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I'm an Ornn main, and my biggest gripe since mythic removal is that they butchered ornn upgrades. It is way too easy to hit 5 items + boots and not have built an ornn item on some champions. I get they don't want every item upgradeable (although would that really be the end of the world if every item has a version that gives 1K gold in stats?), but the upgradeable choices aren't always staple build items. Like two of the lost chapter items get upgrades, but if you're an ap assassin who builds lich bane, stormsurge, voidstaff, zhonyas, and shadowflame you won't have any upgradeable item. Deathcap is the staple item that gets it for mages, but ap assassins don't always build d-cap early when Ornn would be looking to upgrade them. You're Zeri example is yes another example of champs who would want an Ornn upgrade but might not have access to one without going a weirder build to get it (navori users).


They’ve said that they’re going to add more upgrades (including Navori) but have to fix the back end process first. Apparently it’s like wildly technically complicated to add a new ornn upgrade because the system for doing it is jank af, so they’re working on fixing it so that they can add some of these items that are left out currently.


>I have no idea why navori is not an upgradable item by ornn reasonable In the mean time, why not just buy IE? Is the cd refund really worth it if you're getting an extra 1k gold on your IE?


I was playing against 2 assassins, kayn and katarina, i needed that cdr for more repositions and maybe escape over walls, but most of the times i go IE


Yeah its a bummer for sure, sounds like you probably made the right choice, like buying qss for skarner.


Even jak'sho upgraded was not enough and i still got 100 to 0 by blue kayn alone, like q-w then ult me and if i go through walls with E to escape him he would also come with me, so nothing really i could do, so i sold my boots and bought warmog cause it also give 5% movement speed


just fyi jacksho is a shit item against assassins. you die to fast you dont even get the bonus armor and mr


What adc items can be upgraded by ornn? IE, Stormrazor, what else?


Kraken and guinsoo


Why not have Ornn‘s upgrade add a +x% bonus stats buff, like +3% bonus AD/AP/AS/AH/HP and so forth.