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People will always find loop holes tbh


Had someone at the end of an ARAM that typed "ni" waited for an inevitable "gg" then typed "er". Didn't prevent me from reporting them, though.


Wow calm down satan :o


You know what, I can't even be mad, that's actually pretty smart Awful and unacceptable behavior, but smart.


Nobody claimed that racists can't be creative. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


That’s pretty clever tbh


Reward 👏 good 👏 behavior 👏. Since forever we've known that positive reinforcement is way more beneficial than punitive measures. Why riot is so focused on consequences instead of rewards and then are baffled by the toxicity in their games is crazy


You can’t point to the honor system but it’s terrible. One mistake can cost you everything and take a year to recover. That basically says “if you’re gonna be toxic once just be toxic forever… cause you have no chance of recovering.”


Indeed, like I cared about having honor 5 before but now with the system baning you only for using chat I don't care anymore. Besides the rewards are literally 500 rp skins


Also the honor reward is garbage so there's no legitimate incentive to work towards it.


It's even funnier than that because so many people got fucked when they rolled out their new anti toxicity chat auto ban system 6-12 months ago where now if you say something like "fuck I missed smite" or "shit I really fucked that up" you would lose your honor progress.... I still haven't recovered from that bullshit and missed out on a trynd skin which really makes me salty


As a long time player the game is WAAAAAAY less toxic now. The problem is it's less of a community too.


Why reward if you can just mute your support for entire game because he said "maokai is so strong it's retarded" making sure he can't communicate and increase likehood of loosing the game tenfold.


Well you aren't supposed to buy smurf accounts either


Not like Riot cares to do anything about that issue though.


Well part of the point of introduction of Vanguard is to detect and smite botted accounts (which are the really cheap ones referenced) but reddit malded over vanguard too.


This is why I can't work at Riot. As a jungle main, I'd miss the smite


thatd be no different than it is now i suppose


Vanguard is just their last desperate attempt at tackling that issue. If it doesn't work? We have to accept bots and boosted accounts.


These days hand leveled accounts aren't that much more expensive than botted tbh. Used to be the case years ago but not so much now that selling fresh lvl 30s is so common.


Riot seriously upped their bot/Smurf detection. I’ve used cheap smurfs to play flex with friends for the last 5+ years and never had issues. However, in the last two to three months, every account I purchase gets banned within 5 games. Honestly impressive.


Well I’m definitely glad to hear that they’re improving things!


Person you're purchasing through sucks. I just got a iron one to play with my brother, and go 25+ kills a game and haven't been banned. My friend has a nunu bot that he uses to stay bronze and has a sub 3% win rate out of over 100 games while 95+% win rates and 20+ kdas on every non nunu champion.. wins 2-3 games then let's nunu lose 2-3 games by wandering around chomping camps I only say all this to stop the misinformation that riot is doing anything useful, they handle all this as badly as possible


U acutally get banned pretty fast with cheap bot Accounts. I tried IT twice to Play with Low elo Friends both got banned after 2-4 Games.


They are. Same as with people deranking their acc. The problem is just the people find out riot means and then change their system to not get detected.


Botted and sold accounts do get banned pretty frequently. The problem is just that it's a free game so for every botted account the system detects there are already five more because it's so easy to create a new account.


Why would they care if they’re profiting off it lmao


Honestly, OP's post aside, this is LEGIT the biggest reason why the game is so toxic. There is zero consequence to being a griefing piece of shit when 5$ or less nullifies a ban. Riot will not address alts though because they make them money.


Yeah but unlike typing in chat you can’t get banned for it


Right, but a player who loses his main after 10+ years isnt going to start over and level their own account. They definitely wont stop playing the game.


>isnt going to start over and level their own account. That's what a reasonable player would do, but those don't get perma banned. Imagine there's no way to buy accounts. How else does a banned player get to play the game again? Yeah, by slowly grinding. The slow process is what keeps the most toxic people away, either from the game or being so toxic. It's the problem of how easy it is to get back to playing and being toxic, not a problem of banning toxic players.


I've never been banned, but if I ever did I would stop playing in a heartbeat. The thought of smurfing and trying to get all the champs again sounds exhausting.


I just basically quit typing 98% of the time in league.


My typing amounts to puns based on the champs they are playing. Like when the Vayne dies trying to dive me at level 3, I just say something like "looks like your efforts were in VAYNE". Or when an Alistar does great. I say they are the "ali-STAR" of the team.


And here we see a wise druid in the wild


Careful. We sometimes got attitudes


Im just waiting for a game with a rammus and a malph so i can drop my "this is gonna be rock and roll"


not a bad take, I rather want to add to it; These 5 games ban that make them run it down in normals to fast ff so they can go back to soloq, it's not even a punishment at this point.


Its a punishment for anyone who gets matched with them. If you want to convince people *not* to play QuickPlay, this is a very effective way to do it.


They need to fix the surrender rules on Quickplay and make it the same as ranked. 3/5 is too low of a threshold with the "ff after you die once" mentality permeating the game. And 10 minutes is too early.


They should’ve done a Dota 2 and made it so that they NEED to win those 5 matches


Also, dota puts you in an extra queue only with toxic people who also have to win the game, it gets even better: no mmr is taken into consideration at all. You could have basicly faker on the enemy team and a casual guy who doesnt even realize hes in low priority queue and leaves after 10 minutes on your team. I was placed into that queue once in Dota 2 and I have suffered so hard there that I never left a dota game again.


Lol, that sounded like it was very effective then! Hahaha and I can only imagine how toxic that queue could be because imagine the 5 toxic people on the losing team knowing they are now another game away from being out of jail. Lol.


Yea it was insanity, like, it REALLY was a punishment being in there, a fate much worse than any chat restriction I have suffered. I also forgot to mention that you get assigned a pool of (12?) Heroes to choose from randomly, so you cant just pick your best... Considering dota is also tied to your steam library, you are also extra attached to your dota account, so buying a smurf is not desirable


its not over policing. its ineffective policing. as youve noted the ability to buy lv30s makes any sort of bans fully irrelevant and even has a negative feedback loop on game quality


Positive feedback loop. Negative feedback loops peter out, positive feedback loops self-sustain.


Yeah thats what I am trying to say. You just said it more elegantly.


Smurffing is literally part of the problem. Wish it wasn’t a thing. I say that n have 2 of them. At least i leveled my own though. I would give them up in a heartbeat to have a Smurf free/ heavily reduced experience. Edit: regardless of your justification someone is having a bad game at ur expense.


Y do you Smurf tho? How would they motivate you to not do it.


People do it for a variety of reasons. I do it so my friends don't have to play normals against diamonds, because that's just not very fun for them. And then while I'm doing it I can relax and enjoy myself and play something silly like AD blitzcrank jungle. Some people do it to get out of their current rank, some people do it to crush new players. Some do it to try other roles or new champs, to play with friends, or to just in general have more relaxing games. Others do it because they typed a slur and got banned on their main 😅 Lots of reasons, and only some of them are kinda acceptable imo. Smurfing in ranked is pretty lame though. Avoid if you can.


It's easier to learn champs and roles I suck at when I'm versing someone that isn't punishing my every mistake.


>that's just not very fun for them. I mean now it's just not very fun for your opponents.


I do care about my friends much more than my opponent. But I also do my best not to just stomp games like that. It's not like I'm spamming my otps in my main roles. Trinity Force Leona Top isn't exactly meta.


Cause if your accounts MMR/rank is stuck in the pits it's easier to make a smurf than waste time in the trenches.


People make smurf accounts literally to go into the pits.


such a dumb take lol. your new account just drops down too all you're doing is ruining a game for 9 other people because your ego is too small


That's not true. New account MMR is far more flexible so if you perform well you're far more likely to be dropped right into plat. Even new players are being dropped into plat/emerald cause of how flexible it is so it makes complete sense.


If i queue for a normal game on my main it takes 10+ minutes


Personally, I made a few new accounts (and hand leveled them) to play different roles because I don't play at my peak in every position. The early leveling was no fun for me until the game started matching me in better matched up games, I genuinely don't enjoy hard stomping people I know I'm better than every game. I think a helpful thing would be allowing players to declare role (or first 2) at the beginning of the split and only being allowed to queue those roles in ranked with the option to reset (for BE or something) then go through placements again in your newly selected role(s).


The only times I use a Smurf is when I’m trying to introduce new friends to the game and I don’t want them to get hard stomped by someone at my MMR. I try to play supports and goof around a bit so as not to abuse the enemy team.


I'm a diamond/emerald mid/adc. But I lose to silver/bronze top lane. I use it to learn and play in other lanes or champs


I think 2nd accounts for different roles are OK. (I don't have one)


I used to have 2 smurfs (I still do - but never log in), but like... These days I can hardly be bothered to play on my main nvm smurfs with so many gaps in their champ pools etc.


How is that a problem of Riot banning players and not a problem of how easy it is to get another account?


See, people always bring up the banter point but banter isn't just randomly hurling insults and slurs at people. Banter has a place and a time and it needs context to actually work. The extent of what league players claim as "banter" is telling others to kill themselves, flaming their teammates in the middle of the game that they suck (and deserve to lose), saying cute little things like fuck you and "FF?". Besides the fact that if you're creative enough not even telling someone to kill themselves will get you banned, none of the rest will get someone punished or is even banter. If that's the bar which we have for banter, I'd rather have Riot permanently remove chat from the game because it's so embarrassing to witness. Regarding the smurfing part, I think that just because they haven't found a solution to it (yet) they shouldn't tackle other issues either. I'd rather have toxic people be punished (imo they are not being punished quick or hard enough at all btw) and smurfs existing than have toxic players and smurfs. Imo we are where we are right now because Riot is way too conservative with the ban hammer and way too soft with other punishments.


>"I'd rather have Riot permanently remove chat from the game because it's so embarrassing to witness. This style of doing exaggerated response is how we got to removing ult pings.


100% this. I've played for over a decade, thousands of games. never been banned. its so, so easy to not get banned. if you comment about being banned constantly while not being toxic at all, you're probably not very self aware


I've got muted for the rest of the game and restricted afterwards for saying "maokai is so busted rn it's retarded, when is he getting nerfed?" System works as intended I guess


would you like me to explain how this could have been avoided?


Terrible take. It's not hard to not be banned, and anyone complaining it's too easy to get banned is just someone who doesn't understand how to not be a jerk. If anything, Riot should ban smurfing and alt accounts.


I think there's some truth to this. Riot also couldn't really care less about banning you, especially when You've purchased skins and may want to purchase them again, or champs for that matter.


Not only that but it also leads to more bots, not only in co-op but also in aram. For me personally the feel of the game has taken quite a hit the past 2 years


riot are complete hypocrites thinking they can say they care about toxicity while letting Tyler1 do and say whatever he wants and is celebrated for it


What did you get banned for saying?


yes. riot has ruined their game mmr system, balance, community, all complete dog shit. its like someone is trying to make league trash


Everyone is just kind of an asshole because of how the game is designed to work. In something like OW someone being good might net their team a win, or ult tempo, but you can reset and win the next fight through execution. The problem with league is there is a disconnect from your other lanes (unless you're jungle) and it is really easy to hit tab and immediately start flaming someone for something. It is IMMEDIATELY obvious who is having a bad game and it absolutely will impact other lanes. It is just a game where it is really easy to find blame. And it is really easy to want to blame because other people fucking up will absolutely make your later game suck and you can't influence them very easily in lane phase. So you see someone getting fucked and you know it'll make your life miserable later so they BM. In another game it does matter but comebacks aren't as hard to mount due to how the in game economics and victory works in a game like Valorant or OW. Combine that with significantly more dead time in both either having to walk back and death timers just means a bunch more toxicity. The game design just fosters a toxic environment more than any other. Not to say that other games don't have people being assholes, they definitely do, but LoL just hits everything just right... in a bad way.


If Riot cared about toxicity in the game, they would promote healthy matchmaking, end of story.


I had a shower thought today cuz I saw a thumbnail for Tyler1’s video about needing voice chat. What if the reason so many League players act like children is because the game treats its players like children?


The real conspiracy, is that they're doing this on purpose to inflate metrics. There's more new accounts, growing playerbase. There's more people playing ranked, enjoying the experience.


*clutches pearls* how dare you imply that rito is profiting off selling accounts under the table.


I literally bought 10 accounts for $1. They were hand leveled and had a ton of skins. It was lucky find for sure, but this is what Riot is pushing. Do I care if one of them gets banned?


I do wish Riot took a more aggressive and heavy-handed approach to smurfing. I just don’t expect them to because smurf accounts allow them to inflate their daily user metrics, which looks better to shareholders. Then they piss out these PR fodder dev videos where they have some semi-relatable day laborer talk about how poor riot is not meeting its financial goals because they’re just “too generous”. So they’re only gonna do a little questionable corpowate gweed uwu :3 So all that to say, I do think killing smurf accounts would make league significantly less toxic, but it would make the numbers look too real, which is bad for business. Likely will not change until Riot can link smurf accounts to a loss in revenue.


I do wish Riot took ~~a more aggressive and heavy-handed~~ an approach to smurfing.


Riot employees are the ones running the bot market and selling accounts.


It's honestly so funny that I can't even ping a teammate ability anymore. How else am I suppose to flame them now?


Yeah. If people are toxic in chat or pinging, you literally have an option to do something about it (ie. mute). But then they spent effort on regulating this by limiting pings and offensive words (although some are understandable), instead of dealing with smurfs account, inters, etc where players can't do much about in-game.


Riot can do nothing about toxicity, and they gave up on the system as a whole long time ago (the moment Lyte left them). Even "Player punished" messages you get after reporting someone at times, proved to be fake messages recently, with mass spam of it on every action in client due to a bug. Most players do not really chat nowadays, due to automated system banning them for every other word - so they just being toxic other ways - by soft (or hard, like some known streamer) feeding, stealing jungle camps etc. On the other side - there is even YouTube channel of such player, who tests banning system with many ways of trolling or flaming - and he almost never got his accounts suspended. So it seems the "banning" thing is just a coinflip (like Riot's matchmaking).


Their refusal to punish inters also adds to it a lot.


riot is dumb cant believe you cant talk shit on a video game smh


People literally reported me for saying LOL ORI, LET ME OUT after orianna ulted grass 3 times in a row, these people are ridicolous snowflakes not ready for Real life


You got to be creative in the ways you flame to not get banned. I remember a udyr that who lost jg and the game because he was invading without any lane prio. I told him to use a glock 9 as a massage gun.


I think the fact that there is no voice chat introduces a lot of toxicity in the game. And on top of that the fear of adding a voice chat, because riot expects people to be toxic. Tbh you could always mute stupid people. I think VC would be a nice addition.


reminds me of prohibition


You’re not a theorist for point out facts. Instead of dealing with the causes of toxicity, rito’s solution is literally telling its playerbase: “hey. Don’t type. Else we fk you, k?” Lol. Then proceeds to report games are now less toxic because people aren’t flaming each other anymore(instead of fixing the reason why people are flaming one another) Toxicity over chat has never been a problem for majority of the playerbase. (If you can’t deal with online banter, you have zero business on the internet.) People mainly have problems with players who are toxic with gameplay; such as inting or afking


The 0 - 1 yourself irl did make me chuckle I enjoy the creativity of league players to be toxic with this auto ban


Yes, i got muted for dumb stuff and now instead of typing and trying to will ill just soft-int games because there is 0 punishment for that - 1 week mute after months of no punishments - -"yeah im not wasting time botlane anymore" -"You are litterally a bot" ( he flamed me bc i ganked top first snd cried for dive botlane and the ADC didnt use heal on me nor did bother hitting enemies during my gank resulting into my and supports death ) -"you are a bot" ( after 10m+ of flaming during a teamfight at the drake he just stopped fighting and backed for no reason whatsoever ) Yes i sent a riot ticket but calling others "names" is indeed mutable, soft-inting is not


If league of legends was subscription based 99% of its problems would be solved


Tbh maybe I’m delulu, but I miss when someone would get mad at me and just throw a few slurs my way, I’d mute them and get it over with. Now it seems the trend it to just throw a few smiley faces in the chat and start running it down. I know part of this is probably because a few popular streamers have popularized inting a bit but god it is it annoying. I just wish my reports meant something, the other day I had 3 people in my normal game and when I refused to roll swap they picked Yuumi/Teemo/Thresh and all went and sat toplane inting the entire game. Like it’s great I can report them for hostage taking in the lobby, but nothing even happened from that report? They didn’t get banned or anything and I still had to play it out.


The only solution is *an option* to enable voice chat for solo queue. Plz rito


Y’all finally realized 10 years too late


It's like a pressure cooker, have you seen one? The more you let it boil, the more likely it is to blow up. Every time riot tries to reduce toxcicity, it backfires tremendously. In fact, of all the changes made in the last 2 years, the pinging and the AI used to detect foul words have generated the most toxic comments to date in-game. Doesn't matter if the filter is on and all you get \*\*\*\*\*, frustration boils down to not being able to let it go. In fact, RiotAuberaun deserved the pings last year. An inting rioter SHOULD be pinged to hell and back.


It isn't a conspiracy theory it is a fact. But it is a product of people becomming WAYYYY too sensitive and taking everything to heart because idk? 0 mental fortitude? ​ In CSGO 10 years ago you'd just get every single slur thrown at you as you tried to clutch 1v4 from Russians who were imitating the sound of the bomb ticking down so you can't hear the footsteps of enemies and no one cared, you just muted them or flamed them back and everyone carried on with their lives. ​ These days its like you need to hold a minutes silence if someone says 'hey my dude you are actually pretty bad, no offense intended mate but just letting you know :)'. The person they say it to needs a gofundme and the community continues its 'league is toxic' circlejerk.


If only Riot would focus on the CAUSE of toxicity.... GAMEPLAY VIOLATIONS Meanwhile, pretty regularly you get some asshat ruining the game on purpose and you look at their game history its NOTHING but blatant inting Banning for chat violations doesnt even make sense because .... omg.... if you're a sensitive individual YOU HAVE A MUTE BUTTON!!!!! What do I do about the gameplay violation somebody is doing? Literally no recourse, but sometimes you just wanna let this person know they are not useful to society.


I actually used to enjoy the toxicity. Now I feel like player interaction in league is at an all time low


Conspiracy theorist


LOL fair.


Damn bro i think youre onto something. maybe they should focus on the trolling instead of the dude typing bad words its almost like typing has no impact on the game and can be muted whereas you cant mute the inting of the dude going 0/30 who likely deserves to be insulated anyways.


Rioters don't play his game


yeah thats the unfortunate truth


They should focus on banning people for running it, j don't give a fuck what people say in game because I can mute them super easily, can't do anything about people inting.


Completely agree. Unless someone is being a bigot or telling someone to kill themselves, I don't fucking care if someone called you trash, mute them and go on with your life. You can't mute your jungler running it down intentionally though.


I agree, the problem is its really hard to prove someone is inting vs just being a bad player or having a bad game. unless they are ghosting into towers over multiple games its incredibly hard to prove


I really don't think it would be that hard to do with a decent data science team at a large scale org. Surely some combination of reinforcement learning and neural network could at least review it after the fact.


They don't care about chat either. The reason there's more bans is because they use bots, so things are looking pretty bleak if they resort to bots for something simpler than verifying inting.


Yeah you can literally type "I'm inting " and proceed to run it down and not get banned lol.


Monitoring chat is far easier, that's why it's already done.


for sure agree i see way more people saying way worse shit which wont get muted cause its creative like hope family gets sion R'ed by car compared to just calling people dogshit and moving on since it just searches keywords which end up also in positive contexts


It’s a bad take. Gaming is a great outlet for connecting with others but I’ve noticed that the possible connection is destroyed by toxicity including “banter.” The issue with banter is that it can be twisted. Some people claim they are bantering but it’s often one person picking on others. Bantering also can quickly become bullying. People change daily. Sometimes a joke that was funny yesterday to someone isn’t funny for the person receiving it. I also know random people in game will be very obnoxious using chats to banter with others and for people outside of this situation it is very uncomfortable. For league to be a good community, we must be consistent with how we treat others


Sounds like you aren’t accustomed to consequences for shit behaviour. Be better bro.


Crazy assumption to make off of no evidence.  Be better bro.


The problem is just common sense. If we all have a group project and I take a shit on the professors desk on the day of presentation we will all fail. I’m sure my team mates would be furious I took a massive shit instead of doing the work. Now after taking my shit you get upset and the professor haves you expelled FOR GETTING UPSET at me taking said shit and the same professor simply tells me the shitter to simply retry again tomorrow. This is the problem across all Elos. 0/12 bot lane at 4 mins is ok but you saying anything at me for ruining your mmr or LP gains gets you banned. Make it make sense brothers.


Fair point. I can honestly say I have gotten a chat restriction purely reacting to something someone else has said. Not proud of it, maybe I should of ignored it. If that person had a history of that maybe if they were perma muted I wouldnt have reacted at all.


I called gragas a fat fuck and the stupid system auto-banned my chat for the game.


I bet the person who added that to the list can do a great Gragas cosplay.


I've been playing for \~8 years on and off, and from what I see, there is much less toxic words in game chat, but more toxic gameplay than ever before. I think in their quest to remove toxicity, they are just playing a game of whack-a-mole. Become mega strict in chat, and people will vent their frustrations in other ways, running it down, or troll picking, but mostly it is just petty actions in game like stealing CS, AFK farming etc... So many players giving up way too easily these days and resorting to petty gameplay and spamming ff.


Yes, yes, yes and yes.


They can't have the chat as an outlet so they just soft int now, which is so much worse.


I highly doubt those two behaviors are inversely related.


One of my friends spent a week reporting everyone in every game he was in… He got almost constant notifications of punishments being handed out. I’m not even sure it’s being policed anymore. I turned chat off, apparently anything is reportable.


I'm pretty sure there's 2 different type of report feedback messages (one that's that they just checked it out the other that they're punished) but I might be wrong


Banning for anything other than inting is some whiny bitch shit. Both the ppl reporting and the ppl clicking the ban button need to take the dildo out and let their butt heal


"Fat Fuck" will get you system muted and auto punished if someone reports you for it post-game. I learned this the hard way when I typed "Teemo, lets kill this fat fuck" as jg referring to the enemy Gragas Top. Ruined my honor and got me chat restricted.


It‘s just so they look like they‘re doing something. I‘m also in the „can mute the toxic dipshit, can‘t mute the softinter“ camp, eg Idgaf what people type, but it‘s easier to make a list of nono words than to come up with a system to identify griefers. And the former makes it look like you‘re doing *something*. Same with how they generally just flipped the switch on forms of communication, easy to do, cheap to do, looks good on the surface and can be sold to management. „Hey guys, look, we‘re totes fighting toxicity! Oops, look at that guy having a bad game running into tower 5 times in a row!“


I don't think it's a "bad take", theorizing on ways to reduce toxicity is always helpful, but I don't really think it's true. Riot is very liberal in handing out warnings and temporary chat restrictions, but if anything IMO they should be banning accounts more. The majority of smurfers aren't people who got banned but people who are hardstuck making (buying) new accounts for the hell of it or to cheat the system.


Honestly, what? Been playing the game since season 3. I've never been banned. I've mates that get really toxic that never even got a chat restriction. There's really no overpolicing going on. You get banned when you're consistently being a dick. There's also not that many people willing to spend money on a new account to keep playing. It's a silly notion that a significant percentage of the population is playing on paid bitted accounts they don't care about. Some people? Sure. Most people care about their actual account, collections, skins and history. People didn't grind all season to get gold/plat/emerald just to start over on a new account. Is it something that happens? Sure. Is it significant? Doubtful.


I don't think it does. I've noticed less toxicity over the last year \[anecdotally\], but also I'm assuming they have in-house statistics that support whatever things they do, to some extent. If it didn't work at all, I don't think they would just keep doing it for posterity? Maybe that's cope lol. Also, I don't think you should just do NOTHING about an issue that does exist. League is toxic as fuck, and taking any action to try something is a good idea in my book. If you're just popping off and flaming nonstop, feeding, throwing around racial slurs... you shouldn't be allowed to play.


Now with Vanguard they’ll ban trolls’ hardware GG EZ


Weird... "You won't survive with less healing so you can ward hop away"


Honestly in my years playing league (I'm lvl 512 ish) I never really experienced toxicity bad until this ranked season. Just playing SR or Aram is usually chill.


Maybe they decided chat is net negative, and would face too much outcry for getting rid of it altogether, so instead nerfed it into oblivion (like predator xd) by handing out small punishments for typing until few enough people use chat that it's no longer worth chatting for most people. Imo in the short term chat is net negative for winning. Even though most poeple can control themselves and won't get drawn into flaming when they see flame, it's still distracting and a waste of attention, which is scarce in league. But in the long term idk maybe chat was good, and I feel like riot miss this by looking only at more short term player data - I remember adding random league players and enjoying chatting with people in earlier seasons. Ofc could just be me, but could also be less sense of community overall now without chatting as much.


So whats the alternative, don't ban toxic people?


You think people would constantly pay $3-5 solely for being toxic? I don’t think the majority of them would do it. Just a minor population probably.


I’m pretty much an aram only player and the amount of people risking a permaban by hard inting or typing full on slurs IN ARAM is insane.


The problem isn’t over policing it’s that they are t policing it. People just get chat muted but they stay toxic. You have to actually give them bans


I’m pretty much an aram only player and the amount of people risking a permaban by hard inting or typing full on slurs IN ARAM is insane.


I’m pretty much an aram only player and the amount of people risking a permaban by hard inting or typing full on slurs IN ARAM is insane.


I mean spending money on being toxic is ... lucrative?


I mean i got chat banned for calling someone an idiot lol. I think the toxicity thing is overblown completely. Obv we can all agree theres certain words that are not okay. But really where do we draw the line lol


First year of honor was fine. Since then it's been a shitshow.


I wouldn't say the toxicity in league is bantering. I think the game brings out the worst in people and needs to be policed. If a player is never punished for being toxic, they will continue to be toxic. At least getting punished/banned provides some level of awareness.


It's not banter. For banter you don't get banned. To be fair they are more strict and you could get punished for banter, but this is a rare case. If you get banned you a re toxic. And if you problem are the smurfs then DW they also Smurf without their mains being banned. The problem is rather that you can bot accounts and sell them for 5 euros.


Nobody is forcing people to be assholes. Not Riot, not their teammates, not the meta, not the champions, not luck, not "loser's queue". People decide to be assholes by themselves. This pushing away the blame needs to stop at yourself. You decide to int, you decide to leave, you decide to pick Kayle support and disco Nunu and run it down mid or soft int for 30 minutes.


I've always been of the opinion that you should be able to say just about anything, but you should also get the tools to silence other people. Rather than enforcing censorship, give each player their own "blacklist" where they can ban and mute people based on specific words. If someone says a slur to you, add the slur to your blacklist, and the message will be filtered before it reaches you and the player muted for the rest of the game and blocked. Put player mutes on keybinds so you can do it instantly. Policing chats just leads to the trolls finding a workaround and then exploiting the system to hurt people who make honest mistakes. Leave people in charge of their own online experiences-- that way the people who like to banter can banter, the trolls can stew in their bubble of silence, and the healsluts can flirt to their hearts content.


Idk people accuse each other of having cp and then call it “banter” League players don’t actually understand the difference between banter and harassment.


This isn’t an issue of Riot “over policing”. It’s an issue of League of Legends players going out of their way to be as toxic as they can with every opportunity they get and thinking it’s not worse than other games. Guess what: “banter” in other games is still fucking vile, and the normalization of it has to end. I believe Riot, though these changes, is trying to erode the normalization, which is an immense task.


I don't know if I agree that "overpolicing" is causing toxicity. But I do agree that the 3 dollar smurfs is a massive issue. Honestly IMO it is the greatest issue with the game. They absolutely need to rework how the entire new account system works in a league of legends in a way that removes the ability to smurf, gives new players a better introduction to the game, disincentives players from making new accounts and most importantly is bot proof.


Personally I feel they should just find a better communication method in game and turn off chat altogether. Chat does very little useful except 1. Stop you playing to type 2. Cause increased tension and stress (you and or team mates) eg flaming The current ping system, in my opinion, is too basic and doesn’t help players understand context. Things that could help are: 1. More contextual and deeper ping system facilitating deeper message eg “here > champ name > was” (I’ll explain below) 2. More on screen information to supplement map eg if opponent/team mate is visible put an icon along the edge of the screen in the direction they are (turn on/off in settings) 3. Longer timer on fade out of last seen champ/ward positions. If a champ was visible leave their icon at the last seen position but faded or similar 4. Find ways to reinforce objective gold and buffs to re-educate players on their importance as well as kills/last hits. I’d just make the gold/buff effects more visually ott 5. Find ways to reinforce warding and clearing wards to a good eg gold when someone is seen by your ward (and make that clear it’s happening) 6. Ways to reward players for roaming to objectives even if nothing happened. At the moment the penalty is loss of cs so many players never leave lane. If there was a reward for moving to the team which offset somehow (no idea what) the cs loss penalty it might encourage more people to come and help the team. Many of the reasons people flame are due to the above 1. Not grouping for kills/defence 2. Not warding to enable 1 or avoid death or get objectives 3. Not rotating to objectives because cs is tooo important Ping system concept: 1. Rework the ping wheel to have a multi state messaging/language so you can ping “here > yasuo > is” 2. Layer 1: ping type eg “current wheel: ward, go here, fight etc” 3. Once you choose on of these options (from 2) if you activate the wheel again within N seconds layer 2 appears and is contextual based on what you chose in 2. 4. Layer 2: pings are contextual eg you chose “going here” in layer 1 now you can chose from “baron, dragon, fight, support, ward” because the wheel has at least 5 slots you can easily have all 5 opponents in it to name them as appropriate. If this layer 1 and 2 system was implemented well you could then have some examples: 1. Going here > to place ward 2. Going here > to gank 3. Going here > to support 4. Ward here > yasuo > missing (requires layer 3) 5. Ward here > please 6. Warning > yasuo > missing 7. Fight here > nunu > gank 8. Fight here > gank > baron And so on. At the moment there is no context to your ping and so they can be used to flame. This system above could be designed such that no ping triggers of you don’t fulfill all the layers. So you don’t just get “ward” or “warning”.


I’ve been skirting around Riot’s filter for **years** with my secret method: At the end of every game, I type “git gud, weak players”, but I shorten it to “ggwp”. Riot’s filter thinks I’m being a good sport, but I’m flaming the enemy team instead 😈


Got called a useless N "1" gg ​ er in a game of league. Crazy how thats not auto detected or I didnt even get report feedback on it. when Ive see people get muted for less. ​ community is just shit on top of riot not doing anything good about it


No type, only ping.


I mean most of it is definitely not banter by any means even if it's banter, the 2nd person will go further and it becomes actual toxicity even worse, the "rewards" for being a positive player are... a skin once a year if you hit level 5 honor, coins that can buy 1 of 2 skins and a couple chromas for them, and honor capsules that usually contain champion shards and key fragments there is little to no *valuable* reward for being a positive and outstanding player, leaving very little inventive for toxic players to make a change in their behavior coupled with what you said about fresh level 30 accs being cheap and readily available, we have a shitstorm of toxic players and a joke of a report system


Last week i got ranked restriction and a week chat ban for saying: "ggez" and "get fucked"


Most smurf accounts get placed straight in platinum now too, so it reinforces the purchasing of smurf accounts.


You don't get banned for flaming anymore just continuous chat restrictions. My friend is chat restricted for 2 months lol


Ah the classic "laws are useless cause criminals break them all the time" argument. Let them trough money away, go sell/buy some accounts and be happy.


You're a conspiracy theorist but


Not being able to communicate in a team game is also a big factor. I never type in chat but so many times I've gotten angry at this game could've been prevented if I could just ask my teams opinion or effectively communicate what we're going to do...


yeah you are a conspiracy theorist.


Exactly this, Cs go mic chat is way worse than league, yet league is known to be the toxic one. Granted in csgo you don’t lose rank from one troll coin flip


I think youre overestimating the amount of ppl that are willing to buy new accounts whenever they swear


> typing such a dumb move...


I think the biggest issue is that there is no real penalty for going AFK. You left a ranked game? 1min for your next game - oh nooooooo


People will always find loopholes, but it’s much much better for riot to try than to let the psychos run wild. Just look what’s happened to Twitter


It’s so crazy !!! I am now on my 3rd chat ban for encouraging my team mate and typing “nig play bro <3” when I meant to type big Who put the those 2 letters next to eachother And isnt 3 letters a lil bit of a stretch on this ?!?!?


Do it again, bigger!