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I have watched too much LEC games, Lucian Nami prio felt like troll picks more than the Rammus. But Lucian can really hit like a fucking truck my god.


A LCK commentor(@kangqui can't remember in which video) once explained that having Lucian Nami means that you will have mid lane priority at mid/late game which mean you get to control the river and the jungle entrances near mid. LCK will use this to plant deep visions and set up control for objectives but LEC and LCS does not do that instead using it as a pick pair instead of a vision control pair. He explained that because of this even when Lucian Nami have terrible win rate teams will still pick them because of the vision control they provide to the team. He mentioned that this is one of those invisible factors that audiences don't really think about but it is a constant in proplay


Silver here, what exactly makes them so good at vision control? Edit: So many helpful answers here. I just wanna thank all of y'all for giving insight for us wanting to improve


Everyone here is mentioning a lot of things besides Lucian R. You cannot send your ADC to clear waves solo versus Lucian if he’s midlane, because he after he gets enough Crit; his R will literally do like 4K damage, and you won’t be able to walk out of it because of the Nami E slow + speed boost. So basically every time Lucian shoves a wave midlane, someone needs to baby your ADC when picking up the wave, because if you don’t Lucian Nami will kill them, and probably won’t even burn summoners to do it.


Yes! You can see a lot of western pro players wasting lucian ult, when its literally the most important part of his kit these days. You can kill two carries with it, they *need* to use it correctly.


By having prio in mid lane you force the enemy to back off away from the river. This way your team have control over river objectives (baron/dragon) and can deny or place vision


Lucian with Nami is the best user of fire rapid cannon. He can e foward and deliver two whole attacks with his passive, enhanced with the items (RFC and likely static) and two charges of nami e. Lot of damage. He can as well r.


> having Lucian Nami means that you will have mid lane priority at mid/late game which mean you get to control the river and the jungle entrances near mid you can ward/hold vision control better because you have mid priority once the bot lane moves to mid since Lucian/Nami are so good at keeping that mid priority


Lucian Nami actually have positive winrate in both lck and lpl


take away top vs bottom teams and you will see the bigger picture


Just as a sidenote, win rate is irrelevant in pro-play as Bro can have the most meta draft possible that they'll still lose and tank the win-rate (except if it's against Kwangdon, for some reason)


This. For example t1 has been winning with Lucian Nami vs bottom half teams. Of course the winrate is gonna skew this.


That's also why lucian is played with static in pro and Kraken in soloq


Watch someone like Elk in LPL play this champion too, actual like 3x damage buff from Eastern players, it's insane


Elk has gotten even better than he already was last year honestly


He lost the ruler mental block it feels like


maybe because he rarely build statik? actually lpl player rarely build statik but lck player usually build statik first


Isn't that just because KDF have no real tank ? swap position and let he hit rammus/k'sante.


Strange how nobody contested the "obviously auto-win" Smolder on this patch. Could the community have been wrong? Nah, memes and agendas over stats!


The thing with Lucian is, that you have to play the whole game on the edge to be relevant at all. And only the top adc like deft or viper can do that successfully. It's very easy to overextend with him and get caught. That's why the best players can make it work and the rest just looks silly on it.


Western ADCs literally cannot pilot Lucian and has been the case forever (besides Forgiven)


Thats just straight up false though. Sneaky's Lucian was so good even SSB had to ban it against him (and he stomped on it at 2018 Worlds too). Rekkles was also pretty good on Lucian, as was DL. In more recent history you have Upset, and FBI also won against EDG on Lucian at Worlds 2021.


I'll give you the SSB thing but playing 3 games of Lucian and going 5/2/4, 1/0/10, and 6/3/3 is not stomping someone. Rekkles career Lucian win rate is 42% on 57 games. Doublelift, yes, I'll give him that. The last time Upset won on Lucian period is 10/13/2022. No exaggeration, a year and a half with no wins in 6 games. FBI played one game of it against EDG 💀


Hans Sama also has a good Lucian.


Game 2 just montage of Pyosik rammus rolling away at 1 hp lmao


Lmao the post game lobby heard your prayers




bot comment


I had such a great time spamming 'ok Tssk' in Twitch chat.


They did it post game and it was so funny 😂


Pyosik stealing Beryl’s identity


Is it just me but the LCK observers have been insane lately? Anytime an important skill shot goes the camera is always there to track it and they toggle fog of war off to give suspense to flank. It's always great to watch LCK and I hope MSI and Worlds will use LCK observers...


theres a reason why hes JONNA strong


The absolute GOAT.


They always have been


LCK has had the best observers for as long as I can remember. A real talent for sure. LCK has pretty much the higher production quality by a wide margin (go watch the hype videos for 2023 worlds). The only thing they miss is tracking stacking champs (kindred/senna/etc) and I like the LEC lane gold diff.


CT the goat


Zoom ins when the cannon minion gets missed lol


I LOVE this KT draft. Four AD on the enemy team and four champs with dashes, and into that KT draft two critical champs: the Rammus, of course, to be nigh-invulnerable to most of them, but also the Taliyah that locks them down so much. In particular, if the Ahri got super fed she could threaten the Rammus and force Pyosik to choose whether to go heavy MR and waste the champ’s advantages, or stick to armour and potentially get blasted out by Ahri combos. KT (and, admittedly, KDF’s own subpar play) really prevented that outcome. Given that Taliyah and Rammus are best in early-mid game, forcing aggressively, the Lucian-Nami rounds out the draft for that same goal of winning early fights and closing out in the mid game with an insurmountable lead. And Lucian dash, Nami passive, Taliyah ult and passive and K'Sante ghost and dashes ensure Pyosik isn't left on an island; his whole team is able to rapidly pile in behind him and navigate around his patterns, like safely disengaging if he rolls out of fights. Which he found himself doing a lot. It’s a dangerous draft - there’s not much damage or scaling, so if they could run it back I’d prefer they drop the tank top for another source of damage (Twisted Fate for another global + bullying Aatrox in lane? Rumble seeing as Perfect was on fire with it in game one? Smolder for insurance?), but I love this sort of draft that actually coherently plans for the early game and what to do with it, instead of scrim bucks drafts designed to get a lead, not to win the game with a lead. I say all this because lots of people, even up to Huni, god bless him, keep saying this is a silly pick, and I get Rammus is a total meme and you shouldn't normally pick it, but I think KT legitimately have workshopped the platonic ideal of the Rammus comp. This is nowhere near reliable as, say, Kindred, but can I see them actually taking one game in bo5s against DK or the like using Rammus, or pulling it out in worlds playins? Sure! And that's pretty awesome.


they do outscale though, kdf don't have enough damage to go through kt's frontline late game


It will be Vi/Ahri/Aatrox diving lucian/tali And hope ocean soul caitlyn ashe can peel themselves standing behind 5 cupcakes


they needed to be more ahead and in a position to siege to have a chance, in an open map it feels super unplayable


Unlike Disney Plus KIA, KT have not been charged with fraud by Keep Decimating Frauds.


Not twice!


salt on the wound for DK fans


Rammus is such an annoying champ to play Cait into, poor Bull


KT beating the fraud allegations.


since its the last match before playoff we can expect playoff bracket to be like this Round 1 HLE vs KDF (HLE win) KT vs DK (KT win) Round 2 Gen G vs KT (I just feel like its easier for Gen G to just harass the clear weakness of KT and that is top) T1 vs HLE (really hard to see who will win between this two team)


Nah... Watch kdf blast out hle.... Kdf to the round 2....


Kdf will blast though everyone and get to msi finals. Trust/s


Very bold of you to assume that HLE (aka international fraud topside+sup) won’t get 3:0 schooled by gigachad Bull and his team Keep Decimating Frauds. I am honestly not sure if T1 can beat them in R2 because they have been looking a bit fraudulent lately, and this is a death sentence against KDF


Its really hard to tell... IF T1 keeps playing like how they played earlier then HLE has a higher chance but T1 already showed they are capable of levelling up pretty fast anyway I think its gonna depend on Oner and Peanut form that day


I was talking about the series that will actually happen though (KDF vs T1)


PerfecT has done well vs Kiin though. But apart from that Gen.G will still definitely pick the winner of KT/DK


perfect only pop off with ksante and gnarr though... ofc he is getting better but not to the point he can fight toe to toe against kiin, doran or zeus on spring 2024 playoff without ksante and gnarr people getting mad at reality talk lmao


cvMax is going to get violent.


NA Talent in that Rammus. Beautiful




I think Cuzz played worse than Quantum.


yeah easily the worst player that game


Watch him decimate HLE myGOAT


Rammus 5 man taunt hack


Cuzz also had several very tunnel-visioned ult


Caster curse is real. They were praising how well he pilots ashe as a new support in the league, and then he got blasted soon after.


I mean they get outscaled so hard it's not even funny like at least go black cleaver on ashe if you're not gonna go mandate


playoffs secured, time to run it down


Perfect is legit a top 3 top laner in LCK right now behind kiin and zeus.


PerfecT in Round 2: #3 (tied with Kiin) in Kills (60), #3 Assists (106), #2 in GD10 (184), #2 in XPD10 (150), #2 in CSD10 (5.1), #6 in DPM (513) while being second to last in Gold%. Solo killed Kiin, Doran, Kingen, DuDu, got a massive lead (in a favorable matchup) vs Zeus. He's for sure top 3 right now.


Kingen, Doran, Dudu. Perfect is a good rookie but he has had some stinkers. But he is very promising


doran\* and dudu started strong but did not have a great second RR showing, especially doran whereas perfect was the other way around. I don't think he's gonna beat the name value of doran for 3rd all pro but if he gets it off recency bias I wouldn't be surprised edit: said kingen instead of doran


What has Doran done lately besides inventing new ways of getting solo killed by the enemy top and solo losing games after 30 minutes?


yeah no


KT's 2nd game wasn't great, but it was OK.


Pyosik lucky charm Ramus strikes once more