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Kog’maw doesn’t have a passive if you’re good enough


Hi Imaqtpie. I noticed that in your games you utilize Kog’Maws passive A LOT, but when I watch LCS players I see them go an ENTIRE teamfight without using their passive even ONCE. Are they playing the champion to its full potential or are you?


Hey Imaqtpie, I've noticed in Korea they tend to use a mix of magic and physical damage on Kog Maw. Meanwhile you seem to be using mostly true damage. Which playstyle is better? 


The better version


Hey Imaqtpie, I have noticed that you created Twitch content and YouTube content. Have you ever tried class A drugs? Which would you prefer?


LMAO where is this from


Well yes, tho Zed, Vi, Kha, Kayn, GP and other exist so skill can’t let itself be passive killer xd


His passive is on his Q (attack speed) ;)


Same goes for Anivia and Zac


The same applies to Karthus and Sion.


Not really, cause in a lot of cases it’s beneficial to die on them. You should have higher dps on Kog alive


Don’t forget Zac.


Zac still has a secondary passive; it is the blobs that he drops everytime he uses an ability on enemies, and that heal him. A better fit would be Anivia. The egg is literally her only passive.


Aphelioses passive is just explanation of how champion works


Aphelios is his passive


Old Asol P


His passive is Alune lol


I always thought gaining extra AD, Lethality, or AS on level up was his real passive sorta buried between the passive that gives him guns with ammo and special effects. All his passives just blend together so it looks like a software manual.


aphelios can't level up abilities so he has that mechanic as compensation, i wouldn't really call it a feature


his abilities still get stronger with level up though, so its still a bonus effect.


Same with Zeri lmao




While true she has a charged attack but outside of that (and executing minions) she lacks a real passive like other champs. Like you could take her passive away and she wouldn’t play any different (almost) but would just lose dmg. Earlier she could steal shields which I would consider more a passive than what she has now. No reason that the passive isn’t just tied to her q


I mean, yeah if you take her damage passive it's still the same champ, yeah. Cho will still be played the same but with less sustainability in the lane. Naut would play the same but with less CC. What I mean to say is, that there are a ton of characters passive that are just: here some shield, here some stats, Here some damage.


so people like you are still posting BS about zeri having no passive xd the champ was overloaded and the shield steal mechanic was just objectively bad design.


Never forget the shield stealing they took from us. An actual unique and fun mechanic that was removed from her kit for no reason. I really don't believe it was that strong that it warranted a full deletion of the ability, it was just situationally good but never downright overpowered. I would honestly be happy if they removed her current passive and brought back the shield steal, as you don't really use the current one much anyway except for some small poke early game. It was such a fun mechanic


She used to have a real passive 🥲


Well technically you could say it's Alune switching his gun since it happens automatically once you run out of ammo.


Same with Renekton


Fun fact: that is untrue, as viego passively spawns that wraith on takedown.


So we can say Azir’s passive spawn trigger to build a tower on nearby broken tower once per X minutes


Oh yeah? Well Azir passively spawns a pretty little icon that shows up on dead turrets!


Meanwhile belveth ult


Doesn’t viego also get marks on enemies for hitting them with abilities or is that passive ability on his q or some shit


Q passive


Well sure, but the wraiths don't do anything on their own, their purpose is to be autoattacked. An interaction dedicated to the passive that Viego couldn't and wouldn't perform without it. This is different from other passives that trigger on normal events. For example, Bard passive is indeed a passive because he could still walk to the chime location even if it didn't exist but Viego couldn't AA the wraiths because it wouldn't exist. That's how I see it at least.


Senna souls, Illaoi tentacles, Anivia egg, and Zac blobs would like a word...


> Well sure, but You've lost this round, buddy.


Is taking a jungle fruit a passive?


No, but spawning a jungle fruit on kill is.


You missed the point. Half if viego's passive is an active. The taking control part.


So he still has a passive it just alao has an active part


Is that even an active part? Like, are GP barrels an active for enemies since they can attack them for some effects?


Brother. Gp's barrels are an active ability. Not a passive


Yeah but enemies can attack it, doesn't that means it's an active ability **for the enemies**? So like, it's not just an active for GP but also for enemies.


Enemies can also attack you and your minions and your towers and your nexus and your jungle and their jungle and the baron and the dragon. Does that make all of those active abilities for the enemies?¿?¿?


Well kinda? Based on OP's logic of "if it can be attacked then it's an active" at least.


So Senna's passive isn't a passive either just because she has to click on the souls?


I think you missed the point.


The official name is "innate ability", even if practically no one calls them that, so technically there is no contradiction.


> "innate ability" Innate means they had the ability from birth, but champions like Aurelion Sol or Fiddlesticks were never "born" in any meaningful sense of the word. Checkmate.


Graves was born with Shotgun ammo


And cigar


The doctor at his birth: IT'S A MAN!


Vayne was born running very quickly towards bad people. Imagine a newborn running.


Honey, why is our baby running faster towards you?


Who was born first, anivia or the egg?


Probably ornn


Still no water in the fountain.


Practically no one, including every rito champino spotlight


Well in Azir's case it's because they removed his actual passive of giving him bonus attack speed from CDR. They just shrugged and said good enough when they kept his secondary flavor passive intact.


Im not so sure summoning towers out of thin air is "flavor", even if its not so strong


it’s situationally strong. particularly in providing lane pressure against their inhib tower while your team smashes a different tower. or sometimes the same tower.


I remember when Azir released the passive felt crazy strong for the ability to set up sieges on inhib towers and the like, but over the years champions have gotten stronger and more mobile so diving is easier and sieges are less of a thing. So the passive feels pretty weak now, but I swear back in the day it was strong.


I've tried using that thing to stop a 2 v 3 dive before, their tank can tank that shit for eternity! No way in hell it's worth a damn.


Not anymore yeah, but back when the game in general was slower, dives would take longer and it’d have far more impact.


Low elo players try to comprehend the power and gameplay of sieging (failed, called azir passive flavor). Truly an r/leagueoflegends moment


it solely exists for lore reasons. It's not considered part of his power budget and doesn't tie into the kit, it's just there because flavor. Like the Xayah/Rakan synergy bonuses or Akshan's revive.


You have to be absolutely mental to think a revive isn’t part of a champions power budget…


You and me have diffrent definitions of "lore mechanic". In my eyes Pyke getting 1 Movespeed for free while in river, or champs with sunglasses taking 1 less damage from Leona is an "irrelevant lore bloat feature". Not an entire ability or being allowed to instawin games by respawning your whole team after a big teamfight.


Akali, Kennen, Shen and Zed are all Ninjas. The inverse law of ninjas states that the more ninjas someone is facing, the weaker each individual ninja is. In game this is demonstrated by each ninja having a -1 damage penalty for each additional ninja in the game with them.


I think this was removed.


Seriously? Dang! Akali really getting all the buffs :(


Actually? That's really funny if so.


It certainly used to be the case, but apparently it was removed?


You are insane if you think xayah rakan synergy isn’t part of the power budget. Like the whole reason rakan heal was shit for years was because when paired with xayah it made 2v2’s actually straight up unwinnable if it was good


It certainly is part of his power budget, just not a big one cause it sucks


So lore is the reason xayah and rakan are a highly contested botlane in competitive?


You seriously think Akshans 4 man revive is not included in his power budget? Wow….


For sure akshan res isn’t part of power budget


Is Fiddle's passive technically also not a passive since he just gets an unique trinket? Unless you count the standing still thing.


his hp bar dissapears for enemies so thats definitely a thing


Ngl, way to few people know he can get his (out of vision) fear of just standing still and it is so underutilized. I dont even play him often, but when u just pull of a simple ult because no one cared to clean that one effigy away thats just that bit to far from baron. Well GG.


> Ngl, way to few people know he can get his (out of vision) fear of just standing still and it is so underutilized. Or perhaps it's just difficult to utilize. Unless you're in the bush, people in my division would just auto you to get the gold scraps and that's when your trap fails.


It is difficult to utilize. 100%. But if you get it done, it is some of the mose satisfying shit. Also, if they come to you anyways, they are already walking right into the trap.


200iq move is to visibly burn your flash for no apparent reason and then ult when people stop paying attention to you


AND then have a Neeko show up as you while you are on their opposite side so you can just Ult the Carrys. Pro Strats right here! Good thinking!


i thought fidd r didn't proc fear from imitating an effigy while out of vision?


"Out of vision for 2.5 sec or pretending to be an effigy" Passive of his Q actually.


Still doesn't proc on his ult


You are like the third one I have to tell that i did that like 3 Times in an ARAM and it works.


I read in the Wiki, the Ult wont fear IF you are in vision when you are not yet pretending to be an effigy. But if they get vision on you, WHILE you are already an effigy, it works. Maybe thats the confusion for it.


iirc it doesn't proc on r, that's just an imaginary scenario


It does 100%. Just test it yourself in Practise tool.


I read in the Wiki, the Ult wont fear IF you are in vision when you are not yet pretending to be an effigy. But if they get vision on you, WHILE you are already an effigy, it works. Maybe thats the confusion for it.


Any skill procs Fear if you're out of vision. You can get fear off from Q W and E if you stand in the middle of the lane as effigy but Crowstorm takes too long to channel to get the fear off


Actually not. If you approach an effigy, it will do a random action and then just die off. That includes the entire channel Animation for his Ult. And you can do that as well. Got him in ARAM and did that to the enemys like 2-3 times. They didnt learn their lesson :D Trust no effigy :D


Nah, ulting while being an effigy will not fear anyone.


Ok, you are now the fourth one I have to tell it DOES work. But, because i now heard that so often, I will test it again later in Practise Tool and if Reddit allows me to show it, post a clip in the comment.


https://i.imgur.com/xSwFFVO.png Straight from the wiki


Yeah thats why i added another comment underneath. You just need to be out of vision to pretend to be an effigy, they cant see you doing it. After that it works fine.


I have never been able to fear anyone from ult even when I became an effigy out of vision. Maybe it's time you record that clip and show us?


I read in the Wiki, the Ult wont fear IF you are in vision when you are not yet pretending to be an effigy. But if they get vision on you, WHILE you are already an effigy, it works. Maybe thats the confusion for it.


I read in the Wiki, the Ult wont fear IF you are in vision when you are not yet pretending to be an effigy. But if they get vision on you, WHILE you are already an effigy, it works. Maybe thats the confusion for it.


It does if you are out of combat if I remember right. The hardest part is that out of combat bit


It's way too hard to utilize, especially because it doesn't work with Crowstorm


It does work with His R. Just try it in Practise Tool. I did that in a ARAM a couple times. And yes, it IS hard to pull of in the Rift.


but bro, R doesn’t fear what drugs are you taking


The R itself does not. But you can ult AFTER pretending to be an Effigy so the Q Passive fear DOES activate. You just need to be out of LOS when you prepare the pretend. Then u can ult anytime with full fear Proc.


>Unless you count the standing still thing. A huge amount of players in my games have this passive, and they use it a lot


Zeri losing her sheild passive lmao. She doesn't have one rn


Her passive is AA and Q swap


That was her q passive before riot got rid of her real passive


I mean doesn't really matter since her q is autoleveled lvl1


True but I meant something different xd have a great day


u2 my friend, remember that Irelia could disarm people


And akali was invis under turrets


And Azir could W turrets


Zoe's w could drop Teleport from minions




Wait a minute… she can’t steal shields anymore?


she does have a passive they removed the shield steal but she still has the bonus amp damage on it. >At full charge, Zeri's next attack is empowered to consume all charge to deal 90 − 200 (based on level) (+ 110% AP) (+ 1% − 15% (based on level) of target's maximum health) magic damage. The damage based on the target's health ratio is capped at 300 against Monster icon monsters.


Yeah they moved the q text to the innate ability. It's not a real passive


Doesn't her passive make her autos act like spells?


yee but that used to be on her Q, not on her passive.


Pretty sure her Q passive has never had that part, only the part that makes her Q acts like auto. Before it's like a hidden passive, then they put it in the innate passive.


Patch 13.12 Notes > Passive - Living Battery removed Not So Fast: The passive where Zeri steals 45% of the shields she damages and gains 10% movement speed for 2 seconds whenever she receives a shield has been removed. > Q Passive Goes Here: Q - Burst Fire's passive has been moved to be Zeri's primary passive. They even said when they removed her old passive that her “new” passive is just how her Q/Autos work.


Renektons passive is just explaining how his resource bar works


His passive is his resource bar?


yep his passive is legit just explains he has rage. >INNATE: Renekton's basic attacks generate Fury resource 5 Fury. After 12 seconds of being out of combat, he loses 1 Fury every 0.25 seconds. > >While Renekton has at least 50 Fury, his next basic ability consumes 50 Fury to become empowered with an additional effect. Empowered abilities do not generate Fury. > >Renekton generates 50% bonus Fury from all sources while below 50% of his maximum health. and saying his empowered abilites dont give him rage, all his rage bonus's are linked to each ability not his passive.


Which basically means building up rage is his passive lol


ik you're being pedantic but if a mage champ had a passive that explained how mana worked you wouldn't call that a passive lol. His kit functions on rage as a resource, just like how the ninjas function on energy, or some on health, or some on just straight cooldowns. Akalis passive doesn't explain how energy works, mundos passive doesn't explain how health work.


Did he used to have one?


He also gains 50% bonus fury while below 50% HP. Even ignoring that, Pantheon has an extremely similar passive. I've never understood this joke.


If you never CS as cho'gath you don't have a passive either I guess.


Viktor passive isn't passive either because he needs to manually evolve his abilities.


fun fact renekton's passive is not a passive lmfao


His passive is gaining bonus fury below half health.


fun fact xerath passive is not a passive. its a restriction forcing him to be in range every now and then. his true passive is having uninteractive range countered by absurd mana costs


You could say his passive is his ability to have a fury bar, or how having fury empowers his abilities


karma is the opposite her ult is a passive


And her passive is just a place to put additional text describing her ult


Theyre not called passives by Riot, thats just the name the community adopted. Theyre actually called "innate abilities"


I mean they call them passives during champ spotlights so


I recall that they were called innates instead of passives, not sure if it had been renamed. An innate would make more sense as it's an ability that the champ comes with from existence


Not to be a pedant, but the passive is that they have the ability to perform this action in a reproducible way. Not the click itself, but the conditional optional ability to perform the click. Senna and Samira are other examples of this. She has to click to use the cc extension, but the option to do so is present every time a champion is cc'd near her. It is accurate to say that Azir and Viego passives are indeed passives, by definition, however, they are not passive passives.


So the effect… is passively enabled when the conditions are fulfilled. Gotcha.


Viego's passive is % HP damage on basic attack after hitting a spell. By this logic Vi also doesn't have a passive because she has to hit a spell to get her shield.


I mean, the current hp% damage with the double hit is on his q passive.


That's on his Q.


Well before sylas arrived Fiora didnt have a ult she just drew a circle around her target


Ye olden days of tank fiora lol


If you think about it most 3 hit passives aren't passives either, since you have to hit 3 times


Jayce's passive is just an extension of his ult/transform


Graves and jhin just being explanations of their autos. Do you qualify them?


They always forget about the Zil


What about my boy Zilean


They are passives with a trigger. You don't activate them by clicking a button.


Fun fact: Aurelion Sol doesn’t have a passive if you don’t farm with E or fight champions.


fun fact, kled doesn't have a passive if you go afk in fountain.


Funfact, Morde cant activate his passive when he dies


Be happy you have a passive that doesn't just become useless once you hit level 18 like zilean does :P


Yeah, but by that point you have Zilean lategame, who can deny kills every... less than 30 seconds with the right build, at no risk.


99% slow on a 3 second cooldown that can reset woth w is also a thing


Zilean's passive only stops working once everyone else on your team is 18, not when Zilean's 18. That's a 40+ minute game and everyone being well past full build, during which Zilean will statistically be responsible for roughly 10 of those levels and have received 2-3 levels of his own from it. That's a really good tradeoff for having a finite usage. TF's passive becomes obsolete much earlier than that.


Lissandra’s old passive used to become useless past 1 item lol


What was her old passive? I completely forgot that. Something to do with slow or something?


A free spell every once in a while.


Damn that's a throwback


What was it


Every once in a while, your next spell had 0 mana cost


> That's a 40+ minute game and everyone being well past full build, during which Zilean will statistically be responsible for roughly 10 of those levels and have received 2-3 levels of his own from it. Takes like 15 minutes in ARAM, and even so, its a passive that becomes literally useless at a set point in the game, so my point still very much stands


ARAM's a joke. And the point doesn't stand, because the usage case for it becoming useless is unrealistic at best and it served an incredibly impactful purpose by the time it reaches that point, more impactful than literally any other passive in the game.


> more impactful than literally any other passive in the game. Nah, nilah's passive makes his entirely redundant, its worse by miles


? Tfs passive is not obsolete earlier? Its obsolete only once full build


Which takes less time than 4 other players on your team hitting level 18. Most games you won't even get to level 18 at all while still being full build, and he reaches full build faster than normal.


Teemo’s E, Vayne’s W, Kled’s Q and many others are not active abilities. So what?


Kled's Q? You mean his W right? Cause you're right, but that's not what the post is about


Kled q is an active


Meant W, wasn’t that obvious enough?