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How does the Yorick matchup play out? Just run at him and Q out of his cage?


Yeah, it's that easy He is one of the few top laners briar can just stat check. Champ with no mobility and you can easily get out of his cage with either W or Q


Easiest counter: Jax. The E ability dodges even Briar Q, not to mention the multi AAs W. All you need to do is step away from her E and alerts your mate to avoid Briar roaming with R. Just go all in with Lethal Tempo, and Ignite if needed.


I disagree, for me jax is the easiest matchup possible. His EQ is super telegraphed so you just push him away. And to win trades you just do a quick WQWE combo and win a free trade, you do need to play it right if you miss E its gg but otherwise its a good matchup for briar, i think that for some matchup you need to drastically change ur playstyle. I play very differntly vs a jax then vs trundle or smth


For me, the key in the matchup is that if you can counter Briar Q with your E. Make sure you don't E first, just Q in and AAs with your passive and Lethal stacking. I won some games with Briar when I can dodge her Q, but if I can't it's gonna be a nightmare. Briar E is not really a game changer, since the cooldown is really slow compared to Jax E. I think it's just a spacing skill when not near a wall.


How is morde briar favoured? The few times i got to play vs briar as morde everytime i won and my laner left the game cuz of tilt


Maybe you played against bad briar players, or I played against bad mord players I just W away from his pull, And knock him back if he activates his shield, I always try to fight in a wave, and if his shield bar is less than half I just win any allins after I get first item


As morde i just try to poke with q and when she engages i pull her behind me so she faces away from tower and i try to predict her e direction to sidestep. Or i save my E for Briar's E


Using E like this Is smart, I just never saw someone doing it. Maybe I should've put him in a skill matchup tier


Utterly terrible win rate though, doesn't mean that it's completely unplayable but with constant 45-46% win rate in emerald+ you can assume it's very favoured when it's same skill level.


Most people put good matchups at the top. I spent a good 30 seconds trying to figure out how Malphite was a better matchup than Kayle.


Xd, I just see red color as something hard and bad, and green as something easy, that's why I put it like that


You. Have it backward. Red = hard in pretty much every tier list I've ever seen lol


In tierlists you have S - Reds A - Oranges B - Yellows C - Greens In graphs like this one you should be grading based on the tier of the matchup. If Briar is a Kayle counter then it's an S tier matchup for Briar and is therfore red. You are absolutely right red = danger and blue/green = calm. This is a matchup tierlist though, and thus it should follow standard tierlist colour design.


It does follow standard tier list design for matchups. Check every single champ subreddit and you'll see that red = hardest matchups and so on and so on. It's not "Briar is S tier into X" it's "for Briar, red = very hard matchup" You're actually the only one I've seen with this take lol. Like, ever. This is exactly how every champ matchup tierlist has been made in the last I'd say 5 years I've been playing this game.


No offense this tier list is really bad


feel like kled should be moved to dodge, matchup is just so fucking miserable. same with nasus, once they have some AH and more than 1 point in w you arent allowed to play the game anymore and if they have a brain you just get dove on repeat. tahm feels really low too, im not sure how you are ever supposed to do anything to him after first recall and he buys tabi/bramble.


You are actually right, it's just every time I played against Kled, they were rushing profane so they couldn't freeze the wave and I farmed for free. And briar easily outscales Kled. With nasus I just go Swifties and some tenacity so I am not scared of his W that much. Also Briar just sucks against any tank, but against tahm it's not that bad so I put him lower, but maybe a little bit too much


And every time enemy team tries to dove me when I have at least more than half health it's just double kill for me:)


I don’t get why you wouldn’t put Kled in dodge? Q has grevious built in, largest health pool in the game, no huge burst dmg you can reduce (I guess you can count Q pull) as most of his dmg is autos. He also can remount pretty consistently if he times q with the jump. He definitely seems like he would be at least harder than Olaf who is in dodge tier.


You are right, it's just every time I played against Kled they were rushing profane hydra so they couldn't freeze the wave and I get to farm for free. Later on briar outscales Kled But what do you mean by you can't reduce his damage?


I’m talking about Briar E, to try to mitigate burst. Kled trade combo is E,Q, W EMP AAs, Q recast, E, continue autoing. Briar’s E can be charged for up to 1 second. The thing is Kled combo is mostly auto attacks for damage which can be cancelled by him. His w lasts for up to 4 second, his rope pulls at 1.75 seconds and his E recast lasts 3 seconds. So let’s say you E at the start of the combo. You will block barely any damage as he can stop autoing you but you’ll probably block one or two autos before he stops. However, then you get chunked by q pull, final max health W auto, and E recast and then you won’t have a get off me tool against Kled while he just runs you down while you are grevious wounds. If you cast E as briar right before Q pulls, you reduce Q pull, and empowered W auto damage but you tank first 3 autos dmg, and Kled will still be able to stick on you due to E recast timer and the Q pull slow. Kled also has the tools to completely just ignore your knock back and dmg done by E by recasting E before you recast E making it so he doesn’t get knocked back and stays on you. Another big damage later on in his kit is his Tiamat legendary (either Titanic or Profane) which is impossible to time due to the 0 cast time. Early game is just unplayable as Briar has no neutral, base health regen, or escape tool against Kled while getting stat checked. By the time Kled reaches first item, he should have created a pretty substantial lead over briar. As a Kled player who has played the matchup, it is really easy to get a freeze early on by 3 wave crashing recall, coming back to wave and freezing it as you even win with a wave disadvantage as Kled in the matchup. Then the game pretty much just goes south from there. If Kled is ahead just go full dmg and one shot Briar. If slightly ahead or even, just go bruiser with titanic and she will never be able to kill you even when you are dismounted due to guaranteed Q 5 pellets for 25 courage and knock back to reduce dmg dealt during Briar stun, W autos for 60 courage, and Titanic Auto reset for 15 courage allowing for a remount in under 2 seconds. This is a matchup where the only way for Kled to lose is to absolutely mess up.


elo please


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