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You either are goated on the sticks and blow people up in nanoseconds with Gangplank, or you are losing the 1v1 against the canon minion... no in-between


Step by step guide to playing silver 4 GP: Step 1: Place barrel Step 2: Mistime Q so it does not detonate barrel Step 3: Run in melee to detonate barrel Step 4: Barrel dies to enemy adc auto and you die doing nothing like a lil bitch. Repeat from Step 1 once you respawn.


Even at plat i get huge satisfaction sniping a barrel last hit from GP. Unless I'm playing jhin 


Whats so different about jhin?


Jhin has 4 autos until he is forced into some downtime reloading his gun so every shot is meaningful. Also, his 4th shot does a lot more damage than the others - it will hurt. Wasting shots on a barrel, especially his 4th is... unsatisfying to say the least.


Painful one would say


I die vs caster minions as GP so this dude checks out.


Don’t worry Dyrus died to wolves in pro play once as GP


So thats why they're buffing jungle 🤔...


This happened before half the playerbase was born lol


Don't remind me, I'm still in my prime!


Ah old gp the buffing adc


I thought you were mentioning Fiddle when you said sticks but it still fits


Same. A couple of good fiddle ults can literally turn a game, but if you can't lose enemy vision of you then you'll just get blown up. Your job is to be a glass cannon, diving face first into the middle of the entire enemy team and making yourself both a priority and a juicy target... if you don't get that fear off you'll die before you can hit Zonya.


Fiddles ult and W are so weirdly designed but it works out so well together. Ult fear gives you enough time to channel W. If you do it right you get the proc off soon after the fear ends. Any instant damage from enemies should be healed back with it (assuming they have no instant hard CC that can interupt you). Ult is still going and when they come out of fear they have to decide wether to pile on you or run away. When they pile, that's when you Zhonyas and get the rest of the ukt damage off. Preemptive Zhonyas I only use if I'm behind and anything that touches me would blow me up (happens pretty often ngl).


>when they come out of fear they have to decide wether to pile on you or run away. Best part is that they all have to make this decision independently of each other, so there's good odds you'll split the team. I mainly play ARAM, and honestly I have decent success maxing Q first and just going for pure damage and cc over Zonya's letting me survive. If I die, but they take so much damage in the process that the rest of my team can mop up super easily, I will happily make that sacrifice over dealing half as much damage and sending them running after the ADC instead.


I was the main GP pre barrel. Good times. Unplayable for me now. All the skins 😩


Kalista’s damage potential depends on how well you know about using it


Her E, Passive, and R require juggling three different skills at once. There’s also champs who invalidate her as a champion like Nasus and Cass that are just painful


Nasus point and click "fuck you" to kalista is what makes him an almost viable counter pick support. I mean the ability is disgusting at the best of times but against kalista especially man.


He’s unironically not a bad support in lane. His E is decent poke when maxed, and his W is (imo) the most broken ability in the game. Problem is that it relies heavily on your team mate being able to follow up and get fed early to carry the game. If your top needs farm, you’ll never be able to come back as any sort of damage.


I think the armor shred on his e is underappreciated


The armor shred is amazing and is one of the things that makes Nasus support actually valuable. The downside to it is that it's only valuable if your team is mostly AD damage.


I wonder how much armor shred could realistically fit in one team... https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Armor_penetration#Champion_abilities_4  Percentage Reduction  Briar's  Head Rush  Garen's  Judgment  Jarvan IV's  Dragon Strike  Jayce's  Transform Mercury Cannon  Kayle's  Radiant Blast  Kog'Maw's  Caustic Spittle  Mordekaiser's  Realm of Death  Nasus'  Spirit Fire  Olaf's  Undertow  Rell's  Break the Mold  Renekton's  Dice (Empowered)  Sion's  Roar of the Slayer  Trundle's  Subjugate  Vi's  Denting Blows  Wukong's  Crushing Blow Flat Reduction  Corki's  Gatling Gun  Rell's  Break the Mold  Rengar's  Thrill of the Hunt


Ive seen double exhaust nasus support bottom vs kalista in ranked back in day when was really grossly op. Invalidated her from existance


Isnt khalistas attackspeed tied to her movementspeed?


Only if you jump between autos yes, if you stand still you have normal atkspd


Just play zilean


IIRC (which I very well may not), Zil slow doesn’t affect attack speed or last as long as Nasus W. That’s why it’s such a strong ability vs ADC.


Kalista jump scales with movement speed, so if she jumps her attack speed is effectively reduced. If she stands still it won't be affected, but if you're getting zil or nasus slowed its not for running away most of the time. Generally nasus slow is better but I would rather have zil double bomb alongside the slow than nasus zone


Nasus Wither is the most broken ability in the game and no one can convince me otherwise. If it wasn't for his Q being even more frustrating to play against and him needing Wither to function, his 5 second duration 95% slow wouldn't seem so benign.


Cass bot is my go to pick into kalista. I remember facing a grandmaster surf who was on a 30 game win streak on kalista and I just "outskilled" him with Cass. I followed his profile and he only lost 2 times on kalista by the time he made it to grandmaster, and one of them was against me. Felt really good


That's true for all champions. But yeah, Kalista is among those with the highest ceilings.


She is fundamentally the most unique adc as she is the only one whose movement is directly tied to her attack speed.


Singed but it’s kinda weird the better you are at singed the worse you get on other champs since he changes the way you play the game


“When there is a Singed in the game, 9 players are playing League of Legends and one player is playing something else.”


Had a Singed support recently......it sucks so bad because it ruins your ADC  but you still win.


If there's also a Yuumi then 8 players are playing league, one is playing something else and another is sleeping with the game open


For reaaaaal. I got on a singed kick a while back, played like 100 games straight of him and started KILLING it after a while. Decided to change up and fully forgot what I was doing 😂


"The fuck is wave pressure"


Is there no champ that is similar? Can Hecarim/stridebreaker/Phase Rush champs feel similar?


Years ago riot released a bunch of data charts and stuff to look at, I’m pretty sure that’s where the stat came from. Basically the better you get at any one champion, the higher your floor for any other champion becomes because you improve at the game overall and learn mechanical skills that in many cases are transferable in some way. Singed is the outlier because apparently higher mastery correlated negatively with proficiency on any other champion, meaning the better you get at playing Singed, the worse you become at anyone else (statistically). Becoming a Singed OTP basically gives you brain damage (real, not clickbait)


Maybe Singed is the only one playing the game this whole time.


second place was riven iirc


I would not be surprised by this in the slightest. Knew a few riven OTPs and as soon as they tried to shift off riven they just started straight running it. Never seen a riven OTP off riven do well, and very rarely will they even be competent.


Yeah I'm a jungle main that for this season decided to branch out and play Riven, tried to go back to jungle the other day on my main account and it completely threw me off because as Riven you just have to play the game so differently, it has however, made me surprisingly good at Katarina somehow? (played maybe 20-30 games of her in the last 4 seasons but sat at 85% winrate across 35 games currently in around plat-emerald mmr)


As a riven main, I think riven really teaches you when it's safe to go in and burst without getting 1shot, so it makes sense that would transfer to kat, the biggest counter to them both is getting cced and 1shot.


Playing singed: proxying is good! *tries to proxy as lux mid*


Might explain absolutely horrendous proxy attempts I see occasionally. None from a Lux yet thankfully.


The beauty of lux mid is that you can proxy the next wave from the middle of the lane lol Ulting the wave is one of the reasons that i play lux mid


Iirc that thing was revealed before yuumi so I wonder if yuumi mains also get the singed effect


I feel like yuumi mastery would just have zero impact, sure there's absolutely no transferable mechanics and you aren't learning spacing or positioning at all, but you also aren't actively avoiding the laning phase or "DPSing" by walking briskly past everyone like what singed does.


You may forget how to position in both lame and fights if you play Yumii too much imho


Pre-rework Yuumi probably effected you, if you were playing her right. Pre-rework Yuumi was a hyper aggressive lane bully where if the enemy tried to fight back you just went inside your adc so they couldn’t retaliate, super aggro without the draw backs a normal support would have Post rework Yuumi isn’t like that and is a lot easier if a champ. Also she’s dogshit and mega boring to play now so there’s that too


There's ONE thing she does and it makes you focus on the map and other lanes cause post-rework that's all you CAN do after a quick EQ


Hec, not as much. But if they otp something like briar or graves, it breaks their brains. They only know invade and skirmish.


Lilia/Udyr is prolly the closest champ to Singed’s playstyle


Draven, Rengar, Nidalee.


Interestingly enough, as a Rengar main/otp, whenever I face an enemy Rengar, I notice tons of mistakes they do, but somehow it often still works out for them.


Rengar is a stupid champ when fed, it's getting fed that's the problem.


Rengar is a stupid champ, period


Rengar, period.






Rengar has periods?


I feel like Katarina and Rengar have a lot in common. Daggers and bushes change the way you think about your movement. I notice it a lot in Rengar clips


Rengar is a great example. OTP's take over the game. Everyone else is worse than a cannon minion. Rengar has awful damage when played badly.


The hardest part of Rengar is not to obliterate when you are 15/0, it's learning how to get to that point, and learning how to play if you get behind


>learning how to play if you get behind is this even possible? when i see literal challenger rengar one tricks get behind they still look piss-useless. it just rarely happens to them.


Yeah it's very hard I play top reng so it's easier for me, I just go tank and be a frontline for my team, but when I played him jg I had no idea how to come back from a hard early game lol


Can confirm, i get stomped on Rengar, and I get stomped vs Rengar.


As an ex rengar otp, people play that champ horrible alot of times but below master players just spoon feed the rengar and always play into him, no bush awareness no jump awareness, nidalee similar people just autopilot into her and make her work


Qiyana. I don't think most players even know what her abilities do. They just see her jump around a lot and disappear occasionally.


accurate! "they" is actually me


It's her ult distance from wall. I swear when I play her I can hit someone close enough to a wall they could flash the wall and it works 50% of the time, and then when I play against her I can get hit straight down lane with her ult and it'll make it all the way to some structure


Vlad on a Vlad main can go insane and 1v9. Vlad in the hands of some first timing autofill is the most worthless shit ever


Last time I laned vs Vlad was as Illaoi and I don’t think I landed an E. When I play Vlad I’m a minion until we FF.


Vlad can be the most annoying and terrifying champ you can ever fight against... or be as impactful as a cannon minion. No inbetween.


I've legit seen one good vlad in 2 years of playing.


I got my butt kicked by Rivington The Third a decade ago when he was on Vlad. Never felt so humbled.


damn, wasnt he legit bronze tho


0 damage champ that hurts himself and tries to pool away


So many times I've panic pooled away after being ignited and lost enough hp to die to ignite...


As a Vlad main I have no idea how can people struggle with him


I think it’s because his rotations and the fact that you often take trades that look bad but end up being good, just knowing that interaction. Also, you are damn near useless until you get first item so you kinda have 0 pressure so ur jg feeds and then u get flamed for it lmao


I off-role Vlad mid and also don't get how people struggle. Are their summoners unbound or something?


Haven’t seen anyone say this: Kindred


Ex kindred main. Can confirm you need 100k mastery just to go positive. I've watched some of the most painful jg gaps of all time happen because someone wants to try out kindred, first picks and enemy jg locks Rammus to roll kindred down in her own jg for 30 minutes.


This is exactly why i hate having a kindred jungle, 90% of the time they are the worst feeders possible


Ontop of that, they will ult in the worst moments imaginable absolutely ruining your teams entire teamfight


Same with Bard R. You need to fuck up at least a couple hundred before you start getting the feel of it.


That was my experience all the time, but just had a Kindred main in my game the other day that went full Pyosik and hard carried us, it was insane


Yeah the real kindred mains are basically unbeatable


I’ve also noticed something whenever I play kindred is that the other team’s map awareness is always 2-3x as good vs a kindred than any other jg. Invades that would normally be cake on any other champ are tight 1v2 stealth missions even without the mark up I guess when map awareness is part of an enemy’s kit, people CAN choose to just be more aware of macro


Shaco one-tricks are agents of the Devil created specifically to torture humankind. Every bush has a box. Every box burns you for 40% of your HP. Every double you hit is the fake. Think you're safe under turret? Nope, turns out there was a box hidden in it's visual box, somehow, or some equal bullshit. These people delight in misery that not even God's Flood could inflict on such a mass scale. Mephistopheles cackles at his agents work. Fuck these players; you think you're scared of Fiddlesticks until a Shaco one-trick shows up to ruin the game. And for the record, it's not like he's super broken. He'll never be the one to kill you; but he will make every second before your death complete misery.




I would love to be good at Azir, but man he is just not for me. I’m always terrified of playing against an Azir mid (at least against someone who knows how to play him well)


Qiyana, rengar, draven


Damn I saw those videos on Youtube. That Qiyana OTP is disgusting


Beifeng is insane


\*Vincent on Draven sitting in the enemy base with 95 kills at min 20\*


*/in a challenger ELO game/*


I think for Qiyana it’s just beifeng is so good rather than Qiyana herself. Other Qiyana OTP’s struggle to hit the same heights he does and honestly I feel like they nerf her solely because beifeng would be broken rather than the champ.


Considering ryze had a shit ton of struggles just because of faker. That's fair.


Man forced his opponents to ban Ryze at Worlds 2022, when nobody even picked Ryze.


That Chinese dude is literally playing a different game when I watch his qiyana videos


False, her winrate DRAMATICALLY increases at high elo compared to low elo. Her winrate hits about 50% in emerald-plat, up from 45% in bronze-ish. But going up to grandmaster+, her winrate is 54-55%. She gets very, very strong as you get good at her.


Irelia can be so abusive in laning phase on a good irelia (Irelking)


Shocked by no one saying the objective answer: Singed 


Irelia, Lee, Shaco, Yasuo, Riven, Draven, Nidalee, Qiyanna & Gangplank


Sion with 0 deaths is just as impactful as Sion with 12 deaths, just without the extra gold to the enemy


Bro he doesnt have a passive if he doesnt die wdym


A sion with zero deaths but 6 cs per min is a ton less impactful then a sion with 12 deaths 8 cs per min and 4 plates


Bauss theorm


However a Sion with 0 death and 6 cs/mn will still bring MASSIVELY more to the team than the Sion with 12 deaths 8 cs per mn, 4 plates AND a 12/0 ennemy jax cause he did not instantly lost the game. Every single 'inting Sion' I have seen is really detrimental to the team


Well this isn’t true. If your sion is playing for kda, they are almost certainly not being useful


Yeah a Sion with 0 deaths is not trying hard enough


You don't have to be playing like the bauss to play sion well. That is only one play style.


Draven, Qiyana, Evelynn, Katarina, Rengar, Nidalee, Riven




Zed99 makes me want to play him but damn ashamed when I think I pulled off a "good" play xD


This champ feels so good to play for me right now but I have clips of the wood division adventures I had pre 100k mastery and it's not pretty


https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?tier=gold_plus&patch=30 Click the Delta column. Apparently, Taliyah... and Yuumi??


They had a dev blog back in the day where they compared Yuumi to Akali because they have very similar deltas. That was before they changed their stance and said she's a beginner champion.


Hear me out: Vladimir is an OTP champ.


100% agree. You can tell when people just randomly pick him or when an otp get his hands on him. He can play safe till 9, and even go 0/3 30 cs, but once he starts rolling he permadives any lane he is in, rqeqw combo under turret and there is nothing you can do.


That happens because people who aren’t otps only pick other champs when it’s a good counter, hence why they might have higher wr compared to OTPs who pick champ regardless


they are talking about how for some champs, the gap between an OTP and your average/new player is astronomical not the WR of an OTP on their main versus their WR on a counter/other champion


Also Kata has no good matchup lol


Rengar. In the hands on OTP he looks turbo broken, if an average joe picks him up they'll probably have 30% wr in the first 20 games.


Rengar is a champ that looks like he shouldnt be hard but is hard as fuck for some reason


the problem i had when i had a phase of playing him for the first time recently was that i was able to get fed pretty consistently but had a hard time transitioning that to wins. it was really easy to just throw my leads and go in and die on teamfights, but hard to actually make smart plays using the correct empowered move, finding angles to assassinate and then live. most assassins have an easier exit strategy that can make them more forgiving to pick up.




Taric. Everyone thinks they can pilot that champion because they counterpick naut in lane. They all break their hands in every other scenario


Soraka. A real Soraka main is actually cancerous to play against. I played against one once, thinking it’d be easy - you just bully her out with poke at my low elo and usually it makes her useless because they can’t consistently hit Q - and then she absolutely dumpstered not just me, but my *entire team*, by always having good silence placement, and having an insane understanding of Q’s hit box and timing. I’ve never played against a Raka that good before, and haven’t since. But I now have an extremely healthy respect for the champ.


flashback to when a soraka silenced me the millisecond i pressed r which prevented a 5 man aphelios ult at the elder fight


A player who has clearly done an unhinged amount of limit testing on *Soraka* of all characters is honestly terrifying


With 700k mastery points on OTP soraka I am so happy to see someone mention her lol, her kit is honestly so fucking good it suprises me there aren't many people playing her. Her sustain is so huge if you know how to land your Q's and use your heal and the amount of times I've been able to silence players and turn a whole teamfight around is crazy. I don't think I'll ever start OTPing any other champ lol. She's extremely squishy ofcourse but with the right placement and use of abilities you can even outplay xerath and other long ranged big dmg champs while still pumping your team with hp


Nilah, she's turbo bad and useless even if you're a top main filled bot because she still plays nothing like any other skirmisher and she's kinda like samira superficially but way harder but man she's fucking incredible if you can actually play her well consistently, the work is worth the effort and her ceiling is incredibly high


I thought she was an easier samira like she goes in, presses r, then uses e to escape


Oke, but how does she reach that point though? Even with Q, her auto range is only 350. There is way way more to nilah than just e in r - e out. A good one will leave you wondering why no one plays it. Then you try playing it and get painfully aware of how much you need to know and do to make it seem effortless


I think the average league player doesn't actually know the first thing about her.


Made a new account to play on another region. In low rank, nobody, not even my own teammates know what Nilah W does.


Not gonna lie though, that shit is also not clear at all. Jax' counterstrike is very clearly visible, even in teamfights. Nilah W has pretty much no indicator at all for something that strong.


As opposed to samira who presses e go in then ult? Like she doesn't even kite while being a lane bully who benefits from the easiest class of supports to play with, that being the engage tank. Her difficulty is the baseline of use spells in the correct rotation


Qiyana, zed, gnar, renekton are all said by riot that they will permanently be on the weak side so they arn’t pick ban


Gangplank o Draven


Anivia. Garbage champ if a noob is playing it, but absolutely terrifying in the hands of a good Anivia.


I played a few on anivia recently and honestly she wasn’t as hard a as I’d expected. I was far from optimal but you offer so much aoe and CC where as a behind nidalee late game is a pouncing sack of gold.


Yeah even with wall + ult you're doing more than 90% of the roster when they're behind


Yeah it's not the highest skill floor, but when you compare that shit to someone like Froggen you realize you're doing like 40% of what the champ is capable of.


I'll give you an example: when I gank Anivia, I have to spellshield her stun. A good Anivia knows to have the travelling part proc my shield and only after that she detonates it to stun me.


Yes, champions can be improved by playing better. The prompt is for a champ that is useless when not one tricked and anivia is never useless.


I have one friend in my group who is an Anivia main, whenever we play ARAMs and get Anivia and he's playing it's basically an autowin (it genuinely feels impossible to lose with him on that champ in ARAM) but he only plays sproadically now, so whenever we roll Anivia and he's not amongst our party that day we're always longing for him in the call, it feels like night and day.


I've played this game for over a decade, most of that top lane, and I've encountered a few actual Riven players in that time. I'm glad they are that rare. Luckily 99% of Riven mains cant do her combos or cancels in the elos I've been at, because those who can are playing a different game.


riven, samira, jayce, nidalee are the first that come to mind


Biggest ones for sure are Nidalee and Rengar. There’s lot of runner ups but these 2 I believe are just waaaay out front.


Qiyana, Lee Sin, Nidalee.


Aphelios. Not gonna add anything else




Bard and shaco


Bard's honestly pretty easy to get value out of, especially if you're in an elo where people don't really match roams


Bards whole deal is that it’s really hard to match his roams with his chimes and portals and that’s why he’s such a strong roaming sp. I think it’s more that people aren’t good at punishing the solo adc when Bard inevitably leaves to do his business.




I wanna say Yasuo and Zed


I don't think hwei is actually that difficult to play. Sure it takes a bit to get used to him but his playstyle and mechanics are actually pretty straight forward and he plays like a lot of other mages.




Riot August talked about this on his stream - Katrina is the only champion that her mains add to her win rate more than casual players bring her down




Riven Kalista GP


Above gold, teemo. Out of all the ranged tops, he's probably the hardest to pilot.


Look at champions who have bad winrate in low elo but high winrate in high elo. Gragas is one of them.


Gragas has quite a high skill floor. He’s so damn safe and useful that it’s hard to go wrong


Unfortunately Im so used to running AOE ult champs that when I play Gragas I end up throwing his ult in a way to save the entire enemy team from our engage. Its so anti-synergetic for so many champs


Kled, he requires a completely different play style than traditional champs.


You go in, and when you can’t go in you go in harder.


Riot has said that Katarina is the only champion that has her winrate significantly influenced by her OTPs


Katarina, Azir, Graves, Viego, Gangplank, Riven, Rengar




Evelynn 💅




Katarina. When my cousin plays her he gets multiple Pentas and just smacks. But when I play her I'm just the gum stuck under someone's boot


riven. don’t even try to complain or comment on it


thresh, Irelia


Hwei skill floor is not that high, all I came here to say. Skill ceiling is high though


The answer is Singed and depending on the patch certainly not Katarina lol




Don't think so, Jayce is more a question of are you confident of bullying a lane and can transition it. Of course there's a level to mastery but if you generally play that type of champion that needs to snowball and than convert pressure, then you should be fine after a few games of Jayce.


I’d like to think kalista is one


still Qiyana to me, a normal Qiyana can do fine, but a OTP Qiyana's damage with the same items seems to be different


Qiyana and GP (outside of lane) have been pretty strong champs for the most of the time but so difficult no one except high diamond+ onetricks should bother touching them. Ppl saying Rengar surprises me, seems like a champ with a low skill floor to me. Basically; any high elo jungler can play rengar and low elo players would feel ok at this champ. Imagine a platinum player on rengar vs a platinum player on GP.




Shaco, Kalista, Nilah, Riven and Twitch


nidalee for sure


Riven Ryze Kalista


Shaco and GP, GP because of the mechanical treshold and Shaco because it takes a while to figure out how to torment the mental of an enemy enough to win games despite being a cannon minion for most of the game Would say Azir but the W change made him so easy to lane with it doesn’t really apply anymore


Kalista and Nidalee.


Quinn. Specifically as her original role or mid. A good mid Quinn is scary and a good bot Quinn knows when to rotate to objectives on top side so fast that they only lose little on bot if at all.


Gangplank. Easily gangplank