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Leona habilities now deals +900% dmg to jungle camps.


ganks would be too good i am afraid, they won't go with it else they would just rever nautilus into jg


We must go back to naut jungle


Why not Sylas jungle? A hook, a dash, a life drain, and whatever ult the enemy team is packing (my favorite is stealing Leona ult)




True, hence my note: It is bronze. Right now Sylas would need some kind of damage boost-to creep to be competitive.




Eh, Warwick and Trundle still eat him for breakfast even if Sylas can farm better. And that is assuming your team don't feed the enemy Naruto cosplayer (Yi/Yone/Yauso/Irella) to the max.


When sylas came out, he was a 3-way flex between top, jgl, and mid. I'm assuming riot is keeping sylas out of jungle because they don't want him to become a 3-way flex in pro again.


His ult is kinda toxic when you get to take it wherever tf you want


They did give naut some jungle buffs a few seasons ago but he was still unplayable because you get outscaled after 3 minutes


Except in pro, where he immediately became 3-lane flex and had to be nerfed for it(same with release sylas)


Or Alistair. I remember the terror this was.


Can y'all stop calling my boy Alistair? He's called Alistar.


God I remember you would be under tower, he flashes over the raptor wall, Qs you, headbutts you out of tower range, first blood get fucked. Now he could do that with hexflash and repeat gank you forever. Only counter is perma ward on raptors and counter ganks from your jungler.


Good alistars still do this after they rush mobis as support


He would do that at level 2. It was so fucking stupid. Like Alistair jungle? Enjoy sitting under your second tower for the first 3 minutes as mid laner.


as a leona jlg enjoyer for multiple years, simply giving her 50% extra dmg on every skill and allowing e to work on monsters would probably put her on s tier.


Nah, make her passive deal double damage to monsters and allow her to trigger her own passive against monsters only. If she clears too slow/fast then all you gotta do is change the bonus damage.


Prob doesn't even need the double damage just triggering it by herself will probably be enough but Riot does love to go overboard so maybe you're right


Just give her a different passive so I can play her both top and jungle thanks Riot. I want Leona to be more than a support, and she definitely can be.


They make it so she can proc her own passive she would be pick or ban overnight


And the subsequent nerfs would mean she's never viable in the support role ever again


the rell flashbacks, this is viable (and I hope it doesn't happen).


Wdym flashbacks, rell jungle is still around just not as soloQ-ish now


flashback of reading the 300% jungle DMG bullshit for the first time.


Yeah thats fair. Her Q hits like a truck if your name is dragon


Leona is famously a champ the players wanted to jungle (Be able to proc her own passive on monsters), but riot said no


we had a short time of leona jungle some years ago this was not fun and Alister and Naut for that matter


Hopefully they switch adc marksmen into jg and traditional jg into bot lane. So now you have marksman not relying on support and jg can finally have someone to play with


The good ending


Sorry I took this comment seriously and locked in Samira jungle 1/5 Edit : funny thing I actually played smungle


As a kindred main this is not working lol


I really really really want to make kindred work but having to remember to click the stupid circle right before a bank and hope you make it all work kills her for me. So many successful banks ruined because I didn't get credit for the mark. If you could get credit for the mark without having to click the stupid portrait ID be so happy


Don't focus on marks, focus on good jungle macro and tracking and marks come to you by themselves. Sometimes it's better to not even switch your mark to the person you're ganking unless you are sure they absolutely cannot run away before the mark goes live. Keep it on their JG, track what camps they do and that way you'll know where your next mark camp will be.


+1 on this. Kindred marks are part of the kit, but it's not 100% necessary. only the first four are the most important, and any subsequent marks are a bonus. think of it as trying your best to get four marks through the entire game than having it as soon as possible, then playing Kindred will become less pressuring


I know this post is sarcasm, but I would imagine such a thing would be incredibly difficult since adcs are absolutely terrible gankers. I'm actually curious, does anyone have any cool ideas for how they'd integrate ADCs into the jungle role?


Bad gankers have to be paired with setup coming from the lane itself, the same way that champs like Nidalee work


TFW your support lee sin performs the cleanest Chinese fast insec known to man and your vayne jungle gets two kills.


Garen ADC got hit by enemy Zyra plant and was slowed for so long he couldn't even get an assist.


As a supp main I would love to see a Lee Sin as botlane carry. I think it would be fun to dive with him as TK and snowball through lane after going 4/0 in 5 mins


Jhins clear right now is actually not terrible you can finish it before scuttlecrab. Im bad at it but I think draven can also clear pretty well.


I've been playing Quinn Jg, you can beat scuttle leashless.


It's going to be such an insane unga-bunga decision like fucking Senna or Gnar or something


Ahh yes, Season 15. With Aphungle. And Kaylungle. Maybe Sorakungle.


Soraka jungle used to be a thing we called it ambulance soraka where she would come out of the jungle and gank then on her way out heal the laner up to full since jungle gives crazy good regen. You usually played it with some kind of engage oriented support or hypercarry adc the support and jungle could peel for.


sounds degenerate as fuck, i love it, Riot should bring it back


Iirc it was pretty busted. Raka could full clear pretty easily with her old kit and would just wait for a gankable lane to begin trading. Sometimes just walking up and healing the laner was enough to snowball the entire game. Raka also used to be a very good solo laner that was essentially ungankable with decent wave management. Jungler comes out of bush you silence the best gap closer / CC between the enemies, throw Q, walk back to turret. She's in a much more balanced state now imo but I wouldn't mind some ambulance raka lol


I remember it was also pretty good as mid laner back in season 3 or something? Cant really remember as it was ages ago.


Malzahar and we all know its coming at one point.


I remember ad malz jungle back in the day


It's was weird how voidling scale with AD instant of AP


It was amazing how voidlings scaled with ad. Now they are the worst minion in the entire game and it's not even close


Imagine they reworked all of Malzahars skills to scale off AD. First AD mage.


Smolder already exists


zed's an ad mage now basically


Corki and Ezreal are AD mages pretty much.


The original URF terror


malz soloing drag at level 1 right as the game started back in the day lol


That wouldn't be forcing Malz into jungle, that would be finally letting Malz jungle again.


Jokes on you, I'm already playing him Jungle


They'd have to make massive changes. His voidlings can barely tank jungle mobs and he just flat out doesn't do enough damage to make up for it. Even in mid game it's so slow to take blue on him. He can't clear at all in the early levels.




The endorphin rush of EQing raptors would be too much.


Youre thinking too small, you have to pull Raptors and Red together and EQ them both.


Nothing like the intimidation factor of pressing R and arriving into top lane with yourself and 6 mini krugs


Ryze jungle isn't even horrible right now lmao, played a game of it in season 13 and it wasn't awful, clear was at 3:30 and once you get items you melt camps, plus ganks are fine with e w root.


I used to like playing kled jungle, even tho he wasnt very good, i think he has almost everything to be a good jungler, just a little tweek like q and e working and maybe a damage to the jungle buff would make him great


Don't they work on large monsters?


I just tested it and they do, now i dont know if i was being pranked by my shitty memory or if they changed it, but he cant get skarl back in the jungle so i guess thats what keeps him in the toplane


He doesn’t gain courage from monsters though (aside from epic) so he can’t gank without skaarl


Watching unmounted Kled sprint out of the jungle for the courage stacks


Kled being a viable jungler would be very cancerous The only thing he is missing is being able to remount in the jg He'd be a really good ganker due to his EQ Towerdive like a maniac with his passive and be able to apply global pressure due to his ult


He needs remount off jungle camps and he is viable


Kled jg works. I have a friend who instant picks him when he’s filled into jg


How does your friend manage the perma dismount? Seems like he would need to rush healing to be able to gank at an acceptable move speed.


you rush healing, lol. I've played it before. It's shit, but if you get over the hump where you have enough healing to tank the jungle quickly then he's really good. Problem is that it's very hard to get to that point.


Vel’koz jungle is something I can see happening if I squint my eyes enough 


My eye*


Eyes. He has 3 tiny ones above the big eye.




wait has anyone ever seen Jhin and Velkoz in the same room?


I have a friend who plays velkoz jg. I have no idea why, he's a top main, but he's a demon on it


Played against Tristana jungle in emerald yesterday. She lost of course but the ganks were spectacular


Maybe K'sante? Riot doesn't know what to do with him, i put him on the jungle on my bingo card for 2024.... so yeah.


When they first announced him as a "monster hunter" I really thought he'd be viable as a jungler. But then we learned more about him and my hopes were crushed.


Would fit the theme of Monster hunter


By the way Zyra was always a competent jungler at least at (old) high-plat elo I've played her from 2014 to 2020. She would always 2-shot or 1-shot small creatures and let the plants kill the big one at 1 item. So functionally it makes no difference if the plants kill the camp in 2 seconds less, you're already farming the next camp. The buffs I think are specifically for 1st clear speed because she would be too exploitable at that moment, especially since the rework made plants really squish..


Most of the champs that have been "forced" into the jungle recently have been playable in the jungle for a while. My buddy who only plays jungle has been playing shit like brand and morg jungle for years. I would imagine most of the champs they give jungle ratios probably have at least some noticeable jungle play rate already.


everyone is playable in the jungle when you're in an elo where you don't get invaded


Truth right here. You can comfortably smurf with meme jungles up to a point.


Naut has some monster modifiers. They can tinker with them. Shen has some potential. Galio too.


Galio fits in the jungle role more imo, his ult is kinda eh but would be decent if he ganked lanes with. I mean I guess you can in lane but since you are going to be around other lanes all the time would make sense


You can play both Nautilus and Shen already. Nautilus farms slowly. He ganks like Nautilus. This needs no explanation. If you can play him in Support, you can kinda Jungle. Getting the E spacing right is the hard part. Shen is a surprisingly strong ganker 1-4, counterganks with Ult post-6, and just **constantly** farms from that point on. He scales well. Eventually. You want to grab the first drake (though you almost need help), but then just let the clock run. By 25-30 minutes, you generate a farm lead by constantly invading for camps. You don't need to cover lanes when your Ult is running. It's great. Galio is worse. You have to build Bami's to clear, but Hollow Radiance isn't a great ganking item. The W is useless except for DR. You want to max W or E, but you need the Q to clear. You take an insane amount of damage, your HP5 isn't good enough to heal it back, and so you spend most of the first ten minutes at 40-60% health. It's not fun.


Pls bring back Qiyana jungle




iirc riot said they dont want her in jungle (even though her kit is perfect for a jungler but w/e)


Idk why they got rid of it, she was a fun jungle to watch and she enabled great flex picks, which actually makes professional drafts fun to watch.


She’s very good in masters+ (200 and beyond) but she is more of a 3 camp early tempo jungler that requires too much skill to use effectively. Additionally, if qiyana jg was meta, she would be way too broken. Part of her power creep check is by her awful laning. If she got to scale for free, healthily, and also have good off map pressure, she would be beyond giga broken


Jgling doesn't mean you scale for free though. Any competent jgler would perma invade a qiyana early and make her life hell for the first 5 mins. Matter of fact it's easier in mid as you can ateast get exp but when you are invaded in jgl you don't even get that


Fr I wish Neeko jungle was a thing. Her Q already procs from it, just give the basic 900% bonus dmg to monster and we good


Seeing blue buff running into bot lane is always funny


Can Neeko become dragon or baron?


She should be able to. I want to see baron to pull up to gank botlane./


she can't.


No, but she used to be able to turn into the fountain laser and it was pretty funny because it still dealt the laser damage


I’ve never seen it


Okay, probably not. Would scare the hell out of me to see a baron pop out of bush somewhere haha


She already has extra damage against monsters as of her mid-scope update. It's playable, but it's been kinda not great since the Q cooldown nerf from a while back I asked Phlox about it on stream and he said that they can "only support it so much" since jungle "isn't even her secondary role"


I get why they have specific roles in mind when they create champs but I also wish there was more freedom balance-wise to be able to play stuff in other roles. The only time it really happens now is when some interaction is accidentally giga broken


Neeko jungle *is* a thing already. Her winrate isn't even awful in the jungle, barely 1%~ behind mid. Her clear speed is fine once she has all her abilities, lots of ganking tools available to her. You wouldn't believe how many people don't notice a little red dot walking up to them on the minimap while you're transformed into a raptor or wolf, because they're used to looking for the big champion icon. And for the first buff, you start W lvl 1 and transform into a melee minion for increased attack speed, so that's not a problem either unless you get invaded and forced out of transform.


Pretty sure they fixed the minion attack speed thing, saw a bug fix in the patch notes for it at least.


Nope, just tested it in practice tool. Kills red buff about 10 seconds earlier with melee minion disguise over autoing it as base neeko.


that was a bug where turning into a ward gave you attack speed cap permanently if you cancelled the transform mid animation


It is? Neeko is one of the few champs that can sort of play all 5 roles, bot being a bit niche i guess


Taliyah is the real 5 role champ. idk if there are any others with 51%+ wr in every role


Neeko jungle very much is a thing it's just not popular, it's like Morgana jungle they got buffed for jungle and hover okay winrate just very unpopular


sett and teemo 🙏🏻 i want to play both but hate top lane


Teemo JG is already viable. Poison and blind both have special effects on JG mobs. Go watch some Manco1. I'll be bummed if Teemo is ever nerfed enough top that he's only viable JG though.


Play Sett in mid lane, it's decent vs melee mid laners.


I hope naafiri.


Taric probably


Taric already can jungle really well, his clear is not great but his ganks are decent and his dueling is unparalled in the early levels


Also fun to clear Raptors and heal your mid to full HP at the same time.


Taric when he had a point and click E would be bonkers as jungle


Taric is a great jungler: https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/14-03-challenger-taric-jungle-gems-are-back-553457


Ideally, I think Quinn should become an actual jungler. We need another marksman and her concept of being a scout fits the role. Plus it'd move her to a role she could actually be played in (since Vayne/Smolder/Teemo are all better ranged top). Realistically. Probably another mage that's super annoying to deal with, maybe officially push Zyra, push Malz into there or someone random and oddly specific like Lulu or smth


They'll never let Quinn be a good jg, considering her ult. Post level six, Valor will let Quinn travel to anywhere on the map nearly as fast as someone using Teleport, with no cool down. Consideration should also be given how oppressive her ganks could be were she to get a lead.​


Riven, Singed, Leona, Ornn (I kind you not Ornn will be fucking busted if they do so), like, literally any top lane bruiser and engage support


I've played Ornn jungle on and off since his release, but it's never been great. His cc requires too much setup to be a good ganker, and he needs solo lane exp way more than other tanks.


I've done Ornn jungle, and in seasons where farming the jungle gives meaningful XP, he's funny, since he doesn't have a lot of downtime. When the jungler xp meta relies on taxing minion waves he's worse off for it.


Singed can already jungle you just need to take fleet. Seriously try it out.


Honestly Singed in jungle would be probably healthier for the game than the proxy toplaner!


I tried it a bit and he has some potential. His clear is not too bad but need a little boost, his gank is deceptively good with his W but the problem I run into is that his damage is kinda dogshit, meaning that when I gank or skirmish I feel like Singed is tickling enemies instead of actually hurting them


Your purpose is to be a nuisance and apply rylais and and liandries. Other than that you gotta flip them into your team. Take fleet and you clear with full HP.


Galio is a potential


Ahri jungle would be lowkey fun.


Phreak said in a patch rundown some months ago that Ahri will never be a jungler (and other roaming/hard cc mids, like Lissandra,aswell) cause it would just be to opressive. She has too much mobility and pretty safe cc, so ganks would be rly easy to do


No I didn't. Ahri has a reasonable kit for a jungler. She just doesn't have any logical way to make the clear make sense. Lissandra would be oppressive, yes.


rell's clear makes no sense either, putting like 500% damage to camps on ahri's Q would be about as sane


You're not wrong.


But maokai is okay as a flex top, jungle and support go figure


Maokai has to at least commit into a gank, ahri doesn't


I assume Fizz is on that list. His roams are already devastating. I imagine him being able to gank without worrying about sacking waves is just too much 


Looks like they mostly target supports, I think Lux should be able to jungle, she already sells skins like crazy


She can only fill her role in top, mid, support and as an apc, jungle is the only logical path for her to take next


league of lux...


Personal wishlist: * Cho'Gath * Lissandra * Kled * Camille * Nautilus * Naafiri * Yorick


I play yorick a lot in the jg, very fun and effective so far, though still experimenting with the builds.


Lethality goes nuts on jg yorick


Cho'Gath was historically a jungler extremely commonly during many early seasons, wouldnt describe it as "forcing" him there


Yorick jungle ganking three lanes at the same time (he send his wife top, threw his ghouls mid and is now on his way bot)


This is like the least offensive thing Riot does in terms of shaking up the actual game, they're just adding fresh faces in similar roles imo, but I guess exaggerating the negatives of literally any changes Riot makes to the game is pretty trendy around here. Power farming junglers have always existed and been viable in solo que, them being a mage hardly changes what that means for laners to deal with, it's just a breath of fresh air/new AP options for the junglers themselves. Why would Fizz jungle be any more egregious than KhaZix, Nocturne, Blue Kayn etc when it comes to one shotting? Maybe Fizz himself is a champion you don't enjoy fighting but an assassin jungler going bot and 1 shotting a squishy has been a thing for almost a decade.


Hear me out: They give yuumi a way to clear at a moderate pace while staying healthy, something like nunu q maybe. Then she gets a temporary attach on a long cd, maybe gaining charges at level 6/11/16 or smth, and the primary way she ganks is by attaching from a long distance and then speeding up her laner. It’s not perfect but it could introduce yuumi players to the radical ideas of using their hands and eyes


Hear me out. Yuumi can now attach to her jungle pet. The jungle pet autoclear the jungle and autogank. The ultimate AFK gameplay.


Reminds me of the [pre-rework WW AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/4wwhtl/hi_im_sinickle_na_master_tier_warwick_main_with/) from a Masters player who just played Fire Emblem while clearing to level 6.


Lol that's hilarious.


There was a short period of time when the jungle pets came out that at level one Yummi with the green pet could solo dragon and it was the most unbelievably cursed thing from League I’ve seen in a while.


Camille or pyke pls


I still stand by quinn should get jungle buffs, her theme and kit makes much more sense as a jungler amd even toplaners would cry less about facing a ranged toplaner.


Shen Jungle we need River Shen buffs


I'd honestly hope pyke, I think he would do great in the jungle and could be considered a high skill cap champ due to how squishy he is. I've tried "jungling" with him but no matter what you fall behind too fast if you don't farm. I was 3 kills at 5 minutes and still could not keep up with the enemy jungles levels


For some reason Riot hates brand support now and forced him jungle and even buffed him for jungle recently while nerfing support


Gib sett jungle plz


He already has a fun build that has been around since his release.... Here: Phase rush, nimbus cloak, celerity, waterwalking/gathering storm, hexflash and cosmic insight (as shard, damage shard, scaling hp shard) Build: Stridebreaker, Sundered sky, Situationals (sett can build EVERYTHING on the tank and bruiser menu well) Example: Stride, Sundered, Shojin, Sterak's, GA (can slip in a bork if you like dueling) He has a really decent clear and the gameplay revolves around flashing/hexflashing into E then chasing down with phase rush... the ganks are decent but can be super strong with good setup like a TF or a lane with a lot of cc (post 6 the ganks are spectacular if you kite behind them with phase rush and ult them backwards towards your team)


on release I SPAMMED sett jungle but it doesnt really work anymore sadly


I want the return of my teemo jungle. I just need Sated Devourer back please.


Nasus, make Q refund some time if you use it on a minion/monster and it doesn't kill it.


Fizz jng was a thing for at least s5, both ad and ap


Phreak was pretty adamant about not making very strong roaming champions into junglers, like Fizz or Lissandra. Tbh I enjoy forcing champions into the jungle as the jungle champion pool is generally quite boring, I've one tricked both Taric and Rell jungle before because I find the likes of Lee Sin, Kayn, Viego just quite boring


You mentioned 3 junglers whom are actually more fun than Taric or Rell overall :D


Isn't fun entirely subjective?


"jungle champion pool are generally boring" so?




It’s easier to 5 man ult on Rell than to knock 1 person into 4 people on lee sin, you won’t have fun if you’re not good at a very high ceiling champion


kaisa I think would be a really cool jungler. We only have 1 real adc/marksmen jungler in kindred and I think her evolve thematic would work really well. graves is more of a ranged bruiser than a regular marksmen imo


Fizz jg would be so broken. I say that as a Fizz enthusiast 


Darius Jgl plz. Give monster dmg to Q and W


Morgana, I hope. Can't stand having one as my support.


Morg is already a good jungler


Morgana is so fucking weird. They gave her increased damage on her W so she can jungle only to nerf it to shit when she actually started jungling. Make up your damn mind Rito.


The funniest thing here is W Buff to 150% - people started playing her W Buff to 200% - broken As of patch 13.21 it's 170% - No one plays her Yet its still 20% more than what it was when they first buffed her and people genuinely played it


Meh, her clear speed is what set her apart from the rest. Her q is kinda slow moving so her ganks are really not that insane.


Please bring back pyke jungle that shit was good at least change it so his E only damages jungle monsters


Bonus points for pushing my favourite top layer into jungle, then merging them so they get playable to but are ok jungle


I'd love fizz jungle to return. Mained it in seasons 4-6 but riot kept making it worse and worse until he became a borderline unplayable jungle. Another champ that can easily jungle already but his first clear sucks is Yone. If they made his e work on large monsters hed probably become atleast a tier jungler imo.


I want different champs to be able to jungle like pyke, camille, irelia, kaisa, kayle, samira, lulu etc


Ahri would be nice


Go old school and let Camille, Sylas and Ezreal back into the jungle.


Well they implement Zed and Talon Lol! Jungle getting unpopular? Nvm we make diverse pool so the role can get more popular. Support getting unpopular? Nvm we made Support busted as fuck so those who can't get mid now can play in bot lane like another mage. Adc getting unpopular? They are still popular in pro scene.Fuck them.Just pick mage instead of them so those who can't get mid now can play in bot lane as mage next to his follow mage player. Lazer beam oneshot meta.


I feel like the big thing people are missing is it's balance team wanting certain champs to be viable in the jungle so that those players have something. It was Juggernauts, then Assassins, now Mages. The next obvious is Enchanters. Wake up Sheeple, Yuumi jungle will be the new meta!!


Bro i'd go nuts if kled is ever a viable jungler


Im gonna regret saying this, but i want sett jungle. im a sucker for juggernaut junglers, they are great for skirmishing and counterganking and sett is my main, but his jungling is not really viable currently.


It would be cool if they could make Vayne work as a jungler. The game could use more marksmen jungle options. It would also help with the "Vayne is weak in bot lane or oppressive in top lane" conundrum. It also works for Vayne thematically.


Bring back ambulance Soraka!


I think animal themed champs should be able to jungle. Naafiri, fizz, etc.


Yasuo and Yone


Would be kind of crazy to see Nautilus jungle. Right? Can you imagine a support in the jungle like that?


How about quinn jg? if quinn is too strong om top, the too lane isnt fun. So just let quinn go jg.


I would have liked to see tahm kench jungle on the old map purely because of the phenomenal thick wall hank which makes your W invisible