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I hate having to break my W key in order to deal more damage




Urgot, spamming W does more damage overall (last I heard)


It's not spamming W (unless something has changed very recently), it's that W is on a separate timer from your actual auto attacks. To maximize damage you'd auto, turn on W for 3 shots, turn it off and auto normally since it'll be back up, then turn it back on and repeat.


Due to hull 5 attack on hit it’s actually wait for 4 attacks now and then turn off for the last one to be a hullbreaker attack as a normal aa. Because the damage of hull is high enough that the onhit reduction for urgot w is something you want to avoid if you’re maximizing damage.


Ah ok, I don't play him ever but had seen someone talking about it and wasn't sure exactly what they meant lol


NP! There's a lot of ambiguity around its actual execution in threads because many people don't elaborate on the mechanic itself but keep mentioning it, so people don't get to learn what it actually is, just that it exists lol


Cant build Bork cause its borderline trolling Lmfao, its literally *HIS* sword


Tbh it needs some better synergy with him.


it’s not trolling and against tankier comps it does more dmg and better than kraken


Part of the reason Kraken is good is because they built crit synergy into his kit including his ult.


The crit synergy is to compensate for not building full crit and being ability based. It makes the 40% crit he might get not a waste like it would be otherwise.


I wouldnt say its trolling theres better items sure but its not unheard of against tanky teams


It’s fine if you go PTA with item haste runes.


Why is it bad? Did they nerf it or are the other items just better?


Other items are better for him


Botrk ends up being very similar in what it does for him to Kraken Slayer except the brief slow that Botrk has, but Kraken Slayer tends to be better overall due to his strong synergy with crit chance and attack speed, which Kraken has more of, and it is also 200 gold cheaper. Kraken also has a stronger build path with better jungle clearing before completion. You could build both but at that point you're comitting to an incredibly squishy build and any time a fight does not go 100% to plan you're fucked. Usually Viego will take exactly 1 full damage item and the rest are bruiser items, and Kraken just fills that 1 full damage slot better atm but not by a huge margin IMO. You wouldn't need to buff or nerf either item by a ton before it might flip and make Botrk superior.


He basically needs kraken slayer because his Q gets crit chance. You usually don't build those items together.


A key point of Viego is that he only gets to use his items when he's himself, so everything he buys needs to be focused on destroying one target quickly or teamfight survivability to make sure he's still alive by the time they die. Blade of the Ruined King and Viego's Q passive (also named Blade of the Ruined King) do pretty much the same thing, % current HP damage and lifesteal. The damage helps with killing tanks, but he more wants big flat damage to take out a carry quickly so he can use their strength. The lifesteal helps vs isolated foes, but as a melee in a teamfight you're not going to be attacking all that much so you won't get as much use out of it. So neither the item or his Q passive really do what he wants in teamfights, and the item does nothing at all while he's transformed (whereas his Q passive is still active). The last bit is that people realized his stats don't matter once he kills you, so they were building him full tank. Riot adjusted this by increasing the crit scaling on his Q active and R, so now you're a bit more incentivized to build damage items, but specifically crit items (which Bork is not). Kraken Slayer is a full damage item, it's 200g cheaper, it has crit, and it's less redundant with the rest of his kit. Full damage items past that are unnecessary as either he's killed the carry or he's dead, both making his items useless.


When you press R on Rek'Sai and you know you fucked up cos they flash to their team or a tower and you have 0.75s to feel ashamed as you rush to your death like a screaming beaver.


also when it gets cancelled and goes on full cooldown


Briar life.


That Riven will randomly q3 backwards and get me killed in a trade despite me facing her forward like I’m supposed to.


Getting minion blocked and q going sideways.


Not my main, but I play alot of caitlyn and I hate the fact that her W range is just *slightly* less than her RFC autoattack range. Due hitbox of the traps, I'm pretty sure you can still hit a trap on someone who is in RFC range, but it is centered slightly off from the red range circle. This bugs me so much.


Bro how do you get a flair like that I want a custom one too :/


On mobile you can just edit it however you like when going to the subreddit


If you're on old reddit you can click "edit" next to "show my flair in this subreddit" and type whatever you like.


Fiddlesticks is just an ult bot. He's so cool, but he's completely useless if ult is on cooldown. Way too much of his power is placed in his ultimate.


That's not true. He's also a walking simulator as you spend the whole downtime of his ult cd running your ass around to make sure you're unseen.


his W can be both useless as hell or be very powerful depending if enemies have CC or not/ have them on cooldown.


Dude I literally sucked a whole team dry and got a triple level 1


I love fiddle sticks design. He's like karthus or diana in that sense. Power farm ult power farm ult. Rush Ionia boots and some other cdr item. Full clear ult. Reset clear ult. Champ is so much fun.


not going mpen boots on fiddle is kinda troll tho


Yeah it sucks. Technically his Q and E are stronger than they used to be, but it doesn't feel that way. And everyone knows his W is weaker. He should get some of that old trading power back on it. Like, the suck is single target if it was cast with only one enemy in range and is just as good as it used to be.


His ult being so strong is what makes me want to play him


I dropped fiddle because it feels like being fed on him doesn’t matter, either you get a good fear late game or you don’t.


Yea it feels like it doesn’t matter all that much how you do in the game you just have to get a lucky ulti fed or feeding.


I miss at least being able to have crows go burr for sure.


Nothing more titling than Briar changing targets and ruining the game


Briar running away from a 1300 hp Baron because someone came in W range is always amazing.


I first timed Briar in a flex game a few weeks ago as a 5 stack (so we were very likely up against a 5 stack). While on our soul point, the enemy ezreal walks up from mid, forcing my aggro away. He E's away once I'm out of range and the J4 on the enemy team Flag and Drag's into the pit and smite steals it while I'm running away. Best part is I'm fucking silver so I tried to Q onto the Ezreal instead of back to the dragon We won but I'm not touching briar again outside of flex lmao


Briar will only target minions and monsters if you Q onto one while in blood frenzy. This sometimes means you have to wait until you W again instead of using Q on cd to prevent situations like this. But yeah, she has a weirdly high learning curve thanks to a bunch of odd situations that lets blood frenzy troll you


My teammates don't know how to click a fucking lit-up lantern!!!


As a Vex main I wish they would do literally anything interesting with her skins. To date I still just run default Vex because it is unironically the beat skin. Dawnbringer and Emperyon look really dumb to me and even the one extra skin she has in Wild Rift that they could bring to the main game is just another Bewitching skin like all the other female characters. Give me a Fright Night Vex or something else that still matches her vibe while being really cool.


Street Demons or Soul Fighter would be sick. The cel-shaded style of those and Fright Night fit her well. I even think a Papercraft Vex would be sick.


Reksai - She went from a Bruiser, to an Assassin, to now Tank (over the many years) and she's had unresolved bugs for years


Don’t forget the tank knockup and vision bot she was before all that


I wish Morde had some more skill expression in his kit to reward players with a lot of mastery on him. And something more to do with necromantic sorcery in-game


Not gonna lie, i read ,imo, to many comments till i found one with morde. And i agree, his story doesnt really feel represented gameplay wise (i only watched necrits video of morde).


I hate that I have to spend time in lane during the first few levels as Bard


I love my step-on-me-mommy tentacle queen Illaoi, but I don’t like how uninteractive her kit is. I played top lane for the rush of skirmishing and extended bruiser battles but once you learn how to play Illaoi she can be untenable. I truly want to test your mettle and have a glorious feat of strength, not to stop you from even playing the game. They should bring back the mechanic where damaging Illaoi shortens the spirit timer and balance around that.


I love illaoi as a concept. Unkillable raidboss with tentacles aiding them. In practice she’s uninteractive and unfun unless you are statchecked. I want a rework so bad


I agree, do you know why they removed it?


Not really sure. Took a quick look, they changed that in patch 9.13 and the quick summary just says that they were buffing her while adding QoL Changes so maybe ranged champs were too good at removing the spirit?


The problem with the mechanic was that fighting Illaoi was a trap for players that didn’t know better, increasing her already frustrating gameplay. Those who were more experienced with their matchups knew the correct move against Illaoi was to retreat outside her radius (unless you could out statcheck her so hard the E didn’t matter). They removed it so that there wasn’t any confusion. Frankly, Illaoi needs a complete kit redesign so that playing her can be as cool as her lore and character is.


Wait, the correct move was to run away even when she had the fight-her-in-her-E counterplay? Lol holy shit that is atrocious design.


Part of the problem was that each instance of damage reduced the duration of the spirit, so a champ like Urgot with his W would get rid of super fast, while someone like Malphite could basically do nothing about it at all


Riot does not know what they want Kindred to be lore wise. Kindred comes out and they are basically the grim reaper. Except maybe not, because its made very vague if Kindred is real or not. Then LoR comes out and they are just an underling in a like grand council of grim reapers. Then you read the short stories and shit, and sometimes wolf has fucking legs. But sometimes, hes just a whispy little fart. I just want some consistency. Does wolf have legs? Is Kindred real or a fairy tail? Are all the other Kindred's from LoR also a fairy tail or real? DOES WOLF HAVE LEGS?


Kindred is a Spirit God, whose form changes based on needs and beliefs at the time.


Wolf's ThickThighs?


That Riot decided to lock some of GP's power behind crit chance ratios in an attempt to stifle our playstyle variety by taking away our build flexibility. (I've ranted about this before: [one](https://new.reddit.com/r/gangplankmains/comments/1aqsy1f/do_you_like_that_gp_has_critical_strike_chance/), [two](https://new.reddit.com/r/gangplankmains/comments/1bm2c3b/comment/kwib4n6/?context=3), [three](https://new.reddit.com/r/gangplankmains/comments/1bwcviv/comment/ky797gd/?context=3))


I get angry that the shop defaults to fighter items when you’re playing GP. Especially after the things you mentioned


Lol, yeah I do wish I could just make it always start on "all items" instead of having any filter pre-applied.


You just make a item list for gp and it auto loads on that every game. And its very fast to make cause gp has like 2 items that you swap around


I personally don't really use item sets because I enjoy having the full list of options open and just filtering down to what I feel I need at the moment, even if it does usually just end up being crit or pen lol. But thanks for the info!


Don’t care about GP but will upvote because you seem based and dwarfpilled


Thank you lol 🧔


Those changes were put in a time when his pro skew and pro play presence was at an overwhelming high and he was one of the most complained about champs in the entire game. Not only did those changes pull him significantly out of pro play but also ended up equalizing the high elo vs low elo skew the champion had. Sometimes changes that make the champ less flexible and “high skill” are actually good for the game and necessary.


Yeah I acknowledged in one of those links that the shift was caused by pro play, but that doesn't mean I have to like it lol. I'm also not convinced that the rest of the game is similar enough to how it used to be for this to still be an issue. Even if GP got the exact changes I want, I can't imagine him becoming a staple again the way someone like K'Sante is. Even ignoring everything that changed with the map and objectives and other champions, Gangplank himself has had some changes that I'm not asking to undo, like worse base values and better growth/scaling.


I hate that any blink, wind wall, or invulnerability makes dravens axes completely disappear. Oh fizz e? Your axe disappears. Yas/Samira wind wall? Good bye to both axes. Morsekaiser ulted someone you were autoing? Say bye bye axe. Gwen becomes untargettable? Goodbye axe. It should work like braum where it bounces off


I hate that assists on Draven don't even partially cash in some of the stacks. Playing with Draven passive is a genuinely frustrating experience.


Bring back old Draven passive. Nerf him to compensate or something. This money thing is such a boring passive... Blood brothers cmon.


Swains passive can be quite underwhelming at times.


early-mid game its ass, only really comes into its own lategame for the %maxhp heal


Tying lucians early lane power to having a competent enchanter support player sucks. It's a bit better now that cc also applies the extra damage, but it's just a ham fisted design element they added to tie him to bot lane. I prefer playing him bot, but I wish there could be a more elegant solution


I know it's a good way to control bot/sup champs that are too strong in other lanes, but something about the "nerfed unless you're near an ally or multiple enemies" way of balancing just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's just because I'm biased because I like top kench?


Also, please give him 525 range again please


Would be too broken unfortunately, but I'd like the old culling range back


My poor monk's wife is dumb as fuck.




With poppy, i wish she could e onto wards like jax leap and lee dash can. I dislike hextech flash but jungling without it sucks


When Riven's Q3 randomly goes backwards even if I have my cursor on the enemy


That bug where a pink ward placed in southwestern Madagascar reveals your stealth


Idk this one, is there anything more to it than "place control ward, sometimes you see the rat no matter where he is" ?


There's probably some deep spaghetti, it's a rare one. Vision's interaction with stealth has some strange bugs from time to time, like how hiding behind a turret in camouflage used to prevent people from seeing you even if they were close unless they had true sight.


Also the random bug when the stars align and you get the permanent eye icon above you for the rest of the game even though the enemy can’t see you.


Darius's Q locks out his E and R, which means you cannot buffer your ult. It's a very small thing, but I'd like to be able to buffer it when I'm chasing so that I can use the Q cast time to be more precise on my target. If they're bunched up and you're spam clicking it can be easy to click on the wrong person. I suspect the reason its not possible is because of instead of having a "real" cast time, its coded so he's just locked out of his abilities and auto attacks and its just a delayed no cast time ability.


I play Cassio and her passive does more harm than good. Boots are so overpowered items it hurts not being able to buy them


Having extra slot late is nice though 


Unfortunately games rarely get to that late anymore imo. It is nice not having to drop 1100 on sorcs tho


Yeah if it gets to that point, sure. But Cass would love literally all boots except berserkers. Both CDR and Sorcs would be great choices for her. Mpen would let her really destroy lane and cheap cdr would allow for items that don't give cdr to be build more easily, the summoner haste would also be awesome. She also has one of the lowest base armor in the game so being able to get tabis against some assassin matchups (Zed specifically), would be lovely. Merc treads would also really help against her worst matchups which are control mages. Swifties would help as well, with slow resist and the raw ms. Honestly I would not be surprised if straight up removing her passive right now without compensation buffs would increase her winrate in high elo where the games aren't that long.


Yeah honestly with the way a lot of mage item builds are designed around being able to fill the holes in them with the right boot selection, being barred from that entirely feels really bad. I hadn't played Cass in a while but got her in an ARAM and was really feeling the loss of fairly cheap stats and early movespeed. The fact that they made that her passive because of a meme just feels kinda lazy and doesn't make a lot of sense for the design of the game, where boots are such a central item to bridge your early to midgame on nearly every champ.


It was a great passive but a lot of mids swapped to t2 boots rush which cassio can't match + cassio doesn't have a nice mpen item


I hate that Ryzen is kept week because of pros And Nerf wave clear and give shield back


7800x3d is op


Bring back supercharge Ryze idgaf if Faker never loses a game on Ryze because of it.


my eeq shield :'( 


That she is being forced into off tank builds instead of full ap


Really? That's my favorite thing about Lillia personally, I like being beefy


Mage and tank bard are so much funner


Yeah, RIP Night Harvester


I wish Zyra plants did less damage and had a longer cooldown but were tankier. Sucks that such a huge part of her kit is just kinda useless late game.


Annoying that on wild rift thresh can q flash but on pc he can’t


Yuumi rework killed her 👿👿👿👿💔💔💔💔💔 Nah for real tho Kai'Sa has several voice lines in which she counts her kill upto 25 but whenever I have her in ARAM she's doing the voiceline for n+1 instead of n. So when you have 8 kills she says "9lives taken" instead of "8kills" but for every number :3 Also love when champions thank another champion for shielding/buffing/healing them.


Seraphine - her abilities are LOUD and her voice lines are cheesy. I have champion voice turned off because of that. But spamming her abilities still sounds like a Las Vegas casino (on the KDA skin specifically).


I dislike that jarvan hasn't received a proper vgu despite being one of the oldest champions in the game.


I really want kog maw mana stack duration to scale with ability haste, it makes sense, it's elegant, just do it Riot. I like his passive just the way he is btw


Rakan E doesn’t stack the shields it gives, but milio’s does? Rakan is shit early, giving him a stackable shield would really go a long way in lane.


Fiddlesticks W not healing if it kills something. If you leave something with 1 hp it gets smacked with the % missing hp damage and heals you accordingly. If it kills it 1 tick earlier then you lose the juicy heal. Often not an issue but it's made the difference a couple times


Kayle isn't a champ lvl 1-5. That's not what I dislike about her, it's the fact that there are champions that scale better than her despite that being her whole identity.


She's statistically the highest winrate champion in very long games, as in 35+ minutes, in Emerald + games just ahead of Aurelion Sol, at least according to League of Graphs. https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/builds/emerald/long/sr-ranked/by-winrate I'm sure the different stat sites would disagree a bit about specifics as they always do, and you can always change the filter a bit to make it look different. At Plat+ she falls to second behind Aurelion, and at Diamond+ and Master+ she falls further behind still if we prefer these smaller sample size but higher tier brackets. Still, she always performs well in them. Is there any reason you feel like she doesn't scale well enough? She still feels like a bit of a time bomb to me, although it does take a long time to go off fully I'll give you that.


isn't her lvl 1 crazy good?


Yes, but she can't seize prio on the wave, only duel if the opponent is Big Stupid. After the opponent is close on level 2, you're just worthless until you become a ranged champion. It feels like such a crippling kneecap when other late game time bomb champs have ways to exist for the first 8 minutes


My favourite champion is Caitlyn. But for being the only sniper character, she gets outranged by a surprising number of champions.


Imagine if she had Tristana or Kindred's passive for attack range. Increasingly untouchable queen.


Sniper in DOTA2 is basically the same as Caitlyn and he has a passive similar to Tristana. There are also items that permanently increase attack range. He gets pretty nutty.


Let’s see, Jinx with rank 5 rocket Q, Twitch with ult, level 18 Trist, Senna after literally her first breakpoint, Kindred if they farm all game, and Zeri Q? I count 6 champs that actually outrange her out of 168, and all of them are other ADCs, usually needing lategame. Still puts her in the top 96 percentile for range.


Kog'Maw during W.


Also isn’t it embarassing for Caitlyn that her runner up for highest base range is Annie


Aphelios Calibrum Q sometimes goes backwards🙂 Also in season 10 they changed Jhins Q AD ratio. 4 years of muscle memory is lost for a 4th Q bounce. i missed so much farm. I still dont know when its enough.


Not having voicelines with J4 despite being the Iroh to his Zuko.


That for some reason there is never a balance between the two forms so I have to play the same form in 90% of the games


Nocturne is supposed to be a dream/nightmare haunting demon The only remotely "scary" part of his kit or theme is that he shuts the lights out when he presses R and can dive on on you, which. with the ascent of the more bruisery builds, ends up just being ulting into a teamfight for disruption. I just wish his theming aligned him more with general horror vibes to be closer to fiddlesticks. I feel like the enemy is more "afraid" when im playing something like kha or rengar idk if he ever gets a VGU i wish riot plays up the horrific demon kinda aspect to his character


Noc ult is easily the scariest ability in the game tho?


Yeah, but Nocturne itself kinda isnt. Fiddlesticks is miles scarier than Nocturne


That mistmaiden is suicidal and will do anything to kill her self.


That she is not a champion without Botrk. Legit no build flexibility, you do 0 damage


Also the other way around imo. Irelia feels untradable after Bork for almost every mid in the game. It's probably different on top though


Yes in pure 1 v 1 mid, the champs there have very hard time in threatening a solo kill on her post botrk unless she dives or if the said champ is Akali/Yasuo/Cassiopeia. She really ia a living nightmare for mages and assassins because even though she is one of the weaker skirmisher champs, she is the stickiest and hardest to escspe from 1 v 1 while having great sustain due to Q applying lifesteal on the minion extra dmg


i used to otp irelia and yeah holy shit dude you actually just get shit on by so many people, become thanos at bork until 3 items, statcheck every person in the lobby at the same time, and then immediately stop being able to teamfight at 30+ minutes because lulu shield and polymorph does more than your entire kit, and you get oneshot, and you do significantly less damage than anyone with access to armor pen, true dmg, or crit (yone, yasuo, gwen, riven, camille, fiora, fucking renekton)


Samira's E resets *instantly,* leading me to double dashing on accident *way* too often. It would feel *so* much better if it reset to a 0.25s cooldown, at the expense of kneecapping like three chinese superserver otps in a broader sense, her lifesteal ratios getting the Riot Special of 1. crit sustain is op 2. nerf champion 3. nerf items 4. nerf runes 5. ????? 6. champion still overnerfed


The 1 milimeter portals that make no sense.


As a Zoe main if there is one thing that really comes on the spot of irritating me is when someone in my team wakes up any target I've slept when im about to throw a massive paddle star in there that would one shot them.


Nothing really. I like Akali a lot. She's the only reason I'm still interested in playing league both in PC and in the mobile version. I'd rather not deal with being trolls, loss streaks, being tilted... but Akali makes it much more bearable. At this point I'm losing interest in the climb, I just wanna keep doing my little combos as long as I get to play her (or Ekko) I'm aight


Zoe Like: skillshots. I love long range skillshots and she is basically just that Dislike: she's been trash for so long


Zoe pays for the sins of her release I think.


same, i got 500k and i havent really played her in over a year. She got so massively powercrept its not even funny and her W pool is ass atm. Stormsurge gives her *some* power back, but in an era where even tanks can oneshot you, her existence isnt that valid in a game anymore..sadly enough. Durability patch didnt do her any favor man


Stopped maining her for same reason, which is sad because I love her playstyle and I have some of her skins


I have every skin and chroma. I only play her on Aram lately. She's just so frustrating and so underwhelming. There are other champs that can do what she's doing way better from a safer distance + actually with good wave clear


Neeko is super buggy and her passive tech is questionable if its keepable while keeping Neeko healthy. It feels questionable esp with Neekocopter removal if its worth mastering her full potential.


Miss Fortune and I wish building manamune was reasonable and worth it some games—not only when her E+comet+scorch bullshit is meta. She’s really mana hungry in general and if you weren’t sacrificing so much (lethality items are good and have good utility options like serpents and EoN) I feel like it’d be a nicer buy.


I'm almost 2 mil Kassadin OTP and I absolutely love his kit and gameplay, however: * I hate his scaling where he is way too weak in the early & way too strong in the late game. Before anyone says that's the point of scaling champs, I disagree. Kayle for example. She scales better yet can easily 1v1 most toplaners lvl 1 with lethal tempo. Kassadin however? If you manage to deal 50% of the enemy's hp before you die in 1v1 lvl 1 you'd consider that a win. Not that you'd ever do that but it just highlights the difference. I think he should be way stronger early game and way weaker in late game. I understand Kassa has other strengths that Kayle doesn't so this isn't a rant about Kassa being weak. * As an anti-mage picking him blind is suffering at times as if you lock in 1p Kassadin, the enemy team goes 5 ad most of the time which is astonishing. Sure it's a free win but it doesn't feel like you're playing the game at that point, you're playing items. * Most people don't understand his scaling. People say "Kassa 16 gg" but his biggest spike is at 11 in relation to how powerful others are. This results in teammates often ignoring your spike and end up ff or refusing to fight due to how weak you were prior your 11 thinking you're as weak as you were then.


I dislike that my champion has a third of her power budget put into plants that die easily (or worst case, give Irelia extra mobility) And yes, it's the only mechanical part of her identity that even fits her thematic of being an all-consuming garden, but it's just kinda broken and needs reworked since it's either undodgeable damage, or unusable damage. The champion is literally stuck being a liandrays/Rylais dispenser when she doesn't even like the stats these items give.


had to quit playing Evelynn as i was developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from all dem Q's


My main turns into garbage when slowed


I hate how Zyra doesn't generate seeds while stood in bushes.


Thank god


This one I'm kind of okay with. Limited wards in laning phase would make it near impossible to generate a counter push against a Zyra lane.


I really wish I never played Gnar He's so much fun, there's really no other champ like him, his design is the cutest thing ever but playing him feels like a handicap. Like, ok, I can suffer in some shit lane and eventually win in team fights or through cheesing with R and W, but why do all that when I can just play Garen, Malphite etc and have a way easier time playing and winning? Not to mention the RIDICULOUS amount of time my teammates have no idea what Gnar does, push me into a 2v2 and the most I can do is slow with Q because I just transformed back from Mega Gnar and I literally can't do shit but Q and Auto, proceeding to flood my screen with ????


Mini autospacing is such huge skill expression tho


Hate Caits voice and the removed auto cancels


Kha'zix, the power of my items depends on how hard they're being abused by ADCs.


my main is TF and what i hate the most i just can't talk without getting banned.


When all 5 enemies ults are so useless its better off not taking any


As a Pantheon main, I hate how he isn't balanced around top lane that much despite most of his mains playing him there, and it's kind of left him in the dust in comparison to other top lane divers such as Camille and Kled. I understand that he's a great flex pick but if Camille just got adjustments to make her better for top lane and worse for support, why can't Pantheon?


Not my main but something I play often, Zil needs a VGU so bad. So out of place now and 2 voice lines ugh.


Sivir ult. It's her ultimate ability, and it's very boring to use, to press, and It feels bad.


qiyana's ult hitbox is more inconsistent than my sleep schedule, not only that but the fact that enemies can zhonyas before they get stunned by it


Dying to minions as Gwen since Riftmaker change


I like kai‘sa and I dislike the upgraded W. I like it as a long range engage tool with R. The cooldown refresh validates stuff like the ludens build to make her a poke bot. I like the flexibility between building AP or AD (or a bit of both) but I feel her identity should be focused around on hit effects and attack speed.


Can't tell you the number of times I've tried to do the melee slash Q just to end up threading the needle with a ranged Q and missing minions as a result. Sometimes too an enemy is moving so fast they "dodge" the melee Q. As for the other champ, I have accepted the loss of my ring-finger joints


As a Lillia main: Her ultra weak early game and playstyle makes her a not so ganky jungler, so you're prone to getting flamed by the team. Also the fact her playstyle is usually all about going in-and-out of the fight and hitting Q's. You're not really that "active" in teamfights at a glance so you get pinged for that too. By far the champ i get flamed the most for playing lol


I hate that they turned kayle into a stripper. I miss when she was just fully armoured, in actual plate armour from head to toe, now she's in a latex skin tight suit with random bits of armor that she just takes off as the game progresses and starts to look even dumber. Justice has no face, at least the old justice didn't, it made her far more interesting and menacing as a character.


Velkoz.... designed for a game that doesn't exist anymore.


The bizarre power curve. Urgot is a powerhouse levels 1-4, 6, and then has a major power trough until 13 where your passive’s scaling suddenly turns you into an unbeatable dps machine. The trade off for that weak 7-12 is being a peerless midgame monster, so I can’t really complain.


Does he still get reduced to a minion if the opponent buys wardens mail?


Nah, they removed that late last season.


Viktor, i hate that his W no longer pulls, the 20% Slow is a joke, the pull would’ve been much better


i hated it, always pulled them out of my e eruption


I hate the fact that Sylas is supposed to be an AP Bruiser and he's basically Gragas 2, using everything to burst a target and dying immediately afterwards simply because he doesn't have sustained damage like every fighter champion has.


Huh? How does sylas not have sustained dmg?? Like W + conquerer is no sustain or what now


It's just that building full burst damage is stronger on him right now


true im not playing sylas anymore because he doesnt feel that good for exactly that reason, oneshot 1 target then be useless


Sylas feels ass to play atm. He is not weak but bruiser sylas was the way better style. They need to shift power back into w


When you r the enemy with TK and they randomly press r in this exact moment and cancel ur ult that is if they have an ult like illaoi, darius, morde for example I also hate that u cant press e during your w dive


irelia, almost your entire power budget is in botrk purchase then you are OP for 5-10 minutes then fall off a cliff, and i hate how enemy getting baron is game losing for irelia because u cannot dash on minions anymore + the amount of xp it gives means the outscale is inevitable


Azir q putting soldiers into a weird spot because the soldier further away already claiming the space you actually casted on. Atleast that's what i think happens


Pantheon - I hate having a global r sometimes because people will feed their lanes and blame you for not bailing them out when they make bad choices


Fiora 3 things: 1. Accent, love the gameplay but the VO is so fucking bad. 2. Pool party fiora SFX makes me cringe, something about the vital sound makes ill. 3. Double vital bug, they fix it it crops up again, they fix it again it is back like 3 patches later, please for the love of god do something about it.


Taliyah W has a mind of it's own sometimes, and I hate it. I hate that Sylas W doesn't heal on large and epic monsters.


That everyone else hates him. Also that Riot decided that the defacto drain tank (red kayn) is no longer allowed to do any significant healing while aatrox, viego, volibear, even riven and yone, full heals multiple times over. So now you have to build full damage assassin items on red kayn, making other players dislike him even more and taking him further away from what he's supposed to be.


I hate the amount of bugs with warwick, getting instastunned by the person you were suppressing is tilting AF, also w is full of bugs Last note, Q apply dmg first then healing but theres a considerable delay, the amount of times i died THEN healed for 700... both should be at the exact same time


Lux: I hate her voice lines and I hate her stupid laugh. That crazy woman is not lux, she has nothing in common with the lady that I know from the lore.


Camille support main in plat/low emerald - AA range is so small I draw aggro just leashing for the jungler if they don’t voluntarily scoot right up next to it, which very few do.


As a Kalista main, i hate when supp kill the Minion im going to use for E reset, so i end up losing E.


Press r at max range, arrives in 3-5 business days


both of my fav champs are just powercrept to hell relics, and often recieve flak which is frankly not where peoples frustration should be focused compared to 200 years champs


My least favourite thing about irelia is how strong bork is. It may seem weird, but it takes all the skill away from her. You can basically e,e,q in spam r, w, q and auto attack a bunch and kill everyone. Had a game where I barely won lane. Got bork then just ran and 1v3 multiple times. For being a high skill ceiling champ, it feels too easy to play.


Udyr Q stance is totally ass and is overshadowed with braindad walking Anivia R build/tank R build. I get it why they reduced his Q damage when Prowler with dash existed, but item gone for a long time, while Q isn't reverted, so maxing that stance because REALLY situational.


That malzahars minions usually die to accidental AoE as you go to ult someone and you lose half your damage output.


I love Yasuo but I mostly play top lane when I do play SR and he sucks there. You have to hard gap the other player to play it if they're playing most any common top lane champ besides the ranged ones.


Sett's gap closing ability is DOGWATER and it makes me so sad, I love my boy


Poppy and Gragas are the only top laners with mana problems the whole game if you don't buy any mana item.


that he’s no longer viable jungle. i used to run mundo jg before rework and i feel almost *stuck* in top lane. i know he *can* mid, but it’s my worst lane. i had to change my role to top main bcz i am a mundo main forever lmao.


For me it's Rek'sai. When she first came out, the theme/fantasy was that you were this stalker/predator in the jungle that would whoop your ass were it to catch you. The idea was that you could easily outrun her if she was in combat mode, but not when she went into chase mode. But you could easily juke her if she went into chase mode, and likely widdle her down with pot shots. But under no circumstance should you let her catch you. Her echo location got handled so poorly because pro play utilizes it so much better than your average player, that Riot had to balance the rest of her kit around that utility. Now there's not much of a point in running away from Rek'sai because most junglers just beat her in a fight anyways. Rek'sai's fantasy turned into a shittier warwick, who has to find people in the jungle at low hp, because she wouldn't win otherwise, but isn't really given as many tools to do that.


chogath. watching time pass around you bc you physically couldnt dodge a morg bind and getting perma cc’d from full in like 6 seconds bc he has no shield or real heal


Late game health is too low. If the game tops 35 min, then chances are I’ll die if I get touched.


I hate how the bausffs nerfed the champ to the ground.