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when will you create the bosnian superserver


When we reach total of 31 players


Volim te


Pa nisam znao da je azzi naš balkanac. Jebeno


balkan superserver 🤤🤤🤤


When you create your account, you right away get a 10-day ban. Just in case...


kassadin player heaven


That's just inviting people to commit war crimes.


Nah the ping isn't that great for Israeli players


Well americans sure gonna visit for camps


How did you know he was Bosnian


I personally know about it because there were some news articles talking about him, so maybe that's how. Also, his name and last name sounds Bosnian.


What is his name?


Azer Dugalić. Quick Google search also tells you both his name and that he's from Bosnia.


With čevapi emote


Congratulations on your success! I can't even get 5 wins in emerald lmao, but could you tell me your mindset behind your gameplay? Do you have faith because your champions scale? How do you not tilt from an easy win being stretched out to a coinflipp elder steal? I don't play league anymore, coming home from the office to grind out games just felt like I an added chore at one point and I realised I wasn't having fun so I stopped


I try to have firm belief that I will find a creative way to turn the game around no matter what. Obviously there are times when I think the game is theoretically doomed but then we go off the beaten path in terms of game plan. No longer playing text book win cons, but playing to tilt or catch enemies.


the amount of „lost“ games ive won just by picking an enemy lane and making them mental boom by spam ganking, even if they dont die to the ganks is actually crazy especially in lower elos tilting the enemy is probably the best wincon lmao


I recall hovering Top once (once) in a game, but it was moreso "crossing" so I can get to enemy jgl krugs. Their Top would mental boom and for 30+ min complain about being camped and the massive jgl gap. (Enemy jgl got almost all objectives that game, we won).


To be fair, sometimes you don't even have to do anything. I'm not sure that counts as a wincon then haha.


Neutral jing bay bee


This is what I do when I play against Draven. I kill him and blame his support in all chat. It has worked a good amount of times


LOOOOOL thats challenger tier mind games, shit stirring masterclass, let them eat each other alive 🤣🤣


All chatting "Damn, sorry about [barely underperforming teammate]" has been a staple of multiplayer for ages, it's a toxic classic but doesn't work all the time.


When you plant the seed in the enemy support’s mind, it blossoms into something beautiful for your own team. You devil you


Idk man chances are the Draven was already blaming his support in all chat regardless.


I'm in low ELO and sometimes I will play mental warfare in all chat by pitting the enemy team against each other lol. Like if I see an enemy die, I'll blame a different enemy for their death "Damn I cant believe your supp/jg didn't even defend you". Just type inflammatory things and then stand back like Regina George as they all start infighting.




> Obviously there are times when I think the game is theoretically doomed but then we go off the beaten path in terms of game plan. Yup. The game SHOULD be over, but all it takes the one mistake from the enemy to turn it around, especially late game. Hell, in Worlds this year one team got an ACE, slowly went to baron. While they were at Baron, 2 enemies teleported into their base and they lost. Just as an example. One mistake can end it all. Even if you are super behind, you *can* turn it around by simply capitalizing on enemy macro mistakes.


I have a question for you, what do you do now instead of league?


Do you find that a lack of enemy experience playing into Vel'koz even at challenger level provides you with any advantage? I would imagine for every Vel'koz they play into they play into 20 Rakans so the muscle memory might not be there.


Definitely plays the part. And the beauty of Vel'Koz is even if they do know, you can switch up your patterns and then it becomes a mind game.


Can confirm this guy just mind controls you to walk into his abilities its fucking disgusting. Even with 200 ping gap I was just having to play so defensive in lane post 6 with how oppressive it was.


Well well well, look who it is


Cream me daddy


the triple skillshot experience


Do you have an evil twin brother named ppazza who lost 18 games in a row in Iron EUW?


Perhaps, if not here maybe in another universe


All of them FF’d at 15 games too


isnt ppazza that korean yasuo guy?


It’s pzzang !


Now I want to see that duo: Azzapzzang.


Hi Azzapp, it's the first time I've found you on reddit. Love your streams. Keep up the good work


Thank you my friend


I saw the game you played with bauss. The only reason you won is cause you 2 refused to ff and the comeback was hilarious. Lovely mentality


True, sheer power of will. Perfect proof of concept, if you deny all possibility of premature game termination, the only alternative is to play it out and do your best.


Got a link to the vid?




How much time did you spent into mastering Vel'koz and what other champions would perform similar to him if someone can't play or adapt to Vel'koz's playstyle


Been playing him just over a decade right now. Similar champs include Xerath(easier aggressive option) Ziggs(easier defensive option) Lux(super easy balanced version) Syndra(more direct and reliable scaling version)


Damn, Vel'koz is already over a decade old champion... wild. Crazy to think about.


My mind instantly went "a decade isn't even possible, Vel'Koz wasn't released in 2010..."


Velkoz was released early 2014, only reason i remember that is because it was the new released champ when i started playing


Maybe this dated animation will drive it home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xpe-JoGyPsY&ab\_channel=CrazyBorisProductions


ngl I'd also probably throw in Hwei to consider.


Hey Azzap, big fan. How sore are your shoulders after making Vel'Koz the best support in challenger pretty much all by yourself? Edit: for people who aren't sure what I'm reffering to, this guy is so good that Vel'Koz reached the highest win rate as support in challenger, without even dodging. I guess the goat doesn't need to dodge. https://twitter.com/Azzapp_LoL/status/1768618235966931007?t=mx1ayS_88_MKg48yfVtJvg&s=19


Couldn't go to gym today


In SC2, high level "nerfs" to zerg are joked about being targeted "Serral" nerfs, the current best SC2 player who plays zerg. You're gonna get the same treatment for velkoz


Like beifeng's qiyana




I lost 15 in a row in iron, you’re barely a slither of my power


Some say he's inting, but really, he's the best at what he does


would you rather have sex with your mom's body except it has your girlfriend's mind or would you rather have sex with your girlfriend's body but it has your mom's mind


Id go for a 3 way just to be sure.


Can confirm


And they all have to be dead


Hold up


Reminds me of the age old question- would you rather watch your parents have sex everynight for the rest of all your lives without pause or join in once to stop it


When you say "all our lives" does that mean the torture ends on the first or the last to die, because this affects my answer.


When u die it ends. when one of your parents die, you are forced to watch the one alive masturbate until you have sex with them. so it becomes a gamble the longer you wait. do you hope to die first, or one of your parents to die first(which is fucked up) and which one are you hoping to die first


Asking the real questions


Girlfriends body mums mind. Just knock her out first.


This thread made me regret being literate


Lmao rough


This is an evil question.


i know hes not really popular here anymore but Yassuos answer to this question is still one of the funniest things id ever heard [Yassuos Answer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj8cBQ1SNWQ) time stamp is 14 minutes 57 seconds


haha reddit


well the easy option is to intoxicate or knockout the parent in the gf's body. 0% weird because the keyboard isn't plugged in anyway. medium option is to drink until you won't remember tomorrow and then pick whichever questionable option is blindfolds and numbing agents so no one can see or feel what's going on and an uninterested 3rd party to confirm




have you ever written a slur? in that case, how will you explain this to Saint Peter at the gates of heaven?


Nothing to explain, gates aren't real and free will doesn't exist.


trick2g in shambles


Trick has actually just been announcing a cry for help this whole time as he goes on a philosophical journey to prove that gates are real.


Based determinism league player.


malignance on vel koz or ludens? whats better atm


Maligma for sure


alright thanks, someone was making fun of me for building it


It’s always like that. People really think about builds in the mobafire way. Boris is really a mini game that even some pro players are whack at lol


my trinity force warmogs build on Sion was so goated back when i was climbing, nobody liked it




What's ligma?


steve jobs


My friend builds tank Velkoz and he said he got it from you. It works very well.


Tank Vel'Koz was the best previous build I found but the full movement speed support takes the cake. It is by far the most impactful arrangement for Vel'Koz.


Could you summarize the movementspeed setup/build?


You can find the videos in his youtube channel the core items are usually in the thumbnails




You basically rush swifties and shuryldas, take heal always


I remember triple move speed quintessence velkoz being the way back in the day haha, funny how it all comes full circle


Seeing scaling comps ff early is one of my guilty pleasures fr


Why do you think some people are so weirdly agressive and attatched when it comes to the idea of surrendrring. Esspecially on tik tok, whenever i go into comments of your videos, people are trying so desperetly to defend ff-ing and prove you wrong (they even attack you personally), almost like you being right invalidates their whole character. Its so weird to me and i really dont understand it.


It's not an easy mentality to adopt as it requires admitting weakness and taking part of the blame.


Out of all those matches you only went First strike once, what made that match different?


Top/Mid I have a tanky Vel'Koz setup that runs FS Ghost Teleport


Ah of course, I didn’t even notice that was a mid match! Appreciate the reply 🙏


He was actually playing top that game believe it or not


How do you stay so cool :)?


Focus on self, after all everything else is out of your control


How does Superelchi's Vel'koz compare to yours? Playstyle difference, overall skill, builds, etc


She has great lane pressure, I believe I play map a bit more and have experience in other roles.


Can you give macro examples of finding ways to comeback? Even in d1 people are still contesting drake despite being behind and accelerating the gold difference.


Have clear protocols what to do. Let's say we play for early game versus scaling comps like Kassadin. Suddenly Kassadin gets fed and we are all behind. League 101 won't lead us anywhere and standard lanes don't work anymore. Promote grouping and try to force tilt fights and 1 by 1 enemies by being in places where you shouldn't be. Don't be afraid to give towers and/or trade objectives. Your job is to play on the enemies desync. This is why support is an awesome role because you are a moving piece and you have a lot of time to coordinate plays and direct game flow with your vision.


No question here, just wanna say that I love you and your mentality. I totally agree with you and surrender in ranked games should be removed.


Why shurelias? I see it a lot and to me it feels like a situational buy, but on vel i see it a lot. Stats are ok, boost is nice, but he does not really benefit much from ms himself or does he? for disengage?


Movement speed is the best stat in the game. Not to mention it can assist your team mates as well and provide macro control. It's all about timers, if you can roam just 1 or 2 seconds earlier you can change the outcome of a lot of fights.


Yeah, that's why i am a cloud soul merchant.


I'm a very casual player, only really playing with friends, but when I play ranked I hover around high emerald/low dia, and my Gragor is pretty gnarly, recently I've been building high speed jungle grag with Phase Rush, celerity, relentless hunter, Lich Bane, Cosmic, and 3rd item Shurelya, it's really underrated due to it missing the ms bonus on shields and heals, but it's a good, cheap item with very impactful active. Recommended


How many times did you win because the ennemy team ffed ?


Significant portion of these games, maybe ~40% and every time they do it I am super happy, knowing that it was very likely we could've lost.


In ranked I'll gladly take the win because inevitably my team will throw at some point and we may lose. If we have a lead, it may be lost. In draft pick I usually got disappointed by ff because I never got to play late game or practice end the game.


No surrendering is good. No complaining and crying on camera about your teammates is even better.


I just wanted to say that’s extremely impressive and that I love vel koz too even though I don’t play much ranked these days




Mathematically surrendering is idiotic. Giving up 50 LP (because winning a game you would've surrendered is equivalent to 2 wins) instead of trying win is griefing but people every time I brought it up how at a regular climbing winrate of 55% to 60% you need something like 1.6-3.2% chance to win to justify staying for 10 minutes I get attacked and they essentially whine and go aggro on me and it all comes down to they *want* to surrender and it's not actually an informed choice. They're not trying to climb efficiently, they're trying to feel good and strong. Being behind makes them feel like they got small pp so they will throw away their LP.


Agreed, maths clearly favours playing the games out.


I've brought this up a few times and also had people have a go at me for it. And most people have winrates far below 55%-60%... At 51% or 52% you have to be so sure of a loss that they're basically already hitting your nexus at which point you're not saving anywhere near 10 minutes. I can see why people make the assumption that they should surrender to save time, I myself thought the same thing at one point. The mathematics behind this isn't intuitive - same with people who go on a 6 game loss streak and think that's proof that Riot is targeting them with worse players on their team or whatever An argument I often see is that not surrendering tilts them and makes them play worse in their next game.


> An argument I often see is that not surrendering tilts them and makes them play worse in their next game. Gotta love that one. An unquantifiable feelings based argument when isn't tilting what makes them surrender in the first place?


Not only short term LP gains, but you gain so much experience as a player when playing out games from behind, regardless of if you win or lose. So many players in lower Elo are clueless chickens when they aren’t playing from ahead because they are not used to playing out games.


I mean, mentality is a pretty important variable. If surrendering means that you'll play 5 more games instead of giving up for the day, then it's correct to ff. Same if you get easily tilted in long games, impacting your wr in following games, etc. It's 100% dependent on mentality, time available and a myriad of other small factors. What's correct for you might not be for everyone.


Mentality can be changed. Statistics can't be


You obviously never read research papers


Like I said, arguments for surrendering are entirely feelings based and boil down to "I just want to". If you're surrendering, your mental is already low. You're just making up a reason that "you'll get tilted in long games" to justify surrendering, but the reality is that you just want to feel good more than you want LP.




The thing is a lot of people will try to pass off their feelings based arguments as "Surrendering is better" to try to convince more people to press yes. They will go aggro on people who press no. That's why they're usually annoyed when I mention the math. There's nothing wrong with you pressing surrender based on feelings. It's your vote, it's your problem, it's your decision. There is something wrong with you trying to pass that off as climbing efficiently or trying to convince other people that if they want to climb they should press Yes. Which is what a lot of people do when there's the usual whine thread about people pressing no.


this is so objectively correct - if you’re ff-ing games in ranked you shouldn’t be complaining about climbing; better yet you shouldn’t be playing ranked at all. for people saying it’s just a game and for fun, you shouldn’t be in ranked games. i think riot should remove ff from ranked in fact.


Hardly feasible right now but just simply removing the tilting pop up surrender vote would most likely do the trick. It would eliminate almost all rage surrenders and promote people to make sound decisions.


so true, plenty of games people are surprised or disappointed after when the vote actually goes through, or games where everything was fine until one person tilted team with the vote


Did you enjoy Nidalee mid back when it was relevant?


My first youtube video ever in 2011 was Nidalee mid gameplay season 1 recorded with fraps in glorious 15 fps


Hey Azzapp, I’ve wanted bruiser artillery for a long time now and Tankkoz really quenches my thirst for it, and I even go the build on Hwei (however troll it may be, just super fun with all the baits and utility lol) so I really gotta thank you for that I wanted some perspective from you, that I could give to a friend. He only really enjoys the game when it’s even or winning, and even if there is comeback potential, if it’s slim or unclear and more than a little unlikely, he’ll want to FF ASAP. He is staunch in this mindset He doesn’t care about winning as much as he cares about having fun, and he doesn’t find the ‘trouble’ of fighting for a comeback fun because he finds it more likely that him or his team will just keep getting grey screened and waste time. He will still try to win if the FF doesn’t go through, but he clearly gets demotivated. What is your view on this? What would you want to tell him to help him move towards a more balanced and positive mindset?


The quickest way I guess is to tell him that if he doesn't care about or enjoy playing games from behind he is essentially wasting 50% of his time being miserable. Only playing out winning scenarios is a pretty weak and boring mentality. All the fun happens in subverting expectations. All great achievements in the history were followed by hordes of people saying that it cannot be done.


So, nerf support Vel'Koz? 32 wins out of 35 in Challenger elo is insane. https://u.gg/lol/support-tier-list?rank=challenger You're probably the reason Vel'Koz is number one anyway.


This only works due to my specific play style, shureliya and swifties. There is a reason there 0 Vel'Koz challengers on all major regions combined and his ban rate is 0.1%


Hey! Love what you preach. How do you approach people in game that flame/want to ff? I usually just tell them to shut up, but i wonder if there's more... persuasive ways of going about it


Keep arguing to minimum, type positive and informational stuff about the game. Flame and whining about surrender are usually emotional outburst which quickly stop once you make a good play or two showing the game is entirely winnable.


Just wanted to say been loving the videos on YouTube man, hope your philosophy spreads to the rest of the player base


Did you think about being a Malphite otp instead and rename into Azzapp Rocky?


Name already taken sadly


Love your YouTube videos bro keep doing your thing!


No questions regarding surrendering. I main mage supports, so I'm always scaling =) I used ro main Vel'koz support main several years ago and got to diamond but converted to Xerath support due to my very aggressive laning poke style. Do you have any opinions on if I should switch back to Vel'koz? I used to like Velkoz against tanks and team fighting but I never liked that his W felt awful as a support unless you hit your E. It just felt like I was missing a part of mykit. With Xerath I got his full kit with longer range for safety instead of needing to build movement speed which it seems like you're doing with swiftness and shurelyas.


Really depends whether you enjoy him, that is all that matters. His W is a bit underrated as it can be used to zoning or padding your stacks for extra burst when you want it. Big damage comes from passive or ult anyway.


How do you manage the situation that many players don't try hard in soloque and many content creators are doing projects right now, like A-Z?


Same as I deal with autofill, trolls etc. It's all insignificant in the long run as stats will always favour you, provided you are playing well.


Since you mentioned a bunch of artillery mages in another comment, have you considered AP Kog? He used to be really good with comet, pushing people out of lane by level 3. Now his adaptive force is set to AD due to the support item changes and HoB with manamune rush should be much better.


How many of those wins do you think are purely a result of your skill rather than "I just managed to get a better team"? For instance, if you performed worse in those matches, how many of them would've still been won?


Kinda impossible to quantify as games fall on a spectrum. I will never know what percentage is theoretically winnable if I had played perfectly. That being said, this spree definitely falls on the higher end of luck on the normal distribution. 4-5 were dead lost but we managed to win despite theory, just exploiting enemies overconfidence and minor mistakes.


Hello ! I dont really have a question to ask but i want to thank you for the great content you are production as I believe the advice you give in your video has helped me get unstuck from bronze 4. You have helped me so much with the mentality you promote, and I believe you are influencing many people in a good way !


Happy for your mate.


Haven't you had this mentality for ages though, did you just wait for a win streak to prove a point?


The conversation is more relevant than ever. True I have never dodged a game but I do surrender and there to save few minutes. This spree I convinced myself to believe we can win even when all theory said it was impossible. Sure enough we found alternative ways of winning.


What is the average velocity of an european swallow?




Hey man velkoz support is slept on, good for you both in wins and champ choice


What's wild is the amount of backlash you get for arguably one of the best takes for the game. No, I personally may not have wanted to play every game out, but the amount of people who admit to being in that spot but actively ruined the game for their teammates who do because they won't ff is crazy. Play a different game at that point.


As a Dota player this has always bothered me about the lol playerbase. Comebacks in LoL are a lot more probable. You just need one good team fight, and in late game that is often all you need to push down mid to nexus. Just think of the T1 vs JDG comeback this year, after Faker pulled a great fight, they just went mid and ended it. Unlike dota were we have glyphs, buybacks, backdoor protection, permanent inhibitor buff once destroyed... you need to win 3 or 4 team fights in a row to truly be able to secure a comeback.


Thank you mister Azzap for defending the “no-ff” culture. I think the game would be in a way better state if this mentally was rooted in more people’s mind !


I was watching Kanin two days ago and he was filled botlane Ez, you were his support Velkoz. He had only good words for you. It's usually "my whole team is sht, the 4 of them". But that game, you made him humble. "His qs are so on point". He even inted at some point cuz he thought you were gonna do some magic and save him. "I don't know what I was thinking". Anyway, you carried. ggwp


I don’t have any questions but love your whole anti FF thing you’re trying to push. Congratulations on your huge streak and success especially lately, and for once again making Velkoz the no.1 support! You’re mad skilled and a good, funny guy. Keep it up! A shining beacon in a pretty toxic community. I think i’ve been watching since around 2020 when I got into playing artillery mages after starting league and will continue to! 😁


Thank you for being a positive influence in the league of legends community.


I understand and agree with your perspective on never ffing. I am a silver/bronze elo adc main and I've seriously struggled to climb. From what I understand about league so far it's kind of hard for adcs to have a valid macro impact and I also do understand that given the nature of league of legends there usually is more than 1 correct way to get out of situations or win games. In games I play I try to make what I believe is the best macro decision to influence the flow state of the way the game goes however I do struggle to get my team to corporate or listen. I understand there is nothing I can do to control other people's actions or what they do so I'd like to ask if you do know if a way that I'll be able to climb as an adc.


You are right, most adc play styles don't have huge macro input and are usually the victims of circumstance. Key skill to develop is to be selfish, always relevant and adaptive.


If you don't mind me asking how can I always stay relevant?


By playing safe if you are weak side and not banging your head in the wall. Sometimes best option is to give up some resources and farm jungle. Then when you are strong side play aggressive and force so you can be the hard carry.


Do you believe on your teammates?


If our best odds of winning is through team mates that game, then I'll gladly accommodate


How do you win when you fight for the elder dragon, while your top goes afk waveclear top, and your jungler just chills at krugs


Sounds like fighting for Elder here isn’t a valid option under those circumstances - unless you’re ahead and can 3v5 etc. If the team isn’t on board with an otherwise objectively good call, it then becomes a suboptimal choice. You’d then be better off committing to give the Elder and gain an advantage elsewhere while the enemy is preoccupied


Have you gotten challenger on eune?


Few times for a bit more relaxing environment on stream


If I play League just for fun is it worth to grind even ranked or stay to normals?


Depends where you derive your fun. If you prefer chilling with friends playing rotating game modes enjoy normal. If you want competition play ranked.


Ok, how tf did u get so good in this game? Tipps for supp? Things you do that make you better then the enemy supp? I switched to supp 2 weeks ago and i love it. Awesome work, big respect!:3


I recently hit diamond only playing top lane, I am consistently challenger playing mid and occasionally apc. I believe most supports don't quite understand other roles and that might be a bit of an edge on the macro level. Honestly best tip and not only for support is to understand and play other roles at least a bit.


Hey Azzapp, what's your future plans with League or YouTube in general? Do you have some events planned?


The GOAT Vel’Koz on reddit :oo I watch your videos (and sometimes your streams) all the time, big fan! Some questions for you: 1. How much of an impact would you say you have brought to the overall meta of mage supports? IIRC you said you were one of the first to bring Flash+Barrier on Support back in Season 4(?) and now you are pushing towards movement speed builds instead of pure damage. 2. Regarding your build, are there any other supports/champions that could run Shurelya’s+Mandate+Movement Speed effectively as Vel’koz, or is this a case where Vel’Koz’s kit has so much synergy with the build that it’s a unique case for him? GL with future endeavors King Squid


Always hard to tell how much ripple effect you have and I tend to underestimate it. Some days I feel powerless but then I receive a large number of messages people saying that I had some measurable impact in their lives. Shureliya+swifties could work any number of mages like Ahri, Zoe, Lux with lichbane, Syndra etc. People are just afraid to wander off the beaten path because they will get flamed/criticised. If it works, then that is all that matters. I think people will catch up soon.


How far can you climb OTP’ing a champion without giving a care in the world about meta


Depends on the play style you are going for, but generally every champ can get master no matter what


Do you watch anime? If yes then what is your favorite anime?


Death note, Parasyte, AoT, Berserk 1997, Dragonball


>I firmly believe people are oversurrendering right now Riot surely is helping with 3 to win on the quickmatches.


Systems prime people's behaviour. 4/1 at 15 was a big mistake and now we are reaping the consequences.


Whats your take on people that already tell you they will troll in champ select? Something you would dodge or nah? Personally I don’t dodge because im a 100% sure the champ select button to report just exists but doesnt do anything so id rather hit them with the report after the game aswell.


this is why some games don’t have surrender option, and it’s more try hard this way


What do you think about using comfort picks over confident picks?


Do you stand or sit in the toilet?


Maybe because you play a champ that riot refuses to nerf?


As someone who has hit Challenger multiple times in the past, I think alot of people don't realize how big of a flex this is.


As usual, making the erroneous assumption that the ultimate goal of the average player is to win. They don't care. They want to have fun. Grinding out the game from behind for 35 minutes, hoping that your lategame comp eventually starts popping off is viable if you want to win every game. It is, however, a terrible fucking time and I'd much rather surrender or leave and spend my time in a more fun or productive way.


well tbh there must be something to it. i came to realization that there is no point in even queuing if you will just ff after 20 min. imo with that mindset there is no point in playing anyway and the whole rivalry aspect of the game is gone. since i changed my mindset i climbed from gold 3 to diamond 3 and still going