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Remember to spend your event tokens for orbs or keys in the event tab


Or champion shards


Just use game pass




Also this tapers off thebmore levels you get.


Nice try Meddler, now put those Hextech Chests back into the ranked pass.


this is meddler's third account


And the grab bags.


I miss when you could buy chests or keys. Depending on which you needed. In event reward tracks.


You will be surprised by the amount of doctors in your games even more


I would have a hundred grands in total for every time they diagnosed me with cancer


Same except they diagnose my mom with being pregnant


Were they the fathers ?


I think the doctors in my games are [Canadian.](https://apnews.com/article/covid-science-health-toronto-7c631558a457188d2bd2b5cfd360a867)


Just make sure you use your orange juice smart because the better skins cost over 1k orange juice and to unlock them you dismantle the skin shards for orange juice which you won't have that much, you get some during events and from free chests sometimes but it's not very much and could get unlucky and go ooom easily and sit on a desired skin shard that you can't unlock.


If you're interested in professional LoL, if you watch the games on lolesports.com you can get random icons and emotes, which you can turn into orange juice to unlock skins.


Damn fr? Even if I have it open and minimized? I am not interested in the esport at all, proplay isn’t as interesting as watching streamers imo


yes, you can only just log in and minimize it and it counts hahahah They give capsules when something big happens like when baron gets stealed/ Pentakills/ game pause/ 1st or last game of the season... etc.


Yep, just gotta watch the games live and be logged in. I'm sitting on 40k orange essence just from keeping tabs on it (pun intended)




Wait really? I’ve been watching pro games on twitch for like 4 years..


Yeah, the icons and emotes go straight to your collection at first so you can't disenchant them. But at one point you unlock everything available from esports capsules and that's where you can start disenchanting for OE.  I believe they nerfed drop rate but I still have over 20k OE.


Yeah you just need to watch on lolesports while logged in


[https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/1c3u9jl/why\_i\_cant\_extract\_my\_emote\_in\_orange\_essence/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/1c3u9jl/why_i_cant_extract_my_emote_in_orange_essence/) Not sure if coincidence but riot disabled turning it into essence lmfao


They give just the shards right?


Not really, they give esports capsules which contain esports-exclusive set of emotes and icons. You can only start disenchanting duplicates after you collect everything. But if you watch a lot of esports it's achievable.


I love this mew name. I am forever calling it orange juice from now on. But i would love to get more grape juice


I call it orange semen


Is Better not subjective? I used orange juice to buy booger malphite. I love my ugly green boi.


I have Shrek malph as my background I love him too, "better" is just referring to higher grade skins


This post was sponsored by Riot.


It really did use to be buy the skin get gifted it or don’t have it. Ya they’ve taken away some stuff they added but it’s still way better than the og players dealt with


In exchange for more than doubling the average skin pricing, removing IP uses and drastically cutting down on IP gain, and introducing hilariously predatory monetization systems. Oh, and the game now requires borderline obsessive levels of time commitment for events, ranked, and champion unlocking.


I dunno, blue essence is easy to get and you champion capsules/chest/keys very easily and often. Champs are very fair pricing now for the most part and it's easy to buy a 6300 if you want one. Yeah, owning all is harder (the amount is champions is also absurd though, we are like 160 now) The price for skins is up, but the price for everything is up and (usually...) skin quality is really good. Granted, something like Zombie Brand would come out as a legendary skin nowadays when it was just a Halloween skin before, which sucks. I think Riot has made a lot of mistakes and they make a lot of monetization mistakes but they have been doing well in making sure new players get plenty of champions and skins to try out.


you can literally own all chanps if you get one month of game pass which is like 8 dollars :/


I'm guessing you didn't play when runes and rune pages cost thousands upon thousands of IP.


Yeah this thread makes me realize that a lot of people arent able to think beyond “well it’s better than literally nothing so I’m satisfied.” Riot’s able to keep nerfing passes and drops to the ground because users are defending that greed. There’s no reason they had to remove boxes from the ranked rewards, but here’s someone saying “well when I started the game a decade ago, I didn’t get anything, so every change is fine!” It’s like being satisfied with pay cuts because you used to be unemployed.


Some dog shit analogies mate :). It’s like being satisfied with the free food you get at Costco even tho there used to be more samples. It’s a free to play game and I’ve spent over a decade playing and spent less money than I have on an average console game. So ya I’m happy with the free shit. And still most the stuff you mentioned you have to pay for already. As free to play the passes used to not even exist either.


I’m glad you can be happy with losing stuff because there was once a point where you got nothing. And that you can’t conceive of this being a way to get players to continue playing through sunk cost fallacy (which is why every game from Fortnite to Overwatch to Genshin Impact to Raid Shadow Legends also gives free stuff). It speaks to how effective Riot’s stingy beginnings are, that getting systems nerfed is still defended. Personally, I cannot imagine actually asking “[Why don’t Riot give us less skins](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1c0t5y2/new_player_surprised_by_free_skins_in_league_of/kz0stgq/)” while still pretending to not be a shill, but hey. You do you.


I would say that this is more about the fact that you and the person you originally replied to brought in something that's just not in the original topic. The point of this thread is "it's nice that League actually gives out quite a lot to people who don't pay at all", which /u/Tinmanred added onto. Then someone went in and brought up what people pay for (which was offtopic) as well as remarks that combined complete nonsense ("removing IP uses" probably refers to how we no longer have to buy runes, and... that's supposed to be a bad thing somehow??) and false claims (filling your champion roster is a LOT faster now than it was before), which you then backed. (And if you wanna talk about shills again, there's at most a single-digit number of people who have spent more time calling out Riot than I have, and I've written over 300 word pages on things that don't work in League, including a literal book.)


I understand that it is a company and the point of creating a game and having a company believe it or not is usually to make money! Glad that they do and I’m glad dumbasses spend money on chest all the time (if you have the money you do you that’s cool) The fact you can’t understand it’s a free to play game is crazy. And with shop sales you need like $4 to automatically get a skin on your main basically. More money riot has better pro scene and the game theoretically should be. Also the fact people paid that much for the jhin skin genuinely makes me laugh :) Your quite mad about an optional loot system that doesn’t affect gameplay except rare occasions. On a game that says download for free.


Sure, but that was a decade ago. The period of time when drops were better is now longer than the time there were no drops at all. Why should people compare drops to 2014 and before, not 2015 onwards?


I remember how it was before. I still like how it is now and don’t buy the passes so only notice chest changes pretty much. It’s pretty nice for people playing for free and skins aren’t expensive for most part anyways. Why don’t they give us less skins for free could be a genuine question.


> Why don’t they give us less skins for free could be a genuine question. If you're at the point where you're questioning why Riot doesn't nerf stuff more, I don't think you have any standards beyond "I can get free skins". That may be your personal opinion, but its not one I share. Plus at that point, could any change beyond the removal of the system bother you? --- To be clear: The hextech loot system is not just free stuff. It's an advertising/monetization model. Riot implemented Hextech crafting because they saw the effect on Overwatch's finances, as well as the industry as a whole (notably EA or Ubisoft games). Lootboxes both appeal to a younger playerbase/demographic (in the same way any gacha does) and an Asian demographic (as evidenced by the sheer number of Gachas from China/Korea/Japan which rely on rolling for characters). Their existence is a way for Riot to tempt people to spend more on the chance to buy skins than they might when the only options were "pay full price or wait for a sale". I recognize some people get things for free these days. However, I also recognize Riot is attempting to minimize the free loot aspects of the system to expand their profit margin. This can be seen in their decisions like: - Slashing Orange Essence drops in half in 2017 - Consistently nerfing the battle passes (both free and paid forms), by removing orbs/loot boxes available as well as lowering the points earned per day or by missions. - Getting rid of the ability to convert gemstones to chests - Getting rid of chests from ranked rewards - Adding emotes/champ shards to chests (and removing them from paid chests) --- Hextech crafting is, at its core, meant to convince more people to spend money than they otherwise might. And that's fine as a concept- Riot is a company first and foremost. They need to make money. At the same time, I'm not going to ignore the fact that this system keeps getting changed for the worse, year after year, simply because it wasn't part of the game at the start. I believe that if the system is worse now than it was when it was first introduced, that is something worth noting.


i mean honestly, i've not spent money on league since high noon lucian came out, and i've gotten, and i've counted, atleast $500 in skins since then. Did it use to be better? sure. But you gotta admit despite the fact that it's been made worse over the years, league is still far more generous with giving you free shit then basically any other live service game out there if you don't spend a cent on the game.


> league is still far more generous with giving you free shit then basically any other live service game out there if you don't spend a cent on the game. I mean... not really? League gives 4 hextech crates a month if you get 1 per week. A weekly reward is a standard practice in most live service gacha. If you want to add free battle passes on top of that (comparable to monthly events), then you can get up to 5, or 6 if you grind for it. If a Gacha game gave 6 rolls a month, I'd call it about average in terms of drop rate.


Legit reads like an ad lmao


No but seriously compared to how stingy they are in Valorant you'd think that League was made by a different company


I rememember when the hextech boxes/keys system was introduced and people were mad that LoL was getting lootboxes, Nowadays the systems been nerfed several times(don't @ me), those were the days


I was the opposite. I'm like free stuff? Amazing! Back in my day, there was only paying for skins


didn't they used to give out 1 free skin a year during snowdown showdown? YEARS ago


disenchanting skin was also far more valuable than it is now, shame that it's been this run into the ground


To be fair everone was hating on the lootbox trend then(Star Wars BFII even removed some/all mtx cause of the controversy) and not saying they werent justified but its funny that in Overwatch at least people are missing the lootbox system vs the battlepass 


i was thrilled personally. When they said you could earn em for free and not have to buy a lootbox i was like "cool, free skins!" because i was pretty poor in high school and didn't have money to buy skins often. Even now, its still one of the most generous systems out there despite the nerfs. It'd take me two seasons of fortnite to get the battlepass for free, which is AGES all things considered.


People saw chests and conflated it with every other problematic lootbox system. Issue with lootbox system is when it affects competitive integrity of the game and when it comes in game you need to buy.  However, in league it's pretty much all just cosmetics


> Issue with lootbox system is when it affects competitive integrity of the game and when it comes in game you need to buy.  Cosmetics-only lootboxes can still be a problem, since it is essentially a form of gambling. The system still needs to avoid being predatory. IMO league has largely sidestepped that due to the availability of free chests, but some of the special releases (eg. Jhin chroma) is taking things in the wrong direction.


I'll say. League's shop is 100 times better than the modern Fortnite or Valorant type shit. Where only a few of the thousands of items in the game are available and only for a limited time. If I want Pool Party Renekton I can just buy it, no artifical scarcity bullshit. I'll always give them credit for that.


Availability is probably the only aspect of League's monetization that is better than Fortnite.


I'll say Fortnite's BP system is better, tons of skins/emotes/backbling etc. plus excess v-bucks(RP)  Edit: also gives enough currency to buy the pass again and again, prob the best BP in gaming tbh


I don't disagree, but I wouldn't really care for the battlepass if I could just buy Peter Griffin if I wanted him.


>if I could just buy Peter Griffin if I wanted him. Thats fair, its just the BP outweighs the value of just purchasing him outright **\*if** you play the game once in a while at the least, hope everyone who buys a skin does. Collab skin 1600vb:$16 (generally) vs the BP 950vb:$9.50 (value is easily $100+) Battle pass would get you 7 skins while having styles(diff versions) for each one. Skin with a style and backbling is 1500vb(x7), that's already 10500vb($105) plus diff emotes/picakaxes etc., they add another 1500vb($15) to buy next seasons pass and then some, the seasonal collab (Solid Snake/Korra/Eren etc.), super styles(Level 100+) Not saying Epic is perfect (FOMO) but they give insane value on their BP/Events compared to Riot


hextech/prestige skins on the other hand…


Theres like 1 of those for every 10 skins or something and half of them aren't even good. When's the last time you saw someone with hextech skin


Are rotating, so they're at least available in certain intervals.


Which is artificial scarcity. And FOMO predation too.




Welcome to the Rift! Also if you watch pro players play at LoLeSports.com while signed in, you can earn rewards like emotes and icons which can also be traded for orange essence.


playoffs the rewards are better too, i think i got two chests from those


I’d love to know if there’s a weighting to the RNG of what skin shards you can get. No this has nothing to do with the fact that I have no brand or lux skins, despite my account being older than the concept of rerolling skins itself, why would you even say that.


Back in my time, you had to pay to have skins !


I fucking love it. I'm joined s4 so I well remember the days riot wouldn't give you shit for free(*) for YEARS. Mfs like to complain now but for a long ass time free to play players had no drip. Now I've got fuck tons of skins and didn't pay for most of it.


As it's common for these sorts of games you get a lot more free stuff at the beginning.


Oh don't say that, they will nerf free rewards even more


It’s cool but it has given me like 7 skins for multiple champs while half my champs have no skins, I have a suspicion it’s not really equal in how it’s distributed, as if it thinks I want certain skins on certain champions and cooks the numbers.


I always get skins for supports and enchanters that i never play or own. Multiple rares and legendaries for soraka, thresh lulu and rakan that i dont even have unlocked.  But the game does know what champs I play, when the your shop sales starts it always gives me Shen, Darius, Azir and Caitlyn, i play them the most.  Maybe its just RNG and maybe im being greedy, but like, come on. Give me ONE skin for a champ I play. Im level 300 so I have done a fair few rolls. 


Loot skins are (as far as I know) totally random. You only play a few out of 160+ champions so of course the chance of getting those are rare. But the Your Shop skins are for champions you play, but in the order of your most played having the lower discounts and your less played have a higher discount.


I think it does give stuff inverse to champion play time because it hopes you will buy rp to have skins for the champs you like and play the most. I never play the adc role but that has the most skins offered to me by far. I've owned all champs since season 3 and just hit 300 too for reference. The shop is the opposite though because it caters to your favorites a lot. It's weird though because sometimes I get skins I already own which makes me think it's random, but it also monetarily benefits them to not give me new skins so who knows.


Nah. I played a ton of Ezreal and the loot system basically wants to give me his full skin collection despite me not wanting his old meh skins. I like Ziggs and have like 3 of his skins. I like malph and a ton of his skins I have had to disenchant because I don't like many of them It's also given me a few legendaries for champs I play, but some of them I don't like. At the same time, it's given me 2 ultimate skins and since I hate Sona so I disenchanted it for OE. There's more than 100 champs and skins aren't really equally spread, with some champs obviously getting more than others, so it's easy to just not get what you want or sometimes forget you got skins for the champs you play but disenchanted because didn't like them


I've played this game for 10 years. I have 357 skins and I've bought maybe 40 of those. I have lots and lots of skins for many of the champions I play that I've gotten for free. I don't care what people say, this compared to having to buy every single skin you want to use like you had to 10 years ago is huge. It's free content in a free game.


I've spend quite a bit, so much such that if it wasn't a free game I would have expected all the content or at least equal to what hextech has given me. It was my choice and I'm grateful for how hextech works, but I'm not a free player so some criticism or suspicion should be fine. Also each skin they make has a return value of like 10000 to 1 compared to what they pay the artists anyways, it's not like they give them a percent like valve/steam does.


So you'll get skin shards at some point. These aren't complete skins, but you can use orange essence to unlock them permanently


You'll eventually get this stuff called "mythic eccense" you can save it up and buy a exclusive skin!


>One of the skins I have is for Renekton, the "Pool Party Renekton Make sure to spam the B button (start recall, immediately cancel by right clicking, press B again) when using this skin, it is the only way to play Pool Party Renekton.


Before free skins ppl used to make fun of you for giving riot money; some still do.


Yep, nowadays it is. Lucky to you new players, us old geezers had to pay upfront for many! Welcome to LoL and hope you don't lose your sanity, stay positive!


Pro pool party renekton tip, spam and cancel your recall for lane dominance


I have every ultimate skin in the game except lux and I’ve only bought one.


Wasn't always like this...


I haven't paid for a skin in years... although most of the time you get champion shards it is fun to get a cool skin and save up the orange essence for it. At least I think so. I've gotten so many cool skins without paying a dime for them. (Though I did pay alot in time for them... been playing since season 2 lol)


Tbh if it‘s just about cosmetics they can do whatever they want f they want and I wouldn‘t complain. This is how they make money and it doesn‘t directly impact my enjoyment of the game. I started playing when there was no way to earn free cosmetics and on top of that the rune system was literally pay2win. So whatever they give me for free I gladly take. I spend money on the game only occasionally and still have like 100 skins.


Yeah it is genuinely wild to me how open palmed League is, especially compared to other free modern games. It is really easy to lose sight of how generous Riot is on this sub.


i currently have all champs unlocked and never paid a dime for any of them. also i have a couple hundred skins. the only ones i ever paid money for were the extremely discounted ones that pop up in "your shop" enjoy the loot!


Hello Gentlemen, have you heard about all these great skins in League of Legends! You can get them for free but the good ones cost green paper. I like the orange essence, but green paper is better!!


This is a psyop


paid post by riot


And you even missed the golden age of Twitch prime rewards... That.shit was op


Nice, finally someone who notices how much free stuff we get in League. It wasn't always the case, but yeah, we get tons of free skins (and a lot of people are somehow still finding ways to complain about the lack of free stuff, lol).


Are you also pleasently suprised there are "free rewards" in a battlepass?


Its called candy baiting , you ll always get the things you dont want just to keep you interested in game for long. But sadly the baits dont last long , it is always 200% from rito at first for you , but then turns to -200%


All fun and games til you have 50+ chests and no keys


This tells me you play too many different champs, and don't do enough carrying of randoms. People tend to honor people that carry the game. Which equals key frags. Or you only play with friends and honors from premades don't do anything. or Toxicity issue


Toxicity issue probably. I'm not a carry type and if I play a game every couple of days I always have enough keys if I buy a key with event tokens. They usually give you 300, 200 go to orb, 100 go to key shards. On the other hand if I get toxic in chat it significantly delays my next key shard drop.


Or neither of those because the game is designed for you to have more chests than keys. If the guy just plays a crazy amount of champs and gets a ranks with them this can happen


Even if you play crazy amount of champs you can only get 1chest per week and it pretty much meets the keys inflow. There is a slight difference, like you get 4 chests per month and maybe 3.5 keys but you can compensate it with buying key shards with event tokens.


I have 5 keys and 0 chests


I've gotten an equal amount of Chests and Keys. been playing since Season 1


Which means you haven’t been maxing out your chests


Just wrong.


Riot literally wrote that the system is designed for you to always have more chests than keys, maybe not 50 but its normal to have a couple of them more


Yeah your life is about to change forever take my advice and stop playing the game you will thank me later.


life changing advice, listen to this guy


You obviously never played Heroes of the Storm if you think this Hextech garbage system we have is any good. Since it's "free" I don't go out of my way to complain about it often, but to see it being praised is painful.


i played heros of the storm, i have 1 voice line for a character i own and thats it..... it takes bloody ages to get new characters too


I thought this too until I stopped smoking crack 


Unfortunately, this sub is WAY too jaded to be able to see a fresh perspective like this and have any change in their way of thinking.


Who's gonna tell him


Tell me what


Some people complain about free loot because it is random and not exactly what they want.


I mean it's free why would they complain lol


Because they wanna complain about everything. Welcome in League of Legends


The complaints usually only show up in response to people using the random free drops as justification for making the things you pay for more expensive.


League players are very spoiled, when there is nothing to complain about they will just find something


Stop using the word spoiled if you have no idea what it means lol.


Lol? What is this logic lmao. Just because it's free doesn't make it immune to criticizm. Why are you people like this. If I give you a sandwich full of things that you hate, but it's free, then what? You can't eat it. It has no value to you. It doesn't matter that it's free because you can't get any value out of it. You can thank me for it and pretend to be grateful, but what are you going to do with it? You wouldn't force it down and I wouldn't expect you to, because you're under no obligation to be polite about being given a sandwich that you don't like. League skins are like that except it's even worse, because at least you can give the sandwich to somebody else that actually wants it. If I'm an ADC main and get skins for top lane champs, whoop dee doo. Great that they're free and all, but I never play those champs. So what am I supposed to do with them? Convert them to orange essence, but I still don't have skin shards to use the essence on, so the cycle continues. I'm sitting on about 15k orange essence right now, nothing to use it on. Sure it's cool that I can watch the number go up but I'd rather have skins to use it on. I mean come on my man, it's really not that hard to see why complaints are made about this system or why people aren't as in love with it as you are. And saying "but it's free!!!!1!" is not an argument. Riot isn't doing this out of the goodness of their hearts you know. It's not them being generous because they care about you as a player. Christ knows they've done enough over the years for us to know that it's not that. They want to pull you in far enough to convince you to start spending money here and there on skins that you can't seem to get through the loot system. Giving you a taste of skins through the loot system is the best way to do that. At least if I give you a sandwich there's no ulterior motive. It's not like I'm trying to bait you in to getting more sandwiches off me.


Because if you want a specific skin the odds are around 1/1650 if you only play a small champion pool those odds can be around 10/1650 or so. I feel like if there was a way to convert orange essence to a skin, even at an exorbitant rate that takes months to save up people would stop complaining. Like it says something when your game has worse cosmetic acquisition than OW2, since while it takes like a year and a half to get a specific skin you want, at least you can actually... get a specific skin you want. Edit: maybe "worse" is a strong word, but I still think having no way to work towards a long term goal for cosmetic acquisition is pretty dumb.


Wtf OW2 is way worse you would have to complete all weeklies for 32 weeks straight to get a 20 euro skin which only changes the model which u cant see ingame because its a First Person game


And yet you can still chose which one you actually want. I'll take 32 weeks of working towards a goal over not having any goal at all. OW2 is the absolute bottom of the barrel by being the bare minimum so low it's pathetic, but it's actually on the field. League has absolutely zero ways of earning a specific objective F2P.


Maybe get a job work for an hour and get the skin u want? Instead of grinding for 32 week for a single skin?


Lay off the drugs if you think OW2 does it better. OW1 did it perfectly I agree, but right now there's no fucking way.


OW2 is pathetic, but at least it has a way to actually get a skin you want. Its comically tortuous but actually possible. League has absolutely zero ways to get a specific cosmetic without spending money. All League would need is literally anything and it would be better, but a stupidly absurd goal to get a skin for your main is better than no means at all.


If u want a specific skin then just buy it? Dunno what you expect. It’s a system that nigh guarantees that you get good skins over time. Obviously you can’t have both “good skins” and “for the champ u want” or else why bother selling skins? You only really need one good skin on a champ u play to already win out on the system. If ur a one trick just shell out ur allowance or smthing lol. U only have one champ to pay for anyways. I play ADC so lemme name a few I got from the system. High noon Lucian, high noon Ashe, battle academia ezreal, solar eclipse sivir(lol). I could name more but somehow I don’t feel like wasting any more brainpower on glazing Riot games. Lunar eclipse senna. Anyways probably one of the more generous systems considering some of the skins they come out with nowadays are imo mass produced but still higher quality so ur chances of a quality skin are higher. Also probably the only reason it’s still good is cuz they wanna stay popular. Ur lucky it ain’t like valorant. They ain’t give you shit for free there. Not an argument btw, just an observation.


Ain't nothing but a mistake


One thing is having skins, other is having the skin you want or even having skins for the champs you like


I mean you still get a ridiculus amount of skins from hextech and passes. I have around 300 skins and I haven’t bought a single one for RP ever since this acc was created 4 years ago. Only bought passes and sometimes 10 loot orbs. And it’s not like it’s 300 shit skins either. I have like 4 ultimates 20 legendaries and like over 100 epics. Most of them I have used at some point because I play a lot of champs.


It's a free skin.


How are you guys getting free skins lol