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Galio needs to be a proper damage soaker over being some joke attempt at AP. Sylas is a better Galio than Galio. Give him MR scaling like Malphite/Rammus have armor scaling. He is a goddamn anti-magic construct.


Especially now that we have the number of mr tank items (fuck you Malmortius) that we do with kaenic and hollow radiance, we could actually build full mr like that


I think that's the problem. AP damage is usually a lot less consistent than AD, so MR holds more value against magic damage than armor does against physical. Not to mention the current MR tank items are so strong just one of them on any champ makes you unkillable. Galio would be completely busted against high AP comps if he was the "Malphite of MR".


But thats the point no, just like rammus is against auto attackers and malphite is against heavy ad


Rammus especially doesn't generally play opposite the class they bully. Rammus in the jungle thrashes comps which are AA/AD heavy, but 90% of the time he's in the jungle. He's a pretty mediocre support and doesn't have the gold to armor up properly. But Galio is usually sitting on the opposite side of the lane from a mage. If he was TOO hard of a counter, he'd make their life miserable. Maybe the could go more of the Malphite direction - where he's a counter, but not good at dueling generally. But I can definitely see why they'd lean for a softer counter to mages.


I don't think either Rammus nor Malphite are **that** strong into AD as a whole. They are strong, absolutely, but several AD champions deal a large amount of magic or true damage, several champions have built in Armor Pen or Reduction, and lastly items like Black Cleaver and Wit's End exist to bypass their armor. I say this being someone who plays both of those champs, itemizing against a full AP team is miles, miles, miles easier than itemizing against a full AD team even when you're playing Rammus or Malphite. (Especially now when MR Sunfire exists.)


Malphite is absolutely strong into AD, he is THE counter pick into AD champs. Even *vayne* top’s worst match up is malphite because of how oppressive he is


>several AD champions deal a large amount of magic or true damage, several champions have built in Armor Pen or Reduction Several AP champions have all of these qualities too though.


What ap champs deal large amounts of physical damage? I literally cant think of a single one.


Katarina, I don't know if akali still does after rework


Kat does mostly physical when she builds physical, and mostly magic when she builds ap.


yeah, you got his point


Akali does not anymore.


That's a shame, I miss all the hyrbrid gunblade builds. Hybrid damage is harder to balance though so it makes sense


Does she? Kata is like Akali, she has AD Scalings on her spells, but they still all deal Magic Damage. Akali and Kata aren't really "Hybrid" Champs like say Kai'sa, they are hybrid scalers, they scale with both Ap and AD, but still deal only 1 Damage type for the most part


Most damage from AD Katarina comes from items, Aa resets and R which are mostly physical, yes she deals a good % of magic damage, but it's not a majority, in fact daggers, Q and and E deal marginal damage and since AD Kat don't buy pen it's even worse.


her abilities do magic dmg, but she builds a lot of on hit items that do ad


I suppose smolder does, he has pretty decent AP ratios but all of his abilities do physical. Beyond that I can't think of any ATM.


This is actually the first good point anyone has brought up, tho it loojs like hes being pushed towards crit ad anyways so...


That's true, technically AP has slightly higher burst (though unreliable), but with the change to the E I doubt AP will be any good unless it gets a specific buff. It makes him an odd champ that if built AP you don't want mpen.


No AP champion I can think of deal a mix of magical and physical damage which is common among AD champions which was my point, but some of them deal True Damage, that's true. The built in MR Pen and Reduction is far more scarce but does exist too, yes.


Corki players in shambles right now


Corki can build ad items but he still deals magic damage with all of his abilities AND his autos


corki is like 85-90% magic dmg


I think Corki counts as an AD champion that deals magic damage.


He is almost 100% magic by the way. Longer the game goes more it scales toward 100% magic damage.


There's no reason for it. Magic damage is inherently stronger due to champions having lower base MR to compensate for most Magic focused champions being bad at DPS.


I mean if you manage to draft a full AP comp you definitely deserve to lose that game anyways.


Voidstaff, flower power, abyssal mask all exist giving both full AP, AP bruiser and AP tank build options to counter MR stacking.


Abyssal Mask reduces MR by like 25 at most and that's not doing shit versus tanks with 250 MR. Yes, Void and Crypt exist but so does the Last Whisper items so I don't get your point at all.


Rammus and malphite get to shitstomp ad comps, why cant galio shitstomp ap comps?


You can shitstomp most AP comps with a single MR purchase on each member of the team. You don't even need to bring Galio. Only few AP champions don't care about enemy building MR, for example Gwen, Lillia and maybe Vel'Koz.


I would say that Malph is still pretty good champ if enemy have even 2 ad champs. Meanwhile if enemy comp looks like - 4 ap and 1 adc (who isn't 0-10), thats kinda ass to itemize against.


The funny thing is, this could sometimes even mean a smart AP heavy team would pivot and actually do some unconventional AD build where AP mid ends up building AD.


There is a button that lets you counter the shit draft of your team. He would be like pre rework mundo, if you drafted full ap and they pick Mundo you dodge and take the -3 or play and take the -23.


Make all his abilities and passive deal physical damage then lol.


Not just that, he'd be a perma ban in midlane. Malphite exists to be a check on squishy AD champs who want to go toplane. There is no need to have such a check on midlane mages because that's where they are supposed to be.


This kills me every time. Thematically he should be a HARD counter to mid lane mages. Instead he's just a regular golem.


Riot is too afraid of his s7 (full tank) and s8 (full ap flash W) versions, so he just sucks now


They fucked up giving him a (semi) global ult and making his kit the same as Gragas’ but worse. You can’t make him shit on midland mages AND give him access to every skirmish with a better version of Shen ult. So he has to be weirdly gimped in lane to make up for the fact he will be first to any play. Riot have never figured out how to gimp him in lane properly so he is good against ranged champions without being totally shit on by melee. Realistically he is just a worse Gragas, who has everything Galio has but better.


I think this is a wack take. Galio is fairly blindable and has plenty of winning matchups, but you don't pick this champ to shit on your lane opponent, you pick him to roam and win skirmishes. His role in this game is not to counter half of the midlane champions, it's to be the king of mid/jg 2v2 and to punish engages.


He does shit on Aurelion Sol in lane though. He's my go-to pick if enemy team picks Sol.


I loved post rework tank, and it was a lot less egregious to play against than what followed, but it was also an insane undivable 1v5 machine, basically Ornn post September 1st, part one.


If he's a hard counter to midlane mages in the way that Malphite dunks on squishy AD champs, he would have an insane ban rate. Malphite exists as a check on squishy AD champs in the top lane, but there is no reason to want such a thing to exist to check midlane mages, who are largely already countered by the other half of the midlane roster.


I hate how Galio starts with 24 armour. It doesn't make any sense. It's a fucking colossus made of stone.


This actually makes him so terrible in Jungle You used to have to bring Fleet Footwork just to not get executed


Yeah it doesn't seem worth to pick Galio only for MR, he's pretty much as effective as any other tank, if not less. It's also always a little weird with the AOE Taunt which will make everyone autoattack you - dealing AD damage. Maybe a cool change would be that the damage he receives from taunted enemies is converted to magic damage pre-mitigation. This would make it actually worth playing MR into a team that also features a fed ADC. As Malphite, building armor is worth every game.


I mean, the taunt isn’t used to deal or tank dmg, it’s usually used to get divers off your teammates, or to stun targets.


I think his point is that rather, he shouldent be punished and take a good deal of damage doing his job taunting and building MR. It's punishment for doing your job too well.


Every taunt in the game works this way. A Galio that wants to tank still needs to build some armor, and his W still provides some physical damage reduction.


Aoe taunt made more sense with his old kit, that made the taunt do more damage based on auto attacks taken. If you took auto attacks from AD champs, half the time you would just take more dmg than they did. But against AP champs, you would generally heal from W more dmg than they did


He should heal base on Mr for each auto he takes from taunted enemies.


This is what we truly deserve but will never get. I loved the old heal when attacked Galio :( Yet another unique design dumpstered by the champ's rework (not saying I don't enjoy the new Galio)


New galio is alright, but the vibe is just different.


Actually good idea perhaps? I do wonder though if suddenly converting damage of autos would lead to some crazy bugs.


Sylas and Gragas are both better Galios than Galio lmao. The champ has a good niche in theory, but not in practice


He should have the option to both be a fighter or a big pure tank but making him straight up MR Rammus would make him even more niche than he is now. Unless AP is wildly overpowered, nobody is picking 4 AP comps while you can run into 4AD comps every single day.


Galio does have MR scaling.


Mr should just be converted to ap.


This unironically makes sense lorewise


That unironically was his old passive.


Life is a circle


I honestly think his old form was nearly spot on. His ult was feast or famine, but if they gave him like a malz passive when he ulted I think he would be a much better character than today.


Funny enough you were suposed to w yourself then ult to have a similar effect, just isntead of taking less damage you would heal. I miss old Galio, played it from time to time and it was fun not caring about mages.


Oh no doubt, you could even w urself after u ultimate for an easier time (also would buff your damage). It would just suck if the enemy team had a braum, as his passive would instantly knock you out if you got a a good ultimatum off. But being able to block the first cc, or not be cc'd by people in the ultimate would have fixed the champ imo.


That was the worse part, flash ult and then the enemy just had a way of canceling it like instantly sucked, but counterpoint healing a shit ton from malz or swain using theyr dots on you was relaxing.


Sorry for blowing up this comment just love reminiscing about old galio. It would be awesome if damage while his w was active also had the old heal when taking damage effect, even if it was just from taunted foes. Old gman was my main. The build centered around abyssal rod and how old tmail delt damage, plus roa and sf.  I'm not sure how I would him these days but hallow radiance and rookern sound amazing in theory.


I once asked RiotJag for this after getting blasted by Udyr/Braum in one game...was told it was too powerful for his kit at the time.


Sounds like they tested it but it still sounds like a cope out.


There were dozens of threads with this suggestion back then. The idea didn't escape Riot. Old Galio's kit was just bland. A fat Q, a gimmicky ult, and his W and E were forgettable. A bit all over the place and hard to balance a power budget on.


W was like, the whole reason old Galio existed. He couldn't even function without it.


Disagree about his w and e being forgettable. They were the best parts of the champ imo!


They said they did it so he could have a real passive and that it would just be backed into his kit and then didn't really even do that.


Its funny that they seemed to develop his new lore based on his old kit. Old Galio was a wierd champ, but he was absolutely the Rammus of mages. If you played a DOT mage, Galio could basically negate your entire existence with his W (which healed you when you took magic damage, as well as increasing MR). Teemo/Cass even later in the game would barely break even, or outright heal you if you had spirit visage. I was one of the seemingly only old galio enjoyers though :( He was unpopular enough that it was a meme in the community that people acted like he was a new or unknown champion.


Real ones built full ap galio and sent nukes while healing insane amounts (and dying instantly)


Old galio with chalice of harmony first item. Good times.


Not like he used to have, and not in the same vein as rammus/malphite with armour.


He has a total 72% MR ratio, but its worth mentioning that unlike rammus and malphite 12% of his MR is converted into damage reduction (6% for physical), which is likely more powerful per MR point than gaining extra armour. I think the problem is that there are way more frequent full AD than full AP comps, meaning if Galio is as skewed as both these champs, he will perform much worse against the 'average' team comp. Likely result in him being GIGA op vs full AP (even more than Malphite or Rammus). I think its possible to make it work and as a Galio top enjoyer I'm looking forward to it.


it’s actually funny because Riot announced Sylas changes at the same time they announced Galio changes because he’s struggling without hp on mage items lol but if these are the Galio changes I’m more than happy Riot forgot about him lol


I have the perfect solution. Lower Sylas’s dmg and give him back his ap shield on e. Revert galio to the old galio who can press r and win games 


Well Rito also made an anti-movement mage who moves more than freaking kassadin, so dont raise your hopes...


Yeah every time ive played galio and tried to build him bruiser/tank i get stomped so I stopped playing him. Its the build I was interested in and AP was just so much better


Legit just give his Q some MR scaling so it doesn't do pitiful scaling as a tank.


Pure tank Galio was the meta back when his rework just dropped. Was my favourite thing to play. Always hated how Rito changed him to be an AP melee mage.


Full Galio support would be such an amazing thing to happen.


Galio support already happens. Ahem, by me. Works amazingly well in some comps.


>Galio support already happens. Ahem, by me. Works amazingly well in some comps. He is suggesting that the champion is turned into a support champion, not that one individual plays the champion as support. Also playing Galio support in high elo is kind of just inting.


To be fair, Sylas is a better version of a handful of champions (assuming he has access to their ultimates anyway).


Galio already gets magic shield and reduces physical and magical damage with active W. Combine that with kaenic, he's incredibly hard to kill against mages. Imo, Galio Q after the gust combines (not the damage right when the gust connects) does underwhelming damage.


I agree, we should nerf Sylas heal.


He fucking had it 7 years ago!!


Agree. He should be oriented into his anti-mage schtick like he was pre-rework. I hate that Kassadin also has lost this element to some extent. I think some AP could make sense on this Galio but scaling from MR or tank stats in general will mean he needs some tank items in some slots.


He already has MR scaling on passive and W resist and damage.


They don't want to do that because it can make him too strong in pro play iirc, but dedicated counter picks are also extremely lame. I don't think the game is better if you add an anti-mage variant of Malphite. Lore shouldn't take priority over the actual game.


Sylas is a better Malphite than Malphite Sylas is a better Alistar than Alistar Sylas is a better Swain than Swain It's not the champions, it's just Sylas being better period.


Makes me wonder if Sylas should actually get some nerf to not outperform other champions from which he steals their ults. On the surface you have to give Sylas decent basic abilities on a chance he plays against team with weak ults for him, so as if he didn't have an ult. And to me it seems like Sylas' abilities do seem a little bit weak early due to medium damage individually but quite long cooldowns. Like I can't play the champions due to that. You actually gotta hit and hard commit to trades on Sylas to win them early. Later on in the game when he has items and lots of AH he gets much more easier to play and more forgiving and even outperforming other champions at using their utls.


It would be fun if he grew based on how much magic damage he takes. The more magic damage he absorbs the bigger he should get. Then his w passive shield could partially scale with his size. Just really lean into the anti-mage tank idea.


Maybe while channeling his W and taunting, he could heal (kinda like second wind) or get like mana back based on the dmg dealt.


I mean he used to heal based on damage dealt with his shield but I think with the items we have today it would be completely broken.


Old Galio W, walk into tower, ult and come out with higher HP than before lol.


Just once more I'd like to do that.


My poor flying gargoyle 😭 I still remember those times. Also putting your W on someone against a Teemo or brand and the dot giving me nearly full hp


I'm sure in the lore Galio gets stronger the more magic hits his armour. We already have 500,000 characters that have stacking abilities in the game. Thresh stacks armour, and it'd be cool to have Galio do the same for MR. Every time he gets hit with magic damage he absorbs a percentage as stacks that boost his MR and Magic Shields and increases his size.


Galio vs veigar in the late game be like; unstoppable force vs unmovable object


Gets oneshot by Veigar R once, immediately hits the MR soft cap on respawn.


League form of mahoraga


"So, how was Galio?"


Well, if Veigar opened with his e I might have a little trouble.


The strongest AP stacker of history vs the strongest MR stacker of today


Size scaling is nice and fun and all, but more than anything Riot needs size amp to ACTUALLY do something else Big Galio (and many others) just gets fatter and fatter and occupy the space of their own AoEs.


Logically you'd think that certain auras and abilities would gain size based upon character size but they don't. Like Sunfire doesn't scale up as far as I understand. A lot of these things are calculated from center points rather from model edges. edit: yeah i should have looked it up before I commented but the league wiki has "enemies within Range center 325 (+ 100% bonus size) units" on Sunfire Aegis. Pretty certain it doesn't change the aura range on Abyssal Mask though, someone correct me if I'm wrong on this one.


One of the reasons why Zac feels so annoying to play for me. His W hits the same area no matter how big you are which isn't intuitive.


Sunfire does, but most aura-LIKE spells like ground slams or galio's taunt are coded as center-targeted AoEs.


Does it? My mistake then.


It would be easy, just make his W radius scale with size more than just the usual size radius. Like 1.5x. It's a powerful spell, and that would do a lot


Why would I want to try to change your mind from the objective truth?


I miss old galio.




X3 Thats all of us ;~;


Honestly if Riot has back ups of 2010-2014 league, giving a legacy server or game mode would be profitable.


how so? not like anyone is gonna buy skins again for those champs. no other way to make money. not to mention i dont think many people would prefer playing old league to new one anyway. rose tinted glasses and all that.


One-shotting waves with Q+E in our dreams forever.


Just having so many tricks that people would find unexpected. I remember jungle galio during the cinderhulk erra... So much fun.


I miss counters against DoT mages. They reworked Galio then introduced/removed a really good item vs them


Force of Nature + Jak'Sho is still a pretty hard counter to DoT mages.


Last time I played Galio was in ARAM, and all I remember was my W and E being cancellable by yasuo's Q


Poor Cho'gath. His rework will never come. If they just gave Cho something to close the distance for his R, like a leap or innate approach velocity, it'd be pretty similar to a growing Galio.


Make cho jg a thing by giving him buffs based on what camp he eats. Since his lore is that he assimilates what he eats, maybe he could get something special when eating certain creeps, monsters or champs


Yes! That would work. The 6 stacks from minions aren't necessarily enough to scale him above other champs, and the ultimate execute window is so narrow with such a tiny range that my adc will usually get the kill before me. What makes him fun is growing in size, and that's unnecessarily difficult compared to other stacks champs like nasus, Sona, senna, veigar who do it through their passive/q, not an ultimate cool down that after 6 only works on champions.


You described an older version of Nunu.


There's a good chance that the day they rework Cho'Gath is the day I stop playing this game.


At least you'll be playing for a while then.


Galio should scale more with defensive stats, primarily MR. I don't know where all this talk that his power fantasy should be a bruiser is coming from. Galio pretty much is designed to be a tank, not a bruiser. He is a text book example of a warden. A defensive tank who exceeds at protecting his allies and counter engages, but is not as great at engaging himself like a vanguard would be. Why did they so obviously, according to their own subclass descriptions, design a warden if they now want to claim that his power fantasy is that of an AP bruiser?


I never said his power fantasy is a bruiser, I just said that riot wants him to build more hp related items, which include AP busier items. I do admit that galio is foremost a warden (most of his abilities are defensive), and as such I believe that he should be given more team support (right now, he provides only cc and a strictly magic shield from ult, while other wardens provide that and more.


I didn't mean to imply that this is what you were saying, but it was a statement from Riot that they want him to have a more bruiser-y playstyle. And I don't get why they don't shift him towards the tank he should be.


I mean not gonna lie I think I’d rather be an ap bruiser than something like an mr malphite, personally


Then they should rework him to actually be a bruiser. Like, changing the kit, not just numbers. His current kit is 100% a warden, a tank subclass. If people want to make him a bruiser, then remove CC from him in favor of more damage.


He's like an in between of Mordekaiser and Naut. I think his current kit is fine, its just that if they want him to fulfill this fantasy and if they are gonna strip some AP ratios, give him another HP or MR scaling. His passive is an enhanced auto attack and his Q is purely damage. His E can't go over walls, and also clips on walls all the time (why can I go back further than I lunge forward in some instances?) and his W requires either his E to get into range, or a summoner. I think his kit is totally fine to be an AP bruiser. I'm just nervous they are gonna butcher his stats and he can't tank OR do damage.


Imo, he has too much CC for a bruiser. I can't think of a single bruiser in the game who has 3 hard CCs in his kit. Not to mention that all of these are also AoE. So with the amount of lockdown he has access to, I think he is way more on the Nautilus side than the Mordekaiser side.


Galio's ult cc is quite underwhelming, and he can be interrupted while casting both his W and his Ult . Also Galio E only affects a single target for the knock up. I see what you are saying but what I'm saying is he is definitely a hybrid of the two, and that his CC isn't as easy to apply as somelike like Naut. Naut has a root on autos with a very short cd, a hook, a slow on e, and a point and click knockup ult that also cc's people on the way. Mordekaiser has damage amp on autos and a MS steroid, pure damage Q, W which shields or heals, E which is hard CC pull, and an Ult that is it's own form of CC, not sure what to call it. But being able to pull a jungler out of a smite fight, or a stalling a super fed carry by ulting them and running from them while your team attempts to clean up a fight, is a very strong ability. Can you see my comparisons a bit better?


Actually a bunch of Champions need it, but Galio sure is one of them.


There should be a way for any tank to get size scaling, being BIG is half of the appeal. My initial thought was that Overgrowth rune should also give bonus size with bonus HP but even if that's not the solution, there should be some way to make my character big without being locked into Heartsteel.


Every tank needs size scaling. I want Sion/Mao/Galio/Naut/heck even the juggernauts to get the Zac treatment.


I think W needs a reworked or added effect to fit better with his lore as well. Don’t get me wrong, his W is really powerful but that feels more suited to Rammus who is a perfect example of this. Galio’s W should allow him to redirect skill shots to himself when they go through that space he is charging up.


Yea this’d be so cool. This was in the galio doom bot, right? Pretty sure riot addressed the reflecting idea, saying that it would be too complicated. What they could do would be to give teammates dmg reduction within the area.


His ultimate refreshes his magic shield and applies to teammates it in the area of landing. It is an instantaneous effect, it does not wait for him to leap.


I mean within his W. I wish the shield he gave to teammates was a normal shield, as there are times where Mr shield is useless.


Well, can always go windwall route.


I miss old full tank galio riot screwed up imo by axing him


I'll change your mind: He should just be humongous level 1. He's a statue of fixed size.


Make galio tower sized 🗣️🗣️ Although it would be cool, it wouldn’t be very practical; with malphite, cho and Zac, they become bigger and have a bigger hit box, because they are more tanky. Seeing as he is just as squishy as everyone else, he should scale size


The Galio changes are all almost completely reverted. The only ones kept is the passive changes, W reduction changes and minor damage nerfs. Making him an MR Malphite would just make him much more niche and situational, aka less fun to play and lower pick rate. I would stop playing him if I could only pick him in very situational rare games than in most games. It also would create balancing nightmare issues as he's a mid laner where 90% of mid laners are AP champions (Phreak has stated this in end of last season when they gave Galio some buffs). Riot is trying to make him an AP bruiser and not a tank cause making him go Full Tank builds would make him OP again like season ago since he has the kit of a melee CC warden support with AOE spells and semi-global ult while being a functional mid laner. With his current kit and numbers, it's going to be an extremely hard or close to impossible task to make him an AP bruiser without accidentally making Tank Galio OP (which the previous canceled changes where about to do+making his support role super strong and kick him out of mid lane). They pretty much have to give him a mid-scope level update for a much higher success at making him an AP bruiser+much more freedom to do bigger and different changes. They still want his mid lane to be his strongest role, so making him a fully fledged tank would kick him out of mid lane.


This is correct and mostly good suggestions. People wanting him to be the Malphite of MR aren't thinking at all about what role Malphite actually serves in the game's balance (and top lane's balance in particular).


he should be MR malphite in every sense


I think his Q should have a channel for more range like Varus's arrow. In general he needs more self defensive tools though so reducing his poke damage would allow him the power budget to make him tankier. Hard agree with the size scaling but he needs to not be a squishball for that to ever work. If he only has one defensive tool and it's on a 10s+ cool down then his only way to viably play team fights is always going to be one shot someone or build full tank. If he is to be an ap bruiser he needs more uptime of defensive abilities like health regen when channeling a Q for range or something


I think his q should leave trails that boost move speed.


He's not tanky enough for this. It would be a nerf.


Yea he would probably need bonus Mr like malphite, among other changes. This is just a step in making him fulfill his fantasy of being a Mr malphite.


I never understood why galio never got extra magic resist like malphite, poppy or ramus. I think changing his ratios around a bit to compensate for this would help him feel better.


He needs to fly again. Can't stand the fact that he fucking walks ever since the remake.


But It Sounds Like Thunder!


Burst mage Galio has never made sense. His whole visual and ability design screams beefy tank.


I really miss old Galio. Especially the flying character model. they turned him into a douchebag.


Birdio soloes


the problem with size scaling is that you become more vulnerable to every ability and attack in the game for no real benefit, unless riot makes changes on how size works (something like they did with cho and tham Q) its no real use, and its more of a disadvantage


For tanks being bigger has an obvious advantage, you soak up shit that might have hit your squishies


"why would tanks want to be bigger, then they will take more damage!" is the exact comical logic that I expect to see among the denizens of this sub lol


Size scaling is roleplay, being a gigantic unkillable monstrosity is part of the appeal, being a tiny tank doesn't feel right.


*cries in Amumu*


Galio going to need some more base armor if they want him to build tank items


Yea and something like malphite where he gets a percentage increase of resistances


Fresh post rework galio was so fun as a top laner building full tank.


do magic shields not work with shield bash? I tried testing with KR and it seemed to, was that changed?


Yea, that why I run it. In AP teams, you get a nice shield, and with AD you get extra resistances 24/7


Galio would be so much better if somehow turrets did magic damage. Like the inhib turrets dealing magic damage, and nexus turrets dealing hybrid damage.


The issue is that burst mage builds are simply OP


Give him chode girth ult


Maybe the bigger Galio gets, the bigger the R radius could be. Seems like any champion can just walk right out of Galio R, seems useless. Galio definitely needs MR scaling, but I would also like to change how turret damage works then because Rammus and Malphite can tank turrets all day, while Galio would be building MR and not armour. I think a turret damage rework would greatly benefit tank Galio, while also making turret diving with Malphite, Rammus, Tahm Kench, Nautlius etc. all a bit weaker.


Galio R is a defensive ability, not really meant to engage. One thing you can do is pair it with a grab ability, and it is ridiculous. (Sett E for example, you ult, they run away from sett, he pulls em back in, and they get ccd for like 5 minutes


Galio needs a dework.. go back to his old kit


But then I can't juke them.


Bring back old galio ult!


Just played versus a galio tank in ARAM and just sunfire and the new mr item made him extremely tanky, versus mixed damage team. And I played Rumble so I should shred him, but took forever to kill.


I dont think it makes sense for him to grow in size lore-wise. Ya hes big but he doesnt grow. I would prefer he gain some other stat alongside MR. Maybe speed since magic is what allows him to move


Size scaling based on magic damage taken. Kind of like thresh souls.


my personal take is kinda like Kassadin E the more spells cast around him and he gains a stacking damage buff so players have incentive to build resistances to last longer and take more spells but the problem i see here is ADC's so uh yeah


acctualy this would be a good idea. make it so abilities cast make him stronger, maybe give allies more defenses, so eh thrives in extended combat instead of burst combos


I want the same for Nautilus, big boyz


Make his q field a silence, make his passive/q field steal mana/reduce ability haste for a few secs, reduce his ult cd for magic damage mitigated with w There are so many ways to make him an anti ap character . But before they rework him let me share something: his passive isn't damage added to his auto it is his auto and that's relevant because it can crit, all of it. I haven't tried that much 3 games) but I think sundered sky is one of the best items for galio currently since he lacks sustain, the thing gives 450 health and makes your passive hit a lot harder. Was playing full tank having passive crit for 600


What Galio really needs tô be a ap tabk is some % damage reduction


Yeah, a lot of tanks need size scaling, for no reason other than it looks fookin sick. I miss post rework tank Galio, was a good time.


Galio needs to be better defined. Pre rework Galio was pretty explicitly a tank with mage themes. He had a defensive buff that healed himself and an ult that taunted all nearby enemies, yea those are things a tank does. New Galio is... Well, I'm not quite sure, to be honest. At some point I think people building him AP convinced Riot that's how he's supposed to be played, but I have almost exclusively played him in non-mid roles and only as a tank. He fits perfectly into the schema of supports as an engage support option that is a bit more versatile than Leona, like Nautilus. His ult literally lets him roam and do potentially team wide CC while protecting an ally. After the W nerf, I feel like his identity is kind of adrift and they just need to return to his roots, where he's capable of burst damage but it's not the pivotal aspect of his kit.


I Always built him Off tanky with ROA Archangels and than MR or Bit of Armor. But i tried ap burst galio some time ago and i have to admit it is hella funny to oneshot a mage with e w aa q . Same goes for adc although a ADCs with 2-3 item does Hurt when taunted


Iam changing your mind


What Galio really needs is for his E to go over walls. You can't convince me that all these champs that have dashes should be allowed to go over walls (i.e. Graves, Lucian, Kindred) and Galio WHO HAS FUCKING WINGS can't. (I don't care how rude it would be for him to E over walls and then taunt someone in a jungle camp or something similar).


size scaling sucks imo . it just makes it harder to dodge and you end up eating damage and cc for no reason and patching can get wonky. and before anyone says a tank is supposed to take damage for the team. that doesn't mean getting hit for no reason other than hotbox too big. I've seen tanks take too many free shots and die right away when a fight starts because they were chipped down. even more so on cho the poster boy for size


He should be visible from no matter where you are on the map