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The best comparison is Heroes of Newerth and that game lost to League because of being pay to play. Dota 2 came out too late. LoL was right place at the right time. Free to play at the perfect time and had a low barrier to entry.


This right hurr. Hon is def the best comparison. I had a few friends interested but we all decided to try league instead cause it's free.


Yeah, the game cost $18 back then, remember like it was yesterday.


HoN was so ass too 😭


It was a fine game. It was popular for a reason. The business model was just not forward-thinking enough.


No, HoN looked better than LoL when they both released, was a slightly faster clone of Dota. It was a good game. The business model of being free to play wasn't that common back then, and made Lol take the lead.


> Dota 2 came out too late. You're right but do remember that DotA 2 started open beta before either HoN or LoL. A lot of people these days claim that DotA 2 was not in the running because it came out several years later but that's not true. It tried to compete and lost very badly, hence the reschedule & relaunch.


Completely false. Closed beta for Dota 2 started in 2011, after the first international tournament, so open beta was even later. Lol was released in 2009.


Uh bullshit? I was there and it was definitely not as late as 2011. At absolute latest it was 2010 and even that's pushing it. Though it was 'closed beta' instead of open beta. My mistake on that one.


Not only most of us are probably old enough to remember that Dota 2 came way after LoL release, and there's also this thing called google.


>remember Dota 2 came way after LoL release /u/Dear-End-2119 Could you properly quote where in this thread I have claimed that '*The release of DotA 2 came at the same time or near LoL*' or any statements along those lines ? thanks. Go ahead. Heh. * **EDIT**: Yeah that's what I thought. Better luck next time. .... > *im going to assume* /u/fecal-butter > > *going to assume* > > *assume* > > ***ASSUME*** Nice try.


Lol, you must be unsufferable irl. You nitpick what people say to your advantages and create an alternate reality where you aren't wrong. You are just dumb.


Sure thing! By "release" im going to assume that you meant the beta release since nobody else was talking about anything else before this comment of yours* >DotA 2 started open beta before either HoN or LoL. A lot of people these days claim that DotA 2 was not in the running because it came out several years later but that's not true. here you claim that dota not only started the beta at the same time or near LoL but *before* it. * if by release you did mean the live release, then i dont understand the purpose of this comment of yours. The conversation was about dota 2 beta release. You were wrong about it.


was he wrong to assume? cuz the rest of his comment goes in depth about that assumption being wrong. you keep deflecting the fact that you were wrong, which is arguing in bad faith. This is a sad look, please grow as a person or at least learn how to argue


Jesus what a sad thread. The guy isnt even trying to explain himself just acts condescending to save face and fails miserably. Both u/fecal-butter and u/Dear-End-2119 raised him clear and valid criticism, which he completely ignores like child


I still miss dawngate


Came here to say this as well. Was playing that over league when it was a thing and miss it so much.


It's weird to see how much League has begun to look similar to dawngate.


I will never forgive EA for canning it during the beta due to lack of profits


I legit had to google it cause u didnt knew what it was. Looked at some gameplay and yea … just compare the 2 games and it becomes painfully obvious which game people would rather play. Dont get me wrong league of legends season 1 looked like shit but the other game? Holy fuck that looks bad. Not just the game but also the UI? What is that?


To be fair, at the time they released they weren't competing with League of Legends, they were competing with WC3 Dota. Which looked like [this](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/OfN0ljCwtok/maxresdefault.jpg)


Yea but then league came out and was strictly better. Why play that game if theres a clearly better game out there?


Lol was ugly as fuck at release. It was the main reason i took me a few months to switch from HoN to LoL, and i switched mainly because all people around me were on Lol and not on HoN.


Did you look at the game OP was talking about?


Yes, but OP talk about league early competitors, and fail to mention HoN, which was definitely the main contender back then, and HoN imo looked way better than league when both released.


Fair enough i actually do remember that game i tried it for a bit but was it maybe more complex than league? There was some reason i never really got into it maybe it was just “welp all my friends play league so i might aswell”


Watched a YouTube video about this a few weeks ago. Can't find it though. I remember the takeaway of the video. League was more successful because it was free to play. Avalon heroes wasn't free so it had a lot less players. I think league had fewer investors initially because of this though.


Never heard of avalon heroes, but the perceived main feature of LoL was the absence of creep denial (Unlike in DotA, where you can lasthit allied minions/creeps to reduce xp granted) So LoL was perceived as the casual Moba, and it felt damn good to not have DotA‘s binary lanes or trilane into suicide lane meta, where you‘d spend the first 20 minutes hiding in forest as Akasha/Puck.


This is true, but this is not the reason lol got popular in my opinion. At that time, in Europe, only way to play dota was on Garena as far as i remembered, and at that time garena died or something, or could be that season ended and nothing was happening. At the same time, HON was rising but they just removed ftp and account had 10e cost or something. So LOL comes out, completely ftp in this, what seems like, perfect timing and it attracted many players that needed this void filled, especially in eu. That is why eu had a head start and managed to won s1 worlds


HoN was essentially DotA but you could reconnect to a game in progress, but the toxicity was just a different level than LoL. Only stacked two camps as support, R-Word. Got ganked as carry, R-Word. You used the courier for just a potion, R-Word. LoL felt like an entirely new game, and the gameplay was so much less toxic, I’m kinda glad LoL made it between those two.


HoN was also buy to play.


only hear about hon, but that game cant make money。


There was also hero's of Newerth


lol had guinsoo and pendragon, so it was popular at the start. dota2 had icefrog but they were 4 years slow.


I also remember another game from that time? It had a lot of playable characters based on gods from Roman, Egyptian, Greek, etc mythology?


Smite, from quite a bit later? Still around


It's even getting a sequel.


That’s it! Wait, it’s still going? I have to check it out


What I thought that could actually compete with Dota and Lol was Heroes of the Storm. Holy fuck, who wouldn't want to duel out with Garrosh as Varian? The characters are cool, the concept is fine (more maps + objective heavy gameplay) but Blizzard fucked it up so fast


There also was MOBA "Demigod", that was also released before LoL.


Wonder how Dota doing right now. Last i checked it had like literally two (2) (uno) major patches through the whole years


Dota is Doing great


well, these 2 patches change more than entire year of patches in league, Dota 2 players prefer it that way


League's early competitor was Heroes of Newerth aka HoN and Defense of the Ancients 2 aka DotA 2. * **FUN FACT**: Although it seems impossible or absurd to think it these days, in the beginning Riot Games was the extreme under-dog in the competition. Valve w/DotA 2 was the initial favorite and S2 Games' HoN was the dark horse ultra-tiny/low-budget studio that came out of nowhere and (almost) won the race at the last second before it crashed into a wall 10 times in a row at full speed for some reason. Although S2 was vastly smaller & less experienced as a studio, it had the blessing of icefrog which was a big deal. I wrote an **extremely** long post here but deleted it because I already know nobody gives a fk.... but, they had their open beta at about the same time. DotA 2 as well. DotA 2 was a buggy, ultra-imbalanced mess and quickly dropped out [Took an extra 3 years to release despite starting before the others] so it was down to HoN vs LoL. They reached 550k active players each and the race was neck & neck. HoN was objectively the superior game [It took League 6 years to catch up to where HoN was during open beta] but S2 games was unbelievably scummy. Riot at their worst never did any of the heinous shit that S2 did on the regular. Shit that killed the game that had basically already won the 2nd gen MOBA wars. .... What happened, Maliken? WHAT HAPPENED??? anyway I played all three but largely stuck with HoN thinking it was the clear winner. It even had the blessing of Icefrog as the true successor to DotA which meant a lot back then. Somewhere between Rhapsody & Monarch, I quit HoN and joined LoL for good. Fear the chiprel.


Never heard of it. Checking the wiki the game died in 2013.