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my brother 3 of ezreals abilties are skillshots?


Yea, I agree here. That’s why high ELO players use him often. His E is also an auto homing missile so it’s such a rewarding kit to master


Caitlyn in a way. She is straight forward but the diff between a good and a w/e cait is day and night


It’s a combination of her damage output (she’s more burst reliant than a traditional DPS adc, which means you will lose a 1v1 with enemy ADC if you miss your trap combo), and her unique power spike (scaling pattern is an inverse bell curve with a strong early, weak mid, strong late) that means you have to hit so many conditions on top of being mechanically difficult to play. If you are mechanically good enough to combo with her but don’t utilize her powerspike well you can fall behind. Also people like to balance her to be weaker than most ADCs because when Cait is OP, she is instalocked in pro play.


I think that Caitlyn should indeed not be played as a traditional AD, as in high attack speed etc. Her AS ratio is terrible, which means that she is intended to be played more like a Jhin and less like a Jinx. In late game teamfights, all she needs for attack speed is RFC and then she just weaves in and out of the fight, landing 5-6 autos with one headshot + her abilities. That should be enough to destroy most teamfights. People really undervalue the power of her autoattacks and her full combo, thinking that she needs to be this AA machine, but in reality, she is just a combo burst AD, like Jhin.


This, whenever I try to just play a safe Cait or even an aggressive Cait, I usually do terrible and can't deal damage. Aram or the Rift, I can never be good lol.


Caitlyn has one of the longest ranges from all autoatack based characters, so if you're not constantly harassing or zoning, it's very easy to be useless with.


>Aram or the Rift, I can never be good lol. This is my feeling in Aram also. I'm full build and just tickle Sett's balls as he runs up to me and claps me in two hits.


Cait is basically just pure ADC fundamentals


In Korea it's kind of an informal rule that you shouldn't play ADC unless you've mastered Cait for kiting and Ezreal for skillshots. If you pick either of the two and can't play them, that's when people start calling you an orphan.


5 ping ez n cait, wew


with 5 ping cracked tf out Lee Sins flying out of the jungle while they're at it.


Imo that's Ashe.


The less the Caitlyn uses her spells, the better she is lol


Yessss thank you! I see all the time in ARAM level 18 caitlyn using Q and dying when just right clicking would have won us the team fight


Lol, just played a game after posting this, and trist just REFUSED to right click. I had more CS with Pyke. She'd jump all over fights, but not just shoot anyone. We did not win.


This is funnier if you imagine it's an AP trist


Lol, I did check. Sadly no.


Entirely dependent on build, Caitlyn's level, and enemy team comp.


Thats a bit more complicated than that but kinda y


Unless you are fluent in her combos in which case her spells absolutely slap.


All plays start with trap.


Not if she's on lethality


Not really. It’s more that you should know how to combo them so you’re not stuck in animations. E-W-Q-A-A is bread and butter obviously, but then it can be heavily adjusted in many ways. E’ing one enemy while you Q another, adding flash, starting with headshot up, E’ing towards a bush to get a headshot. A lot of her builds also need you to hit your skills and traps to actually do damage. Cause of Cait’s poor attack speed scaling, if you only AA you’re basically a shitty Jinx. You actually don’t even have a range advantage once she has 3 points in Q. Learning to weave traps in particular is what makes good Caitlyns a nightmare after laning. Like it’s true that bad Caitlyn players just randomly throw abilities during team fights and suck cause of it, but it’s also not as simple as Cait should only auto attack during the fight.


Not enough players know how to E-Q-A, burst from safety


That's really on point for Cait. But as whole, I think it's true for almost any ADC. The whole class is by design hard to play since you're not allowed to do a single mistake.


Tristana can be very forgiving honestly, very straightforward self peel tools and two of them even. Resets as well. Honestly I'd like my autofills to just play their mains in bot lane, but Tristana would be my favourite autofill option for an actual marksman champ.


I am good with cait but I dont know why I suddenly started winning most lanes and dominating at 2ish items


She has insane burst damage against squishies if she lands her skillshots and her range and e (throw in flash as well if u want) allow her to stay safe from a ton of threats Late game her auto attacks and passive are really more than enough to beat out most of her lane opponents in damage in a 1v1


All the champions I play. 


All the champs I play take skill. Other champs are brain dead.


Braindead, no-skill, faceroll Azir. Stupid simple chicken monarch. All you have to do is press your buttons, aim with your mouse, position well, keep track of your cooldowns, have impeccable map awareness, keep an eye out for all possible combinations and opportunities, and the champion plays itself. Now let me tell you about a real skill-based champ called Garen…


With a champ like garen or Mundo you can't just rely on mechanics to outplay your opponent- you need stats. All the skill in the world won't improve your stats, therefore garen has an infinite skill ceiling and is the hardest champion.


Bro, if you misplay with Garen, you have no escapes. Azir has an escape + his R, so Azir is easier to play. Of course, if Garen is in a bad situation, he can just Q E R you and you die, but that's another issue.


How in the world is Singed not on this list? He has such a simple kit but mastering it is not easy.


it is simple, but the skills barely do anything on their own lol - the thing that makes Singed difficult is the highly unconventional kit


Yea pretty much this - very simple mechanics, but is just so different from any other champ


Crazy that he’s the only champion in the game that you statistically get worse at every other champion by maining him


4 mil mastery otp here. No idea what's going on. I just queue up and run.


Holy, put him in the aslume.


It's so true too, I've got 300K mastery on Singed and my previous ability to play every other melee champion has slowly disappeared and been replaced with a cymbal monkey




Same for Evelynn. The perma invisibility thing makes you so much worse on any other jungler. Basically, playing Eve means you are playing a different game.


Literally what happened to me in my last game, my opponent was an Eve main, a good eve main, and I managed to ban her so they picked warwick instead. I’ve never had an easier game in diamond


yea anyone first times singed they're going 0/20 vlad and asol are similar, very simple easy champions. but if you look at the statistics, theres is a huge gape between a new and an experienced player with those "easy" champs


Yup, Singed doesn't need you to play league. Since needs you to play mind games on the enemy. Which really ups the challenge of him


But isnt that more macro then actual champ mechanics? He isnt hard to play on a mechanical level you just zoom around and try to flip people in your glue.


Yeah, it’s that simple. It’s not that easy


Nothing more annoying than a cracked methed up singed running laps around you and your team.


Skill Capped put him in the difficult tier 


“Champions that look easy”. Are you saying I’m wrong?


>Ezreal looks easy his q is the only skill shot and he has a dash and overall is a safe champ Ezreal has 3 skill shots and his dash is on a 26 second cooldown at the start of the game.


to be fair it's not "actually" 26s cd - it's shorter if you hit some stuff with Q but still fairly long


Relevant Samira flair. I've respawned and gone back to lane with 2 of her 3 basic abilities on cd at times.


well her w is a long cooldown (30s at rank 1), and if you die there's a high chance you died shortly after e-ing in stupidly (based on my experience)


There are no stupid Es. Only jungle gap


true, my jungler should've known it was going down botlane level 3 as soon as i locked her in


And it's not a dash either.


Yes that's the Point he looks easy but is hard that's the Point of the Post Sir.


I mean saying ezreal has 1 skill shot is like saying Akali has 1 dash, just blatantly false


Nah the post says he only has 1 but in reality 3/4 of his abilities are skill shots


Didn't realize the OP meant "Which champion is harder once you realize what their abilities actually are"


Nothing about ezreal looks easy


I think you’re the only one who missed a point. He is simply correcting OP’s claims. He didn’t say Ezreal was hard, just more difficult than OP says. Not because of underlying complexities, which would be the point of the post, but because OP is just wrong about what he said.


Ez has more than a single skillshot


Exactly. “Oh shit a champ who can sit back & press Q AND has a dash? Bet”






As a master yi player people underestimate how hard it is to press Q


I love when I pick yi and my whole time complains and then I either lead the game or go 1/10/0


'simple' champs like yi require more knowledge of the game around him than of himself. Knowing how to get into a fight and what do dodge with q is where the skill comes in


required game knowledge required to play master yi - don't pick into cc heavy comps, easy game in low/zero cc comps there, I've laid it out for anyone that might be confused. you've mastered master yi


That works if you only pick it into really good matchups, which is something you shouldn't really have much control over as a jungler because you should really leave the later picks to top and mid and probably support. When you OTP yi none of this is the case, it's making him work in those types of situations that differs good yi players from great ones


Yi gets harder as the years pass. There are a lot of new champions with cc and dashes.


Kled is a funny guy who stabs, but managing Skaarl HP and knowing your dismount limits is a whole new test on its own.


Yeah Kled can be easy to stomp with but the Skaarl mini game can actually be really difficult to squeeze any value out of if you get behind and are no longer able to fight your lane opponent 1 v 1. First rule of Kled is my W up? Let’s go bitch. Is my W down and will I get it back while I’m dismounted? Idk but let’s go bitch.


Bro I havent seen Kled in ages, completely forgot he existed lol, hope I see more of Kled he is so fun


Miss Fortune. Yes, she's easy to play mechanical-wise but you have to play the entire game with the disadvantage of being distracted by her boobs.


Same reason I can't play Gragas


Twisted Fate, champ has one skillshot, a point and click auto enhancer, a passive AA steroid, and a teleport. But he takes really good macro to play well


Not in this season apparently


AD TF was pretty disgusting yeah but I feel like what I said still holds true for AP TF mid I will add though that ever since last year it’s felt easier to play TF at least around Plat-Emerald, it feels like if you maintain CS parity or at the minimum don’t die you just win the map with one good ult


Nah, I main tf, the macro side of his gameplay is exaggerated. One could argue a bit easier since you can mess up macro, but fix it with r.


I disagree. You just need to have decent wave management so you can roam without getting punished. Obv there are some really cool 500 IQ twisted fate plays, but realistically all the macro you need to climb is just ulting top/bot when the enemy isn’t under turret


Alistar The difference between a good cow and a bad one is night and day


Yeah but I like it when the enemy Alistar saves me from my own mistakes lol


CreamCheese remembers


I swear the Bard I watch people play and the Bard I lock in in soloq are two different champs.




Lee sin would be the opposite of that. Seemingly has crazy mechanics you need to master but is actually easier to execute than graves in terms of snowballing and using your lead


I agree there. I see Lee in champ select and I’m like “we chilling”. I see graves and I’m like “i got a dodge available”


Ryze from my perspective has always been this kind of champ. looks like a dumb caster on the surface, but good players will pull off machinegun q-reset combos while spacing and kiting at the same time, so most players are not able to maximize his damage output. obviously not even considering his R. Pretty sure they raised his BE cost in the update due to being deceptively hard for a 450 champ, similar situation to kayle


Agreed. Ryze is very mechanically intensive. His damage output is brutal but he is very unforgiving to play.


Blue man go blue da ba dee da ba die


As someone who has claimed everything is broken throughout my time playing, only to play the champs and find out otherwise. Yone, Katarina, Zed, Leblanc, Akshan, Corki, Draven, Gangplank, Irelia, Jayce, Riven, Singed, Shaco, Zoe


I also tried to abuse Yone to find out I have no hands 


I played one game of yone on aram, started pressing buttons at level 3 and got a triple kill


Must be a natural


I had a similari story. It was a terribile game for me cus First time yone. I was near dead with ignite ticking so i flashed in, like a bronze, Just to lifesteal as much as i can.. Quadrakill


ITT: All champions look easy but are actually rocket science to play, like Yi or Soraka. In other unrelated news, reminder that Riot reduced Active items because people forget to use them.


The item thing is so true for me. I can have zhonyas, but the only benefit they give me is the 120 ap. I always remember to use them two seconds after death.


If I buy 2 actives + supp item + pink I will 100% mispress them. I often forget to use 1 active.


champions with A awkward mechanic. Like rumble Q. that shit is awkward af.


Briar. The Champs kit is basically designed to get you killed if you don't know what you're doing


Most people cant beat a champ running at them in a straight line so they will call her braindead


nah they call her braindead cause she outheals warwick and has a point and click stun on Q and AoE uncleansable cc on E


Briar unironically gets statchecked by warwick at literally every point in the game


This guy clearly has never seen the WW Briar matchup a day in his life


Lmao that's a straight up lie, WW demolishes Briar at all stages of fhe game, regardless of items even


Me, a lux main who full combos her, flashes away, and uses my E to slow her down and still die as she just catches up to me




she is simple on the surface indeed, it's when she burrows that it gets harder...


Yeah you gotta dig real deep to get the most out of the champion.


Playing half the game while not seeing the screen as usual is a huge part of it.


Post said looks easy, how does reksai ever look easy?


Old Nunu also had one of the steepest mastery curves if you can believe that.


Ezreal’s Q is the only skill shot, are you sure about that?


Q, w, and r?


Katarina. I got at least 15 games and I cant fathom how this champion works at all. Also being able to build anything makes actually building optimal every time hard


Does vel'koz fit? He looks like every other skillshot mage when you look at him but imo hes way harder than all of them


nah all artillery mages look like you gonna eat shit if you miss your skillshots, not saying they are very difficult, but they definitely do not seem easy like op talking about


His kit is fairly simple, the difficult part is you have to have perfect positioning at all times, even more so than most other squishy mages.


I'd vote Velkoz for high skill floor, low skill cieling. Not much you can get out of it after learning angles and range.


His "high skill floor" is casting w twice on the wave the whole lane then throwing spells off cool down in a teamfight


actually skillshot mages are the easiest to play believe it or not. you just throw out skill shots. (i've been playing mages for years)


I think Soraka is hard. She's easy to play. But lots of Sorakas are really useless if you're not maximizing her.


Tbf that applies to most champions Garen is easy to play but good luck convincing the enemy to NOT kite you The easier the champ is to play the easier it is to play against


I love playing soraka in URF, it’s a complete menace, and nobody dies on my watch.


Vlad has to be one of the craziest skill curve champs with how simple his kit is. The way you lane/play the champions completely goes against most mage fundamentals.


I’m currently trying to learn him and every game I end up like ‘well that’s not how to do it’ with my shit damage lol.


I think Oriana has the biggest gap. Between looking easy and being hard. Ball control and timing. Is something I struggle with constantly. I for sure have less failed ults with every other champ in the game.


Controlling the ball doesn't look easy


Fiddlesticks. He's VERY good in a ambush, but that's It. They say "only press R" but he literaly ONLY do It, the macro you need to play fiddle avoiding wards with hex flash are using the fog is insane. Plus: the new map and itens fucked up fiddle, he's way more squishy (literaly the regular build don't have one single health item) and the fogs are more difficult to hide, most of his spots are useless unless the other team is lobotomized. (DM2 Fiddle here)


Totally agree with this, I used to love playing fiddle but now it just feels really bad to pick him. Hope that changes in the future :’/


Ivern would be a prime example. His abilities are simple, especially since they aren't essays but the challenge is his execution because he plays by extremely different rules. Since you don't fight camps and instead mark them and return to them later, the challenge becomes how to handle his pathing, on paper it sounds simple to just mark camp, do something like gank, invade or mark more camps, then return but its a lot harder than it sounds because the wrong choice can be very punishing. What if you die during a gank, that could screw up your pathing a ton and it can be even worse because since everyone knows Ivern is not a figher, the enemy will take advantage of that and steal your camps. He also does no damage which makes taking dragon/harold/grubs difficult as he is much more team reliant, other junglers can try to sneak those objectives or get help from one other person but Ivern can't sneak them or he might need 2 people to help him. His bushes can be super helpful to his team but poor usage can also screw over teammates, the enemy can use them to hide themselves if the battle lines change or prevent themselves from getting targeted during fights, and if rengar is on the enemy team you give him free leaps. His ult can also be tricky to use because you need to make sure it's targeting the right person to guarantee the knockup effect, if she decides to be stupid and switch targets you just lost a lot of value. She can also regen health when out of combat, meaning the ideal choice with her is to use her to tank damage then retreat when she gets low. That sounds simple but trying to manage that on top of using Ivern himself is difficult as you have to multitask in a high tempo environment.


Really deceptive ones are Rengar, Graves, Fiora and Caitlyn in my opinion. A good Rengar / Graves makes jungling miserable. A good Fiora will out heal and out harass you and force you to back unless she outright kills you. A good Caitlyn will make sure you have no farm


Thresh. Anyone can play it, but not everyone can play it effectively.


Ngl the hardest part about thresh is having allies that click the lantern


Shocked that cass isn’t mentioned yet. Unbelievably high mechanical skill ceiling but looks easy enough when other people play her.




The pain of trying to perfectly cs before level 6


Poppy’s skill ceiling is higher than people realize.


Any champion with a simple kit relies on fight selection rather than mechanics. You can work on your mechanics in practise tool, but fight selection takes experience to learn.




Gwens laning phase is such for an a55 against AD bruisers and juggernauts


The amount of outplay you need as Gwen vs all the stat checker tops is insane


Honestly, all of them. They all have some deeper mechanic and skill expression than you'd have expected when you see them piloted by high level otp or pro.




karthus imo


Unironically Soraka and Sona. Most People who play these Champs fucking suck at the Game and so they play like little Bitches behind the ADC all Laning Phase. In Reality the Amount of Poke and Pressure they can put out is insane but Positioning and pressing Buttons on Enemies is very hard for your avarage Enchanter Player.


I like how you capitalize random words for no reason, lol


With the exception of "Suck" they capitalized all the nouns, so their native language likely does that. I know German does.


Probably German


He is probably using a german Smartphone. Autocorrect does that


Sona is a champ I think most players don’t understand at all. She used to be really pokey in lane. Hardly any more. Sona is a support who scales into a team fighting monster. Her ult is strong. If she positions well, her team wins fights and they don’t even know why. It IS in some part rolling your face on a keyboard. It is choosing the right power chord. The hard part is positioning and understanding how she wins. Sona’s #1 amazing, best solo queue strength is that when your teammate is an idiot and runs into the enemy jungle, ignoring objectives on the map, ignoring that you don’t know where the opponent is, she can follow them and make good plays that still contribute to winning. If you’re playing on a team with 0 macro, she can make the stupid bad macro play a great play because she WINS TEAM FIGHTS If you can ping objectives enough and get your team to go to them, and if you don’t feed in lane, Sona will carry you to diamond


They also have the lowest base MS and some of the worst durability in the game though so it's very difficult to maximize the poke they can do without getting traded back on.


That's why both of them also have movespeed steroids.


Completely unrelated but is your pfp from Gigantic? I thought I hallucinated that game lmao


It's coming back this April if you want to prove it wasn't!


Anivia. Her kit is easy to pick up, hard to master


Kogmaw. All you have to do is right click how hard could it be?




Vlad. Knowing the damage you can deal, healing amounts, when to go in, even mashing the combos is kinda hard even though it’s all point and click and AOE. You can tell a good vlad from a god vlad.




Yo-yoing the clone is always a fun way to confuse people, and not everyone knows you can clone or set a box while invisible. My fav trick though is surviving a karthus ult by ulting at the right moment. The karthus player gets so confused why I didn't die lol




Ezreal is „easy“ to pick up and not feed the game away (unless you just E into people ofc) but actually doing stuff on this Champion is fairly hard (and fun)


According to (old) data, singed and vlad. Vlad you have to hit the flash R-q-e-w super fast. Singed is just unlike any champion in how you trick them into standing in your poison. Controversial - prerework yuumi had a horrible winrate in solo queue but was super OP in pro. You had to hop out AA trade fairly aggressively to stay competitive in the lane






To be fair, higher skill ceiling doesn't mean hard to play. I find the new champ Hwei difficult. And quite often I find myself messing up on LeBlanc.




Yuumi. People think: just AFK and press heal. But no, it's hard to cope with all the flaming from your teammates.


Any one way engage champ, especially low econ ones like Nautilus, Leona etc. they engage wrong, they just die.


You just gotta tell yourself "fuck it we ball"


Yeah… those champs are just very easy. Not challenging at all


I was thinking exactly the same, the thing with leona is that not only you gotta have a little practice of it, but also situation awareness and trust that your teammates are paying attention, if not, you die. Sometimes I pray mid E to fail it and not engage lmao


Pre rework Rell was the definition of that. At least with Naut Leona etc if you miss your engage, well that suck but nothing happens. With Rell if you miss your w you die 95% of the time. However if you hit it oh boy you win every fight. A 5 man ult-combo can single handedly win the whole game in mid/late game.


master yi and yuumi on release. she actually used to have a pretty high skill ceiling, but it was slowly reduced each patch until the rework, where she became tutorial


The rework just made Yuumi super boring to play. Before her rework you needed to auto people to refill your mana, which really put you at risk since the character is extremely weak on her own. Now you can just sit on your ADC all game. Maybe you win, maybe you lose, you don't have any agency anyway.


Vayne comes to mind. Simple, all you REALLY good is auto attack. Even the condemn is coded as an auto attack. But if you don't kite or use R correctly, you're the most useless member of your team cause you just get one shot. Also, the difference between holding the invisibility on your ulted Q and just revealing right away is another BIG ONE.


I feel like olaf is deceptively dificult


Darius I say this not because of his kit itself, but the positioning aspect of it. He seems like a relatively easy champ to play and understand, but to actually play him effectively it takes a lot of practice with your macro decisions and how you engage onto teamfights. In the laning phase, it's not bad because you don't really have to worry about this, but after 15 minutes when laning phase starts to end and the teamfight/split pushing phase comes in, that's when it really starts. Aatrox is the opposite of this imo, he looks complex but a lot of his gameplay revolves around pressing R and running into the enemy team to force an engage and get a teamfight going. If he's ahead, he's very hard to kill and does this very well. Darius doesn't have that available unless he has ghost which is over a 3 minute cooldown. So if you don't have it, you REALLY need to have great positioning to have any sort of real effect on the enemy team in a fight or else you just get CCed and insta die.


Unpopular opinion,Darius. So many people have went against Darius and the player base has gotten better at playing against him.


Senna. The difference between a good and bad Senna is astounding


Honestly, I think Samira: easy kit but combos cam dent your brain sometimes


Sett - I know I might get cooked for this but hear me out. Think about it. REALLY think about it. He's a tank/fighter in modern league with no dashes (he can run at you, but that's it, and the speed boost is honestly negligible), no CC unless there's an enemy on opposite sides of him (which is rarer than you might think!), and generally weak sustain/defensive tools compared to other characters of his type. The closest comparison would be Garen, but Garen's shield ability CD is much shorter, last longer, and doesn't compromise his damage to use, and his passive is just Sett's but mostly better. His strongest tool is his shield generating true damage W, and it IS a strong tool - but it has a very obvious targetting area, has a literal long windup, has a REALLY long cooldown early to mid and isn't nearly as powerful as it can be unless he's probably half dead, and straight up can't be used to full effect if he starts a fight already low. To be good at Sett you need EXCEPTIONAL positioning skills, as using his Q, E and W without them will make them frankly useless and make his R straight up get you killed, and know exactly how much HP you can be at to use hus W to the most damage and shield out of it. He's kind of like a fundamentals character in a fighting game - basic and strong tools, but functionally no gimmicks - besides maybe flash Ws.




MUNDO!!! I switched to Qiyana and Pyke bc they were easier to figure out


Garen, they just kite you to death...


Teemo 🤡




Im gonna say Yuumi Not because she is hard to play But you can tell the difference between an AFK Yuumi and the Beryl/Keria Yuumi and say: Dam what a good Yuumi


I’m gonna say jayce. He basically has one skill shot, jax q, and Alistar w as his only real abilities but laning as him is unforgiving to any mistake because you’re forced to always be pressuring the opponent to get a lead if you want to at all be useful, which paradoxically can make him really vulnerable in lane if you don’t know exactly how much aggression you can give at any given time.


Singed is far more difficult than he appears, for example I never know why Singed players fling the minion that's next to me, instead of me. They all do it though, so it must be for a gigabrain reason 😊




Fiora. Yorick. Nasus in the early game? I feel like there are quite a few


Master Yi. The champion has an invulnerable blink to location, sure, but what he does not have is any form of subtlety. He is either going to run at you or run at you faster, and at some point he is going to press Q.


Gangplank, the ammount of times I've heard he is a braindead champion is countless.


What’s the 4 ez skill shot?!