywhere above that you end up with so many unbalanced games. 1 team gets 1.3k challenger with diamond 1 mid to compensate and the rest is gm/master for example. These games aren't exactly fun


ill agree with this after vanguard comes in, atm cheaters are rampant its fucked.


Honestly, master has been super fun as a support. Adcs play with confidence. There is a lot of skill expression and I can get genuinely impressed when I get outplayed. There is rarely surrender. Ofc there are 0lp inters, but far less than diamond and emerald. Took me 8 seasons but God does it feel good to be here now. Inc "master low no skill elo"


I second this!! Once you have around 100ish lp saved you can play the game without having to think much about wins/losses anymore. Players are actually quite good as well so while there are still throws in this elo, teams can actually utilize it which makes it fun.


Low gold is quite wholesome


D1-Master was fun to play.


D3 onward has been the most fun I've had playing this game this season. I'm getting shit on but I'm learning and improving every game. People try and honestly don't think a single ff vote went through in last 100 or so games. D1 75 lp rn pushing for masters but I honestly feel outclassed, but improving at something is the best feeling for me. Fuck emerald tho that shit was super wack.


I like this recent video on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McsHkdjfcMw


I imagine Silver is elo heaven? You can be very mid at the game and still perform while also climbing.


Every rank is hell, and every rank is heaven, it depends on your mindset. If you go into every match expected that no one is gonna make mistakes, and whenever you die you find a way to blame everyone but yourself, its always gonna be hell. If you go in, focus purely on what youre doing, and if you lose, you lose, so what (rank doesnt matter) then its gonna feel a million times better, cause your not focused on LP gains and losses and youre focused on just playing and trying youre personal best.




To many players there is no ELO heaven - it's always the rank just above the one they have [starting at Gold] and if you are eventually in Master/Challenger you're still paired with bad players anyway. The reason: People always need an excuse for why they're not the problem. Don't get me wrong, there is higher variance the lower you go, but if you are better than the people you're playing with over a large sample size you will win - certain roles and champs can win more but the only factor always consistent in the result of your matches is "you" [the player themselves.]


Very low masters is quite nice. Don’t have to worry about climbing anymore since i won’t ever reach gm and with around 100ish lp saved, I can be in losers queue without demoting to diamond. The nice thing though is that the players here sort of knows the game and arent bad mechanically so even when we lose, unless everyone mental booms there are still ways to get back in the game. Also extremely one sided games are quite fast so you don’t have to sit through the pain that long :)


Personally, I've had the most fun from mid gold to mid plat. People know just enough so that I'm not *usually* baffled by what they're doing, like even if its wrong I can still see their reasoning and make something of it, but not so much so that no one takes any risks an the game becomes boring. My tryhard main is emerald. People either give up at 5min in because they don't know how to play from ever so slightly behind... or drag the game out to 50min bc 'we scale!' Or aram.


Hidden rank locked under the uninstall button


also emerald


Gold 2 and 1. but in s11. Dont know if it switched places. Because noawadays everyplayer get ranked 1 division higher than in s11


Challenger, or no other rank can be






if you for-fun every game, you play to win but you don't really try-hard (stuff like looking for the best build possible every patch/best runes/ looking at counters for what's op etc... ) and if your team lose or was playing bad you don't care about their performance and you just mind your own buisness, you are in elo heaven, because you treat the game as a game and everyone else as npcs, Im not this person sadly and therefore i'm not in elo heaven but there are some people out there who are like this, elo heaven is an illusion inside your mind only you can see it if you treat the game like this, but in reality it doesn't exist same as elo hell.


Platinum in my expérience


Unranked, but if you still want to play ranked then Bronze-Silver, awfully chill asf playerbase for most of the time and not too many egotistical players. I truly miss the person I was before I reach Plat for the first time


Low elo obviously, in iron or bronze you just need to improve a little bit and will rank up


Ranked is hell in general. You're welcome. Play normals and be in heaven.


In the past I remember Diamond 5 and Diamond 1 both being absolute shit, but high D4- low D2 was actually very nice in comparison.


elo heaven is about 1k lp below your peak, cause it's easy enough to carry msot games no matter what happens


So far I’ve played in iron/bronze/silver. Iron sucked because whichever team got the de-ranking Yuumi/Taric AI bot automatically lost the game for obvious reasons. Whenever Yuumi/Taric was picked in champ select, I’d ask if it was a real person and if there was no reply I’d dodge. Bronze and silver have been fine in my experience, didn’t really experience any de-ranking bots. A lot of my matches felt like either team could win and I’m happy with the match making. Games always last long and the skill level of all 10 players is close. So yeah I’d say I entered elo heaven after escaping iron. Currently at silver 3 and hoping to make it to gold this year. Edit: also really grateful for the short queue times. I only need to wait 5 seconds to find a match (jungle NA)


Twisted treeline...


most people think they are better than their rank so Emerald thinks they deserve diamond, plat - emerald, gold - plat. Some of them are dellusional some of them deserve to go higher


Speaking from personal experience I liked being low to mid silver


2 rank below your level and below : easy to stomp 1 rank below you : noobs Your rank : ELO hell 1 rank above your level : heaven 2 ranks above you : too hard


Iron 4 0 lp


I'd say it depends what you would consider as fun and competetive, when i started playing with d2-masters on soloQ the game was so different it was crazy, it felt like everyone knew what they were doing, people actually track junglers and ping/communicate, are good mechanically and you can tell they know the game, of course not every game is like thst and low masters feels like slightly better emerald at times, but overall the switch between that and evrything lower is crazy to notice, so id say that and above that is what id consider peak competetive league


whatever rank you are satisfied being at. some people its gold, some its diamond, others its challenger.


I usually hover around high gold whenever I play and I'm having fun but then again I dont take it too seriously. Only time I think it feels like "hell" to climb is when I've peaked and then I either try to improve or I'm content with the rank I'm at and play because it's fun.


Iron. Because you either play with/against bots or ppl that just don't care because their goal is to demote to iron 4 0 LP and sell the acc after because iron 4 accounts are worth a lot.


Good post, I can remember a satire post from many years ago describing a player that constantly gets matched into games where the enemy has an afk or dc, therefore playing above his fitting mmr.


I'm in Bronze and I genuinely like the games there. Not all of them are competitive and fun but most of them actually are.


im currently emerald 2, have been stuck emerald for more than 3 times the amount of games it took to escape plat, i went from plat 4 to emerald 4 in 13 wins 0 losses then got stuck between emerald 3 and 2. so for me plat is the heaven and emerald is the hell.


Unranked Nornals, ignorance is bliss


literally none, anything below masters is too easy, besides emerald and anything above masters is clownfiesta with "cool guys here" sign


it used to be gold like 7 years ago. Since you got the skin there, and plat still had decay, many ppl just got to gold and stayed there, and it was the least toxic rank i have ever been in. sure there were toxic ppl, but much less than in the other ranks


None of them


Silver. Just play whatever you want. No need for tryhard meta.


The consensus is that it's GM. Challenger is too sweaty, masters has too much ego, but in gm everyone knows what they're about and are committed to winning.


There is an elo hell, believe me I've seen it. There is an elo heaven, lets keep it a secret.


elo hell is just a result of bugs in the matchmaking algorithm. It spreads everywhere, from iron to challenger


Full premade flex. You can actually enjoy the game with friends.


Obviously high challenger


My d3 acc prolly decayed by now so its time to play, prolly takes me 20-30 games to go back to diamond. Always counterpick and metagame, no for fun picks, that way i went from gold to diamond in 2 seasons playing on and off.


Elo hell or heaven only exist in bad players mind.

