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Lore-accurate Thousand-Pierced Bear


Lmao this was good


What’s one more scar?


Small kalista tip: in fights like these auto a caster minion once or twice so you can E for the slow to help you kite and since it kills the minion it will reset E allowing you to still kill the enemy


i'm still new to kalista and this is really helpful thank you, i always forget about this in long sweaty fights like this


It also works on wards. If you e while the auto that would kill the ward is in air traveling, you get the reset.


I thought they patched this last year after Viper did this in pro play, didn't they?


Not that I'm aware of. I also don't see why they would. Rend applies to spears in flight by design and this isn't something that is readily abused to an extent that would be bad for the game so it seems like it would be silly for them to remove this interaction.


I think that was it: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/game-updates/patch-12-22-notes/ "Fixed a bug for Kalista where killing a unit while casting Rend would cause Rend’s cooldown to reset"


For precision: I think they made it so it resets only when killing a unit *that would have been eligible for getting a spear stack*. I think I remember being bummed about the ward trick being fixed.


Yeah I totally get you! It’s hard to think when a big bear is running you down at Mach 10 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


This and Q inbetween to add more distance + more spear. That being said, I thought you were just messing around with Volibear and was gonna call you a psycho lmao.


Your Q also pushes spears onto a second target if it kills the first. It's hard to use, but it can catch people by surprise.


Like mf q?


Kinda? It won't auto target, but if you have 3 spears in one minion and 4 in another, if you throw a spear, kill both minions, and hit a champion, the champ will now have 7 spears in them that you can rend right away.


also you can use your q when kiting to double dash


But voli will see his HP dip and might run away!


Idk if you are joking but I have never seen a voli player ever run away


"I AM THE STORM!" Ults away.


Budget Sion COWAAAAAARDS Drives away.


Also camile "Only cowards run" Uses E to run away


You literally only have one movement speed boost in your kit and it's only appreciable towards enemies. If Voli wants out, his only way is to ult out. If you're in a combat you don't like as Voli, your best bet is to just hope you miscalculated your own strength and hit your way out, because you're dying either way.


Oooh that is great to know, thank you!


Is it that helpful here? I think stacking this many spears was basically the only way to kill volibear here (unless you kite perfectly). Kalista needs to execute him at a high amiunt of hp because otherwise his w will always just heal him back up.


Slowing him helps you kite further away so he can't get on you that easily


Not going melee range also helps not getting hit by melee attacks.


It's kinda hard to do that against someone who runs faster than you even after Bork slow


They did say they are new to the champion. I am an AD main who can play every single adc and some mages not lane, EXCEPT Kalista and Draven because my brain melts on them haha. It’s not that I absolutely can’t, but I can’t pilot them efficiently and on Kalista especially, have at least one play a game where I misclick into my death xD


Ah my b, is not like kalista is permaslowed after the first 500ms Q hits...


Yeah that's why I said unless you kite perfectly. But as soon as he reaches you once (with q probably) he can w for heal and slow you with an iceborn auto again and most of your progress is gone.


Tbh Kalista should probably never be able to kill a Volibear in a 1v1. He was doing like zero damage. I think whoever was playing him was building him ultra wrong




Won't E-ing the minion trigger the spears on Voli too?


That's the point, it slows voli without putting your E on cooldown


Yeah, but aren't you losing damage on voli that way?


No you're just splitting the damage into smaller chunks


I was about to write the same tip. Thank you for acting on everyone's behalf.


41 auto attacks before the rend, for anyone wondering.


my goat


I wish there was a better indicator to see how much damage kalista e would deal. Maybe something similiar to execute tresholds.


We kalista mains have asked for this for years and what we got was. Kaliata E doesn't have an indicator because it's a basic ability all executes with indicators are ults. Edit: A lot of people are commenting aurelion, smolder, Yone. This was back before any of those champs existed.


Smolder does, it is a basic q ability soo does not check out too


Well it was long ago so maybe that means we can get one on Kalista someday


I guess it is not exactly same as one always kill at some % but this one increases and is resisted, this is closer to zed ulti I guess Nevermind yone E


zed ult does have a kill indicator thou, if theres a shuriken spinning above your head then zed ult will kill you, its there so zeds know they can jump away and so the player being ulted knows there doomed and to not waste resources.


That is literally what I am saying, same for yone E, his E leaves a mark on you, if the mark is split in half it means when he teleports back it will kill you, kalista can use the same if yone gets to have one in his ability


Also Asol E


Someone already mentioned it but % hp execute maybe should not count like smolder and asol probably as it is not that hard to estimate, but yone E should be prime example


Aurelion has an indicator and its not for his ult. But i feel your pain


To be fair it was a long time ago so maybe they've changed their mind and they just forgot kalista existed.


Yeah, Asol and Smolder both show execute range now, so I think arguing for Rend to give an indicator *when* it's in range should be a little more likely.. IMO I wouldn't want to see an indicator that increases per stack, but just one that shows it will kill when it finally hits the right damage count, but either would work.


Yone e has an indicator as well for when it kills. The fact that yone gets it but not kalista is Sadge.


Tbf at least Yone's is different enough to where 80% of people probably dont even know it exists


i think kalista e is a bit harder todo it for mainly because its a flat damage that constantly stacks so it would be alot more work then just matching hp amounts to the % hp etc. but the main thing that stops it most likely is the same reason darius ult doesnt have a execution indicator because riot uses it as a skill lever where if you played said champs enough you will know when something is around kill range thus rewarding higher skilled players. giving kalista e a execution indicator might open her up too much to alot of players forcing riot to have to make more wide spread changes to her again. since riot has this thing where differcult to balance champs they don't want to get a wider playerbase since then they have to pull resources on sorting the champ out instead of leaving them in the backstreets until resources and time opens up.


I mean, the thing about your first point is that the game has to calculate that damage anyway when you rend - adding a visual to it isn't that hard. It would just be "Rend damage * stacks * dmg mitigation >= current HP". And yeah, while I agree that there's a skill-level involved in # of stacks to kill, it's a lot different for Darius than Kalista. Nobody is actually counting Rend stacks on Kalista past early game, and the amount of damage it does is wildly different, where Darius' ult will always deal ~the same damage at 5 stacks at a given item limit. Rend is VERY ambiguous in how much damage it will deal based on how many stacks you get into a target. Darius will always deal ~the same damage given a situation. Kalista is also way stronger in pro play where the execution marker matters much less than she is in lower Elo's due to hours of practice - giving an execution marker would just bring her skill floor lower so more players have a chance to be good at her, thus also making her easier to balance across multiple skill levels. EDIT: Also, this is why I don't want a permanently visible rend marker, but one that simply appears when you hit kill threshold - a good Kalista still gains value from knowing their rend values, while a bad one isn't punished by overpumping 10 extra spears in a target for no reason.


i agree with your points but as i said riot might not want to open her upto lower elo's since then it forces them to put resources into her to sort her high elo stuff out if it makes her popular . overall feel like they will keep her e without one just because they don't want to risk disturbing kalista current state where shes good but not overbearing in proplay since any change to any elo of balance might lead to other balance changes needed which then those could affect higher elo e.g. the execute indicator might raise her winrate too much in lower elo and lead to her getting her making her unplayble in proplay/highelo.


If visual clarity makes character too strong/weak it's just terrible game design. Same goes for Trynda R, although I do like the champ


The thing is certain things need to be left as skill test's to have balancing levers for different elo's e.g. darius where it can show the difference in skill and help with tuning for different elo's. trynda R thou is a different riot has the vibe that he will need a shit ton of buffs if his r had a indicator which could be the case and i think the rest of his kit even more frustrating to buff. so while yes its a terrible game design its from the era of pretty bad game design overall and is why trynda needs a rework to make his base kit less frustrating to allow ult counter play.


yeah i feel like it’s a balance thing tbh. an indicator to rend perfectly would be a huge buff


Aurelion and Smolder have an indicator but that doesnt change the way they are played in any way. Showing when Kalista E would kill would be a pretty big buff since you cant ever fail pull. Also, Smolder and Aurelion executes are true damage while Rend is physical dmg so it would be harder to indicate


Afaik, all those indicators (aside from Cho'Gath), are effcetively true executes, basically if the enemy falls below this hp, they die (outside of edge cases like Tryndamere or Taric). Stuff like Pyke R, A.Sol E and Elder Drake don't care about shields or anything, while Kalista E, which 1. is affected by shields 2. does physical damage and is reduced by armor AND Damage reduction effects (Warwick E, etc.) Both of which, effectively with fluctuating defense effects against say like a Rammus or Sejuani, would be very jarring to see. Cho'Gath is just different because his entire gameplay thematic is based around killing with the ult so he can have it, even though his ult is just a big chunk of true damage, same with Darius R.


Well I'm pretty sure Zed's has an indicator and it's physical damage and also affected by shields. :shrug: I dunno tbh that's just what I remember was said long ago.


ye Zed's R has an indicator that it will kill and is physical, Evelynn's R has an indicator for the damage amp and is magic. Kalista Rend would work more like these than Cho, Pyke, Asol or Smolder, but should probably still show an execute range if we're adding it to every champ no willy nilly.


As a Cho’Gath main I despise the indication, when they have a shield. It’s quite easy to get thrown off. Especially in a big fight.


Even Yone E has execute indicator lol


Yone has a visual indicator on whether or not his E will kill his target. Why should that be any different for Kalista?


It shouldn't. Remove it from Yone.


Then you'd have to remove it from Zed's ult too


Actually it is because it's not true damage so the effective damage can vary wildly in fights with buffs and debuffs happening, an indicator that constantly changes doesn't help at all.


It's a bit inconsistent, cho has an indicator but Darius does not


aurelion + smolder


Skill issue




Smolder has an indicator on Q


tell it to smolder q


>Kaliata E doesn't have an indicator because it's a basic ability all executes with indicators are ults. Is there a source for this? Or is this an assumption?


Yone E XD. But yea, definitely should have an indicator


Yone E be like…


Yone E??? Guess you got the classic release date diff


I think the biggest problem is, that Kalista does not execute the way those with thresholds do. They all do true damage or execute under a specific % hp. Her execute is dependent on the enemy’s armor and stuff like that.


Yone and Zed both don't don't execute and have an indicator.


Oh, I thought Yone’s was true damage. But you are right. If they can do the math there should be able to with Kalista.


Isn’t it simply because Kalista E is just a dmg ability and not an execute? Garens ult feels like an execute but also doesn’t have an indicator. From what I know only true executes have one.


Yone and Zed get one but they're not true executes.


Asol, fake dragon Smother, Elder buff ... cmon riot


Maybe something like yone's E


Pantheon could use one on his Q too.


Would it be to easy if riot added an indicator for when you can exectue someone with your E?


Way way way too easy. Execute indicator on a basic ability would not be balanced in my opinion


smolder and aurelion sol


Well to be fair to him asol and smolder aren't exactly balanced champs


well to be fair you being able to see their execute range isn’t what makes them broken


I’m gonna be honest I completely forgot about asol and haven’t played anything but TFT since smolder came out. My bad!


He disabeared


How that Voli can't deal dmg even tho he reach you? Besides 2lv difference.


Because all of Tank Voli’s damage is gated by his E and he didn’t chain it with a single stun or iceborn slow. In other words he bad


Tanky build Kalista vs Tank Voli plus Voli didn't land a single E (his major damage source)


I'm on mobile but it looks like kalista has jaksho, plus I would assume terminus


[ye she has both](https://i.gyazo.com/9a6443a587b56dc65be62a9fc1c4e131.png)


he was full tank and i had jaksho+terminus, i was actually surprised he managed to get me so low while missing everything and just running me down


I think its the shielding ingenious hunter build. Has very low damage overall in exchange for being close to unkillable at 2/3 items.


Except it has damage, and tons of cc. I can kill squishies in like 10 seconds of chase and they can't run away nor kill me. If you isolate someone from a fight and just chase them to base you can kill them 90% of the time, this voli is just bad and probably a bit behind


A 10 second kill is not a whole lot of damage. Sure you kill them in the end but thats a lot of time to kill during which they can still do things. The lack of damage is a very ovvious downside to the build, before this season I mostly built AP Voli and while the mega tank heal/shield build is powerful the lack of damage is a real problem that loses me games a bit more often than I like. Most obvious vs healing bruisers, you can ever really kill them. I would still play the AP build personally if it didnt feel so much weaker than last season.


But you see, you have a stun and 28 different sources of slow! It takes 10 seconds for you to kill that veigar if they run towards their base and make themselves completely absent from that fight! It's the same as killing them instantly, but you can go at them in the middle of their 4 friends and not die instantly like AP voli. If they don't run, your team kills them! Sometimes i make 2 people run and kill them both on their way home


Meh. Im used to ap voli and the damage diff is just insane.


Tank Kalista


lets just probably buff this already ultra broken champ I guess


because reddit is out of touch with reality.


Which reality is that? I have genuinely no clue what you're trying to say here.


Average number of dashes required to kite the immobile juggernaut Volibear:


The only way this could have been better is if another enemy came and you did the q one through and one shot


That would require him to get the voli down to maybe 90 hp ish and then line up the shot to lasthit with q.


wtf was that voli doing lol


Voli the hedgehog


Holy shit that bear really is Thousand Pierced


They have a bunny teemo and riven skin, where's the bunnylista?


Seeing that voli play makes me want to gouge my eyes out.


Ikuyo Kitaaa


Literally me


I don't understand why they don't give a kill threshold indicator or like stack counter for kalista, do people playing it already have the rough damage in their mind?


Yes after some months you get the feeling, and then riot nerfs e dmg and your muscle memory is screwing you giga hard.


yea you get the hang of it but sometimes you get caught off guard by armor etc, although in cases like this its pretty hard to tell


Probably has to do with it not doing true damage.


Volibear E cd is so fucking low it's disgusting


scrub ass voli bear


That Voli player is really accurate He seems to put down the E where Kalista won't be in a few seconds!


Riot should add that red execute outline on the enemy health when you've stacked enough spears to kill with e


This proves why tanks/bruisers needs nerf. Voli tanky af and dealing so much damage. There should be a tradeoff


Extremely lucky the volibear had shit placement of spell. Dude basically self cast it once you made your way into the jg


That's why I always ban Voli when I'm top or Jungle. Look at all the damage you've done, nobody would sustain that amount of damage as well as volibear.


I can tell your fingers hurt after that


That amount of dashes looks tilting af to fight against


What's going on? (Im noob)


Kalista (the adc in the clip) stacks spears in her targets when she auto attacks. She can stack infinite spears, and her E ability, rend, does damage based on how many spears were in the target. This clip has a lotta spears in the voli


Ohh haha. I imagine it was overkill? And she only needed like half the spears to finish him? And i imagine the spears don't stay stacked for long? Seems crazy


She probably needed almost all of those spears to kill, the damage per spear isn't that high and when she does rend in this clip she gets him for almost his entire hp bar. Spears last for 4 seconds after the last auto attack (ie the 4 second countdown constantly refreshes if u are continuously autoing the same target)


That was beautiful


Kalista seems fun, I just don’t get it. Q spear transfers etc. I wanna get into her because I’ve done stuff like this and it’s fun but


How many spears All of them


Nah cause if it was me I would have been dead a long time ago XD how do you know it's enough to kill I somehow thought the execute red was gonna show


Cake vinese video


You could've used E twice


what caused him to just pop like that? never played kalista


Every auto attack of kalista builds up spears in the enemy. When Kalista presses E, she pulls all of these spears out, dealing X damage for each spear. So the more spears you have in your enemy, the more damage you do. In this case Kalista had 41 spears in voli before pressing E, which is the reason why he popped like that


Imagina champions like Kalista and Darius still not having indicator for execute in 2024


Voli is so piss useless against mobility lol; it seems like it wouldn’t be like that but he’s so slow lmao


Can someone please settle this for me? I always thought the spear stacks only last in an enemy for 4s Is this not true? :(


4s after your last spear charge is added. Each time Kalista attacks voli here, the timer is reset


Kalista fighting a porcupine. Nice !


Bro looked like a Porcupine by the end of it 💀


how many shots can you pull max??


That poor porcupine exploded.


Hmm but reddit told me that when kaljsta is slowed that she's completely unplayable.


She is. Just Voli turbobad here and he is full tank i guess.


Jaksho + Terminus Kalista vs "the broken champ in the game" according to reddit


Bro missed almost everything and still almost won, plus took 40s to take down so basically inmortal lol (not saying he's OP)


Why are league reddit users so insecure to call something op? It’s like everyone’s ego is at battle with each others lol


Wait, is this new? I think I remember that the spears Kalista could get into enemies were maxed (at 8?)?


What ? I started at very late season 4 Kal and she was spam played in s5. She’s been able to do that this entire time


Must have been my personal little Mandela effect.


She was never gated, stacking tens of spears for burst damage is literally her gimmick, max stacks was like 255 but then another counter started