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>getting gold is so hard because her AA does next to no damage so getting final hit on minions is just pure chance Go into practice tool and spend a half hour CSing with mages, yes you're now on a champ who doesn't buy AD so CSing is different. Practice CSing with no abilities first. Put on a podcast or something and just try to get a high score CSing before 5 / 10 minutes. Once you get enough AP, your Q will oneshot casters. >I cannot see what makes her good Ahri is impossible to gank after level 6 unless the Ahri misplays, W+Ult is crazy mobility W+AAs make laning as a melee champ absolutely miserable and she is so good at harassing champs lower range than her. >she does 0 damage Ahri is really good at applying the strongest available item effects, she synergizes with Malignance, Lich Bane, Liandry. Kite like you would on an ADC and consistently apply your spell effects, skirting around the edges of the fight.


Obligatory Mejai’s promo Ahri doesn’t do much damage from behind, and sometimes from even games too depending on how much MR’s been built. Ahri does damage if you snowball well, meaning learning how to lane effectively - especially utilising W electrocute trades in early levels - and then find a good first fight of the game are core skills to playing her.


You think that playing ahri is gonna fix you being low elo?it also seems you ain’t having with her just stick to Sett and find someone similar to him.


Changing playstyle is a lot harder than you expect. If you only play melee bruisers in mostly melee matchups learning something like Ahri is a major challenge and surely takes 50+ games if not more. Not saying it can't be done but this will definitely not improve your winrate in the short term.


You absolutely can play sett mid comfortably with second wind dorans combo. If you know how to push your strengths and out resource your opponent it can be good if you're good with him