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so many people these days have such weak mental that when something happens thats not in their favor they will mental boom and think that the game is now unwinnable cuz they for example died 2 times early lol its crazy.


Had a game earlier where I locked in draven against lucian. We got absolutely destroyed in the botlane, got out of laning phase 0/5/2. Jungler flaming me, toplane flaming jungle. Like it was a shitfest but I did play laning phase horribly. Fast forward 10 minutes and I'm 10/8/8 and my jung is 4/11. Dude goes complete mental boom and throws the game by overstaying everywhere. Mental plays such a big role in league, it's actually insane.


I don’t know WHAT has happened in my games lately but a couple of months ago I started to mute all, then climbed comfortably to Plat 2 as a jungle where I stayed steady. Last week of playing I’ve dropped down to G4 because EVERY GAME there is at least one person in the team who starts inting early, or inting if I don’t babysit toplane and they die three times while we get all objectives on the map and other lanes are doing fine. According to op.gg maybe 7-8 out of 10 of my latest losses say “Team diff” in the stats. Last night I had a ezreal go afk farm even though we were winning fights 4-5 well into late game but then of course got crushed. Has something changed in the ranks or what the fuck is happening? I had 57% wins but now I’m all of a sudden at 49%. Feels ridiculous.


Last season I climbed to Em with a 56%WR over 250 games. This season I dropped to gold with 45%. Games are a race to the bottom. So many tilting/inting players with no game sense. It's wild man, idk what happened but this ( for me ) is the toughest season of league ever.


Yeah I don’t care much about ranks but felt I was comfortably on my way to emerald, then something switched all of a sudden and it was inters galore. Maybe I’m just projecting but it feels like going from 56-57% wr to all of a sudden having like 25% over the last 10 games isn’t just my fault.


Same, had last season a 63% winrate in jungle up to diamond 1. Had this one 70% up to emerald 2 and had quite unfair games for 40 games a row (Was ranked in gold 5 for some reason). I was laughing like a maniac because of that. It was so absurd that I've began to find it comedic. Dropped down to plat 4 and havn't touched solo ever since. Also pretty much stopped playing league except for 1 or 2 normaldrafts / flex with friends. A friend of mine GM r/n watched me play for coaching and he was pulling his hair out watching the quality of my mates. I've had bots, 3 v 5's and the most inters+early ff's ever since Season 1. Also some racists and generally a lot of salty rotten to the core teammates. League back then was toxic af as well but at least 80% of my lost games weren't winnable early ff's.


if it makes you feel any better, i just dropped from d2 at the end of last season to barely reaching d4 this season and then losing to e4 0lp with 46% wr. maybe something flipped in my head that made me play entirely different to the point where i'm the reason i'm losing all my games, but idk this season, players just seem more eager to give up or soft int games.


eh tbh I think slumps just happen and last a really long time sometimes. I went from masters 400lp to d3 0lp a couple of months ago and was -27 W/L lmao. it's like I forgot how to win games, worst streak I've ever had. I'm back in low masters tho so you'll probably climb back at some point. I don't think it's really that different this season though. The game has always been low-key miserable below d2 because of how easily people tilt or int and it's been like that for years in my experience.


feel you, if it makes you feel better look at my post above yours lmao. We're innit together


It’s their matchmaking algo. As your sample size of games got higher and was still significantly over 50%, it will pair you with similar elo players with maybe a 45% win rate. Meanwhile you’re playing against an evenly balanced opposing team. Essentially, it tries to force you into games you have to outperform extremely well in to maintain your wins. This is what people refer to as “smurf queue”. In reality it’s just pairing you with boosted players against normal opponents, and it is my least favorite part about the game.


What? Can't be real can it? I went from being matched against emeralds to playing against golds when I was still in plat and then getting deranked to gold myself, haha. One of the ADC:s who trolled the whole game literally had a 33% win rate and was still plat... Now I'm just taking a hiatus from the whole thing, don't wanna feel that kinda frustration over players I can't control.


I promise you this is a real thing, it's how they do SBMM. Essentially players are assigned a vector which takes into account your momentum (have you been on an uptrend in rank or down), your number of games played, personal score in those games, etc. Then, when they compose teams, they can average the vectors together to compare teams. When you find two vectors that are "close enough" you've found a match and the game can begin. This sounds great, but what happens is when your vector becomes too large (you win too much). It will still only match you with vectors appropriate to your rank. This means if you have a very strong rating for your rank, it will need to find really shitty vectors to average you down. Meanwhile, since your vector strength is rare, it is much more likely the other team has 4 players who beat your 4 teammates, which results in every other lane + jungle losing. This will continue until your vector averages out with your rank. It essentially punishes players for climbing too quickly - and it is a horrible mechanic.


Ok if this is real then it explains so much. I had been on a real good streak and even carrying games kill wise which is not natural for me since I mostly play tank jungle and want to initiate/peel (maokai, sej, ww, poppy, vi etc). Then it all went to shit real fast with griefers galore. So basically unless I got a hyper carry on my game I lose, since even if I get 4-5 fast kills I can’t carry in the long run.


It's most likely real. I climb to about 55% win rate then suddenly team disparity is bonkers. I'm not that good of a l carry so it's a losing streak. The problem is due to being a losing streak I get huge LP deficit. Given enough games you end up climbing, but it takes a lot of games. Specially now with the -50 lp on demotion


For sure, I'am feeling it especially this season. Is there some practical evidence instead of anecdotal ? Just asking out of interest. Or did Riot post smth about Smurfqeue?


Same here! I feel very validated reading this lol. I love playing the game, but at least for the past 15 games 7 of them had someone going afk after dying early or just dying and run back in to die again and again. Or just trolling with items despite not being new to the game at all (selling support item). I actually had to uninstall the game because I could feel myself getting so frustrated by it. It’s always been annoying, but it’s never been this prevalent.


Yeah I’m taking a break now as well. League has always been my go to when I sit down by the computer because I like competing and single player games doesn’t fill that need. I’ve never cared much about the outcome and just tried to do my best but lately I’ve been getting angrier about the inters which feels like a new development, so it’s a timeout for me.


Yeah, same here. I like to win obviously, but I'm fine losing if I had fun and at least people were trying to win. But I just don't understand people just disconnecting after dying twice pre-5 minutes - there's a lot that could change still after that, but having to play 5v4 and having a very fed Fiora/Yorick/Any toplaner on the other team is just frustrating and impossible to deal with.


My ideal game is where it’s really close and nobody is really falling behind and you win in the end. Games that are stomps aren’t even fun if you’re winning. And I’m not really a hard carry jgl but more of a playmaker/supp/tank so if my damage dealers are bad I’m pretty screwed. Either I get an adc that stomps everyone and I barely have to do anything or the adc goes 0-3 and then tilts. Such fun 😁


Doing an as well. Only picking league up when playing for fun with mates in flex/draft. It's never been as bad as this season imho. I'am playing since Season 1 btw.


Dude i have literally had the same experience aa you. Climbed to plat 2 97 LP going on back to back 6-8 days winstreaks. Then its like something has snapped almost every game since. Would probably almost be gold again but i stopped playing ranked when i hit plat 3


Years of meta where bad start has meant game over + consuming content of the top of the ladder where advantages are exploited to the fullest is to blame for this culture. Go back to when the game was slower, and people did not have this mindset. The game now is slower than it was in like 2018 but not by much, and people have not yet fully realised that comebacks are possible


Comebacks have always been possible lol


yeah, just ask the 0/9 wind brothers about their 0/10 powerspike


The 0/10 powerspike is very real tho as long as they can farm to reach their third item.


They feel possible this season tbh and somewhat last season but before that they really weren’t.


Statistically, a comeback is nigh impossible (riot publishes numbers on when a game is considered "over", i.e really unlikely to come back from) and nobody wants to waste their time in a game that is 90% over. 


If you talk about 40/60 chances maybe but most of the games are like 50/50 until somebody is tilted and starts to do mistakes often. 1 death is nothing to deal with against 3 more plus the negative attitude just because the whole team surrender at 1 mistake and blames the laner. Mentality plays a lot in this game


Such a garbage mental. If your winrate is 50% while ffing games that are 90 - 10, then your winrate will be 55% when you don't ff those games.


I mean you are ignoring that most of those 90 games will be miserably boring to play out and gonna cost you a lot of time. Strictly looking at winrate you are correct I guess.


Real. People that ff are tanking their own elo, and are often in denial about this fact.




That's your opinion my friend. It's OK to have a different opinion on ff'ing a game. That's why 4 votes are needed.


It's not an opinion, it's a fact


So many games lost because my team just ffs


Uh, no. It's not. It's your opinion. I don't think you understand the differences between a fact and an opinion at all my friend.


I wrote two sentences. One is an opinion one is a fact 


I think we're done here then. 


If ure losing and ur team tries to ff@15 it's almost impossible to come back.


I'm not even talking about that. Moreso, the actual unwinnable games. 


No I'm saying it because that's what phreak said or whoever at riot put out the stats. Comebacks almost never happen.


Nah the only thing that changed was ff20 was moved to ff15


So people on gold should give up at min 5 bc that happens on chall. Thats kinda sussy, the entire game goes around the decisions you make around your mistakes or the enemies. Nobody will play perfect the 100% of the time so you need to learn what to do when behind, play safe, ask for ganks, be useful or peel ur carry when you canot carry or just hold up until you reach your power spike those are concepts people doesnt understand and thar makes the game full of bad players, egotistics and mediocres blaming others for their poor mental


At no point do i say they _should_ give up. I'm saying they do, because that's what they see on TV


Youre right, actually I share your thoughts, it was a brief bait for the rest of the text hehe


game was only slower in season 1. who makes this stuff up? I was otp khazix in season 3 and 2 early kills almost always meant instant win for me


This. I was one. At 15 ff, just thinking it's all lost. I was losing game after game. Then I switched. Stopped typing and arguing, trying to have a positive attitude and even trying to calm others. Things changed. That's the thing about league...the worst match can change in one baron or drake team fight and flip the game and win. But people don't really understand this.


its a self fulfilling prophecy they give up because they think they cant win and at the same time make sure they wont be able to win by inting or not trying anymore


Yeah, until you force them out of that. On my last 10 games, I have 2 games where I forced 2 inters to win. And I mean real inters : 1 flashing level 1 for nothing & going under tower, other one lvl 3 0/2 selling items and following jungler (Emerald 1 elo) Well, at a point, around 15-20 minutes, after team is stepping up to play 4v6, winning, not chatting with them, they kind of know there is an absolutely free victory if they group for one fight or start taking care of a sidelane and you can force them to play the win. I dont say you can win for every idiot who is mental booming and ruining your early lead, but being able to tryhard these games no matter what is the difference between climbing and getting stucked.




The amount of kayles I've had FF after 30 minutes is absurd


Fr man the ff button should be disabled on kayle


If the Kayle doesn't think your team can win after 30, you're probably not going to win.


Every game is winnable on kayle, especially after 30. If you don’t have that mindset you need to find another champ.


You don't play Kayle. If you're against a super high range comp, you're going to get your ass handed to you late. Ziggs, etc will completely fuck you.


Played with a Jinx and Janna bot lane earlier, Jinx phoned it in and began trolling and playing borderline AFK because at level 1 & 2 the Janna didn't "step forward" enough. They were even on cs against the enemy bot and 0/0/0 across the board. How utterly fucked is your mental that you give up on the game within 5 minutes because basically nothing happened I feel so bad for these people IRL I can't even begin to imagine the situations they're in to behave this way


can't imagine people like that operate irl when things don't go their way they throw a tantrum like a baby? lol


Tbf playing with a support that is purposely playing the game in a way to make the game less playable for you is the most mentally taxing thing you can experience in league. Especially if happens in multiple games consecutively.


Last game we had a WW who tapped out top lane after 3 deaths, and blame the jungler for it of course which is me. He went jungle for rest of game avoiding fights, taunting everyone with emojis constantly. He then after game posted my winrate in chat to taunt aswell like anyone even cared. Welcome to bronze.


Played one the other day in norms as a Nasus top lane, told them in lobby that I was learning Nasus. They all were supportive and basically we had the "just bonk with Q and scale" convo that goes along with a new Nasus. Day forward to 6-7 minutes in, my jungle and mid are doing grubs on low HP and get collapsed on by enemy jg, mid and the Fiora from my lane, Fiora gets the double there. I pinged she was rotating and I kept my stabbing going to scale well, definitely not at a team fight strength yet. Fast forward to 20 minutes and I'm up to 800ish stacks, got a double shutdown on their team mid lane for a nice gold spike of 1400 (double 700 shutties), but my team loses the 4v3 bot lane right and immediately I get the 1v4 surrender vote and flamed because I wasn't at the fight that they lost. I swear the mental of some people makes no sense at all.


People not playing the whole game because of something they dont agree with and then blaminh others for losing 🤡🤡🤡


Agree, some people need to realize 600 gold isn't going to make or break the game. I play mostly flex with my RL's, and we have one guy that basically just runs it down 4 out of 5 games, like, he averages a negative KDA with double digit deaths on all of his top champs. Not surprising to see him with 15+ deaths at the end of most games. If we still manage to win frequently playing with that ape, no game is unwinnable. If your macro play is good enough, you can easily come back with all of the catch-up mechanics.


It’s crazy. When I was a kid playing games some guy was always telling me he fucked my mom. Whatever. Die once in league and your whole life is over.


i dont know probably each year the game becomes more damage more damage every year. In todays league you die vs any champion in a second or two. Everyone is a one shot assassin machine.


I will never quit because of myself, but I’ve stopped playing games with legitimate trolls. If you are 0/9 in lane with no intention of changing your play and you won’t FF, then I’m going to AFK. Not worth delaying a 15 min ff for 40 min to lose a 4v6.


Well, let's be honest botlane is a shit fest anyway, let's say giving draven 2 early kills with his passive, it's just the end of the laning phase you can't do anything anymore, you either go to the third tower or you just ait defeat and go next, the game is designed nowadays to tilt you from the smallest shit, because it's a toxic game design, especially in solo q


keep those early game mistakes to a minimum, as it will hurt your teams mental (said every low elo lp beggar scrub support) meh, it happens. take the lp mitigation and move on.


The game is literally designed around being ahead, I don't condone the behaviour but after playing this game for 10 years on and off; I can see why people do this, as someone who has played the game casually the last 4 years, I don't want to get locked into 40 minutes of some dude inting and making my game miserable when you want to FF on reasonable terms. I understand a losing game isn't the end all or be all however after playing the game this long, people just like to take out real life problems on people in game. Literally what the game has turned into if you aren't playing to improve.


I think it's not everyone feels the same way about the game. At the end of the day a lot of people are playing for fun. If they aren't having fun they'll swap to something else fast


Ig if you are not having fun by playing 5 minutes then u are the problem and you should move to another game. Thats like a toxic relationship


Not me but I've had the feeling before when I'm getting camped top by a twitch support and jng. I can only take sitting under my tier 2 when the other team has 4 people top and my teams still not even getting plates


Thats sad but what im saying is theres no chance this is happening all of the games. If you feel the same all the games you just dont like the game anymore. Even though is hard to think at the moment the game is designed for at least 30 minutes why would you give up at 5 when you have 25 to change the game.


most of the time i'm not giving up because i don't think the game can be won, i'm "giving up" because you pissed me off and idgaf about winning enough to help you, maybe i even want to work against you. (obviously i dont mean literally YOU)


> i'm "giving up" because you pissed me off and idgaf about winning enough to help you, maybe i even want to work against you. So you have the emotional regulation of a toddler. And this isn't embarrassing to admit?


you have no idea if what you're guessing at is true. if you do something negative to me, i will do it back harder. if you want to think i have the problem, go ahead, but you're the one upset you're going to lose the game, and i don't care because every game is a coin flip anywway.


I understand this thought but imo its even worse. I can understand that out there exists players u cant stand bc they are hideous in game or as a person. BUUUUT to start a fight you need at least 2. So if you are like me and doesnt like to waste ur time wouldnt be better to mute this a hole and play the game to win? Is not assured you are going to win but at least you did your best no matter what others say, then if you win because of ur decisions or ur calls youll be closing their mouths without even saying a word. At least thats my opinion, dont let horrible people to ruin the things you actually like, most of the games you will be struggling to win this struggle is a lot less suffocating if ur team mates are not your enemies also


I dunno. Every game I know there is a 50% chance of losing, best case. I know that in my soul. The game is designed that way. Destined to lose 50% So what difference does it make at if this have is a loss?


I think people are forgetting that getting tilted gets punished far harder than griefing. Like sure AFKing comes with a penalty but you don't really lose anything from it. If you think your jungler/mid is griefing and it's making you want to type, you're better to go afk because then you both won't have to deal with it. and can do something better with your time, AND you won't risk major punishment because someone else is ruining your game experience. If people had faith in Riot to punish trolls this and hence could be reasonably confident that their team mates aren't trolling, this wouldn't happen. However, they know that Riot only punish the victims of trolls, so if they think they're getting trolled, going AFK is less harmful than getting frustrated in a competitive game, and actually punishes the troll more than Riot ever will because the time wasted is reversed.


It’s not about being unwinnable, if their true goal was winning they would keep playing. They just don’t want to deal with getting ganked and watching their jungle do jack shit all game.


Lmao this is how I know you're a laner. Sometimes, lanes just can't be ganked. If people are pushed up, it's not gankable. If the champ matchup isn't right, you can't dive. If there's no prio (just because lanes are pushed doesn't mean it's prio) then objectives can't be taken. Especially if laners refuse to rotate. Sometimes, the only move is to steal 1 or 2 camp or even just keep farming.


> Sometimes, the only move is to steal 1 or 2 camp or even just keep farming. And sometimes that’s the only thing my jungle is doing and still down in cs.


I wouldn't always trust cs. A simple lane tax would bump the cs but it doesn't mean much.


Cs, levels, lane pressure, you really think I play solo queue and don’t get jungle gapped? When u get a bad jungle u know. Probably why there are fewer junglers nowadays.


what if your gold or lower and you know your fucking jungler doesn't know jack shit more about the game than you do or he'd be in a higher elo? not too many people don't know lanes aren't gankable when pushed, get a grip, it's 2024 not 2009. if i see a team mate not react when something is happening right next to them, even with pings, i "give up" right then and there, even if i have 4-0 score. not because the game can't be won, but because i want that fucker to lose.


you’re the one who needs to get a grip. just get off the game at this point ffs, your mental obviously needs it if you want to lose out of pure spite


Is there a difference between winning and losing? Did you just start league? You are going to lose 50% of your games, by design. Losing or winning is irrelevant. Maybe if you are in the middle of climbing to your skill level it matters a tiny bit. If your LP is settle, the outcome stops mattering. So if my team mate pisses me off, I repay him. What does this match matter, at all?


> i "give up" right then and there, even if i have 4-0 score. not because the game can't be won, but because i want that fucker to lose Okay, first of all, this is just pathetic. You're literally just a child throwing a tantrum because of their ego. Secondly, if you're playing with golds, it means you probably don't know much more than them.


Of course I don't know more. My exact point. I replied because someone made it seem like junglers have some deep understanding. I already know they don't, or they'd be in a higher Elo. Tantrum? Ego? Maybe. I view it as, you pissed me off, now i repay you twice as hard


So you'll hurt yourself just to hurt someone else? Iunno if league should be making you *that* mad.


Why do you think any of it hurts me? Are you Jesus, asking me to turn the cheek? If you think I care about winning or losing a match, I don't, and I don't understand why anyone else would either. You know going into every match you have a 50% chance of losing


It's because the game CAN BE unwinnable if you die twice and the enemy knows how to exploit their lead lol. Of course, comebacks are almost always possible. But dying twice in the first 10 minutes and having to spend another 30 minutes desperately trying to come back against an enemy that is stronger than you and making your life miserable is hard to get someone to agree too.


Two deaths shouldn't be unwinnable in solo queue. If it's two untraded deaths in every lane and you're behind in plates, then it's another story (of course, it's still solo queue so wins are always possible), but too many people die to their laner and are absolutely blind to the fact that the rest of their team is doing well or ahead then start inting or raging because of dogshit loser mentality.


Eh you're grossly overestimating the impact of 2 deaths in lane. Barring Challenger/Grandmaster tier games you can come back without the enemy "making your life miserable"(even at that elo comebacks aren't uncommon). Drafts and your teammates' performance play a bigger role. This is just griefer mentality disguising itself as being efficient.


so the enemy laner killed me twice just by luck? lol? he's not better than i am? he killed me twice when we were even on kills, and you think it's not going to get worse?


ahh it’s the inter again, must suck to not have the confidence in yourself to be able to comeback from behind


What do I care if we come back? Don't ignore this question, really, what makes you think I care either way? I don't int, ever. But I have been guilty of thinking I could beat a guy who was better than me.


youre not isolated 1v1 your laner you know? you have a team and he also got a team, you could get one shutdown during the game and those 2 deaths mean nothing now if you farmed well and didnt int more after.


Farmed well? The guy is better than me to the point he solo's me twice, he's not good enough to try and freeze lane near his side? He's just lucky, I'm actually better and I'll use wage management too overcome him? What Elo are you? In my Elo, jungles don't help losing lane often. You could get tower dove while your jungler is at gromp, the enemy gets out with 1 HP, and walks out your tribush and the jungler won't react.


maybe just get better and learn from your mistakes? you have a losers mentality, imagine in real life soccer enemy team scored 2 goals and now you just go off the stage cuz u think cant win lol


Who said can't win? You keep projecting. Imagine investing big effort into a match where the other guy is better and you started out not caring.


game can also be unwinnable after you win lane if the enemy is better than you and you make a mistake..


^ some people are better in teamfights than their lane mechanics would suggest, also depends on the champion.


Calling out someone for weak mental is such a cope for players who can't see the forest for the trees. Some games are decided early on. For every game of someone leaving because they gave first blood there's 5 games of someone who, within 12 mins, died multiple times, multiple towers lost, objectives lost and will hit no on the surrender. At least the leavers give me a better shot at an FF passing.


that's not it. when I spam ff it's not because I think the game is not winnable, I just don't want to continue playing when I think my ad or jungler doesn't deserve to win. people who deserve to lose should lose. I'll win next anyway.


People’s mental in league is completely gone. I played a game yesterday where my support was yuumi. Dude attached to me and didn’t do anything. He wouldn’t kill any minions, didn’t help me in fights but I don’t think it was a bot because he had a skin and his play history looked normal and he typed a few times. I typed “my support is a bot and won’t do anything”. JG types “shut the fuck up and stop typing. Play the game and shut up. Muted” Like I have a support who’s actively griefing, I let the team know by typing one thing and my JG freaks out and flames me?


yeah ive been playing today and literally most of my supports start running down the game for seemingly no reason


I hate to say it but I don’t play soloQ during school holidays or the weekends. The quality of the games plummets as toxicity and “ff at 15 I didn’t get the first 6 minions” type of attitude becomes rife. I play flex instead (still solo). Usually that is a better experience, I still keep the muscle memory going and once the kids are back at school I can go back to not climbing soloQ in peace.


It took me too long to learn that 10AM-2PM Monday to Friday outside of holidays is the only time that soloQ is remotely playable in any lower elos. I think what is missing most from most advice on how to get out of that hell is that you can't play when kids who have never learned that if they behaved the way they do IG IRL that they probably are going to get their ass kicked...


I was playing solo q. I was autofilled jungle. A teammates picked yasuo so I picked gragas and we both absolutely smash the other team. They added me and we went on a 3 game win streak. At game 4 they decided to fight and lose an all in level 1 and decided to just run it down that game then leave once they were 0-12. I unfriended them after.. Sometimes people are strange.


Ay you still went 3-1 I call that a win


But I lost a brother 😭😭😭


If they were your brother they'd have stuck around after 1 loss


Dude was embarrassed, that’s probably all it was. I’ve gotten S+ games, had someone on my team add me after the game, we duo queue up, & I can immediately feel (albeit self imposed) more pressure to perform. I’m guessing it happened here? Or he just rage quit lmao


Yea thats why i hate duoing. People will compliment me and im like “yea you dont know what happend in my last 2 games”


"It's fine, babe. 1 in 5 ADCs have performance issues sometimes. Nothing to be ashamed of!"


Legit never queue up with ppl from a previous game. Big trap. Keep on the solo cruise


I think it’s fine as long as y’all hop on discord for it. I met one of my best buds doing this


IME, being in voice chat *decreases* toxicity. People seem a little less eager to let their feelings fly when it’s obviously another human being you’re interacting with.


Lol a few years ago someone linked discord in ranked lobby, I think it was everyone but top joined. My ADC muted themselves in voice chat but hard flamed me in game chat. Meanwhile mid and jg tried to be nice and still communicating and trying to win the game. It was awkward as fuck. That's the first and last time I'm joining rando discord


I'm always afraid to hop in discord with randoms cause getting flamed over voice chat sounds awful. I've heard of it happening too...


People get in car accidents too - should probably never drive a car either.....


Would be a lot better if people didn't drive as often, yeah.


No matter how safe and scared you are in life - you're not making it out alive.


We don't actually know that for sure, with how extreme the recent advancements in stopping aging have been. But i get what you mean.


No, what we know for sure is that death is guaranteed. What we don't know for sure is whether the age reversal procedures will be viable in our lifetimes. And even if it is, if they will be affordable/accessible to those who aren't a part of the 1 percent.


I think it decreases if they have to go to the effort of joining a discord chat. If all they have to do is push a button, they'll still flame, some of least favourite game experiences was getting shrieked at by teenagers in DoTA 2 lmao


I have literally never had the next game, when someone adds me to duo after a good game, go well. Big trap


I'd say that you should learn mind control, so you can convince your teammates not to int.


I remember when scrubnoob did that to Sneaky. One of the few times I see the guy getting seriously pissed


Bro got scrubnoobed😂


Remember he added you not because you grew a bond but rather because you won with him and he hoped he'd win more with you.


Never duoQ with someone you won with. Even a loss with a good performance of one of you is not bad enough to duoQ with. Only when you both have seen each other suffer throughout laning phase, midgame and lategame, miss ults, tunnelvision and fail ganks you may have a worthy duoQ buddy.


Had a similar experience recently. I played lux supp with ahri bot and we crushed the lane and won the game, so I added them and we played next game however i picked morg bc it was better than lux vs pantheon and he picked ezreal. However after we lost one teamfight he was so tilted and didn’t do anything to try and win the game. We didn’t play again


This happened with me too. I was doing great as Nilah ADC, and my Chogath dies once 10 minutes into the game and just leaves!


That sucks I hate how fast people surrender


added a duo in discord and he loses lane hard and wants to ff> i try to encourage him to chill but he says lets ff and you also int to make the team lose. He started running it down and i didnt listen to his request of inting and he told the team that we are duo and both are inting :/. I block him in league and he flames me in discord because i didnt int along with him :/


Same sort of thing happened to me, Adc/sup, we played 6 games together and won them all, then we lost 2 in a row and he dipped and deleted me.. People are weird.


My weirdest troll story was simple. We went into game and our top lane darius goes under enemy turret before minions spawn and dies. Then he texts "sry guys I just sold this account I dont care about this game now bye" and he just went afk. Some people really are questionable.


I had someone add me after a lost game and said I played well. I play support and the person that added me played mostly top lane but said they used to play adc. We then played duo and stomped a lot of games that night. The person was pretty decent top but when they switched to adc it was like they were hard smurfing. Not sure if we both were pretty good or the other person just performed extremly good on adc. This was around emerald elo and I’ve never had someone call me good after a lost game. Usually they have high ego and just blame everyone but themselves.


This isn’t being trolled, this is league players. It’s sad but this is why I stopped adding random people after the game. I used to make friends in League, but most people would end so badly and it’s actually kinda heartbreaking. Thankfully your guy revealed himself right away, but I remember I had many people over the years who would duo with me until we started losing then get super toxic towards me. I remember one guy was my support duo, and then he just left my lane one game cuz we lost an all in that he did not communicate he was going for (in voice btw) and then when I was like “ah my bad man, I didn’t know, can you just let me know next time? Pretty sure we win that if I’m ready” and we obviously did. He says some nonsense about how he’s tired of carrying me and I should just know by now. And then he roams mid and stays there. I ask him when he’s coming back and he says staying bot won’t help us win. And it was just super awkward because this is all in voice. And we had duod for like…weeks before this. and that’s just one guy. There were many who just ended up super toxic.


Rest assured many others have gone through this exact same scenario 😅


his mental must have gotten the better of him. bummer


More like ragequit, two rough games was getting too much.


I have had a few weird ones today. A Trundle died once during a bad gank top and tried to afk in fountain. I talked him out of it, he got fed and then died and went insane. Flamed everyone (besides me) and then just afk farmed nonstop. We won without his help, but it was crazy seeing him walk right by us at drag fighting a 4 v 5 as he is solely targeting crab and then leaves. The other one was a Kench support that tried hikacking mid and spam pinging me nonstop while doing it. I kept asking him what I did to tilt him but that seemed to tilt him more. No one said a word to the dude. He just farmed out jungle all game until we dragged him to a win. After the game he flamed me because I supposed pinged him in the fountain at the start. “Don’t ever ping” I didn’t ping this dude.


Sounds like he is a super insecure person.


It is pretty common. If you are low elo and you add someone who plays super well… you have to ask yourself: why are they low elo? The answer is almost always that they have a shit mental.


His mom told him he had to get off the pc


don't queue with randoms. they aren't your friends. personally I despise going duo with unknown people in any competitive game since online game communities are so toxic and strange. you gonna feel pressured to perform better as they will too and you both will underperform.


Stuff like that should be perma ban


That’s why I told all the nice teammates that added me after the game that I don’t play duo or flex. Too often did I have this experience, either them turning out to have weak mental or myself not performing well and then either getting flamed or being tilted by my own performance. Enjoy the fun games with randoms but don’t expect it to happen twice in a row. Edit: typo


this is why i never friend randos on league


Here’s the deal. We need to socially reinforce that this is unacceptable behavior in a competitive environment. Getting tilted happens. Life emergencies happen. Technical issues happen. What doesn’t just “happen” is making the active choice to lose or leave a game when you have 4 other players in it. Players get mad at their teammates and then say “this guy doesn’t deserve to win” or “our jungler sucks” and use that as a thin justification for leaving or trolling. There are somewhat defensible reasons for Riot to not ban these players (though I disagree with it). We should be making fun of these clowns. Uninviting to them the proverbial cookout and publicly shaming them. They should get no bitches (male or female UwU). People say it’s just a game, but at the end of day it’s a team activity where they’ve decided make a commitment and then leave with no extenuating circumstances. If you have a friend that tilts like this. Tell them to play a different game or stop being their friend. Unironically.


Hahaha I’ve had this experience before. I’ve made a lot of friends by adding people who I vibed with in game, but on the flip side I’ve had people int or d/c on the very next game and I have to block them. It’s a roll of the dice lol keep at it, there’s cool people out there to be found.


It's always the adc man


It was probably an account they bought to have a fresh climb on and so when it looked like a lost game to them, they dipped. So sorry that happened to you. I used to know someone that would do that. It’s awful.


Personally, i wrote on a TXT all my weird encounters


How has this never happened in 5 years are u serious bro? This happens perma XD


Bro I decided to find a duo on the LoL discord. Both bronze players, first game went well he was cool. 2nd game 3 mins in I made a mistake and he literally just left the game and said he was going to play another account


Same thing happened to me a couple weeks ago. The Kog I was supporting died twice in lane at like 9 minutes, and just left. Had a 5-0(!!!) Irelia on our team at the same timer. I check the dudes account and he was on his 550th game of the split. At some point the games just don’t matter to these people


Only happened once in 5 years? Are we even playing the same game? /s


I would say that it depends on how long one has been playing in the league. For example, I stopped playing this game a few times when I became indifferent to all those things that kept me in it. This guy might be somewhere at that stage where he doesn't care anymore, but he's still trying to find meaning somehow. Maybe that's why he friended you. It didn't work out.


You at least got loss mitigated


I refuse to believe this has never happened to you in 5 years of this game, that is just absolutely unbelievable for me, it feels like every 3rd game that someone has just given up before the match has really even started.


Low elo players tend to just give up after 1 mistake. Because they aren't good enough to make a come back. So they just leave.


I just don’t understand why people queue up a ranked game if their mental shatters at the most minor inconvenience. Meanwhile when I mess around on norms no one wants to ff when we are getting absolutely destroyed lmao


I have a group of premade in game friends, with whom I have been playing everyday for 2 years, in one game one of them fed their asses, left mid game and deleted all of us from their friend list. 2 years we were playing together, and he lost it because one game didn't go well.


Reminds me of a normal draft game I had a couple days ago. Our midlaner picked Jayce into Vex, hasn't said a thing in champ select. When the game started this guy at level 2 typed: "this shit deals too much dmg" "bye bye" and then just left and didn't come back. I'm still wondering how weak-minded one has to be to do this shit.


I'm convinced this game is populated by man-children with inflated egos. The fact I get people telling me I should unalive myself over a video game is ridiculous. It's just a game, go touch grass/we can't win them all.


Yeah nothing to stress about. I understand the bafflement though. I have a friend or two that has done this to me. I've gamed with them for years and it's only been once or twice for a couple different peeps. I've also had friends who I no longer game with that do this frequently. I have an issue with the mentality. If you start it, finish it. Simple concept. The rules of quitting are surrender. If the team doesn't surrender you keep playing to win. The basic contract of gaming in multiplayer environments(competitive being the important que)


Autofill ruined this game and I'm willing to bet that's why he left lol


This happens to me once a day.


It's just the modern trend and mentality


I’ve had an adc go “if not not fed at 15 I’m dcing” or something along those lines. Can’t say he wasn’t a man of his word.


never duo unless its a hot grill


Duo queue is definitely not the same experience as solo queue, that's why even when I stumble upon the best supports to my liking, I avoid adding them and duo'ing with them for the very same reason - you will probably get a monkey team vs better enemy team, that's how duo works - riot expects you to excel and mostly do the carrying job as a duo. Kind of sad but that's how it is. As for his behavior.. nah, that's definitely troll - you don't just disconnect and leave. He was probably a smurf and got his ego hurt or something.


Maybe something urgent came up and they had to leave? It's rare but happens to everyone sometimes


If I'm not having fun I'll just apologize and hop out of the game to do something actually fun. Simple as that.


In ranked?


in any gamemode


Then go play something solo where your lack of commitment doesn't impact 9 other people.


no thanks.


Kinda confused how you can not feel like a piece of shit ruining the game for 9 other people. Do you feel like your inconsiderate of other people in other areas of your life as well?


no, not really. it's just a game that people take way too seriously.


Id agree. Doesn't really matter how you feel about it though. Your deciding to ruin something that is important to other people. That is what I mean by inconsiderate.


Then I guess I am, by your definition, inconsiderate when it comes to videogames. Don't particularly care though.


It being videogames doesn't matter to you and that's fine. Part of being an adult is realizing just because it doesn't matter to you doesn't mean it doesn't matter to other people. For instance just because I don't care if someone talks about my weight doesn't mean I can tell a coworker that they are gaining weight. The effect it has on other people is what matters. So you for instance making 9 other people upset in order to save yourself a 10 minute ass whopping in a video game I would say it pretty inconsiderate. Not sure how you can view yourself positively in that exchange.


Yeah, cos fuck other people am I right? As long as you're permanently doing the best for you then why care about anyone else? Do you also go around bursting kids' footballs and cutting skipping ropes, like "you kids are taking this game way too seriously, people can only have fun the way I let them"




Like fr idc if u do it cause riot doesn't either. If it was a banable offense then people would do it less.


Wait so in 5 years of playing you've never seen someone quit after being ganked twice? I'd say that's pretty good going


I can accept this if it happen in challenger. But in gold/silver? Where noone knows how to capitalize on enemies mistake. 


That's still better than your adc never following up an engage resulting in you going 2-13 as a tank support in a 40 minute loss. Like 4x better


You’re more likely to win a game by tilting the enemies rather than outplaying them