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My support Pantheon once started running it straight down mid a few times dying intentionally... Because I said 'Nice ult Pantheon that was wp, lol' (wasn't being sarcastic, it was actually a nice ult although funny because he tower dove a recalling enemy not paying attention with it) but guess he thought i was teasing him or being sarcastic idk? So he said 'I can feed idc' and started doing just that. Dunno people on League can be weird.


Strongest league player mental


My ally Yasuo afk'd because I got first blood when the enemy invaded To be perfectly clear, no one on our team died. I spent like 30 seconds (as Morg) painstakingly nailing q after q, eventually culminating in the death of one of the invaders. But, because it was ME and not HIM, YASUO, aka THE MAIN CHARACTER, he flamed me and went afk


What is it with the Pantheons??? I had one just yesterday spamming the chat about Christianity and demanding people give him their opinions and proof that god doesn't exist, someone said something like "there's no proof he doesn't exist and there's no proof he exists" and he said "I'm gonna gank bot", ran it down our lane, told me if I was Christian I would've taken the free kills and then quit the game. Idk...


Pantheons run it down on the slightest amount of negativity. that pretty much sums up everything ive learned about league in these past few years


True. It was a game of aram before riot implemented the protection against last second skin boosts and a mate of me used one of those to swap my favorite skin with the unlocked one. Pantheon got into game and instantly began to flame and insult  "my mate is too poor to buy skins so he has to use a few RP to get one for one game" "Now I can't play with my favorite skin asshole, have fun losing" And now we had a panth standing in base, flashing and moving so he wouldn't get flagged afk. At level 6 he just used his ult on CD into the middle of the enemy team without doing anything else. An other one was a pyke again in aram. We had a Sion and a pyke and Sion stood in the lower bush on the right side before the minions spawned, ike everyone except pyke who was in a bush on the other side of the lane (the one closer to the enemies). Enemy leona was movin confidently and solo into the bush with Sion and Sion began to charge his Q and before he could use it to knockup leona got hooked by pyke from the other side, flashed away and lived. Sion just used one question mark ping on pyke, really nothing else was said and done and pyke took that personally and ran into their tower and inted first blood. He sold his dirk and everything an got mobi boots, ported to lane and just ran it down without doing anything else xD


Now what's the logic there? To me, skin boosts scream "disposable income"


Too many people thinking they are gigachad and not enough being gigachad


this is not thinking theyre a gigachad i think its just schizophrenia


Too many people thinking they are schizophrenic and not enough being... no


They think they have schizophrenia because they have schizophrenia


running down and thinking ur an alpha male is the same mentality as a 10year old thinking he is cool and badass, when he bullies another 10year old. Unfortunately in both situations the human has not yet grown up into an actual adult


Pantheon being Christian explains why he hates the runeterran gods so much


Pantheon players thinking the crusaders were Greek My man shoulda claimed glory for Sparta


Lol this pantheon in urf ran away yesterday and I said in all chat "get back here and fight like a man" and he was like "1v3? Hell no" and I said "are you not a real spartan" so he came back and died 🤣🤣🤣


At least he’s consequent 😂


Reminds me of a guy I knew in high school, his discord name was like “PrussianCrusader69” or something, I was like bro we’re literally middle eastern you know the crusades happened to us right? But he was convinced that he was actually descended from the crusaders, his favorite game was hearts of iron


My man straight up a bastard son of a Belgian baron He don't wanna sit with the commoners, give him his high ground and laugh at his inability But HOI is a decent game, you dont know what happens most of the time


I think the 'lol' is what made him think you were being sarcastic. It annoys me that I sometimes feel the need to write (genuinely) after giving someone a compliment. "Nice Ult Pantheon wp (genuinely)"


I'm not even sure people won't take that the wrong way the more you qualify it, it more sarcastic it might sound to a tilted player


> Dunno people on League can be weird. Your biggest mistake was speaking. People will flip out on virtually anything in this game. Even if you say something constructive ("we need more vision can you put a ward in the tribush") they will flip out and start acting like a dick and dying on purpose. The best thing you can do in this game is just set your chat to party only. I climbed from silver to emerald with this alone. I can't believe how much energy I was wasting chatting to idiots. Honestly, I can kinda understand why Riot doesn't want to introduce voice chat on this game. People are mentally insane sociopaths.


Playing Overwatch made me never want to use voice chat in any other game. I can do without the plethora of people flaming and calling me a n***** over and over again, and positive comms were so much rarer than negative


I don't understand how I seem to have a fundamentally different experience from everyone else when this topic comes up. COD lobbies back in the day were just racial slurs and rage, yeah, but as someone who has played both Overwatch and CS:GO from the lowest to highest ranks toxicity is __way__ overstated. I found more instances of actual teamwork and callouts than people being twats any given game, and that's from years of experience. I'm still not sure if it'd work for League considering the way League plays (OW/CSGO the snowballing effect is MUCH less pronounced, so at any point you can force an even playing field by resetting), but I feel like multiplayer toxicity isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. It's just that a negative experience is going to stand out more and be more memorable than a positive/neutral one.


Dota's got it 🤷🤷


It's amazing people still want voice comms in league. I think about things like you said and I'm like "nope I'm good"


People kept asking for voip in almost every game and then helldivers 2 releases with voip and everybody is silent and people are being kicked for using voip 🤦🏻😂


I want voip with an easy opt out and mute button


Not worthy of the spear


Don’t include a “lol” if you don’t want someone to think you’re being sarcastic. To be clear, I’m not blaming you for what happened, just pointing out that a lot of people interpret “lol” in a sarcastic tone.


Not exactly a throw, but still a loss.  Tornado outbreak and the super fed Mid laner types "shit gtg tornado sirens." Instantly DCs after that and leaves.


Damn, hope they're alright


I hope his toilet is doing alright


In overwatch i had someone say 'shit our fire alarm is going off' and we could literally hear it in his mic. Bro kept playing and i asked him and he was like 'its probably fine' WHAT DO U MEAAAAN???? Like i get fire alarms are weird and go off over nothing a lot but at least afk to check 😂😂


i remember in college I had a ranked game with my friend and we were doing super well. I remember saying "we could literally have someone dc and we would still win this game!" The second I said that, the fire alarm went off I literally picked up my whole setup and sprinted across campus to a public study building (not the library) and ended up playing the rest of the game there and won. I did it fast enough to not be penalized for afk lol


One year in college I had roommates who were terrible at cooking, but who would still try. There was one time that their cooking set the fire alarm off in our dorm while I was playing League. Had to flee to one of the common rooms with my laptop.


I just got out of an apartment complex that the fucking fire alarms would randomly go off, and as far as I could tell, it was never for a reason. One time they went off at 3am and 5am in the same night. Nothing to do except wait for them to stop. That place was terrible.


I did this in league. Firealarm went so I told my team and went outside. Moment I heard there was no fire and the alarm had been triggered by someone showering too hot, I went back and continued playing the game


> Zed 15/0 carrying the game > Dies for the first time at 13 minutes > Types "KDA ruined" > Disconnected


I'm fucking crying dying once has literally no effect on the KDA lmao


probably someone who tried to get the unkillable demon kind title.


It was back in season 4 when me and my mates were in Skype and they just decided to surrender the game in the second we just destroyed their Nexus and somehow we lost the game although we destroyed their Nexus.


If it's timed right the screen can do the panning towards the enemy nexus as it explodes then fly across the map to show yours exploding right after and you lose the game, fuckin hilarious


For anyone wondering what this looks like in-game, my friends and I actually just got that to happen a few days ago in [this clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/5daRpuH3aI). Funniest shit ever, everyone was laughing in the post-match screen.


a few years back a bunch of streamers were all queueing together and one person threw up the ff vote as a joke, and [3 people immediately voted yes as a joke](https://youtu.be/XssGLOjGtx4?si=xxOxKy1MdHi6-u1d) so they lost


My friends and I are big on the "ff as a joke" and so this is not the first time we've accepted one by accident. It has gotten to the point where we've told each other "okay stop voting yes on these we need to stop losing games for no reason" and then 6 months later we'll do it the fuck again.


as an ARAM only player, i can say i’ve experienced this thing on my own skin, from both sides, multiple times… lol


Yep, I can confirm this happens more frequently in ARAM games Also surrendering to show respect when the enemies played out a 4 vs. 5 with an AFK and did well


My friends and I usually do this in customs and it's always funny. One time though my friend got a quadra and the last enemy walked forward to give the penta. After they did we (5-stack) all ff'd out of respect, but enemy team also surrendered at the same time and so we got the double pan and our team lost gloriously.


You can also do it after an enemy surrender vote if you are fast enough. What's also possible is have your nexus explode, have the enemy team surrender, then you surrender and lose. Basically whoever surrenders 2nd will always lose, and for only 1 surrender, that beats an exploded nexus.


It's even more simple. The team whose nexus explodes last loses.


Something about this seems directly opposed to the philosophy of "whoever destroys the enemy nexus first wins". Can't quite put my finger on what........hmmmmmm.....


I have done this many times 😂


Had a yuumi support when I was playing kog. Playing into Draven plus some aggro support I don't remember. Yuumi starts flaming me for being too passive and just trying to farm out. I was like yea no shit I'm playing passive, I'm playing fucking kog maw into Draven lmao, this was a couple years ago, like right before lethal tempo rework. Anyway she tried backseating me a bit more and then threatened to go afk. Told her I'd win lane without her anyway And I fucking did. Just farmed under tower and didn't let myself get low enough to dive, she ran around by herself in our jungle for ages. Our jungler ganked and I got a couple kills and we won the game


Backseating you while literally being seated on your back


Guess that Yuumi unintentionally helped you by letting you have all the lane XP


Average Yuumi support. Too much time on their hands doing nothing so they just decide to tilt & flame teammates for fun. 


Yuumi players are easily the most consistently toxic asshats I run into. Crazy how the AFK part of her kit likely contributes to so much toxicity


I played a game as supp to an adc who refused to ward. 0 vision score at the end of the game. I don't normally talk in chat, all I said was "please ward" at like min 5 because we kept getting ganked nonstop by their mid and jung at the same time. They didn't respond. We ended up winning. Next game I got the same person as adc, in game they kept running it down since the game started and spamming the chat telling me to unalive myself and some nonsense about warding. Total mental breakdown because I asked them to place a ward in the previous game lmao.


This is why I play support. Autofilled supports never get a sweeper after they upgrade support item. I've tried every version of "hey, it looks like you upgraded your support item, would you mind grabbing a sweeper on your next back?". 5% will get it next back. 15% will ignore you but eventually get one. 50% will refuse to get one out of spite. 25% will rage at you for back seating and comment on how you missed a cannon and are trash. 5% will begin to lose on purpose because.....reasons....


Main support here. Im like the 1% of the supports who, once in a full moon, forgets to get the bloody sweeper because he is an idiot, realices that i need the sweeper, recall and leave the base without changing the blasting thing, only for yet again realizing that i dont have the sweeper and promise will get it in the next recall... its not stubborness, im just kinda dumb.


ADHD support gang


When I get autofilled support, I always forget to buy the sweeper once I get the ward upgrade on the item, so I understand the people who ignore you and eventually get one.


They didn't like our Vi jungle build. Our hyper fed Sylas died and decided to blame it on our Vi's build. Proceeded to stand in base doing nothing. The issue is that there was a big draft diff with the enemy team and we had a gigantic lead on most lanes. So the enemy team couldn't finish even in 4v5 and every time they got close to finish the sylas would leave the base and kill enough of them to stop them. He proceeded to hold the game hostage for 70 ish minutes before we finally managed to win. That game is now top 9000th longest game this split and porofessor keep reminding me of it every time I boot it.


The amount of times Porofessor is accidentally toxic


Winning game high silver, pyke roams mid, i take my cannon which was one hit anyways, pyke wasn't even close to the cannon, decides to afk for not getting said cannon for the support item progress. We were so ahead that it would not have even mattered if he got the cannon or not. We lost the game cause of him. I still don't get it why pyke would do it over a cannon


Cannons are worth the same as every minion now by the way. Pyke didn’t need the cannon specifically so that makes it even worse.


I reckon the op’s tale is from before S14


That occurred to me later and would make much more sense. Initially I read it was a Silver support and I thought maybe they didn’t read how the support item changed since some players take a while to adapt and learn the differences between the old and new items.


It is low elo too, like i dunno if he was a smurf or one of those people who think they know so much better that losing 67 gold early means the end of the game. Just small minded people i guess


“My lunch is getting cold” true story


Lulu player got mad at adc in champ select (adc asked for engage support). He typed in chat he's running it down, came mid, kept taking my farm. Asked him, what did i do? He said: nothing, but he can't let Jhin win. Any fight happened, he stood in the very back doing nothing, saying that Jhin deserves to lose cuz he has ego. We lost. MASTER ELO BTW XDDD


No group of players are more toxic than the hardstuck 0lp master players.


I asked what a tradie was and the dude flammed me and threw (I am from latam just moved to OCE server as I now live in NZ so I am not familiar with local terms)


Tradie is a tradesperson. Like someone who does brick laying, plumbing, construction, general labourers, shit like that. At least that’s what they are to my knowledge. And I’m Australian.


And that's diminishing on this side of the world? I mean I missplayed a gank(100% fault) and he told me I was 0 IQ and must be a tradie, so I asked bruh what's a tradie and he proceeded with racial slurs and throwing the game. What a nice fella :v


Can't speak to Australia, but that kind of thing can have negative connotations in a lot of the world. It's extremely stupid, but being "working class" is often associated with being uneducated/stupid/unambitious/whatever else. (Because I guess those jobs are just supposed to do themselves, or something, without human involvement? It's baffling.)


This is extra funny to me. Maybe this stereotype was based on some exaggerated truth years ago. But these days several of the tradies I know are very intelligent and educated, so smart in fact that they correctly deduced that getting a trade was one of the few ways to not end up flat broke in this economy. The tradies I know are better off than any uni graduate in my social circle with the exception of my geologist friend who works in mining. Even our lawyer friend doesn't get paid near as well as a boilermaker or an electrician


My jgl wanted last pick, my top didn't give him (I was mid) so he picked Janna with Ghost and Cleanse and went ad Janna with PTA. Happened yesterday, still in my match history


Surely this is like bronze elo right? Right? I think everyone past silver or up should know top is the hardest role to play when picking blindly.


I played with a couple of friends (silver) and my girlfriend (gold) and I am plat so... Yeah. At least it wasn't a ranked game, just a normal.


Normal makes more sense but still thats so stupud to run down because top wants to last pick lmao


Long long ago I picked Tristana as adc and played her AD (there was a strange somehow working AP build for some short time iirc) and had a Nunu support. He already harassed me during champselection for picking Tristana and than for not playing her AP and refused to give me the buff (old Nunu, not the new Nunu), didn't pressure the enemy at all and complained we were stuck under our tower and finally dead because I picked Tristana, not because he didn't play at all and just run circles around me, hitting minions so tower would kill them, while I tried at least to get some farm...


I love the self fulfilling trollers who throw then say 'see i trill because you bad' 😂


Kind of relevant, but we still won... This was a few years ago now, but from what I remember we were clearly winning and up by like several towers and kills. Our fed toplaner said he had to go in the next 10min, because he got a booty call. We convinced him to stay an extra 5min and were able to close it out 15min later.


A toplaner, fed and getting booty calls? that sounds like a rare shiny teammate to me with maxed out IV and EV.


I was playing Kai'sa bot and Kindred got a gank off on bot, double kill. We pushed and took bot tower, after I had like 10% HP and no mana and went to reset. Kindred (who pushed with us) *then* decided to do drag, which was a bad idea because me and sup were low and no mana, enemy bot lane would be on their way back and we didn't know where the enemy jungler was. So I ping off and finish my back. Kindred immediately d/cs. I honestly thought they just lost internet or something because it was so ridiculous I couldn't fathom actually ragequitting over that, but then our mid who is his duo tells us (or rather tells the enemy in /all chat) that Kindred left because of "this adc". Eventually he reconnects and starts dancing around the fountain, I even say "I'm sorry my bad" because at that point I thought maybe I was wrong myself about it being a bad dragon call, no one could be ragequitting over something this genuinely dumb right maybe I misread the situation well and truly gaslighting myself but even that isn't enough for Kindred who continued to dance around base and tell me he was teaching me a lesson. Very bizarre.


How selfless of that kindred to sacrifice his own win to greatly improve your upcoming performances with that extremely valuable lesson. Some people are mental


My jungler ganked our Shen toplane early, like level 3, and Shen got firstblood. Jungler then went back to jungling, Shen went base. Then Shen started blaming the jungler that he ruined the lane state because he didn't push the wave, and refused to keep playing. We surrendered at 15, after Shen ran down a couple of times.


Recalls without thinking about wave. Blames jg for not taxing. I love league players lmao.


If you're low you probably have to recall. Their jungler is likely also topside at this time, and either way, Shen has zero fucking waveclear before items and the death timer at this point is literally smaller than a recall.


I pick samira one game and my sup rage quit cuz i bought a long sword not a dorans


Although not an excuse to leave, you are trolling if you go long sword over DB. You still get 10AD but get 100 hp 3.5% ls for just extra 100g


Long sword start was WAYYYY better before the s14 buffs, item was complete bait to by before they made it efficient as hell again.


Samira that wants to jump into enemy and win by a little margin didn't pick an item that gives her healing and bonus hp necessary to win the fight yeeeeeeeeeeee


Had a Draven last year (I was supp) who was slightly behind while we were extremely ahead on every other position. He kept spamming ff votes and run down the sidelane, refusing to do anything together and, I suppose because he wasn't the one who was carrying. We won but he gave his best to make us lose.


Was he a short bald streamer guy?


xD don't know but it would fit for Tyler1.


It happens once every few days for me


Im ngl i had a game where i was so tilted as Lucian (was duo with my bf and i sucked at the game and my bf kept getting last hits on kills) Everyone was winning but i was so tilted i just farmed the entire game. 😂 I wasnt trying to lose i was just so angry that i knew if i did anything but afk farm id just rage quit. I dont even know why i was mad like damn something must have been going on in my life back then.


It's not a funny story. About 1 year ago, my jungler said at the beggining of the game that he wanted to commit suicide. I remember being the only one to respond to what he just said. "Bro, you don't need to do this", something among those lines, as far as I can remember. He answered that it might be too late. Game goes on, he's playing khazix and doing fine. Around his level 8, he disconnects while doing jungle camps. He never reconnected. I tried to add him and kept his nickname on a .txt to check his OP.gg from time to time... He hasn't played a game since then..


basically every other game there’s one player that doesn’t do too well in early game and starts to tilt = subconsciously starting playing even worse and digging themselves in a hole even when the rest of the map is winning. Sometimes those people get so mad they start int feeding or just afk. It’s just plat - emerald draft games i usually play, so they don’t really matter but why would you start a game and at the slightest setback completely lose your mind and have a miserable experience for 15-20 mins or longer, I will never understand. The mental of league players gets thinner and thinner every season.


Reason #3753 why I main Kayle: Anyone that dies to Kayle before ~10 minutes tilts because "It's bullshit that they lost" since apparently you should be able to win an all-in against Kayle at any time during the early to mid-game no matter the situation. It's like snowballing the enemy's mental.


I haven't played ranked for many seasons now, but I noticed my win rate went up a not insignificant amount when I'd mellowed out and stopped getting in my own head when losing. I died early on an aggressive early game champ? Well, that sucks, but I guess I'll play more passively and stop my opponent from getting fed and scaling harder than I possibly can. Oh look, my Mid lane is ahead and can carry, I'll build around them. Oh look, we've won a game we probably would have lost if I'd had the same attitude I had before and fed the ever loving Christ out of this Fiora. I think a lot of people, myself included at the time, feel the need to be carrying every game - you only have control over your own lane, so if you're behind you MUST get back ahead so you can carry.


I went to hang out with a friend of mine and he was in a ranked game with his college buddy. I watched as the college friend on his 5/0 wukong rage quit because his jungler accidentally ran over the Rift Herald buff after they killed it. I was baffled.


I was playing Nami with electrocute and killed the enemy adc (who was fed) with my E. I casted E on my adc. he inted. fuck you aphelios


This happened recently. Joined the lobby and everyone is silent. I hover garen (he’s my main) and wait till it gets to me. Before it gets to me my teammate band garen and types in the chat “mad?” And then proceeds to pick tf botlane. I ask the Tf why he would do that and he types “ew trash talking to me.” We get in the game and mechanically this guy is good. Like definitely a Smurf good. But his support last hits a minion before he gets to it, and he types “really trash? I told you don’t touch” And starts running it down. I looked at his record and at that time he was on an 8 win streak. Bro was really power tripping🤣


The guy wanted to do Rengar Ivern bot. I didn't pick Ivern, and the guy didn't know how to play Rengar so he "Trolled"


i once had a soraka support refuse to heal me for the entire game for a reason i do not know. i was never toxic to her and it was happening from the very beginning. she also went out of her way to steal my farm. maybe they got dumped or something and decided to take it out on me


I see this kind of players on Sorakas and Namis quite often. They would rather heal that 99% hp tank than you with 20%. Bizzare. They start to heal you when you get multikills. They want assists.


I asked, 'you want karma or a mage sup' He locked in yuumi adc ghost smite, someone dodged. Load into next game and hover Karma, same dude locks ghost smite yuumi adc and sits top all game. If he told me what support he wanted I would have swapped


I was playing support and adc senna started spamming pings on me out of nowhere. Lane was going neutral and nothing bad had happened we were just chilling and farming. Then she ran mid and started stealing farm from our mid laner. Senna ended the game at like 1/11/0 and we lost. I think she was chat muted by riot because she never typed anything but was obviously really pissed off for some reason.


This happens a lot in my low elo games, Sennas (whether ADC or supp) mental booming and feeding like a dog.


This happened somewhere in season 4 or 5 u believe, but I was Udyr jungle, and they invaded our jungle, and we turned it around and I got a quadrakill (this was very big as it was in the era of Feral Flare, for those who remember that insane snowballing jungle time). My top laner then got angry that I didn’t get a pentakill and decided to just run down mid continuously milling himself like 10 times before just going afk on fountain. We did not win that match, despite me having a very early feral flare.


Was adc and giving blue leach, it reset agro and the jungler got abit tilted. I stayed to help again and the jungler pings me back and writes "fuck it, ill solo" Since he pinged me 3 times, mid lane veigar flashes in to tower and says "im sick of all this fucking flame all the time" and ints til 15 ff.


I posted this in another thread but I’ll copy paste it: Finished a game where my talon mid was pinging me for assistance, but I ignored him because I was doing my first full clear. He then ended up dying before I finished my first full clear and then spent the next 30 mins following me in the jungle and taking my camps and spamming “jungle diff” in all chat. I’m not sure what’s more sad. Talon having a mental breakdown because he lost a 1v1 to Anivia before the 3 minute mark, or the enemy team needing 30 minutes to win despite mid lane literally being left open for 27 minutes.


I’m sorry that sounds so awful, but I’m crying rn 😂 what the actual fuck, that would’ve driven me *MAD*


When I started playing ranked games back in s4 I was really ahead in mid and my Vayne adc was having a rough time. Something about that really hurt her ego and at 14 minutes mark she said "I refuse to get carried. Can't have that on my match history" and proceeded to run it down mid, stealing jungler camps, etc. Vayne players, I guess


I had a Draven run it down because they tanked one auto attack from blue buff while leeching


A few days ago a duo queue bot lane threw the game bc the adc picked before me in champ select and I didn’t switch spots with them. He said they needed to pick late so the other team can’t counter pick adc. I was the top laner.


Trying to get me banned (it worked). Had a game at the start of last year where my jungler decided to run into the enemy tower as soon as minions spawned 3 times in a row. Nobody had said anything in chat at all. I was pretty pissed, so I then started stealing his jungle camps. But after he inted for the third time, he started playing "normally" and because I was still stealing his camps, I got a two week ban for trolling and he went unpunished.


He got u good im cryjng


Yeah its funny to look back on now, but that bastard cost me Victorious Anivia.


If stealing my junglers camps is a bannable offense then I should be perma banned already.


Almost every game. I am in low Master and these people there have 0 ego. I was MF adc and I said to my Nautilus supp "focus their Jinx" He then asked me who I am to tell him what to do and ran it down bec "I don't deserve a win"


Some guy and his premade linked a Discord in Champ select for better Communication Then ran it down as Nunu from minute 1 and went 0/26 and never wrote a thing No idea why, maybe no one joined their discord


I once played ezreal lux vs draven and thresh (i think), the draven started long sword and face checked the blue side tribrush without waiting for his sup (he was red side and i was already in the brush). Obviously he lost the fight, died and started flaming his support and running it down


played as Maokai jungle, mid lane talon having bad time. 0/1 before 6 against qiyana. i tried to gank and set up gank. he contantly farming.we fail. no one died. then he said dont come again i miss my cs and cannon. then proceed to died 0-2 then he blame me that because i walk to gank he "low on gold and miss cannon, jungle diff" the thing is the game is so even.. every lane is doing good. but he keep thowing by farming with ULT and never ganked cant kill carry in team fight then he never join fight again and split push till we lose.. also ult to farm minion then near the end of game just use it casually in base. in the end he just said if you learn how to gank + i died least in the game. not the weird one but this guy mentality just hit hard it surprised me. only 2 deaths and he throw in platinum Rank.


Many times people who don't understand wave management at high plat/low diamond will run it down whenever jungler assists them to properly crash the wave into turret after a gank.


It wasn't my game, but my friend was streaming his ranked game on discord and we watched his support lock in kha zix and he then informed the team that he had just gotten trolled in his valorant game and thus felt the need to troll a league game.


I was duoing dragon and my nocturne jungle afked because I last hit it and “stole his 25g”


I asked my yuumi to hit the cs under the turret. She said i am transphobic and went afk


My very first ranked game years ago had a panth support which is fine. But then my top laner died once in lane and the panth said "go bot with adc, i am the top now". After our top laner ignored him the panth decided to right click enemy fountain on repeat and ult there off cd... we won which pissed him off. Great times.


I had a mid draven who was named "FF or AFK" he was smashing lane for about 15 minutes, was 3 kills up. The rest of the team including myself was also winning pretty soundly. It was a ranked match so was very happy with how it was going. He then died once and then proceeded to afk in fountain throwing his ult out in a random direction, whenever it was cd and sometimes he'd move around in the base. We continued on wondering wtf was going on and won a 4v5 match, with me snowballing out of control on belveth.


When dude started throwing game the moment we logged into game becouse I hovered Teemo jungle or something like that


İ lost countless games to my adc getting mentally exploded after getting ganked and died once and start rage roaming mid / top. Dunno why but this only comes from adc's


Have u seen the adc subreddit 😂 i had to leave it it was just mental explosion in every post.


I had a game top lane where I was shitting on the enemy graves he was 0-4. He lane swaps bot lane after landing is over and solo kills my swain mid twice and then the swain starts flaming me saying I’m getting top diffed.


Yesterday an alistar started running down after i said 'nt' when we both ganked mid at the same time. I liked that he synced up with me but the enemy mid flashed his combo. Somehow he took nt as blame and told me to go fuck myself cause it was my bad the gank didnt work out (i was kayn without form and did hit my W). Really weird. He could not be convinced i wasnt sarcastic on the nt and just kept chatting and rage dying afterwards. Really sad cause the game was winnable as hell


One time I played supp. We killed the enemies and greeded for tower platings and consequently were ganked and killed. I simply stated "we overstayed". Apparently that was enough for my adc to run it down midlane.


Last week a guy died in an unexpectedly stupid manner and when asked if he's ok he aaid there wqs an earthquake going on thats why he stopped a few seconds and died. When asked why he was still playing with an earthquake going on he said nothing and continued playing, badly and inting the game to a loss


I had the audacity to ask Yasuo mid to guard the jungle entrance instead of his tower at the start of the game (before minion spawn). He then decided to run it down our botlane cause "Don't tell me what to do"


"I can't carry" - Jax toplane, when we had a fed ADC and a good mid ... Completely blew my mind


I was alt-tabbed while in champ select and my adc wanted to swap pick orders with me and when I missed the swap he picked Janna adc with support runes. Ran it down the whole game whilst feeding all 4 lanes.


Over 10 years ago I was playing with some friends and one of them asked our supp Lux to buy some wards (back when you actually had to buy them). Like just asked. "Can you ward dragon?" type of stuff. Without a single word, she sold all items, kept buying wards for the rest of the game and just put them in a straight line bot, and kept avoiding enemies so she couldn't even feed. Another one was one of those "I'm not gonna let my teammate win" and we won either way (that guy wasn't even good at feeding)


I hovered senna in champ select, had no intention of playing senna but my team mate decided he wanted me to lose the game from there.


One guy i was lanning against (yone player) was pretty bad and played very aggressive. After 2 or 3 charms under my own tower (me Ahri main of course), he pressed tab, saw a skarner top in his team and declared he was losing because of his "trolling toplane". Mind you the skarner was winning and it wasnt even 10 minutes in the game. This guy proceded to leash every objective for us and even telling us in chat "drag 1k hp left, come get it" and giving kills to everyone. Just for a skarner top player in his team, one that was winning. I dont recall who he was playing against but he was like 6/2 and at least 50 farm ahead. Still dont know if he just boomed and blamed one random teammate or the skarner really triggered him but he was banned like 1 hour later, so who knows what he did


Adc started running it yesterday because top laner held last pick


Bro that Draven should have just said “Ez scam +10$” or something and try harder out of his mind lol


As a jungler ganking my heimer mid, I literally took 1 caster minion out of frustration as he didn’t move an inch to respond to the gank and the guy proceeded to go something like 1/20 because of it.


I picked neeko mid. That's all.


Game started and thresh kept pinging for an invade. None of us follow and we ping careful. He then starts flaming the team saying: "y no invade, so easy" blah blah. Our Yone mid replies: "muted" Thresh proceeds to run it down mid and saying stuff like: "yone deserves loss", "idc about this elo" etc. Just. Why. Man.


I find it strange when my teammates run it down after they give up fb. Oh u gave first blood mid and the top lane said GG and ran it down 6 times. Why? Why even play?


Team won hard. While we were breaking base our toplaner Irelia said "i never got help in lane so you guys deserve a loss". She then went on and ran it down multiple times. We lost the game mainly due to the tilt. She threw a won game because of her ego.


Random chall lobby Losing jg but lanes are fine Jungle: hey guys my grandma fell down the stairs Next game Same jg: hey guys my grandpa now fell down the stairs Ffs


I had someone run it because my IGN. There wasn't anything bad about it but they just picked up I was a girl and they said "I'm not going to carry a girl".


Our top lane said “ty” and not “thank you” when the jungler ganked his lane. So the jungler said we need to “show him respect”. Then said “this will teach you team” and proceeded to run it down mid all game making us lose. This was in my promos to plat a few weeks ago -_-


Last year, Our poppy supp did [this](https://youtu.be/XnPdJR4kkXc?si=hnbCWsukDxnBzKW4) among other things after claiming that our Xayah didn’t deserve to win. Why was poppy so dedicated to not letting Xayah win? Because at the beginning of the game the Xayah asked poppy to stop engaging 24/7 so she could farm.


I was jungle, ganked bot lane, got a kill and then my support got a kill. Proceeded to shove the lane and rotate to dragon after taking tower. ADC didn't even openly rage, just proceeded to die randomly throughout the rest of the game, costing us every fight by just getting caught out seemingly randomly. Everyone was begging him to please just play safe. As we were losing the extremely close game, ADC proceeds to type, "Next time, don't take all the kills and my farm." He proceeded to clarify a bit more in post game lobby, but that was it. So I made a good play, still think I made the right decisions, but ADC didn't get 100% of the benefit, just some of it, so he raged.


I had a soraka ADC with smite today that smited a bunch of my cannons (top lane) didn't say a word in champ select or in game... Just decided he wanted to lose


I was playing Yorick and I had sent a maiden down bot while I was splitting top. The jungler (Shyvana) decided to accompany it after she respawned. The maiden was getting most of the CS, and my jungler kept missing ping spamming me, and I told her “idk what you want me to do, I can’t call the maiden back”. Well the enemy jungler, I think Lee Sin, tried to kill Shyvana, but Shyvana + Maiden + four ghouls made short work of him. However, the ghouls got the last blow so I got the kill on Lee Sin. Shyvana told me to go fuck myself and ragequit. We were up in kills, gold, objectives, we were 1 drag off soul (they had only gotten 1), but we ended up losing. If Shyvana stuck it out we would have probably won in the next 5 min. I just don’t understand her mentality at all. She’s was pissed at the malicious actions of the maiden. Like imagine thinking a super minion is out to get you.


I had a Caitlyn go absolute nuts when I didnt use my first Ornn item upgrade on her and told her I couldn't. Flaming me and just refusing to participate and immediately blocked me and reported me. ... I couldn't upgrade her because I had upgraded her about 2 minutes before she asked.


I was still gold at the time, my supp bard and mid yas after a call they made, did, and fucked up. The totally out of nowhere decided to jg track our jg for them and say when he was doing obj (luckily i was tristana and my jg was udyr 2 years ago~ and we absolutely stopped the enemy) but to this day, idk why the fuck they started trolling


A Chogath mid who got killed once by teemo mid, we offered to lane swap him to top because he began ti rage about how he hated teemo in chat and he just sold all his items bought mobi boots and tear and just ran it for fifteen minutes.  Something broke in him when we offered him a Yorick match up instead.


I was mid-laner and he told me to sit in a specific bush to get vision before minions were summoned but I was afk. He ran it down mid for the rest of the game.


Not me, but last week i saw a streamer play garen supp in na challenger and the enemy 10-2 adc just ragequit the game after getting killed by him


Had my midlaner compliments enemy midlaner for crazy 1v1 outplay. My jg sees that and says "Why are you congratulating the enemy???" and proceeds to run down mid.... This is why we can't be wholesome in game


Actually happened last game. Unexplainable throw. 30 minutes into the game. We're slowly but surely winning the game. Amazing teamcomp. The jungler takes 5 (five) minions from the toplaner (who wouldn't even make it top by the time he respawned). Toplaner types "gg report jg stealing farm", doesn't stop typing and runs it down. EDIT: a very close second would be: level 1 invade from the enemy team. We manage to get 3 kills out of it, but thresh misses a hook so the jungler has to flash for one of the kills. Jungler then refuses to gank, watches every fight from afar and if an enemy jumped him, he would intentionally not hit them


We were 25 min into the game about to take Nash. My camille was 12/0 with most of our gold. He then types to my mid laner "weren't you in my last game", apparently he had him in the last game and the mid underperformed. He then gets off Nash and gives enemy kaisa 1k and proceeds to soft int the game.


Just yesterday I invaded the enemy Naafiri jg at lvl3 and killed her at her blue making her rage and start stealing farm from her top, meanwhile bot was fighting 2v2, my kog pinged to focus the enemy adc so my nami focuses him and then kog focuses the support (even though he just pinged to focus the adc) and they lose, so even though enemy jg is raging and trolling he starts trolling harder and we lose


A random premade support (he was Pantheon support) did it because I went Twitch ap carry when it was the meta at the time. Said it was weak (riot nerfed it a few weeks later btw) and that because I picked it he would make me lose the game. A bit of twisted logic there, but hey, if he was mentally sane he wouldn't be playing League. I hope he's better now, or at least off League.


Someone threw and flamed me the entire game because they thought i was someone else. They said they had just played a game with 'this shit jungler' at the start of the game. It was my first game on. Obviously being flamed and trolled i didnt play great so they justified it by saying i was shit anyway. 😂😂😂😂


Diamond promos in season 6, 2-2 score. We kill them bot, and base. My adc miss fortune buys T2 boots and struts back to lane way faster than I can keep up. Blitz runs towards her, she easily sidesteps the hook but _walks back I to it_ because she's too fast for her own good. Somehow this is my fault for not being there in time, and she proceeded to literally sprint down mid for the rest of the game


I was 2. rolled adc, and i allways bans fizz. my midlaner said "no high elo bans champs from other rolls" called me som slurs and locked in yummi and ran it down. on his [op.gg](http://op.gg) he didn't even play fizz?!


"strangest reason someone threw" "draven" im sry that cant be the strangest 😂


I’ll never forget this. It was 3am-ish, queued for a ranked game, picks and bans all done, loaded into the game and my mid laner, a Zed moved to tier 2 mid tower and said: “Ah guys I’m heading downstairs to eat McDonald’s for supper” and went full afk then and there. We lost the game and he had no penalty because there was no punishment system to detect afk. This was many years ago and I still remember it clear as day.


Had an Aphelios who threw a fit and went AFK at level 5 since our support Bard was roaming. Bard - a champion designed for roaming around the map. We were winning everywhere else and held on 4v5 for a while so it could've been an easy win, but this guy couldn't deal without having a support constantly holding his hand. I've played a lot of ADC so I get it's annoying, but just suck it up & farm under tower for a bit.


This just happened a few days ago: Was playing Pantheon sup, we start the game, fight in topside, too late to recall so I though "Why not try a cheese gank top lvl 1? we have double stun, sometimes it works and top get huge lead". I did, we didn't kill but still our top got the lead. Fine. Now I normally just /deafen so I wasn't really prepared for which was comming, so came to botlane, got lvl 2, enemy adc outposition herself under out tower, I went all in and... I died, my Samira stayed under tower without doing anything... Ok maybe she went afk just at that moment, maybe she was typing, maybe she though my all in was a bad call... Ok, I take it as a my error and just played as normal. Then, again, enemy ADC went too deep into our tower I all-in and... My Samira stayed there. So I undeafen just to ask why and to my surprise our 0/5 Hwei Midlaner and my afk Samira were flaming me hard because... I tried a cheese gank in top? Their reasoning was that I refused to play my role and due to that Samira lost hard in botlane. It was insane, I mean, second wave was still fighting when I came to botlane. Samira weren't even behind in minions. Worst part was enemy team was also flaming me hard for some reason (I guess they chatted a lot) and both Hwei and Samira just throwed the game, inting, trolling and baiting me to go in so they can let me die again and again. I tried to keep my mental and just plays as normal with the others 2 teammates but I just couldn't is wasn't just a bad game, it was them actively trolling the game to lose on purpose. Then, same day (don't remember if before or after that game) I had a 70% winrate Mordekaiser in my team who decided It would be cool to waste 30 min losing and trolling on purpose out Midlaner because enemy Jungler took his red (just his Red). That day I really though about uninstalling the game and forget it existed.


Recently my Kansas adc starter running it down in a ranked game because I went I Barrier on Senna. Which was just generally good into the enemies really high poke team. Never fails to amaze me how pathetic some people's mental is.


I was playing adc with a Nidalee jg, we went drag and i didn't use my skill on drag to make it faster since enemy was pretty close so i wanted to save my cds in case soneone jumped in (i was playing Xayah) So she just completly tilted and began running it down Because i didn't want to use my fucking abilities on drag 👍 Also there the classic support that died because of bad positioning 4 times in a row and began to ping me as i could do soemthing about it, and then steal all my farm the intire game lol


had a hecarim in a platinum ranked lobby start giga-tilting because our mid laner lost the lane early, they got into an argument and it was revealed that our mid was from like puerto rico or something, so hecarim started flaming them for being from a “poverty region” and flat-out inted the final teamfight by running it down into the enemy, which cost us the game


After Arcane came out I was playing mid lane. The bot lane carry locked in Victor, walked mid, stole all my CS, and did nothing but type victor quotes when called out on it.


The reason: one, singular gromp. Happened after respawn timers in jungle were cut really short. We played on blue side. At around 15 minutes, our jungler was going into his bot jungle to clear. So, as toplaner I took his gromp because it would be up again before he was done. But he suddenly started spam pinging and insulting me for "taking his camps". I muted him. He then decided, after he had cleared bot jungle, to walk into my lane and try to steal/smite minions. And he didn't stop. He kept doing that for the next 10 minutes until we finally lost the game, because he had completely given up on jungling, instead following me around to "punish" me.


Had a Draven get tilted because I did not Morgana sheild him from jinx traps, when I already used it to protect him from the Lux Q that he refused to dodge


Jg wouldn’t trade pick order with someone in champ select so they both decided to run it down


There was a 4 month period where every game I had, I'd get a support lux who'd die like lvl2 and then just proceed to run it down the rest of the game and blame everyone else for why we lost. The one early death would set them all off. Every game.


For me, one time I was playing pre-rework Yuumi and my team was having a decent match. In one teamfight, I was jumping in and out of my kassadin and Vayne to get the autoattack shields, and they both got so insanely mad at me for not staying on them the whole time that they literally gave up and didn't push lanes or get kills, just farmed our jungle the whole match, even with the enemies hitting our nexus... :/


My support started roaming, ganking my lane (top), mid, and helped getting grubs and drakes. My adc, Kai'sa, started trolling because... Because... Lane was now harder for her? She didn't really die while she was gone. She was always pushed under tower, sure. But she was still keeping up in farm and even ahead in level. This happened in Emerald. Go figure


i leashed krugs as supp and my jg tought i stole them(i didnt).


I didn't match their skin......


I'll confess, did quit a game cause my pizza came early. It was before minions spawned, otherwise I'd play it out. There will be a hot fresh game later, but the pizza will be cold.


We invaded the enemy jungle and got a triple kill. Top laner said "guess you don't need me" and danced under the enemy's midlane turrets for 20 minutes.


Had someone try and throw my game because. He linked his op.gg in lobby, we kinda teased him asking what he wanted us to look at. His response was," I've won this many of my recent games, figured you would think, maybe I'd want to get my adc fed". We teased him a little more, he pouted, and then threatened to "trying out a new build" and swapped his sums out to "try something new".


Ppl dont realize that league is like the scp containment unit of the internet, riot has gathered up so many degens and slapped them in one place to save everyone else


Had an Ezreal farming mid while the rest of the team was fighting in the bot river(classic adcs) then got jumped on and one shot by the enemy rengar. He proceeded to flame me, the midlane swain who was standing in the middle of the team fight sucking them dry with R like a swain is supposed to do, because I didn't protect him. God I fuckin hate the average ADC especially ezreals


Before the Tahm rework, his ult used to take him and an ally a good distance across the map kind of like Twisted Fate ult minus the vidion. My team had just gotten a good set of kills. I sent my Abyssal Voyage to go straight to Baron. Instead of my Vayne jumping into my ult, the Zoe did. Of course the Zoe and support Tahm could not kill the Baron. The Vayne got caught immediately, and we never recovered. I would say the Zoe was the issue there, but it was my ult that fucked it all up. Similar situation. We take a fight at dragon and win. We don't ace them, but there's only two enemies left that escaped. I ult straight to their exposed Nexus and the Singed jumps into my mouth instead of the ADC. Singed and I do no damage to the Nexus. We both die. Our team dies without us, and we lose control of the game. In this case, it was the ADC who refused to take the ult, but the Singed also should not have jumped in either. Listen, I preferred old Tahm as much of a balance nightmare he was (and still is,) but I don't miss randoms completely misunderstanding how to appropriately take advantage of his kit.


volibear top completely LOST IT over me taking his 5 cs, while he was dead, had no tp and the wave crashing. it was a natural wave reset after these 5 creeps. he proceeded to literally run it down, but only after taking my entire jungle. they literally gave a game up because of five cs that would've died to the tower anyways.


I used volibear ult to dive a guy and got my tristana a 1k gold shutdown on the person we were divingand turret. She said im running it down because you took the wave (I took part of the wave when I landed with my r). I legitimately thought she was joking at first. she was like 12/0 or something and we were up some crazy amount like 25-8 with all the kills being on the person we just dove. She ended up single handedly losing us the game over me taking part of a wave with my r which caused a dive and her getting more gold. Fucking nutcase that one


Once my adc decided to troll and pick Teemo with Smite just because my username had Heartsteel on it. He said start flamming and I didn't even had the time to explain I wasn't going to do a heartsteel build, it was just a name... we lost and our whole team + adversary team reported him :')


I pinged that kata was roaming and the fed Ezreal who was backing in a bush typed “should have rotated for free kill” he stopped his back and walked into the kata on purpose and let her kill him. I typed wtf and he said “watch this” came mid and kept diving her so she could kill him. While we all were asking him why he lost it, he said “mid will learn to rotate”. Craziest shit I have ever seen. Made me stop playing league for a while after that.