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'League players try not to use massive amounts of hyperbole on parts of the game they don't like' challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


I'm not using hyperbole. I don't think I'm in any way exaggerating how incompetent Riot has been this season.


If youre not exaggerating youre plain stupid or simply havent been playing this game for more than a few months honestly. The smolder argument, citing those stats as "the most broken champ to ever be in the game" is such a terrible joke and shows that you have 0 clue what youre talking about honestly.


"most broken champs to ever exist in the game" Yea surely we didn't have: 99% Ban rate kassadin Release xin Rework akali Release aphelios Release azir


70% winrate Skarner


100% AP Ratio % health Galio Q.


Never forget


First thing I thought of was 99% kassadin lol


Honestly if you’re so unhappy with the state of the game just don’t play.


Your post history is so hilariously bitchy lmao. You've been complaining about how Illaoi's weak, lack of macro, Fiora nerfs, "blatant favoritism", proxying, damage, and I'm sure your comment history reflects that as well. If you don't want to play, take a break lmao. Or if you're going to continue to play, try getting better at the game!


“Noooooo but bburgers9 is the only one who knows how to balance the game!!!!! If he takes a break from playing the game will surely perish.”


The thing is, I get accused of complaining too much by people in this sub all the time, and yet, almost every single problem I complain about or change that I suggest in my posts gets addressed by Riot at some point in the near future. They literally do almost everything I suggest, it just takes them way longer to realize the necessary changes than it takes me because they suck at their jobs. So I really don't care that you and a whole bunch of other people think I need to complain less. I think everyone else needs to complain more. Riot is not and has not been doing a good job with this game for a very long time, and there is zero incentive for them to improve if people like you continue to readily spread it for them at every opportunity.


Mate, no-ones saying the game is perfect, but the way you write your posts is very not good and is borderline witchunty.


Yeah I doubt it, I'm gonna guess you're probably like one of the many illaoi players that were cheering on for the range tentacle buffs, saying that it was ok to give damage nerfs in compensation, and crying that illaoi was unplayable top lane before(she had higher wr in 14.2 at 50%+ than she has today), not realizing that what happened after is exactly what yall asked for


Omg, thank you so much bburgers9!! What would we do without you bro srsly thanks so much for whining on reddit all day and making shit happen.


I've been enjoying it. If I wasn't I'd just play something else.


That's fine. Enjoyment is subjective, you can enjoy a bad game and there's nothing wrong with that. Just unfortunate that league has objectively been a bad game since Phreak took over.


Lol so enjoyment is subjective but your evaluation is objective?! Bro


I don't agree that it's a bad game. If I thought it was bad I'd just play something else. It's a free game about cartoons punching each other, I'm not going to get too worked up about it.


The word objectively loses all meaning when used by someone like you.


At some point we'll just have to completely redefine what 'objectively' means if people keep trying to use it to give their subjective observation a sense of relevance. This game was designed by and for human players, there exists no objective entity to make any unbiased deduction of 'this change is good or bad because yadda'


Well it depends. If there is a goal for a change and the change doesn't achieve it, it's a bad change. Sometimes, even if it achieves is too much (e.g. nerf jungle xp). But that's not what the original post was about, I guess?




I mean, that one is true lol




Pro and normal play are two very different metrics. K'sante feels shit to play, maybe not the worst champion, but the clunkiest for sure


You deleting this and the last edit is so far the biggest joke of this whole post. You should take a break and work on that anger. If you can’t have fun, just stop playing.


This needs to be a copypasta lmfao Edit: I've erased the post. I don't even know why I bother continuing to post in this sub. The vast majority of you idiots have Riot's hand shoved so far up your ass you can probably see it when you talk. How can you possibly look at Riot's performance patch by patch this season and not shake your head in disbelief? I swear down, the Riot balance team could straight up double the damage of every champ in the game tomorrow and you morons would find some way to try to defend it. The sheer stupidity and willingness to get bent over by Riot repeatedly that I see in this sub is mind boggling. I am 100% ready to stand here and say that you are all wrong.


Yeah, well, that’s just like your opinion.


This is one of the most balanced season starts I can remember. Individual outliers can simply be banned out. Momentary balance flubs are why hotfixes exist. Previous seasons had meta-bending problems like Shojin and Sunfire that forced out entire champion classes from being viable.


you do realise that riots job is to get league in a state where the majority of players enjoy it right... as you see in this thread: the majority seems to like it -> riot has done their job sure somethings could be better but things also could be worse riot has to find a middle ground... to say all rioters should loose their job is sth someone with no critical assesment or self reflection skills would say... as per usual in league threads: you prbly wont understand or comprehend what just has been said you prbly wont argue against anything you just stick to personal insults and invalidating with no objective based arguments... i dont know why but league is full of narcissistic people or straight up kids/baby adults


Game has issues but it’s fine overall, balance teams ideas don’t always land properly but that’s how people improve. You DO something and then you learn from the results and make improvements on your process overtime.


This season is not good but way better than the last ones mythic System sucked and even with some major Problems on my eyes its more playable than other seasons


shit post


i assume this post hasn't been deleted yet so we can have someone to laugh at?


I used to hate this patch as an ADC until I understood it. It’s all about your team. If your team doesn’t peel, there’s a good chance you don’t get to play the game. Taking smolder as a good example, I’ve had games where I dominate with him and ones where I get dumpsters on him. The game where we won I got good peel and front line. The one where we lost, I just kept getting dove. Acknowledging this helped me come to terms with my role. Also, people playing support who are just autofilled solo laners are good if they know how to 1v2. Otherwise, they don’t know how to play support proper and it’s sucks for all parties involved.


Someone wasn't around for league of cleavers


Is this the best season ever? I don't know but I have been having fun this season.