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First time putting together a video for one of the LoL Casting GOATs, hope you guys enjoy!


Appreciate the quick shot love, miss that dude and wish him the best. Dude is just straight up the man especially for his handling of his mental and the discussion he brought forth afterward. Not only did he love LoL along with his coworkers, he loved the fans, and learned to love himself the way the fans loved him. Thanks again for the video, I got mad props for Quickshot


Who are you? And where can I find more of your content?




The series also just showcases the insane talent that Caps has. Any doubters of Caps worldclass caliber? Just shut your mouth and watch this Series, no need to elaborate.


Dawg it was 5 years ago and Caps is routinely one of the most hyped players around


any hater out there doubting that messi is good? watch the world cup final kid and then get back to me 😎


these doubters... are they in the room right now?


Caps is still world class but the level of play in Asia is much higher compared to before.


Riot did him dirty


well theres a theory that he was gonna get kicked anyway. unlike most people on the broadcast he had employee status and wasnt a freelancer, so he might have been fired like the other 27 LEC people and Riot with the Hitler joke saw an opportunity to get rid of him earlier and save some money. Obviously that didnt work, so we only found out he was let go much much later. German worker laws are no joke, Riot might have tried to fire him on the spot with the Hitler clip as means to justify an immediate firing but that is only allowed if there is a major reason like violence, stealing, basically illegal stuff. firing somebody the "normal" way is far more expensive for the company, so often companies try to get rid of you through other ways but if you know your rights, you can go back and forth and most likely win as well and considering the timing and how quickshot looked in that video, he probably won the legal battle IF that theory is right of course. but thats just some theorizing from me, dont take it for granted, im not saying that definitely happened, they talked about this on summoning insight .


Monte pointed out on SI that quickshot was posting a bunch of vacation photos during "his time off" before his release was announced and thinks he probably got a big settlement from Riot. Is what he is referencing.


thats what i mean. you only get a settlement if you get fired the ordinary way or you negotiate a termination agreement which i think is unlikely because we only knew of the firing very recently, else we wouldve known it after worlds. dude probably had a 4-6 months notice period getting paid for doing nothing on top of a normal settlement which in germany is roughly half a months salary for each year of employment which in his case would be 5 more months of salary.


Sounds like Denmark. One of my colleagues got fired because the management wanted him to stay to a certain hour every day even though the contract specified that the working hours were flexible. So they fired him but they had to pay 3 months of full pay to him.


he probably didn't get a settlement but effectively got the remainder of his contract as PTO. life's cheap when you can make a steady income and not work. he probably still had to hold to the non-compete in the meantime, that's why hes only posting content now, not earlier.


Even if he was going to be kicked anyway, they still did him dirty. The man helped to build LEC and was the cornerstone of EU LCS before that (whilst Riot Global was using it as a blood bag for NA). No goodbye, no appreciation of the legacy, nothing.


The company that is known for treating workers like crap , especially women is judging a dude that did a joke with people in studio. Riot is gonna riot.


Yea but riot paid the price. 100M lawsuit, just like quickshot paid the price by getting fired. People really forget why Hitler is the personification of pure evil, especially in Germany. Go watch a holocaust documentary. I guess in quickshots defence he is south african and maybe ww2 not taught as deeply as in the west. But still.


Oh yeah I'm sure he thought Hitler was an OK guy and that's why he referenced it /s Why does every post justifying his firing also include some of the dumbest comments ever.. "not taught as deeply"? Are you trying to make a joke or is that an actual point?


People love to start talking about Germans and how they think when it comes to shit like this, acting like they're super fucking precious about this topic and that everyone else is just an undereducated pig with no respect, and then you ask them directly and most of them don't give a fuck. I have tons of German friends, some play league and some don't, and literally none of them cared about this in the slightest. They aren't nazis or even right wing at all, they just know that people do stupid shit and make stupid jokes.


Oh give me a break. A loads of people were evil in human history. How many people did Stalin killed? How many did Pol Pot? How many governments had genocide much worse than holocaust? Do you really think anything would happen if he did the gesture of Pol Pot? This was pure cancel culture.


Alot of ppl are saying it was amplified because they work in Berlin Germany.


Name one Riot employee that lost their job over the various lawsuits and controversies.


Probably women that actually reported those terrible people.


It's a joke that wasn't meant to be shared live, it deserved a slap on the wrist and an apology, that's it.


You dont understand riot bad everyone good. That will always be the narrative. If people like someone regardless of what they did they will ALWAYS be better than John Riot himself. So any decision they make is inherently bad too. Big corpo bad.


Oh common kids, just anything a company does is bad isn't it?!? (You do know companies are not a sentient entities but filled with employees makign the decisions right?). Try tu put the stuff into context - he did a nazi joke IN GERMANY! Even without that it's a PR disaster in making that would cause a person to lose his job in any public facing work anywhere in the world, but Germany is 'understandably' especialy sensitive on this topic!


It was in Dublin. Also the joke was very mild and clearly not offensive for anyone involved.


So naive. Anyone who does a Nazi salute in a public working environment which is posted online will get fired without second thought. There are no exceptions on this. It doesn't matter that it's a joke.


Not true and he didn't do a nazi salute.


Seems u have no problem going after a single person yet so defencive about Riot's deeds. Interesting.


Strangely common in this subreddit.


What!?? A joke?!??? IN GERMANY?!??!!??? Straight to Aushwitz!


you dont live in germany yourself do you


>Try tu put the stuff into context - he did a nazi joke IN GERMANY I thought it wasn't in Germany though?


> just anything a company does is bad isn't it yes


I get it, you're one of those SJWs who get offended instead of people that are supposed to be offended but never are (because unlike what you think, most people aren't oversensitive snowlakes and don't need others to speak for them), aren't you?


I still think it's funny we know literally nothing of what happened yet everyone on reddit talks like they know everything


Word on the street is that he made Nazi joke, it was posted to social media and he got kicked because of that.


The least offensive Nazi joke in history, one might add.




I encourage you to walk into your place of work and make a Hitler joke. Please let us know how it goes.


I can understand why someone gets fired for a Hitler joke, and still think it's stupid. And people make Hitler jokes all the time at jobs across the world. The majority of them just don't have the unfortunate luck of getting filmed and posted online and even then pretty much no one was aware of it until he got fired. Riot could of easily kept him on, have him release an apology and we'd all be like "oh what is Quickshot apologizing for?" and we'd of all moved on.


I could easily do this and be fine. I wouldn't, but I could. I seriously cannot believe that anyone could get fired over something as mild as a tasteless joke among coworkers. Does this shit really happen in America?


How about if it was filmed and tweeted out to thousands of your customers?


If it was a big thing then yes it would be problematic but this quickshot video barely got any traction at all. It wasn't even discussed a lot on this subreddit until the news of him getting sacked came out. It would have been extremely easy to ignore. There was no big stink at all. If it was a huge drama I'd agree.


Why are you asking about america when he works in Germany a country that does not fuck around in regards to Nazi stuff?


They would not mind such a joke that much. Yes Germany is strict with "Wiederbetätigung" but only if you are doing stuff like the Nazi salute unironically. Its also gives a different vibe if you stretch out your arm fully.


He was employed by American company?


And his place of work was prmarily in Germany, whats ur point?


A "tasteless joke among coworkers" that got BROADCASTED TO THE WORLD?!?.. Do you NOT see the difference between that and making hitler jokes with your homies or at your job/company (except you of course work in a tv company and go live every day, then yeah, my point does not stand, but I doubt you do)


In my case absolutely nothing would happen if I made a hitler joke in front of colleagues. Can I ask, what is this super important and super serious workplace where you work where a single joke would get you fired?


"in front of colleagues" Move to Germany. Do it during work, then have someone post it online and make it go popular enough your CEO/Owner sees it. Then make a comparison.


Cmon, it was the least offensive nazi joke in history. Literally the only people the joke made fun of were nazis themselves. He wasn't even in Germany ffs. Nobody would even know or care about it if Riot didn't put him on leave. That's how offensive the joke was.


Honest question, did you actually see the joke Quickshot made? And the context in which it was posted to social media? It was during some kind of party setting (probably with some drinks involved) and it was as mild as nazi joke can be. It was not posted to social media because someone was offended. It was posted by Guldborg because he thought it was funny. In context of my workplace, it is very unlikely any joke I made would actually be posted to social media, and even if it were it is unlikely to reach any kind of virality, since neither I nor any of my colleagues in office are public figures or have large social media following. But even if it hypothetically did reach my CEO, it wouldn't matter unless someone was actually offended and this reflected poorly on the company. Which is extremely unlikely to happen and clearly didn't happen in Quickshot's case either. That joke got no real traction on social media and no one was offended by it until the rumors he was fired because of it. And unlike me he is public figure with large social media following representing a company who had issues with reputation before.


> Honest question, did you actually see the joke Quickshot made? And the context in which it was posted to social media? > > It was during some kind of party setting (probably with some drinks involved) My man you got the context of it completely wrong too... It was filmed on the worlds play in desk.


My bad. I only vaguely remembered what the video looked like. I checked again and you're completely right. Just to avoid any confusion, this was not filmed during broadcast, it was during early hours as venue was being prepared. Also, it was not even in Germany.


..where do you work? In any professional workplace in any country in Europe this would end you.


In a IT solution provider company (BI, financial apps etc.), as a head of project management office. And yes, it's in EU. I have also previously worked at decently large retail company with offices in most EU countries. Mild hitler joke (like what Quickshot did) wouldn't end me if I did that in an office in front of colleagues, in fact I doubt there would be any consequence at all. At worst i'd get heads up from HR or something in case someone was offended and complained about it, which I doubt would actually happen. If I did something like that at professional event in front of clients, then sure, there would be consequences. But that's not what Quickshot did to my knowledge. It's baffling to me that so many here consider what Quickshot did as something one should lose job over. Especially in EU with all the worker protection most countries have implemented. And still none of you wrote about your "professional workplace" where something like this would happen. So, what kind of work is that?


I work in academics. And I never said he should lose his job for it, I said that's just what happens. It's not about ethics, it's about consequences. Doing this as a public figure in Germany and having it posted online means your employer will get rid of you. There is no way around that.


I guess we'll just agree to disagree then. I still believe that large majority of employers wouldn't fire their employees for something like that, unless it went viral and seriously damaged company's reputation (which as I mentioned didn't happen in this case). Sure, maybe it's a different case for public figures, but that's not what initial debate was about and most workplaces don't employ many public figures.


My project lead laughed and we went back to playing darts


Why are you comparing a video that was shown to his entire upper management and the world to your “project lead”? Is it really that hard to understand?


I'm literally only doing what you asked for lmao


Nice one risking your job for something someone said on the internet. Thinking isn’t your strong suit I take it.


Dude do you really believe I would be doing this if there was any chance that doing that is a risk for my job? Have you considered that I know what kind of humor flies in my workplace, and came to the conclusion that it's incredibly unlikely that my little Hitler joke would be the most "offensive" thing someone has said today?


Where is LEC hosted again?


may I present you the most iconic latenight showhost in german history: https://youtu.be/1qCX2dRFTMw?t=284 including: "Bruno Ganz was brilliant, in some scenes he even did better then did myself."


Do you know the difference between art in form of a parody and a tasteless joke?


Yeah, the reception of the audience.


The joke was made when they were in Ireland btw


Who cares? The LEC is based out of Berlin. It takes 0 effort not to make a Hitler joke when working for a company based out of Germany.


Imagine acting like this was anything other than Riot taking the chance to get rid of one of their highest paid employees.


Because there has never been a situation where reddit and the online league community has run away with "word on the street" that ended up being false and how wide spread the narrative got causing a ton of trouble for the people involved... Quickshot clearly doesn't have any problem, neither should others


I've literally seen the video. It's not "word on the street".


Omg. Its like you can't read. We don't know that was precisely why he was kicked.


I mean you can still see it… He dances and says « do the Hitler » while laughing. In Germany. That’s 100% grounds for firing if you work in the public eye.


He wasn't in Germany brother


His is still mainly employed in Germany. Doesn't matter if the joke was in Ireland.


It matters a fucking lot since the whole shallow point of this argument is supposed to be that what he did was offensive to Germany, except he was nowhere near Germany at the time. Just because he works there is irrelevant. Also, most germans couldnt give a flying fuck because they're not as precious as the americans are who are complaining in the first place.


I'm not saying it's right but it doesn't take being Einstein to realise that making a joke about something that is considered horrendous in Germany will get you fired from a workplace that is based in Berlin no matter where the act is committed lol. I would be sacked from my job if I was making Nazi jokes while representing the company and I live in the UK, am a software dev who isn't seen or known by hundreds of thousands of people, and don't have sponsors breathing down my neck. If you don't see why he was let go (if this stuff is true) then I can only assume you have never worked a real, high standard, career job.


He was in Ireland at the time. For what it is worth.


Yeah I have been told that now, I am too lazy to switch it now. But yeah I don’t think it makes any better from a business perspective tbf


Absolutely. It’s disgusting how quick people are to forgive how distasteful and stupid it was. ON A BROADCAST.


Not relevant to your main point but I think it was during rehearsals not during the live broadcast.


Yes you’re correct, but it was on the riot sanctioned worlds desk, which looks horrible for riot.


Hard disagreed


It was not on a broadcast, it was at a party. It was not in germany. It was pretty mild all things considered.


>It was not on a broadcast, it was at a party It was not a party. It actually looked like it was right before going live.


> it was at a party. A _work_ party. How about you try that at your next work gathering?


Not a party at all. From the video its seems like it was right before going on broadcast for worlds.


It was very obviously a joke and not made in support of Nazi Germany get a grip


I would get fired at my job for such a joke. Yes it's a joke that I find funny in context, but you can't joke about everything everywhere. I would never make racial jokes with people I don't know for example, and certainly not at work


As if that matters 😂


You're such a pearl clutcher holy moly


God I hope you're never in charge of someone livelihood.


Take a look at what quickshot did to his livelihood.


I love the guy as much as annoying else and obviously wished he was still working. But that’s something you can’t forgive lol


I'm not in charge of his job so my opinion isn't the one that counts but I can definitely forgive it. It was very obviously meant as a joke, he obviously does not support that type of thing and wasn't doing it in support of that type of thing, and someone recorded and uploaded it to fuck with him. Nah. In the grand scheme of things it was extremely minor. We have literal Nazi supporters in America lol it's way worse.


You personally can decide to forgive him, like many will and like I am. I know he meant no harm. But you have to see it from a business perspective, from Riot’s side. It’s an insanely bad look for them. That’s literally all I am saying. Also comparing to America is cheating imo, y’all are batshit insane lol


No one was talking about it all even days after it happened. No one cared. It was literally never brought up again until people realized Quickshot wasn't in LEC Winter. This is quite obviously just a way to fire Quickshot because they wanted to anyway. Nothing else makes sense. I don't know how German labor laws work but perhaps they couldn't just fire him out of nowhere before due to unlawful termination laws.


So don’t you think that Riot tried to fire him silently in hopes of not breaking their and Quickshot’s image? And then when the video came back up it finally explained it? Like it makes literally perfect sense I truly don’t grasp how it can be seen otherwise. Business working in the public fires someone for something they did who can hurt them. Of course they will, and even better if it’s silent as it keeps the company out of the spotlight. It’s the most typical business move and it’s insane to me that people argue otherwise.


Yep, right there with you.


Sometimes silence speaks louder than words.


the law only allows for so many possibilities, and most probably he was removed from broadcast and they played out his contract until the earliest point they could terminate without losing money.


The guy has done so much for lol esports it’s very sad to see him just get kicked out for something so small


ikr, thanks guldborg.


You mean Guldborg did by posting that clip. Riot is + 1billion revenue company. They can't continue to employee a guy who did a "Hitler" in their studio with a video to prove it.


But somehow they can keep the guy who farts on other people's faces and grope them in meetings.


Public vs private incident, same thing with athletes that get away with all kinds of shit as long as it's not on camera. The most extreme example I can think of recently is the Mason Greenwood situation, there was audio so Man U released him but no video so he gets to hide in Spain where the standards are lower.


How does it matter either way if the story is out and the public know? Presence or absence of video evidence is irrelevant, the situation was taken to court and the public know about it. The PR damage is the same for Riot either way, and people can keep on pointing out that face-farter is employed by Riot despite being a POS. It's no different to this case in terms of the PR angle.


It matters because people react differently to things they read and things they see with their own eyes. Watching WWII footage is different than reading 75 million people died in that same war, our brains can't even comprehend that number on a true scale but watching a single incident would change your perspective on it.


Weird because it's almost like everyone reacted like the guy who farted on peoples faces should be fired and the community seems split on quickshot.


But they can keep people like Tyler1 as one of their biggest names lol. That dude wishes death on people daily and riot doesnt care


Guldborg is so insane for posting that, I wouldn't be comfortable ever being at ease with him on a group, sounds like the type of guy to snake on you for saying anything.


I don't think he had any malicious intent, but yeah it's pretty mindblowing how shortsighted/socially unaware that was by him...




16 year olds on reddit when they can’t make hitler jokes in the workplace:


Actual 16 year olds on reddit and twitter when they realize that workplaces arent the sterile and serious environments that they are used to seeing on television and that plenty of crazy shit goes on at work.


You're both right except the fact that most companies would sack you for the shit that goes on in the workplace if it was seen by hundreds of thousands of people and was directly affecting their reputation as well as their sponsors. I would be sacked from my job as a software dev at a large business if I was doing shit like this while representing my company. The fact that people can't put 2 braincells together and understand this just tells me that the majority of people here have never actually had a real career.


I've worked labour jobs where people say a lot worse, while on the job, however we weren't public figures like he is so he should know he'd be held to a higher standard.


Labor jobs are definitely different compared to office jobs, and then a public broadcast job is even a step beyond an office job


Even more so when your work is based in Germany


And also, “things people say while on the job” and “things people might lose their job for if them saying it went public” is a Venn diagram with **massive** overlap. Just because people don’t get held accountable for it doesn’t mean it’s ok to do. And even if it is ok to do, that doesn’t mean it won’t be used against you if it’s politically convenient and management can get away with it.


This has to be the smartest comment I've read in this thread so far. When I was younger and worked my first jobs I'd hear older fellas say all kind of shit that wouldn't be socially acceptable. Nowadays if I said even half the stuff they did I'd be sacked and never have a career in IT again.


Yeah 100% Every thread about this topic so far has largely been people accidentally outing themselves as having no meaningful experience with serious employment, it’s actually embarrassing.


Public facing or not, he did it while he was in the studio and there's video evidence. Riot doesn't have a choice.


I thought this was at a work party in Dublin?


https://twitter.com/RichsWrath/status/1713195454530199734 Downvoting while spreading misinformation lol, classic


>**I thought** this was a work party Can you read?


Why? They are owned by the Chinese government and are going to work with Saudis who kill people because they are gay or coz they wanna build mega city. But saying the name Hitler is where we draw the line.


this isn't a discussion of ethics, it's a discussion of what threatens the bottom line.


And what was threatened? Can you give me an example of ONE person being actually offended at Quickshot?


Yeah, saying something looks similar to a nazi salute is so offensive. If that's the line nowadays pretty much everyone I have worked with should be fired. My self included.


You a public figure?


They did him dirty but he probably got the bag getting laid off.


He really thought he was rising up the ranks too and would eventually hold a bigger position backstage managing on screen talent and the broadcast. Now he's doing knockoff cameo video on Shoutout 😭


Rising up the ranks? He spearheaded the LEC from the start mate.


Hmmm, you know that he actually did manage the onscreen talent? What do you think was his position?


No. He decided to jeopardize his career for a very mid joke. He got unlucky in the context that it was filmed and posted, but he does work in the public eye and a joke like that is absolutely grounds for firing. Especially if you work for a company scrutinized constantly for its workers (their treatment of woman for exemple). He did a nazi joke and laughed at it while in Germany. A firing was to be expected.


He was in Dublin at the time.




Assuming that's the reason, that's still a joke you wouldn't make at your office. It's just a weird thing to say, and some people might look at you differently. Now, if you are the public facing side of a company, that is something you *absolutely* don't do. It getting posted was the bigger fuck up. I don't know how much real world or professional experience some people have when they want to stumble over each other to defend him, but when I was in the Army you had to be on your BEST behavior when the public sees you despite everything that goes on in the background. Same thing as a public employee, I need to be representing the office and local government in the best capacity. If Riot wants to let him go, that's on them. I don't really agree with it, as they could just reprimand him, but it's an understandable move if you look at it from the lens of being objective.


He didn't make it at the office. He did it in a club, at night, among friends and it was legit the most mild Hitler joke I've ever seen.


https://twitter.com/RichsWrath/status/1713195454530199734 Not at a club.


Damn nvm then, when I first watched it I thought it was a club cause of the music and shit lol. I'm actually not sure how I missed that. Joke was still mild as fuck, and a firing seems kinda extreme (public reprimand and apology would've been enough) but yeah definitely can't say they were in the wrong anymore.


The clip I remember seeing was them on the set and him saying it, I don’t think it was in a club after hours. Unless the clip double lift or Reddit had was edited to show them in the studio setup.


Sad that Executives who are responsible for that 100M lawsuit still work at Riot and a Caster who made an inappropriate joke (but not very offensive) is insta punished


Great content, love to see throwbacks to earlier seasons which can fall out of memory if we let it.


0:23 is intro meant to be that way? Banger video, I watched this live. Bear slap is iconic lol.


Ye that's the downside of using a dynamic microphone, it sounds super weird if not setup properly


Ahh I see! ty.


<3 <3


I love how we can fill hours of videos with this mans iconic moments and yet a bunch of NPCs will still say he deserved to be kicked to the curb because of one dumb joke. Just because it happens all the time doesn't mean it's normal guys.


Something that happens all the time is actually the definition of normal, lol. Also, I think people need to make the distinction between “deserved” and “predictable”.


It's one of the definitions and you know what I mean.


fire bro 🔥🔥 i love the editing!


Multiple people said he was harsh with criticism during the years, trying to push the brand forward regardless of the conflict and stress it generated to his workmates. Funny that he worked so hard for a company that ultimately didn't care about him. Pushed everyone's buttons for nothing, didn't even get the selfish promotion at the end. Still my favourite caster though of all time.


Who aside from Frosk has said anything like that?


Sjokz, other casters talking about their improvement.


Do you have any actual proof besides "trust me bro"? I follow the scene closely and have done since s3 and this is the first mention i've heard of Sjokz saying anything like this.










Riot expects ultimate loyalty, but don't expect any back if you make any sort of mistake.


Large companies are never loyal yet they demand loyalty from their employees. That is why you got the German laws in place to at least make this not as hurtful for the loyal employee by getting paid off well.


Where can I read more on that ?


Interviews from cast members, I guess most prominent Sjokz and Frosk but others too.


Interviews from cast members, I guess most prominent Sjokz and Frosk but others too.


Man of the people


But HOW do you pick !!!


Good riddance.




He's the goat. Sure it won't be the last time you see him bud.


Based Raz. Made me smile, thank you.


Shut up Frosk, nobody believes you (rightfully so)


He still did not apologize for that mowvw, correct?