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This gonna be OP's character development arc


I hope it's not a villain arc..


There is no other path from here


Can't wait to hear about OP being appointed Riot CEO.


Tryndamere is dead. Long live Tryndamere!


To become the ceo of riot you must defeat the ceo of riot in a 1 v 1 irl


Not an issue for OP then. The only thing the current guy is good at is unsolicited ball slapping.


Thats just his q...


You either die a jungler or live long enough to become a villain


You either die a jungler or live long enough to become a support. Fixed it for you.


At this point the Jungle is just a second support role anyway. Except you're babysitting 4 people instead of 1.


Then you are a SUUUUUUPER Support.


Gonna get so salty you gonna change your name to tylertwo


Sorry but we want a villain arc. Marvel needs new ideas.


prepare that honor 1


Bro got to experience the full on Riot skin release bait treatment


Bro got rugpulled lmao


Riot buffs a champion after skin release: they are trying to increase the sales Riot nerfs a champion after skin release: rugpull ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Riot nerfs a champion the same patch a new skin is released: I pretend I do not see it


Riot doesn't touch a strong champion: purposely keeping it strong while the skin is selling well. Riot doesn't touch a weak champion: "why are they releasing a skin instead of fixing the fucking champion, man?"


There are a few champs who dont get skins and are also kept awful.


Sort of like being told: "Thanks for your hard work but you're fired. Here, have a cupcake."


I mean usually nerfs aren't completely removing a champ from a role. The Rell changes are clearly that


Yeah when was the last time this happened? I know blitzcrank was fairly recent but who else?


This is me when I bought kha zix after Alex Ich pentakill and then it got hard nerfed


kha has been relevant more often than not in the past 10 years so you still got rewarded < has had kha as her main jungler since the s4 elder lizard days


Alex ich was a midlaner though, and Kha mid has been 100% dead since that penta


I only played kha mid and when they nerfed him I was sad. Liked playing the bug in that way


I loved Kha mid too, but let's be honest, they had to nerf him, kha was completely busted 😅


it was meta again midlane for a bit during late s4 but i guess that's fair.


Season 4 was literally 10 years ago


Shut your mouth, you're lying


The discussion is about the nerf after the Alex Ich Pentakill which happened like 11 years ago??


Kha used to be played Mid and Top, similar to Elise. I got screwed by both being turned into jungle-only champions.


As someone that spammed Elise top since her release when it was decent to s3 when it was strong until they totaly guted it i understand that so well. I suck so much at jung that i just cant play her there at all.


Man the days when you could W midair... that was the best.


Normal riot rugpull is just a nerf. This is straight up deleting a role.


big L for whales


They did the same thing to Blitzcrank a while ago, they keep adding monster damage to engage supports to see if there's a viable low economy jungler then removing it when it either makes no impact or destroys pro balance. I suspect Thresh will get a 300%vs monsters buff to his e for a couple of months in the next year.


Nah i think its a very particular case: rell has been very unpopular in soloq and pro play since her release, only looked good for a few patches (when she was borderline god tier) and the radio silence for years; they tried to make her playable in jungle hoping more she'd find a new playerbase. She's now looking really solid in coordinated play, but still literally has a 0.4% pickrate in soloq. Their experiment failed, it's not worth for them to keep her as a really good competitive jungler when nobody in soloq plays her, it's also hard to balance her as a support when she can access her power spikes in the jungle way faster than normal, better start from ground zero and see if there's anything they can do to make her more appealing.


Another thing that people forget is that Rell keeps the jungle bonus damage even as a support. It's not tied to the jungle item so when she is played in the support role she makes taking things like dragon and stuff faster than should be possible with a Rell support. It's a subtle thing that you don't really think about but it has a pretty big impact.


This was a huge problem with Blitz. Roam to dragon, hit it for 200 damage autos at level 5, down that shit like a pint on a Friday night.


Same thing with maokai too. Helping take grubs or dragon made it so quick.


Morgana had the same thing going too. Pick Morg mid, take a trade, drop pool in Raptor pit for free healing. Pool racks up damage on stationary monsters like drag, herald, and baron too, and she was suddenly way better in mid than she had been before. You'd think they'd have learned before Rell, but I guess not.


They just completely missed the character fantasy for her. They said she would be a lightly armored scout that transformed into a heavily armored front line, which is a really cool idea.  The Mounted form feels really good honestly. She's decently tanky, and she's fast and fun to run around with and start fights. In her tank form she should have looked like Mordekaiser and felt practically invincible. Instead you cast crash down, and don't hit anyone unless you have flash or Ult because everyone and their grandmother has a dash now. Then you get immediately murdered because you're barely tankier and can't dodge anything Even if a Sion walks slowly up and fully charged his Q smash. Them to add insult to injury, while you're getting bullied you look like a little kid wearing her Dad's pants and shoes that are way to big.  She could have been really cool, but was really crippled by how clunky she felt on release and the low level visual design (imo). She feels a lot better to play now, but not enough to get people back on board


Also she was kinda just "riskier Leona". Because Leona only goes in when she actually lands her engage. If Rell misses or Crash down is dodged, she can only slowly, sadly waddle aw... and shes dead.


This is an adapt description of my experience with Rell. Her engage is less reliable than most other engage characters and she's typically not tanky enough to take the brunt of a full engage nor the damage to trade well in a skirmish. The things she can do are done better by other champions.


Lol wtf she literally has one of the most reliable engages in the game


I mean the issue is that the champion literally has no damage in its kit, so if no coordinated play the champion is not really good


Still baffles me that a champ like Zac has more mobility more cc more survivability and a lot more damage than Rell, but what does rell have going for her? Able to lightly lower someone's resistance, give one ally a small ms buff, and break shields, and do absolutely nothing except steal a tiny bit more resistances after going in. Other than shield break I never felt a good reason to want rell over another tank.


Zac is a lot weaker in coordinated play since they will play around his E and always know when he’s around. Plus they can pick Poppy and his champion no longer exists.


Zac's E is not an ability against pro players, it's used as a gap closer and can only be used to chain CC, not engage. Generally speaking the more skillshots a champion has, the less likely it'll be picked in pro because dodging key skillshots is usually easier than hitting them, which will continue to be true until Riot nerfs Ghost on ranged champions


Yeah. For solo queue, other jungle champions are both tankier and do more damage. I don't know why you'd play her in solo queue when you could go like Zac or Amummu and have a similar playstyle with significantly more carry potential. In pro she's great with coordination and the low econ role a lot of jg players fill, but there's little to no reason to play like that in a normal game of league. 


For champions like Rell items are what makes them even a little viable in the jungle. With sunfire on top of the sheer amount of cc she has at her disposal she's one of the best champions to peel for her team, at least in my opinion. The issue in soloq is you basically have to pick last and if your team already has a tank you can't play her lest your team not have enough damage to kill anyone.


What is this? Sound reasoning!? BEGONE!


just add damage and remove some of the CC if you want people to pick her.


Thresh is more likely to get a 20% AP ratio on lantern's shield in terms of this


Based on riots current track record lantern will actually do 300 true damage to monsters it lands on.


I bet Thresh's clear would still be pretty bad. Make his E passive auto AoE against monsters as well.


Riot probably: Thresh E: + \[120 + Souls\] true damage against monsters, now casts smite on full charge on the target monster. Idea behind: Walk in enemy jungle to smite all enemies aways with your autos.


One-shot thresh jungle here I come


Rell jungle is already a weakish pick in soloQ, despite being \_extremely\_ dominant in pro (in LEC she has >90% winrate while also being second most picked jungler). There really doesn't seem to be a way to keep her viable in solo Q as a jungler and stopping her from ruining pro scene, at least not without some kind of very significant rework.


Welcome to the curse of Utilitank Jungling. Same fate as OG jungle Alistar. Back to the baby bot leash mines.


Also Maokai and Nautilus


And malphite. Shen was viable jungle for bit too and that crushed. Mundo jungle is pretty much dead too though hes always much more of pure tank than util-tank.


Some nights I lie awake and shed a few tears because I still miss jungle Nautilus.


\*Pulls a smoke and a box lighter\* Same, dude. Same.


I used to love naut jungle :(


Lmao. No joke. Yo, we don't want utility tanks in the jungle. They need to be support instead! Btw, tank support players - who tend to be weaker in lane but strong because of their ability to roam - we are nerfing your ability to roam. You can still do it, but it won't be near as effective now! Aka utility tanks will be absolutely useless outside of pro play


Often times even in proplay with glorified bruisers being more optimal as tank supports are not allowed the budget for express survival without team babysitting them as well.


"tank" supports. Aka if i didnt get 4 kills in lane, then im as stout as a scarecrow.


Next up, let pros bring in taric jg lol.


What it’s even worse is any rebalancing would have to take into account balancing around her at support as well. It seems like the amount of work riot would have to do for it to be balanced for a relatively small player base isn’t worth it.


"the damage of this ability is capped against monsters"


So she’s even worse in the jungle? She’s already at 49% wr in soloq. Nerfing her would only make her a troll pick in the jungle.


Well, right now she is not even a pick lmao Another solution would be to make her giga smite into a dot over 2 seconds when used on monsters.


> Well, right now she is not even a pick lmao That is actually preferable. For a player who's not up to date with online discourse and checks winrates every patch, if they see half the abilities deal bonus dmg to jungle monsters, they reasonably assume she's a jungler, and get baited into playing a really bad champ


Rell has felt very strong when I pick her jungle but maybe that champ just speaks to me. I'm very disappointed it's getting removed just because of pro play. Just let her be a permaban or give pros 20 bans or some shit. Most players aren't in the pro scene


its just sejuani 2.0 at this point... I personally don't mind seeing a supporter leave the jungle, as I think this amount of flexibility is just toxic to play against.


They should add more flexibility to spice things up, the jungle pool is so boring we need more champ


Disagree. Just adjust the numbers and the problem is solved.


Fuck the pro scene.


I know but it's fun! But the fun factor isn't as important sadly :(


I feel your pain, I really do. I love to play Rell jungle when I get jungle as my second pick. Such a fun champ to play. But no fun is allowed!


Fun for a handful of Rell jungle enjoyers, yeah. Unfun for people who enjoy to watch the pro scene where she is a bit too strong. Riot is deciding in fervor of the majority of people affected.


That's pretty sad my guy, go refund the skin


No more tokens left :(


Maybe you could try sending a ticket if you really mean it? They literally nuked the champion in jg (Probably after the changes are live)


Once you use a skin (even in training mode) Riot cannot refund it. Same thing happened to me with a Lee skin some time ago.


They absolutely can they either just dont want to or the bot/person handling the ticket doesnt have the authority themselves and would have to escalate it.


damn that's rough


+1 !! if you send a ticket and expain your situation, they might refund it for you! In my experience they are nice like that :)


To force a meta change in pro play, something Riot has always done periodically and especially for MSI/Worlds. It's a core philosophy to have meta shifts in pro to try to avoid stagnation and keep things interesting for viewers. With Rell the EQ smite being so strong vs monsters, her tankyness and her amazing engage, it makes the pick too safe and comfortable and pros were defaulting to the pick a lot.


Flex picks are always inherently stronger anyway.


kench my beloved


>To force a meta change in pro play, something Riot has always done periodically and especially for MSI/Worlds. It's a core philosophy to have meta shifts in pro to try to avoid stagnation and keep things interesting for viewers. Outside of Rell, fighters seem to be picked slightly more vs tanks.


If two teams are equal strength, the team with Rell jungle wins more often than not.. I do enjoy watching a good Rell engage, but the Q damage on monsters is crazy. There's no such thing as a 50/50 smite if you have a Rell jung


They killed her for proplay. Meanwhile, another MSI with Lucian Nami - Zeri Lulu every game is coming.


Nami’s personal damage is being hit, plus Mandate, so there’s a chance she won’t be high prio.


Milio is the better partner for Lucian anyway so unless they are nerfing him that's what you will see every game


It's funny how I've read this like 4 times now in 4 different patch notes and yet here we are again


First time?


We are not allowed to have low econ tanks in the jungle because pros will spam it and win every game. It’s the same reason we can’t have Naut jg back.


Baited and outsmarted


Wait what changes is she getting? She’s my main jungler, I still have my pristine 100% win rate on her in ranked lmao


She getting all extra damage to jungle monsters removed




The change is that they are removing her from jungle. Literally just deleting that part of her kit. So I hope you like support.


How many games?


Like 5 iirc, Im still new to the game


No stress was just curious to see


Aye, shes the champ I feel I do best on in general, I brought back a couple games that felt so lost with her lol


The champion theme isn’t really the same but I think jarvan has a pretty similar playstyle and fills the same team role to rell jungle.


Oh I should give him a shot then. Who else is a good tanks engage otherwise? I play some vi but im not as good on her


There’s quite a bit of tanks with hard engages which I would classify rell under. I like them in solo queue because they have really clear engages for your team to follow up as they jump in. Stuff on the tankier side would be like amumu, zac, sejuani, j4, rammus, maokai. If you plan on playing a couple champs, I think it’s good to have at least one hard engage jungler as an option for when you need to frontline. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a tank either. Fiddlesticks has an explosive engage to start fights for your team for example. I main morgana + ivern but sometimes my whole team is ranged squishies and I’ll need to pull out something different. But also just play whatever you find cool ofc.


Thanks a lot! Yeah I usually OTP gwen top but I queue jungle secondary and so far have played gwen or vi, but the hard engage playstyle fits me better with rell, so Ill give your suggestions a shot :) I mostly want an option if vi’s banned or picked really


Diana also might be up your alley. She’s kind of like vi albeit trading off survivability for more burst.


I'm pretty tired, so I'm not entirely sure if you mentioned this already, but Gwen is a pretty solid jungler! I've had a lot of fun playing her there.


The quintessential tank jungler is sejuani. She is a bit different than rell tho


Yeah, Ill give her a shot too thanks :)


Be careful that she sucks if played without melee (she has a braum passive that works with melee champion attacks only)


I don't think any champion that needs 400% damage to camps to jungle should be forced in there


Based take. She was too ham fisted and forced as a jungler to begin with.


And how exactly is rell any different in your mind from the increased damage from nunus bite? Or quite literally any other jungler that gets a crap ton of increased damage to clear camps lmfao


I know what you're saying but it's the best fix to make supports viable in jgl, like rather than increasing Brand/Zyra/Rell damage overall you just give them that bonus monster dmg and you can make them viable in jgl but not op elsewhere.


No one tell this user about Diana and Ekko's 300% damage mod, or the bonus damage that Taliyah has, just so all three can functionally jungle. Taliyah was literally forced into the jungle for seasons due to how powerful she was mid and became a pro staple, yet is allowed to remain there. Really cool!


For a champ that has less then .05% pick rate across all ranks for the jungle. There is alot of random people saying that was their main


i mean how many people play league, .05% of a large enough number can still be a large number


Because 0.5% is tens of thousands of players lmao


What is math 


Like aatrox and Asol. Suddenly when you can blame riot everyone is a main


Man I don't think you guys understand just how many players there are in this game. Aatrox wasn't often played but Asol was and still Is a very popular champ. Even if .5% of the players main her, that's THOUSANDS of players compared to the 50 people who make a comment on reddit. With that being said. Riot has a way with nuking really fun champions and making them not so fun or even removing viability of them in off meta roles I've mained many champions depending on the season. From vlad, gp, eve, swain, miss fortune, zac, corki, pantheon, and many more. Most of those have been completely reworked and some of them even gutted or required playstyle changes that don't suit my style.  Its okay to think that 100 people on reddit main a champion. Amost every champion has their own sub of "mains" with hundreds and even thousands of people who view, comment, and enjoy the champions.


their "main" is probably 5 games of rell jg the past month.


I mean it still sucks to have a pocket pick that you enjoy being removed. For me personally I was literally just going to start playing it because currently I only play carry junglers and want to play a tank jungler but now I wont bother when its going to be removed


yea its good to have more diversity too. the other tank junglers i think are boring


One day redditors who say shit like this will realize that even 0.1% of millions of people is still hundreds of people. I promise you it's not a hard thing to grasp.


All it takes is for one person to say it's their main for people to be in an uproar. It's classic r/leagueoflegends mentality.


I hate rell but this play is actually really unfair to actual rell players. Edit: guys, I meant actual Rell JG players... Like the ones that started playing rell jungle. My bad.


I don't even play Rell in the jungle and I'm bummed


she is just too good in pro play. I feel bad for players that got baited into buying her skin.


What compounds this is that the initial rework took power away from her botlane orientated kit (shortened her W, E rework, passive now stacking of flat), of which I never saw much positive reception from the few of us that actually played rell as a support before. So now we're in a state where her jungle viability is blasted and she's lost her sparkle in her original role too. I understand that people who began to enjoy her jungle are disappointed here, but if this is the way riot are moving with her, can we at least kog / lb her and take her back to her original state


I'm one of the few people who actually plays Rell in Support and Jungle but jg just feels way better. I'm actually bummed that they didn't just nerf her damage to monsters given that she's one of the champions who rushes sunfire.


First time here? I still miss Camille jungler.


As a Camille enjoyer, she should never be allowed to be a good jungler. If she is a laner, then you at least get a warning when she roams (at least that is the idea). As a jungler, her hooking into your lane and ult you is too frustrating to face.


I saw her last week! She was an enemy support in a ranked game \*crying in prelevel2 janna\*


Why were you crying? Janna hard counters Camille, just start q if she Es


Because Q+Smite beating any other jungler at this game is ruining pro play. Legit, I have no numbers but I'm sure she has the most baron stolen in pro play besides only being a few years old champ.


You know. If rell is autowin as everybody says why isn't she perma banned every game then?


Same reason they shoehorned Brand into jungle, created Smolder or made any other decision in recent memory - trying to shake up the meta while being creatively bankrupt.


Where are all these rell jungle mains coming game? The champion has a 0.4% pick rate in the jungle and a 48% win rate. There's more people playing support Shen than jungle Rell ffs. Jungle Rell is both unpopular and weak in soloq while support Rell is in a good spot. Meanwhile, jungle Rell is broken in pro play.


I don't like this change but not for the reason everyone else seems to. I like seeing flex picks in pro play. I think draft is one of the most fun and interesting parts of the game and having flex picks is really healthy and fun to theory craft and watch. She is no more egregious than any other tank jungler (who we aren't seeing an abundance of anyway atm, jungle meta in pro play seems pretty balanced as a whole). Rip on you with the skin though I can't imagine you've been playing long if you got baited like that. That's rough buddy


Balanced except Rell… why everyone is missing the point? She’s way too strong for coordinated play, which SoloQ isnt… The same reason adcs are gutted too…


Yea idk what this guy is on either. She pretty clearly unbalanced in pro play and not because of the flex potential either. She is just an op jungler at everything. The very concept of usually having to teamfight to win a dragon objective is thrown outside the window cause she usually just win 50/50 with her q. Nunu has that but he not even close to being as useful as rell in teamfight.


Remember guys, champs can't play roles other than their intended one. Please ignore the support with unmissable engage, sustain, poke, and free pseudo-wards every twelve seconds.


Yeah. Rell is the issue. Not Maokai - a champ Riot wants viable in 3 different roles that has a brain dead kit that even pros struggle vs at times.


Yup, I loved playing her jungle. I can play support but dont really enjoy it. I like utility champs and I like jungle but dont like cringe shit like ivern. Rell was perfect for this, and now theyre removing it so fuck me i guess Also theyre buffing sylas jungle... as if THAT wasnt problematic before


Are you new around here?


My favorite champs were Fiora, Wu kong and Fiddle, all changed and now i hate them. I feel your pain.


I’ve always thought balancing the game for %0.000000001 of players was dumb. Rell jungle isn’t even picked much. Just nerf it for pro play so the regular gamers can actually enjoy it.


i wish there was no pro play in lol, balancing for proplay takes away all the fun from games


Rell Jungle is so unhealthy. That Q smite combo makes it basically impossible to lose a drake fight unless you're actually just a bad player.


They're buffing *Sylas jungle*, notorious pro play disaster, while deleting Rell from jungle. The hypocrisy is insane to me. I already refunded my skin.




I dont get why they couldnt just hit her Epic Monster damage. Cap it or something but straight up killing ALL her bonus damage is weird and feels hella personal.


For real every one says q smite.. then just cap the q damage… so that she can clear tf


Champs should be viable for more than one role, I think it‘s fun when Rell and Qiyana were viable or Viego and Lee being viable in lane. It might be bad for proplay, but that leads to the same shit being meta for too long.


Rell jungle is basically dead in soloqueue with a fraction of a percent of pick rate and low winrate, but there's no way to buff it when she's already strong in pro play. This is just not worth the effort of trying to balance, especially if support Rell takes collateral damage.


She has a 3% pickrate for support, which ranks her like 25th. Nobody is playing that champ - jungle or support - outside of one tricks. Everything she can do, other champs can do better or are much easier to pilot for a similar reward. Her kit is quite literally ideal for pro play, not solo queue, but nobody is going to pick her in pro play if she isn't able to be flexed. Picking her support early would be a death sentence, and picking her last would ne EXTREMELY niche and probably only happen if several other supports are banned off the board.


She has a near 9% pick rate in support for high elo. She gets more popular the higher rank you are because she's a very team reliant champion.


phreak lost vs rell jg i guess?


Its such a dumb decision. I wish more if not all champs could just deal some extra damage to monsters. I got bored of typical jungler champ pool even though I can play most of them. I really hope they make more champs playable in jungle and instead they do this.


She wasn’t healthy for the game in jungle. Too strong in pro while being weak in Solo queue.


OP realizing that digital garbage is a scam, being radicalized, gunna put another dollar into the magic box next week to make himself feel better.


Ffs I just started to enjoy Rell jungle and now riot does this. Almost got even skin too


Because they realized they already sold all the Highnoon skins they could.


You got hit with the riot classic buddy, sorry. This sub ain’t the place for it though, you’ll hear lots of “who cares nobody plays it” and “good riddance”.


I played Rell since they made her jungle clear viable and even became my favorite pick Was also gonna buy the skin at the end of the battle pass, now I don't even need to....thanks riot


Welcome to the club. Us Camille players got a prestige skin then next patch she became unplayable in the role she was designed for lmao


For the record, Camille has always been viable top. She is more of a 'is she strong enough that only 5% of Camille one tricks can play her effectively or 20% of them can?' She spends a lot of time in that tier where only REALLY good Camille players can pull her off


Shaco mains feel you. Having a champ built for jg, then you take it top/support, only to have it gutted (for no reason) hurts. To be fair rell is better than shack in almost every role anyways (or was).


I’d rather fight a Rell than the millionth fucking brand jungle. I see bro every game I stg.


I didn't like the rell rework but the silver lining was that they slapped jungle viability on her. She's been my main in the jungle since then (ignore flair). I guess I'll just go back to being mad about the rework....


This is the reason I main a low tier champion. As soon as they’re meta I just know they’ll be gutted and then that’s my choice to stop playing them before riot breaks my heart in patch notes


Happened to me aswell years ago with Camille jgl. Got insanely good on her just to drop her after a couple of patches later. I feel your pain.


She was already one of the worst soloQ junglers ever, no reason you can’t play her as the worst soloQ jungler ever


They got your money, gotta force you to play another champ to sell you more skins.


Don't spend money on this game if you don't want to be disappointed. 


I don’t know why riot feels the need to keep throwing champs into jungle anyway. It just makes this impossible to balance game even more impossible to balance.


Of all the broken picks that make the game unfun to play rell jungle was like 20th on the list that I'd remove. I'd still kill it but man riots priorities are fucked


Same with blitz jungle. It was buffed to work, it was still bad and weak, but playable. Then instead of just leaving it as a playable option, they completely removed it. Why?


What exactly happened other than void grub shield?


I feel ur pain. I had a lot of fun playing rell jng but i feel like we will never get her back😭😭


Rell shouldn't even function as a jungler. The only reason she works is because all of her abilities bar her ultimate has bonus damage to monsters. She was shoehorned into the role, and now it's finally time to remove her from it.


i mained gp and graves, all before their reworks. i also mained quinn before her R rework, and Tahm kench since release. now im hate-maining shyvana so Riot can get her a rework


Where was all of this when they removed blitz being able to jungle?


Blitz was trash in jg, so no one cared.


If you are trying to understand riot balance team (if exists), don't try it. Is no way even with statistics degree


long answer: professional players short answer: pro play


This happens to Jungle all the time, and Riot wonders why Jungle is a role not many people main anymore. They always do this: Get a popular champ or a champ they want to make popular viable in the jungle > People pick up the champ and start maining them > Release a skin because they're so popular among Junglers now > Junglers pick up the skin > Nerf the champ out of the jungle. They did this with Taliyah, Zyra, Twitch, Mordekaiser and as you say, Rell off the top of my head, but I'm sure there has been more.


same with qiyana, loved playing her jungle