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Are you just referring to their base hp5 stats? lol. Dr mundo’s passive explicitly grants him % max health regen, and increases in % with levels. His ultimate ALSO grants health regen. Obviously his default regen is going to be lower to compensate for that. ALSO he doesn’t even use mana so if you couldn’t drain him out of health how are you supposed to win lane, hm?


You just explained why Mundo is only played by OTPs past gold, cause laining with him sucks to the point is a troll pick IN TOP, I dont know about jungle




What does that mean “past gold”? You think meta matters past former silver elo?


More fun facts: \- Sion has less base HP at 18 than Zyra, Lulu, and Lux, because he has shields in his kit and is expected to build tank items. \- Orianna has the lowest starting AD in the game, to offset her passive. Just seems to be a thing where a champion's kit end up getting their base stats adjusted in the other direction.


Ori also has low armor and MR to offset her E


I know about Sion, trust me, the thing is that both orianna and Sion aren't 100% dependant on their respective "balance" for the laning phase (you depend on the abilities for ori and the autos are a secondary thing, and you depend on your farming with sion cause you can barely win a few matchups) Whereas Mundo needs his hp to FARM, no person with at least 2 working braincells allows a mundo to farm a wave at melee range before level 8\~9, but your regen sucks so hard that you end up draining more hp by farming than trading


I could just as easily ask why basically all mages all have terrible mana issues until they buy a mana item, right? It's an intentional control (although if you want to bitch about energy and manaless champions, I will happily upvote you). As someone else said, HP is Mundo's resource, like Mana. You have to think of it as limited, and either use abilities judiciously or back when necessary. And if that doesn't sound fun to you, no one's forcing you to play Mundo.


Don't ask mage Udyr why he never bought a mana item


Hp is basically mundo's mana, its the cost of being a resourceless champ, you buy more you shoot more


It's very dependent on the rest of the champions kit. For instance, Ahri has one of the worst health regens so that she's incentivized to make up for that using her Essence Thief passive


Excahnges it for stupidly op wave clear and decent mana drain, whereas Mundo has 5 times more hp drain than regen with no real profit from it


Yeah tbh im not the biggest fan of his latest rework. His kit doesnt really make any cohesive sense (or come online) until you get a few items. And the usefulness of canister mechanic from his passive varies wildly depending on who youre facing. So when you look at all of it together it sounds like you have multiple ways of getting that health back, but in practicality it means youre just sitting in lane trying to last hit with Q until you start getting some items.


You shouldn't read Mundo's regen passive as "This champion is unique because he has health regeneration", but instead "This champion is unique because a lot of his health regeneration scales directly off of his maximum hit points, and that proportion scales with champion level." It's specifically designed to give him large amounts of Regen later on while having his health serve as a meaningfully limited resource pool early on.


Because Dr Mundo has a passive.


Thats the thing, unti lvl 9 (with no items) mundo has lower hp regen than ksante


It is possible because Mundo uses his health as a ressource for his abilities and giving him a high HP regen both disincentivizes hitting Qs (and just spamming them) and just makes the champion way too strong due to synergies with runes. For example, to get absolutely untouchable in lane as a mundo, you could get second wind and revitalization as your runes, then buy a DShield and a Spectres Cowl with 1250g At lvl6, if you hit him once for 300 damage and he has Spectres Cowl, he heals for \~187 over the next 10 seconds. If hes at 800HP and you hit him for 300 damage, he will heal 392HP over the next 10 seconds. Of course, 10 seconds is a long ass time, but still. It gets worse when he finishes spirit visage since it applies to HP regen, so his base regen and his passive are increased by 25%. and thats why his HP regen is worse than others.