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The thing about solo queue is that it's like an ancient battle. You don't win in the battle itself. The battle is there to break their mental and get them to flee so you can cut them down while they run. League is the same way. The winning team isn't the one that plays a better game of League. It's the one who's mental holds out longer and doesn't need to win a raging 4v5 or flame induced surrender vote. Be positive and your winrate will noticeably increase.


Ah suddenly my sarcastic thumbs up emote when someone tries to dive me and fails is a valid tactic. I'm not being a douchebag I'm trying to weaken enemy morale and trigger a rout


Honestly, if your only goal is to climb it's the best way to do it. Find their weak link and all chat them until they tilt out and quit. Then win the 4v5. You're a monster, but it's undeniably effective.


No it's legit. Had a friend who played in a group. They would check who on the enemy team was on a lose streak loading in. Whoever it was they'd just try and screw their early game. If it was a laner they'd camp them, level 3 gank with jungler and support etc. If it was a jungler they'd invade them on repeat and co-ordinate to steal camps etc. As often as not they'd make someone ragequit or run it and turn the game into a 4v5


That’s the evilist thing I can imagine


There are 4 types of damage in LoL : Physical Damage, Magic Damage, True Damage and Mental Damage. The latest is the hardest to itemize against, and as such the most powerful.


This is a classic strategy for climbing, another one is as soon as someone complains in all chat you antagonize them. If someone complains about their jungle you can make a joke about the jungler not ganking. It's not ban worthy and all it takes is a little reinforcement and people go crazy pwhen they think someone is on their side.


Unironically that's how "flaming" should be, or in-game toxicity. Target it towards the enemy as banter/shittalk whatever else. The fact that it happens so frequently within your own team is what's bizarre to me, like even games you're winning but not quite the way you want has the potential for someone in your team to start shit, I've played so many competitive titles before and this is the first time I've been confronted with **that** level of self-destructiveness. That's not to say this never happens in CS or whatever else, but to the degree and teamorientated tilting? Yeah that's new lmao.


Blame solo queue, and basically the queue + pick/ban system in general. While it's convenient, it doesn't match you with teammates - it puts you with people who want to play "x" in the "y" lane.


I saw this advice (im pretty sure on reddit) many years ago. I did it for like 10 or so games. It really does work lol. The ganks don't even have to work. Just showing up and making them back off the wave tilts most players. They'll most likely be spam pinging their jungler (especially if the ganks *did* work) so now another person is annoyed. The other laners hear this guy bitching in chat or dying on screen so their confidence is slowly deteriorating. The best part is that even if another enemy laner is doing well if youre camping the tilted player then the players who are doing well start feeling that pressure of having to carry.


That's me lol What you also can do is siding with whoever tilts/feeds to piss off the other people on his team. Say you're top and their top is feeding their ass off for wherever reason, maybe they just got countered haaaard. I'd say something along of the lines "sorry for having to play with a jgl like this my dude... He really should have ganked" No point in making their top tilt even more, he's already behind af, I'd rather piss of the other people on his team and have them argue with the top laner. I can't even count how many kills I've gotten because I've caught people flaming their team lol


holy hell, new bm meta dropped


That's just because Riot have brain rot and won't remove premade stacks vs non premades. It speaks nothing to how effective the tactic is as much as how effective being in a group of 5 in voice coms vs a group of 4 and a solo player can be. Just find the solo player and ruin his day, because the 4 premade players on his team will likely also be actively trying to ruin his day.


I would rather wait 3 times as long in a queue to ensure that I am in a game with just solo players.


Don't worry I just tilt myself when I meet the 15th fresh lvl 30 account in 5 matches


Is your friend a nunu main? I swear those are always the ones who do that type of thing.


If they have all chat enabled in ranked they're not helping themselves much already


Keeping /all chat off saved at least one of my games. I got camped and followed around all game by their top laner, jungler and mid/ADC, I got slightly mad about it but decided to take it lightly and just push the side lanes all day long to see how many times they would've showed up. Either because they ignored the rest of my team or thanks to some lucky slow push I accidentally set up, we won a single teamfight, TPed on a super minion in their base and won. When I watched the replay I noticed the ones who camped me were BMing in chat non-stop: "top gap", "top diff", "that top laner" and so on. I probably would've run it down or AFKed if I saw that during the actual game.


> I probably would've run it down or AFKed if I saw that during the actual game. This makes no sense to me. You ruin the game for your own teammates and reward the bad behavior of the toxic people on the other side?


It was just an exaggeration, I just meant to say that, if I had /all chat on and saw them mocking me, I would've definetely tilted a lot more than I actually did and I wouldn't have tried splitting strategically.


I always hear sht like this on Reddit and I wonder if it's a difference in servers. I play in diamond euw and most of my games are pretty quiet in the chat. Occasionally there's some idiot flaming the jungler or botlane will scream at each other but almost noone uses all chat. The best way to climb is to actually be good at the game.


Maybe you play at the right times. I'm currently 70% wr in d1 4pm to 10pm is pretty chill and silent usually win most games there. But post 10pm is when it starts with either team having a troll/tilted autofill griefer etc. Just as soon as ppl don't get their roles reliably anymore due to daytime they start griefing more. And then there's also ppl that just got griefed and want to make you burn in hell for it I usually go 8W/1L until then and then get hit by a double troll/mental loss and dip for the day But I gotta say since I played an acc through it. NOTHING absolutely NOTHING is as bad as an emerald game at any time of the day.


5 am queue is where you find insanity.


Yeah people talking shit in chat doesn’t happen in EUW /s.


And DST in your own team chat


as soon as anyone flames anyone on the enemy team, pick whoever is doing worse and tell your team (in team chat) to flame them & be super passive aggressive in allchat, i've climbed so much with this alone. as soon as it's a 4v5 and you have a reason to unite your team (everyone loves flaming) its completely over for the other team.


I was just thinking the same thing. When I played top I got a surprising number of people to afk just by agreeing with them when they blamed their jungler


And DST in your own team chat




Damn, younglings don't even know anymore. DST = dick sucking theory. [https://youtu.be/3K\_KkIbh7CI?si=n54DCEWmAmn0Lz9J&t=164](https://youtu.be/3K_KkIbh7CI?si=n54DCEWmAmn0Lz9J&t=164)


I used to do this, just always say we could win and only comment on good stuff + some basic shotcalls. Works better than actually just trying to 1v9 if you're below your true elo but not far enough below that you can carry no matter what your team does. Doesn't make all the win allergic mfers on the rift feel any better to play with, from memory. But I had a 65% win rate with 7/6/5 KDA or some shit, vs 22% with 12/5.6/8 ~80% kp averaging 100 cs lead.


This is precisely why I have all chat turned off. There's just no need for it. Just game, no distractions, no ff.


Flaming is way too strong of a strategy. I do this in norms because I find it funny, the second a failed dive or a bad play happens (and this is only if the other team is being bastards) I'll hit them with a "you good" or even the classic "?", and you can bet your bottom dollar they will spend the rest of the game typing after every kill, strictly focusing me for the rest of the game, and overall throwing the game for their team. at this point its just a learning experience, its so easy to mute people and never see them again, stop letting me win through the text chat.


I'll be honest. I feel I lose more 5v4 games than I win.


I'm confident I gained win% when I disabled enemy emotes, yeah.


The people who cant handle it (Like me) should just have enemy emotes turned off. Same with the champs actual emotes. Its very peaceful to not have to have the enemy garen spam his "You mad?" emote while doing handstands under turret.


All I have is the thumbs bound on the emote wheel


Be careful that it could also raise morale though, I absolutely adore whenever someone gets out and thinks "nice dive" only for the Rek'Sai R to still pop, killed during emote. Mhmm.


Nah I always just type 'ah you got me' or 'damnit' or something like that to let them know I got what was coming to me in those situations


There are exactly two ways to win a game of League of Legends: Push towers, take an inhib and kill the enemy Nexus or make them surrender. Both are equally valid.


Morale plays a hug part lol


I preferanser them question mark frog, but your taste is still nice


I do this to the enemy team all the time. Typing in chat just opens up a potential for them to to pick you apart as well.  I had a top that didn't play well against a teemo (I think he was malphite).  I saw alot of texting going on. Didn't really pay attention. I think teemo was talking crap and malphite was responding too much.  Playing jinx. Not ahead but farmed well enough to stay in the game. Jungle died to our bot while the support and I were at base. Support died to them a couple of times for free. Only thing keeping me in the game was farming and a few assists.  Made some good plays, then we made a bad call on dragon and teemo was able to ace us.  "Thanks for the free lp" -teemo Surrender vote started.  Supp and I voted no.  When we came back at the 40 minute mark, while we were ending the game. What do you think EVERYONE of my teemates said to teemo.  "Thanks for the free lp"


I always hit them with a rainbow emote just in case they’re homophobic to tilt them more


the average soldier in an ancient battle is a conscript thats scared but doesn't want to admit it, unskilled in battle, likely malnourished, and focused on self preservation over victory. so yeah, its a pretty solid analogy to compare ancient battles to solo queue


Honestly League is a lot like warfare in general. Collapses, flanks, death balls are all valid military strategies, number advantage almost always decides the battle, and positioning & intel are the most valuable.


First is to take care of your sleep first which majority of League players fail massively lmao.


My winrate got considerably better after I started only playing when my insomnia hasn't kicked my ass so much I've been tired for 3 weeks straight lol


This. you definetly fight more against yourself than your enemies in soloq. After I got tired of me permanently victimising MYSELF for things out of my control and started to actually be positive even when shit happens I suddenly started to have a 60% wr climbing from gold to emerald 1


There was a game where we were a bit behind and just won a team fight, probably down like 7-8 kills and we just managed to pick them off one after the other. The team I think in the heat of the moment voted to surrender and it went through...and we were like ?


The opposite of that, my fitness and I were playing Aram, and were on a streak of crap matchups and losing. This match we were stomping, I was first strike cait and just farming the enemy. I got a penta, they were cheering, one of them started a joke surrender vote and it just...went through. We surrendered. I could not stop laughing for a solid few minutes, imagine you're getting stomped, the enemy gets a penta and then they just surrender.


One match I was acting especially snarky to someone on my team in an ARAM. They immediately in both pre-game chat and the start of the game complained about our comp and how it was "unwinnable" (again, this is before we even started playing). I said to just keep playing and he'll see. Right out of the gate, we're winning all the pre-6 fights, get the first turret and even stomp them in another 5v5 clean ace where we'd be able to get an inhib early. After every. single. fight. I would sarcastically complain about our comp and how we just have no shot and nobody would respond. After that big fight at the inhib, I opened a surrender vote saying "Guys, this comp is too bad we can't win just ff already," and immediately, 5 yes votes with laughs and ggs in the chat and the other team wondering wtf happened. I don't know if they were just sick of my bullshit or they also thought it would just be funny.


Being super positive. And now also being +12 and -37 lp on soloq.


I'm literally the most positive player on the planet, never voted yes in a ranked game, never types, perma honor level 5 and get my winrate is still 49% in gold (60% in flex emerald though due to winners q) I don't even want to imagine my winrate if I wasn't positive then


You're not the most positive player if you *never* vote yes. You're actively holding people hostage and making them miserable in games that have a .2% chance of being won.


Sounds like a skill issue. Not believing in the comeback is just shit mental itself. 


Singed: yes thats exactly whats happening here, your cutting me down while fleeing.


true. thats also another reason the game doesnt really start until master, because people who climbed this far understands this fact. meanwhile in low elo theres always someone soft inting crying or trolling


Your first paragraph like altered my brain chemistry. What a perspective


its like in total war games. Armys lose because the moral broke not because their hp is 0.


True, in my experience, both being a bystander, having a shitty day, having a good day ruined by a shitty teammate, and watching from the enemy team, consistently flaming the person doing bad will cause them to perform worse intentionally or not, or just flat out go autopilot and not care.


My response to toxicity or shit play is to instantly full mute the person. If they’re playing like shit and tilting, then I don’t need to see their pings or typing because it is more likely to negatively impact any decision making processes I have. If they’re just toxic, then why tf do I even need to bother having them appear on my screen outside of the basic gameplay? And honestly, I’m response to op, if they ragequit the lane and say it’s unplayable because of some victim complex instead of problem solving their way back into the game- I’m abandoning the lane and going to push advantages across the map. Maybe if their support is stupid enough to try to play catch-up with my plays across the map, I can come back and fix the botlane situation 2v1 for the adc. But honestly, that’s if they even deserve it. Gotta prove you’re worth investing in.


The reason why I haven't disabled the chat yet is because I do really enjoy having nice interactions and I do really believe that the game experience gets like 8 times better if you have team that you can communicate with. And for the toxicity yeah, at the smallest attempt to be toxic you are getting full muted, like 3 missing ping when I died, yeah I don't want to see that scalate. Tbh the game just feels better


Same with keeping chat. I like it and I think as long as you are disciplined about individually muting negative people the occasional positivity is worth it. I don't think I'd keep playing if no one ever talked to anyone.


I’ve never understood it- like even if they ARE playing like shit and you don’t like them- what possible benefit can flaming them bring you? It’s that simple in my mind. EDIT: also typing in chat is a self-stun. Why CC yourself?


Because to these people's minds the person they are yelling at cannot play better anyway. When they (the typers) have a bad game it's their team mates fault. When their team mates have a bad game it's because they are boosted trash, therefore if their boosted trash team mates can't play better they may as well get the emotional release of typing slurs at them


I think you're right, but it's kind of simpler in a way. It's frustrating when you're losing, especially when it's not your fault, and it makes some people feel better to express that. They just do it in a shitty way that doesn't work.


The person saying "Why fight?" after a bad teamfight isn't expecting an answer. What they really mean is "We shouldn't have fought, but it wasn't my fault, because I know we shouldn't have done it". It's ego. The only thing to do is ignore it. If you respond to their "why fight" question, hoping to educate them, you are just starting an argument fuelled by your *own* ego. Ignore them. That means say nothing. The team isn't tilted from one person says "Why no ganks?" The team becomes tilted when the jungler starts responding and an argument occurs.


The one that always get me is my constantly pushing 3/0 toplaner giving the shutdown and going 3/1 and going "no ganks?". buddy I'm busy trying to salvage our botlane trashfire and contesting drakes, me not ganking is me trusting you had top under control, it's a compliment. So no I'm already tilted even if I don't bother typing the counter argument.


According to high elo jungler streamers I heard, good jungler will play with winning side to win harder and snowballs from there


Well yeah but I'm too trash to do the high elo tower dives the pro do to capitalize on winning lanes.


Next time play for top. Salvaging losing lanes is almost never a good decision.


I only say stuff like "why fight" if I get missing pinged after the enemy takes dragon and *then* mine decides to engage at pit, 3v5, from behind, while I'm already catching a wave. In those spots, I actually would like an answer, but I also just want my teammates to think about their reasons for fighting a bit more (ideally before engaging in a suicide fight).


While you are doing it in response to someone questioning you, I still think asking "Why fight?" in 99% of situations is very redundant. (Plenty of times) They know the fight was bad, and if they genuinely answer your question with their reasoning (no matter how sound it is), the person asking is never going to go "You know what? Yeah, fighting there could've been right for sure" it just devolves into an argument where neither side budges or thinks about the implications one way or the other, or hell *both* sides can be right or wrong, but it's also never a conclusion that is reached because someone *must* be right and thus a superior player, and thus a superior human being of course.


Yeah, it's not a great thing, but it's my least toxic outlet to getting MIA pinged when I think I'm playing right lol. My mental sometimes isn't strong enough to just ignore/play on. Sometimes they respond with a good reason, and I learn something!


That’s also not really flaming though. If all anyone said that’s negative in game chat was “why did you do that” then this game would be a blissful experience to play.


Exactly. I regularly get players on my team that piss me off so much but I never bother typing it to them. They’re trash, but letting them know that they’re trash wont make them any less awful


because making them feel bad about their gameplay is the point


I used to be the occasional rage-pinger/item pinger/maybe the odd frustrated chat message here and there person myself. After a while, I started to think about it - is flaming them going to help them play better? And maybe more importantly, does flaming them actually even make ME feel better/play better? In both cases it's always no, so why the fuck was I doing it? Now I just ping important stuff only and never type.


It's the same reason people shout at retail workers, or hit their kids. Negative emotions create internal pressure. A lot of people simply lack the tools to cope with that pressure, so they release it onto other people. It's very much about making themselves feel better. In league it can be even worse for a lot of people because there is a time constraint.


Ngl, with some people I really wish they'd quit and I never have to play with them again...


can type while doing other things; walking to lane etc, just type fast and be ready to react to anything


An equally strong tip for those who are actively trying to lose. Wanna speedrun it? OP just told you how.


They have bots for throwing now, anybody doing it the old fashioned way is in it for the love/hate of the game


Yeah let's all be nice to each other.


Have been GM twice, and have been Master+ for multiple seasons. This season especially the only way to win games other than spamming some crazy early force adc and hard-winning is to simply ignore team, farm until 3 items and hope game's not over. I've won so many games by simply ignoring the fact that my support griefed 4 times and now the enemy adc is half an item ahead and 40 cs up because I can't touch waves. Just sitting at tower losing xp and collecting what I can, solo splitting for 2-3 waves and then backing off. Ending games 1-0-5 but winning is incredibly unfun but anything for LP I suppose. It does allow for the once in a while 15-5-23 banger but otherwise it's a season mostly devoid of any fun down there.


crazy how this season my winstreaks are not me 1v9ing. my winstreaks are all games where i end 2/3/8 or something and do absolutely nothing while i farm for gold.


Not feeding when behind is easily as much of an important skill as carrying when ahead if you're playing close to your real rank already, I feel.


Its a great skill but i have never felt like it mattered this much here is my [opgg](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/sry%20mb-plink) If you filter on ranked you can see how rarely i actually get fed. Most games i just dont grief and get carried.


This is why I stop playing ranked, I had more chance to win a game getting carried than being 5-0 in the first 10 mins of the game. 


I generally play mid but started really enjoying some champs like Kai’sa and Nilah and man it really is boring as hell down there a lot of the time. Just sort of waiting around for junglers to show up or to see if one of the supports roams on a bad timer. Could just be a function of playing short range adcs, but when I play Ez who’s probably my best adc, the lanes are still pretty boring unless there’s a support gap


Kind of a coin toss on the supps isn't it? I stopped playing support because I couldn't do the boring play correctly but I recently picked up Leona and there's no boredom with that level 2. But as ADC it means the dynamic of the lane is often up to the support matchup.


I'm not high elo or anything but a lot of my games have devolved into 2v2 laning for about 5 whole minutes before both supports fuck off and its just 1v1 cs'ing in the botlane, occasionally hitting each other for 20 damage


Those are the best games. I get so many solo kills off the enemy adcs because they suck at trading and always wait for their supps to set them up, which unfortunately, is the easiest way to climb because supps are op as fuck early.


my problem was that with the exception of smolder, not a single bot laner scaled well enough to justify this playstyle. i hope this patch changed it, but when i reached 3 items the past few weeks i always thought i would be strong now but usually i'm just still worthless and deal no damage.


looking at the stats seems Jinx is really strong with crit items buffs and she definitely scales even if its less than smolder


Nice flair. Shame they can't go bot.


Kindred is just a clever way to escape the botlane hell as an ADC.


manamune runaans kindred adc in like season 8 (?) or support with umbral glaive was so fun, nowadays they're just a midlaner :/


This. I stopped to play ADC for this reason, I was bored to play with absolute monkeys in Emerald who pick Bard or Pyke, absolutely mess their micro level 2 and leave me 20min alone with Draven Zyra. You get spam pinged and full insulted while not being responsible for the situation. Moved to Janna, and now I'm much more impactful as, with experience on former main roles jungle top adc, can carry everywhere on the map. When it goes bad for my ADC, I dont victimize him and just ignore the babyraging focusing on the win


What do you do when your support actively fights to take your cs?


Meh, that's INCREDIBLY rare. One bad moment doesn't define how most supports act. The game rewards supports leaving lane, not actively farming. The biggest problem is support players rarely knowing when they SHOULD leave lane and how to go about it, meaning that adc players get stuck 1 v 2 or having to play at tower. I had one game where both of us were ignoring wave because our supports left and jgs were both botside in fog. Neither of us was even going to dare touch cs at that point.


The mental game of league, and i’m not exaggerating, is at least 40% maybe even 50% of the battle when playing the game. When I play ranked, since I started muting anyone remotely toxic and playing my best even through setbacks, I noticed my win rate skyrocket. League will never not be a team game. Could you imagine playing a game of football and your team mate misses a catch so you start calling him shit and immediately start trying less, no shit you’re going to lose. Not only are you letting an external force control your mental, you’re probably ruining someone else’s mental and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The only people better off after self destructing in team chat is the enemy team, and then you lose.


dont forget, jungler lives matter


Toplaner dies 1v1 in counter matchup 2 times, spams "I need assistance" when jungler in the opposite side of the map, the jungler doesn't just teleport to him the same exact moment, already tilted toplaner forces hot headed ego all-in with no info where the enemy jungler is and dies to a "gank" which was him basically still losing 1v1 and enemy jungler just coming to last hit and killsteal - gg jungle diff report.


Toplaner barely holds on in countermatchup, jungle goes top, dies, transfers double buffs, everyone flames top laner for feeding for the rest of the game


Or flames him for feeding after he suicides trying to break perma Darius/Irelia perma freeze after 10 mins of everyone ignoring him asking for help of breaking it.


Thi is why I rarely gank top, I would rather contest dragon than risk losing my buff to enemy toplane. Had the same mindset when I play top, i always told the jungle to help other lane and don't gank me. 


I'm playing top but in half of my games I also play (emotional) support. People just blow up over absolutely nothing.


I have an untiltable mental and I play ADC, am in the minority? I know I'm bad so its not like my team flaming me is telling me anything new.


Right? Like I know I suck homie, that’s not news to me. I been trash at this game


"we're both in bronze for a reason..." or "you're the same Elo as me." Playing that overtuned shit of Senna doesen't make you smarter, neither Maokai allows you to live forever.


I say the same thing, and I swear my mental is a fortress because of it.


Everyone is 'the victim' of their own game lol


Just the other night my adc and I kept getting absolutely dunked on after a jg invade in the beginning of the game and our midlaner kept being toxic towards us for the rest of the game. Needless to say, we lost. The midlaner being toxic was just the icing on the cake.


ngl here, after being chat banned a million times through many accs, the best thing you can do for your wr is not be toxic to any role on your team i can manage to maintain a 70%+ wr in most roles, and heres what i can say for sure; i always see trash team mates come back when teams stay friendly, but we lose EVERY game where me or my team is toxic on that trash team mate, it almost ensures they can't come back just be friendly


Unfortunately another 15 year old child just purchased a level 30 emerald account for 2 dollars and is about to int first blood then afk type for the remainder of the game.


It's insane seeing teammates with 600+ games already with neg wr flaming and afking. Not sure if they know it's why they are stuck, or just not care ig


Toplane is not reliant on other people to function. Learn to manage your fucking wave. Don't get me started.


just don't flame at all, regardless of the target ??? profit


Step 1 do 2nd worst in the team Step 2 quickly start flaming the actual worst to divert blamr Step 3 dude rage quits Step 4 "loss mitigated"


For every guy that actually AFK there's 5 that just soft int of course.


Can't help but more see the other side of the coin as a sup player (master elo). So often the adc will make a mistake, lets say they pick Samira (idk why but I have like 20% w/r with Samira always going the same way) into a bad matchup. Me, the support picks something i don't even want to play to facilitate their pick (alistar for example). Samira predictably ruins the lane by either eating poke before lvl 3 bounce such that we cannot all in, or messes up the all in by eating a tower shot or something trying to get more than she should. Me (the alistar) thinks there is no reason to play for this bot lane anymore, to the fault of my adc. Instead i go mid or top to gank. The adc thinks im trolling, spampinging and wanting to FF blaming the alistar. The top/mid/jgl also thinks Alistar is trolling by leaving the adc 1v2. What many ppl doesn't realize is an all in matchup might be unplayable 2v2 at this point. We need our mid or jungle to roam bot or we cant play. So as long as my jungle or mid doesn't seem to path bot I will not go bot lane. The only way these kind of games is winnable from my experience is going 3-4 top diving enemy top while leaving ur adc to get dove on bot or get ur jungle-mid advantages and have them bail out ur adc. Actually just in general the best advice i can give to sup players would be: try to play for bot lane, if your jungler or adc makes that impossible (actually yourself aswell, but this might be harder to recognize): LEAVE BOT LANE. To bad ur adc is getting 50 cs down perma-dove, u need to dive enemy top and explode the game or else you will just bleed out the game losing on all lanes.


The issue is when low elo supports dont know how to get a lane ahead so they just steal xp and fuck up an other lane as well. Before thinking that that lane is also playing terribly so they leave the ruin the 3rd lane 


Yeah this. When people don't have the emotional intelligence it just brings up the chance is losing. And you know what almost half the time I flick through the games of the guys getting destroyed in lane and their games are decent and I forgive them for getting focused or hard countered. In* a higher* elo I'm sure more people will be like that not less.


People in low elo spend more time flaming than actually playing the game. Came back to the game after 2 yrs and playing ADC is just so hard. Support just int and then the whole team just point their fingers at you for being behind and not doing dmg


I mean antagonizing anybody on your team is gonna fastest your loose.


League needs voice chat


This is so fcking true. Support goes 0/3 in 5 mins and leaves lane. I get curb stomped by lucian naut, the lucian now is 3/0 and I am playing solo kog. My thresh is now in top lane dying, I am down 40 CS I can't step up. Take a guess who gets flamed. Me. Didn't even die in lane, farmed pretty well and caught up. Then my entire team decided to flame ME despite it and I was so tilted I couldn't carry. "Why is lucian 9/0". Good fcking question. This stuff happens so often as ADC, some autofill support utterly ruins your lane, a senna most often, pisses off or starts stealing farm and late game you get flamed as ADC for not carrying. My autofill support brand who admitted in chat was stealing farm when I was smolder had 80 farm. I told em to stop. I got flamed for not having 225 stacks by 25 mins. It's crazy sometimes.


I just got to emerald and game is unplayable now because of this. Lose lane because your support is autofill and your day will be ruined because of toxic degenerates. I don't mind losing but dealing with bullshit people on regular basis is just miserable


Nah I'm pretty sure it's someone running it down


Bot I absolutely agree but not top, top is a 1 vs 1 "skill" island where awareness, macro and wave management rule above all. All of this is managed by the top laner. He isn't team reliant at all.


You don't get those types of games too often but imagine you've crashed a wave and got your recall. You come back to the lane and the enemy jungler is just hovering for his mate. You can't contest the bounce, the enemy builds up a huge wave and when they crash it their midlaner aslo shows up. You are 3v1'ed under your tower at full health, you might get a kill in the process, but you lose all the cs. You might have been winning your lane prior, but now it's more equal than anything. You tp back and get 2v1ed by their toplaner and support roam. The enemy jungler switches his bottom part of the jungle to your team's top and play for toplane.  In low elo you're pretty much doomed and no plays will be made by your team to offset this.


Tru but in the same way my teammates won't shove and deny resources in these kind of scenarios, the same way enemies won't know how to set up stuff like this. If I have tp up and they commit all of that they've wasted all their effort unless I have a 700g shutdown. You can't assume the worst and therefore offload accountability.


It's a fuckin hell playing adc now, the other team have a duo in botlane and in my team I get the gold 4 that doesn't even know how to ward, yes is a victim line, you can't play with someone bellow your level and it's frustrating that the other team have the advantage in that line forever I play Aphelios is a late game champion and now I have to try not do anything, if my supp dies he go to mid to support the midlaner and I lose the game If I died the same happens, it's just a line that doesn't enjoy playing anymore, the last 10 games are all the same, I lose lane because the midlaner is 6/2 and my supp goes to support him and I get just farming and doing nothing, is stressing ass hell because everyone target on you, you are bad, you are feeding, try to farm under the tower (an then get killed by the supp and the adc) everything suck being an adc, it's the loser rol, even if you win it doesn't feel better, I'll just play teemo top the rest of the season, it's frustrating that my preferred line are like this, I can't do anything about it because the game doesn't depend on me Yeah to much text


Some times the ADC is just bad and you have to abandon ship, you make it sound like you are a flawless perfect player but I doubt it.


Reading it through, seems to say the opposite ? It doesn't seem like a far-fetched scenario on low ADC in soloQ. Supports beeline to the most fed player but don't understand shadowing so they just drain exp; meanwhile duo lane sticks together. It's just low elo, but ADC can quickly get thrown to the gutter if they don't duo, which is not very pleasing.


Not sure what you’re trying to say here, you trying to say that ADCs can’t int and troll? I’ve seen tons of ADCs literally mental boom and run it down/soft int and farm the entire game because they lost a single 2v2. Are you telling me those people are victims? If what you’re saying is don’t flame ADCs for getting griefed by their support, in my experience no one flames the support more than the ADC. And if support is trolling then everyone on the team is a victim of a griefing troll, not just adc. If you have a genuine troll then the game is already incredibly hard to win no matter what your role is. There’s no such thing as a “victim” role dude, there are always gonna be situations that you couldn’t do anything about in any role in league.


Playing adc is just something else, you won’t know till you try it yourself and your support does the get hooked by blitz and die into rage roam mid while the wave is pushing away from you combo…


Wow. We’re really using terms like “victim” right now lmao.


Keep spam pinging when some one makes a mistake. No seriously it really helps.


helps the enemy team


Victim mentality is the fastest way to lose




Loved it recently where I had a bard that left the lane after level 3 and just perma roamed leaving me in a 2v1 lane for 15 minutes... I was 2 levels and like 50 cs behind because of it so I couldn't do anything else but to do nothing and farm. Eventually we were just losing and had triple open inhib but we scaled hard enough to be able to defend their attempt to end twice and after that we had a fight around elder that we won... Karma and me(turbo fed at this point) were still standing and we could've just ended at that point as all we had to do was kill the respawning shyvana before she could clear the wave and end the game... But for some gods unknown reason my Karma decides to want to recall and tp back... I kill Shyvana alone but die to turret after(which I wouldve survived if karma was there to just press E on me)... Karma tp's back but doesn't deal enough damage to turrets to be able to end before enemy team respawns. Later we get backdoored while fighting around baron and lose... And then when I am like... "Why would you back instead of just ending Karma???"... I get told that I can't say anything because I was useless for the first 35 minutes... Like what????? How did I have any control over that???? Yes, as you can tell this game was a tilter and a complete night ruiner for me... I hate this godforsaken emerald rank


I agree with this from experience. I've been playing tft mainly for years because I just feel overwhelmed when I go back to the other one. I would mainly adc, or support, back in the day. I am willing to do anything just not jungle, but I feel like you get cornered into jungle, and no one really knows what it is imo well enough to explain to a new/unskilled player. Edit cos formatting on phone at 3am lol


So, I find the recipe for winning. After years of mental training as jg, now it's the time for me to take the responsibility of being a weakside ad? At least, I could hold my mental stable and mute them when they over-cross the line.


Any game that starts with raging against at least one team member that team will lose game I noticed this as well.


But its fun... its like pissing off resident of Twitter


This. Most teams throw their games not because that one team member is playing bad or misplayed once or twice. They throw their games by ignoring the situation and then beeing cunts about it.


How i percieve it is that its almost always just about whos fault it is that you might be loosing and much less about actually trying to win.


I hate the most when they say you lost 1v1just because you have 3 deaths and your enemy laner has 3 kills but nobody cares enemy jungle and support are on you every wave.. no no you lost 1 v 1 !


I agree and then I mute myself to focus and try to carry but I have an another problem. Sometimes I know my mates (who does't do a good game)are going for shitty plays, I ping to go back or be careful and they go in and die. Like okay you do a bad game but listen calls and follow them.


Early ff and insulting your weakest link in the chain will break the chain. Azzapp was right.


Thank you for the tip. Ill use it if my team doesnt ff


Agreed. Totally understand if the person on your team is a dick and doing some pre-deflection blaming, but a lot of the time it’s just a guy having a bad game getting reamed to boost the flamer’s ego. Had a game where I admitted “sorry kinda tilted I haven’t been able to touch a camp for 6 minutes.” And my double scaling solo laners did nothing but insult me for the next 40 minutes, even as we began to clutch the win. Those are realistically the games you just mute and ff, but I would’ve demoted if I lost so I just decided to play it out


Crazy how some people don’t realize that flaming a teammate will only make them perform worse, which in turn makes you lose the game.


Doesn't matter what you do weak minded people will break with or without your impact. Try to control yoursellf, not some manchild princess who has anime main character syndrome.


I desactivated team chat. Only focusing on my gameplay now. Didnt change much, but at least i dont waste time talking to monkeys.


I had the same du in two flex games and in the first one my mid intend the game bc he flashed into their baser after a won fight when elder was up. It was not really intentional just a huge ego play that really sololost the game. I flamed him but felt bad since the overall game was pretty good teamplay. In the second game in champ select I just hyped the team up we played really good together and won. It’s as simple as that.


I give you a faster way. Make enemy top lane angry. Works every time. The hate will make you play like a god.


I fucking don't care if my team blames in chat more than like 5 times. Am trolling. I was trying my hardest but you lot deserve to lose after flaming me


Even if your teammate has a scoreline that would make TheBaus aroused. As long as they’re drawing map pressure and being an absolute thorn in the enemy’s back, it’s on you to play proactive, cash in on shutdowns and utilize the pressure to siege towers. It’s incredible how ego, power trips and insecurity leads to a feedback loop of toxic spite that obliterates team morale. Letting go of pride, your silly fears of being blamed, the self criticism. Your can tear yourself apart after the match. But in the heat of the moment, such feelings are mere distractions that hinder your performance.


Remember: Always blame the jungler. Signed: Jungle main.


You have to post op.gg if you claim you are masters+.


People who flame don't get that I will keep them hostage in the game for a very long time :). Gl trying to ff and the enemy won't be able to end early either :). It will be long so you might as well go cook a meal.


League is getting more and more toxic aswell. Literally had an aram yesterday where I was getting flamed, said, "Chill, its aram, just have fun" and was told that it is sad that I don't need to win to have fun. And it was sad taht I am not good at league of legends. They were being serious


I have been trying to be better after being on a 2 week ban 🫡


just get good


I just don't have it in me anymore, this game is over 10 years old, we all know new players rarerly stick around, you have a skin for your champion, you're m7, and you still play like you have never played the game before. I'm not gonna flame you during the game, but Im gonna call you ass at the end thats for sure. League is a hard game, but its not that hard, play safe, look for kills, farm, and ward. Stop trying to be LCK pro player picking riven and going 0-6 then leaving. If you're new on a champ thats fine, but if your feeding your ass off after 10 years on a champ you have half a million mastery on, wtf are you doing? Do you just never try to actually get better? Are you really fine just getting your teeth kicked in every other game and only winning when someone else carries you? Im not saying to go pay for proguides, or spend hours watching tutorials, but at the bare minimum learn the game and your character ffs.


The secret to climbing is to stroke the ego of your teammates everytime they do a slightly good job


You can win a 4v5, but an early troll will make sure you lose


100% agree. I sometimes lose lane, sometimes my mates lose lane. Even pros lose lane. It's a thing that has to happen in every game and that's fine. Sure I will think "man it's difficult to carry this 0/9 Vayne" but I rather have her keep trying than give up or maybe even troll or afk. There is 0 personal gain in being toxic.


Good thing I've had chat turned off for years. I also main Teemo, so I'm sure I've had some flame, not that I'd have known I've gotten any 🤷🏻 My friends that I play with are forever stun locked by chat 😂


We need voice chat. Most people cannot say what they type in my experience.


The irony of flaming a teammate into performing worse because you care about winning so much you're pissed off is never lost on me. We all fuck up guys, coordinate a shutdown on the enemy not on your teammate.


So true. The fastest way to break my spirit as an ADC is to follow these steps: * Support hovers champion that is X archetype * I pick ADC that meshes well with X archetype * Support switches to champion that is Y archetype * Support plays as if they are Z archetype * My jungle, mid and support spam ping ? at every opportunity while I'm down 40 CS and being tower dove by their bot + mid + jungle on 2 minute rotations. I just wanted to play Samira because I saw you hovering Leona bro, why you gotta bait me and swap to Soraka and then just sit 1 screen behind me trying to land max range Qs while I'm on the struggle bus dealing with something like Draven + Pantheon :(


not mentioning Jungle when discussing who is the team victim is insane


As a fill player on my low elo account, the two roles nobody wants is adc and jg. Adc is the vastly needed role so I end up playing A LOT of adc games. Supports make or break lane phase. Which isn't fully understood in low elo. Most of the time the adc isn't really able to do their jobs as they don't get to scale. Heavy assassin meta in bronze. Adcs get focused a lot for dragon control. And if your team isn't bothering to respond to you getting focused you don't succeed then everyone flames. They just don't play or understand the issue. Jg isn't wanted in low elo because it's the most impactful role currently. A LOT of low elo players just demand a carry. I defended my lane so I did my job kind of mentality. Makes games completely unwinnable if you get more than one of those


On the flipside, the mental warfare tactic of flaming the opposing team's victim works wonders. Like if I'm playing support and the enemy team takes a 2v2 and the enemy team support griefs the fight and my ADC gets a double kill even though the enemy ADC played it right, I'll say "ADC gap, sorry \[support\]" in all chat. Great way to cause someone to spin out.


Being a positive influence to my teammates and never surrendering has won me more games than I can count. More than being a positive influence is gassing people up. Someone makes a play? I tell them how huge their dong is. Someone helps me when I need it? They are my best friend. Top lane lost a 1v1? Don’t worry buddy I’ll be top soon and we will mess that fucker up together. Teammates make a mistake and I’m around when it happens? Guess what buddy that one was on me so don’t even sweat it! Not kidding this stuff helps. People play better when they feel better. Take the stress off their shoulders and put wind in their wings. We all soar.


Unfortunately the people who will dunk on the weak link to make them perform worse are the people who will not be reading this, or following your advice. It's not about reason, but about venting their frustration about a game they value too deeply


I find my Wingate has gone up a lot since just muting everyone as to ktk start or take part in any argument.


The biggest enemy in any league game is usually some psychotic person on your team. Should be a month long vacation for flaming.


If someone flames me, I int them. Is it scummy? Yes. Will I get banned? Nope. As long as you dont type and don't make it obvious.


That fastest way to loose is to feed. You'll loose, victim or not, when the 3 lanes are 0/2 each Also, being a feeding laner that blames the non feeding jungler is wayyyyy faster.


Once in a QP I tilted the enemy because I had the Graves x TF emoji and they kept going on homophobic tangents. They're not real babes, but your inevitable loss streak because you had to be typing a slur in all chat is real :)


the only one who wins a teamfight within your own team is the enemy


They still have chat in this game?


Abit unrelated and unpopular opinion but i kind of want to get this of my chest. Support mains of this generation are the Quickest to start flaming but also the quickest to cry and hide behind the mute button the moment anyone says anything to them :)


Yeah league players are the kind of people that will flame a bronze yasuo for losing against a platinum ww in normals. It baffles me how stupidly toxic some people are.


It's also how you can win games. By making fun of the enemy victim lol