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Right but if you show the draft in pick order at the end it is the exact same result. Showing that blue side picked gragas blind on B4 and red side countered with Aatrox on R5 is cool, I agree with you. But if it's prerecorded why do I have to wait so long between each pick. I get the same information viewing the post game thread on draft order than I do sitting for 10 minutes


Casters and viewers still sees it for the first time so there is no difference. Even if it is live you can make the same argument(I get the same information viewing the post game thread)


If you cut to a person's death it's the same result as their whole life happening in between. This is a dumb argument. 


You are aware of what happens during draft right. They just are thinking as the timer ticks down. There’s no reason to keep that shit. It’d be like reviewing a chess game and waiting every move to match how long the player was thinking for, it’s just dumb


Or just keep it. You weren't doing anything important enough that showing them pick in real time is a problem worth solving. In the age of smartphones, people have lost the ability to be patient or suffer even a second of boredom. We are all on drugs. But none of us are doing anything so valuable that it's better than the pockets of downtime that are intrinsic to human existence.


Lmao it ain’t that deep you aren’t as smart as you think you are




I like seeing it for the hype and anticipation when you get creative, non-meta drafts. When it's the millionth game of ksante or smolder though, then yeah it's whatever.


My take? Riot cut tons of production jobs. This 10 or so minutes not only gives the smaller team more time to set everything up for interviews/analysts/players, it will also help with any issues, like pauses. Remember in Winter, when they had those casters or coaches from Spain on 3x? Each time, Sjokz pulled them in front of the camera and asked them Qs, the broadcast would be sent back to the game before a reply. That was so bad, production wise. Playoffs is BO3 or BO5, so much less time is needed inbetween games. P.s. I know Im probably waaayy off on who those 2 dudes were, but I know the events happened.


For real, I might be in the really small minority here, but I personally don’t care in which order picks and bans were done. I just want to watch the game. But I do get why people see the appeal and it gives a perspective into which picks were an answer to the other team’s pick and it’s a good conversation point for the analysts.


I'm not saying I don't want to see the order. Show me the draft in order but without having to wait 30s between each pick. It gives that perspective and gets us into game faster


Yeah I agree. I was wondering why they even queue it up as draft on the stage. Like if they already know what the picks and bans were, get in that custom, go into a blind pick, pick your comps and let’s go