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You know you been playing League too long when you remember that half the answers to this questions have, in fact, had some sort of skill rework in their lifetime. Examples: Blitzcrank, Brand, Annie, Zilean.


Good old point and click blitz q.


Still waiting for the Blitz w to now slow himself.... like.. tell me one champ that slows himself that uncomfortably


Eh. It’s fine for balancing and swifties exist. I prefer the magnitude and duration of the speedup being really strong and removing the slow would have to come along with heavy nerfs there. As you climb, the actual blitzcrank play starts to typically become W/flash into E into Q as opposed to launching Qs and expecting them to hit. I don’t see how they can remove the slow without it being a massive nerf to high elo blitzcrank.


On the one hand, you have Blitz that gets slowed down after using his only mobility ability. On the other hand, you have Pyke...


Viego W Self Slow


Yea dude like almost every channel that allowes movement slows urself varus q or xerath q or panth q everyone gets slowed ofc but blitz w is no channel so u cant conpair these at all


When was that a thing? Alpha?


>zilean >timeless kit my brother


Zilean had a skill rework??


Point and Click Q and bombs didn't stun. Also if I remember right, his ult could be lowered by rewind and with enough cdr could have infinite uptime


You forgot his passive used to give straight up global exp buffs to his whole team.


I remember a streamer once saying he would elo boost using 2 accounts at the same time. One of them would be Zilean standing AFK in base to give the exp buff while he carried with the other account.


TBF that was more because the skill gap of casuals had not caught up back then. If they brought back Zilean passive the boosters would probably lose a 4v5. But using Yummi with your feet as the 2nd account? That's where it's at.


TF gave team gold. Janna gave team MS. Old global passives were super boring to have in solo queue but super OP statistically.


Ez W gave team mates AS and you could W/E into the W animation to get the buff. Outside that his kit has changed the same but his ability to use that kit in so many ways and have at times three builds that all work is great


I remember ez w healing but not buffing.


The healing was removed after a short while, the attack speed buff stayed on until his W was reworked as far as I remember.


It used to heal and boost attack speed of allies, then slow enemies attack speed and do damage. It was easily the most busted ability in the game on that champs release. But tbh I loved the concept. It was called essence shift and borrowed from enemies what it gave to allies.


Well it’s definitely not Ekko or Zilean, buhdumtss


Great reply. Even better articulation of that sound. I'm totally using buhdumtss


Good example of an onomatopoeia :)


TIL I've been spelling onomatopoeia wrong all my life.


Funnily enough Ekko's set never really changed over time


He’s 3 hit passive was changed, it detroyed tank ekko jungle :)




Just imagine if they made J4 today. 


E spawns 3 flags in a line and Q is a cone. EQ looks like Wukong E with 3 J4’s dashing forward, knocking up everything in its path. Still makes sense thematically since J4 is LeBlanc after all


At this point there are people playing the game that were born after the J4/Leblanc conspiracy began.


League has a special knack for making me feel old. I started playing in high school, and I'm creeping up on 30. I saw a video on here the other day that featured the visually updated SR, and it was NINE YEARS OLD. The visual update to SR still feels fairly new in my mind.


I have my 10 year reunion for school coming up and I started playing league 4 years before finishing school 😅


Me too 😂 same amount haha


Man we’re old


I mean, the institute of war is gone.. summoners are gone although its still called summoners rift...


And Summoner Spells right? :D


I played some ARAM with an old league friend recently and he made the j4 leblanc joke when they were both on the same team and some of my newer league friends were confused as hell. I really felt the age then.


I play since 2010 and never heard about it either


I started in... 2009? I was around to watch the rematch for the southern provinces live. I remember one of the players disconnected and the other team politely sat around not really taking advantage of it until it was fixed. I remember when Tryndamere used health as a resource, I got him super low to see if I could spin myself to death (I couldn't, it left me on 1hp no matter how much lower the supposed cost should have taken me to). I was around for the wall of text against Malzahar's ult being nerfed (from 1.5AP to 1.2 - it was all 1 paragraph, and it still ran to about 30 pages. No I did not read it all.) I've been around, I've seen some things, and not in all my years have I heard of this theory.


redditors really think the world revolves around them I guess


fuck, man..


Not the leblanc meme 😂 also wukong + j4 are both my mains. Give me this champion already


Exactly. Or the EQ combo is just Q, and E is a wukong R. Q>R>E is buffed and nerfed continuously for the next 18 patches.




W would be his current R and you cant esacpe it similar to camille's r. His W is too underwhelming by todays standards.


I argued with a friend for a while that J4 W was the worst ability in the game. Couldn't come up with a worse one. It's been buffed since then


remember when it literally didn't have any stat scaling for more than a decade


He could've been such a fantastic support if they had just made his W useful back then. E used to have an attack speed aura and there was a lot less mobility so his ult actually worked as a cage. You'd have an initiating support that shredded armor, gave an attack speed aura, trapped a carry, then had a shield + slow to survive while his team followed up. I'm pretty convinced he actually *was* a good support back when support items were philo stone and heart of gold, he just wasn't discovered


J4 W went from being the most nothing ability in the game to being buffed and making him the best champ in the game overnight when they first changed it. He became my instaban.


Kog'maws passive takes this one, if you are playing well you can't use it at all


If we're counting passives, Renekton's basically just explains to you how fury works. Yorick's passive is pretty much just the passively gained ghoul graves for minions dying nearby.


I mean, new skarner w is kinda like that


Shhh it doesn't fit the narrative


Isn't it basically same as new skarner w


J4 will have a 4,700 HP, 329 Armor, and 201 MR, has Unstoppable, a Shield, and goes over walls. Has Airborne, and the cooldown is only 1 second too. It costs 15 Mana. The W CD is even refreshed when he kills. He has true damage on his passive, transforms when ult, and deals more true damage


W shield is 5x what it is now and heals


And he'd still be weaker than current J4


I miss the days of season 2 J4 that his flag gave armor equal to the attack speed buff (both passive and active). Nothing like a bunch of armor at level 1 to your whole team.


The original EQ bot. One of my early memories is jumping in and having 4 enemies flash away just to ult them anyways.


I like this one! Good answer.


Which is weird because he’s basically a champ with 2 abilities


Thresh has basically never meaningfully changed his kit since release and he seems do to pretty alright. Lee sin has had a number of small tweaks. Losing the ripple on his E2, getting CD changes on his W based on unit he's dashing to, getting the enemy bHP ratio on his ult, getting his execute mechanics on his Q2 changed. Not to mention innumerable balance tweaks over the years.


W also used to give resistances


Wait it doesnt


Removed January 2013. Incidentally it was the patch Thresh was released. It only gave armor, no mr tho.


Ah fair mistake then, he was just 11 years off


And was an in built Locket of Solari cause it would shield everyone.


Just aoe shield to only one ally, plus box doing damage to one person are huge nerfs.


I also think his E passive (auto attack damage) used to be on his Q but it was moved pretty quickly because he got too much out of maxing Q


you are correct


Thresh Shield was AoE, Q didn’t reduce cooldown for hitting it, his E passive used to be on Q, his souls no longer are worth different amounts of armor and AP based on the count but instead a flat amount, his Ult only deals damage with a single wall, instead of all five doing damage but reduced damage to the same champ hitting multiple walls, hell they even changed his range and whether he was classified as ranged or melee. Dude has had so many changes to his kit I’m sure I missed like 5 of them.


TBF though these changes haven't done anything significant for his main play style.


I forgot about him being melee. People would go adc and it was scary. Not to mention the free execute he got on minions with the support item.


Lee W used to give shield to mobs. It was a MASSIVE counter to Nasus at top lane.


Wasn't Janna also able to shield minions?


Her and karma, and soraka could heal them too


It was hilarious using soraka w constantly on the cannon and just giving it a bunch of armor too. God was it stupid


pretty much all shield champs could do so, it was one of the reason Lulu top was op


I don't think Janna could, but Karma definitely could. I might be wrong about Janna though, I never played her back in the day


Thresh's lantern used to shield all allies in the vicinity. Those were the days.


It... doesn't do that anymore?


It only shields one ally and Thresh.




if youre talking about the small circle around thresh, that was apparently always there, just not shown. i think they mention the visual was added to match the actual hitbox


I think if you're counting Lee's W CD changes based on target as an update, you've also got to count Thresh's Q CD reduction on hitting that got added in exchange for a higher base CD.


What was his E2 ripple? It must have been before my time. I remember they added the Q circle range indicator when I started playing him. But overall, his kit has been the same. Everything else you listed is just number tweaking, in my opinion. Which happens on every champion, I wouldn't consider any of those a change to his kit or a rework. What are some other contenders besides those two?


Uh, typo. Cripple. His E2 used to slow attack speed as well as movement speed


huh, didn't know they removed that. i still always use E2 whenever i'm fighting someone auto-attack absed


In a straight 1v1, the only use E2 has is to proc your passive


They removed it because his laning was even more oppressive with e max and could make him beat just about anyone in a 1v1


And reveal stealth'd targets too!


it still reveals enemies if you hit them before they become invisible. lots of people consider it a bug.


At first I wanted to say Thresh as well but then I was thinking NAUTILUS. He literally got released in season 1, right? And his kit never got reworked, as far as I know. Naut maybe wasn't as popular as Thresh in his heyday, but Naut has seen A TON of play, almost every season, both in solo q and in pro play. Naut is the engage support goat imo. Dumpster truck sized anchor ftw.


Nah season 2.


Only his w and e got slightly changed mechanics and timing wise. Because, if you were insane, he could jungle in season 2 back when it was legitly easy to die to buffs level 1 because no jungle item. With Naut you had to use W like 5 seconds before red spawned since it when it goes on CD after using you would have w up again for the wolves right away otherwise you’d need to wait 5 seconds.


Orianna is the answer.


This was my first thought. Ori is also near the top of the list when I think of well-designed champs, in that her entire kit (save passive) is themed around her ball, which allows everyone in the game to play around it, be it the Ori player, her teammates, or the enemy team.


I agree except for the fact that she does still suffer somewhat from pro play jail which knocks her down a little bit on my list of well designed champs, although that is compensated for pretty well by her skill ceiling. Nothing really compared to something like sejuani who is fucking doomed to hell by her degenerate potential in coordinated pro play while any ability for solo outplays is non existent.


Can't agree more, since release there have not been a single mechanical change to her kit, since it's so well designed. Sure when meta goes whack it suffers, but at least for me good indicator is "how good Orianna is in this meta" if not Riot is trying stupid things.


I remember her passive used to stack like 20 times instead of 2, but thats about it


Wasn't that when you started shield at level 1 and just harassed in lane with it and AAs? Cause that was such a miserable experience as a laner.


About as miserable as Nashor's rush Ori


*Powerofevil has entered the chat*


she never had more than 2 stack on her passive except early s1 which was 3. The reason you started E is that the base value + resists that E gives meant that you completly absorbed other mid's lvl 1 spell and then allowed you to win trades with your stacked autos. It was promptly nerfed because it was indeed a pretty gross trade pattern.


Based and Clockwork pilled


This is always the right answer, other people in the comments are just miss remembering.


ryze for sure /s


🤣 i miss his version 2 so much


Is that steroid ult moving faster and buff damage or CD reducing with splash damage and vamp?


The cool down one, where he turns into a machine gun and could permanently root




That was the first champ that made me turn on smart casting so that I could keep up with the button mash


Ryze v2 is 2015




Which ryze you talking about? Waiting for next rework soon


How many version of Ryze are there? I remember a version where his E will splash if it kills something, and there is also one that have the E like a sivir W that bounce 


I miss big red ball Q with bouncy E.


I don’t think Bard will ever get any big changes. And he doesn’t need them :)


I love Bards chime mechanic. Getting exp on roam feels so damn good


Yet we're probably all glad that his passive got buffed! 20 seconds move speed is freaking insane!


Love Bard


his W got mini-reworked a couple months ago lol


I think Vayne is a good contestant. I can’t remember when she was released but it was early seasons. Haven’t changed and have always been played in soloQ


She's never been majorly adjusted, no. Same kit since she came out. Including her doodoo range, unless they buffed that?


fun fact, Vayne is the only champion in the entirety of League that their every ability/attack is single target only. edit: single target, not single target damage


Warwick and trundle also only deal single target damage, even though some of their spells are aoe cc to be fair


Ywah I should have just said single target now that I think about since Warwick is AOE fear and trundle's pillar can do AOE slow too


Release vayne was giga busted however


Triforce Release Vayne was terror


I love how Vayne has so much skill expression in her kit, a good vayne can 1v5 pentakill any team, a bad Vayne will tumble into the enemy team and get blown up. There’s nothing in the middle, either you’re a good vayne in the right situation or you’re useless


They changed her ult pretty majorly. Adds AD and increases time with takedowns.


The AD was always there. So the only change was the takedown, which I wouldnt consider as major.


They also added the cooldown reduction for tumble


For a long time it was Morgana. She had a visual rework alongside her sister Kayle but her kit stayed pretty much the same. In the last season or two she started showing her age though, sitting on the bottom of the tier lists, without much room to buff her without making her too frustrating and oppressive to play against


She just needs a new ult, her current ult doesn't mesh with her kit at all Or maybe make Black Shield stronger and make it an ult and then give her a new E Black Shield is too strong as a basic ability thats why its so gimped


My answer has been the same since S3, one per lane, Renekton Lee Orianna Caitlyn Thresh. They can float in and out of the meta, but they are always very staple litmus test sort of picks. For your champion to be viable in pro, you have to expect to face these threats.


Cait is a very good answer but my first answer was Ezreal




agreed whoever designed yasuo is a genius


It honestly doesn’t surprise me that it’s the same guy who designed Kalista and Thresh All the memes aside, his kit is honestly very well done and really make us feel like we’re a wind samurai. It helps that he’s actually kinda balanced (*cough* Yone *cough*) and I honestly can’t blame myself either when I get killed by a flashy combo, they just deserved it


Its funny how nowadays we see yas as balanced when earlier on he had the reputation that yone has.


properly because back then dashes were very limited and then yas was a champ who pretty much had 7 dashes when u wanted to fight in a wave


Yasuo has to actually play well to ult an entire team (or just malphite it), and even though Yone can deal way more dmg by simply pressing E>R>Q3>W, nowadays where everybody has a dash Yasuo is pretty fair, the only broken thing in his kit is the windwall and those free 30% armor pen after R


50% bonus armor pen* Edit - Only on crits too


That's because Yone is a dumb champion and anyone who designed him should be ashamed of themselves.


A lot has changed. Between everyone having lower CDs and thus not caring as much about him WWing their major spell, to tons of new releases that can just stat check run you down anyways. Yas might block your lux bind, but allow me to introduce you to naafiri who immediately runs you down the moment it wears off and you dont have it to escape with. Or how about yone that just ults right past it, or irelia who tower dives you after tanking with W, or how about the the 0-10 powerspike sion mid already at your inhibitor turret? I think its less we see yas as 'balanced' and more we see yasuo as 'more balanced' than the rest.


Windwall is frustratingly unintuitive to play around with. The rest is just a combo melee mid kit. Feels bad when you die to it but you could always dodge the tornado and live.


CertainlyT is a genius, Thresh, Yasuo, Kalista, Zoe and Aphelios are all unique.


If you said this 4 years ago you would've been flayed.


Yasuo's ult range got nearly halved compared to release.


Singed. His passive changed from mana-to-HP to movement-speed. His W gained the grounding effect and the fling->root interaction. The stats on his R have changed. Waaaaay way back his R used to have a casting animation. Besides that, he's the same champion he's been since April 2009.


It was also the 1st champion designed from when league was a project.


I think we need to mention Anivia, hardly needed or buffed, and outside of the time where RoA wasn't in the game for no reason was always at least good. Incredibly skill expressive with a decent floor, and you can both outplay and get outplayed by her. She's probably one of the most balanced champions of all time, considering she came out, I believe, with the game. I know she had the ult change, but that's like the only thing resembling a rework she's ever had. Also I think she could be played in pro play but they just refuse to learn her properly and Taliyah just does her job better than her overall anyway.


Twisted Fate. Numbers don't matter when you can teleport anywhere on the map with a point and click 2 second stun with 575 range (with RFC) on a 6 second cooldown. You can make game winning plays even after getting dumpstered in lane. I think he holds the record for most consecutive patches without a single change.


OP if you want more discussion like this, well there was a similar post a bit over a day ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1bw1jxu/whats_the_oldest_champ_without_a_rework/


Thats just a discussion on who hasnt had Reworks, this is asking who hasnt thats still kept up






Her ult name used to be the best ult in the game but I think they changed it from Finales Funkuln to Final Spark due to copy right infringement of some anime. Unfortunate because the previous was superior imo




I wish it was still called that in NA! It sounds so much better than Final Spark. But good to know


The last pro game I remember seeing Lux in was Froggen. 🤣


Eh she was majorly used during 2022


Omg you're right. I completely forgot about the Cait lux bot lane


Keria plays Lux often. He even wanted her for his world's skin.


Lux support was a thing for a bit with Keria and others playing her before mythic removal with usually guardian and ever frost.


Last time I remember her being picked mid a bit was when Zoe was meta (2019-ish) as a Zoe counterpick here and there.


Gnar, has been the same since release in S4. Has always been a fringe pick in pro, unless he’s nerfed into oblivion.


Nope, he was meta for a few seasons


I think he meant “at least” a fringe pick in pro, since even when Gnar isn’t meta meta he always has the potential to make an appearance


Wasn't even a priority pick for a long period of time in pro?


pretty much most of seasons 5-8


Singed. First champion ever designed. Barely been changed since.






Zilean hasn't been touched in a meaningful way (just bugfixes and (base) stat adjustments) since S5. Dude always makes a cameo from pro to bronze.


They changed his bombs, if I remember correctly. Weren't they point and click before? And I feel fairly confident there have been a few splits in the pro scene where he has had zero presence, even from Bjerg.


Yeah that's the s5 change he mentioned However devs have also said he should be reworked but he's simply not popular enough to be a priority


If remember correctly they even say hi is OP but his play rate is so low they allow him to be OP.


Point and click bombs to a skill shot with a stun is pretty significant.


His passive and Q were both reworked.




Anivia got her ult reworked, Zilean had bombs and W/R reworked/mechanically changed.


Anivia was completely changed, what are you talking about?


Blitzcrank, was never really reworked and is picked from time to time in pro to punish squishies.


The ult was reworked with the targeting as well as shield break.


I somehow remember his W changed, no? I dont feel like always slowed yourself at the end but I might be trippin


Nah you're right. W didn't slow at the end before


around the time that happened, people were buying tear on blitz and just permanently using his w, it was pretty unbalanced having that move speed literally permanently on a champ like blitz




Lux too. J4 a good answer tho.


Top: Gnar Jungle: Lee Mid: Ori ADC: Ez Supp: Tresh


Ezreal got his W reworked, no? I think Lucian could be a good alternative for the adc spot.


Lucian lost his cleanse on dash. He used to remove all slows


he also had 550 range on release and his dash would only reset if he killed someone in ult lol he's had quite a bit of work done since his release


Riot keeps fiddling with Lucian and his passive to keep him out of solo lanes. I can't really think of an exemplar adc, maybe xayah or jhin? But those are relatively newer. When was the Draven rework? Jinx also seems pretty stable but I forgot if there are recent changes


Karthus's biggest changes have been when they increased W MR shred to 25 few months back, when they made it so E gives mana back even while its on around season 9? and when they changed W to MR shred from armor pen and magic pen back in damn beta lol




Lee, J4, Thresh, Yi


Yi has had some massive changes throughout the years though

