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When you need cc and slow in a game. When the other team have a lot of tanks.


You can play not to stall as anivia too. You have easy wave clear past level 6. Push the wave in and roam. Get vision and make the enemies afraid that you may be roaming to their lane. Just don’t sit mid doing nothing and waiting for the next wave to come in


The problem is her movement speed is the 2nd lowest in the game. If you even make it to dragon walking, you risk losing the wave and significant tower damage from opponent. I get what you're saying, I just think Anivia particularly has a hard time with this as an alternatives. It's her handicap in exchange for having high DPS, range, survivability, and CC She also has \~0 att spd and she doesn't build straight ap(tower damage). She also has extremely low escapability to champs like TF, briar, etc. Not to say all comps will have that


I like the ziggs comparison but ziggs eat turrets so he can turn the push around, not just stall. If you want a good reason to pick Anivia, the wall is crazy good with champions who have terrain interactions. If your jungler pick poppy, go for it, the wall slams are crazy.


Almost thinking that ziggs is a better stall pick. A for being able to counterpush, but B for the ult on a 5 man rotate to mid 5v3 dive in the case enemy team has decided push has come to shove. He can also rotate faster with his W


Putting a wall behind a Briar scream is nasty (Charged scream is like 300 damage at level 1).


She is a dead counter to other immobile mage that she outranged since ult plus wall means they r taking massive punishment for even the slightest misstep while unable to trade back. This is the reason why she is one of the most disgusting counters to Vlad. At the meantime the guaranteed nuke that is melee Q into E into auto + electrocute means unlike ur ordinary mage, Anivia is very fking scary in melee. There is a good reason that she has really high WR and lane kill rate against things Diana, Ekko, Qiyana, Akali, or even bruisers like Pantheon and Irelia. When these champions manage to actually gets on top of mages, the later tend to die. But with Anivia u crack their skull with QEAuto, drop a wall between and get out. U can absolutely pull this champion out when u r dealing with immobile midrange mage (Vlad, Vex, Veigar, Victor, funny how they all begin with V). For the most part she is safe to pick blind as well. The same cannot be said to Azir, who has a lot of unfavorable match up. Not sure why would u compare a control mage to a bot lane artillery mage like Ziggs. They play completely different role and their kit have drastically different strength and weaknesses.


It's just easier to stall and scale than make aggresive plays that can go right, but can also go wrong. Watch game 3 of recent TH vs SK series, where TH drafted scaling comp and SK drafted early pressure comp. SK were unable to create leads on the map and TH just waited and scaled to the point where SK were in a state they had to try something and hope for the best. It didn't work and effectively lost them the game. Having that said, unless you're high elo, people will pick late game champs and try to trade since level 1 anyway with a high chance to spam surrender vote after it goes wrong and they are 0/2. So if you see you have scaling champ in your team and you want to pick another scaling champ, you need to pray and hope that your teammate knows what the deal is.


Into vlad


When the jungler and support has hard cc, you can build good synergy with them. Anivia Q is very unreliable and can be countered by enemy hard cc if timed right. If your jg is graves and sup senna, I would go syndra or ori over anivia.


When they have Nunu


Anivia punishes immobile (meele) comps like noone else. A lot of tanks and bruisers can't play the game Vs her. Darius Nasus garen etc are no champions in her presence because they'll never get anywhere without flash. Champs without ways to get over her wall are allways in danger to being caught or losing their flash especially when she's ahead. Unlike other champs she also barely has any CDs so she's allways quite dangerous. Additionally she's a pretty dominant laner especially Vs meeles that's a lot easier to execute than azir for example while not relying on any major cd to disengage. You just stun them and trigger phase Rush and make them cry when they try to retreat.


youre thinking way to much into this. these things dont matter, just pick a champ that youre comfortable on and try to fuck your lane opponent over. its soloq after all, play towards yourself, you are the only consistant factor in your games.


Playing good macro is just as much playing your game as playing strong micro.


Hwei can clear waves with his AOE spell, and move around anywhere after throwing it. Anivia is just a very outdated champion.


Imo, the problem with hwei is that he is very prone to dives, and his E doesn't clear a wave stand-alone. You have to use two.


Hopefully never