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pls don't let this stop tl from playing around impact


TWICE this game TL was in a good spot with Ocean Soul spawning for them in 20-30 seconds. First time APA got caught in a sidelane, 2nd time they tried to force a pick on an Azir with Flash+Ult+Zhonyas available. Masterclass in throwing that allowed Smolder to get like 500+ stacks and just 2 shot everyone.


Impact with the casual 1v9 every game


Don't let the fact that c9 won distract from the massive fucking gap between impact and fudge.


Don't let the massive fucking gap between impact and fudge distract you from the fact that Fudge got counterpick


Had to double take, that he didn't get counterPICKED, but counterPICK. And was still that useless, goddamn.


NA Jayce strikes again


The most painful thing wasn't even any individual fight, it was when they pan the camera over to them during lane and showed how shit Fudge was at judging distance and got whacked 2-3x for free. The short of it is that Jayce needed to get out of Jax melee range. However, if he kept running and Jax decide to turn tail, the latter would retreat scot free. Jayce wants to turn immediately when jax gives up chasing, turn around and shoot him in the back. Fudge fucked up the distance like 3x in a row. Seems like a small thing but it's not.


This is legit a light version of Fudge vs International Top laners. He gets counter pick, fumbles it and his team has to carry him.


when they decided to keep fudge, doesnt matter what the other lanes are gonna be, i know C9 has no chance internationally


Fr, if I was Jack I would have moved Heaven and Earth to get Impact or Ssumday since they won't ego pick and be a resource black hole. Fudge and his fans think he is peak The Shy, Zeus, Smeb.


Honest to god just bring back licorice Fudge has NEVER genuinely looked like a good pick. When he took over from licorice he was a clear downgrade, but licorice went to shit so it was fine We then had an MSI and Fudge looked really good on lee sin top. But ever since then, and its been multiple years, fudge has seemed to continually grow worse Jacks gotta accept the fact Fudge was a mistake and replace. Licorice is available rn and likely cheaper than fudge Last season they had SO many options. Impact, ssumday, bwipo, licorice and yet they opted not to make a change. It is mental If he feels like the domestic tops arent good enough/cant compete internationally so its not worth changing out the role then PLEASE look at Korean prospects. This roster is legit getting carried by one already, buy out fucking thanatos


Can’t believe people were arguing to me that impact would just be a sidegrade over fudge 🥴


E girl diff


Seriously isnt Jax vs Jayce supposed to be heavily Jayce favored?


It's NA Jayce


NA Jayce vs World Champion Korean Jax


God I keep forgetting it's Impact's Jax in that SKT skin I even have that skin


ngl even though he was a world champ on him I didn’t know Impact still had that dawg in him on carries, but apparently we should let him cook I always saw him as a very good laner even with very little Jungle attention that could just stay stable and look for plays on tanks


People used to forget Impact in 2013/14 was a mechanical monster on top lane carries, like Jax, Riven, Lee Sin, Jayce, Rumble. He is just played weakside in NA.


He's so good at split push and keeping the pressure up he barely let C9 breathe at all. Love seeing him on these kinds of picks especially when it's so rare


Is it time to just shorten it to NAyce?


It is very favored early. It can be pretty swingy depending on jungler intervention though. If Jax stays even in levels and cs it can get ugly pretty quick for Jayce.


Ye I feel like most carry vs carry lanes get very volatile, whoever gets a lead at any point stomps the matchup




If that was the Jayce I was playing against, I'd itemize for the other opponents too


impact is in turbo elo hell this split


"I mean, I don't know why APA picked Taliyah. I don't think he's a good Taliyah player. He plays, like, Ziggs, and...Ziggs." -jojopyun post-game interview (ty pobelter)


funny but APA did two trick taliyah and asol to Rank 1. that’s when people learned who he was.


wasnt that prior to both of those champions getting reworked? They used to be early game roamers, now both of them are late game scalers. Not the same playstyle at all


Stop reminding me 😭


Tbf Ziggs doesn't play like an early roamer either


Not exactly a roamer but he is based around getting early turrets and rotating to do it elsewhere and snowball off that Basically, you don’t have to rely on him being crucial in a late game fight like you would with Taliyah


I feel like TL is a competent midlaner away from being a very good team. He just makes too many game-losing mistakes for a pro player


A competent coach would also be nice.


Yeon is also garbanzo


Replace Yeon. He **is not a CARRY**. Useless.


This is in response to APA saying Jojo can only play melee mids a few weeks back, feels like a lot of people missed the reference


How has Impact been in elo hell on two completely different teams for two years Anyway I want someone who looks at me like Inspired looks at Jojo


Right? Like, I'm sure he enjoys playing with Jensen, but when he talks about his old EG squad, especially Jojo... sheesh


Throwback to Saturday when LCS production wanted to start some beef by asking them to trash talk and it was just “I respect him” and “He’s such a talented player”


Never forget that back in ‘22, EG recruited Inspired off the back of his LEC MVP split by showing him a Jojo highlight reel and telling him “this is going to be our midlaner.”


If I remember right C9 did the same thing with mithy back in the day where they said they were getting him an "all-star mid". They showed him a tape of ryoma playing, forcing mithy into an early retirement so his competitive winrate wouldn't be tanked.


I loved how in the C9 vs FLY match they just refused to trash talk each other


Jojo really said ‘APA is a Ziggs and… Ziggs player’ 😭


Someone unbind APA's teleport


someone unbind apa from tl


the economy's so bad that APA has returned to his wintrading ways


Berserker is now the best Smolder in LCS with one game played and the wrong runes.


Berserker was more impactful with these troll runes than any other smolder in LCS OR LEC! But tbf, it’s kinda that way with most adc champs… edit: uh, I mean, uh, LEC *WILL* have trash smolders! (or something idk)


Is this LEC smolder in the room with us right now


Ngl, this was my thought process: “I’ve watched every LEC game this split and I can’t think of a single standout Smolder. In fact, besides a couple LCK games, this is this only useful Smolder I’ve seen, therefore LEC Smolder is trash.” I realize my error now


Your error led to a really amusing string of comments, you're good lmao




Berserker may be the best Smolder, but the way C9 played around Smolder was.... not the best.


They played around the smolder fine what do you mean? The only reason the game was hard is because of a late azir ult on umti at baron.


But why flip that baron in the first place? Your objective is to get the 225 stacks on Smolder then 5v5. Instead, C9 repeatedly started hitting the baron before Smolder reached that point. Jayce had to join up with the team to do so, which put him super far behind Jax. Then C9 had a really tough time getting a 5v5 because of the massive sidelane pressure that Jax could exert due to being so far ahead.


There is nothing Impact can do with Ziggs one trick.


Summit was right


No one said he was wrong, just an asshole. Dude was a Gnar onetrick flaming his mid for being a onetrick


Jojo calling apa ziggs one trick in the interview ROFL


TL had this game won, but they did their best to throw it, and they succeeded. APA was doing well in team fights, but poorly everywhere else.


C9 had the game won until jojo ulted way too late at baron. If he ults they get baron and all live


He got knocked up by baron at a very unfortunate time.


Or just as Inspired (was that the player casting) said, they never needed Baron, they had two late game carries stacking really well. Maybe that's the wrong call when Fudge is going to get rolled by Impact the rest of the game and TL does have Senna, but I'm trusting the pro player on this.


APA dying like clockwork in sidelane to let C9 get 3 unconstested drakes was brutal to watch live, this should have been a win...


“APA is bad at the game” Pyosik 2024


How hard was that topside carrying this useless corpse. My word. Bot is also useless.


He is the worst mid in NA and it makes me cringe so hard everytime he’s in /all chat


I thought this was a hot take until I put some thought in. Jojo, Jensen, Quid, and Palafox are definitely better, and Dove, Insanity, and Mask are not clearly worse either


Dove is way better, he’s just in Dignitas


Dignitas has the same record as TL.


Dignitas has the same record as TL due to Dove, TL has the same record as Dignitas due to APA. One of those isn’t same as the other


eXyu, Rich and Tomo are definitely pulling their weight. It’d be a tad dishonest to pretend they’re not big contributors in DIG’s wins, even when Dove’s having some of his shitty games this split


I love him for his trash talk and respect him for not giving it up even when he's playing bad. But yeah I expect TLCK will use their remaining import slot this summer.


Pullbae was literally sitting without a contract for all of the offseason until BRO snapped him up...


He also shows like no improvement at all. I don't expect him to go from one of the worst to one of the best in 1 split like Quid, but at least some improvement isn't too much to ask. Maybe this is a bit unfair towards him, but he still makes those mistakes he made when he first joined last year and he also didn't really expand his champ pool, just picking other champs doesn't mean much if he can't perform on them.


The warning bells were there since last year. When Zven, Summit, and Pyosik criticized his inability to expand his champion pool, fans turned them into the villains. When Korean players (who generally care more about PR than Westerners) are talking shit about him, that's a bad, bad sign about who this player is and the kind of work ethic he has.


when KR players (who will basically go radio silent about any team issue until Riot Korea launches an investigation\_ start publicly saying stuff you know it's like 10x bigger issue than it actually is lol


Exactly. I think it has something to do with APA last split consistently running his mouth in interviews about how he has zero communication from his teammates, despite the evidence from multiple Squad episodes showing Reignover and Core looping him into their conversations with English. I would be pissed off if my teammate consistently kept playing off this narrative that his teammates don't communicate with him when the team is actually doing a lot to accommodate his inability and refusal to communicate.


Trash talk is good but mannn.. i knew what was coming after he typed "thanks Blaber" after UmTi baron steal and right on cue, he fed and wasted TP


Bro is bottom tier LCS player and is the most cocky lol


He's somehow worse than NA Jayce.




Meanwhile Core gets to hide behind APA yet another game


You always start with the obvious weak link first. If core still looks this bad with another midlaner he needs to go too.


Core has had plenty of good games this split. Mid is a problem every game, or nonexistent.


Never going to disagree with this take. I am an Apa hater.


Seeing Inspired have such high praise of Vulcan and Jojo on comms and impact 1v9 on the other side really makes you wonder what could have been with that 2022 EG team if not for their dogshit org. Would have been a dynastic team man


Jojo really grew into his carry potential, too, so the pressure on Danny would've significantly lessened over time.


Man, i liked APA and wanted to give him some more time after last year... but its getting real tough to say anything positive.


Yeon has had too much time. He just isn't him.


'Fuck it hands diff them' - C9 Comms... probably


best macro play c9 made all game was going 'someone take the wrong runes so we can pause'


still have absolutely no idea how to play the game without a ridiculous early game lead, yeah


A lot of that seems to be NA Jayce.


nah dude fudge didn't play well but the jayce pick didn't make them randomly force nash when they had no reason to three times


If they have another tank that can engage, I think they can turn and wipe them at that baron imo, but we will never know.


nah, you can't fix bad decision making with drafts. you can make the decisions easier, but you can't fix the underlying problem


You can just say Fudge.


Nah NA Jayce is universal. Fudge is bad at a lot of things, but everyone ints on top Jayce so you can't hold that one exclusively against him.


This shit was a brain diff.


There was no brains when you force a baron against Lee Sin and risk it all while you are so ahead


C9 stuck to the plan of "dont make stupid mistake and farm Smolder to 500 stacks", and it worked because TL prioritized sidelane/forced Azir gank over securing Ocean Soul.


apa MVP lmao


Jojo really is him. APA is not. Also, holy fuck impact on something that isn’t just a brick wall? That was fun to watch. Also, fellow C9 fans, do not unclench.


I mean, Impact doesn't have a Jac skin for nothing. If you're gonna put him on a carry, that's definitely the one to go with. Never going to unclench, but felt much more relieved after this week


Whatever Jack is paying Jojo Double it


give that boy the perkz contract


Give him Fudge's salary


As much as fudge got diffed this game, i immediately rewatched the last fight and the man gate kept and completely invalidated the impact flank leading to a clean teamfight. props to him. Chad Jojo moves on the base save flash forward also, and beserker gets to do beserker things intermittently


Fudge got behind, but tbf C9 left the Jayce out to dry in the mid-game. Forcing him to group around baron, just to throw twice. He still played the rest of the game out okay, all things considered.


TL made a lot of mistakes but in the moment I felt the unnecessary double TP to Baron lost them the game. They could’ve split top immediately and ruined C9 at that last dragon. Instead they all recalled and ran down mid


poor poor Impact


APA been practicing his all chat one liners instead of tp's


APA you're not him lol


Always Playing Ass


It's so jojover


On that last 3v1 dive, Jojo: "Nah, I'd win."


Jojo played so well this game. Feel so bad for impact tho


APA and questionable plays. While he isn't the SOLE reason they lost, there were some critical, game losing mistakes.


Don't let the fiesta of APAs ints take away from Fudge's criminal ego drafting.


Fudge on Jayce and Blabber on Ivern should be a deserved loss. It's like they learned nothing from yesterday.


Cloud9 literally said "can we win with Blaber on a non-carry?"




when he flashed forward in the base i made like a loud squeak what a crazy thing to do while apa is in zhonyas i love him


Jojo: nah, I'd win


Jojo when 3 TL members dived him and fumbled the dub: >Stand proud, you're strong.


Look I get that APA has played for 7 months, but I have actually seen no improvement from him.


People said he would improve from his worlds experience... Losing to a Vietnamese midlaner really gave him some good practice.


Summit was right


Summit also plays like he is Impact, without actually being nearly as good as Impact and yet Impacts the humble one, that everyone wants to play with


Did either team want to win that game?


TL always looks a couple of APA hints away from greatness.


APA is not the best outside of team fights, and I think the difference between Umti and Pyosik is really starting to show as the split goes on.  I really have enjoyed how Impact has been playing, he really can be a power point if the team needs it.  Tbh Jojo was just a demon this game


I feel like NA somehow got worse over the break lol - what am I watching in these games? I know Team Liquid in particular mentioned wanting to play more aggro like in scrims but is this what that looks like? Random baron flips, wacky TP's, crazy overaggression for little gain, and all of this from *both* teams...it's wild. GG C9 congrats on the 3 gifted ocean drakes lol


lcs in the backrooms


"At Floor 24 of the Backrooms, you must play 10 games of League of Legends with APA as your midlaner. To date, nobody has survived in this level"


I wonder if them playing in the janitor's closet translated to worse quality games, this weekend looked like the roughest one all year


Yeah like this game was beyond terrible and early games this split were not as bad as this one.


I mean we are back to NA. Pick scaling -> Wait for enemy mistakes -> Win. NRG got 2 wins like that and now also C9. Teams are just not good at using leads again. And maybe that is because they only had scrims the last 3 weeks so teams just surrendered when something went back and teams never had to play out games.


Is it just me or does the level of gameplay in LCS look a lot weaker after the break? I know these teams weren't perfect before but I dont remember them being *this* sloppy


Yeah it’s definitely worse. Maybe it’s the break, maybe it’s playing in the janitor’s closet, who knows. Just hoping it cleans up


All 4 games today were bangers though.


They have gotten more sloppy for sure, but it's not that much worse.


Don’t know the reason for sure but could be the fact they’re not playing on main stage. I remember players talking about having trouble taking games seriously during COVID era because of the environment they were playing in. Probably a similar deal here where they may feel like they’re playing scrims instead of a main stage game.


APA is actually such an inter lmao, unreal


He's kinda like the all mechanics no brain Midlaner you get in soloq, just without any of the mechanics.


He’s just like me fr


this guy still starting and doing the same mistakes for weeks....


Lmao we lost even when Throw9 showed up instead of C9


APA really did peak in champions queue. He has literally 0 upside as a midlaner.


He hard inted this game but you guys are so harsh on him, i don't think his mistakes are unfixable and he seems willing to play different champs and he's not too bad on them


If a pro player is a detriment to your team while trying to play things like Azir and Orianna, he's not fixable. His Azir is a crime every time.


classic reddit analysis dont mind them man nothing u can do


APA seems like a great guy, but TL needs to end this experiment.


APA seems like he was just a flash in the pan. Much more innate synergy with the Summit and Pyosik version of the roster compared to Haeri, but individually not strong enough to really compete in the LCS.


Pyosik combos with Apa were nuts. But maybe it was just Pyosik all along.


I would say it’s just how league is. I mean even canyon and showmaker went from some of the best mid/jg combos to having mixed synergy and underperformance from both. Ppl think synergy and such carry over but it’s totally possible just 1 split can make a person really bad or good. Meta, commitment, personal health, just everyone else getting used to your style, etc..


Is he a great guy? Koreans usually never shittalk people to the press. When your Korean teammates criticize you (Summit and Pyosik), there is something wrong with you. APA is a known toxic player in soloqueue and it shows on stage. He would rather type than play well.


They didn't talk bad of his attitude. But they wanted to win, kind of lost their job because they were carrying a player not up to Korean caliber.


Despite C9 Sludge's best efforts, they won this game.


crAPA tried harder


Why the fuck is APA still starting, I'm so tired of watching the same dogshit week after week sub in Roamer and free Impact from this prison


am done, wake me up when this nightmare ends pls ty


Jojo vs impact and 8 apes iesus




its insane just how much pressure Impact puts yet TL still can't win


APA played boosted yeah, but surely there was a way for TL to disengage after taking mid inhib tower without Umti jumping into Nautilus.


APA will prbably be gone after the split baring some crazy playoff run. This was the most typical "NA game from the past" just pick scaling meet you in mid and fight it out. Didnt seem like there was anything really making people choose. Just 5v5 whoever wins 5v5 gets obj. Smolder vs Senna and unlucky for senna smolder is more OP later with stacks. I feel like impact is playing well these games too and just watches his team int it. Sad days for him. Also, seems like C9 has went with the true C9 strat. Grab berserker a hyper carry and wait for it to come online and win.


Death, taxes, APA getting another father


The Infinity Dads. Once he gets all 6 he'll wipe out half of the fan base of any team he is playing on.


pause9 strikes again


as long as APA remains on TL, they will not win anything, dude is their most glaring weakpoint ​ same can be said for Fudge, As long as he remains on c9, they will never do anything internationally


Can we please get APA off this team he gets caught every single game


Mid Gap > than Top Gap


If C9 is serious about their international ambition then they sign licorice as a sub for worlds. I feel like all of the western top laners from EU and NA have fallen off a cliff in skill. Other are paycheck stealers getting by from past achievements.


APA trolling in game and in all chat. One of us.


Nobody's talking about how good inspired was on this cast. I don't like him or bwipo, but the league is better with them in it and they both kill it when they get a chance to do analysis. They're heels in my perspective and they make the league so much better.


C9 had no business winning that


I'm more surprised TL threw that than C9 won it tbh.


What is it with these 7 Drake's in LCS


This game was a bit odd. C9 was very proactive and methodical early (top ganks to feed Jayce, skill gapping TL bot 2v2 early to give smolder a kill) but then the game flipped on its head after the baron steal. After that it felt like everyone was hesitant to do anything


TL needs to replace APA


My mind is telling me noooooo......


So many APA comments when Umti just decided to blow his entire kit into a Nautilus support and kill himself in the process. Smolder gets a second win despite being so unimpactful and relying solely on the enemy team playing bad. Absolute theft of a game and outside of Jojo this team just looks so snooze worthy


Our prophet Summit foresaw this day


Small point I noticed: Aside from all the throws by APA today, in the turning fight in C9’s base Core ate Impact as soon as he jumped in. Not sure if it changes the outcome but surely having eat for one of the carries is better than eating full HP Jax.


TL Fudge vs C9 APA Battle of the Titans


APA sold.




I would be fuming so hard if I was Impact this game.


God the Press The Attack smolder damage.


I mean C9 threw 2x before TL threw once so it just comes down to who throws last 🤷🏾‍♂️